s 1 3 l . l it 3- . M. T, l.- F 3 ‘ hold I y were sngeeeded by lsntana. Just now I — am starting hardy chrysantliemums and guil- lardius, also lilacs and. syringes. “All the hardy plants I used were two years old, thus assuring me a strong root system. By putting out our hardy plants in the . {all we had a {alrehovsing in the spring. -“l lailithebackyardoffinbedsinwhichl planted such things as gladioli, asters. dshlias. aiiinias and niarigolds. Delphiniums and cosmos ma screen for the hack nce The casinos grew to a‘ heigh of twelve to fourteen ‘ , which stand a great dql of heat and provide ample color, were massed at the foundation of the house, which on the south. and a cardinal climber was trained up the porch. We have two per-golas and a .: grape arbor. Houeysockles and blue Japanese 1 - morning glories. both oi which are very rap d _ growers, were trained over the pergolas. The . vista from the back yard is terminated by the . grapsarbor. Ahlrdhath-andaeveralbiird _____A__ i houses oianplefi our-gardens One‘ "‘"““"”“‘ ‘“‘-'~ u of ti: vi two- little t Vistas in iin.'we.i., si.¢x.....«. 11.. > .m.~~ °°:..a~,...e '::::.***:'*......~ °:.:°=: -~........"~- { , also Uoltofal necked “'1. i av wasputon frontpou-h.'l'be Aaatherhlislhsaselipaeted them {(55, ;' door is a Ie the size a! a quarter. The little :._._____:.._..._:__._,__._- . .--,__..:-.___ __f.%____ : wrens surely loved ‘ unique home. - ‘ ’ ’”“””""""“" "‘“"* -. “Hy garden represents a snail expenditure vefl 7, of "money. especially when one. considers its ’ _ . . splendid returns. so niaiiy of the seeds and “Everybody in France has a garden,” said ' given t; he that 1 term it my 3;: E. Wrench when asked about gardens ip garden. r. Blacluuore's mother, who‘ I I - “Over r here gardens belo )7 I . lives in Indiana. is extremely fond of roses. _l° the leilfire class, but there 01:5»; he: I‘ ; She is preparing slips for me from her innbni- 1"’I’lI‘¢l¢fl- N01 091)’ Mmel. but the hotels have i ersble varieties, and I intend to dedicate a por- that 0'77! Vetelallle and flower gardens d 2 tion of my garden to her and to the roses she {Wu "*3? ‘he “"32?-‘ $10"-'8 l|l*'€ their Vete- l loves so well." “a9 Elrdfll-'* Ind even the subuthan stores of l _ _ Z ” Fagin hive their gardens back of the building. 5 ‘ TODAY, MARCH 21, MARKS ...v...T§."ili’.§’.‘i"'.,1‘.’I’..=‘.1‘.‘.“‘“‘"’" "1! ‘‘°‘’‘ ‘"“‘ '“"° * e E SPRING’S OFFICIAL OPENING *' mm -Won *- throw an or um ;_. ‘V along the track: These.trees are prungd go : Today, March 2:, is the official opening of "“‘ “"3 "" ‘I“'“ "W"-I looking: the trunks 6 spring For some ' Past ‘" ‘"3’ "'d ‘h’ l"‘""h°" "9 ‘rimmed in the ‘~ season have been rather shun , and for ‘hf?’ °‘_“ "_""‘d 5'” the OP- ; several weeks to come there will he spurts o! "'”""°d_ "’ “"5 "‘""_’¢¢' DNVGM 30)‘ d8 - sunshine and spouts of rain, {or spring. as every. ‘fb“"'“"”°" _°{ ,‘h,° "“'-“- Al 53"‘ SOL do not ‘I ne knows, is capricious, temperain n ‘ m‘°lu’¢ "7'-lflfllllllf of 910 "$08. bill 03¢!’ YOU 3 NCVN1-heless. March 21. the vernal equinox, is h“'° l’°°°"'°' ‘°¢“5l°m¢d 10 it you find them i an important landmark on the roa ‘“‘f‘_‘d“°. SP‘ d¢°°"t3Ve, a When the ; _ tn u, .9,-in‘, to a town is so lovely’ you are sure to like aye é While some people are talking spring, others unm‘ ~ ; are living it. Thelarmer plants his, oats and po- "Willi!!! for trains in such ; pleagant ; tatoes: the merchant advertises ga T°Uhdin¢8_ is not tiresome. The stations are dec.- 5 mlnlflcry; the sins!) boy plays marbles, his sis- 0"! *1 ‘roses. its are enclosed f tart Jumps rope. while the old grandmother “"0! heds’rLa'nd—"fences. which make. them ' loualy studi the of moon in the "fleoe. .1 _ -rested for hours theme. "I9? alinansc. llagaaiue covers vie with “'53 fare and of so in these- » «ch 0 the spirit pr the truth Jflfllflll ‘are found rabbit hatches and chick { 07 IP33!!! Paint brushes are in evidence as are Pens: These add to the _ entertsiniaem _‘vhfl¢ Shades trotels. Rugs are being loosed from ‘flmnx .10? trains. Vegetable tardens are their winter’ moorings for 'a battle royal with found at the stations, became the 51,150,, m t, hm“ 511 We \'l¢5l1lt)' of the clothesline. makes his home there and has his own rde" nr Weather bureau services are in great demand, “Other public buildings such as n‘ l - and hardware stores and seed houses are lh- light plants are beautified b ' de ::{t"' [ad poetical significance. but is a factor of cause. small but often elaborate. man gomeumu . . 5l|¢l33l_l'l_8l» Iflitullflfll Ind doll summer siistmd of only ‘tel: finpriynnngx » Tl|¢V¢mll0¢Itnoa.isdefinedssthe.tiase anltheste:ssai~siaobr1sl=‘libl?etbe':ruu|;p{ _' I*1'lIi=lIt1IeIIIn'snrs~~aro’i-eraaiaicnisr srlthhardrhsrfii l.;g...,; ”'°° “'1 01108.“! . ‘ a hundred years . _°°k “ .'° _ ‘Placesdn rlatltaidssl the rth - * ‘ e l ' ' and southern 'l'he'd;)ya any den?;!’£!¢:i°t.':‘n Aha“ in botufiul at’ are approximately of equal length at this tiine. suthe cc’ much" “d 3‘l"° .3.” g , . These towns are eompgnuyeiy "um I - - ‘e W O _ — — HQ,»-C _ ,__,_# yfl ling V’-: . , g . A " -."- '~ '54-. m .. 9.‘ -'.~... ‘ ‘ ‘_‘.- ' :5." ¢;.¢...';~’.'g;y _»,\ .9. ' ‘I it aarden. -The upper: Stores in France Have Gardens T-?.._ -, ’ - « ' ” " "I“""'- ' ‘ ' I A * .<“ s -: ' “ - ' " ‘N’ I ' ('1 .’. -y " ‘ ‘Av._vJ€’‘'‘1___‘ S; - ~ ‘ if-.;._.‘._.-' ff - . '. ‘A. .' in '2 ‘L ' . .~._ Q: ~ - -‘.‘;.' _ It ‘_ I ‘-_A._ >. . ‘ . ‘ '-" “ -' ‘ » '~A — ~—e...-no.-. _ ... - 4 .. .._‘_»._..._ 1%» ‘..‘ .. OI 1 of th . 1'-we. ss:rs':i‘s:ht'he.. .. “I. at“ .‘*‘r”'' hlrdstsstpasaeasiuor """"""W""»"‘ll||‘P¢ft4'IHgla‘tht:‘lkosre-rpictnire.. »«.— .._... .._———-—:.—._j..,-._ " "‘ “' -:— -4 ., “°"""°° 58'3": a population of three or four ”‘°““nd- 391': Ire seen the rose bushes that ’°°l“°b°‘°¢9lU'¥ old. rosesareoften I8 much I! eight inches in dlanieter, and ‘pg of all colors; "One of the lieatltilul things I saw 19 the irflrdeirof Coutance was a labyrinth of P-nirlish W)’ vinu. These are of 'a very dark 9"" €010!‘ Ind irrow to a crest height. “‘u'Kn°u" 37°" in ‘felt quantities in Northern and Southern France. The djmpnegg. causes the gardens and grass to he of the deep xreen color that we have here in the spring’. ‘flowers are not so atundaut in Central Itgt: because the climate 1; man 4},_‘._ v 7°75 find fol’! of blue hydrangea: are 1' lmltvous fight. Blue flowers are mg .-om. rows are about hum;-eg 5 -~ malnhpfinwu;-‘hm. eet ions. ru-out so e 0 y me i _ and is used for d::;‘ti;udpn°',po"_!:h‘.‘°”‘“.‘ . in the — "“‘°'~ W" In many other thick-leaigoil 3 Plapta’,sliIIil_tl‘ to the.hgu,-""55 of all,‘ ‘then ."°l°"- Th’-'9. N‘! 1119?: decorative than our light . ‘ '37 ha! i - ' an .......r W *..*;*..~;-v.;;:.~*e.,*-.,,r- sewing and sit in lI|bLc’8irIlens while did? ‘"’"‘ ‘I’- use thetsrdm for and pl.,md3. mff m * _ d’ I may beautslul in the agar us. I V ‘ *ln thicltl " ‘ u —c ~m’..?:':;'"...”.. .*;:“:..:‘..:“°..; "-3 10 film u!4olunder'tI‘Ies nowink in win and iv’. ‘ - . . . °vu1‘o°”lfin‘g"‘“'t'he'::';’°‘:r{-his; ban: the porches