but a » l E ‘v ginia La-is, Laura Cllli (‘hamplom Out-of-town guests will be: bliss Eloise Philips of Okrnulgu. Olslaaq len Hoffman of Sedalia. Paddoc Wendell. . Hugh llamilton. William Render- son, Nick Thomas. Jack Carter. I-‘rank Wheat. Andrew Ellison. 335' ,.¢n Casteel. lluben Miller. Alfrd Davis. mbson, Wilbur Fisher. Jerry Max ‘lruitt. Wayne Crumbley. Joe Morris. Jucl: llughes. Ralph Jonhs and Edward Marshall. ' Clznperons will be: Mrs. H. ‘B. Vussler. Dr. and Mrs. Dan 6. Stine. __ \ Miss Ethel \\'ylder, Mr. and. Mrs.- John E. Sykes. Dean and Mrs. Al- bert K. Heckel. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn llungate, Mr. and Mrs. Daw- ‘son Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. Max Ellis. Dr. A. C. Lanier. Mrs. W. H. Willis. ‘ Hrs. Flora Woodward and Mr-.:. Sid- ! ney Lipscomb. I -——-——-- - . Gamma'Phi Beta Tea" Honors Mrs. Younger Mrs. Margaret ll. Younger of Se- ; attle ‘'18 the honor tlflll bl’ membu‘ ° Miss llartba Poa ’ iomfiw -. ' gue will Pm new in“ ‘the week-end at her home" in Clin gLest, In the and uanooroihy. alga-sq. lira. Younger wce Ilsa Pfib‘ and Miss Dorotlaykbander I . be ‘ Lsngmaid ‘ Jl tab use assisting ». Step :1 “the serving lo. Th . were lira. Walter Miller. Mrs. C. 8. l .' E T 1 l i Williams. Mrs. Marshall Clark, and _.llrs.W.ll. E. Reid. ~~ ilrs. Younger and the girls who , have been_ initiated into the loci hapter G l ‘ c of ma Phi Beta this l year were honor guests. at,._a - | quet given 1 night‘,_at';& raj ‘ten-house. ° 'W‘ '. Miss Alexander ‘ ‘ were made by Miss ‘Below Agee. His: Ruth McGinness and ' his-s. _. Younger. Each freshman sang an original song. Women’s Council Sections Meet I l Section meetings of the Women‘: hoe ‘ ‘Council of thd Christian Church — were held at 2:30 o'clock this aft- ernoon. ‘ The northeast section .met will‘- hlrs. E. C. McQuitty, 1407 son Street, thevnorthweat n with Mrs. Homer Cr-ossw‘hlte.' 8- . North Ninth Street,'the section with -llrs. A. ?W.*Pas|ey. Ill! Bass Avenue. and the southwest auc- T tion with Mrs. Claude Thomas. _1,93 Stewart Road. " 7 - lira. Lewis Hoffman ,of Sedaia will arrive tomorrow to Mr- , Ira. B. l-‘. Hoffman. 116 : lcge Avenue. In. Lewis B main. who was formerly bliss Ella Dian- mitt, is one of the founders ottbe Kappa amma rmayqfi “; here. She is coming to attend the ‘ celebration of the fiftieth aumver- sary of the founding of the chapur. which will be hdd this 3 c.—-n—s‘—--- Members of Beta Theta Pi whl re aurine Casady. Dorotlw Whitalecr. Ell Jane l-‘roman. Junior Williams of Macon, and Al-_ Cd- - Lewi. ' -, rm. w. Ruml of _Cedar . .1 .la., is visiting her daughter, Miss! bi’ Ml“ . ,,,gg[g~.‘_fi'§”-1,,’zwillbegivenatthe8igmal~l cha-3 gm] 1 , H h 1 _ Lam” Woodnmn ‘ 9 m°lh¢3‘| #50 If? iicibafimatgl‘ triis st‘o“:::.r>'li theren 031%" ‘Q3885 Cit)‘ year-rday after vis- ’ '!'o- J by creating a new kind , ter house for . dieerrding “llotbers Week." T. L. Knight returned to his home of young; iting his son, Stanley, who ‘L: at- ’m°fl'oW ewmins as formal dinner ladies‘ seminary. where charm in-‘ W‘ "3 lb‘ U""°"“Y- be_given. ~ Mothers ; take advantage of , become [college life. I 1 ‘noonru the home or Mrs. L. s. Ifiackus. and Broadway. Miss ' public welfare nurse. will talk. Mrs. Anna Frbmiii w ‘accompanist. Mrs. Percy Klaas. 300 Waugh :Strec«t. is visiting her parents. hlr ,1-nd Mrs. Joseph Goldman of ghouls, for several weeks. Eclass of the Broadway 1 Church met 4at 2:30 o’clocl:'thi.< afternoon. ' Week is an annual event lfor Sigma Nu mothers and manyzclearness. this occasion to. . acquainted with their sons‘ The Daughters of Demeter will’: meet _at 3 o'clock tomorrow after- corncr of West Boulevard i morons‘). phyed by Miss Vern -I-,_.pe|.mology, s“"d":° ‘ and Miss Mary Helen Carson. Miss, Va‘ 1‘ Shnd” ‘in “"3 ‘ ‘'3' _"“m' 'her clever stage manneri.-ms. ‘H b‘: Homer Johns. a banker. and his S'_:‘Miss The Laura Evans Sunday School? Nethodist,Johns. played by Miss Wilma Col- with Mrs. J. N. Hughes L lins, was vivacious and talented as hlra. F. Stat: returned to her home in Salisbury yesterday after visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B. Mas- l08 Hitt Street. _ F. C. Tracy returned to her ‘home in Bee-ver, 0lrla., yesterday after visiting her daughter. Louise, who is attending Stephens College. Neely Turner. deputy nursery in- lspector of the department of ento- went to Kansas City “'edkl'le." hot? .‘."i‘52?n"§.“£2’."sn1..I°}'.2'.f["%l“ 3 w‘h“" s"'°°" '°""'°""' ‘l“°' D°'°“" '"' ' " T5‘ 3°50‘ throurhont the cnuzel 8"‘ it-ky. altnauu-.»ingdIs Hrs» E 1*. I and small °' "*0 09'“ Comma sorority It 8. Nowell terda 1 one ' “"8598 Fllfllllllft C0- 551; rrrrill. ucGtaa:er,,"l8 Circle on 3: ‘;‘>:o- peflommme V” "mow. filirool of law. will spend thecweekn -hnghter, Anita flaria. have gone T°P°l<8. Knn.. this .weel:-end. '1 - fa, ..,, y "T ‘i ' t hrguil ‘"'l"- h'”i" ' fun" - ‘ " one or two instances of noup;-o{¢,.l with parents in St. Joseph. to Aahland to spend the wetk-end Mrs. E. H. Smith of Columbia ‘Ir? a Illsaourian want ad l ‘ ’ D0118 -9"" D°"““"°°"‘ ‘N’ sional p-um mu Borneo Ornsteln or St. with film Horror’: mother. Hrs. and her slam an F R Hamilton ° 3 Pent Katherine *“"“°>'- 3°” ‘ ° l": 11,, - ' , 9” Louis. who has bsesuvislting Inn 1'. 3:1. Jones. A of Hallo-iIle' -...;.;...;;.s' 'esterda" lleelt. Consume 305"» 4*" N'~‘''‘'' "‘"°"‘. """“"" "”* ‘‘° 1‘ "" ".’a‘i§‘ o "m" ''°" “"14. Goldman. returned borne this nuns Parks and Urban Berlc- 5!-om Excolsii-r sprinm where the) man. . “‘“’"“° ‘"7 "" "ab " "' ‘l’ 5‘ mm “H hum“ 0' “'3' 0°: 1 lcarn red X cs . hadbee f th 1; " d .. y ‘7 Ed" chum‘ ‘l'u:h.e”‘m‘raur~eta' um will 31:22.: m male ct“ “fit: mgnrsiufl ll Laughlin. 1200 Walnut lcrdEymt:matt:u1b' Lll‘€n‘fl;:W9l‘ty5lf(f:'.: n, or e “t um “H A . £:;ett.””. Yll. . 6103“ “um -nu um?“ divmm aatlon. 'l_'he ‘rnaiikenp. especially_of m;u‘:eher;tudr: gmbeen {of “H 3011: are students of the Univer-I Try a Missourian want ad. ’. " . no We “":':...f"*-......."“""i°""°°""‘°'-"' "‘*« :::.:":..:2:::....2...“:::....'**'*°;'.::':: ..,.. ‘ '- It s Easterhat 1 ‘mm . Kthrn--S‘ — "'—"". -. . ' - ' . IIIIII W . «?.'.‘.‘§i... in i 3Bet%r:M°th¢"8' W021‘ ’D"l’l€7' - .}?:e”’;;:'‘'““ "““‘,’f °“‘ ll" '*"S°“- 5;‘; wiffo Gig‘ ‘"9 ‘I-I'a'I'a'a I I a a a a'a . '35.: 'a' . ' J i , _ '1 - -1 averywe. . ' . x“ ‘ . vvw. _ .-V Bmvswr. S at Szgmg Nu 1-louse ; mm ,,.,._m, ,,,,_,,¢ ,, Ami,,:,day to visit her sons. Charles and . . “'* " "“°“’° ' ""’°‘ = W °-=»*»- - wow-I «now am» -1---a we pm -w-1»-~.l"-W’ Adkm F nday Evening ’ Pokcs Specially Modeled Dress Hats Sport Hats Street iiats Flower Trims Hair Hats Soft Straws I I ..-.-r Ornamented i 4 IQ‘. Untrimmecl Hats ‘K - I /'.-H 5.‘, Spring-like in trimming, in smart shapes, these I-lats are modeled in beautiful materials! They are for Street, for Sport, or for Dress. A wide selection awaits you for Saturday. ' Ingibel has all the leading Spring Shades.“ Do not fail to see them. _ Kinloch Hat Shop . Eleven North Tenth ‘._..J ft’ ' -\ ~‘ .«.. ; . _,,;~;.- . . V -« - _ 95:’ -'K...: l . . -‘ ~_ ,0’ -- . - -3 9 l 1”“ “ -‘ -‘ --39: «.9 .'-.e t I — — ~ - 1 ivy:-vvv ~_ ‘fey-V-Vt-T-