. ' “3 ' " .K . 362' : ~ ~ = ': . - .?: L- ~ l~ :‘iiRIDAY'~£A ‘ ’m r I M V . J I.” fig 1u"e"u’ 6"...“ . gugqip. Ir. Notja Bill I1 ‘an ‘in Gum-y Oath 8lIlPPOd a earload: Joe Witt. who received the 5. _ Ira. Chrlatlan caller: . - - . la the aim of lb. and . to unit y over, ~ . “gab. u.;.g;a;at"‘lIIeRock" ofhoga gr-aeo{B.b.inAxr.frointhe -_7'. I :. V. _ - '9 .- V , V V - .'.l » st & of ur ” _llI. ficutflc Of ‘he finll lb: M.-K.-T. i?.ldlI':!d.h$7t°C st ‘vcrfin. of uinanri in 1921. H‘. 2. '3 of . « ' . ‘‘I‘‘—I ’ - V ' . ‘V ’ V’ ‘ ' - " I A . - ’ . cu ‘», . . . l : -1 er“. . - ’ - « ‘ s l : ~ as-4-u rt” Fm‘-'* “"1" °‘ "-‘°" o - '""'°."t-no In Wm 9“"*°°'* "" °""""‘.“°“‘ “ “"‘ '”""} 3.33. if.'.'.’s'I°"u.'.'na.y our use -me rouu-=;'.°i‘i'I.'°s.$'a:t"'a'§"'<§'§3§3.J;'?. “£2: ~ of the address no “I lndmtty H Baile o l‘ ‘ l - v 1‘: %' fll. V a §¢l|l5U'l"h'“' “stain £0 ‘L n ,0" known,‘ " said 0’-‘ W03‘! 3”‘ 3”“ s"“''°°'’ ‘V’ '9' “'79 um‘ 0?"! y I lec- ---"“""""‘ 'eral years he has been a ‘ "1 ' ' 5 l T“ l l ;‘ 03 3 FW""9i“ ‘I’ &'lYoat.-la an more to he denied in a “A dd‘ {:13} lected by the tat-nlty on the basis tian Collme will sin: "'0" 1* “flu 0..’”c....‘ Au”-_ for this comp”. op"-an . it ' ' ’ ' “ {fix d other-editors on to aah-luuepqpai-‘than in a man. _ ' I ,0,“ of points made during four flan dons. ____+____ - _ to amt” Kw“ la hm hm he 1“. - Editors . action o! iaeehanica 5! , 3!. Carter rent it. .. Y ‘ "“' .9uots - Uaet. George E. Miller. ‘WI’ °" 3”5°"3"( “ lb K"!-mm ti": lutafllfl, pl maths. bolero! high-school work. Te}, 1. . few words of love‘ ..;1}i:¢; this morning to make thefitranaterred to Ottuaiwa, Ia.,f $ m "CV1. “C ml WW An.¢n h “C ‘T373538 0!_ tlltl ‘T. Wm M ' to 'tt'cnd_ ‘mp , - Q . xmmenmunt ‘ddmtl We §'i‘t.n{ mgwf of 8 ; Could 3 um;-5 Day May . . high so . ‘ - spegkfi .,tuxedltof.lal Pfllil-7 Nil» M! 1000- a militant hIl”‘”* ti" country act-r-oer. ‘state Teachers Colbert 5! Ki:-ks. to mother. V 0 - Adv .H expect‘ to "mm mom,’ ipmdu. 4, cm ~nes8y___.__.. L “ "” ““ ""“‘ """' """ ""“ ""‘ ‘M ' mm‘ at osiuqnnusy cloned hi! ad-‘ville. uiu Sturteon mii attend Western union. V -1 a e . . - . lfie iqvolfid ffititlnx fillet “mafia policy does net I9?» V57. '' we '03 of an Orton-Rice Business School, C0l|‘llIl- _ I J‘ V, __ ___... «- -v _, .1 ' h‘3¢k'.'iuf=§:"?iF 0;‘: h°__,_""’°“.§wm par.‘ - tar. “Hilitancy does not convince.” mm“ “gal” “WW0” in; ~ '5 ""°‘ * ldahfiwflmmxhaefitfidbeflfl . -i the -spa _. . V..:_ s i ; :;°‘;;:‘_’_°" 3' ?°,,'""',,,,,, """";u. _Kaaaaa City S!!!» was out ‘Mr. Harrison expressed his dia- :;"fh‘e"§u“uf°l£*;“”o,,"§,» W’? -.- '. H i ‘ i a I "I." W“ V ' 5' e"“"= nN3"°°"‘ °"“ "" ”°"°°"“"'”“'3 heat markets in the nmy-eight: meat of the E)’ 3 . . . the . . ‘ G,,,,, cap; of St. look, in tea! Ieo‘!a'dally puhl an air‘ inent max :0‘: 3: mm." he said “The nmoiem is M i .4 Sta _Inl'I|8. v ' litaer papers. II“ ‘ Itlasonri na ; ; .i.napoon°;'o¢ V . -V foina caiae air: guru platforuimaia 1.3:‘ mpaheat mg a mm W" h, an buy! ‘ 4V chum“, .xb.:gt age nrtarnooafilad the extent 0 ,creed tor a its as V .' Him“ a , dug]. market. His-; huinaunyebun . V V . ‘um,’ .‘ a”_..Jou.;-nallsrn Weekinevl. . __ V V _ Willis 1. tlhhot of the Clinatian wow,‘ i. in wig” go any used from the ooIeth:Ig: - V IV V- pmnp yagggday in Jay.H. hefli The NM New 5.’ .cited as Ilomtor advm thangoi; much lineage of nat.ionalk;dvertis-1 .‘l'|ICIIOD¢54I;"|'|l""'...‘ ‘dug V .' 1 J “‘"' .. .... ............ .. ...=...... .7. 2‘aZ‘-s‘?’-‘fa':l-‘°”oJf«”5«'33tn”.:i.J::‘:.‘f..‘2:a”.a.f.un. on or 2.'::.:"..... .. .... U321‘- “ ""3 *'<:.":;."?.:.':.'.:'.::'.r.‘.': ~ ‘ ' nu’. ‘ their ad idfllit in ll 7 ' reports." . _ 3,“ ‘cod 1: r. accompanied ...._.—._o—-—--— . I '" _ - __- ‘ l . ‘ . llnIY€. I5-00:?‘ G51!‘ fix". Sfllfifll ¢'d5'.l; a lfileady andmiritideviating advo- EXERCISE BKHN ll 00!‘; ‘ad huts‘: h“,__‘mn .5. , .,. __ - ~~ - . ._ . 5; ._ -: .- A . '. ‘fit! helievea ey ‘think theyitiorlal executive ofntha of the convictions held. th A1‘ SCI! 3 9., u,,no.,'.=;g=:,::; :.. e * 3‘ "' "°‘”" '2?" £3......‘° “'.‘32l?..°'.'».'»‘is..“"""'i......" 1:7,.‘ 3.. t. E” ‘-‘°‘‘°‘;..‘.‘.';.i.'3:.'.'‘’°..“.‘';'.:....t 11» new W- 6 5--'-'2; Vi". *3‘-¥"l‘r-r"",,'-~,_~:,-,,--=*-°____.,, - ‘ ; ‘_» out just w 9 ' ‘ .' . ' _‘, o cgmna Deliver l —-nnoau Y _ . 2 ll an)‘. lies)’. H _ ‘uh the p°°rl;r':'°”'::"',5I° ’h"'''‘‘ 7'” "*9 - :;>nk1i8ndSl.e‘V:f;I£:t31 *::'';’’r:'uf; , .Addreaa. 3lbQUul i ‘ ‘Hr. De. W3 W‘ _ ’ . .' - - . 7- ' Co mencenient exerciaer of Cen-3 am I i an ‘ ; ehoarinx of no man)‘ country '''°'°« 3*” "‘ :“‘.$“;ff, ,,"?"§t,f’,',',‘:"‘ W" ‘°“"”°.t"“:: ;',’°}‘o, ‘ii; lraliamflixh School will he held ,,,""’°f,, ,,,'“ ',‘;,"'“".,.,,;.','§‘,."..'.u.¢ ' i ' .; " chants inlthe face ot mail order poll Fort Worth 8u'_.'h°k ‘fommum tit afar: Tuesday. It)‘ 19. The Rev. \\'al- hearts and tuned . a A i ' 7 "°““°§' ""3 .‘a’$.°..'5§-..’L"§7'm"m -v-’i~"ae¢r-a. °-who mm - -~n_s-MI”°6}g;f;;;‘;:;‘f; “mm” 75 «.»..&.4....,.——— ---__:__ - - - ..... V , V , ' ; . . .‘ ‘that it does not demean an editors Y3 - V ' ' , _ t. . ° , , ‘ « ’‘'‘"'.’u“‘.- - It-haracter to be on the wrong side. P" °"“‘ °f ‘ “pen -‘~d‘er-mt}? — . - V ‘_ . much of gopy run llllt '0" H the an” is “.01.”. ‘.hik_u".,.gnue, ‘ .-Local advertinainiets tide ‘_ M : " l -‘ 11')! P196‘ "‘ ‘"‘,‘i°q“‘;;"' D ‘mid : Clark Howell of the Atlanta Dulilisherf meal 'llc’k¢'..l.. V ,. » V he ‘gr unfit thlmks ialtfie snd do’: Constitution does not believe in_"Bl1l ll“-‘°t"‘lf 'd;)::;:l:':.e:e:u¢ i ' .. _ f ,: to teature a _eW fipef‘ -‘ , ‘f L -: Q j nliain. 25 Pt!’ '3“ ° ‘ _ ' . .'T 4 : ' o ‘ - i “Til” u“'“‘ “' deittflr lb‘? :ieilflt.|l:nkavltl‘i’apt.rt.he"publi’curllkea a. “The newiiilaper which carritesthtlx , ‘ J 4 3 Many O ” - h a mean-r P '3 , ‘ - ' ' .1 ‘d 7 ~ ad rt’ in is 0 P|P¢ i . ' ' __ z 3‘f7=~d '°' ”'*° ""~ '5" “'£“’ ?"?l1’§I-"v'3§l’f’s."J§§f.l..T’ "°‘ m t°z?'.’°f.‘..an.z'§i..?'...‘§.. V... ..i....... that Kansas City. Mo. ; ance in terms of car as a 1 53'“; 3“ °'°:::tq8"1): Ob’. Casper S. Yoat. of the St. laiuisleontniunitf." ll‘ “‘d- “C"°'th of . ’ matter of is _ . em’ ’* $0 I - . . , ' ‘ am 0 I 0 V I as «an comm. . s . I . _ - mu-~ «Announces a Display of : . _ . ~ : 3 c....i....n be ....a_... ......- -'-'r' M V .. i .3 in the tank that plays the lead ' t n ““' "’° ‘*'-"""3‘°“**°*"°*’*'°°**"=’ ‘ " C " ' Summer Fashions ‘ ‘us part for gasoline is the Pro 2 ‘ «. attention. an “R : . ~ 3 ' 1 L V 5 -. to the actual coma '”'°"' W’ “iii E ‘ I I ' ‘l A ° , I to . or .....m pointed out um, -12" , . ; selling force. _ V ; 5,5,, an get books on ldH.‘rtl8l!l:.: , V . V . V 2 . 1 V E ; ‘ ' window triaiminr» km! show (‘If ‘_‘ : fOl' \V0lnCn and ITIISSCS, In v I - ‘ i E g . for the use, :1 his merch:h!IflE*; , . .-j . ‘ .V . i l;' . ' create ‘ ' . J, . . I "1 ’ ‘ g T ; 3333.5"-."' "* P 3 ; 0 Columbia, Missouri ; . . 1 o appreciate this, recall that V . _ i pjdui.‘ .|gq' ‘,3 V . . ’ . . . o R... n-smnpwumhm 5; “hm ..,,,,, ., my Ben H“, mp . V :mbaz-rassing incident of being 3 hti Editorial Policy _ PIS 7," .- _~»-7.A"», . at’ the . » l 9 “ ” ' ‘- t 5 4 t 1 cake me soap V « .V, . ‘E gas. £8 .9 ~ -' .7.‘ rm-‘of W y 0 . - . V l 5 I J " V . Q T « . ‘:5 V’ from eleteri leadinxl 1’ 1 extra urge use (9 ' ;':ift'a’l’.rre.nia': nu: - leading factor In — - -7 '—-~ —- - —~ ~ p '. I . . . V‘ ' P 0 ‘ . o m-mm editors °f.*"'°"€‘ 3". ite soa flakes nil 3...... ; » . , _ i A :;. we arcu to the pointof quality. _ l ‘V ahowing t a-fi:hunx editorial: W11 1) . F E I _ . E p . ~ .4. V_ policy dives pay I_ "din m. _V . 5 . _ ~ ’ V i a . , .. . "*5. at ng ting pout)‘. Dec i: All f 1 5 '; , . - 1: , i *~ **'"*'°“- ‘"3; or $ Ma y 11, 129 Red Crown 18 th° Standard» ~ . .‘ true, continuing I I'll _ ": ~ ~ ,3 } 1 . it . ‘ a tin of argument and facts" IEIIIISCV ‘V, i . ' '9‘ e-' ,. E .- ’ ' asolin has " : l ' mmnlimb Th? 'orbfitlip:l’nan:i‘a‘lE ii: “r ed B¢ fl ' ' I (On Int of Journaliaal Week it was found nec . to g l f h 4 do.-fin" as meaning , .1 ¢ glgo r eel: your ll Ill‘ COIIDOIIS . aeeo . we " and spiritual returns. I change the date from May 4. 5. 6.) .- ‘ A_ ; Stood the 0 me! . V V ‘ .. “Co without pug‘nacit)'.'' 8,; ’ ‘Q - V phmfrm by Cfhum EV VWVM V i: I V proved and approved by mil 1‘ _ 55¢;-¢ statue. was (‘"3" A T ' , . . . .4 ' ' ! ‘ ' :3». liar‘:i?>n°aa aianaxim to be‘; r y an _ . In time for the gaieties of the Spring Season and I 110118 Of II'lOtOI'lStS. ' 3 ,‘ remembered bypeupapcr b "y; ' , Commencement festivities! The display will .otler 1 - V / "' "°'di“‘ '”‘k"" ' mnm‘ u {and ti clinic of Summer Apparel-—Knitted « l ' I an newspIP¢rI- "“°'« Corner 8th and Walnut “ION 1.05 . ‘ M "3 e , , - . 7, , :3’. cl’ r.” be said. “is as 5;: 1 . V V Sportswar—Froclts for all occasions—-Charming En- « It produce more pOWcf- 3 -welcome a companion N ‘ ‘"35" ;_;__ - - ~ " ‘ seinhIes—Coats for Sports and Dress—Exquisite Un- _: _. ‘ii?’ beueve it po“ibl.’m nuke ‘E; _,__. —»--—- - ~ --——~ ~— ——»- ---~ ~ ~ - -<“- ‘>-- - ~ - -~ 4-’ é ‘ad ‘I-— .. I ‘ , . -A _ 3 y no is so . « ,1" 9°’ °"‘,,‘,,,‘,"."‘”"..‘.I'.’.',“..;'.." 2,.2.'Ii.".°.°i ‘ . , 4;‘ - A ‘ per gallon, at a lower cost, than -- _5— _V as news‘, _. _ -; , - - H - - ~ ~~--mm _ » - _ an 1“; at ther who does ‘ (_ ‘ V___ _ _ V__V_V_ _ V _ V _ _V_V_ 1;‘ '_ figs“; _;,;;::;;,hm;,, ,1; th.:§: V » —. —.——~- )\ i a any other gasoline you can buy .' ' ml -_ - n . é . {.‘.“§§'.’..“;.‘.°I».."...i. .i...a..’Im~ : s .. a""'\ . ‘ because the arrangement of the t 5 -» rrieon diaed h‘ an - 1 v . ' -- - - - p ...’;";.‘.E:... .. .:.‘1..... ...'‘.:‘.'..'..i THURSDAY—FRIDAY—-SATURDAY . ~ bolllng point fractions is scum- i ;’ _ cause despite my rdefeat they‘ V. I V - V V .n. 1 “W I w,,,,V ..,.,,, ,,,...,;.t.,,.;é BURNING LOVE’ : tifically correct. ' V Vi . _ 2*. which oaes courage as a run 0 _ .. » V ‘ in t ;.:-'::::::: :::d ~ » '.-3 ‘ 3‘ _ _ .._-.-- * . I V. -~-We-~~~ . 2 , 1 - - o is f :2; . Au : »- SCENIC MARVELS!!! ' It dcllvers 8 171886!» value Per 2, 50% Prices on I , " ' ‘s g» _ 5 Auto Parts‘ , . . thaws ..f,m,m Sm. V dollar spent than any other , f ‘ « * H commodity we know. ‘ . ' -» Company « g ti» t at W . - a . Mae usc, s . t Va 3 it‘; _ 112 N. 8!‘ 81. PIOIIC 1515 l V _ gt - ‘ . .- a S on I e 0 . . 1” >0“! ; 4 . . ’ ‘ ‘ W... V. , 9 Ben Alexander V "Wmmhd '5“ "C 5011- V n . V I ' v V V _ V V V :. I I V. ; . ' . . . . s ;T - e .... *°=.v:..*.=".:~.°:.°ts ~ Afid .., M. ‘P’ Sta - ..... * Li‘? I‘ t ' a I -L l - . . ladfifiof Good service. The e at e Wm‘ mm‘ hon’ . ll ‘ ‘’ it I ' " l‘ I A‘ s . $1 Hotel Marquette '5 - l ‘ °"“‘§""'T""c‘:.'-"""‘fi"""*‘ ' ' a ’ 7 ' -" . _ ; ;Next_to Paatottiee V” , _ . y V V s V. .. st V iii, slghtholhthe tiling!) , ‘ a.C.l;tap.Ilc:orao‘s Tani:-ai.a..a .. t : ' :2 ... ~ '7 .. ‘ ' . "- " t -~ alott our ..1 .eatht. \ ‘ ‘ 3; .~ E ,. A t ". ‘“°“‘'’.‘.°m°:‘C‘° L: . ii.a-yi:at...s..at.....aa...a-., y en » e :: Wlldfiledlstnct I088 V c.s.\v.ii..a-a.c...anii..-am. l . ' . ; " ‘ . n .1 '3. minutes from the retail center La.n-hc.l-I-ra.Ilo. V ‘_ _V . e g s ; Adi-aniathatcombines thvgrandeur of the _; fiwanpandiwmvmima . Euiom.i_..¢;.,.,.,u.,...,.,, BIG West with sumnz adventure and youthful ro- .mi..-ms. 1...... V .t...;.. & c..°""*.......... . . ‘ lg“ It-comes to You from the hand of the : " O-‘P Jzmad.‘ V - as-“;I_.‘m-u,s‘mmc.”;v.h«u;.“." t ' » nianiwho made “Penrod and Sam” and “Boy v j .. .,,,,,, V V ;..c..Ii..-A-.ai.a.i.. , ~ " "of Ilinef’, ° t ‘ * s .~ . 'i:“Zu.cuva.:-u'H'im--y . . ‘ I ._ '7_ i ; -' 7“ ‘t V C.Dy_au-bflidvay ' “rnnmvoncn H--H-o--ea--s-»-. t - « . _. , . ., 1 _ 2," .. L3-W Deal’.-k . LU ;«=:'-!‘$ node...) ‘i ‘..I .9- .‘ ‘ 3 r ' ‘ : « ' "’~ ' ‘ ." 5 - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘V. A" , Iv ,_ --- - V. ‘V-.»_-.'«_. . at _ »_ 4 '— j _ ‘ ‘V ' " V V 1‘ -. . . -' pg f..z: -‘.’~__¢-s4‘... ,9}, :"‘-, ..'-chi _ ‘. . < " E - .~. ~ . . - ~,_‘ .- _§‘- V.. 1 '-'9 A‘ ~ . . '. -- 7 _' , ‘ ' ‘ .’ ." “ a '--rvQ,_ e ’~ . ‘ _ V : . ' ,- . ‘ ‘, q~ * °- « V_ ‘.;,?,_.,9~; ,. . «I '~ ' » '_ ‘«.I."E5t‘ 1:27.; ..:.‘.