i W —? L. ‘.2 J . - v 0 I ‘.'v r I fraternity will entertain ‘with a Boswell, Ruth Rouaey, Ilary - g.,,,,,, ;,,,,f.Founders’ Day Siaer. Jack zlish. 011.?’ on ‘Fratemitied." Several extenu- Jen-3. Ila ox, nee. William poraneous toasts one given Shumate, John Harry Before the ba nquet, Edwin Louis was initiated. . Quilt:-s. Neil‘ Cgéll;-b, who has been “Wjngg 35;; _ truest o r daughter. Miss hlorvell Allen, Steve Hmor. and her son. lioward, for Foltx. Jerry Lewis, James Thump-; '*h‘—' l‘‘“ ‘*9’. W583’ to Win?" Charles Scott,’ Clyde nood._ ‘° ‘'9' Mme in Tn1sa.0kla. Jack 0'Bnan, filth Price Crowe,. Group 1.“) of the Business wom_ Jack Hughes, Paul Slasher, Henry en.’ Phnmhu able C.‘ . . . . . _ n as: will en- D°l’p'"3' 1"” F‘"°' S""a" tertain the members» of Group One wy"”°BC.‘l‘:w°l-' Jun", w°'f"”_‘ « .__ : Iith a party at the Christian Gig’; dam-em“ wm -be“Dw.‘. inal Church at 7:30 o'clock tonight. In. I".,B. Mumford, Dean_and llrs-i no - ainku-31¢; Qf Lia], A. K. licckel, Dean Bessie _ lluch Rock, k., who has been the guest Priddy. llias Anna Baumuhrdncr. ; of his parents, Mr.‘ and Mrs. E. C. Prof. Clinkscales, Stewart Road, re- agd turned to hiqhome yesterday. Miss Rose Ranks left today for G. Regan, Mr. and Mrs. B. .i Fume, Mn ‘N, nn_ 3. C_ 3633,, Dana Hall at Wellcsley. Masa., aft- u’._ 2 er a visit. with her-parents, r.= an __.____ : Mrs. H. H. Banks. Phlpelt“ Pl" B‘{"‘I““ _ Members of the Pi am PM so- Tognon-(np,Even1ng 1¥0Tlt}' will entertain with their an- ncmben of the Pm Deni Pm: nual formal dance on the evening of April 24. . ii I .hW‘"-’‘ ‘‘ 7 °'°l°°k l'°"‘°“°"' °."'~“; Pi Delta Nu, honorary chemical ' . l niu at the Daniel ‘Boone Tavetm. __,°,.o,.fi,.' held f 1 ‘ed - 1 At van me on be mu;-st-.riw.fos.m in the .033’;-. '.’»..,§i'.".‘mZ§. ‘ "°‘l’°“’°_“ “'1“_b‘ ma‘ 37 De“ 3° in the East Chemistry Building for . P- n¢33m9- Nlck To C‘‘'*'’ °f Full-‘°"v Dorotay Dolan and Alice Chinn. and Guy L. Thompson-of St. Louis.‘ Alumni planning to ndare flee-; iianold Klinewvill entertain at next, Prof,’ his home on. Providence Road to- rill E. Otis, Jesse W. J. L. Parks, and Dean lsidor Loeb. morrow evemnl ‘'1 Beckerwillgii'v‘e3lii:" "s's'off6CII'¢C.‘ About fifty guests have V ibeen invited. ‘ . . . l {. C g. 5 l» i g. u v\9~v'4'u-M .-.,.. I I ‘ u , of the Grant School and at 3 o’clock 1 ' our 4 Vlsterdayvherethey welcome. _ .nMnl' Epm:m' mpg: Sszggzt A Gogyuk’ Mrs. J. E. Thornton, 715 Missouri mnoufi B” Auochmon. will be Avenue. will be hostess at a ' initiated into Phi Delta Phi. Pm” “ 3 °'°‘°°“ '"*“”d'>’ *“"' Gives Birthday .i"“° “°°“““"' par; 51- pm, hter _. mg and Mrs. C. R. Meister, who u yin Scmgll mmerzhave been making ' home in ~ "' ' ° mt’ ‘Kansas City, have come to Colum- * vard,\ gave a.party for her daugh- t° five’ _ _ , - W1’. DOTOUIY 118111111. W50 W38 5- '.Miss Ruth llausman arrived to- Phyfid hunt. house. She was a student was a feature of _t_.he‘.afternoon. l_Univez-aity last year. Mrs. R. J. Davison of Bath, N. , Jean, llaxine and othy Iathrop, 35155 -73"“ D'“'l‘°“- Edwa and Ma t Keith, Mary‘ Mm Sydmy Stephen’. who bu Gwen and June Million, June and - . . . .v . 1Jane Bidgeway, Margaret Simpson. :;:ed";:ué'0‘lu:b:h‘mz°' bu uh lllarilyn Bueacher, Mary Jane hie-; , ___'_ Donald. Virginia ;-Lee Hill. Jim’ The Business Women's Bible rust Peabody. and limb: Beck“ Class will attend a picnic tonight. The Parent-Teacher Association’ —- M- ---——— ~ t the ac oo llrs. James Gordon-and llisa Mary - Barnett talked on gardens and a Furnlture "'°" ":°*::: f.:::. ...... .: Wan“ ’ group a 1. ac c n. . _ ‘ meats :were served bf lira.‘ bugntotzd p:£§,gwud'i':1intg°, .°::.°..t.~°*.'.?*;:."'..‘.‘.':. W *-or « mm and we - . ' ________'_ - ,-.3 niture at once Vii my 1l!'l.‘Geor-go Hart. 1614 Bel’ cash Address Box "E." Avenue. is expecting .aunt care of Missourian. uncle. Mr and B. S. Welfi. days. Mr. and lira. ‘Wells a_ref'“% , motorinz fro VI? . 's:.1.oois. m!?d”h‘w* -'17, Xnandll C. W.I-‘nrtney will? have as their guests Mr. and 1111.; ll..E.PetersandsonR;E..lr.,Jndu I-‘urtn of Kansas ’ ‘ I3)’. vrhowillarrivefllelathrtnrt Of? themonthtoattendthehigh school? ‘ill! ¢Vents.- - ' ‘ _ '3 TbeJtmior llssionary"Soclety§ tertal withanEaeter‘;* Otthunt. atthe.hoIaeofIrs.~!.l hot1hauer"9teIart Road: t other members of the _‘ 3: no llniveraity Damoa:1u'll‘havel‘ party at -the Wench‘? . ‘Itr.and4ltn.J.ll.Ba_buIhn.:‘r. " West Broadway. t ‘be 5" t for Mrs. Mary Gardner : Surprise Party Given Mrs. Mary A. Gardner, 513 "Lyons? Stxu-t, was given a surprise 'rth- day party at 7:80 o'clock last night‘ by her children. 1 It was a handkerchief shower andl ning. It was Mrs. Gardner’: cnty-.~:~cond birthday. Mrs, cnaywsmk, who has boon} vi:itin2 her parents. Mr. and Mrs. sev- Frank G. Harris, returned to her i" home in Louisiana, |lo., today. 4 University and Parker Memorial. 1 The following were admitted yes- terday afternoon: Kenneth Taylor,‘ Nell Cottingham, Augusta Edwards,‘ and Roger Ja son. Henry Berg-i horn, I-‘red Wilcox, Fern Am-ip. and? James . Woese were discharged; C. K. Carruthera, Helen~Schwnbe.j today were: Lance ‘I’. Monroe. Ernest L. Glass-‘ d cock, Grace Gcrkcn, -Alice Lock-‘I wood. Nell Cottingbam and Louise] Prichard. th an informal. up on the sides sand 0 ’fiia tax-ea lamps ‘inside. throughout the hall; and the walls covered on _ are suppor was served durug the eve- 3 tropical ‘cents lefiect the foliage of southern trees; gthe orchestra's platform is walled with ratfia basket There painted in vnri in and along the shore of the sea. 8 ( IVOTI For the tirnt time since the initial ball. a favor of real ' “Fill Be Given. ue will A celluloid as letter ’ “Members of the R. 0. T: will ' wear white pants, and their cadet- bluc uniform coats, wlu guests will be in formal dress. the jungle opener will he D?’f".('hted to each gpt-st as rcme.'nbrnn':e of one of the most AT ‘THE HOSPITALS I. laborate bolls given by the 3.0.1. . c ‘ aaing mat of talks by representatives of _ ' _ _ the greatest religions of the I’0I'ld.l Cl’"'”“"" ’°"¢"’"- who will present gzalurea of their religion a ntally,‘compare it with the: guests are. enclosed raf- unit with divans and floor are palms 1'; '~ the outstanding ‘ ‘W Chris-ll pert terest Y. in- 0118 bre B — --'~-— -—~r—~~ " ' Special Saturday ORANGE CAKES . noon. April 23, honoring Miss Jen- ; Boone County. a ENGLISH TEA Opal Turner and Mrs. W. C. Bel-: MUFFINS cher were discharged yesterday. , CARAMEL CREAM ..-.- .. , _ ._-.-.c-.. ._ a . fl ' PUFFS. Wren House. S 9 $1.25 , treng s I 9- t C ’. - ° lVé62Dalton § Pastry Shop _ oolc and Creber , ay arty No. 7-9 N. 8th. MEATS Phone 375 Pure lard, lb. . . . . . . . . . .181/fie 3 lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5563 5 ll). pail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._90c Cal‘ “"1 C‘“"3" Daisy cream cheese, lb. nomotolpoma Ooaouol . Prime rib roast. lb. . . . . . . . .12c Ir ‘ Compound, lb. . . . . . . . . . .160 ALL-DAY PRICES Brisket . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7!J';c Prime cuts . . . . . . . . . . .-15¢ Short rib ............ ..l0c ’r‘;‘:é’ _'_'_'.'_‘_',°.'::: "°‘ 8"“ '‘‘’°‘‘ '°‘“‘‘ ‘°° ‘° Sirloin, 2 lbs ........ ..45c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l2l4c Center round, 2 lbs. .....45c I-‘rankfurts, bologna. bfliflfi. 15¢-. or 2 lbs for . . . . . . . . . . ..25c P0731 35001393’ - - - - - - - -l7l"x€ Country style hams . . . . ..28c Skilmfid 850015078 - - - . - — . 0; Boiled ms . . . . . . . . . . . .501: Skinned hams, heavy ..22";c Mutton . . . . . . . . ..l0c to 25¢: Skinned light hams . . . . ..26c Lamb . . . . . . . . . . ..l5c to 85: Veal stew . . . . . . ..l2!';-l0c Beef tongue . . . . . . . . . ..20c Veal chops . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l5c Corn beef . . . . . . ..l5c to Zoe \'eal roast . . . . . . . . . .125’:-2 Parsley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10: Veal sirloin . . . . . . . . . . ..25c I-‘nncy tomatoes . . . . . . . . ..30c Large head lettuce 10¢-l2!’;c , Nancy Hall sweet potatoes, Home-grown lettuce ....25c 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2Sc Cal. hams . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2le Creamery butter . . . . . . ..45c Skinned hams, heavy, sugar Bread, 4 for . . . . . . . ..25c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mackerel, 3 for link sausage Fresh river cat and Buffalo, also lialibut . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l5c and White Fish. I We in and Whflede_ 4. ~ -Fresh Arkansas 8 trawberrzes ' New String Beans Fresh Tomatoes Fresh Radishes Cucumbers New Potatoes Dwarf Celery -‘- a_:.‘ ,0 '1 A . ‘~ ‘I 1‘ - . 9 ‘ 3 -‘ . _ .. _. .. , . ‘ , ‘ .,. ’ .- —..-.:_.,—_.--. V .7 ,. _.. .s7,. . : — s. . .I‘1%1§{+,rEc,. 5;. . -u . ' . 5 I‘ :"_,§»' .'I,‘f:__~‘.-_»' ;'.'_i,.?- '.’ ' I r I . I . l 4 “The majority of peofle are in‘ ai s l '39 = "6 R‘. T‘, ._ o I , . . ,. . X.-i .- r .... ._...3...- . ._.. . - .. a,-._ lhadalvmysuaédhighpricedbakingpcwdersior ‘ thereasunthatlthoughttheywouldmakethebest cakes, pastries. etc. but after giving'KC.a trial I havehadnootheronmypantryshell ...” A lendid testimonial from Peoria, III. on e high quality of KC BAKING POWDER s 5 Ouaaccp for 25? _ lbzdiualbzmdmdobaffiraflmw «war ear ntcna"n‘rn’tcast illness at Poms Used by the Government In This Week’s Liberty Magazine Ethel M. Somers Says: “A prime cut may be judged by ' its fine yet firm texture, its bright red color when freshly cut, its outer . layer and well marbled streaks of yellowish white fat. Beef which is coarse and dry in texture and of dark red color, even though freshly cut, is to be avoided, for it is tough and stringy!’ 1‘ .,_ Richards’ meats easily pass this test of excellence as our patrons well know. We suggest one of the fol- lowing for your Sunday dinner: Shoulder Roast of Beef “-‘ Rolled Prime Rib Roast Rolled Boneless Rump ' Sirloin Steak .. Porter-house Steak . ’\ Thick Round for Swiss *’ 5 Freshly Ground*Meat Loaf V, _ 4 '\ ,' I a._ ,._5.‘,1.“__<. .a Z 1'- . -“. al'A.4.“ <. ..' . U "“ ' -Q‘ , .‘ -3 A 0‘ 3 . . - . . 3 I rd, v A _ J.‘ *."‘.r . . _~ . .~.. .. . ' ., __ on: I- O # .,. .__ . . .4 . .- ,_, ..-~._*_i,-.' ‘.1. f"'.." 473 «arr ,-. . ‘r. .__ -L‘ - ‘if. - W _ -. ii‘ ~ ..‘;".‘5"’."‘("l‘}§$C'$f:l§3’5'.l_;-. _ 3-}. .'i " " " " l — L. ~.-f-- '?.f‘-:;‘.~ ‘ . 9:“ -‘A, A “', “Up to'l‘In-eeYearsAgo :.: ‘l...;-.~’i'- «$7; _ l '.~‘.'.‘1.-‘Qt 7 _ V , ‘ill’ ; ' " ' .‘ E‘ 77"’ >- ‘ ‘ ‘ A ‘ "7 V7’¥77 -4 ‘ . ‘i J V ‘ V - . - u ‘-7 - 7"’ “' - ' i~— — ‘ _ A ‘.1-.. ‘ I ,__b _ I I . ‘ 1.. :_ ' Q . I ,4 ‘ :'l_1 ‘ll’ ply j a To-ice i & . ~ i _ V ".‘-.‘."_ 5;. . . ~ ‘, . ._ ~ 5 a ' ‘. V , > V ~ 7, . JV‘ ; A V. . V ' . . ‘ Guests jordlplm . _, ,$tq.__1¢,.¢.v In ad _ by St“, (131 its Tomght BE INSCUSSED ,, ,, ,,,,, ,, ,, Gmnmamfifgfmal onlyall— Bntwbodaes all_«the waste! lnaknowloaggorghoggbaflgfig I , ~ dal. Ah..." -- ‘ Uruvasity mrnal dance of themlanningand decoratangaad supee- world religion: 5. o no fraternity vnluluahh with E uuh::gofi&u?§o’?r”§ 'a'°°l"""mb°"i'°W'm:a:ian 'u"dooa2o:u‘°u:":'Tcoaa'c R :0! nel P .‘ tn" "H" i'- ‘° ‘M '"'° ’‘‘'''°“' cum-1 tnunlr , "I-sita term the an of this am: in the of ‘~Ruue,ll an. Casteeyl. geoa-on coin- Talk Seria Offers Stud ‘:ain‘lgdporu:iut'l]amt:l; U’ bu «W 3 030* £IIPJ%‘..—-r“". , . ‘I733 be held at“6 o’dock have Bar-swarming. the en- man of the ball. and the rest of they ' Mob‘-m“ m - y 35¢ om” ,,1g‘,°:,,‘-?nd‘mem.l‘ 0! l!|'3°°°° 7"“-“"8"-WI'!ill teuirlitattsesomeorneonana lag students cheiist. ‘mamceutiveofliccrsotfthelocal unit, "1 953313111: , 1-,, 1. ' ‘he: ’ l!'s.lUbertK. Hechl,'l‘Glenwood.~‘Ball, a . students theyworknightanddaytoaeethe and I e “unofth? ad” mu-be ’r‘”9‘ 5"‘ A‘? w"°'|"" 3”‘ ‘ ' ‘- ' their Scoop, but all schools partici- project perfected. While most atu- - . I25 (3? 'h° 5”" "’ °’m"3 ‘ml’ snot xmopf. new B-her. Helm A -poem Chinese dinner cooked pate. in the mnury Ball and cem- dents were at home during the nu- ‘ Ch"15ti3mtY- 5 ,,,,°'{.,,§",f‘°'.“ ‘““ '.‘” “°" “’ Clintny» 011* hr 3 Chinese students will be bine their energies mo making it tor holidays, Colonel Caatcel and a -——-— ~ §°" ' ".”"'° . Bert!” °““'-"- *""““‘ 3'"! A l|l'08IIm given byguesta a dance for everybody so the Uni- handful oof men who were left in KHAN T0 SPEAK SUNDAY" "°"*"'m°dImm V“! be «ht- !» Umb9°*=r- ll-rs-mt A-sell. and members or the club has been vanity. . Columbia devovd most oftheir time -——-— %°“”°" s.‘“"" by " “°’“"'""'~“"“ i , lary Yizrxnio nou-sink. rumba. arranged. The guests of the club Tradition lies back of the Mili- to gcuinx p urinary steps node: Will Tell Why He Stavs”m"' ”""' ‘ "‘’‘’’‘°'''. °' " “°‘.“’ W Wright. Sigmund Ballenge_r,.. will he: tary Ball; for many yura it has way. and all this weal: members of F - - Persian diplomat who is now nun- Vhsmh. 31"» mm” column» Dean and am. Ilcelncl. llisaa been an annual event. growing each; the R. o. r. c. have been worklns 3"-hm‘ t° M°h3mmed 3"" ‘° ”°""“v ".“’ ‘W 5"" W"- uia poroday Whitaker. no)... game, mum,‘ gum,” time until it has become an insti-‘to coxnpktg the am] 91"., After Christian ‘film’ *0 “"5 U'"l°d 5’~8’~°5 ‘"4 GM?’ "‘.°°"" ”°"““"‘3°“‘ ‘"""’ Thickitx. Marguerite Irene Salmon. *‘‘‘‘°'' ‘" ‘°h°°‘ 1% M “'81 Only? Hawaiian Scenes Decorate Walla. ;‘'°'‘'‘'‘‘* ‘° “‘° P"‘°° C°'“."°"‘?‘ nan, Lucille Enclcamaa. A‘ ' Lou]. gen, members of the R. O. T. C..and 15-] The than of act no d C0llt8CtS. [Abl’'''‘ 10"“ P“ ‘°?°"’P§""-‘d V'°"°°" ., ‘73°"'“""P‘7° Crowley. and James Sullivan vecially inv' ms were new -cu 3°‘, fl‘ " h,°’ - -——-— I‘"?°'°. °" "“"" °' 3"" ."‘°‘°"“'°‘ Wicks. 907091)‘ Ale!-‘I056?’ N003“! Howe, ' mitted to attend. but in later years- :2 H‘; ., 0; th.’°s:"°t'h S I l dl’: The Bible same] ofluu. ch,;,;;.,,:m1s8I0nI. dm‘inx_wlm~h time he ‘has $%:kh,§;th B:ker,’!.‘ranccs 3 vi T _ .6g_.__.. it has been thrown open to the stu- Thou ‘“ of "rare! 3‘ ‘tam Studentofco ‘on will have a ' 331;: grit w¢:"ll:n:.\!'it~gi:)|::l s.pog<(')lalI;:: . W8, ey Ohllil, I‘- , ._ ‘._ land‘ ‘"”'_l_ ‘ aria an’ ' . ’ .‘ .. . W ‘hi. . flung serves dent bod) ..mg have been used as a ceilmir in be‘; 3u.?,"d:y‘_>p9-1‘-;,‘:,('?|;t::;_vhe tells us why. after fully ;year.. of intimate contact with the he still remains eapeas to remain, fundamen- ,,d_ ;,,¢i-;tally a Mohammedan, we may eat- aomething of exceptional and value." says Mr. Ross. The speaker for the second talk at Topeka and did graduate work‘ is president of at the University of Kansas. He is r Club of the University. from China, who has accepted the War For the last two summers relillon. was, lectured for the Raipath- from Waahhurn College Homer cbautaoqua on “China.” ~-.—._..__. ...._..-._ ... fiflK|e.hagfi4’g’s ALI.-BRAN ' to diseases, caase pimples, hollow ahn circles under _._.._o 3-.-- You caI.perma- -a on re“ . . . 9 l . system of this :7 . .\1,1,.3“agen‘ harrowing dia- used as the most chronic cases purch grocer e Eat two tahlsapoonf In chronic the eyes and spots are ALL-BEAN in ma Unpleasant breath. too. may be in Greek. Ilichixnu. 8 ‘ad to mngtipgtion, served by 1c84‘ll hotel: rul- mg you bod, wag taurants everyvlfire. Sold by all . Kel '.sL1.-ans has sweets Bur I1-cchawoduy. bro ht heal to ds when . has fail The reason-— it is ALL BRAN and nothing but -’ LL BEAN. That is why its ro- . suits are sure. That is why doctors ALL-BRAN relief in or your ass price. uls daily-— caaea, th every meal. f "1-sou. You will likeltanut-like flavor. Try thgrcciwa on every package. prmkle over . Saturday Sale of A Coats and Dresses New arrivals in dresses include Canton, Georgette and Flat Crepe materials. ’ Also other materials in this Saturday of- prices. Coats inthis sale include all of the newest models and materials of- fered at the low-' est prices possible- See them tomor- row. StandardMetEanfilelCo.' g: ‘805 Walnut ’ 4 fering of reduced __ Phone 382 NOWELL’S Phone 74 Phone for Food—-It's the Better Way Overstocked . A Removal of Gallon Canned Foods i Take advantage. of these removal prices. You can save. All are gallon cans. hlo. 10. Punch plum, apple jelly, can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95: a has. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..68c arm whole spiced peach . can . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. W. N. Clark cranberry sauce, can . . . . . . .8l.l6 Daggetrt apple sauce, can . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85: W. N..Clarlc toms lcetchup.tcan . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..85c F.F.0 G hominy,can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larsen’: mixed vegetables. can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .751: Golden wreath spinach. can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . .65c *pump‘,can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..40c Splendid rhubarb. can . . . . . . . . . . . . ..soc Ripe ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . .51 Quito can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-we Just Right asparagus salad points. can . . . . . . . $1.85 Golden wreath fancy spinach.can . . . . .......65c Libby's California spinach, can . . . . . . . . . ..-70c American y, par and beans, . . . . . . ..45c B.L.B.edsourpittedchernes,can . . . . . . . . ...Sl.20 Monroeswectbeets.can,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......75c —and many.mure not listed-ask about lncludeinyaurzrecer-yorderoneoruuoreof these ' below the {the specials-llaIIyoB'yprleeaareVa“7hw tlneweare fruits -. -...&. -..... - .. . preaeal - A-.—.-..;. ...'__. . altering to you the vv-vv- an 4 . ~.....po¢o __.. ..-p,-m . us -....or. I Can.