§ “‘ I ~;._‘,,- 4. a .* ‘ — 4?“; . V V I _t. 1 I .' Lad ' ' _. . ~-~ , ' ‘ u .‘‘'3 ,_ , :l'?_9.-F . ;- T. :3. : . -vi‘ . _ ‘ ‘_‘‘. ,: .1. - L. I ‘_ . 1 = «é";*:;-:».;.i- '~--;~~~.«~-«‘ ;- - ~ - -. . ' . U3.‘ _. . . _ 9'.” .~. I ‘- , -» st ~ . 5 A_ v.;. v . i. _ ._ llxuthmfifiuihflof i All °‘*“' Slhcuntuionqi * Bacall: all ' l ‘ ' ‘ g . . Ye - and withrllee. 16 ,up ,9 ' ’ av _ -_ ,_ . : lcooeartgivenfiyfliel. lla.ry~Iae§ehinaon. . :_ , 1}“, ‘ladies an ._ 3.» ‘;,g‘.fg,4 _ Spa tan Chi aerorltv 8. O. _ Sunday \ ninw. P. I not no 5.,” M ”..,-_g& g, ,- h ’“whm'”hd‘£.el‘iowlItI|Ith "niitoui-uuiia-i-auecoiiiuooo‘1l.izleiui-a com’ 'w""'""'”oivu nii'a"cm”“"""“’“" °‘“i""1"'."‘4.'*""'l’ E mJ.“I’- ‘fill _ - - ‘I c°"l’l°II.aaenlorint!ie ooualn,.Ira.W.I.laeal. Buttheleyd alga; ‘mt “Fund, __ iii Boone Tavern aD8 oclock nivcelty. la Bani. I0 -college Avenue. .&h\th““ *3‘ “A .“~ 5. ,— .3933, your» night. Therewerefltty-twonieu-3 Tennunherrwexelndudedhithe 3"“ nut:itionl.,...¢_.,.,u.uu‘hu.....u_ -' _ aw -=~*.:u*',.~...i*'«*-""'**""......,...;:i 2""’....’*"...§.7"i'."il"""'.,.o.."'". ........I -W-=---t-=~~ .*.*:.°=~*-*~l~- -=-»- ....i........ ..............l , -Tit!’ “Seeenad , . fl ' - .- §"‘n,,,,¥ , slim s:m.vixxi:on’ .ppi:iem of Sign roe.’ chi. warand. ' 1" mm‘ “'“§_ a two-weak visit in ooholomgrolf '‘''''‘‘''V W °‘ """“"""'*‘°-3 : llino: ands Katlstrnsrkee. _ iaaiatdfhfltor. nootiieranestalscha-randiainnorothy Rm. ‘wlndfillirlecountiu. "'“"““9°"""‘°"*"‘l"° ‘ flu. J.D.ron llolltaendorf ‘gm and Ulrzilatses Nu The orchestra la the newest one tag?‘ 3-his returned yea-”‘::i*"h°" l'° “'9 “*5 “NI. C: _ an lira L." . fit-wet.‘ Ia. . .' Hra._ . . open-Tainan; the church ordeatraa I 83‘ to r home in lloberl aft- l"n"'°"- "l""""5""'.; ' Wt.“ Dlttts. l.ra. i [calls 6 ilcldflflo 31'-_ 8l|IlEu’l:lr_a.nB‘aailB?. , the city but is alao the largest, ha$- ;"! "3|JiUl’I: gleguparcnu. H: and':"' '$7'?.?0¢1- T500 8!! H3 I; _ ' auntlatyfliaaeu e ll~"in¢ almost thirty lecea. T8. . . u rd of 507 Dyan 9' . many ait&oIII that , 0%‘?! 3_ was hosteaa to, 3,3 ya, ch.,,g;,,.: ,,,,m_.__ p % in-eet. Mrs. L. E. Phillips. also a,l|:ept yesterday’: andieneea on} iii: J”)‘lmG:lrt,li.m;ldr’;.‘dRayaoadl A :?h§'3uow;o;ra:g::' A7 STEPUE-"5 COLLEGE re.t?rlr)i:-ed’ i:fi:;'iii.:!o .i‘nnsi§i::b”d" "3"" ui..:o;ooo.mL ' -“shaaghaiedg _ . . o o . ' . I ; 9 - e 9 ‘fr’: ‘n V ‘ . '~w- ‘M “'- ’- "°*'°”'l ~..,*::’.;;“.;':.°~...'~‘°°'.,.......‘ °'o..::: .. 1 .. . ..:"~..*"::.’°:=..::;,.'*'.:.°.'.;::~...."°'..':;lI-W--" *- l» W M . fl _ W. . - . ‘rs.’ . l’-‘audree of Cairo. 111.. ‘ O ,1 ‘ l .: . T.-- ~ .,‘§’..n‘...i.“‘...§‘..‘,,‘°"i’i’ i';.";ii.‘-'.'.“o..l .i°io‘Z" Doz1hyIm.‘il:;.n "cm" "”’..,. °'‘.‘‘'‘ is‘ "W3 W d'°="***- ‘«°°1'~ c.‘”"..i...'§.‘i.i{§.'” c’.i';.‘i'....,..." ‘° '“"" ,3? u ,.. .,'.“..'.''.:,*.,:;''.;:..n ......l ° 9}»;-,' % . '_ -_ ___- ~ =‘ 3019' THC)! 1?-inter played‘ la.“ A’ Canyon of noun’ 3”‘? all‘ '“°"!5'|8. at which Drnthing try a Iiaaourian want ad. 31,.‘ ;-.._- .3; 1,, llama was : .‘_p..,,o mg‘ ‘ad poem‘ ‘ml um" V Men is vixiting her daughter. Ruth. ml ‘.5 the pfimipfl I Y’: : tninnl by im. Gene 1. smiiiimwd. . .‘ mm by junior members or the m“‘i‘- 5: .": C";"‘“; °’h5“‘°I;':'- was devoted to health. His soiuooii 7'7 ' ‘“"°‘“""' "W “- ‘ ' 1;] Taylor eh!!! i I sorority were read and u .y Th v '5 "WU"! 9? ‘-3 '0'» T’ -'11,, N 13° --5 ‘ " ‘F o‘ _ ., .,‘__ g,__ , ,fi__,’.._,_ . , .. . - t*iKal:lssK02:‘::ni!°'lrli0fl9l‘ otlliss I‘ran'i' htnquet favors were amfiailuleathei-. thy 5'3"’ V“ ‘ n. “d 1“ Hath‘ - ' V ~ - ' 4——--u _ an ;_ - i purses. betting the aorority era 1,‘ Mrs.‘ Frank P. Roemer of Shreve- _ _ """' an 2,. puking reservations wtrezl Table decorations were in u so ‘ port. l.a.i is visiting her daughter. Real Transfers ‘ Dthr P 111' l )1“, ‘nu-net Clinliacales. lira. Rita-f and gold. I-Zttie. _§ 2 Mrs. L. ll. hlcCormarli of Shreve~ W 1.; gal,“ ‘ad wife ‘O w_ Ki : ll “linbuiirs. hits. H. A. Dot)’-3 '—'——-- ~. it : lli~;.‘Joh:~ .\'iwell. Mrs. c. B. nan- Mrs. F. F. Stephens to port. [.a.. is visiting lie!‘ daughter 1; 1 Lo, - '3{- C W Furtney and Ilia. - . Co ’ .u en‘ 27 l“ D5'““ 554- ‘° W- ‘- - - ’ Entertain at Dinner “°"‘°- City of Columbia. :1. U V , ‘- J Mrs. E. O. Yeagley of Shreve- Andrew Niederliorn and wife to’ I ' . i r'"’°' 3"’ i ii r r s ii 1! . “"—_““--— $1 . o L." ' o’ 't' d " J. R , F. Marl! Efah’ Bmw" *0 .‘ “ “'""'" W°dM'4I¥ -1 Him? in Louise. m H” mg " w‘ H Eli sliillxdiii-”:*..S::‘: § ‘ ‘ Q a . ‘ 1 Wed Chester 1» D"~“'£I~~ . '.'§’{'.‘I.'i°{§f” o‘.'aT’i°c‘.‘1‘s..'iL"° 3:" n"§.'.§i‘i§ ""- -‘W. *‘°."2°>' “mo 0' 53? W 17 -nd lo me: Me. ‘ « J - ° ' , Hits no v I-Ztalc Brown of St.‘ ‘ _ H,“ .,.h, ‘mm _m um E. B_2f3_ope.' Agk. -s v-mum: her sister. NVH. SE1. 17. all in 'nrp.. S v A lotiir. tlatitltlvf or Mr. an?‘ “"2 ' ' l i wiuon. so Louis: Ilra. E. A. xiuli- ‘"“’ "“"'.9"°“°“‘ "6' 9* “ ‘°"‘‘"“"¢ 9" '"°=- “'00- . “ John C. Brown?‘ .3. x A . "35"" ‘V 3’-r-on ell. St. Louis; lira. F. H. Naylor. I The ‘~7"°Y{U;8l 0f_ Ebeileiells Col; HGItl'1tt°ndG B. aid Frances: ~ uiarryChesirr ryo . . i m E P J Marshall; Hrs. W. Li. Alexander. '3' °*"*“,"" '1‘ t _ If {'m°- °" We r rkv'e|L W-l - on June 5 c: the home ot her pl!-bin‘ ' ?aoe:‘::"“:‘ ‘L: Dallas, Tex.; Hrs. F. J. Mapcl. p‘"‘H°l!°’"‘~' P01)’ list mxht in the feet 49 in Bouchelle's Addi-5 . F mm in Kansas Cm... ,5, 3,.-own.“ at "an! _“‘yu.e Iiullmi‘. J‘m“porn H“. J? W. .hnqc”_y. g,»mgiasium. flue colors of each non’ to City. of Columbia, 310. p 7 . ii a 1_,,.,m., szttldtm‘. in use UDIVBT-:‘9ud.' "named no u. Ch . Jonflbum; M". J_ K Lye”. Shah sorority were used in the decora- W. E. Smith et al to Thomas: Second Floor ‘A “sit? and a member?‘ the K.pp.EdAl- Colleggl gun.” I.“ -Q“ "ti" hint: Mrs. R. E. Christian. Hiinni- n°"" _ A R‘ T§5°l°’- P371 140“ 109. 110. and? , ’ - plan Th:-t:. sorority.’ Ml'$- 2‘ , ‘ bal: llias Dorothy Carter. 1'-‘ultoilii "The Make-Over Shop." the an- 11! in .“'¢5£W0()d Add. to City of new Sununer Dresses 111 p1']nted Crepes, lllirtwell. ..:.'.~ 3r0“nS 5199?» ‘)1 -_:-——.—_:_-: Ahdrs. W. H. Hutchiaon, Carrollton; min! fashion show of Stephens Col- Columbia, 8&)00. , , . - 3.». ii... rnlv 99'-’?i:fanl to the bride Entertain ' Mrs. Paul Flower:-ee, New London; lege. will‘ be given for the second 8. C. Hunt and wife to Ggpund. Wash Crepes, \VaSl'l Silks, plain and fancy Stripes and llcr brothcr. Moreland Brown will 1 . am. It. A. Tomlin. puioin...uo.; time in the Stephen: Collete -adv B. Conley and Frances Hunt. Lot‘ ' ts ' If Wedn sda ~' sellin Priced as followw not as best man. Informal ' -“TR Will Gray, .13., 31, Ch.,-].,,; torium at 8 o'clock tomorrow evc- 238 in Smithton Add. to City of prln I Specla or e‘ 3 g‘. \ ‘ ' . .“"" . _ . , . Mrs. J. W. Travis, St. I h: M . "int 1 C l b’ 1 ‘ M188 Eimta Grant _mM;. :1. tégnntppfir ma .i...,h._ G_ w_ D;,,,,,,m_ p.,..t,f:°”M,_,_'}_' Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Barnes and O m "" .‘...__,_____ ; {$39.75 Dress values . . . . . . . . . .$35.00 . . 0 cc ne r. ente - ' ~ . . ‘ . . ._ . ' to W ed on June 1 ' -tained with an informalpififisicale ii :‘,,‘;‘:,',’§;', Rfizfiifi ‘"d ‘W’ J‘ E‘ ‘:,m'Efl',..::,‘d :::fc‘”;‘:;u:“‘;’. At the Theaters ' Save $34.75 Dress values . . . . . . . . . .$30.00 Save Miss I-Imiin umm daughter of their. home in the Austin-(‘line ' .._.-_._ ,the college over the .,.,,k_end. wit I Hall Theater. 1 D 7 1 S ’- 00 Mr. and .\Irs. J. H. Grant of Apa!'f11*!|l~‘_ Sflwrdly ¢VEfi5f=z in Mr. and Mrs. L._ W. Coleman liam will enter the University next A Cu“ 8' Ddfiue P"°d°C“°l1- $29‘ ress Va ue ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ° ._ Oklghama City. has chosen Jone 1 honor of Mia: Helen Bnelos and and of Moberly ‘nit-ed sundgy fall, aad Capitola will enter Ste- s°'°°“ Pl‘! by Jeanie McPhernon.j Dress values ' 3:‘ the (late M r.~..-maze ‘P “"““""‘; 3"“ 7°“ "’."°8'~' enlmem.~nt was for a Slwfl. visit with Mr. and Pliens ‘Collette. "‘T"""”,“*° “°“°1 by Wallace lrwin.T ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ° I ‘ B. Krepps. Mi.-s Grant is n irra_d-.announeed recently: u,.,_ uh“ N_ 1~,y;o,_ M,‘ Col!“ -——-——-o—-—————- That is the treat for movie lovers. NOW DPCSS V3l1.l9S . . . . . . . . . Now uate of Christian College and ‘inc The following were guests: Prof. mu, "gamed home ),e“'e,_d‘y. but GRANT l’.»T. A. INSTALLATIILS ;? in one Gold“ 36¢»; University and a member of the and lira. B. Almrtedt, Mn. 1.. C. ),[n_ coieuun ‘M son Wm “mun T 1‘ ‘ eature play showing today and‘ DYCSS Values . . . . . . . . . Delta Gamma sorority. They plan_Gneen, Miss Helen Breloa, Miss um“ he - °"' ' ‘"3 _,'° 8‘ tolnonow at the Hall The I ’ , , . , . . , t r in the week. ad 13",,“ ‘um. _ -, ater. .to live in Cliluhoinn City. -.Dorothy Iuncher. Miss Valbirg Le- ______ 9" 7 * _ 3.7- ~.:3g»..g,h “ch ‘ “Mo Rod L‘? - o - V -1 B d - The 1 “ .-~——d—mu of S22 . land. and Bruce Todd. David Nowell, Capt. and llra. Claud I-2. St.:u!t- .13‘ 2‘"';";°h‘°",°’ ',‘f:°“ Riacoue and Lillian Rich. who are; $5.50 to $7.50 Wash Dresses in Linen, 01 e, roa - 3 W ' ‘ ' ‘Q * e v - 7 . ' 0 P. a .‘ ’ ‘ l '2 phens iritmbers of the C;,2;,°;‘§;.':;,” :r'""'"' "°""" '"d ::§"\','m" s,§"\’.:';’f‘,:‘,' M3,‘; » and iiiimliod the lrllonvxng Vera Reynolds. Julia, cloth. C0tt0T| Crepe andian “her Wash dresses‘ . classes of1918 and 1919. held a re-‘ . ——_-——.- 3,,,,,,,,,, Hawk, rm ‘ hinne}, President. Mn. 0. V. Todd: vi:e- m‘nY°.The:ner outer. Robert Ede-_ Extra Special Wednesday only l as . . , . ore healer! and Robe union at Stephena College i _ g,,,.g,n._R°,e Mum, of Mn“ guests “ the Zen .1.“ MM‘ home prcsidmt, Mrs. Glenn Hove), secre uc‘ _ _' 3 rt; . ‘"143 37* AW“? F°"‘°3' N""' field. K)‘- is a guest of Miss Mary sum-dgy ,,5‘ht_ g tar)‘, Mr}. Gene Smith; trea.-4:1-i-r., , “d5 H°l“- "'50 *5 Ll R0¢Q0¢.f 0 ' ton. Rove. Ark: Rm 315" “'lW'-. Lavinia Haw. 912 Loan: Street. ————.—_-__ i“'S~ WW Z°m“¢8~ C."°' ." mi’ 5°“ “"d" 9* M‘‘'¢"I Tiptofi: Iii? nn!:‘!ewaoue.Fi:- 313,, A4,,“ .,-,-;‘.,d ,.,,,_,,.d,,. “.1 School of Law Announces Th“ :85“ to girod the Tom ‘“’°'~'l'°n- . -it ton; rs. all . Wet. Ortic : win remgi 1 - - 1 g The 1925.26 bulletin f _ ' 3 um ' me a 9&2"?! time at ‘~—‘—.: ' M_________,__,,, . ._.. -- __ _.-... ~-_,.- J —~~ V Miss Plan.-non Foster. Skidmorr: " —_ mm me x” ~ the School of Law has §usci°i:::i;-:C°’"m5i¢ “lib 5¢*'°°| at 7:30 ‘ *““'= Bliss Rena NITMI. 571366110.’-ill. 0318-3 . “'1 31- D- Gllllllbell Of KlI"l9_:e:::;;::t~::l‘.:ne- J ‘ TH . ‘-9 ! . . lllll ml“ l Mic” s°”°°";“_‘l°.i_”Z,_. i’ ——when ‘held at HARRIS’ cafe on IS X « " l; ‘ /A U % ___ South Ninth Street. On ohort notice, Be Lots of g::::JY:>~;*fie3hk§{-fiflwf L i - _'“”‘ -* “W ‘—“* we can handle your organization meet- fT:é'l§f£gf:;£;i:;fi’:‘ : Bfidiéonegch and Front . ing very satisfactorily to everyone :2 :Ai,:M;,::£_ _ concerned, insuring you a reasonable i r. Tehan. « Let 05 estlmllfi Y0!!!‘ degree of privacy and the best t ‘n:‘?;;;“ S‘:;;‘"‘R°:*:;':‘:§ ' ' wwk‘ 1 . cooking in Columbai. We can 7 'd'._f,’;,,‘§,:,“":: F. T. . . do even better if you will give us a M a ke ‘ §h;:.";i;';,,§3,‘:°i§g5,1;:fi;;i;°‘f,::?§I 1312 Hinkson I_86_3 grgri little time to prepare. * A . ‘ ll . at: from the college. llr. and Hrs. mm W" _ . Lindsey are the guests or Mrs. iv-.:- ,. _ C ' . - ‘ O O _ moth Jones, 1016 Rogers Street. ‘***‘ * v *“ 0ul'°f"»:"n h . II. C. Proc.th:‘nTtl:an3hter. Hr:-. I ; , V I of mum; just I ' V‘ K ’ y A M. Ross. 1600 Hinkaon Avenue. - ‘ ’ on Pawck An”, nah!‘ ‘ml shun Pay for the it Upkeep? l . . , 3? i ’ i "Q i§i‘.1’;“,‘;".‘.I...,"i‘i‘f’i§»;..-,.i’."?i2‘1‘.° }..'.‘:2‘.3 E » Efizcient Many Columbia people who can well afford Iesttnthrr Wesley Smith. and , . 3 ‘_ Dguvggy to pay more HAVE ALREADY cut out Hrs, J. P.—li'alter and Dorothy 1 D Brown of Hamilton; ('41.. arrived to- 3 ’ When you have given 3 the extra and Needless Cost of the oldfl day for a month’: visit with Dr. nnd I-lra. W E. Beldcn of -1414 Rose- p -7 .. L715 *.\?T..l...... 731 L 3 I ‘o 8-. (D ‘i 3;».- 5’- «.3 8? inilry Lone. -Mrs, waiter and Mrs : with . mi‘ yqu ’ ' n°”°”''° ";‘.‘_°f"_._ ‘. may feel assured that; H ' style so called FREE Deliveries, and Kr. and lrirs. licnry Reinhart en- ‘ A the Richards’ Mlfkfil ' tertninetl Hr. lac! Mn. Palmer 1 » wit]! bring Charge ACCOUDCS tllflt 8l‘€ costly and .' (‘leikaon of St. ill: at dinner laat ‘[ ‘ gfi but . , . » - oigm. ii.-. and llrs. Cleikaon were l ; am: even : Unsatisfactory. i "*°‘°.""*. ~"'C'j;""; .'““’ 'P°"‘ 9“ » deliv- ‘ ’ °'‘’'‘‘'‘‘ "‘ ...___... ' ‘wiry sysioorifiiiimieaz n 'I‘RADE—WHERE you Get Better Goods it "Saw. ‘I: ‘efficiently to.serve}5..' 1 ';oc5art:):.‘ci:eld I ...ve,-y-:,',r.;t of Colum- ', for Less and can Save fully 10 Ito N52, ' . . V i or 1 { ll ''l 3.0 tt’ ‘ _ - O < E l . _ - i " . V . ' ‘ I oioogiezoiyomgginufinln Ale‘ Nor-‘ é_;_.;,;i;t ” ;. on your Grocery Bile EVERY DAY. g -' é .. an; Dixan.andLoi-M-0.1 - ' inahurryi ‘ I . ‘ ‘.. —. g. ,3 ' . kin D0:-oitl! Keialer‘ oi P , ‘Q: l E SP0“ Ttffetu. ‘nee Hand Embroidered. are the ' ’ ’ . isliiief;-u.».s-oiiu.-nisoor.iIiutauey' ' :12. ' ml N32” . .., latest creation in Slimmer Millinery. They are in A : ey Dan ’’*S' A '0 ' ‘C U: i H ' ‘- ' “No *9?’ 3. I5 , 1 ..‘‘z‘_ ‘ :5 .{_-A .‘;'v,..'__ -/.__~_. g V ... ‘ TheaterSiunmer:Discouiit;Mat:In€€ . J of25c. : u nu.-.__....._.¢.:._...- up —«a....:_... ..n-u—..o-.¢—-_§——_.. ......... .. .. -. 74- "I l -‘,_".,-.. . ml=-No-.«ooi:»« . . i. -————..q.a—_-—..--~l~-——-9-» '~"'—"- , - _ .. _ 514:‘ . , -: .. -‘ '. - ,‘ - F ‘ ._ ‘ A ‘_ . -. ’ . -~._ . - . _ ,.,. _ . _. __ _ , ' _ - ,1 . _- ,_ . _ o 1 ‘ . .' v . .._‘. 3.‘ _ '. . 4. . . _. ' n . -_ 4'‘ ar’ “ -. _‘ ..~,_ ..’ ..._._ .._- o;..';... '_ . _ ‘~. . f.,,. . . , '-I ' ' ' .“.' ' - ~., a - $3. of 1 o‘ -. " I .. .* " ' 7 ‘ ' ’ V - _' . - * . ‘_ ‘ . _-~ ,‘ Ia.~-_._.:.. ' <._ -9 -“Jr : J-'.' .‘l""' E‘ .."‘I""Ar".".I'-;.~.: ' - : .. ..