1. I, '11 _ 0. 1 ._ ‘~.:-I'Z_7__‘_. '- ' “'5 w_ 1 K . 0'0’-,"-1"f€‘l_':‘s‘I "'.‘a 1 j_iy=‘s‘*,.o~:§‘. ‘ “~_.v"__f\b¢-1y'l_W’9"!.-0.-i-‘ ' 1-‘..<._. ova‘ - I . -' - > ‘ . _ 9 O _ '-_ r 1 9 ._, 1- ~ »'__~_ ._ Q '7 o’ ’ . fl ‘ " . " ' . 39:. “V O , 1'. ‘__._ . .‘V._ _‘-.‘_J‘.- ;J_ V‘. 1 ‘.71’ . 1 _..’.p I .“ Qfié \ . » o . \ 1 ..q,.’. .7 ‘ ‘.'*"‘.‘--.—'-' ".\’.37'-" " —.I .-1-To "3 ‘- ' ~ A ..' A ‘ A ~ . a ‘ _ I . .‘ ' ~ - Q - '. ‘-1 ‘ - 1 ‘ . " . . ‘ \ .1.— 1". .~.ie.1erau11i1! - a.-1-~-om-:= 7»... . 1.r-'"- 1 ~. 1 . -1 _ ‘,.._1 ..,,,_., ".113 ‘-1. -,1 1 - - . 1 -’ 1 , - ‘ , N .a1 1 V1 ‘ I ‘ ’ V V 1 “M -0 ts *l..‘_-.‘_—......*-‘~i'”'~‘~'-1*-‘ ~.; .151,-46 Y 311303 A 1%.; 1 1 - non rive 'T‘F§.tT‘mI“*“"‘I‘IdlI.iii«'3IJ'v1a’fl-aIQ~V€“'K\f 1 I ’ l . »"" it an cnhX6!_xhli — - *1: ‘ fr‘ Real Estate LEGALNOTICES 115,, ‘the .1:,'ezdfoj - . ~ ‘-313 in ‘""* ‘A ' The Board of Control of the stu- Jaines ll. Ieleher and wife to‘- rausrats aau: rumrs: ,1“ u ' "_‘ ‘is that ' ouo1Qo(. Now ha ha a good vorltlnglaguw 3.11310... unyw “,1 1-1,“,-,. 3911,. 5;, gm” )1; 11-,’ . 411111-1 V. 1111111111 and 1111111 ~ 1 .. -» ‘ 1 . ‘D000 in which h°tuDIn¢°°""“‘“°°- 7“""'“°"“!'°"¥‘¢-yniehtaiiowrynanonnooosa. as section as and KW 11.19 “"11” "“'-1."‘_'_’;"j_,' ll-II!-9""*. ' F03 8A1l—2I0-on Fsvoiih ~ was paoaltu-:!ive11iy or thir'ty"Q5l3f0l- ‘ ‘com aehaneeoimnu "Seetio :1-4s-tieootainiscozao " "°""’°""—°'"' s--'9-e-"-"""""""'l1noo11o1c Phonezlflvhl ion: 1.. A 1' ‘nu.-ties: ' ‘ 1 .- ~ " " -""“““"“""" ""‘ _ . ‘C. . U303 ‘Of kl‘: in M0900 '56]! CM Cflflhlllltflfl I91 £21!!!‘ f R. U . 1,0 ,1 Kw .g ,..,,.,1 ,. £3, ,1 15, g,¢,¢.., uooeu-h¢l_asaasIa~ai. 2- ' ‘hall tnbs'Guatbonae tehc-Berry’mm . .h”°“'w"w"m' 5”.au” 0! ul ~ ir ' """' “ii” if.‘ ~'..'l 3 POI rd Bil!” ’ A 1 '” ‘n.P’‘&—-——-—- ~. - ' a ' -swd°"b Re“"°°‘ C°‘"‘°‘1 “'“‘ "14 2748"‘ “am 1 hut in 1(w.~ WT H ' w--W-0-'*"""°' ' 1, 31,,“ . - 1,1913 1. “""“ ' U“ 9"-4*-'1 Whdlev “rm 5°!’ chlflte will 11: effective .11 soon 11 G.'L Rice .1111 wife to ll. 11. .':""" ,. ' .,"‘. ..,,' ,...,.,. : 1,1,, ,1 g...g.1..g ..a gust icon Island Bod eggs, pen 1 animus ON 1925 Laws. second; Bishop. ahori.otop;t11,,_. ""11, 1,", ,..1111,d1t 1-111, ,1._ 3mg,’ 1,1, 77 73, 79 go in gndlaowiuo 1.1111 111 u were 1;. uL.....1f. - éjtu W w W. . ‘ -' ' ‘ 1 ‘M Sim ‘CI’ 60360“ on ‘ion W” the u . { Dr 82 f at . ‘ ' . ‘ ‘av. 10%“: Th! Nnrth I" [N1 of lion’. '1: hfl IIII1-'°‘*"‘-"""""""""' tea-c-cl-tori:-trcar:100 at ._n33wg31 ' - ’ ""."."°"° '°' ° ‘““ ‘‘‘“‘‘'‘”°''‘’ 1 11.. 1-.1.11..1..11..1.-....1...1:. .-gooocuoauariatis-.0-IINIDUD ,u. 15 .1 at L 3 Dawn‘ ‘O - ___’_ 1l"oar-of Reguhra Are Query lea Tu _ h the “O 0‘ 1). Foster, who visited Columbia re- 83. 84. 35. 83 and west 315 lots 86 ._,, 1,, 5,1 ,1," 0,, ,1,‘ ,,, I'll‘ °°" "“““ """ “' "‘ " . ' ' ' Y -f and Ila‘. Corner ; .a‘u' "‘ . an’ " fittnll)‘. and 87 in Garth‘: Addition to City Addition to 11. mi, J 12.1.-.51.. 11...» -up-oehlofivtu iuaisu-u-canes so ~Ielboos-oe Street. Phone 216 green. Penalty of, 25 arda for: 1 Au vu_“1_ Captain Anthony, is still oput.| (‘min “Wm "vmmhd in of Comm“. ujw _ ___~,._ 1. mm W ,«.‘,,, .,,. ' ., nova:-the-eat not eoorordha II 170-172 1 - - _ _ ,There are elirht men out for Yield. 11. . , ' . ' . ,.,....1 .. . ..._-1.... ..-....1.....-, 111-1. 1.. . 3 535., 33g”; at young. Cllpplllg I8 ' With nine letter men back from .“1,_1°,u ‘"11 ‘mm 111“. . pod,‘ 1' ¢‘°'0P°flll“B YDOVGMQM ‘'1' C‘'-"”‘ 3- R°u'''P ‘"4 "f" w ‘- -is and or 11.4 41 nil-ed. .1111 on-n-1. - you 8”.‘ Most Im Punt llut year's team. which won hall‘ "1 of 111'” ' an M fiend. lit-en under the neceaslty of explain 6. Proctor. Jr. Part lot 35 in [Ar . can note 1. ¢1...- 111.1 «(.1111 11.1.11: _ §PLoYIE1~l'l‘ - _ _ - P0 W: is £n:K:!fftTI.'l1c(‘|Rk8‘fl'l95. Coaelil _in hat arih paitlicipants in this Graiaeh Place, én 8d<5l(i,tiun to C11)’ been nu: in the 1».-mm-1: 8 «M 1 W ' I - ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' 1 11 ur.11a11¢-e -1 » ""’=-=-“-W“"=°-- 1 ~ ‘ W 1° 9 0 D00 1 1. ml 1 11. . - or 1 .,.. w.1\x'r£o—i1ii kind: or uoiog.1 9°‘! 56, 3 ° “hm _ 11 11 strong contender 111 1111' on-to in ortonie u 11111. 1 Curtis 11. Rollins and wife to J. “"" °' *"' ‘W '* 3"‘ "" '1 " , » ‘maninclndingdiningrooinaiid ., . _ 1....1oiiaeie11..1.1....i..1a11o1.1.u1« ¢"M""‘ d°u’°' ' .'p°cnh"' ‘fur-niturr coal and wood heaterr mcxoyp .}[0\rEn.‘I"P>‘ buebtll YIN. PMCGN1 .1hPY1'T°|"¢ felt that the word “coun~ E. Gillasple. Part lot 35 in LI-.u-amino: 1. .. 111 1.11 . m . "75 n. 208 “est-fill! 1 1 - _ Wm Phone 2223' lstarted March 10 and the batter)“ “T. w" more c‘p"“i‘_e of we (“flue Put‘. ‘In ‘ddiuw 10 C“, a." ‘__"__'1 U NM, "fidm N ‘M Nu°“9°i°:..,_,nnn‘c' tn 0 ' 3 139471 ‘.""’—' ’ linen bexan ivorltinir out two weeks ‘ ‘ :true function of the orlraniution. of Columbia. 824562.50. ”"*"‘ "“"' "" "“" " '."' ‘‘L‘?"' :k'''''‘ R£NOvATm$mri- ‘ 1 C Games N0t B2 W011) earlier. ‘ ' , 1 A report of the religious drama Owen 1'. Scott and wife to Joseph. '.v:1.(.-:.l:: '1l'..111oi.rr = f ' 1 ’ ~ ‘ 1 Cd 1% ' '- . 1 . I . ‘ 4 -lo... ‘ .3. who ‘re 1 n 0'? . \ and mamas. no N. ‘T03 SM-.5-<=m*'* W 3"" and Lost 011 Blocked “F5”! *»{1_*h°_"=m-r-B;-h;1_;;° Tigers to Drake Relays ‘,‘,_:;‘,",, 3;’, ,,,j";1’,°;‘,‘f" *’"' “ fo,f;‘;‘§n ,::1§§.* 3‘ 75,, ,,"°.1’.". 3:.‘-..'1... ‘,. "'1. .1.’ ..“,"‘...: .2. 10th street. idvest Xattreaa Ohio and Irish Cobbler seed pota- Kicks Afidin to c “are ti:-3 men. ry 3 A 1.1] 24__K U Dual gm 1 M . .1. pr‘ .1 - '_m___ _, 1 1 ‘H M__ _m_,,1 ‘. phone 905 ,..d_ 153.172 toes. 81.25 per bushel. [See our ' g and (‘hoPl>)' Rhodes are sure of P - - , ‘ "7" ‘W’ "*‘“" ‘"3 ‘‘l?1“¢_'‘ _-l°h'" 3‘ F'"°"’ "“ ‘° and cost o! «Rating 151. mm Camila” ________ poumu before you buy_ Jukmn New ‘hen on 9 p11c111n‘ ,1," and Meet Ma‘, 23 i the newly adopted (‘0!'lSUll.‘ll0t\ llizhsra) Amusement Company G :_,.,;_\u;,;, -;,,,.1..._ \\'A.\’Tl'II)-—Ot1leli;s H 2;!’ 133°”? 6 . 170-175 ______ . §er}'!ll'i~L;Irotherda1i1ilbliuticry mat:-. _______°__ ' ;t:Ko¢r:slt:org:);h:t;1JOrcsentniEve» l’u)r‘tm.Se\1:‘.J1:-¢l:;l‘21."8'3.?:0‘.{ mun . _____'________‘ .1..11111111kesuta n- ——v 1111111‘-1 ll! ‘-"’° "*1" "“’"°“.' 11111 lltdoo Scliedl. """‘ " 0"‘ 23511 ‘fan 170-115 pog SAL[.;._3_,q1 5.1,’. bug‘ ion of €323” ::'d‘.T1f1;‘fc di:c:f;:s‘m AW11°2N,"__'{"1“:' 11th:’? °' Dr. 1 on C._'l"owncr,'\1ce-chi1r- non.Palmer? et al. ‘Lot 10 in “il- ____T______f._1_.....———————— ‘nod ¢°nd11;°n_ phou 1312 ta. u"_°u‘h°m the country then 1 “)3 (“puin ‘RN13 ‘.111 be back 0,, Kay o~yi!ph1ngwu dual ion: .1 St, man of the board. presided hites Addllmn to City of Columbia, sE.\IQR curls -1'-1115*‘ ‘° ‘"1’ H170-171 um 11,. g ma. 1 11.. -econd 111111 .1111 Your 11.11111 1111: “‘“"' . *——°-7-‘ .. 3100- ~ himnn "1". ‘.‘.¢ning or nigfitsg 9' C "l _ ‘ , lay lG—han-a- Axe» dull no-oi here [At School Glfll “Ill. —-..—.s -.—-— O S d S ' I C ' _ - - football rules for 12:31 )‘@f Wlll lmld d9"" UN‘ fin‘l'b3N‘ J05» Th!‘ lat 21- n-a- «in! men at Laureufle. _ _ . , Y mi, ,1 0 r1un11',¢., if ""9 1336' «-1211; Fox SALE-Ru” poultou without ueatioii be beneficial in three other rtltulari-. Echetromu In 29-I0—4onier ma-rt -1 Nc-mum Tl" 1“ s°h"°‘ “M” b‘‘"'l'‘" 0“ ‘N “ ‘ pm . ' fr‘ . ,by using genuine Red River Ohio or New "SW1. C r di_- “mm ""1 Cam”. "C cum C1 «"1 .1.1..- s In-.1m1 Conference 111.-.1 .11ti-am defeated the Benton School you do not read and use MIISULYIIE REAL E3.._____—————TATh lid“ cow“, and pdfloa‘ “25 rector of nthlleticr ht the Univeraity 'and should win letters again this, n ‘ 9"" "°”‘"d“-" ‘"""‘°°" 5" “ 55‘"“‘ “V'"“ "d" ‘ pa ‘bushel. Jackson Grocery- . . - , 1 m 11 . 5.11,! of Missouri ‘ii; the sur 1 When the Tigers come back from’ ‘t "W 1“ School by ‘ 2"m'7 "0"" ‘ 5. 4 ’ 0a“: 1 ' '. ' ‘ recent changes made by the iootv Th’ 170-175 members of the winning team and light“ 3200 (10.11; “hug ‘rho ghorump god third hue po-° the Missouri Valley indoor meet are Nan Charlton. Dorothy Brown. Fnnh . ' ~ ' i -- - - ' ' . - " .' UNDIY month. .\'1ce '1'~roo1n house: south RICE adh wood. Phone ZZPS. 53" fillet c0|Il_lIIM¢c— _ .sit1ons mtst be filled. but Andreo the) will hibernate for a five in-eke A“ M _ P L Bdv N h I 1 1 C01-33533.3 aA\D '1-5 . ,.,‘1., $6,000. 5-room house: “The 131901 i_runoi'i$nt 181,111.-n. Sniaha. Holmes and '1hom:en in 1 on the cinders. Izmtfflllig E11?‘ B3_mn°°£m_R. ;,1o“_r'1';_°° | 1 11111-; on raved sum: - NW4 9°“ ‘M’ N "‘ "'3 °’“.'""“°"' 11° 1 WE '’°"‘ ““ :“'-'"' ""'""'." ‘°‘"‘ ’" 2‘ '9 ’°7""" ‘° ‘ ‘. D" ‘V 1111. 11111 111-1111 Wviitt. o .111 11 Svedalt -',g 11 tile house; south, Ill!) 701' <'l|PPl*|¢- T15 WM‘) 0 shots roniiee of developing into Relass at Des Moines Tllltt met-t1 - x I I I t aevere 1 Phollo G57 "varsity material. if Coach'_ Kline will be follower! by the dual meet e mos . " penalty of .11 aside from dlsquali-'. an and 1..., mo“ ,.,.,.1 “'"' °"““““ *P°°"““‘ ""4"- Strawberry mouadsmen with Wasbinirton at St. Luui.-1 two .. ' ' . do fmition, will go far toward elllll-? n the mgnv candidates for the weeks later. For four weeks there» Lm" c‘"“h‘" h" b‘‘'’" ‘P’ ———? — — ~ - we brick house: garage in basement, A 1 _ .8190 3 _ 1 , '_ 1d “.11 1 1_~ -. 1.... 1.. u..mo W»; «cm W» ‘"“1;*‘°°**<~~ “*"?*= “*9 1w, «»~w=~" um-u«~.u 1~:= we =1» M ‘"**=.:'f",1"r* .n.1':;:'::;;,:r;? . - _:,._,'1_.,00. nrmom house, 3 11.11”: Fgder please return to . teniional 110111;) to an gxhgen the hurlinz staff. Nebraska 5201111! izne l'n niteets t'Inkl‘UC(‘{€:IS1\1("n::.U§_8}flfiOn. "11 uh“ uw Pine 0‘ “W11 '11-“S Is one of the S gr “-m:eé1:‘ - m ’“sCELl‘A‘\'EOUs ‘:11.’ -etalligpolnt according to -A a 1:)-lg1‘,,g..,:o:.n(1;_. hgvq n sch;-d imeet {hr May I. the before the ‘‘‘'m‘‘‘“'’- M“ C'‘"‘“h“" 5‘ “'0'” I e S,’ house. 3 a : on osemary: . .- ‘ _' _ _' 1 .2 1 ‘- 1 ' - - , - ° Spr1n‘{1e1d. S r 000; ea:-v terms. New 6-room brick cogcuyxc done for JL':\']oR B"“°" '5 ”"”""“'m °f "1" k°k°“ uled, eight of‘ Vihlcll are at home. l“lfh'5¢h°°l 01"‘- ' . . . ' . Thil "KC - - )1‘ " 1; -' f . .i.. 1 \\ B d : ml!‘ , ,\. (‘ 11 ° the 0'’"d “M. Othe games probably will be issouris 11 outing so at 1. re 1 -._ . um. \\1-aihc-r11 Realty Company. 1179 51.;-1;. 153 1.3 an _ __ 1 ' l'h‘""' -‘~' 1 17 ~m(-‘ smcc ~ue bu] no‘ The alm rice from tlu l\ehraitlia 6‘ ‘ I ' d 1 lb!” . -2--1 ‘.._.______T - 1 . . . ’ ‘T COPS 0 lllll-IT)’ In WW II?‘ ll ‘ 1 ._____ l ‘WINDOW screens made or re- Wlihlll "'1' 71°” °{ Pk)’ "‘ ‘'39- ‘"3’. - 1. ~ .. losses under which as been; Safe!‘ Than 8 ’ ' 1 . . . line-up of center fltl(l(.. llloodgood _ _ 1 1 LOTS FOR SALE paired. Miller's P11111111; .i.i11i. 11: low: °f_ °_"*’‘ W’ ‘_‘1’n”;°‘ ,1” 1,1” 111111 1111 powerful 1111:1111: irrobahlr "h"""*¥« "*4 '°"‘°"*-‘ ' Ml’ "W-1 Bank 159130511 “0 1mu_ for “11, mm: of thersouth 311, fl “Ant 111,131 opportumt) for I 1"}!-"' e I {.111 be 1110 1111:3951 10,-5 1o\11,¢ in; team {or the outdoor season. 1 '~-__J . - - ‘ ' -'-’-"—"‘*""'=-"-'*—"*— -- ‘ ’* " T 1“ “"5 ""3 “‘l‘-“l”-°d lb’ 3"” l‘ - Missouri will send full teams to ~ - ‘ l‘.‘{ ‘til? lg". (fllumbn or Cornhugkef n|nf_ m’ ' I‘ all have c“nfldcm: ln ll’fk wt’ 1 t 1 wfifi a Hufk‘-‘P 918,- '15 ‘hf Ram‘. lb? ‘he “c“?m our bank! and rmizt‘ ' 1 V‘ ' ‘JV’ ‘”‘ """““u" .ut‘¢u"°‘——I'T(fi—SALl'3-—Li h ‘ me "am ‘' K 0“ C't ' Bl e« of the .\1m~riL-an A.=so- (‘*’'‘‘°"-’““' m": ‘t Ch'°"° “he”: he ho! f l -. d rt ' ' ' l -- 3 - Z ‘ lord truck‘ dl“d"“"uF° "‘ ‘"5 f°"“"'y we -' 3- u ' - ' ' ' she will be or resented b’ oulv two J p U no’! “H mm vs) 1”‘ '"<'"‘._“d ‘"1 “'l“°“ A"""“° J“°:".cheap. Hughes Furniture Company. ca“. motion. V-‘lav M1‘ In Ulmlnll "“ or three mm” 5 - of their offici~r1- and ('nlpl0}‘!‘r~. 1 \\'liite (‘a1npu.~'. Easy terms. .-905 “- 1 1 St L 111-0,1-1 .' ~ 1 (,4 K111,“ California. ‘ ' _ 1 ‘ At the saint Him we rtulilc - 2 St:-wart and Sons, Eichante l\'a- __ ‘ nu me ‘ ‘ .§::o1‘1::,l‘?;p:,:-1g!;;1::liange lit the R u"qEBA’” 1" {the :10“? EM the fir?‘ M iv: that in the last thirty 11!‘ 1 ‘“"”" 83"“ md‘; "om Gnu‘ rulmz in mrnrd 10 b1°"3°d d‘-"n "GE ‘0l1‘.l€‘BA(‘Iil ‘0.\' Dl\\t(i.\’l) :1 llkht e\r'1?rKod’1.l.ttmte0e 1131' 11..°~°l1'::1I {°"" -‘°“” "‘°"”"d’ "{ ' ~ - - ' “M at B""""- "F" m‘") yen!’ A . u-ed to the cinders and to provide bulb in "W L” snug “)8 ‘\'°u‘!",”3Rn be.“ DAvls 0051’ irames haw been uon and lint as 3 Men Are Receiving Pointers our 111"‘ ‘no’ we sumuum indoor have failed for hundreds ‘of 1.111.111 house in 1 on.‘ d ,1 3:1 But tral Illinoiii Goal 1 result ofakick being blocked. The s]1¢|i.1g...B Lawn Shout Up 1su'wn_ ; millions of dnllnn. causing "’''"m 9”‘ “°°"' M?‘ y ecm." 1Cdl 478. Opposite Wabllli S99" turning point of the California 11,“ 1,, Mon,‘ 11,“-gicc .______.__._- tremendous l0!lM.B and suffer- Illid Pllnwdi P°55‘~"5‘°“ Al"_"l_ 1': Franklin County C0‘! game was a fourth-down kick After being confined to indoor T0 HONOR NEW MEMBERS in: to unnumbered innocent P50“? 1595- 51‘n‘1‘.'_.‘_-_‘._‘:_'-;'.‘_::--, ~ ’ ' — blocked by Van Dyne on the Cali. Wm,‘ by the had ‘,,111,,._.' gm. 1191., W 1 A. _.i._..__“ H u dq-p()3‘i{or§, _ _ _ _ 1 . . _, - -,1 ., _ . 1, . - , Elect-1 in. in an or . d_ ,‘d. , "°“ r“"”"""’°“‘ .3’ '3'“ “-"‘.————L‘"mG 57.:-"o1o1'° 1lol'llol5"§o«-:7":-ma na fTf.‘.l'"r'll-3 .3-l1°'.’.1.‘. .1‘1’1;f..1‘.’.§_5"‘.I.§.:‘.li be-aeror 8-aw-II. 11:’"1l:Zr?},h ".1hr'$.1.11°°'i.,'- (I The English Sack ; Hut” ma”. nflgm“-fl-Sm pmc’ COLUIBIA Pnlwnxc C0" hfcll-hi"! *P°"~ lmd {"31" mi‘ u“"° form linirtice Ruins: like clock-1 Kl” "'"'"‘b"" °{ 0*" w"m"”-" loan on i.'h~ela.-is cit) bu11i- ’ S ‘t 8ll0ul- ' '"b1“00.‘° ":"1o(:'“°Mb1 Give us ii chance. if our prices ,,,, 111.3 mm W... 105; to 1119 T'1ger:t,: wm.11'_ [Athletic Association whoniadc the! M," pmpen}. “.w,,,d 1,). 1,1,1 1 ul , _ '3” '3 3:"_u1.. cl.‘-04751335 Wofk II? D015 80153 |¢l°l’)'- "9 'l‘hi.i sort of happening will be (~,,1“.11 1.1,"-y }(,‘p|.1- began coach-1 N50. -hiiaketball and Inotmf b“_”~" mortgage on the grounds. ders and Snug lllD81 ‘ 1 tit-en. 0:11 1 1 do not expect your business. eliminated in the future. since the 1,1‘, 11,1. m,.,,1,, 311.11": mm 11¢. 4 bill} teiings” V111 c!‘lKl'€!‘l.&l1I.tdG\::ltl1‘ bu11d1nRs and 1.qu11,me,1,_. ‘nd 1 1 FOR SAl.B—l4 acres: 6-room‘.P_b.°1S 581 - 7- A80‘ “QEQ .5‘ “flit rulinz l"°"'d_°"‘ th"“..‘_b‘°d§'jd. will continue this practice until 3 {$9793 6 "‘ “M °':°;l‘it ii flffl on on ome See a few of our . 11 . 1111,, ,1,1_;._,,,- 0,11. g5'ooo,l ' " ’ ' kl l‘99°‘'¢T¢d 5) ‘he k"k"‘l~' "‘°‘ the men have learned to make good D‘-‘_'°'“ ‘1 9- '“-v "° ° which is pud to thi tnistee th J I . .°““' ‘- ‘ '. ’ ~ * J GUY M¢QU]'['['Y «mu count as rm down provided 111.111. ndwded -1 W mruhr '-‘Mint °‘ 1.. isufficii-nt 1.1111 1 samples at e ling 8- . .1 acres: .-room house. modem ini . , . ,_ . _ __ . .“- A A -1-1m"d‘.1 . . . 1 .. -- o - n It does not cross t 0 line of km“ After this he wni the men into. - - - _ 5 _ mum}, 10 meet an mniuniiu 1 ‘.\.er}v "II_\, $6.l50. 4.0 J‘ clam“ .90 1“ vs _ for a short _ a&K()(‘[.tc§ 3119*! .*\ll1lll I ' t‘ 1,‘ d i 1 dur_ 1 h 1 room homic, $6,000. Weathers Real-N rds — "mg" .’ _1, . 1 U 1"" pcipiuirt l1:'f:_‘c1:_f_(u_r"__ warming up‘ H."kins head of basin-1l1nll She 9 '"t‘h‘_"‘_" M‘ 131'1f,l:?m UT 1 ty .Compan;—, phone 272.. 168-173|1:,£,g,1,11,,1,-1'-3.11;-,"1 J Plmnv: 2241. ‘;l;'li;.'n:";»: ‘hr: 1111:Ji‘1i1imU1:n “Tammi “("11" 111118‘; 1-0“; we M-ozwm “put? M1” Dorothy l1,rN‘_r' 1::-Ora: 0111111‘. ";h.u1wuOn ‘.1.hu.h‘ . . p FOR S.-\Ll‘3—.\'3C¢ 5400111 b°°3¢11, - " _ A- 8110115 preliminary permission to do so will mond. _ ‘lb? "f‘uh"°‘bIb°k’_':1;;°1li‘°:‘ d::_:mg me‘ for more than fort) years has. CO, 3 ' take a vacant lot on trade.'. ___ do away with it considerable loss‘ 34."; Lg:-9 nndilgppman otartcdv N3» 0 l 9'1’: ¢ 1- 3" -- 0 mwd in 1 1 mm. 1 TIl¢‘Ph0m' 1354 Nd» A _ ,o.T'“'1 UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP if time in‘ trvttinl-‘I 10 if|.5|1Tl‘d WW!“ cfm the-( moi.rI1d. \\lndl(‘dh9l€‘((:-3:: Sudan» 91,". non“. Toma"-o¢_ cities: of th:; 1§"nit¢1d Shatcs. ‘vhcrg mug Shines Snpreinr . » — A - ~~ 11* ‘ -1 Real ‘or . - and will auto insure lllflllml Pena‘ irst. Sui’ «8“'~* "“_“"‘ - " ~ --,1 . . N‘ 111" #11 1 111 . mums: hun rt 1- 0 rm ion“ 1 ', HOUSE8 F0“ ‘BN1 Satisfaction Guaranteed lies resulting from trni11i-rs 1 or 1)un1~1u1 llhl1(ldS1l;ll 1\1\'h1te1niir;1";:"1k‘;,d' l'('3ll:!‘I:‘.ar(l({“lllt' ftrudenttf ope: l'iuus:‘1 in bonds of this ("l1li!~h viith 1%’ H“! '5 Opposite Us’ ,1 ————* , ~ _ 1_ -1 lies ‘ . t c 0 t it . MOP“ 5”»""~ . h lss I1 ~‘ __ --.._ .»-. you _RExT-5°‘. ‘(Moon hon?“ ~—~_ _1““‘c“.*9’th"’qE‘ —— zhtfiugh cl‘i'1?m:11«:1'‘kev1onuzinn "181 ;\'L:'8f'?l(',\'. (iglvllllh A"lh"“>' "ml M“ I311,” 1::,:g,;:“lh:1-.l:,';::0p:1! l,1‘1’\‘~1-1‘-'t<(1‘r.0 7:1!-"1: 1 tllcr lrcl-ctilll “ '— ' ‘A 1‘-"A 7‘ - ~—— . "f“‘l1‘ 5115:‘-)ad:fi:' 5:3” hahzéhgrfi INSURANCE .- thny had be-on granted pcrniis.-sion. Queen in the !"1¢1ld.k "11 th 1 1 1.; 0.c1o(_1;v Dr. Robert J_ Kcmch 1,1 1 ’ _ 3 '~“ ' " ' .. A 11 -11 - ‘s 111 ' 1 rnreta- B-r .' -s on .« re 1- vi‘-1 - . . - '. w. r " ' ('1 l’Al\'Y . I‘ My can phone 272‘ 168.1“; I’?llli:L T‘l:}Sllr\.":l§O li(1nnr("dni(l‘:rl-dal':.\"mtlle co¢clil':‘il'll¥ “’"“ l1¢~t(inr‘thi' 'l‘:ll!("' “ml, {M pmlhmtll .l)ilP:l‘lL lily‘-I b A fll‘Y‘11‘.lltf.’¢‘|:(lt'nlltV’1l”Of the Asloundiugt Terrifying! Brc“h.T‘kinx! l A _ , —- 49 4 . ‘ _ ' ';_ This “,1 1,1 ,,hn\\'inL' 1| ltll iifiatteani. til ‘ " ' _ ,_- A11 .1 _ 1 11 111,‘ - I ' 5 11111 mr.:vr—very dc-some - m-u<=1 "1 mm‘ to W“ r*‘">* . . _ . . -~ ~ Mn-~hm°n** W" *1‘ *.”‘"*- W1 1 "ma". W‘ °" ' 1 A 121111111111 11111 Mitxfllficent ouwlay 1» 1 bans‘: fine ‘nation; for wan‘ ‘ad J P cAAu;ormobile lnsuranC€_ rule has horn ialxine (;£wCf{ll|l(t'1‘|tl'|‘(;Y: n11xc1< his 1'o1t‘(:r'1ni:{1r“1\1¥;1111w1: ‘mdcnu in 11“, Un“,"“1). and 1.111, 1111.18 of u.(.u,.,1,1., 1,1 1111: {M1 1 1- 1 ‘unmet month,‘ phom 1227, 1 ' ' . 1 10? “Om? Um" ‘-9 ‘° “ ""'lh""‘ _ 7'“ ’ ‘ ' . 11: s are invited to attrn . that the greatest life insur- . . . 1:1 1q155-17}._’:h°"° 1 Cum“ 3d‘ it: wording was rather \'a§Ut~ and last your a short~lvP 1* _5l‘''l‘P”‘ . “K1. wmrmm. 1" Am¢nc. 1," ‘ 1 ..__..__.__—s .-- 2-—-——-?—— E’-‘—"‘ ’” ‘''" "V- ' ""_‘—” " .0 mitted of vgtious dllf(‘!‘('l'lCl‘§ the fast ones \\‘lll1 T(‘KUlurll)'- "31 ’ ' . , - C 1 0 ---—-——-"”"“""""‘_”; AU-fouoguy wogx p°.’. . - - - 1- 111* —+ "*0" "*3" 1"“! ‘ '“"’°” '1"! ..= AIMRTHENTB F08 KENT 1 ‘ of opinion among officials as to the _.-111,111,. g((;r)d ftorm in ‘blur ‘in 1:‘: 111” 1me_‘u_d 1,, ‘.11! (".51 1 . _———~ _ *—:: "“"'—"’— , ‘ 1 rprcuiion, - k, eat ou . 1' ‘C - o r mm,’ ' 1 » FOR “WT-*‘"'°""°" ""‘“'l ATHENS AW“ mMMNY mmiiilaccome to run stop. :3:-1.1.1. as pl-mni: wnsiswnt bl"-', Recreation Parlor '"3r'1l5§e'"§o'.1°.1‘: .l:.l1'l.°111‘o M tif " ‘I 1 mom or housekeeping rooms. Phoneg Repair Work Guaranteed. The “,1, 1,‘, been fcwordtd so (~_m1,1, Kip“, 1, w1.1-1N,1m 11,9 ,,,.1_ ""1 refined ‘web ",9 ob Th0)’ Y3 y. - 1 '-'°‘l3- J‘“u:N" rub mntd "'50 9” ‘°'"‘ that it is now emphasized that in (1.111 into shape, W en practice h_"_dpb_ ' ' 'rTmirwr4 or 4-room apart-‘N" ‘"'“"‘ 5°" “"‘° ‘°‘ & 3”’ z--ch and every sh-ft play the p19>'- star_ted. 1111» i field 11-111 his weakest LUNCH 1 They St|lP9fY- ,,,.,,1; g.,,.;.1...1 or unfumishedfi: TO rors "",'““‘_‘ °""‘°.“_’ ‘ “" ’‘‘,‘’‘’ , .- ~ — -- 1 BOWLING J. G. BABB - 1 - *1 Th 1 ‘8, 1 . T 1M“n1 .m interim lit-tviun the rtop iind t c, , , ey y. “many ‘°,c“°d' Phone D1691“! AU1;0uA(1)1B"Lbn R 11‘ ‘ G eniippinsz back of the ball. which ‘.1 The Only Dealer in Columbia “' H Bu: ' "M ‘shone “3 will Permit the l’1'f¢N.'€ to register : “ ’ I Authorized l2)’ the-‘State Dc» . 1.-OR R31;-r_pum1,h.d .931-t.‘1‘i3 .1 count. ‘An iniitarrce of the differ- “.1 Wm cm‘ 1 A place to 11:28! your "amen; of pm.m,_ . merit: modern in all ways. Phone‘-————__ -1 » '1 eridtlln. intzrprietation between _ trienh. Rooms 10-11 Baden fitillding - 0 71:1 green. 717 llissouri avenue. lA)Ah ASSOCIATION 111:1:-c;u:1r*_ 1'" '1 °r’;"1‘o ’1‘;j‘,’°r":mfz; We have on moat oo-11111. 91"."? Investigate the Boone 211111111111‘ ’ 3‘ _‘_‘_; -Wk 0‘ 5°“! ""' "‘*“‘ Enxineerinizw ‘H on 11-“? ,7°"P‘::"BnMh 4 Fol’. MINT-Au apartment 0‘ 2§Ssvln¢I and Loan Association ' "‘”'”" J “'5 l“ C'''''‘'‘ All‘ ‘ml “'3” 1 11: K“ ' 1 ‘ _ .. connecting room! 1 South 51111 . onga . ii LAWN GRASS I _ 9 y’ . 1 _ ,1m.1_ phont‘ 1842 black.nl“.n‘; N8 Guitar Bldg. ll. 5. S51. Clair. Legrn to “dunk, 31“ cm‘ 11,_ .45, ' 2:” ANN“ A11 81-_. pA1'1.; Cfi|,fimflON ___ ___, ___________._______.—.—i “fine C'°'¢ro .5’ ' ' ' ' ° "3‘¢ vf~' ’f' 1'1? 1‘ A M Q l\‘(’l: l{lZl\'T——I-‘urniiihed or 110'; 81103 R1.;pA1gu;(; figfligh Rye, lb. . . . . ‘5 J E 3 1 1 . fumi.~l1e-cl apartments fol’ 3 C05‘, r oguon Potllofl 1 ‘-.-——i ,{--- __ . _’ 1 _% ,, , -,___._ __ —— - "--— 111-c1111g rooms. 507 South 5111 Street; FINE snot! RI-2l’AlBll.€G . Private lanolin by ap- .." Bum std‘ Wm 1, 1+ {p-1’ we-~ 1:;r I ‘ K Dal? 111.nn(-1812 black. 11170-1741 Best :11; Illt:Nlé|'IsC€l'lllI. poingmagt, don‘ we “,0.” sari.‘-.. l -I 11 E 1 .1 j -1 ~. 1; ,_ T l-‘OR It!-Z.\"l'--Light i1oo'ui1eepii_1;* ,1 3 ‘ml’ 51 MRS AMESON ' ‘ 1 .'g " " ' ‘ _ apartments; also sintlc hoolflltlz-._'—;__._,_.____.....__-—_—_—-._-_:-_‘; J 1 ' . "*°¢°"”'°m°~ ”*'°"° 9“ "‘°°"° °‘“ "‘°"° s5“‘”°?_E Phone 2048 ; 1-11.11: ti meta nnvoiaui 1. . 3 ' . V ,_ . :- mg 111.311.;-1-._.1\.1 .11.;-urieot, 2 or In osrn department. lfllina lolt . _-~ __ ‘_"': “_ ___ fl V‘__ _______ ' :1 rooms. South 6thatroet._tla.in.outat8p._m. -1 1 1 111,mne 13¢ bhck. _ , ’__§_l_C‘-17_11 m£.UG£0P ° “""" '* 1 —»~---—-- one . - 1“"1'1.3‘11‘.".;‘ 'l‘inietopl'aut-Sweet 'l"“' Beriiards,° ,,,f°,, 1“,,fi‘?f{T;.s‘“3“,n,...‘ '°°'§,.?1'§ ms oiiuo siior Pea need. We have all ‘ A‘ A Porpsaa-lptlui ‘tor "I-_!!-7"‘? ullroadvay . aarvlee. Noehargs l-‘OR ltl-2N'l'—l bedroom close ill:-1 ddlvuy. other flower oeeik. no other roomers. Phone nag ' 1 u ' _ ' lilaclc. 0170-17:¢———“-‘Z '7“: ‘—‘~: I “' ——_-‘- - ’ - ......_.—.—__ ‘ l ‘DWI 30111 1‘ I-‘OR RI-2N'l'--Light hoouineepii-el , _ F030 O0 - FOR 1 l . ' . ‘"4" A -- ...-.-to * A‘ : ' ‘A A I ' A ?.\‘< 0 : '. ‘ 1 , ”' ’"’ ' "”_ "" 1"" 3 1’ : 3 :0 flmbifl ' I . ‘l .'\‘k.\ ‘ ’- ' ' ‘- ._ , ~v--~-. ‘ "‘ C‘ “ ; =°. Q ‘1 _. 1 . I. I I V '1 -A ' ' 1 ‘Z 1 V _ lll ll‘. ‘ ‘ ‘l’ .I . J 1 f . 1. 1 1 . tie e I . f f 1 ‘ ' '1 :3 7 ...l "I j‘ ‘ . ' " ‘ .-1 A1111-gp 1'0 4. 1 ., . 1“ 1 -_‘- ~11 _V -. ‘l _'..‘ . ‘*1 1 _ .' _. _ ‘ 1 1 '- ".‘ eono s.a.‘u'° .‘ {I " 1’ V o I ‘M ' M ' .a 11, 31!; AL. ‘ __ 1 -_< I; W, ‘ "1' 7 ‘bl -uks ~~ 1moiocoiut_ - °‘ ". - 1 _A.. ~ --1 A -? ‘-1-.Fv'' ‘ :1 :-. “ '-r'.~ .9 ?~‘r‘.-Y.-‘ 5!.’ 1 1 02. .'. 9 ' , _ . - _V _ ._‘ , V 1 . _. _ _.".. 13.?‘ -1’: ‘I ° 1 “ .-or;-4.. L4 A 1,‘_ ’ - ~ '1 1 31111 -''='' .-. _ vs '1 ' V I , _ O ‘.4-~’*!~3a ’ ‘ l K 1'. l ‘o-' I Q 51 v 1',’ ‘I 1".. I .7‘ D I ' ‘ If . . ' ~17‘- ‘ Z €7.g',.'.‘oarf'¢.'2. 1’ ‘V "-"* - _ ' 0 ~ _‘~_' . .o..¢ '_ :3‘... _€_~ . ' , . V - . . ’ 3" '» ‘ ‘ . V -a‘ _V _ . o_— .-.:‘_—:r- 3..-: I _ ‘It? ' , . . _--- . . .. -_ o._~1;.-.17-e:1-_'_u'.=." »5~1f17t, -,__!S§ll‘_..: '_ ,- 5‘ T.‘.. . ‘Hg’ - "" ..‘V ‘ 5 .1‘ a "'I ' ' .' 1 ‘ . ‘ "'._ ‘ I ‘:4. ‘,‘ 7 5".‘ " '.' ’ ' - "I 1 .. ‘ . . '7 1. - “ ‘l ' '7 .3‘ c' :1.“ ‘ 3' N . V."-"‘ I" -.'J;’‘‘--.‘‘ ;. l A . "2 ‘- ., .