‘ 1 “3 ”“ an i“ st‘ L°“i’- A dramafaation f O H Chal‘ 8 {tech in 3 j The committee that will be ap- “Romance o‘{ a Brolzcr" byemgelti Mi“ Nd] Fhh’ Mn‘ J‘ D‘ ""1 H g , ‘Int’. the absolute certa n. ’. . T Poinwd 10 drlw up the constitlv We-inbacli was given as the second}, _A_~_T_T l> Of Rogers quahty, areiworth much to ‘ . ’, tion and by-laws and make all ar- part of the program. The charac-4 ‘_ .T 9 rangements for the adoption and her: were: Harold Weinbach as. 3 you, ‘ - - -- ~ ~- i l stariting of the State High School Harvy Maxwell; Catherine ‘ ‘ ; Ath etic Association will be com- as Miss Leslie; Gerald Baker as‘ l if pain-d of three high-scho:.l‘hprinci~ gr. Piiciier; TIriT:Tierlcare:1.:.:;;ei ui SPECIALS TOMORROW . ’ ‘-‘ P08. one prominent ‘ -school he "am: ma Tue r as No. 21,-; Hawaiian sliced pineapple, a 40:. 3 cans ....$i.oo physics-I director. and due physical We 5‘°*‘*= C190 Comehson -8 1'41” Large sour and dill pickles 3 for ................. ..l0c C S e » ‘”'°°‘°' °’*°*'~'" ‘mm W N"-' °°'- ”°‘’‘‘‘ ‘’‘° ‘’°‘‘"“‘ "“"' '""’ "‘°"‘ Imported Castilc soap lb. 3 lb. bars . . . . . . sun .‘ ".‘fS--."3'.!3.‘ - -- t.. '. ..~ :75: «.v V. . 1.-' ~'»' I . ~‘o~i».-~ ‘T vi - — N. T _..__T. . . .. .,,. .T ‘§-73$ .g_. 11,. _. ‘T, - . ‘,'. .j- ~ ‘ - «'<*sr'v‘--"r L . .3 i- 19‘. tow . . 5 ‘ 5'... ”".'::.:' .3’ .*:..’‘'.:..':r '.*.f‘°" 's"?»~‘*-'i'°t’~'n'i'«”’1-'3‘m‘?-’~°« °i‘«‘=‘1"»»"$‘-ii"-3' :..'°:'*‘ "....."* ..':"".:.':°:......*"" ‘:2’ ' ‘ . . . 1 I t, . ' ' 0 Q ‘g ‘high ‘in ac d"°3‘d93_'°t‘: £:iP‘7u¢’Pu't’ scrutzl: of s¢d';.; v5ce_pR,;denL IS When ; have . constitution and by-lava ,.'§',,o" ,,'§‘;g°u‘,'i's "vio1in““o.o°‘“'°"“°;uu. w. w. Henderson of 1.. pi. : pumnd go, “ovum by 11,. um. given by Rupert Means“ ‘M . ; ta: treasure. A. L. Preston of Mar- °f an 5"“ T”°h'"’ A"°°i‘u°”’ {lute solo by Katherine Prichard. ;"f"M; kw Euk nods“ meeti . o 0 M. by . h i .. - . ‘ 4 GIG §:‘§I;=lW_l \’ - - -A 3 ""-n'.'.“"’ were:W.‘R.Paintar ‘’‘'''¥°‘‘‘‘°‘‘''°'''‘“' "” ‘.'3“°~3°=*'nb°'h=rbr*in. W9“-¢""d1Jr.'New rm; iiex llacoe. . t . T Organizahnnfor G_mn,‘“’“_m-mu... ' ;aadllrs.ldsWiae nu . l v -. - . Tf.;J T T 7 ‘T T sunburn. ! :::eu:uncsw tbv;-not [_h::____ Ad ' J in’? ' M 3 [T3 A ’ Wmr PREPARE 13?-1»A7'V8'..“:‘;..‘l‘,?‘J",."‘,‘~.""‘.,,‘..'::, “'°,......,’ ""°...$ " - Sunday, May‘10, Is .Mothers’ Day 5’ . A .-g¢pnu;¢.g,,J,g_;,,;',g'gT5g,,,;,;h-iagiagabomtpanyvictoryna o o , ?T IBcf£tfifV:n;J!ll the needtifiltt EEC.‘ ‘Fresh, gm?) Suntgay, Mayallg’ We wil ve to ti-ie Admmimafi in-_=e-: J. Kelly Pzol. use in n ma: ' , ° cus mers m mg a pu use 0 ive ga ons or T _ .’ of Sports. °n &°€%?' n33‘ "“_.T§_?T.'_’.;.;‘ “Sufi G"0C9”95 and Fmlts more of AERO-GAS at our SERVICE TSTATION— i we» =-= '“*."'. -M or E.‘'“;:.''.. ”°e".;°.:::' .‘.‘::...1‘;s 3': 3?.‘ ‘»‘I.°~‘£‘."" """°"' Phone One Carnation‘ ii 3 W ::::*:.:::..":t i . ~ =7 wt‘ --—''——i———''‘'° ; A .....s..... ..._...._. of d... u... ~ . MOTHER——THE SWEETEST NAME ON EARTH. And it’ k:i:n:f ‘Tin’ 8 '~;‘3_...__:“8:"T‘_”‘ _°“°“' Eggfiugmdfdéwfifiorfigéggg ! T when you lose your MOTHER you can’t buy another, - ‘,*;:*,‘=h°°‘,_”,,_, “"““‘° "" "'1':.....,"-N. §.'.,,§§',°," "3-fternowbnt was canceled me: it * A if you had all the world and its gold. o A cominitteeoffire will be 39- ,,f,,fif";‘f,° ,',f‘,."‘.',,,‘:,,,‘,f: ,‘§_';‘;,f;i:r'.'.. 1.542..’ §."§.‘,..'5.':.¢"'-,'~‘.§'.',’§.’,f.’Z T You will find Rogers’ service ,equally . “ . I W. h F! :2 . . pointed within the next days ‘est dsicm or this ‘association, ; as Sincere and personal when phéning as Say t it T owers Leonard Oil Company Th 0 r n’ f f d 1' V , , e C me Name 0 me e new a Service Station 6th and Broadway 1,3.” (3_ L 3 T dine“, of senger boys were Harold ilolton.‘ , _ . “Mafia n the Univenity of "nib g(,,,,,. Bake.“ J_ 'w_ gun”; boob 3-‘me ljot ‘fomolted couatnh: hamigulb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(5c . . mm. um an am as .».....n keeper. mu» an-n» . ;‘.i.':'.’ .‘?’‘..;‘.::‘..;..‘.‘’.f... ..;'.‘...;”"" ‘°"‘°"°" ":7: Saturday. Special . _ ed " of ‘h ' win b. d_ - ‘ - - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . v'nam:¢mb¢,.: stag, committm "'5 301‘! 1495"‘! HOOIWIL T 4 - » Salt white fish and herring, this season’: catch , I - “"7 - Dr v F rim wh has bee 11* ' - -32 Bars Ben "W 8089 ' « ‘rm sud’ 8;-“.1. otnfluaam. of m-un; 8- 4 oh! 0: ’ ‘lg .3 4 pkg. spllkhfttl or macaroni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25C 1 Bar Cram) sun T T T T T $1.00 The committee will be_cai-1,-fully Parker la H’ ‘fuf‘v¢' t 9 3 October make Wisconsin cream cheese. lb. (Or; 2 lbs . . . . . . .754: '1 Se F (: i . p T 1‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' and will so into the work dl’, ma is ;:;:_'h “:22; mdi°,“"' T 2 No. 2 cans tomatoes or 2 large cans lye haominy . . . . . . . . ..zse 3 mm “as "ng pm” U‘ ' "1 '“’°“3"““”Y "-9575” $59 °’° ————o—-——— ’° 2 510- 2 can C-0001?)’ Gentlemen SW!!! com 15¢: 402- . - . - ~ .75 4 Bars Creme Oil soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c ’ 3"'l“‘5°'“‘ 0‘ ‘ “ml” “W79 in Remember your Mother next l 13 Prairie Rose creamer)‘ butter. none 80 I004. lb. . . . . . . . . --50¢ No 2 Summer Girl Couiitrv Gentleman corn $1 90 (107 $3 75 |‘a.~=1.- T °a'.g'e "m’”‘ e of this 5”” m h Smith)’ by wire. W-zstern Union. ' If No: 2 Summer Girl sifted peas . . . . . . . . . . 2:25 dos‘. 4:50 ease _T sch 001 pA"th'pleu°'. C Auoduion is 3&0 Adv. o Place orders for dressed hens early. :33. g .q.‘.r.p. . . . . . . . . . . .T . (31:90 3;: have uniform control Ind sdrnin- English Tea Muffins. Serve hoti ‘fl-and-an-ab'n'In-gains ‘* ' ' . ‘ ’ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " "' “ .' . Ti iatratiou of all ‘hlch-sci; 1 gh. _S - , , I ‘; ,T No. 10 Tomatoes, hand picked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 gal. 1.3.50 doz. T T ; mi“. It i’ to wow“ 0:“ aim- trengs Putt} Shop. T Adi. B“? 099 TODAY T; — ,.+ . ' No. 10 Gooseberries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. L15 5; . l:i.50 doz‘. “ I prove athletics and dew-e.lo them 2 ~ ’ in ~ - 3.. . .i..i...... ...,, ” T; FRESH VEGETABLES gnggfim n,,‘;,",,'§T,*;°_;,,,1‘-g; 2;: Phone 179 T 9 North 90: rnogwciun GARDEN ST.:lTNgotl;gglS MARKET e ' erent princi and super- *9 A A _i R“! « 'T T ' « intendents of an state. 3, pljcing Tm-e’8 No -vv TT T v T » v—-- Lettuce _ Cauliflower . T the control inthehandsottho ad- »_ -— d V “"’_’_‘1‘__ ; A Spinach T Cucumbers l- 1 .. ....~_ "vim-*_13g°re.iorc9s-et NODB Just " 38 G0Od 38 . . Mustard Tomatoes . ‘£23.’. ......n." “ ‘.'i$‘.I"‘......‘ “${§.'£" ‘ ' Phone 382 ' 25 Phone 74 gets . Peppers T P _ . Tdnd with the official backing of ‘ I V * ’ on?§§§° ’ 352:8 .L- I "5’ ‘dmlfiiititflve force it will in. ~ ‘ I - " A ’ Strawberries direct from the patch T . - gxgngzom . access of the or-T ‘ 1 7 F t - ,'l‘o;«nato and cabbage plants delivered direct from our beds. ''''\‘T . ee * ~ “W W’ T we is WORLD’ nears 3 ‘ W m_ M .53 km :53“ gm s G 51' 9 T T T OUR FRESH CURED MEATS AND POULTRY ~ Us ‘*»»':r“-::‘e=“:.*“»..'"2».....*“*= mumvo nolvmsn‘ Rein ration for You ARETHEBEST S O ti” which '31‘ an _ 0: T ‘ (lllceiuntry hams. shoulders and] bachon. T d _ H ‘T t -33- an ‘mafia of the hi h "hook it , , - , - - — T us prepare your picnic _unc es. in 3, pic es, oives. po ato u ‘Mm ‘W Mfm M m Millions ofBake«Day TestsDun.ng phone for pood_ ms mm ‘mm of (M chips and cooked meats of all kinds. ommmso. um i... been £unc- the Past 35 Years Prove It. i f m th sugges refrigerating space is . , .........,... .. ... - . o M All t k t ms. and a. mud: in. mother of cans at/anus -nsoaa osaar Ollfljlhlllbl _ ‘,w_;md”°‘;’; “,§5‘;§§LIf.*‘S° C IS er S ar e state athletic associations. llany ”"‘""“ ""’” tmns: ' ‘ - ' ' _ All the fresh fruitstand veg- Phm“ 2“ H°me_gm“ Tma“.b¢,,,.,e,T qt ,5, are_ kept in storage *_ waiting delivery orders from __ Fresh peas. lb. . . . . . . . - . - -391! you. p'£dlieri, the?’ are securely _____‘__T*T__T ___ __ T __T_ T T _T __ Tm_T_ ___ _* _ __T ‘E ‘ ' wrap and de ivered to you ““} ———“—-u 5 :: Rhubarb, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . .lQc they will not bse T T. ’__\ __l. msflncrwg STYLES j Home-grown asparagus, bunch 20: their original freshness. :;T‘ - -. ;‘:. A . .{ '\ '¢tIu‘: ‘.h [N Hothouse cucumbers, each ...80c ’ . T WHITE KID Texas pole beans, lb. . . . . . . ..20c A e ' 6 F 0 0 T W E A R V New cabbage, lb. . . . . . . . . . . ..6c I S t“ d FOR f — 0 8 l‘ 8 . . GRADUATION ’ lcebert: lettuce. lb. . . . . . . . . ..25c r y T R d . M 1. L... ..._ .......... ..... BEN mm SOAP e uctzons on All / .: SUMMER WEAR Nancy Hall sweet potatoes, lb. S - I + ...................... . .1295: Dec“ T <- 3 T Home-grown onions, bunch ‘ . O‘ i~ White Kid in many distinctive new ”“”‘°"' "T""°“ """"""" "‘°° ”'° "““"““"' ' ““°"’ VOILES 1 _ A ;‘s 1"“ F‘°"“‘“ P"3’P""- "°‘- '75‘ representative, will'be in this C T T _ _ . : New potatoes, lb. . . . . . . . . ..7‘/gc tore ‘n da s‘uu'_d' ' T .. r I T" styles for the University, Or ' :3 Home-grown radisbes, bunch ..5c ten d ‘ho y u‘ y to T . - will A T iiomeegrown spinach, lb. ....l5c “S oafnngu mg: -‘T i i Grade School Graduates. Low, Home-grown mustard, lb. ..l5c ‘ i ‘ Qualify brand tomatoes. lb.’.1Sc you.’ ‘order jnfmde this T . .a” medium high or the new high spike Quality lemons, _doz. .... ..40¢ fliecld. It will save you T T T . <»:::.:.:-.. «m mu» .: "*°°°’~i d — GINGHAMS T T; L A -heels. Priced. 6 to $9. ' 3E C,.,,,,,. . l 3 l _‘I To ’ ' ’ """ " so Ban BEN nun Soap 5 .. 1-; . ; Fancy grapefruit, each sue. ise . - , - T A V T ,!..i-;.- 1Bar-Crystalwbitesoap < 3 ii .1” we T T Cauliflower, lb. . . . . . . . . . . ..30c Chi” T .3’ , - - Carrots, bnch . . . . .....°.... . . - T. _ .T T- go Very sheer chiffon HOSIERY. . hm hm; TTTTTTT TT 1 an Creme on Soap A i T T 3 C . All for 1 » I 5.“. T , have «run dw-nae-. can as: 5 - T . . SATURDAY SPECIAL . r 9 ' Re2d1I)liver Valley Irishcobuers —other soap T ; - -l « n- -0 o - . s o o o . o . .. o ' - l 0 §,T .TT . M D. pk si ‘ hm one on ST” "25. bmagi)i1e:3ls?srtmentc;f Laclllies» muslin and batiste com- T " 3 "' ?""‘~, 4|...-.p¢¢¢p¢.3..p,_z5¢ , . :3DeC_ 13,830 . . . . . .1 . . . . t_ . Bananas. lb. .... ..-........l19§¢T T r . ' * ‘ « . .T _. . mm man an 4 I‘: T nove?t1}l’echa:c8fil‘tcT;l:l!£l)tin:{i Ladietsg voiles,.nainsook and - - ' ‘ . i . r on _ Florida oranges. doe,....T,,|o¢T‘h.n&c”&une“”2sc T T T T T sui , special ..._.....$L39 ..v .4: t" !"..° \ ' tn.-cc-.17..’-}a":$3 ‘.' ‘v