I ' I _\ ii’ - h‘?.’~“~'*-"."‘.- -T-=.v-"rs-.-2: .» i.. ~. A l ". . i ,1‘ - A, _ ..__.- < > . .-a . -‘wjvi-61,,-“_~‘_“ CO I .-. ‘ Qdddbfififlfilfl u.::¢4-4 Kg’ ' ‘ '-A . ‘Q. ‘ "h.-‘. I‘ .A_ ".....““ i. ..o‘ .. . fzssi-.is:*i%:‘iz' Tm °°mP='=>' 3""'""¢ ‘* ca“. ,3", 5, exerdmd by ‘H of" now under way. Three rooms have our contunporariea. b°"’ fi”l‘h°d' “I "3 l'‘‘"'''“ “f‘''‘ , ' Plain or with aauce—a delicious t i‘ °fi‘1' m C°"€Y"18 deaert—Streng'a pound cakes. Adv. 7 tT8!lS'_ —-—-——-o—-— — '3“ 00 lltflpl abroad not only. A different flavor in English '3 d pen a” .'.'P°i N73’ °f 3 Elven event; Tea Muffins--Streng . A v. Ag.‘ ‘ ' Visions of 4 Featurin -4- Individuality with Grace of new , ear that 11116 with Favor. ._ May All Spring All.Early Spring Dresses at 25$? to 40% off the Regular Price no Imported Kasha Ensemble Suits Sold Regularly at $65.00. To close out at Three Silk Ensemble For Quick Sale S . ALL-WOOI_. Skirts and Sweaters to Close Out at 1-4 to 1-2 off " l Regular Price. All Silk Skirts Very Especially Priced. All two-piece Short Jacket Sport Suits, sold ‘regularly up to $49.50 See Our Windows at . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All Flannel Dresses Sold Regularly at $18 to $24.50, to at . . . . . . . . . . One lot of Wash Waists $2.50 Valueiat $1.75 May we suggest you see our offering and compare our prices and values before purchasing elsewhere? . Sale Offering Coats at 25% to 405? off the Regular Price o Q I O on Suits: ‘s'.;1;."R‘..:..,:.;.‘..'.i,;»‘.;.' ‘$322736’ ‘aka’ 's'3'9'..%<°>.' 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.75 and $24.50 Close Out . . . . . . One lot of Wash Waists $1.25 Value at 75c 2.50 o o o o o o o a a a a o O e no - '2. B .. A.‘ if ‘if i‘ W A; h A E in ' " ‘ y . . . , é 4’ ,‘_, H, , , .. . .. . . ..- '. '=—~':“- . .. .. -.. . '=-- . ' ”" ' '_", " 0 h .1 * H A‘ _ I ‘- ‘A '1 £33 ‘ 1A ‘. :5, min - the I ' .« .. . l “ ‘A :« ' an . vnneguning ncoiund ' -~ 1 ’ - - -' 5; -~ * t 0 Borsnndabl-*l|°t°°kW~’7"“‘ jactso:lspellina.t¢I¢"*¢-.“’*'-"""‘ . __ 3°‘ . Welwill give 151/;lbs.of,sugar for8-lwith 5- - ‘r ~ "'1' -’‘‘''‘l‘ tic. - °‘°"'-‘°°'" 1 " and 8501-der. — '. , .‘.,.'~'f.‘ ’ ~ =" ' _ 7 _ - ' 20. for graduation from the Boone PM’ um“,-d stats history, govern- foggy, eanfletely 0:31! , v . z, 1:’ _ ‘$1. a‘. ‘I.’ 7'.” of : V3 (Declined run nllc one.) Khwhhw ':'l_:id’: nient.°.a.n D I o I , ,' l . ;‘r in china! the world over” Ir. n‘““‘- ~ 3359“ ~""“ _ ‘wig 9"” °f ‘n’: ‘in’ i in an one school taking the eimni-: Remember your 3‘°‘’'‘’' ."°’“ hanaea, nnnhk at like build. ., gauges, 3,-‘pen-mt, banging. _ .~ Pnrnypolnted out. _ """"""""°'“"""""°"°“° ”°"" """ “*"“" "°""”"'n.uo:mucodrrou:oncto:wc:ny-'sn:.day by v'i"—‘- “’"""’ "’”°"’ iugiou. aiaouiniaugiacusud. ~ 1 , ‘e ' ° 1; '5°¢",:"" "° “";"°" “‘ ,,",f". mvitia In what the back- "'“"‘L_f;§,‘“fi"',‘§on',§"c;°f"‘:v:';;énve. flallsville and Ashland' Adm mu ,,_, ‘,3 0, 5,... 3.. ,,.!, an orders of $4 and over delivered. _ . 1 Willi ah.» . " um. “me. the “nu lgchoolg each gave the examination _.__.__..————————:"‘.""—"" if you. .~ 7 Q home.l ’ . ‘ ' Booth y ‘ ‘um’ “mu of id‘ go ' 19] 1 1 v-fi . WY Gin!’ 3”); ,9 . ' ' . 0‘ conga,‘ gt in essentially the INIIIIII‘ hank‘: R h ;hF;onmtb:-heaelclulxiflglte pmbouopmxima 3' won 5 we r-u TOO LATE TO CLASS’ mm" l ‘pa 3, Killer l’3ldg., ‘ . -. 1 ""'° '-W" ir important that such inter p,..y;,, ., ',..,.,,.,.,,;1,;,_. 3,’ 1.,‘ The questions were sent from the __1 ‘T 619 or b . 215,. \.~ I ‘1,"“i°“"'”y fin” iaflnh." P115“! lfllfifili 054 Nllllllfllt 59 cm-er," county super-intend:-nt's office in 1'-‘OR RENT-An attractive un- ii» 803 walnut ' Phone 1591 blflck ‘ - "an" °' yam: "" 0 °‘‘‘'"'‘'.' 9" ““l"“°~ —ao.¢i.ocsasd. “In Eddition to the W195 "'W*°P°* dirt‘! to the tarnished 5-room ?""°"" °"' roa SALE-3-burner Pcrfec-..I , . ""9" ‘ "pm of ' "mm IN .Pl'¢l'¢Dl5V¢ IN! 73”‘ checkv d ‘ _dwck- { the teachers ofthe schools. On exaini- mock fro!!! White Campus. 95031‘ “on 0“ .w,._ phom, 1330 yea, 4: p , V ’ “ V’ r“ ll‘ _Ib0lll aoniething &' ‘‘ ‘ervice h im ‘New "18 3” 79' _ "ll 0 . ' __ v. are __ 6212,21‘ . -Il ; ‘ ...a_ ». . - - . rounded Ilewa poll: ,1, d an 1‘ Mum nation do; then- 75. red. v 3212 213 __ - _ . 0: ‘at whom 11. other words. 0 on “av _ nuns, e a v sing i 3. ' P. .v. I u as u‘‘_ _ l. g zfwli. ' _.m',,3, no.‘ ;,,g.n;“..,., 05. T '9‘ “'9 "' “ml”, 1.0;?” be checked. Study of adverusinir f’P°“"’ "—"”‘."“.‘ ‘d'” P 9 .‘—F',(T‘fi5~Au.;_1o.,-oom' strictly _ __ I, __ . - V. —~«- I‘. .- 3‘ ---~--' ‘ *= nu-’-“"3 "--H""‘.»-“”--'£‘«?« mu ‘£1 *"°°.** be M 9* -*°" 2* "“i»‘.’}i.t..’.’fi1"".‘..":".‘.’l‘.............. ..,.= ..;,.... 1 mac» ma * :: foreitn lands for the United Stat: flu] « V our “Inflation :c|'VlCt tomziiiiirw 0; ‘km in the uamimuon for “W Cflnpm; $8500; ‘woo payment. . ii ‘lg’, t events of“ the of ‘Sven. increasing the business of your ,_ ,1 - g , - -- ~«~~ -— . ll - I! Q ' " K . " ' i ‘ -6 l“¢d9.“*°"°'-“"""““”"‘ utfauiii ’°.. ‘°"‘. ‘ ' ; " 1 =5 rt M ~*='-=*......*° is ...m'’ "" ‘' -'-..*:.-'~ '*~---- ;..*:.r“::-.3: ';:."~ ‘ R . ' The mid is foreign . '. ~., ' .. ‘ ' 1‘ :‘ American . men wlio!c°n,“ H of nu" spoke of the etlitorial. policies or; V ‘Ni ii’ 59 in. hmfli“ ,°°““"‘! services was atreaaed by It. Foray. “'-',"‘P‘P°” °~.“"’ “ hi!‘ .b°°"fL '-‘ ., " "M '°'‘°" "' '°"".....'.§*“‘-’:;. ii: “’° "°°"‘°‘ °’ ""’ "°'” "°""" """’ §ii'i..i.hi: :i'§.ai3zy 31' 33°30 .12..-"Q 2 - I‘ lit 1 h 0' o" ' - - ' H a matter of fact. s 1118 mm, in such clone ‘and comparatively with the “mom confidence um mi _ We Do Not Han- Makes Possible a _Quick Supper or Ag .unc -' "ya.-...."*..'"."". ..... ..:'"‘ §“’5..;:‘.Z°.f .::= 41>‘ P°f80Ml 5--r»*‘**"" ” \ iw .. 3...... M... An»-ume me we M- -" 3‘ “- ‘- ". » ‘ ‘ Yo 9 , , ° . .-1 be » M _‘ t , . Without Cooking of the great I _n_ “°““°"‘_ne-tw.ork of ‘net: communications (_""du::l"°‘;p‘;'r:0na’u_ ’l"‘hin'L V ' Only Ygung Spring -e_ not only have 0PP°W31'"'-'9‘ *° “' furnishes marvelous opportunities ‘ ‘ 5 ' ‘ , " Comurv Finest .‘ 9' loch!-e With Merl 01041113‘ K?"~’l";l‘5‘for much closer contacts between ‘he """‘3’,"{9°‘: lg”: "‘ tmnebfing ‘ C‘ b’ lb ' 5 0' - f ' ,1 - h - “d at c racter i it ocs no ml is ll . . . . . . . . . . .. . i, with those in Enrofietfi _ “PK ‘ nations, e poin o . ed .1 ,. h t“ d “It i ) ! 1: but are often 8181!?‘ 1" "'''~°“'’°''’~i “Whether these contacts are ul- “°§"‘ 5', '2 5 9. ' cw’ , . , , - ' | : 1: in; me'i’in_£a!' brighter interna-_ um.u_.,y m be {or hate, 0, '0,“ age in editorial policy that makes country (Juli, Best, 24 ll). Tr) 8 nlice. teagleg :“oll.L«lMsh’t‘)lltldi!I'] (£1: Slahng ‘Q. I, uonal apotligli . 'depends to a great extent upon the " V""“‘ "“"’l‘33""° 5'" """"l"P°’ R Sack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31. prepared on) 33 " 3 3 at 9 ' lnaanaed Interest Due to W"; ‘general character and intelligence W" kfcnme gm“ dnflmg #1-lh. sack . . . - . . - - - - . - - - -$2-47 10 Prepare ‘L ; . : The increase in interest of gnu.-ri-f of the correspondent‘ ‘mud ‘Dd oloizilr with the tune. ' . I 5*"). sack _ _ . _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _‘4_59 . f ' cans‘-in whit it 80"!!! 0“ in ‘“'°P° » in this country who are responsible‘ “ VFWSPIPGP "III "II! _|S ¢'€Y't3"‘ 5' 9 Y ' E f B 3 33 was attributed by Mr. Furay to the for we news ”n.ia_,s'-o ‘Med 31,-, call to thcnsoul and mind. the hand , rk and beans’ 25 .. war. However. the WOT” ‘P’-°3d I-‘uray. He explained that a dis- 805 H08". '19 “'3 "‘ "0-“"'K° m S 3 or . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . . . - , 4.-_ .1” a_ a surpassing inter- Pu,“ “puts”: in ‘ (“mm mum _ ‘ ' ' ' " A roast of beef from Richards is sure to f " eat in news about Americt try encounters readers whose gen- 51*"-" 5°"“°°‘ " ‘§""“" G"°"’- ' , be from a young carcass. because only_young ,1’ I; uAm?Lan reaction to pfolitical en, hukground of mfo,mm°n Md he1h§ot‘l;erts!;eD€i‘y‘lnt=’etn'(i;c'e0aWwéhurge M I L 1~on¢iltall.f3 for animals are used Iyrinn, ,.i},.~‘ short nb. any ' '° afi o —atna ions in 0791!“ processes of thought may be, and ' ' , ll sma . 4 or . . . . . . .. k'nl of 3 roast. ‘E lands." 31- F138)‘ Sliflv ,in many cases Dr.)babl)' are. vastly ’~:-lId8.\'- loSuntl1nyk school’. willt bf ‘ I ( . o f . coupe ifltefilfili J0"-'7'-f_“'“8' "° ih‘ different from those of readers in {Id E‘, d°n‘ °“,d0d: °:i:§9Ln com CHEESE. Full , 33' Standard No. 2 . at ‘ ‘E ‘ *’°.‘;§,‘;°‘ ‘*‘°‘°,,f°',°",n,,,'F ,‘;';“,',,,,,_ "5-' F°';:fY "We “*9 ‘*iP°‘°“ §,,,?;, ,‘,‘;.‘ ,,,', ‘,,3,,,,, 3,, C .-- Cream, lb.‘ Claims ........... .. C ['9 , 2 ; ’ on In; _ * _ ’ ' " " ‘ . 4 ______W___ A_ A_‘___7‘.‘._>_________ __ 1 i once in world Ifflirfi 11“_ P99“ lands are turning to H"“’"”- Tl‘°"‘ “"" "" '“"“" "“ ‘M LAYER ‘ l TOILI-2'1‘ l’Al‘I-ZR, Whether it's a steak or a roast. veal -is sure Q '3 81'0"» W3 *5 3°‘ 091!’ 1* P"“’§l°l{° American wo d—new services." °”"'°h ‘t _'[°:"__..,.._-- CAKES . . . . - ~ - - - - -- ..c'large roll . . . . . to make a mighty nice Sunday cliimer. . 5 which Americans en,-oy . ‘but It is condndcd uh Fun‘? «for the fame 6‘ Ch‘ I .26 Ba.‘ I _ ____ I - - - - - - - A _ '- 1 ’ 1' ‘ "“‘ ""’°""“"""" Th" ’“’°"‘ ""3 ‘“"‘°“ ‘° "“°"°"' u-°"hi:."~i: it‘ '3. : i~...s'q¢ ? "R“N3S- C°‘“|lry . QGRAPF JUICE * “"0”: 2'" 2 -; - ea ii o newsn 4 ucu noes au- . ’ ‘ ‘ ' z ‘ l‘ L; ummuini mu: fields.‘ The .e'i,i§if¥§”‘““,f.§°‘“’f‘ "92 ',,.,f ' u, muifsnlflnsetht-M‘ n elem-do C“"" 2 "" 9"" c2coumr§ (‘Iub pt 230 FOR iii:'rri~:n Miwrs ,- 9 0 . _ ‘L omo ies, .ypewri ers-— ause e t " I .9‘ . . -———— — ____- ' o - - - __ . ‘ ‘ , ‘E; -gf*,;‘g,§°?,;;*,,,‘;,,';;',':',§°,;;,f”:§ ggtkmgggigng g;;f,,;;‘g;;;,,:{_;j 3'3: .32 ‘§..,.§.’§.§§ £232“. "£322. lBRfI~:An. iv.-lb. 10¢ PEACHES. Country 27c 5 '.' accurate and as comprehensive as‘-I-he umndneu of mu produa and Kathryn ~ C°ml"°” “{._ S’”fl‘f‘v: oa ° ' ' ‘ ' ° ' ' ' ’ ' ° ’ ' ' _A.__‘ Club, can . . . . . . . ... _ _ 3 ll hnman._i;:d1u:-1 3.o:e1:_.m:;..i.. honeatfy of am fcog;t:1!tic;ii ‘aire ;:;:h-Q;-;iff°*°l‘&' ;;g§;;;;°f;;; SALMON, Tall MAYONNAISE, C <3 ’ 9' ‘"9’? . ° W“? '9 °°“°“‘ ° 9 lm ‘‘ . . . . ink .. Country Club . . . . .. E " 031 ‘WC’! 81')’ 0"" 5°""l°° "‘“”‘*inuital journalistic jdeals which 0‘‘“'"'1‘' 1"’ 1°’ ““'““""'"°‘“‘"" ' ' ' ° ° ° ° ' ' ' ' ' ' -— r ' ~ built. . d’are the_ foundations of the present "‘ . I VAN CAMP Soup JELLO .3, prme3f;fi_“;";_rb3ncW;;_,;;;;v;;g;3;gcP;y;;;{ gggfgg; 3... 1...... a. c............ . 3 for ........... Pure ............ .. C L ,__ 2:5 can is no absolute cure-all !0T7indu1fy 5;. the world today." . 03:’; "“’C.f‘”' J‘ ‘‘.’i,(;““: Standard No. 2 VINEGAR, Pure .,_..._-‘um, ' pun“ for ___-__,____ . oma iy were ris rs . V - , c - 3-» ~ ., - ~ c_~—— -axu'-.u-13¢ in 8;fl‘,_ - [on]-‘st amp {.gg~"§t|gf_- -fin . . . . . .. Cliff, gal. . . . . . . . . _ - , ,4, I L, .5... Qzeept perfect intelligence nd Dean -Albert Hockel, 7 Glenwood ter is - mm: and iihe can find! .'. ' ' z F079!‘ illlaflitluding. That is tin-‘Avenue. will teach in the Univcr- 10 Opening in' Columbia he‘ wind COFFEE, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45c . g ‘ attainable. Even Babe Ruth batalslty of Washington. Seattle, wash. W-kc It his home *. W ‘___ . only around coo: summer. He will teach a course ,___ ‘,____ _ __ L V g * ~ —~- — - A ’" ’ ' ” "‘ 3 “rain matter of accuracy can in American history, offered for ' ‘ . aenreely he overeuipbaaized. I can} seven hours’ credit. -w ~ ' 0 speak from pcaonal knowledge of . ' ' tiiecare with which the accurac . 1‘ . . t ’ ' - . Cleaning and re-tinting of the o ofnewa 1| inves in “ om“ . then 9 : Press offices and I feel ""1" °{ 1 we ’ m W" 3 I I of)‘-"liergler Co. Remodeling Sale Specials I For Saturday Selling Note the Following Items, a Few of Many We Have to Offer You. Heed These Very ‘Special Savings Ads. 81 by 90 Full Bleached Bed Sheets, special . . . . . . . .$l:(3l;' .5 4 / ~ Broadway at 10th St. M-O-T H is for her heart 0 E is for her eyes of R is right‘ and right "Hie woi-.d_t for the million things she gave me, 0 "means that she's only growihg old, T is for the tears she shed to safe pie, Put them all together they spefluomsn. hat means the*y_orld_=to me." - H - 1-LR f purest gold.‘ lovelight shiiihig, she'll always be. Surprise her with a most appre- gift, a ir of Levy's exqmsite In all. ,' ringshades--all chif- § ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4. < ,_ _-._ r I :_. .. - ' . h -» . ~_ --4 ‘(n .f -_o SC rt‘-‘qr-tau; ' ‘ - . rug’? k ' ' ‘-.- an .. -3 5%. '1. V - ‘.._¢'_v.'_."... .: "1 '._«. 5%‘ or - .h _.;.-5,.“ 9-4 Full Bleached Sheeting, special; yd. . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 42 by 36 Full Bleached Pillow Cases, special . . . . . . .21 1‘ 18-inch Full Bleached Birdseye Toweling, special . .10 5 25¢ Turkish Towels, full bleached, special, 2 for . . .29 ° 25c Huck Towels, large size, bleached, special, 2 for .29 1 _ 36-inch Full Bleached Heavy Muslin, special, yd. . . .12 § 36-inch Unbleached Heavy Muslin, special, yd. .. .10 Rubber Reducing’Girdles . y ; f‘Madame X’: “Jane Jackson” and “Miller”‘ Rubbe -l5 j V Corsets. A ' ’ SPEClAL:25% DISCOUNT SECOND-FLOOR ITEMS - Extra special of ‘Underthings, Blopniers, -Teddies, Gowns, Stcpins and Vests. Colors: White,‘ Flesh, Pink, = i, Blue, Lavender, Rose, Maize, Nile and; Honeydew in | 3 E i 32 sizes, ranging in price $1.25 to $1.69, special Satur- -\ a .I..‘.....................‘....V......-I‘.O‘.... . ‘ 2 ' -LINENBRASH KNICKER SUITS L Knickers and Sleeve1,essJackets Tuxedo Style " Special Saturday 54.98 and $6.98 The Spséials Hero for Saturday, one. my Day. Watch for the Ad. v’.,I‘..." .__o,' .. ”_> 9__ _ *.,_. ._4g._.—.-—-r \ 1 ';_ '- ..._... - ..» - 6 . ’ L . - O ‘ :a-. s— o- -- .-ca-J -‘-"4--. ‘ «Q;-u_'.-¢,4oo-g-o 0'-an-éfitho -:~o~_ _ '-' ‘..‘..__‘.. . . , V . .~ - :2 r g - .‘..‘ , -’- .'_\;.: :~.-.-;~:;. . _