1.‘- ;; ’~ y , ‘ ‘I ‘ -U A ‘S "4 '9 .' ‘ 9.: ‘ . P g s 7 o ‘ ._mmAY -=«!I19fi_ -- ..——~-- -— J gypufi, ‘II M“ 9 Iain):-rsotacaeeonunitteea Dnalparuaalltyaailvrhat it 4_ szuaoorsociosotiooaoeoorooi-o-nbythevict;;r3i* ea tbUuv¢dt‘ynithetwomlkaoe.‘8uidrA;'h'::°|!il:r'athea:;i- “W "”° " °““" - ""“" """ ° ‘ roast . . . . . .195: hr enurtramaatz Agata an “flat: la flfifl .88 ban-: Pk“ ‘ ' " 935- - °""‘“'°‘ her rot roast . . . . . . . . . . . ..lO-15¢ dra, vrhoae dual nature antes Iqot. Ind but Pint-on. tar rel-lull!-0 w-:-- to not tor dmwr "4 *°"“"’°°; mo roast ........ ..m<.—ise alevcaotthoetatoa _ 00! I ““" V“-aniltoacglactherhuahand. * homewak :3”: 7 _ ..; l hfimufiuugu, xnguand Ne- Ci‘-M ca-uirio-or.au.i wmn-one-urn. Du“. “M1,,-c;¢.u 5.; Porter ---- -- Cameraman Hates Pic-:'rdiiig:'A.adnILBatI'v_lck.Ig!-hraska.averI¢I C-Cflhrsons our on-i-in-(tor @wth£Id“Va§Jd1‘Bn“r ! Ru:‘:iu Rwndfiuk . _ _ . _ . ””_u”¢ - l. 3 tisddan of st. Louis. or - - - Ind i-..im.o'. rs-r.' 4-m..u.' and not min" 5 "1 Lo steak ....... ..a.z:9s¢ §« tures of Group.~_ln.__: .g,..i. u.n.a sun. our to one According to Ir.BoatIrick.:.I‘l'>-‘ 1. welcoineand oraorieoio the dele-. B B w.:.....mui=: won 3”,’ ,, ,,,m_ .0..- Fish be“ e ____ H”: I A550" f°"s°'°WL‘r "W "fit" “' "d. a’ “nu. $"a.‘2“ tbtendht to ‘gun or f“" ‘O :h:h: two 1-=-M ‘ "“" “" mm "" h°'l""‘l' Fresh beef hearta um: -. .;L 2 _ ll’: . 0 1 5-,; ‘ 5. gfigg-go cl the conic:-Inoe gut ygun‘ . can , ‘H. 4' News Servifi-\ 1- ‘he Columbia fitllrea are haaod with the West in autoiaobi1e.denIi- in Columbia Allfil 3-3 I3‘ ‘- . -nu Sehvabe. aria: ' but sud“ ‘uh gum, Beat oleo in town . . . . .- ‘ - or! - * than-land. Esther Rein. ado °“" - 1 0}... 25¢ ' '_—_—- ’ . ‘°“tbh'~''"dhu.d‘u.b'. “bin 0' "n°°n.fi°..nm"m'::o&rsa.s“n-on I-no Clarke. nan . she wants to Itatural coor 5 HA5 WON SEVF-N.1llfl‘1'5 "‘l‘5"°'-' 8‘’‘'‘“‘‘‘”“‘°' 1”‘‘'°‘‘''‘ fig”; °!!i'fl"l““ N"°°uQ” 9‘ ‘h‘l a!LClrOeDuneIa. C-..BuehIer ti-avettohavethe admiration of \eali-out . . . . . . . . . . .. 15¢ ~ ..___._ F toniohile haveheqIilIlIe:l.f9|¢w0'*'5“"‘5‘h‘h"‘°‘ “monies T?°53‘d1“PC"°""‘°¢" Wiley c--17¢ __”___ «won iaankindforlier beauty and Vcalsteak .......... ..:s-25¢ ° ' ' ' tenaiv’ good nod-developnen ‘O 1 - ~ . . amzation Olihst with-t -nrwrm-*-69” *" ‘ . mm‘ W“ , °""“’.,....., charm. , pmi. pig feet ........ ..sr _ e M.U Org. -'r zircon;-412.000. Caleulationatorltlieliaathasinexiaaadbvrinttiwfl aq,.,¢m,u,,.,.g.i¢,(;1.nn-*“=‘°"*'°°“ tkmkcn. lhwunm 3, f“. bent, ,, , ‘niuoufl Bctnamof was 0;... l cmxomioaoino . J 1.Puioor ttatetu croatostueaixoiuerincentn F°"m°d “‘ 1922"? T W M-""”‘“ h and ' byhielef ‘ three inhab- ""“ ""“ "“.“' ‘° ""‘ “" “”‘ afternoon to arrange the den‘ or she plays the latter part through 0 ash . ‘ . f pulauonwaathanluafll. on iaoneve or-every entertained from the time . : 0 .~ 0 P0 l 38*“ the conference with the student as most of picture. \ .' Lieut. Lake. . , thuir.rirzoorowouIa~beon¢8W>-:inntn AMI " the retail’ uroircratuutiiuaol . - N r e ’ .-- , _ ____.__ ', mobile for each 5.5‘ inhabitantsuotlier extreme with an averltt 03 tong “C, 3, 0," co]. '°°‘fl°'“ 5"‘ m‘m‘“°"”;”‘D.{§rn"' bang: - C _ . 4- "$ The \IiemlX-r.-‘ of the Unirupity ‘ putting Columbia in the class of‘ 15.0 persons per each automobile 8' V” b’ ‘E. 0”” Dr. 1*." Fund" '0 ‘fidut Rotahteyt haekundd r°‘dV"l‘ndh!‘01lp‘inu.a arty \ ' H 1 Wm?“ SEE him in“ nu V “"" 3”"? S“~'P“°"‘ 21”‘. A Wm °" "7" ’““°“” S“‘,‘,' :oral for than when married life ~ ' R’ W “"3? “"9 "9’ ” " “‘—*~“— ‘ - on net Tixadar Miss Leola Fandree; Ullivlfl ti .Capitol and Its Decorations." ’ ' I at -. them." because the FOX: N9" [ Ews ‘:1 the hon: “Ira. w c Slairvool to w C A by It the:-ine John-linstrated with stereopticon views It in 98¢“-"3'-'“ - cameraman will in Colflmlfii T993’ ; °‘ "" ' um gig Esther aging and the"m be given by Dr, John Pickard . T‘ .._.-.s-- wwa - i - - .—~— ---I -- T" ‘ “'3' ““‘i"‘~' Piclm" °f lb‘ tum in I ‘ -''.".h'’ h ' .4 or University Y. M. C. A. by Waldon';t ladies’ night at the University ' M.,;0,,_ 5 Ir.u..iiin. 8:111: Nit-holua -on . ‘H be . E b 8 flock: nw hi‘ , This is not lilglfflfift; publicigit’ that W the i: T“: : “rd An ‘gzegzings of pBh‘:‘conf;rencci'E'lh: prbgrafnc will cm: at; 9\>'cloclt ' ‘ I the “'°'"°"'*‘ ' ° °"" "‘ .. .. ..i Oo-~ '"- "- . ' “ ’ "' - h ' ' Coll and social hour will follow. ‘ . ’ T ; ccived. at as picture has recently »...'.‘u.'u'2‘.a" °'"'' “' '" '° ".'s'.‘£."‘-.‘.'..°'s...a.r°°‘""“ '”"" ""' "“' 1'33.-.."r°i'°i§’...'..‘...:C T2»? .ni‘§°J " C01 UMBIA'S ownsr AND LARGEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION e an ? appeared in such papers as the e‘ um canton V-uh 0' °°‘°""" ""' ‘ iiioo Ark no.-lain. a student in the -an in we Y H C A And], Try hliuonnan want-aca. ’ pci ‘ .\'cw York Times. the Boston I-ler~ -t~|n‘:~':h:.|I;‘I;_ dfid ._ulu.i..,.n,,, our.‘ (orb; the weekend grin” Rqisu’ni(;u 3 _____ _ ’ 0 so‘: “Viv ""3 5”’ O'‘”“’ “'”’'P'“' the vat-and. ?""" ‘rt n”‘_:o-———P.’.“‘ ' r the conference ytxterdll in all -—-:— " ' ml ‘yum’ 9,‘. St. Louis Globe-Democrat In. 9. A. Calnrt or Jana-nor. cm‘ _ LLEGES 6 “do”, our the mu_A rrypxwm-I-333 thl we 8'" Mm £°“fi:},”mhg.',,,fiw. did o:"ii:buom"*'wiiiio.‘ at I‘ ‘-‘.1...’ 2380-—-—-W ‘N O0 ‘at? workers of than as-: Ne; and Uaeil lachlaaa S 1"" r Km" CW 5"“ '"‘ ° ’ " ‘ 5.4.. ‘ ‘ ad in U. a t: iveraitiv 1' - - r . * L. Cm. Joumfl,p°,t_ . d ‘In.’ C”, h 'b_l:3‘t“’0I‘I‘¢'l°‘u ‘uh C’! Lu" Cay?‘ gestation: will attend the confer La“ 3.5.‘... u 0 ‘ - First Team in United States. «tin: with niativou here. be’ { “menu “ed ' ‘ _ , "1 (*3 g ‘ .0 . '- -,3. Hairy aad Harry Cahurt oi Idle:-soul The nm 9 3 °‘“° , At the cabinet meeting V4ednes- Batterleea. Phat . . e . _> . ‘Din. team. the nut womgrrs ri Cm “flu k" at "it. T gm tau and colleges of d‘, vniou commmleu {or we - e 0 83- win I learn in thtgfllwg Eu?» 1?: 0!’ Ir... -Joni. han'ho;in_|* ‘UB1’ ;1;.Jd ,,,.k,_. . V " ’ """ ‘ ‘ " Id! : ggniud by cut. 0 n . _C In chitin: with rolativil I . ' _ r - ' The ha. ha .. - . H _—--V- —A -—~-— ~——--- —~~- A W" *' “‘‘'' 8‘ i » “W2: 21:: :::*°:‘.,;:‘ ‘=:.':.:;.‘*..':~- °' .°--*- ‘;'.:;..“é:m. or per 58 , . .9 if “'3' "u " ‘ "’ ' . ' IOU 5°!’ ud 118 bet . ' CK 1'18“ . l some « we or-M-d » »«~-«”='»-=~- c-‘=-"~“’=~~“¢-» °.::;::.:.r‘::I.;: ;:.“.;;...‘,;.,.; A» .. "M "“ ° " “‘°"‘ ‘‘.‘° ‘‘‘.’'‘° '"’°' .“ "“. "W" °'. .o?§}..' ol J=;‘e-raoabC'i:'nrh§tadn~"h:c 32': American institutions. . _ "" , . , mt : the TU";-‘imflmir of hrmwm qt ‘rm "'- J 11.... facts were rescaled rouovn I Yourself —National bank P1‘°l‘~’°ll°”- 9° 1 have w ttcn en: or organza nor. 3",, H," ,,,,,,.w 3”“, 5,5,0. , be { "ions ‘ad {oi '5 information. it the county opening ooatat in coluiabla, ‘"8 ‘ {way °f ‘ pm ¢ 1 i . . e. H -_ . of u d too of . . . - , - N 3 The team is under the. SW” “ii. .r......-. ..........r. Mr, ... ..*‘L°r°.§‘o’r’."i.‘l'l' just §3.o°'§un"s3..§'oy for . -First bank In Missouri admitted ' .2 T sion of the women‘: athletic Pin’ the house or In. wuiiu. cionooi Sat» ‘mud C. ‘hm, of M... yo,-3 National , , (ll. 4 mcnt. ' Every member of the. team uniar -‘“""°"“‘ "Ci". to membership In the Federal the is given 100 points toward ;an M Jaw ‘I:-flaro. (‘;i-ugcagc:-here’! “nu” ‘mg uniyerai- Bank M. sweater and is eligible for member ,,,,,,,_,,, M Q, .,,_ n. E 0.“, a‘; ti" hue ‘nduucd ‘ham 35-3,000 protection Reserve System. sci ship in the Women’: Athletic As we 1.. 1'. Sdpll. . iyoun‘ men ‘M! womem ‘ad in ‘Mg- _ , A roriouon. . . ' 55;; ",‘;{,‘_f"_,,",_'”‘,,,_," .L'."..f.','.’;.,c'..& tion have sent out 2.400.000 without "M C ‘m1 and 5"’ ‘"5 $39“ 000 so All I-“irinx Done on Home Range. ' i ' ‘ "" 31” p ’ ’ co At present the rifle team is firini ~ Security! to a series» of miitchrs with othci __Re30urcgs over $2,000,000, po 0 schools. The firigig is done It‘); tlu . sn ' home gallery an the resul art 0 th ‘ / =:... W W Cand " Cand .! - = "'""°""“"“* " o BOON E COUN I Y -0 eye is one-fourth inch in diameter , ,_; « .. . ~ . . ‘; _ The positions are prone and aittin; ‘- . _ ' « _ _ 3.‘. n is ' ~ --1 l Mr‘ Over SW ‘"°'“‘“ NATIONAL BANK v The team has won" matches with Goods A . vi the following schools: Oklahqina A . . _ ‘. " “ch 1: ii. WI‘shinsto’n State course, i - 0 — R. B. Price, President. :, pt or ;r=;;;;:,;>~ Pounds Reme, ar Ware 0. I 0 ,»~ N '9 ""“““'.”""'°"“" ° «°'”‘~ . — You ma)’ also obtain the‘. advantages of NATIONAL BANK SE- V '" Phone 1800 .. 14 N. 8th S‘ ' cm R“ t CURITY in the handling of your Estate by mining this bank the Home oi H ck rizcra 0113 University of Illinois. It ti _ executor of your will. ‘ sold in the last eleven weeks from our University of Michigan an los‘ _ 01 one match to the Uni\'crai,ly’ol V'er- store :1 mun . h; h 1 , Pennsylvania Cup Tires ‘ ,, Maxine llungatchas the ca‘. 2 d “" ‘ or ‘ :,;‘::‘;.~.,*‘:;.:':.::m.°?,°‘:..':§.°;_.::.; /2 PC1111 5 C e —- ————. ~ ~ = - . :3; .. am woo. s’ I 2 , A _ ldn;e}E:v::loei;8oneo!£dt‘lfi:m:e1trbou A fresh Shipment of our speciai T i I I I I I I I I I._I’_I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ‘ I1 I. ‘ ' 0! °""““““”°“‘°“ W‘ * ° N J r Received a Lar e *~ tiiin e team I co! 5 19¢!“ , ’ -.m-m~.rm The inmng ames 115 lg .. n ' We try tL:nconrahg:nut:‘e tfsam . ’ 0 .» . . . . » . llu icmbera to e up ‘ . ~ ' . S ‘ 'p°"'" ’."i———--———d um" H0pper.Tl:0!g]e§a‘F(3t ° :0 The judges, in choosing the name for the T i ' r 1*iir.ns' INTEREST . e ore r ; . - - ,- ' ° T ‘_ , snsx ‘W m. SCOUT.“ .1; Phone 1 41 4 ‘ _ Had,“ Banding E Cross-Word ‘Puzzle aid book vie are publishing, 1‘ ‘ “mow Sm-E-t—-I-3;‘-mm spew :: wound up with names that were outstand- 0; O 0 0 Y - u 0 to Scout lieadcns’Clasa- A . ing. The selection was based on several points. S 2: in M, ,,'f‘,E}‘;e,{“;e°,if,,§‘,';*sc°m Q, -— A-~~*~* ' a‘ One of‘the_ names Was the be_St fr0m_ 3 Stand- N I O .. g mnro,.m§ ight at Rtgtehwell 5; _ __ _ _ r _, ,0 , 0 ll 0 Vpointof originality and attentiongetttiindggilzalue. ,0 0 . Yllflllllll 0. {H6111 TI 0 C ~ - ‘ , ' ' ‘ ;._,l , ,, . - ,_. - . . 3,3,, :1 There were two others which deman e p aces. , _ 0 tlfztm-'-hcoiitinng fl'ill1;br:!lI!:{'l‘l.hthc bugs “e 30“ ho Cbnn“ The to use the name as the Slzeb and colors. Our :1 ' 1:‘. t T. _ . - - . . ‘ l°;’I¢mfI‘;b(:!?S(:I';yth‘:Ct0!:|l1€Ufl(:?." 1- title and ‘the other twoVaEz’5Rs£‘1fbZ-t8l;IlIe'Is‘,AI'E',he tut]: line includes 100 C08liS on _ V tnltc intcrestiin the Scout program." » ‘ Selecmd was 2: Su _ . 0 o . . .. , \'r‘0.‘.‘-’.3‘..°,..§°l£‘ fl;‘.m mm‘ M mitted by Gus M. Oehm, University of. Arkansas. the rack for you! an. ' ' at 2 “'- ’.’''’°' ***"““°‘‘ “"":."*’ °" '- Fayetteville, Ark. The two sub-titles were proval, offered here for " j j icanlaation and Program. - c -.0 _ “ ” b ,tted b S p4 - _ E _ said. “a troop committee should _:t 0 511 ml y v . the time These coats p: l ‘* °°'"-*;;;‘ °‘ “*'°,,;'W;:‘;,‘1,- » Keshen, Columbia, and “THE SKELETON KEY ' ;' _!~° i.t'-.u- ii men. eyso '~r . ,, , - ‘ 2 . lifishrtlic ‘lnterfiafiie ofuthc taoovhat ITO submltted by i are deveklped In Flannels, cl _ i ‘ -‘ , o 9 o ' " G . 3 fjfnfmjsg “'60 ‘gm 0,3,, :1 '1 Miss Ioia Columbia. The combination l‘ Deerona, Velvasuede; Ve- ‘- range for a meeting place for the _ makes ~ . . ll i troon PM commltteswcn ‘<' :: lore. and Poirot Twill ma- ‘*1 O » (End some-work to do in interest of . _ _ .h 3 hu‘;"l"'.l*.:ol:’s'contmaittcr is selected tlgy e some fu1.-tmmmed ti 1' _ lnhintgxhvg b\?mli:ut:uonis: 1: e and coats in g ‘ - o the ttee scoutinasu.-r’ . l . 0 A 18h0tlldc:¢rm|n‘InI':1I;::tl¢$l than 30 0 B I o h I g l thls Thefie Coats are h 7 . , old, ' t :-eoiitiiinstcra 0 0: , ~ . . . r g . ::':.....,.':: .,:;...—.... ...,... mg t s R zght , wonn-moan , carefully t.,i.,,.,d and are :2 l 1 masters have the boy: do '- . ‘ ' O . f .. A < ‘ z o_ , ' . cc , «Jana; rtwrmh E11335: natbg‘ 3 M , N for 0 n 1: priced‘ A at exceptional , 1; .4 l and dormalt activity of the 0 a W 0 . t K ct , boys to put :iVlf!'h°?‘¢ll' Tm.” “nut u to th ; ‘ e r .. Va neg .91’-,r, ; ‘ V 0, ‘I 3 - ‘ -sum; iie COUVDEIIB necessary enew » -I .‘.'4;." -‘ 5. _‘ is gotten Jo. the workugiiao younv 0 8 ring clothes as sunshine to a fine day. 0 TO . _ Monday ‘ 3 ::;:ir:1;wb::o2‘m mutl:¢be‘s"“l;I;:r- 'Iw1iIenewonltaIItdM9fl:ItaNwonldn’thetheaame 0 i - . 4. -0 ‘ . : ,..,....~—......,...........,,....;... ....."""....‘.....“"""‘.....:.‘f.:ft.; ....‘.’.‘ .‘:.5‘:;‘..':‘..';:°‘* r CrossWord Puzzles .. ; ing and the program must be any ‘m ‘net chum‘ into ¢ ‘3 , 0 .- ’ . o anchtlzathecan aay‘ltisour m P3 "¢"'3Pl'ln8¢0l0I'B * ' . _ _ ul’»"oaorr..ii thus: I-lircent ' "' ‘ - ‘ It was further ‘decided {by tlileofjudges we 3-mm m am Wm M m_ g Sadely--Stein Bioch—-Luigim. suit. to award three prizes msteadtmeo oin¢;,2$50 for the _} ii mending eonditbns out around not ., 5 0 0 gitle, $5 for» sub . an or the o (- 4, nrdinmlr tower the 5°99‘ WWI" l - - ’ second sub-title. The book will be on sale about \. W W "W ”°" """‘ °°°° "'° e‘ t- t ~ - April 15 Watdi for it. Dealers and salesmen v ioruiodinthouu-Ix tluhest 1 v Othergooilaiakea szoiosao .' » , t. - He said he had the .. - wanted. Orderxyour copy today. . . Boy tpmgi-am uieavebon Younewsprhglatinlhenewsprlng .‘ ' " ‘J iroiaahadearur. , ' ufijfifig-¢ _ 0' ‘ a t=;_-0-=_ 0 0 W,_Sgephens Pub. Co. .. . ".*;'w';",;°;_':""“ “""""‘ "*’° . - I ,2 I e ‘ Zrnoiornui sinuous - ‘,3 zndmu u cu’. ‘m ‘uh I» ‘..-‘-'- iv’ 9a”. atflltt. PHCB 15 ' 1 no tdlowiu stops on us. stay: ‘ _ ' _Z;:;:.;, \ I ‘W . Iicimetta.' . ‘A - ‘cg - {A l‘ » 5‘ r, L _ r : V7 . i "0 ~-‘ 4' _ l“>§.‘«“!l 4%. ~~;.:~.» . -»7“’~z. . .. . ' . ‘.2 ‘- ~‘- —- - ' » ~— 4. ..s ."§._'g< .. ~ '. ‘ . - :4 ~ ‘ -» ‘ ' . . .3’. '_'_ i V I. ’ . . . , ‘_ _. _ _4.. '_g ,_. _» - V_ ‘t. <_ -- , . 7‘. - L ‘ : . ..‘O ‘r.’ 1;‘ . ;‘ ‘-.c_' , ' '0 * 0..-?.';"o:..'~.~ _'f-f.-."-'..'.f'f’.'a.."‘»€!’1@$3."§‘-~-..,.'f1.#_;..'.¢ir:..-Lcyjil‘-1.-a »-».—.'.-2;. .~.;...;.*::. ....:;;:.-.« .4. 53"‘