-¢:—-.7 V._:7._._.___ \-e 3 . u . . o -v..r- your-. —- -s-cu ~---- .000‘ ova-n -oo..¢.-. ..o-.. ...,.......o.".. .-.-u._;A—.—.- :»..—~7 1-- »_ - , . ' are new about 8000 acres oi’ com- ‘ part of the state. ; due in part to the efforts _lanRonaissance :0 . 1. .' " . , - ~ o. ‘.s.V .V -9-’. . . . .. V. ..o.-wu'o¢.o-'~osv....._.soe~—-o.q..'.-¢..... .....--. >. . .;. . 's "3 . in Lesson‘ 0 ri. Sure Wm. Br. ‘LEADER Prof. A. P. Boles Leaves Universitygto Become _ Manager of Arkan- sas Orchard. Ashleigh P. Boles, extension as- sidant professor of horticulture. resigned from the Uniwmitv faculty. and about June 1 will'lea-.-c for Bentonville. Aria. where he is to he manager ‘of the Hid-Itountaini I-‘iuit Company. Mr. Boles received the B. A. de- gree from the University of Arkan- ' as in 1 . the masters ._ gree at the University of Iiissouri in 1915. Before becoming her of the University faculty in .193, he was of the His- souri State Board of Rortieulturc, exteruion horticulturist for the Frisco ‘Rnilmad. and was engaged in the fruit commission business in the East. In discussing fruit growing in llissouri. Mr. Boles said that earn- mercial fruit raising in Missouri is undergoing a rapid gro c to the fact that nearly all fruits do well in Missouri soil. and that the state is strategically located in re- gard to the great markets. further growth of the industry is to be ex- pected. . “.-'-is an indication of this dCV£tJP‘ rncnt.” he said. “an almost entirely osho. liollistcr. Knob Kill, and Wa- verly three or four years ago. there mercial vineyards in the southern "Strawberry raising, too, has an- dergone a great expansion recently. acreage per cent more acres of berries have . Iiiss Frances won singles tennis championship of ’ University _by defeating Miss Alice? 9”” “ schein three The honor tennis University. as «voted Mary Maxwell. ’ Brewer. Miss Margaret llams was defeated —-—-—-oo-—-- l‘olo ‘Practice Came Today. The last practice for po team. who are to play with the Uni- versity of Oklahoina May 29 and 30. w‘ late this after- noon. .-.’ a J‘ ‘. ~." -Lt‘. .'.-‘.'~" 5; -2 -‘ _' ‘- " _ _ S I*L:‘7.‘.‘;..'h::.§.fi__'_3“"’j“ . . » - - ” ~"‘.-“.,“‘;:__=~_.:.' -5 A i.:*-“fig. ' , s , A ‘TUEDAY Y ‘ (hupuaIutI.sarallovas‘l’reatloa,..¢;,,¢g,...; pggunougonths tflufifi-Batwoaé g gnothq point. The -w-«-v--""“ "‘““ :‘..“""""‘..‘.'...“.'§...".’£ - ,with eutteror o Canl:a"saadvacatioaistsahonld;.m:. ahwhdughn :'""' t°'“a'd'fi’“"“u vhoenremovedthehooksmaybere orotreataantelwoaads. V by wthadnnh N, I""‘n" “'3 it l"dasnagesrillbedonetothet'lssueif ,0 .—?.._...Q...—..: ' WINS smctag ca.umon_s_mr! Frances Brewir Defeats Alice Boa-l ooousoa ‘at lbaaia. non hein in straight had gone in the finals last fall. lliss Sonncn defeated nets. Kiss 1 ctmsists be‘ held the 1 GT8! . Wlnuff Finalata of Miss ' to three teria. place. and 3* tiou. under whose rection ' ere played. are as follows: Was I orbs: inacloseseeon ta-rs elected were Pet. 803- 9;!» Itidgeway ........... ..4 moo lhss. unsure how ....... ..s 1 .750 ................. ..t 3 .sas Grant . . . . . . . ..n . . . . ..0 2 .000 Boa 0 ' . way ll. Grant 1; April We Field 8. 9"-'*°' in‘ Benton 5; April 22. Lee 12. Benton mm of ‘M3. April 29. Ridgeway 0, new 4. by Miss’ Vernon Ulsrig Heads Tau Beta Pi. _ Vernon Uhrig was elected presi- Willilmsg dent of Tau Beta Pi. honorary en- and Miss Sonnenschein. Miss “'11- ginecring fraternity. ‘Sunday night. , by M588 Brewer? The informal meeting was followed in the final match of the lnnim’ by a dinner at MeAllister's Cafe- tournament which: went sets. ‘son: treasurer. John Leif; catalog- .er. Chester Sparrow; associate edi- .tor, Stanley Vallet. ‘ Try a Missourian want ad. 14‘? procedure . 'geway ll.Bentou 0;App “°° 9"” *“”“-i 13. Field 5. Lee o; April 15, Ridge- "- no ‘ freshly laundered muslin may‘ be *largevei after a short time. If the blood,’ _ comes out in sports. you should ap-ii jiggers, or ehiggers. L di and other insects may _ mm 0!‘ m um’; by applying a few drops of house- .'hold onia water or some '- A~ dressing of sterilized gauze or. tags: of 304;, spud and held in place with aim .Largecutsarelihelyto2 - - “M; c); bleed may. but unless an artery or? :l.?:‘R‘1$;n:‘.‘; h. oliuired .b;n:p- ‘n has been the‘ 1 3; { bleeding will in most cases p1 n“?dlfi don“ or ‘ .0“ on 0 some parts of the country. are frequent ply a tournique fcausea of an annoying skin erup- One ’ of) wound trquentlyi tion. ‘This insect bores its way di- vtcationists is- rectly into the skin and it there- caused when the barbed end of at {are lIP¢0l|108 00'~‘¢3“|'}' '~° wk‘ ‘he fish-hook enters the flesh. When; insect out .with a needle. Care the barbed end of a hook enters the. should be taken to sterilize the flesh. do not attempt to remove it needle, before it is _ is C!!! by pulling it directly out. Such a be accomplished by pamnt “"3 will only cause great once or twice throlfxll I laceration and tearing of the tissue.l flame. After exposure to chiggers. ' boric In occurring among 4,‘ A l p . l ...44¢.;‘.n $5“-.. a .no« a. mug... -_- s._ ._—.- _ . MISSOURI STORE Sells Fountain Pens’. That .Don’t Need FIXIN’ A 0 . and ‘;Fixes ‘Those That D0 nopflfl Is We have just received notice of the second ‘i I tire price advance within the last 30 days. "' ‘V 5 Don’t Delay»- A i AO‘iO O O-“.473 cola 0 We are still selling our present fresh stock ..' of tires at theoldpricea, hutassoonasthey ,i are sold, we will have to advance our prices ac- ° cordingly. I Conic in today—BUY NOW—and take ad _ vantage of our low prices. , O04-00¢-iaao John N. Taylor Garage Y been put in during 1921-25 than in " 1922. ‘.44.; v ' “Profits made in recent years iv} apple growers have enoo 2 increase at apph acreage.” said Mr. resen llfllvi, “A! P t W x - ' oping around hanras (at). St. Joseph, Rom nldin. 9 ‘Nd ht. Louis. There are approximate- 1500 acres nd Waverly. A l apple growe made over $10,000 net rs profit from their orchards in 1924. One cnnccm in northwest llissouri. ‘lant year. demonstration or- clrtrds of the College of ‘-"""‘ turc rhow that an H..-” profit of $3.10 a tree a year can be M34 ’ “In any opinion,” he concluded, “Iissouri is destined to become the sts the _ West. leading in the grow- Illt Of craves. strawberries and ap-. W ._2...._.,.___,____ ‘THIS IS THE WAY T0 -11!!! TATE OLD ITALIAN , PLAQUES . Since the process of making Ital- Iofk has §§..§§§* E 33 Bia- I givethexngood don’t forget feet! ;§Giveyourfeetthesa.meatt'eutim youdoothe. ' givethern _ appearance. Axi‘youweartheArchPreserver ; andletusaplaiutbisbettershoe. ‘.1 s -I‘-O ow . .. .. r:?=‘.'%:g i’ "" .-:.-2*;-:2-. PRESERVER : 5&9? BROS ~ Shoes for the Occasion ‘'’..r ‘ . _‘ , _- 1‘. II"! 1’ u'oarnwzs1' \ e many/jlnin limf was God’ 7 HI PA PIC‘ i \\ I J ‘l‘ 4'?’ ,l A A x ‘ h. kzfi . I '\ /AL. ‘ , trunks, suit cases, Gladstone bags, and —» women’s hat boxes. ; Trunks from . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 to $50.00 : Suit cases from . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 to $20.00 Gladstones from . . . . . . ..$l5.00 to $30.00 Hand from . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 to $25.00 LUGGAGE Just received a large assortment of .3 bars Women's -hat boxes ..$4.00, $6.00 and $8.50 G Of course you will want some wearing apparel also. Let Barth's complete your A40...‘ 1-?‘ -. summer wardrobe; everything you could wlshifor. - Society Brand, Stein-Bloch and Laugham Suits . . $30 to $50 Other good makes. $15 to $25 ;0urlineoi' two-piece outingsultsnow °0||.lPlBte.$l0to85. . 4 i '~ WHATS 3!“! “II! to look at qeIIIIiueil|Is.l'ted‘broadeloth shined’ .. ‘_. t ‘.. L. .-vs-..‘4.’. ‘ ( .5’-"*w:‘.' «— 5 "'.‘.‘ '..- . L¢..._ __‘ V‘ ‘ "."“I("‘?.tT—- .0 «'4' «-—s_—L fldgeway A_ poster dspi ‘ dannatal health ru composite emu-t of children in whiohisthejfi the-nrstgrade atthe Rldgewayg second , r School. ' rded Wise‘ * in la competition and F°‘m“m‘ P cm ::c:el‘er's;:ai| Ctlitly raieutlldin con-. E CD on e Mlssou State onery Health Caitest. Pictures 3 Each county in the state was al- : . lowbd, to subnilit twcli‘. posters u M0tt0