Mrs. Dudley Copley will enter-‘. . - - _ -_ _. ’ ‘ : ' " ‘ ' ‘ V fi._' tain members or! 60 Knitting Club‘, .. l * _ , V . .. v ‘ _ - . a -4 - at luncbloaday. v - ., 4. _ -3 r .2 - t , ‘ K ,.' - :. _ ‘. lo‘ ” , . ' —. .. f. f .'.'. 1- J -o -— -'*3;"lf:,““" ' I ’ n - 1. ' t_;',.' F‘ '7 .~ :-.v~‘.'- V. - . J» '..-' ~ -V.-003$‘ - ‘ ~ “’ A‘ V V‘... ". ‘E 1 . -"J H... r - N‘ ‘ JR; -’ . I 7 ‘. ~v Q 5 ’ .. .7 V . V. .. ‘. L , - I - ' .- 3 ,- — - ' ' ' . , F. ; . ._' ‘- V.‘ _‘. ’-. '1 _ - ‘ . . .4, . A ' :. I A ' (£6 - ‘ ' G . .V ., . A. ’_ . . _ x ‘K on "31 A ‘ a - A . . . . 0 ‘ — A»-. —" ...:'-r’ ~ - " ed! ~ .~ ‘ '~.':z~~' .- .2‘-¢.*_"'*.._.._._= ._:.‘._:-..~.- _-- --" — Cu ‘* ' '; -V - . ' , ' - . ‘.3 5 ‘ 3" " _-f. :'.'..‘- ‘ ::7.E§.....‘.._.. .._.‘..._--........,;_.._..-..—.._.—«_—--—— —- '~ ‘ ' ~ A "i"ra.-iiiiiirr « . — . . e .. .. 'GARI§TB RIADYQO __.....c. at I up;-gnu]! A1‘ EH33”? 8‘, N . - - ‘-—''‘'—-—~‘-‘ _ . i . "“°‘__._._.." '“‘°" ’ ' wni Give vi-ti: .1-.0»;-owl "'."" "" "3 0' ' htrlea of 323 Ell!‘ ufiul "' Kjatd ‘licks Direetort. ‘ " . . z u. . i 0 ' ‘ Prcsnl ' . to which will be dis- . __ e. . ‘Q .~....., 3.... Be Sent to Prof. fl. 6. Hell. l Prubywflw swan”. M”. The agarnien . { Cohmbiu " ' I ‘ Entries in the eotlllfiltlon tor‘ Th‘ . in ‘of the pro- plaréifl ll" .“".mt~ ,°. — A" l 3 0' '“'‘'‘U''‘"' “''‘'l h tw rites of C20 and 810 whiclil clarion will ha" ' we Inflr!Ii- &'andi- of lhe American ..N¢od|¢- J " 0 « ' '10- '0‘ W "r "- “‘ ‘ Q “lop offered by the Dnmticé cm" “ "" 3°°”‘c°“” This is work Goiidiiond-r afternoon have 1 , l-LIOfllflQ.fiIll- by Governor Bake at lb ; 3, c,..., g. or gig. .u- recital arm. Alhh am at oio-i..lIIuh. and returned Friday to bed» he ‘“'° Cg‘, of an Uniwnity for‘l7y ‘°'"°"°' dwrmon. ins been completed under the manartf ‘ 1 aaklnttiielpeople oftlle Itata In lino Ben vioiud trio:-as Ia ooiu-gun coil.-go not-any shit. ’.""“"""" "'°"" . ‘Ara 1 the second of a series of P193“ 1* directors. Each di- naaa Ialadtiha : . J. IL loan and family are room; this the be.‘ one.“-t plays will cose _ , ad ,1,‘ uuylas of client of twexe k .‘ .1 0349- toald g; s, Arllnlonu of Colaubh was here? “L,” in: §-at la the Fred Roberta farm northwest on March 31 -mi’ competition i‘ kin :“U‘.:r~’®' Uni‘-m red”, ha 3 grotp of eleven wnr - 1'3 --------~ , u.- . Kt“ fiflim. V” 11 . l -0! Urn. It. Roberta and family haw‘ ' t [1 - the‘ ghg ‘ ° ‘ lb-at .... as In 5"‘ u" 9..., ma... oahi. here ‘......| c... . ° " ‘° ‘”d°”t’ um ed m " ' ncss -Baku’ has chi 95- _ - & 0-I81 *3‘ 3’ 0*’ ‘ Ill fifllllfiftiffll ‘"3150 9*“ "i‘”°‘ oa'l:aluen‘Ionday. 0’ W W J And: Bricks: has ionoo-on. l frIabb!lIb4::“:ho ho: an injured e-ar U,,h.,,.‘m, of M;,,om-5, supherisi o{m:,,FnpI*ou'ain. llias Stella. The directors: nae. F_}:)r~r. J-M2: ' P.“ of 3...... “gig, ho had has in vi : In. iiaiuii iioidwio ha minim‘ dru ad ho. hm. In coiomtiu unv . - H . Em,-,-,3 . , . 441']! A pgkei-i—' ‘ , Mrs. . . is c- . - Ij ‘fill ‘HUI “'00 .°°th..‘urn ‘i'.°ufl.‘nd qgrlet fever. bi { Paul Cook in aovod ‘ta lhtl:l-tort. ;d0f;lI.[ trutnavit from Dr. Carl‘ Sh!-1-J ::guldC}am‘;5:d c:it;‘c;ro‘. “O G_ Oliver Will tilt :3 A_ A! ‘e...g:enkh‘:n L Lun‘nmid' Mrs. R_ R’ p . Z} { Illinois and Indiana this Put 1783- an. Clara non Gihori spent last: lav a-no bout: a you of mic. (or the um verb. is lnprusvd. . .5" ,7 new . . W095‘ , P D. T‘ Gentry. M” F‘ III!!!‘ -I '0'.‘ '3" 3' “"" con-u-ibmiog; be sent snob-end in Columbh with n-iotim. Jlaturdar. ' sin. .1. C.-Roberta co. in (‘A-ntralia Mt-hl. 103 Geology 8168- in be a vocal solo by bliss xggels. Hrs. _ my Ir. and in J. 1'. Richardson visited’ Join. Be-it-her or ooioopu «mu-: hioxlwoooo-do: to lure aataede-ntal wort noon} Lut .,,,_.,,. ,5, pritel were *°''‘m" ' t. The P|'€|57l¢" M Tisdel Mrs. J. H. Pnnzltn NY-*3 0N8 811133333 to the Red Cross Relief Colnmlttfl ,‘,_ M g',.,_ g...,.... 1."... Sunday. iioot amid». ls“ """‘ “' "'''‘'‘°‘" °' "'9 ‘Rt 'b - J Be r ho vi-note “Men and ' [ltd ‘will Plai J . W Simbnwm Mrs. J. A. Stew- Alvalalahc and Qlreulatloa ........: “ ‘nmpoih’ lo” .0 Q“; ghi; up Jimgiie ltpcd. who had ill with Eocene Burks until Sunday at the home as the guest at Ir. sad Ir-- W. I). ll-ulrn , .\ Oe” T33; th Hello i 0 Students ’0:'d_‘e?"_.,. d 'enI _ Luz“ fluhbiirzl. Miss Nun \ . . ,..........g., i. inomco and -in .ooo i»,or o. v. lion-per. _% ,j ~Roclus and Miss oro y .3. .‘ D.y_- fume, an I0 art, iss . _‘ ' _ _h_ society "' lflllhtion may h¢lP 5!! Rsmflfll i Lou Burbs cm in iiowoni County on: - lrianaggn, who wrote “Companion thgpglddjme ’.v°fitQg. uurfi Moss. and Miss Pearl: Mm ——— in a partial way these stricken 900° Henry Povm end fIm||ir'II:.v:-1 haiku. ‘l'lm1-«alas. V _ I i : Hiike... Jouphine Dfijggu received 0 .—-—«--0-----*‘ , 911, . ‘ Y CoM§ ""0 Ha‘ OWN pie to their former status. Dr. J. 2' ’~ 1- "°‘.'**“ """' P’ ‘' "" v'm.'&‘:"_d:'_';.:°"" 3'" "‘"°" "' C°'~ {honorable mention for her work WILL TALK, ‘[0 A. A. U. W- A Th? "hum Wm be from 4 1., o. Bu", . o I u L B. Cole of Columbia is also reoeiv- winch Di-trict School has bun‘ Lana hurt: .-oilomima muons norm.‘ 7..., i"Willie': Wife." In 1923 Mrs. Rob- _ k “ Hub "Hock ,1 ‘M. Episcopal parish The East lndians who eat fund, for D” by the S.h..uon cloud to prevent the upu-ad of scarlet avg the as-orb-end. ‘ ' u“.,.d, :;_ 9 9. ,.,_-rm‘-~,m L, fin-n1-lo‘ Housman former“ 51;‘). }.1_ Prof. “. J. $399 ‘o‘3|5.C ‘mu’? 94 h ' 1,. { 1, from which . _ g , Pm Jacobo open: 3 nd m. u, 1,, ¢o_,_,,p,, -M, .,g 5. u 3.1 , ' . . i 319 ay at _- _' V_M_.__ ________. at ‘ 9 gallant liicltw has evolved. Amy "' um nflm” ‘file’ "hm "“‘ "’- "‘"’ ”"""" °' 9"“ ""“’ ”°'*‘*" "'4 ‘--'-"i- u " ' Ina: the Dulllle-“al the l"nu-rnrli l “amen neural. mm pl“? ‘gm “Th:-"Ilse -Made of lfll.PlllK¢flC9' \- ‘sh’ C0;|P0Kili0n l’lI!'*d- or present 1' C 0| the d-d d. gum. of Ir. and In. . s. it i. mu Ruby Burk: .om-mo.-o the Mince! Auditnrltili +her plav. called Over the Vail. _ .. dc . md Dr . .6‘? A ,. did I101 !’t‘8lll9 919 8"“ l’°°“ Vhich “arm 1 creel-e-rid. 30'“ '"“"“”’ """‘- 9 "Ian-rhlzl. n-:ir. is. at. Thr l'n'iv--r-ll)" A number of books that will’T‘'’‘'’’' '" dw hm r‘. be i‘ A m slcal club in M-..~:ico (11%: u-. -0 “(erred in n mankind. Pa:-- 3!“ ""9" '“l'1°9 0°‘ ‘"01! "0 .Jll‘k Acton returned iioodor after a In. ruin the «Maui in-. iioooc-L nigh School (Elev Club will ,...».m. ‘the; R)" be‘ {M to tho“ who ", ,n,’l‘rimary Grades" will be l tap ‘1 which calls itself "Grt.p(is 13. u-eo>1o:l’i in the ’lJ°nited §ta'ea bus “°"“°“‘*"" h‘ ‘‘ "ml ‘°”" ""‘ :lh“St'il.t: P" b""'"' M" T’ mm‘ ”"!”a‘a'.' ‘.17 ll: bit:-a:l'd‘(‘:al if - :""u'." §"'§"".'" " ""-3"" 3-mr'.;.. n 'lp¢"’lYll! thep contest 08“ 5"" l’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' of the mm": qr ‘um hfiiéiiuii Q... a vruirfllm 8 0'“ -"*¥*“~‘ ""“ . 1 ' - . . . - U-. . . \‘ n were in" rr 2 . p. In.— 0- A-~ I I" I -'-'- - - vow mm i"°~°°‘ "W L’£i.T?.".;i"‘L'§I.;" ’}§?..";’5’.' 3.2‘ .31 .2 §..;?:'.‘.'.‘’‘.';’. '.'.'‘‘...‘:'.'‘‘'.’...°'..°..‘.’.':'.'';;.'I‘.‘. . “°°..':."'°.':.::..°.'"::";..f"‘:’::- 0...... r f.‘:.';::‘ .3. .::;'..:::'.'":.: on we ‘em ““ 1‘ "“’ «"»?‘°‘i’"n*35=~d*1*°-*'A‘{"‘:':"::n" ‘ °i°'°°“ ‘.2 “'“.$.°.T‘;...‘."f"...’S.§‘;f.2§’.a£’.i‘2’. 3'! Q and £te‘dny until’ is cm’, ‘(fink "( It i 1 073' I arriuusly l '1. ‘t uh,” ‘nnunl (:4l5'UOll)dlX]n 5"!“ : 5115- Ioll)l’III‘)-, Th? I'll (‘S Of t ? C071‘ hiondn). “ft£!’flO0n. II . . iii. 1.. . P - - _ '2 . . . for the mime .. . .. . - . . t th lb - d . - 1 mini! $00 V“-“‘“ . . . I it-4 H. 'T'."‘d‘lr£dl(y and [0, no public in the llniu-rpm. Audit: ...m _ "“l- 3|"? D'0“l9d 3 _ 9 l ‘‘r.‘ ‘n. Saupe of the School Of Education gfllfixe club. Dr. Meyrr Fin]. . ‘ hen ire in a small way what the su{fcr- (Mm u“M"u_ Mum‘ mm Ame“ ,,n"_ (‘ommh'.. thin may also be obtained from the ' f th. ma'or branches _ _ _ 3‘-hurl “ed M one 0 9 ’ ing must be by seeing our 0912500?! Is.. mm a‘ visit -uh hi. hmtim. (iilln-rt‘ I-:11: of Y. . th. . . ' . . '1 spot: . ' ~ « min the OT I-ifP'<‘°lW"‘- - . - ‘ - - no .».i.. rid his if. -nu r-. J. bu-in -i-at but-d-> - h :r.. oz-so .. ._'rh- .i .. «-~. . ~ - 1| “’ . . . ' ' 9 ~ introduce new tune. _ 1: la“ f t It ‘ear! lion)- "‘mckm' b’ ‘um’ Id.‘ ‘nth ‘ mint.-i fruni (.~oisr..m'u.;.. the row. a! 5. w. notion;-.' im“"t-ommono -‘raiimi...i.s Bun"? d°p."t.ment "3 Jtfflh H‘ This meeting Monday '’l“ 9" “cl the fir-at must nct't'~‘3!’1l\‘ 0° 1:‘ ‘ .M our H: 3' 0'-ll 3 ‘WW9. Ind hlvlnt their loved saiurdor and sou-ado to mom war" A. A. (‘old-rnun and family -pm Sum W” n "N, Comm,’ CML . The prize-winning plays 0 ‘t c pas the pk“, of the regular meeting‘ . a e h‘ t mh who and (her; far:-. try raisins: in the United States has on” “ken from thflm with the II.-K.~'r. Railroad. . ‘ «I-r -t the home at A. .1. Coleman. county. 25, i- p. In.-—'l'be “Charm two years are in m_anuiv»cript form he“ weaned‘). H win he in the t ir 9; he’-“Crap”; my '““7" um" d"umed' According ‘O n We can do only one thing and vi.I"lt:~l'l Thd-i:.¢ri‘o'ux(iluw“'it(::‘ 1?‘ (()olu§’=l|:l‘. ; .3.-lm:.:B0f:'u::.7:"':n .H:::i.i::.“ 1'" . “",‘r’:m‘:_" “‘§:"':“l*”" "e'm"f:"m"::' i" the “b'"5' "{ ‘he D”‘m’“'° Room 104, .lesse'Hnll- “'93 "H t em“. ’’ _ . - 0- ~ - ' ' ' - . ¢-gn _ v‘ s u - ‘ ‘ ' , .“::'.:l'l“9n.t Blade ‘he Trade Rec- wig m give a of the corn find hf! h|o!&7|d 1131 ”."m -"d (;|"r )9’-3543“ .7" ‘DVWNK ;‘:'..fi_,n .1 Ch"-atign (ullo-gr, A115 perlO,?,;‘ca].ro0,n l‘nd --_. A - ”" " ‘V V‘ 7' 7,‘ - _ ' . ~ - - k__ ' V . - _ _ . ' p . , t . . 9 ,9st ay’ . —--- ' - --rd and comm *» "W **'w°'"" r... o... enioyinz .. aid ...d .,.’:.:;’:.'...€.‘:.';“‘.2..‘.t‘.'".:..f.’°"“.....°:;i..”.‘:..:?‘:.. *'.‘;.:.:."':::.t:"::.";;..::.".:::.::.°".. :,,:: ' °. .r"*'":.;° 2’ “rd ;‘;‘2f..!:‘£.£“:. ...I.' .....",.... ("tv Bank of New‘ Y0!‘lfi- in l - 'bal. here be ‘II X is . loan-m.. I . nd Rab:-i (‘ l" _ s . ', °' -. on «W 5“ M M _ 1 ,1 . ‘"1 034 000000 chicken‘ in comforg {hose who have be‘?! nd Hanni a I’ M '1: r'I:"‘e nwndde “M duyi r a r ) r a un on ' l:_,:!5.,:.u mvrlll hr gn-n in the . - are produced on the XXIV? by local ' . , - . _, . , ll _ _ _ . _ ‘ ' . riu . . _ . . . ‘Mfr-" _ ' _ 0 ll. ‘ht’ C811 d0 no lt*5.<. ll ‘l.\‘ I d.m-.- .1 Prnvulence given by R. N. Again I hri-ty llxzrbn. lru l.urk- a M-nrrli flux uh :0__x “ d H "W _ bmiuion lll(’3l.l'lC&l Ol ganizations. . . h ' fl (“her ‘ntet-es‘. this cnuntrv in l‘l"0 there were _ - r ' ' - ' ' ‘ ‘N l A H 1' H "’ " " "““ H ' ll lIlsl0|') geograp ‘ an o - . v “' . . .*-ainrvlay night. Another dance hill in l-urlu Iv-n in C--lumluu ux. lnmnru .\r.l- 5 D A . * 0% IINIC I ' . ’ d , . _ _ Or 011? to oil!’ ‘ 0‘ §9{f! plays in l C TIIHICIC ft! "1 c o _ . - mm °' ‘Q. an * and "1 1924 “*9” ‘‘°’‘ - mm ,1 , the mm. ,, M. -‘W 0"" “'"'* 3‘ : "ff" ‘ , . . . not comvetiilnn. ‘A ‘ 1' ' 5 ' in: things one learns in wheeling s l>8_- ' . 47:. 000.000. The rapidity with ”°"' .."' °.” ° ' '. . ' “°“" .o.L‘T..:'I§f ;".‘.‘.i."'.§".'..."'m:."'.'~" §’»""§-"§..‘-T ”"' """" $l2.000 Dania es TuT.rded in Phi get 018‘ 5°" 0"‘ 3"‘ -‘'°“ ""°" ‘° Sum ‘ti’ . . _ it _ raising has been ery Missourian to help the .~..u-Len Ashland ‘m m . . . I April V2. p. In i .-.4-..oi.. um.-.; , _z . I on 1 baowade“, pack“ of stamps, al SL50. ls ‘h'ch pa“ r’ M. . d ft { lflll“ V , -non n-vital. nu-ti bi l)-nruthy‘ (ulmnrr ann [)('llI llll 'rhIlffid‘I,\. ‘ I’ o o _ 0 ° _ . . ted ISSOUTIRU. Ill pl fl ll . ' Rah:-rt Burs. -p,.r.I n Y I day. thi- 3-/OX1“. Rfilrf. . V,‘ l (. H H . . . _ 4 o S acketg up Ill? ls ln I08 . _ " V ‘ . . . I ‘uh R‘ T‘ (-“n{_ ‘Nd ‘ "I _ i 1*, ' Tit)?! I .\ I73 TL- mil 1: «fr lip “ C {Ind vet-d'(.t for a Sm. p a 9 autv to himself and the race to Mn P...i.m .\l4'lw.« hr (ululllliia o.-uni. > " "> " NW‘ .g.,.,,..,,.., . . ~ in the fact that U“? '"C"'‘“‘‘‘ “l ‘h hep -t ~ 18 1» ht “mu it‘ an_ hm mi. work. '°""“" ,_ April 3 and c- sue. oriu-c-r.~ uainina ’’]‘‘'m'"' ‘M """’°“ "'9 d‘""‘F°5 at 106 a hundred stamps. last four rears nearly Qquals that . P | m ’ hm lag . Mn Hum snmwwm mm” in ‘W. .,olr' h“‘:*i’lNr ”M:.mTR"h ha: "hull "°“"""" "1 ”" “‘ “' C’ “‘ ‘m’ V W‘ at s]2'000'" ‘aid Mrs’ W’ R‘ WW3’ Write for our list. and see the sets-of stamps 0“. ~ - . . _ - rzv : ;- .im- arm I um D ir. no r ‘is ' - _ - , ‘ . ‘ ed_ n veari. (‘l(‘Yll CD951). .l C‘ C EJ110515. umlna lhlc Iffs . I ' . ’ V 3””. l C. “ { forgnjan of 3 Jury in 3 pn0.(-R [rig]. o . o t Store. (If {hr ‘"1’? "It to - ‘''—’ Xv rind "rm “ ll, “I-YIN Ha l~'l'll'7ll'W ' .. _ ‘ ‘ ,(-. \ h b , h 1 , I ’ ‘ a . so ' ' f I «won ma’ "1' F ll ...- r .. ¢‘ - .. .......i s.....e.. ~"' "’ "e T-W um rm-irrn rm . “"5" “' "‘ "‘. "C" '""’ ““"‘ " . ’ 9" ’ “f ‘.““ “V “stain of educational value Tho rise 0 P00 "1" '4" 3 3 "7"" 9 5 -" "“" ‘‘m''"’‘' I): .....2 Lin. J. ll. ll:ir«l)' or r..iomi.ia -‘"'“’=> I=‘““'~' "‘ ”"'”"' """!""'”‘ “M M." f‘(““lh'b‘w'll'nl‘n~:¢-h, ~mr«lmm.,‘"-y “"'"'l>' "‘ Jud?‘-’ (“'5' " "pads FFY . . , . - - u , _ ' * , _ - ' - 2 A: ..l"l’I . I | ( r a 00.. ‘, be yittribuul to lmn) f0il0"‘- Singing. says it llflltlllnt-. llui lll.‘ . .i..x.-.2 tn-rr ‘minvlay. "‘:'r"‘ ‘H ,. ,, ,, 3;, M H... '1 WA:-2-‘A’: 31 Hal‘! Tn-5 "‘~-"1“h: n~l-m;--«- mu" “‘ ‘he S°h"°' “f I“‘“' Thurs’ . 0 , '. . ‘ ' "' > ‘- U N - VA < l’ 1*‘ l C'- ‘ ‘ . a ..m(...x them mm‘! l"’°m'"“"‘ "“”“ VON‘? 07°01’ - ..‘:.'.’.i,"h':' T"”.|y 0! mum“ " M‘ luwav ....~... ... i:..+..-om ..n n......... and llirh :4:-i--A um wt: or hrm on um-r day mitht. The care WM 08!’-ed 00 Columbia. M0. the realization by farmers that this}? " idr. iirul Mr-. Franll PI-Irnoll or coium-' 7"!‘-'~'-0-'-> ""3" """' , _ 0 b¥‘0l“'n mM'TilR'? P700115“ WP‘ ‘ b n.-n (,{ {arming i< profitable. thcv The Mellon that Senator (‘uuzcns bia ‘mi-5 n-i.-um-. he-re Sunday. ‘.~‘.:.. Mo-'lnu.‘1y had :. ‘at I :"’.'lI:nTb;f-":er:beF-dalr mnmw"“’ posed to have been made at ll " ‘_ _ . ' . ‘ha. been "in to 29, mm. pm... rn. s. 1- I-mm or I-«m i: vi-‘m'r-r,'“‘ """"' 7' W“-:- W’ "WW-*'=~* “*0! "Z, * ' fr 1. "M" m .1, 5, year pm,» by Miss Virginia Booth -,_____ ._-... -~ ~ ~- ~ - (\‘o‘.r,‘n(~f(_o3,l|flg flrncllcf‘ (if far?“ ‘ ' 3 I . h‘, n-r',“"__ If Ind an H . _ ‘ .'i Illlrivr 23.1‘. ni{l”.'.. 0' mfg’ 1-‘ on ’~ ml“ .‘ V ' Le “ - _ ‘ "(I the am R’' J () hu'“‘,‘h “,nd‘x“d ‘¢,-‘-_é “'l"tM.lT “'P'gfh{ ha: M rn”ilu)‘e'(l by rhI?K§. 02,10? fVCfoU ope-n l-0 [hf grubllr. _ to ‘ “ e)er' \\'l'~'(‘.¢ o c '- - . . . . p M h ...¢,,..;.., u smm. (‘hwy l 0 t’. 5'-uha‘ fur uw uimmrr. a ~~ ‘ 0- v _ . he counsel for the defense were irlnsoul. mma.£ in bu form ‘ T0 BROADCAST ALI. .\lCl'lT ]_ f\'_ S1‘-glgon, Thomas OIIV. gnd C, O -~———-‘ ; 5- _ ' _ 4 reads in newspaper head- {hr ii..roi.» Public Kchnol. vi-it!-d mo-. T1-"W h '~- N-""1 Junior Cblmber of Comlntffl‘ of l;§m‘::r9Th:i::;?”[L:,?):n:zhe ‘gm; ’ -- _ . . , . ‘ ‘ '. .. ‘ _ l. .- _ . I - ‘ ‘me’ “e"' was": ‘hm cmmgh? Ink :aI’1l:)"llTl:;‘-:lf|]t: children of llart»-‘ 1'. H. link» um! farm!) rm-ru-nad the TM“ to ('"c '''T’‘"''‘' (‘rt-ech and Charles Long. The r ' . (l la Slll merit Of garden -Z-‘Z’?-—-__-‘ bur‘ ‘,i_“‘d hr’ ‘fab. .nd Hr, ‘ iullqiwing yv-gov. S nrl.\ Juhn 1“,-kyy_ The Tulsa. Okla-. Junior (.:h3rnber “.i1ness(;s were Mina” Thomson. 8 p flocks as their own particular in- terests. the educational PVOKYINS carried on by 60119298. ill? d°"°_l°7" mom of li:it.¢I‘!7i(*S producvn: chick? loo Sunda .. , - --- . (‘Ii b {En > Om’ “'93°'92l'2‘‘'‘6 5”“ bi (‘fibrin-tiana nouriu. i-rioeimi-oz M----Fr=mr-~A J-who. -‘M 4=~‘-- tmr: Congress, ' "*1 VI 0" a jar“? §(';|l(‘, gn\'el'nl’n(’!lt ed?’ “(Tries Heard on_ the Phone An_ Frank M"_u-"I 'h" ...,k7 11-I)‘laJY.(‘.lDl#Tl~lI3li.. 4}-;'al’l l‘-Vn'.rfY\Ih. Afilll fulrv‘ (ll COTNITIQTCP [:l\'(‘ all llll'lllKhl R"ben Fendorf Robert Howard, . ration of disabled war vt‘1t'!‘5‘-Y‘-"* ‘" _r.wcred"—llcndlinc. There are a lot yn‘lh..,!Tflm":i:n}e:yln‘3'atld §r")2s:-W "MN ‘ mLr1‘r.d':...i‘ :1: “lib:-rtllottlticc and childrn-n.’ r."d'° ,1"°‘,mm suurd‘-V {r°"_' 5”" Paul H. PPfTPt(‘l'l, Andrew Ellison, that We have CV91‘ hid» “'9 are Slfrely proud of ‘hem’ ,-’ 1100117)’ T03-*‘i"lL laf people who won‘t believe that. L1: and Mn. J. in hionio of .(‘ulurnliir.‘ Ir. -n-I Mr It. i;. km. Jr ., kl"? ‘'00 l\FRL- 395 m°“""‘- _b°‘":""'-"3 James Lay, and Aubrev Conrad. Also we have jut received a shipment of all kinds -i~-x-!'rr%-’-hm -n AW-nd *‘~"<*-r- “"‘ """""‘ '“" """ “"' “"'""" “""' “‘ 7‘3° 0- '“- ‘"‘d “”“"‘“ “"‘” Mrs. W. R. .\\'m-., Allcn Fishrr. D. of fertilizer. Be sure and come to our st°!~e to see N0! Dill)‘ hill‘ lhl‘ indusu‘3‘ . . - Hn-- I-to-lle White has a no-in-in with 'vs~~:.d u.-w mum-r this-‘_ k __ _! d H i In . d) M N‘ “rm M" A h mt u.. I"‘vl_~‘ , ‘ _ I . L +;. Th ‘ l.b . I ~10 Teiephone 1920 green from China to a value of more nun J0 9 781703 - E‘ 185 8 90 "13 I A‘ D to mun“) CM, M,“ M_.,, Dal--~ Mom. Tau ha- om.-n-«i ‘rbuul at sic. con.-zistingz of popular llllllfiflh tat U‘. 856." l rarics FUPIH“ v e - _ ’ ' millions out of other “joL'.es." *mo..- and ..n-mm-o a pr--cram T...-41:; ""'f'*""‘ ‘“~'_"" '00"! ""'|- and jazz. "‘‘-"'l "10 mfllerlitl the -‘*ClW015 81- ‘10,m)0.m0. . o _ flvvninw .‘ ‘hr c“’“"“.”‘.‘y ’ T ;- ‘inf h rut! I\|l d§>lY1or"i-‘H wt". .l1l‘ .~~9’ "‘ hu‘.‘:. ‘ . . , - _ _ a~ an-. «it I" . a me . ' ' . . - ‘ E lt is something of a rt-telation Then. “.2 no“. ‘bout fifty swim, D .-_-:_.f—§————.— Mn 1;“: Wulrd E, ‘Wmmm ‘M "A E.I::‘."J\phn!s\itonJ(.h¢:~'0tnJ l.:§::’(‘t!‘|::‘t. A _ _ _ h- we realiv: that last year our - 1 _ - . . .-H, « 1 * with h-r -. . (;i.-.—... l r ‘:« ‘ Snla- - - " --_‘_ - " j w ‘I: w s valued at 8350000000. mm’ lab‘ m (ilimgm ‘£'~.o$’o" n my pr” gs I‘-A ' "1 “ "" "M -'" alW09<‘S-'~°1' of -dverusnxxt. lei: Lo- ’ )1’ T5’ 3 9 V 8pflr0xln'lat(. C‘nr() "lent 0 due . I 1 lm’ .' F‘ 'un‘bi. ‘i~‘l“, hfir! “ix: (‘],r. u()r"rn{h.k-f in svfiofging hex ‘ lupnbia 5-(.5:erdn.v f‘”. IA“-rt!“~.t.7 + and 9325 3‘ ‘60oooo0'oo0° Probably the)‘ ll.'i\'(‘ recalled tllt‘ ulfl Eng“. "W" ' “ " aunt. Mr-, F.i'K\a Elliott. in Ho-aim ll:i- Kan“ where hp 1‘ \.1_Qning the d¢._ As the East Indians did not real- proverb, “Sink or swim." ‘(Jo-re ‘lPl:illip- -p-ni lhr ..-.-t.....i Milli. “H. u,__ _,,,,,, ,;_.,,,. ,,,.,.,,,,.,_...,_‘ partmeni of journalism of NW L7ni- ,M N . . o m ,. .tn| '_ ; _ V | " _- _ o ‘ izc tho futuhcof their domesticated r. "3 “rt Tu“ “M, "N m cm, \iIhi.ll., fur Hr. and En. ‘room... Rutteri \(!'!~lt) oflum as. I ,l , jungle fflwlv “kl-'“.i29 ‘"333’ of u’ A N9“. 3.0”‘ girl. ‘was awardpd ‘-n:l-la Saturday. , I ‘lit. Mimiw in-to-s -lwr‘ "2-— u~r-cl.-o-ad “UV; ‘Odfly'd0 U01 rE8ll1C itnpofunl dnrnag.€s' funuuing an flu‘: .“ “ll s.ndkwr m‘J" ‘ 1'”"i""‘ ‘Hp “' .1 ..'.l: he’ llfilllfi-ctr, (-'l:|rv-hrs‘: uuml fnmil) o 0 o o a h()u5l‘; . . .3.“ tomobile accident in which her ' ‘°'“"“**', -‘.'‘""‘'x . . .~.......... ! , The American Legion throughout Missouri 18 tomorrow . _ _ . phce little l 5 l . - “FR (‘rrw «wh:t‘“r‘h m.d' a b‘".n’.. .‘l.' fxrrlt Sim.-:xr'. 0.’ ('4)l'.:fulI;8 wt: lhr I k' ' f ' Ihpdn) J, ,,,,,.,.;,,, in 0“, cm, “m m, rociormoocies om ‘purahze-‘d ..o: -..;’.....i.d.i.;.‘.ir.'... :...;o.,C«Mn mm_M- ,,, ,,,,4 ,..,., ..,,,._ ,,..,_ T.,.,,,_ 2 To Much Any Comm ‘ :1 mg up a co ection 01 the ielief of the sufferers of the storm - ‘ SAL r-omit‘ 0rIrM)iwi°"-'"'d 0* I~'"-‘“‘ W" W °°"]'d"‘.L?“"" Th‘“.“ °;‘f°.rrs-na~ {mp pr-non s-‘ma-v. __ _“;,;"',',,§";’,',i_ ,__,,,_ ,, Tm" 0, S, 1 HOP area. A member of the local post will be at the Elks Club ,,._.. ,, future that is still before her. (“V 919 feel: ess 0!'l\€J‘ to atgn 0 ll~‘“tu;':‘::"‘-°.::’:::;_""“"’ ""i lxiula in-frrflh--rt-' S.-ituTrda:' attrndinc xiw KII§1Ic‘?eEHNoHn‘:TTgm i (l3_\' l0 l‘9C9l\'€’ )'(IUl‘ C0l'lll'lbl.l-l’.lOll. _\'0ll C3Dl'l0t l)l‘ll'l£' l‘”“" ‘"1 I I Some of lhe farmer: in thic nrlxhl.-0?-‘ wnrt “ F‘. ‘Jr?’ -Ur rt. ' QR.) ‘t mi: sriusc GARDEN ' .. ..,..o .... bi. ..t. ; ”"" ""‘ ‘“" ’“""' "“ "*"‘ “‘ ““ ‘ . '-L" C 9 3 9*’ 1 ~ 11001 11,," g. ml‘ ,,K,..01d inggincfivc lmlfr. .-ad Mr-. <1‘ 51!. <'-«:0!» r‘-‘M 3"; . _ _. . e e - e e - . , . u d — L. t l“‘YTlIlJIIfK Thursrlu)‘ an bIl“:?‘.. hi. ' 1 fl CDC)’ an 8l'l5Clt3 . . \ _‘ Mr, and Mr» Le" “'l'ii'.wor1 ‘Frat Sun-. . o a‘ I 3‘ k. d,_ . mu Wm. ,,,,i,,g ,,,,,;,,¢ 9,, gm. ,°f",‘:fl;“j',f",,‘;f;{jj‘,f¢ 3;; '3m‘_';_‘;;f;; dag-k.:irh »f.m...:1 i:_.(:‘.Wsm..»... st....:W_' Commander, Herbci t Williams ' f 1 few balmy days-fzhat ‘inspiration ‘" 0°‘ '"'‘‘°‘“"‘’ "’°“°' ""‘ ‘“"°"""’ --.h her r. 1- . .-1 _ I I G P05ts Number to’ make a irarden. He is l’l‘obabll- 7"‘ "‘“" ""‘ ““""" °‘ "" "°"" "“"' lililm-r. d" l N n M. I always be lncloasl. not altar: for publ‘i- Mr‘ ‘Ind Mp Luum, Sum“, "W ,1"; ‘ . bombarded seed caulogs c“s°n' B. Fnun: |b¢‘0plr of Hit t‘Ofl'llhuhIl7' In par!) .‘ Y . . "decorated in colorful array show- Sm wu—--——c in Bible R“dm_ s-mi-a_:‘»t Tr-«er-« , We are cutting the following flowers from K A p_ i fl - in-'.m.a and Freda [.4-Iriu have rv-- na i~i'. Irith 5'0! EM ““i*'~*‘°d P'°““°‘ °" W‘ Editor the Missouriaii: I wonder aw--«I rm wt-I---~ n»-« , our greenhouses: Roses, carnations, Easter lilies, Bllfll IEfl‘p}t‘ll'l80nll8lll0ll Tb;r:Ii--4.-1"“ .“’i;t'i:1‘r- "trim" “Mm-’ nwndfih: ' "’ ° ""°’ "" ' ' ° '“‘"" ° ‘ "" violets, ionquils, hyacinths and stocks. Missouri Many of us are restricted by the 01‘? lfY0“’ifliZ UP "ilhout 90)‘ lino“-‘ c ‘M ’ i i“, , , o o . . proverbial two~b>'-four back 101 W‘ "d"° “ "" °f “""" ‘S ‘" "W B""."‘ ’ Fr 5 - I cabba e now read . ‘ P G L ' ‘Ni filled upon to "be somflhing. e undoubtedly knows the Blbw . l 0 t g y _ . l . lf: h ' - - an .'l'he cash mine of a vegetable gm- t':r;:nda"e:chc(:ioIlldaf‘t]2 L2. Cleaning and Pressing ; / . J 3*" l"'=.b°*'* dluwed mini’ 0m" there on.-' hundreds of childrc-n'wl;n ‘°" Y°‘“' 3‘ ‘'3' 3 I CO I Vithsomc statements that are far~ up only look bunk when the gem 8 8- 915 Sln P5030 709 V 0 {hard and misleading. However, titu s are mentioned. who know ' ' 4 if‘-"e figure the actual time spent l13l‘:llidI‘|0)' game if; Jthe Bible ex- — e - -- 2 e. - i Phone 366 13 Greenhouses in l‘n upply f vegetables at “'9 "" "'°""‘ "‘“’~ . . . ' ‘ hm: 8|‘ Inna!“ fin‘; ‘bu ii com hCand we .cal|l‘ a perilmn educated ! D‘0Rh-CLOhE\ Laundry . . w - . sidft-rable sum had been investco Ea3‘er?e::' kutafzr tG(;d“fl:Or§Y Dr’ Clank‘ 0°’ 5140'? lfflllfllf _l"Y Y'9l-llflll It ll‘ neph; or who h” M,.,,. ,.', the 1 Phone H6 or N40. Cleaning and impoisible. to future In doll!" Ind a_tory_or the Crucifixion? “'9 find 3 pressing. 107 So. 3th St. cents‘ just how much better home- tune in the schools to give the pu. ' grown vr~;_v¢t_ables are and the home 9'13 Wm? ‘den Ol lb!‘ bvst in liter- -_-__. - . -__- '- gardener always feels compensated “""°_°“'°l" “"3 Bible» MISSOURI STORE . The writer of yestcrdn "s ltt h ) 0 or ‘for his trouble at the end of t e {an ant Mme mm of an. Bibk ac:i.u:i Sells Fountain Pens That ' E , G‘u""i“‘ "°¢°“bl“ f’°"‘ are not suitable for children How- 0M"8 0"! Xlfdfin ‘T003 “I? W over, the book to‘be in-ed consists Don't Need FIXIN’ ‘ and Company 5. Tax Ezgeinptiion a Means More Income for You "u—.__... __._._..... s _ when .V'0l| 08% l0 D8)’ 8 tax on your investment. it cuts down your income. For example, if you hold a 7% security ‘and you 03"" t°.P3.Y 3 “X 0f 1%’ on that security,‘your income is cut down to, 6'," . ‘This isotlie reason that tax_ exempt securities of proven safety are the most attractive for investors. Missouri Power and Light 7%’ Preferred Stock is -‘ 0' sxempt from ;_ Pronertrtaxand Divi- ends 0'9 exempt _fr<_I;m .No_i-ins! Federal Income tax. / Other attractive features of this lai nd ' ' the Iluartcrly ago .g.¢_¢ gr... ,¢..J,p'-,§°;',§',:t.’,',,‘,,','§ investment that you can day in and day out. , - ..-.._.¢~..._...._.._._......_.___._ i v Npfcmber undoubtedly gives one only of excerpts from the Bible. and great pleasure. ff their have been selected with 0 ‘ 'l"hci-c is something in the out- "'‘°"'3'°"°‘~' 0‘ 011» U19?!‘ Should be - to no fear_on that score. ‘serve as a bracer to those persons . Ctrumly aw '°‘di"‘ °{ “"3 Bib“ ‘ who have, tired of the confinemcpt "' W’ “".°°1'."‘“ “’° “° "‘"" "‘°" _ vrithin four wall’: during the long (0,-m.¢;o,, flu; they would ~- winter months. Whether one goes ashamed to lack later on, out for vegetable gardening. flower ANOTHER PARENT. -szzrdcninz. or men!!! clgtninx ts; w, 3, (;_ 3% Nam : 4’ * * lawn. there is an M ‘_ ,__, . Ford Prices in ma ____ mtiiount of health and happiness Cl"! Dtlellr and Halaie Mills in ‘Motor overhauled 314.00 ‘gained from the. outdoor work. Rear end overhauled 5.00 ten . < for _ Current publications are filled Ch" .D°’”"°' ‘"4 :‘i.‘i°- -um; Catalocsgiveinatructioasaatothepreseii o WS.G.A. . 3832-50 1 tiiidsotveiretablenortlowersoaeFJ:e.e:’ee-loBtanlFo‘ii.isnu;inated¥or _°"'b"‘d3h“ V - to-— ._—..- ._ CC‘ l!'Q' OT ‘ - A ,0, we ~;;3;;;'-;;“;i; ;-3;, ........"““°"... .... .=...... o........, no ....... ....:2.5o . C!" 3* 1*wnfi*°r.29r: -lgany Emulate .0 W. - i me an and Esther .Wit,hout starter .. 2.00 - f0!‘ Full Inf ’ TODAY * ‘°l‘’l‘‘‘‘l'°°‘''‘'’‘°°'m‘“’Severaucetor.treaaurer Vdva ' . iueielflwinvuttincin very Election wmheheifwedomioy "°'"" "'°2‘°° ‘ ' in thou-hoio in: mu 3 o'clock to mo o'clock in 0"” '05‘ 75': per hour -V .-- «T J”: m tho” '‘'o in‘? Allworlt Guaranteed SqnareDealGarage . Only AID FOR THE Paid their W. 8. G. A. dues will be elltibleoto vote. V I . . lfyouwanttobuyorpell some. fllixtfil iwaatad.