Adv.-I70 I ._—....__...T.—.:... You are missing opportunities it you do not read and use Missourian want ads. F ‘ " <~rp‘l.'S.a' ’ i "' "" —- ~ " E‘ “ 7” . > ;’ ‘ i n h V . ‘V ‘ ' "‘V I. . ~. .._I ...- .I_ V. .' .‘‘.‘ .. ._ Iv ~. _ "_ L . W. .. '¥ a T ~— 2 r =" " ?*-=-a= * ‘ “ ' . . '4 - ' ”-~ ‘ F ‘~ " " ’ -‘~ to 7.‘-“i x ' Ii‘. ' .r ' «'?'r." ' ' _'_ ‘.~.."' ;>,u;g ‘ ockdale REVIEW her I the Inittc hich is l w'ng counties: Audrain, Atchison. , t’ the county extension or home ec-_ ' ‘; St ]k f W d ilriwclondugt the aiizition-rid: cam-I Offer. Ijddir. Boone. Carroll. Clay. Chari- iinomics agent. or the county 8505 “Inked 311‘: Ta 5 0 ( an ' paign for $l‘a'.500,000 for the em’ The “music” service of aw ("L ton. Davis, Gentry, Howard. Jack- superintendent of schools in non- goled like new. -. ' Q°est*°"s °f °i.. ..... .. ........... .... ..... I-.=."=°:...’::,"°"’...:‘.:.°:? ”“7’~3d°““"“"‘°‘3' $“M3:: I...» of the new K 0 . . searc e erec to o -, _ - I. onroe. on '. , pro . , . Ind1"1dual5- Qngs at the University of Chicago.‘ Railway Company. through co-opt-r— Randolph, Rails, Ray, Schuyler, definite directions will be sent to‘ 1$in$"beam3e , ! ' —---‘—-——- am: announced here today byzative n offer on (-ducaast. Charles, St. Louis, and Warren. them ai to how the trips will be. workmen Ire 0 o-.. .t‘ 1 ‘H. P798168!“ 0‘ llfllllll J{I1:li10f'B";lT!'?l(‘[-5:1‘ 1’ Cour“), Vic taken by the county dub d¢],etnf_¢3.: ‘ . fl‘. \ y t ‘ - . )',‘I!' o trustees. . ' _ to n morn ‘r o c ya an llr.“ mu“. mg, trip will be n_-qujg-ad to --——-0-——-— . n -I V . tn‘ . ()‘.d Idea of “D0”-Ig Others Others named from Missouri arcl 4-H Club in each ‘of the t\1'cnt)'-‘writt . no,’ of their ¢xpu.;¢n°,, \’.3,_ gm mining oriportunitieg if work _ ed for ' ' Britain 1, f Th ' D Y ” J... ._Sidney'SaIl:ey. St. Louis, John: {Cur counties in hlissouri traversed j whch ‘Mu be m,u,_.d count, ex, you do Mn rad ‘ad use uiuom,-nu fivgpgd mth cur ... pt-_ J J’ ’eP“I:e 9% on C(i:t1;)'iNeF‘l'¥;¢t-:3¢(9:”¥-:, b)'TLll¢ “ llbllh [melt It;-nation or home oco mics agenta, want ads, IGIVICQ lmmure tLllllOllS O » ance “ . ' ' ’- *3 trip is to be awarded ‘to user to county schools in non-agent I " - ; . S . Mn. St. Joseph and Fred Walkerr. - - ~~~~— -« ~—--- ~ . . _ d d of Success. Sprintfield. ~ ~ ~-~- ~ - S A ~ — ~ -«- -— C‘ . ';. " °' . _____ 1». Ellwood, who is in alumnu‘ ,_ / , , , Con" ..' The RPISIII Merchants" Institute of the University of Chicago, re-‘ , ’ " dd” I ::., :::::~= W “‘":‘= Home Killed Meats .._.~.. “ " «J . v. 4.}. tum-:.~.: in t r can oust ‘. . vn irec campaign ac tvi- ‘ V J i ‘ » ' nzime E I’-uni. Stu "s.-talc. aim is conduction tics in the Columbia district. ‘ 5 g ‘S "'#'““_‘ C0013. ti:-~ .~ :.:-m.-. uill I‘4‘\'ll'“' the earlier ""“"'°"'*'—' . _ 1 .4 if-“glam ~ t.ul;~ of mo imtituie. He will de- T0 R“) TOWN OF" BEGGAR8 j R35 70"‘ - - - - - ~ --l3'i'15¢ Pork chops . . . . . . - . . . - - ..25c ; ''''' "“" ‘ ” ~ ‘ \-:.:¢- tin?» evening to answering quest P r ""'? . Pot roast . . . . . . . . . . . .10-I51: Pork steal: . . . . . . . . . . . . .20c ' ‘I .-. P Tahew ‘ tic :15 that haw been a.-ted on prob 0 in “"1 cu"? Sod“, “no rib roast ‘ A - ‘ ' ‘ H 7!‘: Fresh hum whole or ‘mu. a PBQO 9 "_ " I """“ "f ""‘“‘“““I" The rm" ‘nun’ up". -tut "°”"*'°°5° ‘Wk - < - - --Hue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22‘/I: ' 333 S -("'"d I ‘The secret ot i~‘uccus.~‘ in busi- ‘he pu,;1°iclce“.‘e!;a;:_°°'opcr.‘ ;‘in‘ ‘,1 Round steak . . . . . . ..20-22hc Fri-sh side 22l":c 3,3 rim’! ‘ 1‘ . 1. in .t‘ d 1‘ « ‘;°°."‘ .. — ' - ‘ "' ‘N ‘lifhn “fie fiini ln§|:ie'"8Pf?r:'n3k q-{fort make Columbu . hep; Iéoin st):-:6); . . . . . . . ..20-22;,-c sausage (made ucr} hour) - ,1 0,...“ ; St*u“r:¢laIr said Iarl night to the. 251 garle“ .mwn' The’ reflnest nut resh. tongues ' "'0': "' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' " ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Jsc Wh girls‘ .1 5 pr ml‘. who ‘menwd mo fission 0. the people help by notifying themi I-‘resh beef hearts .......7';¢' (‘loaned pig feet . . . . . . ..5c because I Want to 9“ 7 1934, I ll‘)-L“ llrtail .\l(*rchants' Institute of an cafes of “lo” who Each man. Best °l°° in m‘'’“ ' - ~ ‘ ‘ ~20‘ 5” "’~ 14""! ~ - - - - « - - - -- -25 Allie! ‘ “The l)i$ln('>‘.*~ interpretation of thi: 0: f°r_"'"dg Dunn‘ lb‘ 1”‘ tw“ °’ Natural color uleo , . . _ ,_2.’u: In lb. Lam! . . . . . . . . . . ..8l.95 see me cluced t WI!‘ l-“ 'M1)'-5(1)‘-' “"3 ii if‘ m‘t‘¢‘~‘- L we ‘Ice 5 at hut ‘hue ‘ppuiemi Veal roast . . . . . _ ..l2':-lfic 5 ll». ‘Lani $1 I ' since I! ,_ , ‘ _ _ , _ professionals, one of whom is a, ‘ . _ _ _ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' " 0 .ar} t dual taitfullx uith thus: _ . ' \¢.a1 “oak _ _ V V ‘ A _ ‘ _>20_3M. J H, Lard 65¢ B k . A rm who vunt lil't_.-um uni u . “9mm' l_"“° “‘"°d °‘m'‘”'"3. ' ' ' ' ° ' ' ’ - i ' ' " _ -‘ sons tn 1 "The uld idea of ‘doing others lI(‘- Bzondwa-\‘ Greatest bloat \';ilutx~ in (‘o_-ntrzil 5li.~- -Uri Ruzurdlcss of Price- .. _ .~ ' c . ' R3;-gr 0,; - fare tin‘:-' do you’ is antiquated it «3-"1 “"“‘k “V0 593311’! Vlliwd ‘ ._ ' $3 I I J lJLl$l.'lL'r'> tmlu,\'. for nwrrliant: l‘nrsons’ Studio seeki a‘ . r.. ° if,‘ I 7 A we N-co;:ni:'.c that it is not a busincs: Pflfotltlfi telephoned the PIIIJIIC “'81- & r 001“: ‘I;-' char-Rial luilder. but is ruinous to till '3'": °“ICe and told the director 0 . "- ""' "' ’ ' ‘ ‘mu / chances of success. that he was sending two men who {I C M k t b I with paint! 2 ‘ ‘"”“.° " -r,,,,,,.m.k A5501“, _\-,c,“;,_,._ needed money. Neither arrived. e I tires and the ~I'0'0(:, . “'1':-amwurk I.‘ more than an syn-.2 , ’—:*-°'—? , , I‘ ‘"1" n,\'m fur m-L':mi7.:stiun." he said Try mlswumn 'u“"d" l ' motor In fll'8t- ‘i th_ : _A see "0rx:nr.':1.ati«-xi I-rings power througl 7 ..._ . ...- ._ _____ __* __: -_ _ V I . ere1s [I0 mg . ntirs is unity. and concentration. Lar e ' " "" ”‘’ ”‘ I class, shape: 8 ‘.hich~rxomme"ds a man . ins: in t and more active retail merchants (__' ~ speclal [108 be- ' ' ' ' A cloth da organizations are needed not on!) . - 4 - IIIOTC’ £00!‘ 85. SUD Y ‘4 ‘WI... ,1 in Columbiafbut (~\.(I’.V'\,.-ll(ol'I.‘- . . ;:8ll8_e etfiwneli IS A young feucw in Suggesubng _T,. . m.,.,,,, I ' ‘ rganizaticn permits the or M d ' eavjn . - o ' ‘ I; ‘ ganized to foe-1.5 attention of tin a e Tho -g I e 'clty°‘ 0btIlll8.tIl8 fflaldshlll . Might‘? public on the dz-amt‘ ‘siting: at_ tn: I IS IS 011.)’ 0116 Of of mf[uent|al men of aflajrs ’ ’ bhakc’. . iiiiiiiiiisiiuifrgzi.iu3w.L'an?rs3::i°“6°r ODS wade P rf t” splendid values O _ _ according to whether ‘Nice m hens, .im.....i_ lb. _ T3“, , gunizutiun within the store enable a e ec In IIIB 8m€Bl'Il|C8 WBITSIIIS It 0? IIOI. Fm” {rash spmuch‘ u,_ 1.;-_ "‘"“ATl the store. to reach but for trade ox ' S ‘nd B Clothes . ‘hi’ 3‘ “""°"‘" Fl le ed d d f ' tied for youn men lccbenr mum. u». . The chief job of the rmmagcr i: oors c an wage an 1-9 fins . - -. spin-or 1.; mnlze ahunirgr the fist eyes ~ * ’ gre rungs on the In der of success, Fresh parsley. bunch 1. films ill ‘ c store, 0 am . ‘u-or ination o‘ ' ‘ ' _. 1- . 4 mm_5_ ‘dvmism comm an‘ All Kinds of Painting Done Reasonably I , . 5 0 Green peppers. doz. to ;3__‘ salespeople is net-ct-.sary to ;:e‘ ' ~ t _ . » -5, ( the Eftatest result and it is tlr _ I J i . S S03‘-her" "'d"h°5' b”"°h ' 4 xxtfc manager's dut,\"‘to olT('r't this. ' 9 - ' . Hot house cuqumlrgs. :65 - . Every Looker Is Buyercin Shell. ' I «) . . ‘ - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - ~- 5‘ . ; "Every locker is a buyer in th Phone white “H Banks A‘enuc at the Giant Pascal celer)'. bunch . I _ ‘hell, and may It any Ill'D“.' ‘ I ‘ l I , M celcfy' bunch _ ___.s'c ~‘ V . I he ' in “!'t‘f¢U'l’ill2 to "The ""n- ‘ _ ' _ "1 ' ’ ' Looker." “jive-ry store vi.~,itnr ir -—-—--—~- ; :—-——~—_ .3 —. .5-..“ o- . - - ‘ . . flips’ lb. . - c .. a liroslioctivc rustonu-r. and mu)’ In , ’ ' ' ' ° ' '- ' ' ' ' ' ~ v, made an actual customer. b,\ h .. i:"'h °‘b’:°“5' blind’ I ‘ warmth and cou:'t£'S.\' of treatrnen: . . ' ‘ —» .' ' . 9'' Cl '89- - _ 5 The mouth-to-ear advertising i: ,-; I 4 Fancy cabbage. "L .; nun-t etfcctive. and the locker ad i ' ‘ _ Atwood grgpcfruit, each ; \c'ti~c-s ‘our store. )our goods '1 - ;_~ ' 1 I . , _ , , , , _ _ , , 7;, 10¢ (fid - y vufldf he is warm!) rt-coined ’ ' V ’1 , I \Ir Slnckdale summed up t ‘— — ~———— _.--_.. Qmht’ ‘omatocfiblbi .«,. four noun talks given earlier thi ‘ _. 8"“ p°u‘°e" u‘(L ’ . . . - . ..v i~i«:i~.uu- today at the Columbinr’ California lem ns. doz. I i‘ '.- subject was “How t-- . ' ' Sunkist oranges. doz . Plan for Business Building." h t 1 , Y ' 1719;-id. of-‘fixes. duz_ _, A ._.._._..g ' I . ”Hm_Es “mum, S‘,/“Em,” e‘ me as come 0 1) ant I ‘ In 1'1‘ 3 ramips. bunch ....... .. . - _________ Seeag‘ . . Green onions. bimch Reading: Iiours Will Be From 1 ' ‘ A . ‘ . ' New potatoes, I), , , , , ,, l'nti| a Daily No ‘Good need In the foundation A thin 11:0 in the 2-at-ht-dult nf lioun ‘ . . . ~ ~ at the Public Librar) has lieu fin ii ‘guccebsful gal den° . APPLES ;.li..Ic since Miss Mary Mitchell has 1‘) b9 .\'l.Il'C IO get Seeds '3 --». l enojnlaycd at the library. Read ,' . , ‘ hum. will nowk-ztend from ! V’ 1” gl 0“, I ' , PIYW5‘ CW3“ l\"~"~'il(‘T-‘. Pli- :. in. M G p. 121.. instead of Iron 7 7 ' ,3 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7 . [9 $7.19 (1. £11. {:3 5:30 Ill. Th1‘ I101! ‘: - Fgngy Inzfgm. pk_ . . . . _ " on Su:;.i':y will continue on the 01:.‘ ~ . . - .- '. . ‘. _ Rome Bun“. pk . millim- I arm.-d;«..-. 2 to 5 c'clt»Ci( in the aft i‘ ' I ' ' ‘ ' '0‘ ' It I‘ ‘ . _. ‘ _ A " . . ' . . . ' “.1 Di] . ‘-’«"W’°n- I Q - ~ device I I Since liorrowed books have not , , d G d received the proper care. it v.'.u.- O“el See —' ar en Seed ‘- _ -4' : r; necessary to send thirty books tr —_La\\?n Seed. ' Phone fol I Iii... ........... ?."I.‘.°i“°...—."‘1I’J‘.3 .225: {SE OUR FERTILIZERS , _ ° ' FM , .t..’..'.fL. ' for distribution. ~ . ' ‘ rim: h I I ' librarian also complains um .Sl1eep manme Bone meal ‘ . only 1 1: 1 borrower.» are careless about rc- . ' a ‘ “Ind S turn-ing books on schedule time am) - . . . S ' inquire ‘ even ignore notices that are. sent ~ ‘ . , . ’ as reminders. Co-o eration i: .- _ _- _ . :_ I __ ‘ _ __ ____ _ ___ _ 4- * . .- nccessary at all times to mal;¢ _"“ the Better way ’ . l'b - l'l"i t. . ———% rrar) c _i::ri._.____ . _ . SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS 3.‘ Our style book of KIIANDU _ A I; PRINTS in many charming design» '2 I ‘ V has just arrived. These silks will 1.‘ ; \ make lovely summer dresses. Keis. _. a e 0 ‘a 0 . o ._ ter's Ladies‘ Tailoring I I .. - .. . .--,__. Chase Sanborn 1 “Seal Brand” Insurance? I The TORIIADO which recently swept across; MISSOURI —-.-." ".1:-o ——¢-—.———.~_-. .—‘.._. ..—. ..__._-.._ Saturday Sale I I I I 3 I I 1 I - into Illinois caused a loss of hundreds of lives, and injuries to I I; . ' i * I i’ ' I I 'I . thousands. ESTIMATED PROPERTY LOSS $6,000,000. I? i ° ‘ I C0388 ' FOR SALE 1924 . - FOUR-DOOR I 5 . FORD SEDAN ; . . . . it-:~»°"« ...:::.::‘°:;‘;:;:.”;;S:.;“’°::°:."*9°“W ....t.. I * " I , . ‘ .7 I I . '3 *3‘ "3" 199 ° . ill‘ All new materialsand shades . . : JOHN N. TAYLO ; ° 5‘ ‘“ “"31 °°”’‘’‘‘‘-’'°‘‘ “’ lb“ - t - - - - - . . .-z » ‘ U,“ C“ D,,,,1.,,‘: I damage you may suffer. See us for rates and information. . , dudmg an dudes ma’ : t m “"8 ‘mlenmd .“m° of mm‘ ‘ ' the wI:l“'.i|§'ak I _§ % ' ; They llrepicked with the , . _". I;‘ 9395“ . -9' 4¢8"°" I ' '.w-‘_‘ '—..c.“ __. 9‘ . . ' in mind to m s . C h3VC ‘iI@8 I0 ‘ __‘ if S FOR SALE Columbia Insurance. & _ I ~ We at the most ma ; , '"°"“”’; if 5 I N ' * 7' S - '. I igiii. ‘ii ‘"5’ I “Insurance of kinds” ' ' - N N - ' ” . I S I I Siam! Accoufli-I u ._ . ACCIDENT "m1zNAno ’ .wtNosro1m _4 _v_ __ _ ‘ ** —~—~———T-o\__,_’- .-. . . _ "‘ ‘ ;< < ---—_"v for’ ----.......»--.-.. ’ _ . I . ‘ ' . - - Io 7 ,,. . 3 xffl . , . ".-ks. A 7 A ‘ ’ ". 0 A ‘ " - “"‘ I ' . ' ‘ . ': 7. .- '11.“ " ’ '.=*. v'.- '- * """ "- "’ A¢"II 'v¢r-xxx .--4 .-.... ‘ V “ ' ‘ ’ . ‘ ‘-3 U I “ , . ' '- .. -‘oai. ' * n a P ‘ .o_-20’:-._ . .- .-, — ""* * ’ , ’ -—--~— -—au.»ao~'-~-ajg.-.u~ :..~,4:..>oy... . ; ,.-..._.-., .Z..«. .. .. ..._..‘, . _ ____ __ '. " ', J . . I - .-1 . V .‘ « « v , . _ _ _ , __ _ __ _"__ ~‘ - ‘ ~ ,~.-I J g..-_; ,_ » . I'6}Vz'V.‘!t :rr-i..-- .1.-cm-.-x--..-tr -..--i ~ ~* ~ ' « ~->- -V . I