.. . ‘ _:‘_ ‘ , I -9* " A’ 4 ‘ Z , » ~ — - L- — \ -. __ ‘p ,F_ . 6e _‘s - . . , -3 . ~ ' 2' QV“ ' a \g4 2‘ .¢_ . I -‘.._._é¢.——. .—— V». ‘rm.-2, socm. CALENDAR Saaday. Pi Kappa Alpha will entertain at dinner at 6 o'clock. The Alpha Gamma Delta aor- ority will give a tea from 4 to 5 o'clock for their patronesaea and mothers. —;.‘ onday. The Business and Professional Women’: (‘lab will meet in Commercial (‘lub rooms at 7:80 o'clock. ‘ The Knitting (‘lab will meet with Mrs. D. S. Conley at ' 0 o'clock. Hrs. 0. M. Stewart will enter- tain the We.-tmount Bridge Club ' at 7:30 o'clock. “ Mrs. Joe Estes will entertain the Good Times Club at 7 o'clock. “A Doll‘- lloi.ae" will be pre- sented in the Stephens (‘allege auditorium at 8 o'clock. Toeaday. The Beta Chapter of the Del- G. Cowrin at . . League of Women Voters will , meet at 12:30 at McA.llister's ‘ (‘aft-teria. Thursday. The "Charm School"_ will be presented in the. Christian ("ol- lege auditorium at 8 o'clock. The East Broadway (‘Huh will meet with Mrs. lletzler at. 2:80 o'clock. Frid i J. r. i i ay. Kappa Sigma fraternity ill entertain with a ‘formal dance the Daniel Boone ‘Tavern at - . . from 9 to 1 o'clock. :"h°m' L‘ h C°hmb"' Salli ~ - . !'- - l-Zappa Kappa-"Gamma soror- ity will entertain with their tin- nual Founders’ Dayalnnquct It as on _ ' . i _ - - __ _' Engineers Enhrrtain With St. Pat's Ball Students of the (‘ollege --f F.ng:— neering entertained with their an- / nual St. Pat's Ball at ‘J o'clock last A i . , . < . - ‘ rt‘; ‘ . night at ( olumbia llall. Tamra“ *6 ‘m on 0 n ‘ The hall was decorated to repre- with a tea-dance from 3 to 6 ' o'clock. ‘ _ 4 Cl . Bil lien’: informal dance at Rothwcll Gymnasium from 8 to 12 o'clock. -3 i_'ent_ rcryxtal ballroom. the walls ’- \ 555“ lltmd ceiling being white. A bal- , ' ' '- _ " iustrade amund the room made ....;:.:--____~_V__‘_-_;__-; l pretty effect. . . E In one corner was a harvest moon Tlvelve Fraternltles : rising behind evergreeiis. The light A ° . ts from the moon and from ti crystal Entertazn Gues . f t"_ ball which rm-volved suspended from M°’fl’°nt:;fi::e;°ll:};;:: dram". the center of the room furnished t e “W5 "‘ ‘ ‘iii: -~ i fth-d .-.'ri. guts“ ll.‘ n-uh‘; ‘riegstl ofurtlive-\lir:1e Ollie 'l"(J”:ll‘c:"‘S ill- ph‘ G_"mm‘ Rh°-"hm" luminated by colored lights. Auer. Al h T 0 C‘ ,n"_ wmium- At 9:30 o'clock two heralds. Uel _p “ '‘u_ m "" Smith and Andrew Ross, appeared Clm5m"‘ Hull Sch”! bulknbau i to announce the coming of St. Pat. ‘""‘ °f 1" Me‘ _ R . _ who then made ' nineteenth an- HD1‘ MOE)’ l5°:‘;’!3”I oflfixlu null appearance to his followers aux-er, r. an rs. . . ' d ed h d . Th .- wn at St Louis’ John mam!‘ “M an mount t e ais omn an ... I y’ “"0” Keimky . I€ll:Ylll'|[llIfll tool: the part of St. ' _ ' . a . (egrr: .nd“-:1‘:i::‘. Then Robert Johnson. president of the engineers. appeared conduct- ing the queen, Miss Loretta Haus- Kappa Alpha-—Misaes Mary Gui- tar. Pemala llamaon. Helen Mere-V ditli. Margaret Williams. and Mr- '"l’:i F‘&il:'I“°";:h9lI-48Ul9$ Mo. carried by Mary Jane llill and Rosi- Caulistor of Norman. 0kla.. (‘On-' ger Beasley and Carl Goetz of St. the soft material. Her long train carried the crown on a pillow. e queen was crowned by St. Little Dicl; Tmdtill‘ f: Newi aficazmbza' ‘sy S ' Queen *0] Pat:s - l'hn:n luv l‘ar-<~r.- llllt'0‘Yl ;:z:\'(- til‘ i u it!-. lite dance. ltifri-~!.nien'.- wen» st’-r\‘(-d. Music z-— fur.".:.¢heil by ll7’l(‘(‘ tn the proud followers. lllt _ T , N (.,,,._m,,_,,. pledging of (hristine K Guests for Chi Chi GueataattheChi Gil Wharton. Anna Hilda Jane Mrs. James Austin. were st'*r\'(-tl. The chapter house of ered with rpirea. taupe colored portfolios on which the furnished the music. Alpha Delta Pi a an.-as City. -;‘l‘omb and Key formal dance at the ,- illaniel Boone Tavern tonl:lIt.Iill° lilacs Grace Saltmarah Sykes, Wilma Elliot. Frances man. .\lary Virginia Doerachult (‘arolyn Cotton. Margery Newton. Ptirltii. Betty Calvin, Virginia Lewis. Miller, Mary F.\'8Yls, 1 Re-In-.~hm('titsi ' Kappa Psi fraternity was decorated crest and the girls‘ names wene en- . Mia: Loretta Ilauschild was crowned Queen of St. Pat‘: last night I!H!\'f'd- TN‘ PTOETIDIS also hid the ‘by the students in the (‘college of Engineering at the annual ball. ller ”'|1¢mll}' <'"’$l "P0" UN’m- Chlltk A V >'hofstall'.\ orchestra of Kansas (‘ity .' nnoLni'ea .\lelchOt Guests at the Pi Kappa Alphal ill“ Q‘-‘3d"”9l° dinner dance tonight will be ‘trio- The programs were in the shape of a wild POIC. A breakfast was: aerved down- ; stairs. where an even more luxur- 1 iant garden formed the decorations. Kathryn Brewster. I (‘ol(‘- l Pickard, The Iowa (‘lab will entertain with Margaret an informal dance next Friday night at the Pi Kappa Alpha house. Mrs. Pro will be gueata from both Stephens PAGE man Tum-is.:ui~¢i.y.riu:oau,uucnaa. .iunaounouin.n.iLc..cmm' Tl Women's Clubs -‘W’ uuaulattlu ‘lie nevus ‘ 1’ , Bela Ildeaqoqk ‘ _ ' ,Anaa Irha. lath Ch! .uiduait.JohaP.!ain; ' iat the home of Ira. John PI-ichand.iof Walt Broadway on Wadneaday oos lligh Street.l Ira. amt: Eit- - In 0- l|_- Svfj--rt Vi“ ‘ , men will tall: on “Our Native aim." uh: on ‘Our Own Bunk- The Wanna’: Etteoaien (‘luh will meet Tueaday afui-noon at the home of Mrs. H. L. Shrader. I615 L'ni\-er- — ‘ll!’ Avenue. Mrs. D. W. Fri-ar will act as hostess. There will be a musical pmgrani conatsting of several pignr. iiumi-or. by Mn. Shrader, and ti review of aomo of the popular «operas ii; Mrs ‘ ‘ rne. The ‘Social Study Club will meet: Try lliuoixrian want.-aids. .-.-.-J-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. In the springtime when The Daughters of 1I~l'2 Will 7“! with Minis Pearl» yalllthtli. '..’|i.'~ v ‘ ' “'fl‘On A‘,nu‘,' at 2'3“ “'rl,_"_b_ A \ Thund-53' Blternruin. The rlti".~ \\lll - . . ' "~ (.,.|(.i,r‘u. lb [.~0undN.,_- 1);”. .'iii«l lllrlls lo thoughts Of l0\€ and J girl . is far fiom things scholastic. then it is that the regular hill 0' fare liecrime>‘ mighty monotonous. there will he n special pr-«grmr for the 0(‘(‘lL~lUh. IN-an lrarii l‘ridd_\' will be th-A [Willi ipal -gutiitovr Only members «-1 ‘hr -.n;...~.1~. knit will he PY(‘\¢'l". ~..' ....-.—- . B0-~.~!6' --o...- 7'..‘ I‘.‘.m "t.',' The Business and l’f'UlI'e‘l Illlll Women's ('luli will ll ilal ll: r-giilm meeting Monday nigh’ at {hr a min TU'il'l~ i~ to take the place «if Lllr me-«'.ir.-5 which was postponed on act-mutt‘. n‘ the saleumanship «unfcrena-e ln-2 week. Then it is that one who knows (‘ii-. lumliia instinctively turné to HARRID for those delectable Hamisi chicken- salad sandwiches, “Homemades." “Swiss chocolate padgits" and other delicacies that tempt that fickle spring- time appetite. HARRIS’ you at HARRIS’ Millard and Simon 'Iu|'uPJ'ul'u|'ul'uI'ul'ufufufJ'ul'ul'a'il'l'J'J'iffuffu' A..—.—...- _. -... . — 4 1:.»- - Lt-ugue of Women \'ut«r~ will meet at l‘.2:.'li p. nt. Wodnei-iln.\ at NcAlli.~.ter's (‘afi-tvria for lunch- eon. .\lr.~. Glenn .\l«~rr0\\‘ will ud- dtreis the cluii on (‘urn-tit Hi-ii‘.-. mid Mr». Jesse Wrench will unlit on “Recreation and Sminl H_\'gi«-m"' A booth of Members .3{{i..- l’ l‘_. (l. 3‘. Virginia Rodgers. Dorothy \\'hita- d Ch - phians will meet in Room n 0 Mr, Mary Belle .\'ewman. Dori " "'”‘" °°""_°f__' the Y. 3!. F. A. Building from (lwynne and Mary Elitalrth Jamie» The Betty Taylor (‘ircle of the 2:30 to 4:30 40'('l0<‘lL ' _ _ . W. P. T. U. will meet at 2-30 «Rel»; l. Mass Inrrtint for LnI\'¢'r9it)' — ——_- lilooday afternoon at the home (if ;:<;;icn in l'nn'«r-my Auditorium. Lodges Hold Joint airs. Howard cm.,_ : p. m. - -———'__... Ladies’ Day at the Country l ‘Q0001 Program M"“l‘'''‘ "{ ‘ll’ ‘"53 "'M?Y“l¥.“ ub. A bridge-luncheon for A lfiiflt S0<‘ilIl Pmtfflm "5 "1? ‘m”"‘‘''' ll" Pledtinz of Horace members only. Rebekah and Odd l’-‘ellows Lodges Ahdernon of Marionvlle. Th R0 man Bridge (‘lub was held Thursday evening at the . will rile-_~i '12.». Mr: J. c. vvooiey Odd Fellows Hall. About three hun- ‘;'f“":‘ ;""g:"' “"° ""5 W" “ ll‘. 8 o'clock. . drv-cl were present. The honor ' ‘ e l‘ Tl"'l‘ P‘ h"°5‘- The Women's Extension Club ' L'U('~‘.S were Mrs. Allie Warren of T _ w‘ meet wit Mrs. ll. . .3 Joplin. .\lr<. Flara Ficlzlin, Mrs. Shrader at 3 o'clock. Mrs. D. l Anna Starrrtt. Mrs. A. I‘. Brady, ll’. rear is hostess. ‘.\ll.‘\ Adi lloutwell. Mrs. Anna Wednesday. 3 ‘~'h1~pliL-rd. ziiul Mrs, George Star- F.l(‘['llril'l (if ‘V. 5'. G. A. Hf’ ll. llP%“ inQ.ln!i.Ili- \l_lnl’l‘al(l‘ld:yv_ In‘ ' Shun ‘p‘,”.h(‘._‘ “.0”. "mm. L) met-t a-"t'iT.fuh..}...u xi: m '“*~“’' "’ '~’"‘ '-~"~r L'uN~. mid to the fraternity the of := 8 After Your Sunday Afternoon Walk A day of pleasure. - ,dainty silk flowers in the folds of, You“ want your date to en- W joy :1 good Sunday dinner at _ .limmie’s, where food, oom- fort and music are the best. Enjoy the whole day by dining with us tomorrow. Jimmie’s College Inn Jozgzzn Mph. Fp8il°n__Mr. “Mk . Pat who then left. not to return un- Of Chiugo. - ‘til next year. Pledging her tillogi-‘ l’hi Gamma Delta—William Win- L — ~ T ——~— gnu and Albert Shawhan of Kan- iaa City. Kappa Sigma—'l'he St. Joseph Ventral High School basketball ('hi—Missea l'-Zlizabeth '. dela’de Plumb. l Sigma Phi I-Zpsilon—'l'he Neosho. lligh School basketball team. ' 74-ta Beta Tau-—'I'hie Carri" School baskethall team. High’ Fabrics .l7.“.€i Costume 1 The Values Are Emphotically Unusual at __:_j V lT.!t(e_-.-,3 Women '3 Sizes é _*‘-'4}... ‘ -‘.-.-.'.‘‘.-i :--r- J»? .3:-one-i-r.-‘ -.;...... . .. ._ " ¢'_ ‘ _-. < i- n 1 . ‘ 4... ‘ .‘_ p. ' A‘ ‘ A5 at ., _ ‘e i,.' ‘ ;_ _".:A - . .. ,' -' v, -.. . ‘A . w . ‘ , . I o ‘J _ _ —\. ~-,‘.-. _. _‘ ,4. _. ‘ -q .- . e . - -»-. ‘ ~' 7 V. . ' - r ‘- . " " . . ' ._f..s.- ‘ . . _ _ __.._._ Kashmir Ti Sororities Hare CM,-mega _ , _ Dinner Guests » Bengaline M15533 S1265 Dinner guests at sorority house! silk I-‘aille last night were: . K" F]. 1 ; Chi Omcga—VVllliam Bowers I ‘ and Frank O'Keefe. ‘ _ 8 ° f Delta Delta Delta—Misii auia Log-gheen Laigef 1268 3 ll’?!-Beta Phi-—Mary Evans. Mir)” ' 5 Fern Kampachmidt. and her .\lorris of “'£lT¢II8bll!'(_. he M t Phi Mo--lira. S. K. lnalteep 0!. I 5 Kansas City. 1 I . ' Mrs. Olive 8. Ware will‘ team! Of the C0 078 . _ . § f;"°‘;;"‘* 3"‘ ‘,T:.n’:‘i‘f"§3 G 6 Each Suit provides a {rock so decidedly smart it may be I an tier. rs. In 2 . °: nv . ' formerly Mi» :“**;"‘"' “';"' ‘f, B e S t Ginaerwip worn alone or with separate coat; and a Coat suitable for dress : ; Tuacon, Aria. re. '11‘! *1 N3 , _ ' . . i "" °“°"°°¢" .,\.;'i.‘ l" % wwciiitd ' ' ' w"""" or topcoat wear. Gay colors, novelty trimming: combine in 9 will Ytllt rt in 8081!. '. Tigu-eyg . ' ‘°"" ""’ °°’°""° ‘’’‘°’° ”" "" for the Navy achieving the unusual in the Spring Ensemble turn to Columbia. wane . ‘ mt, ;. an guest ocim d-uxincr-.3 u ' _ ,\ ‘ (Suit Shop—Secaad Floor) Mary Relen and Alice. at the Phi, I Blaqk i l ‘ ' . Mu house. I . _ V Hrs. Dudley Conley Vi“ NW’; » ' ‘ tain Ineullfl 51 lb Knitting Club: \ 1‘ _ } at lunch Honky. - i l , . " u‘ ' l ',V _ y Ag . T H %_ ;__ - _... ..-..-.-....---.i+ - ~ ‘- ~ ' . t'c ‘ ‘ ii, r. ,2... . .+-.....,~.... i L L . _,',:; __ r-., - .' ; 1;} _- ..li‘-t.:.&t£‘~.§fi ".;e’.f-x':i.:—-_..£:3}’-- «LL .‘8‘.'Ll.‘.'.5.§.'x'........—-~‘ ~ ~.._..J""~' ~.---—~-- ——-V ' ‘ --'-W