._._ .V _..‘,.‘. -. ‘ V . q. '' .-.' ’." ‘ii 3 .“"“r‘:.' ‘O’; ‘I'll 1'. * r:._ '-in " ‘« -'.~-_‘ ‘- -.-. ‘I ~. 12 ._ . ‘ u ’ '7 . l ; ,_ -5 ’ ’ ‘-1 ' ‘_> H‘ . O‘ \ " . 3 .,.’*'."‘ 5 1‘ :.‘_ _ - '.‘._ ..- _‘ ‘ I ‘.4_ , .‘ . ‘ . V‘.- ~ ‘— ‘V 3 : .' ii. ‘ _ o .2 ; J A-.-.s 1 o. . =mz=comunmms‘sounim- ' '7. T-’ I '*' _w___ . . ' J C In and Boone County , 'V‘ ~‘- ‘ I Iudocaoaaadlin 'a&u'ja. ' " 7 ' . 33513997‘ uuaa.a,¢sero-or-I-ta-hwaouion-vnueanm-.-snot cu-bu. ..al°".§f"‘..,,,..'°"','“""'."“"°,',,“" "’“""" ’ « ‘kn “_ Irafiarlaibaa-ataa vlalud a .oa':... ;..g_"""""" "' an III-fl -*-9"‘ Daoahaaad i!rvialndIr.aadIra.AIart‘l'barataa8aahy. ;.,,k,,,.,,,_C‘,_,,,___,,,,,.,m,,_,,, J. dud Iran ia Coluubia aalau ‘jg. ‘la.Ial-artbachafiuaday. 3, c,‘j.l actual ta Daaavila In-‘_ j;-.._W.A.lLaaa.Irbo&baaIl3o no.1.-.-am-buaosnau-vi-nuns. - h.\|upruad. .. rs . “‘Au-Int)-I-dc-I-than-tlh liaaavAaaaaadIarrCa|—aaviaitad mfln Ii: ialat Iaaday ‘civil-uaaaoaartarllbIn.IuI mp than-yang... fivllaa ‘Friday Grow ia vhitila In. labor. Laarraocoaadlahilyrbaolb Ina aby0o , 311. Jake Aadra-Ira tiaital In. Lalial Warren it Iurroaaha Prithy. . Howard I‘ '_ l'5l|II.vbIIabuai|l.hab|¢|I Ir.-and Hrs.‘ aputdawaobo 5;, {be up and arousal. and with reiativu ta Howard Oauatr. 7 ~ Iialdaacnvcsotcolodiahvffi '“‘II|K‘l_&IIlIaad biatvo daubu-n1..5.,. : Iorrio itrovn. . Ir- and Ir-. Iarvio Holland ware Bun-ixoltey were in Columbia oa bualaoa Sat. vwi fl 8 Irv». Pay Chriatacr and daughter vb-it¢«ds'l$ur-ddy and Friday to up flp._ njguug Ira. Fannie Iavlinn Friday and 8atur—lBaldwin. araodaiotbor. Irv. Jana Cools of 155. high school rloaed Friday. A din- _, rd I77 I as in vrlpa the partflu of tin’ 'lt. Loot‘. llyrn George Laarnencc and faxnily and Ira. lion. riniuxl Ir. and In. Tang.“ 3 Id Lawrence aaotcred to bar fraallin Ian tack. . Q Q ' Ir. and In. A, ll. l‘o_tt_a and ma. Al- xraodaaru-oh in Columbia for a. fear day: their ' _- Kr. and Ira. Panic Brown and dangle!-Ir. work with her another. In. Lucille. at Columbia visited in Baclioport who is very ill. ‘Sunday. . Irv. larvia Dough. and Jam (;;fl,_ Zlrrr Settle visited his grandparents Vinita! Ir. and Ira. Scott Jacob: of co. . and Ira. Rid Ioberta. a fev daya iaaabia We-due-day -on-k. _ J . air. rt. 1}». .cooa and children Ir-. Leslie Burroughs in auction the; wilted Hr. am! In, Bryan Roberta or ' at the born at Frank Burro ' ' 3 ‘TN Fflfli Shire ll“ fihntlffll ll?-jolt-rat for the fall aad arlntrr tern of gun limbs! were vision in aoom«u:e.u¢Iaoo1 u Llndaa. ‘ C fllfllllh ~ r. and In Rice and their ’ . and Tonmio Wyatt aigtxxrgd to near,‘-Id Ink lid Rir ll-9 hides’. ' ' - “ ‘Ur. —d In. Sidnq Orvrxtraat and Inf '5'“ In. sun Dudaoa were alaozh Roabeua! Howard Guano. ‘ 308481. ' . '5'‘ "411! and Jane Burks xiaitrd‘ ~ flr. and Ira. Wallace Gibbs and dangb-la‘ '3'" 0| I“ III’! Coleman ‘hae- .1-e.:..n.usm.a It-.aad In. r. J. aop.§I|-7 --I '7 und- gga _ : Ir. and dauabter. Ira. Rama flan»- «ha 8 7 . - Ir. and In. G. 8. flaubcr. Jarnout:'°"- 97 C0“-fl5ih Vi-I04 Brown. and his lnotbcr to Boa-l"°5¢|"l til: Sunday I Ir. and In. 391 Iv.-(‘oava and Hi-a ra. rum-4_u:. and In. 2: 1'. mm ia Heat:-‘u"C°"” ‘N--r-4-7 -int. ‘.19 1.. A ‘- Ir. and Ira. Ed Iaxvcll I ' saws. spent the mind -2 the house o( WW1-b on Iranians Nood- liaao Di:-trirh. 3 Kim: Iatllda Borndunnt. arbo, foraicrly fl ‘L “d I,“ Jo, I“h‘, 0‘ co,“-uttanzsbt trhool at Liadea. has accepted the viailod -2 up home of Ir. and an. w. W. "3"!" Sch-wl ac-r Cob-Ina. gay... 3...‘, _ ; Ir. and In. snow Ovcrurect. and tar. fig-._ fi.§.]'A,-“cu ‘.4 “nth” ',,.,;and Ira Roan ol lloaard County vialtad twat: at the bone at Ir. and Ira. Ii ly|."° '5‘ ‘''‘~ "~ 5- 35°! W 309481. gum, 3.,,.¢.,_ _ Ir. and In. R. F. Baldwin vlalud fir. Ir. --4 an. It. c. land and im. r-mt!-'4 3'» "~'- F- Ann" at Roctu-om and. 4 Rblr-r and camera. attended the circus in!-W-404 the tuner-I of Aubrey Settle. ‘ cnlgau. 3...“,-_ Ira. natty rctu Dan Eaton. so-no. and a: as. all“ unit‘ Raeboport Tuesday. and was buried in tb:l‘“l*“ ‘'59’ "L I34 In In Illa Cleo It-lloway aoppoa here 'ruo..l - 7- . mu‘ “ ‘""l‘.Hra. Alpha Nauacr daoppod berg Tau. anaa liyrra .a'ad.__ia._a_u.Ceriaa tron bloodyurhrafl. Cflfln '" hm 'h”‘°‘ ‘Ir. ‘In. John Payne and children 5"?’ F’ sum" u‘ comnbh 'm'‘''‘ 5'” laltad Ir. aad It-a.~R. 8. China Bushy. ' . . . ' Ira. John atom. o! column um in P""' “' 5' ""°" "’ "’ °°"""“- ha-port ' . J.I.Piebaria¢aaa ta-I17 atllluarbnaiafia _‘ flica.E1iaaCbapuaaaooattl.ovod-,.'AlriaCol7!-ana , _ _ daughter of Ruclu-port viaitnl Kr. and Hrs. """ ""0" L" 0°“ *' '-**lin'r' 5" I2. ‘r. wnt. Suoda cod “"“""'- , _ mood and cbildrni risitod Ir. and X... "'4 "3"! °' 7-0"? Mr wmiua aooom ada 7??’ . _ luau 1"” ‘"4 ‘°"" Rh’ “‘ V‘ ‘*1’ and to attt-od,tbr Farmer-' I-‘a Uiaa Fcrmaao . ‘I’!-J. ftillffil‘ ‘O I 5%? II NI ‘Gk. t ‘hr ‘r‘_‘.n,‘ ‘uh hr? 8-x--hm in V. I Bean and an It r and. ' * - .. . . . - ' - - nan-nu. Ir. and In. A. V. F-ramun. I ‘Ur. and l‘:-.hI’ill Radlhrar 0! ‘ So-«rim ‘VUILHI lira. Arbury Stack and daugbo 3,, un, bug, u¢u.,.., um .-ml. ,Em‘:.:“"nd“ ‘ “mu,” “y. A‘ T‘ bnufi uf b.u"d"‘ dren were the Sunday roe: Mr. and _ . _ ‘ :- of u"' U” .’"""’ " ‘D9343?! ll" Ir‘. Lea Deli-. who live near Icliainc. ’ ' Ethel 3050111. ——--——-+——j Isl)‘. 3?. ha ‘Child’ of Columbia hat bu-n can "9 5094!!’- . . . Tlntnac ~ ' fig... Ant. min. fi,,_ nu; 3.n,~_;uvIt. ‘ll-on. awn Sunday guests 0! Ir. L°‘"‘- " """° ‘ P. U6. Nan Hnboa has returned Q'oQ>q 9! with‘ lria-ada in Blooaiinutoa. Ill. 6 ~ y. g. 9"" ‘ ‘.4 ad, Ruhr-rt. were in Ir-aim Saturday Mr. and Ira. - ' _ Calvin suadgy, Dorothy. were in loin-rly hat 3. fi_ ",4 539,, um, 3_.'m,‘,'Paarl Iccoavn of Coluaibia rlaitgd 1;. lac-r were in Columbia Friday and Satur-j t w . C. c. lu- 75' 30*" Ir. aad Ira. Pd Gm-a and daughter of, ‘"1’ 6'34 '5' WIN“! Ixvell Irrrc in “'"l""'- “ *5’ _ oi araday. “T Nn 8- F- um-dict -I-ovnua in Coluno « baaiana . - Ir.aal.In.Ialllal'ou-Ha-cream-¢u"”' l as-anon-Lilac:-uro.omsm' i ‘ . . ,ta-ndcla . Cou'ad‘l‘bratoaareattolpodTuaaday§u' 11* banaoaetaapandlwbaa-abarlllavori. 1| 5-; A. I. Tborataa at Icliaiac Ila Iicrc oni'o1aa in'r2lmd¢~.l a l’. 1*; 0. caanntion in &t1y riaital bu-laoIa.'lba - Scalar Ira. P. lint.‘ and daughter. Eric-.3 _ bcn"Pa~day Mr. and Ir-. Roar-r RaaXin:- and canal! Ir-. J. A. Johnaob and Ira. Eliza ll¢;!- Centralia Ilsa Ruth Hunt was in liallsvlllc Han-l Mr. and In-. Arthur Sad-in riaitcd Irai-l l ll-A lrrnc [layer of Coluaabia via-ital in’ crstralia Monday. ‘ Dr C. W. Auatcnr. who is ill in St. \‘ _ 3 Junior Stone and Buddy Furdy-v:e opt.-at‘ rock-end in It-aim Hoary Sounder: open: the udtfnd with‘ I 4 Iiu Fern Pu: and In: Norma W'tl— 0.1-ar Sorncrr and bin «or. Norris and 3 an-. n u unwind and In-r..dauxhter.. urdll Ii-a Iary sane: and Ii-a Kathryn Pair 7 (‘lab 4-ntrrtainr.-d with I. Icthodiat Church Friday tint. : In. Earl Early and Ira. John llarbri A Carry _. ._ ... Ira. H. !.l Storm l‘.fld' ‘ my church amount in Colum- Axair: at laaillr Tialtfll in Ccau-alia Sunday. Ia. Bob Fax: and her dallthtct. Pu-dyce ‘child Oulru . ‘ ital uuis,m- bore 3 . Jata anion‘ ‘ otblafiaaaatcaluibiaaraabaraaau ‘Ii-a.Diuaiu naIIII:laaa-aatlarthsaaobaulaa 8aaba.“cd'.u.'.m‘ t.u.r:ayE—n’ tun Paltaa. .' 0' leanings, 51-lb Ia: “Ml fl’!-dud--day. ie Cr:-rr and In. thi- . 35.. Duo“, .4‘ 1'." 3 wk ‘.91: for apix-Iidicitin Holiday. 5 Vllllill 5|? vialtad but Saturday. n ma’ Hrs. (‘bavuun flu-fit-rt.anl Era. J. Pa 3 "oi nuns. vbitd ' ‘ - n. w.,wma-o or at - ‘h. n.“ it . ‘Q t J J (L ‘ I Cal hia in-rc jrdlt. ~ .---, fhrj-a r , . . «norm 0. urn ara:. on Leak -an inn.--on-lull Harris and Into can Ir. ..a f"' 3"" °"'“._*I-M W "fir"-i i-. am ' . Q -5",,” E... ‘ ~ f I 3;... $5. "gun. cduna. *1, “.35” "35 “"3-.' "3 Chin» Iln. ltii-turd Il:.~m-ft. vrbn Im-- all or I; van. or annual: cant’ um Ir an Harwell viaitvd in " "" ""' . ""‘°‘""' '"'"~ A "1 do)‘ with later Bari: . aad In Charla Cook Tburaday night. 0" Mn‘ 0' ..‘.u‘m"’ ll.“ ‘ "“”“=' ."""?’l"'4'5"—K7""" ‘-3' Leslie Bnrrouxln and on mm an a. 7. Bradley and daughter Ann ‘ "'""“" "”"' "" '""" " "'° "°""‘ bu-‘u-cch ‘r--mm. 5‘. fig Ir. ..d ‘rap mg] R’ 8.“. d t 9“ '1'‘ ’c"‘ kt’ ’ ' 1’. hr?!‘ !1|It?l I onyvlr-ndul IKIINJ r and an. new menu or am. 4”, P’ 32* "'4 '°'' 0' W-I -0 In ac.» -tvrnz 1-.'.'‘.. were here Saturday. .8oltan Settle and family of New Praab "dud bu ‘Mk?’ F°"" "°" W‘ ‘'R‘'‘- 7 ‘knots iii-ll:-zzxrr o.’ fay-rttc Hr and Ira. Charla: Sutbarlaad war: 11. ‘loin: air, .34 u,,_ v_ '_ 3.“. S“. 11 1'. Wills: went to not rt Sundar rrlativls In-rw 5 ml: ~. hour on in-i-Maa fiat . . l‘ "5" ‘W In liar lnlannr Th-rn 0!! in a an nut-rod Ir. and In. Ialfi Baldria were (welt! Ir. aad Irv. Cloud Cook viaitad Ir. and ‘kn’ A LKUP-I of H!» an Asian u w, f'_ ‘.3141’. flgfigy, lfl;-._ Jag” Coo; gf wuoahndvggie 3",, In. J. 3. Dry and clliidrrrl oi Columbia ‘in .(‘la.'n Fisld till-.on wax a -Ire" 0' Ira. III‘ ‘II’! 31360:“; Will!!!‘ ‘I’. III!‘ Hr». Al liar Hprlyr. Ilmxflaan at‘ ‘and: wax to Col . ' \ u no“, ..., g,._ was 11» nu_. ;;~4a..- mum. {tiled . 7 iii u I oxkq "no", .v.'fl_ ‘h’ *"_k_cnd‘l|l’flIll’|lEl‘fll at if.-7 Uélilisl Church hrft _ ~ 7- with his xraaduotber. Hrs. 11. J. Odon. in W" "' Ira. Joe Ihlaoo and non. W"tllua'a.‘. Itch:-:1 Burks and Ialiily avtnt Sunday Polunbla. Y1‘-art’! .. :1 Hr. Arr}; (‘ranv urn- Waltrr Samuirunn ‘um am Saturday alteruaon. with 3. l’. (sentry aad many or Walnut Jim s. uouo-my. Willard liarlu. and J. -‘W1-I>."' Wv -and 10-- ~A. II. Po 0! 8-duh ‘m N "'5-,Gw~. C. Cbria-roan attended the am... in ... "" ‘ '-"W-« abd [ll1’|i‘Of Cbarlon Campbell. . J_ 1-[_ [{o:,,.,-_, 01 I-,.o,u‘_.nu. .,'M u" “mu. lend.’ nd.Ir-, J. A. Gil;-in and Mr. a d )1. rs Ho-riu-rt Youth: U‘-l ‘revived with Ir. and Ira. Wilbur Ira. J. A. Johnson and porn ul (‘ul.zm. 5"-"~ "NY ‘ 531471‘-11' "VT? >""l‘Pln! -mi‘-~3 in Rvebrwrt 801-0 " lW sit be. spent no not-cod was in. and H.- ‘—‘"‘~m*"~=« 9-1«=»=r~ 11.»: and Ir-. mo. Pcibrrtoo at floral‘; Ir. aad an. Ilarria Douglas maul u. 11. Railroad. 3 - ~*.T~"- I‘-*==-‘Mn It-in» Comity were in ltnrbrtllaft Suadlt ‘It. aad Irv. Soatt Jacobu in Columbia Bonnie Thornton arm! in Wnvrrly flan. “"“"-"""7 V''’'‘ 1‘ “7 Y‘ "43 um . st‘-45.. C-was nodal!--du. ' day. when be can work oa a :o\'rrn- "°*W"' 31- W‘ « ali- vhb Willred Snrll of near Tarrttp. ‘ Ira. lion-ard Coleanaa and children at. Inc-at quarter boat. -3- ll had him. ruirl 1-.‘rr.~¢-er Ira. Angel apd son William and IY".'lradnd a birthday dinner at John Dal ‘g - - ‘ """‘*' "" l" """" "" ‘ll’ hum Haim -out to Boonvillc Saturday. fsunday. , mg“? ‘lg: 1‘§::'°kr°L”C;1l:mb:r"::‘; and Mn Y1. thu «rm»--u-rmn blr-. I rga (‘rauun and little dau¢h- . and uh, 3... §g.,¢,o,, 9; coma“. ‘n «O W iua ' ‘ . a-I-l Hr. mu-: ltr are vi-ltio: Ir. and In. Court: Ra»:-p..v¢-re Sundgy gm-4. oq uh ...; In‘ 30’; u'r_ ckma. ‘M _‘m of tummy“ than a in "ll I)!‘ .\'atu_raag Ir and Ir.-. of lo 3 yo‘ Q‘ ‘Yi“u'd' 5" firvnu ‘I -Q ‘t. R u A ~ '~0 nu lull til!‘ 1 at (.1: In no In the ffaldrflcf 0' I‘ DIUNIJ Di’. 0'8:-3-an of Col-Jul)‘. '3 §.,-'lc..'in. her. 8uud.’:. ‘ ‘ I ‘ 'l‘hr danrc |'_u-n by Hr, and Mr P. Mr. and Mr». G. (i. .‘1am- had an dinner 111e1'Te>;um* V Zilltl Home Killed Meats Brisket roast . . . . . . . . . .6c \\'hole pork shoulder . . . cog.-up, ‘ml; Wilbur. who had I-on -rial!» Plate rib roast . . . . . 7'/gc Pork slmuldcr steal: 17!’;-20¢ Bea int: rot-.~=~«~d rd h - or the. I J " in in Blair. returacd , r 2 tr fin‘ 0' hi .n'_‘“N;';_' 1.“.-.9“ ‘R, . h H" ,_.'__nm in‘ wc‘_ Pot roast . . . . . . . . ..l0c12!;c Fresh side . . . . . . . . ..22,;c M. V," .,g co. .5‘ aaaday. Chuck roast ......l0c-12'/gc Fresh lmm (whole) ....z2|/,c air. and an. Edward wuu.-u and! In and Ira. Fielder: like and Ir. and , V 9; wnuym, an ' on ‘kiln. ru Rico and their daughter I".lah , .3“) l'00I'i . . . . . . . . . ...l2C-15¢ Fresh ham (half) . . . . ..22,gc tuldclice of Hal W‘ ll. {"33 Cltfvfiae dinner at P’ l‘ h r jg», .3; g,._ Jd,:'u"u,,,, .94 u;,, Sunday. " p _ ‘ml . Bound stair .... . ..20c-223;: S8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l5€ Jordan of ' r I ra.o *-"---5-"—-r Loin steak . . . . . . . ..20c-22'/3C Pig feet, cleaned . . . . . . ..5c Kala Raallaa 8 oda . ' I .- ‘1,_ WW “:3 .':_“’r “mm M; Huntsdale Porterbousc steak .....22',~:c 1'): so ........ ..l8.c-229;: dlanrr u the soon or Huddle‘ M“ B k . m Beat oleo in town .......20c Smoked bums . . . . . . . . ..z9c "'" ""' r‘’'“' ? M '13‘: ’ pm. Natural color oleo ea ma .....l2";-15c Ci. lg”. "ad" _ n. V - ayabomnd .Tbaraday. . ...... , ' ... . by .1 on 5... a u... ,,,.,;4.,.;_ 3,, A y ’ ‘ "”" "" 5*" °" "'""'°'~ 3-K“ Pork loin chops (youm) 22,13: \cal steak . .. . . . .. ...20c-25¢ llawlina. Tu-aday naming. l ‘:6 IN N"; Ggrre ‘Igor!-"3: Colm-Ed”: L 9'1’ "' 5°" ” bm"°' nu" Greatest Mutt Values in Central Missouri Regardless of Price. ‘ b 0' "1 Jdupanv‘ sand‘: "“1‘ A. E. Daly was here on bmlnaa ‘mg. . I Packing House; Cash & Matgket 4 Ir a ll. bacilc ls. that-d ""‘ ikmald Boailaud visited in 01» F‘. B. Ward at- In-t. ‘flan Elizabeth Id:-rt. who in lattradiaa aebool in ltmton. araa ova-ata-I 1i.3msr~n.\r Uéilaatbaddhuaaa ‘.2’ baaaialbahuo aiaoalpt O...’ 7*-.a..,.~a. Iv. aad Ira. faraar Agbu:-y'vl.ii.a fin d an. Sallie Dwira or coin.-sh" s. vialthx in aiatar. Ira. J. BUB:-avley. ‘I’!-J.C.Joocarpaattboo.¢§..¢.m, .5" ‘Matter. Ira. Carter In -I._AL Archer rialtod ber emu... lia Samday nd A iaa 1 Int-at the weekend with their pan‘ [1 I in Pearl Scbwabe and His. ‘ch-rt!» Ivent the weekend with Lucile Ir-. Ilary A.-bury. ; Ilr. and Ira.’ I'M-clrr Wind aware ia Hark Wladeor day. oonueara-Int-at exercise: of the high ‘@444 .......i...............,-...... _ ndIra._6..8.0¢.aadtbaIav.I..;. In.Vlll‘l‘hrab.vbia E IIICIII 'daaa&'.|ahporiaa. .aadln.flkhaftartaiaolSatnr- Al5IIt7iavblthaiaOolau- Illllr Hall-ville‘ to Ileana r and visit:-vi in (‘ml-nmbia aadf ‘rh- rO'h -0.4 -0 cor-o-4--5-o-o -g Q. .. .. A _ .. Pt. I’. Iha Karmic Ii:-m ha Andie Join-. and Ira. Praaoa Iobarta -mu Ir. -Mn Kc-in ‘roam. 1 Ir. Ill‘ Ir.-. Obi": ll. Hichola III?! SW3 . It-o Lciciie Ni-bola went the anca-cod Pf. Ir. and In. Frank Iartia announce the birth u! I no cl 511-4.; «mm --m sold it is. con... - ;Chunrb laat Sunday. ’ Ii» l*'l-oi-I-are ( '88., I-ha vi-itin: relansoa hr I-rnrcv air. and Ira. w vi-ltd rdatiran bc-rr Sumia . nuance the birth Wecit banquet aerved by the Harris or small it may i .9; the rut! bra-pltll Kr. and In. John ler. an! Jrflen-an City your dinner we - ._....‘_- - '1' I"! VUITFIW I I I I‘!-I‘!-I I all .1 g. '... .Ir. .7. . .vy‘ 1 l'rvvidr-nrc Satn-day tiifil II‘ well-al‘.:::»d¢J and all tr;-urtcd a tin: Spring Millin my 1/2 Price Branham’s w—v——‘1'-04-9.-0-C ALL AT ... . --..n._.A. norm roncsr ‘nu? Momsn 1.nu~:s rmsn cmcx . . A a. 0- 0 a aworao-9‘ a -ana -oHauaHa-a-Aa- av - v v v r —w— -V -— o We furnished the 100 fryer: for iii: Journalism J ’ ‘n c. We can hand‘: your order of ho,w'l.'irgc If you want a nice {at hen orx’ frying chicken for glad to handle your order. Our new place of business is 108 N. EIGHTH S'l‘., PHONE 916 BLACK . H. R. LEASE F rec Deli very 3’!-’ 620 ‘O O 2' 6 0 3 $30 3’ ‘$3 to 03-. O ?O I I .-i-I-'l“Z“'-’“ 4&9 a can. Tl-‘rcah ahouklen. whole “Skinned shoulders. ‘whole . . . . ................l8!-it . . . .22: oole ay No. 7-9 N. 8th. SPECIAL Cash and Carry 7 a. III. to I p. tn. V Fit-sh skinned hams Creamery ‘butter Full cream cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30: Bed brisket . . . . . . . . ..7l,»c Shoulder Short nb . . . . . . . . . . .. I Pot roast neck .. .l2',";c-10¢ Pure maple syrup. qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..75c Veal . . . . . . . . . . ..l0c to 30¢ Mutton Dry salt . . . . . . . . . . . .20:-25¢ Smoked juwl . . . . . . . .20:-22¢ 5 lbs. Select brains .60c OTIIIZ98, dOl. . . . . . . . . . .25C Sggegt potgtgc Grapefruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6_c Peas and be Bananas . . . . . . . . . . ..l0c New mbliagr, lb. Lemons, doz . . . . . . . . ..30c I-‘ncsh tomatoes FANCY STRAWBI-ZRRII-IS, 25¢ qt.. 2 for ice cream cones, 2 for 5 lb. pail lard und 60-lb}. tubs Frisco butle.rirle,' Prime I'll) ALL~DAY PRICES . .16: Link sausaxrv Choice chops. 2 lbs’. for .45c urc sausagt-. ‘.3 lbs. {or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45¢ Family round . . . . . . . . ..l7',« Ccntcr round or loin 1 lb. Box bacon . . . . H401’-‘Kc o . o a a o o - o n a a u - o - a a a aa Ask at Your ""“».7'..1'.‘“.I‘."‘.:..T.‘.’?.‘.'£.“.‘."....".“3.'1. "- --' Iv-"hr ‘r--r-ten --4 -»-- L e ‘ - - “ti in.” A :.LIn.‘Eara sum aad -oa.aad Ira. J. n,fi_ . ~ ,_4 ' l_.A A .2 . ' v~ :. A ' _Saled «I»: Lléigesmk Whole; Wheat ...............t n.‘.'.:.. .;".‘.".. _;';‘.£j,3 ; Mothe‘r’s Big.Boy J Hm Md ‘.);i--.-.'1r_ioin 'a”ck um - . iv. . I C l o 3-_-_"-’-_‘:' 1 Cooktezs--Cakes--Pzes i_ If Ire wholesome bread. Quill}! P703’ M“ E thereis but one F3869.“ buff ,. ‘ _ u p L 7' . - 1 . ‘ 1 ‘ , " ~\ ts. ~0~.-'... ." vw‘ "-‘Q’ _ . . , '...‘o.‘.~g‘—".q"h:I-¢.\v-aasovth-6-l¥~'."‘|’v“**' i>”“~;‘ . . Sandal Prioawyattdicdattbcboncolbhlauh, __ »¢1.‘g‘:.p-‘ ~ "A Gs‘.-..~p «Ia-C -' ‘ "o.V ‘ - '. _ . ' -. n - . . _ z‘_ ‘ '» ',.. ow-vvvv-q-v-you MONTE BLUE H ER Rfll ‘Why have we one divorce for every seven ' marriages in country? Is mar_l'i38¢ ‘"0118 _.o;- ig the people who get married? COLUMBIA THEATER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Don’t Miss This Wonderful Classic of the Screen! also % .«meu’o:m- ‘ J A Comedy Favorite Fountain o- u -o u a v-v-u ouua 0-ow -O>a~aa~I-solo-9 - GE . A30’ 1- ~Wl1iteEagle» EN T00 ‘l’ ’ . I ‘E -4.‘ - A‘ ‘g an-O—OaO1ao44aI’VQ0o 7-v-19‘vC&9‘*OOOIIJfiF"‘-.' 4-.- _ _;_..?*.; \\l ‘V I ‘ III I \\IlIIIlllll \\IIIlIIl|||| 'l'Pll§’walIKoaj .‘ ‘gnu’ g.g.‘:e.z"a.fI, ’.?..pa.,"""o.‘ i1’1.."ee.“-m};.i.: .... am. There ia good reason ior ita itgrrnin or collect dust; it makes fhb ha 7 iointa Sieetrock will not harbor E ii 2 W ' o Sbeat‘ro<:l:iafnpvoof-madcirom Sboetxockiaidedioinpdrgrw easy to ered— modeling new oonarru ‘ and atom? " otud- Soldbyyourdealerinluml'xror~ ding: Sbectrock uIiIbartgiJ.mn- builderfauppliu. _j?f“,f}",?°..S'£.,{‘.T.§.?'.‘.’.’£.’.§.‘i;’.f...‘E.£?.?‘P’*”Y SHEETROCK THE Fireproof WALLBOARD for a delicious order of pineapple FROZEN GOLD—it’s just chock- . full of good fruit. ‘.5 wwvw-vV-O-C‘|§>OOO‘O~O-ODIUOOGO-IIOUOOUCOIIIIOUUU AND IF YOU PREFER another seasonable choice of ice Ccrearn. why not try our strawberry? . 15’eticious.-- _ Wholesomeg» . ‘AA. ------ -““““.-%‘-‘AA¢-5.5-...-.A‘a_.a--_44A- vvvv¢-cw-to-c-ooo¢vuq...'.-..y' AA.‘ -A -v-u—u-vo ...- A x - .\. .- -1- I . 4' A ' ‘ &%..L.rL‘1:'