. -i-scum’ 1 fi._fv . _: '1' a ‘.1 ., .. . "4 . 4 01 _. :__ ._ 5’ .;.n‘ _ c . -- V 1- . ~¢°.'4.« 'A*‘-7t§==1>.:~e1&0-'-.1.-.>!4 1 ‘-5 ets’..f.-...-._s.~~ ‘-.3ne..-‘.2.‘.‘L‘.'-.~.. 4.02533 l l ' - s .~- ‘|-- . , _ «_. I or->_.'_ V ~,_. - ._ __: .. , .- yr - ,‘ - .. . __ 9 _ T . T , 5 .__,- _ _. ,,.._._._- V. .q. ._. . P?» . _ 4..-’_ . ._,< 9‘ V51???‘-2}. l _ > ‘ — . . 0 - - .' ' ‘- ' .1 . ' 5.‘ * ’ ‘ ‘ :5“ - 1- ~‘ ‘ ' ' i .- .. ' -, - , . - I ’I.-.-'. s V . ‘ . I . -'~ '- “' ‘ > - W - _-.'. ‘ - < ~ ~"~ _ . A 4 ' '0. ' ‘"4"’ l “' ‘-J.‘ "' ‘ I ' ‘« 19"" A ~ ‘P ‘. ll .‘ ' ' * ":,"‘ ' '-..'..le ‘.9 V ‘.‘ "hr. . ‘ :'., ’ . V l , "". ‘ b ‘ I : _, o . V H e . ‘. V...) - ,‘rI'-1‘ ‘ , .' . _ :_ ’ . . «_< t.. . t. »- - - . . g | -£5; o \ . . I I‘ __ .- . 4 .o‘*2Q_‘{ '- "»o‘u Q’? .‘*oO‘Q.O-'f'V‘?r»- _ . V‘ '_ u . _ .~ _ a V - : ....J.‘.;:,".‘ '_{a‘l errivt -9 1:; . '- H t‘ cu: mzs ’=.~.,r Y" .: :2!) 19:5 _ or - 2 noutrm-. v . - l‘ .« . . «_- . -r- . . - B11 . ualronrdolbfieflhadhehsadoql .- t . - . lxo-11 "%mg3.«o..t..:u....,o...o.ut......ti. oohniaxnuannuoiton CLASSIHE, . -Jmsmté . ‘W 1"“ 10 ......*?.'.=‘-..':.‘.’...°£:.°.'....'°‘.. .3...-.....,,—.._»_«-—--2 .,........ e _‘ ' ' ' _ ‘ .9 .- ' W Ilmrnna-rari:nicnwarooiruis...........a.o...o...o.au...u 0-I-0 &.CctaWuiaDI!.-, p C8E%‘UItu'UI- ‘ ' l M‘U.m | ’ ’ Slot! 0!’ IIBSOURI 5"**=T\rN0r1§l'f-tdldfl-fie! Didfllfiiflill r KEEBLE OUT OF ' mm» m -to. -= --at to -u to «man a- -»-an mun s-«em» cs». -u--rt ::.;-..°.=.:.-*:..: '.-:2...“ '-2.:-.27 '" * 1. com,“ 3...‘... g. . .p- Rm"-_u‘m bufiufln - -‘ . l1l.‘l807, the University at Ilisaourl law oi the Unlversitmfiatruyeg I3-and endorsed “ifropoaal for Scorn I... .5, cu, .g (;.....u._ p I ___‘_: pg 0! no A--d-ti-I '3 "*""" apfiguu; gig. any 5...; ll"! N 5'3‘ "89 el‘ '59“ 9* '3 '-5° '53“ "l J‘''“’' ;"'“‘fi"‘Pm (°" """'°:..l'-l “u "‘ :':";_"""‘ " ""';_ by °"*““ """"'”‘“' " " aguu-t u-«tuna II-""""m'_:' ‘nude:-a huge, pg... & i _ «the lea-Ialatue appropriated 8tI.- that her. ~ ‘ Reed. 1106 3294. tc - - - - -- "’__"‘f_‘ .‘ ‘___._‘_'''''''’'__’ _,__~. "““" “""""’ I “N E”_";:\- lfllltorutaulldtiiepwt-sident'slitIibe luteuh'aIttotb8fi,N0first8ection . . . . . . ..,ofBooneCounty.,.__b‘_‘:':'_‘.__.u‘,,,_n_,,_, . , o-t:r-°':'7*““':".:"‘“_""‘ {'“"" c°n’“‘ ‘ . K‘;-‘IT’ H. ‘and a aualllnndtorthe |ltl!'poIe|fl'Idfi oath. Univu?yh-aadthe willbereeeit-ed bythecotnniissiun t...-uctatanou--t'ou-mt R&I'¢I@I'| P8310!’ E ‘X . V ‘ - 9 '; :.h.t...in-ti ad-«tutu no onion» ‘ POI! Bl-2NT—An apartment, 2 or lnluled _ 99 liven“ l3 of maintaining the University. The aeventyafotir a Univer- until 10 oclock a. tn. on the 28th brine...‘ da.'’:.‘r.-:.». “ SODA E "_u. us.-curl-a.I-'r“|""""°." 28 ruolla. 507 South street. Men Jbll vraauaadeneceosary becauseof Iltilll 1343. ll¢lR9|€¢¢l'l‘ ‘l‘°3'°’dI)'-0f Ml!‘¢h..1_925. It office ‘as | d ‘u ‘ ""‘ \ mm o‘ 0- “W """""' iPhoue iuz hiu.-it. H166-I'll . Lthc hunting of the president‘: reai- are new s enrolled in the uni. of the Commission in the Capitol '°_;'_;_.__ 1"’;-*"'_;“ __'; n, M”, LUNCQ rm 0:: __:'‘''‘“_‘':;_‘u: ''‘I._,'': ,. :—~'______‘""'H*' Make T111). luau. aging the cm: war, vanity and eetnailttae on ap— at Jefferson City. end at that time LL... «ma: .{ ...u.. nudge .. ch. B0“rL{NG ,.., aovrrta-I-non: not ecu-mi-c an , IUOIB FOB BIN? n. _. uutho hu*vd_§ The eitlae-as ot Boone ColInty‘Pf0|'.IfllfiflhI o{‘the General Aa- in-ill be publicly opened and read. Llama uaa-cm each It the an-athnh-.:.: BILLIARDS .. highest Ihundlrfll oi . ; -_ isaouris Del ‘ we generously in order to secure aunbly ncently recommended arm the Senate Chamber of the Capi- um“ ‘bud ” .,._‘____6” Mr“ W , +~.:_:.~,- :.-;._____.._..« F03 3EN'!'—8lII¢l0 19°‘! 1°’ icy indoor ineet tobe MU W|"°'"""" .the University and to maintain it bill providing for an appropriation tol. m.-._ 5...... .5} 5..." or is o-Qua-i. a. on.’ .. , EIPIDYKENT WW! ‘II 3‘ m‘ nm°’°"- ‘"25 018;: in for several years of its early lite. of fl.§i8.203.02 for the main- The propoaed work includes: and s oe.|‘aeh ad cu...‘ but ‘a. A P15‘: 19 '19“ Y % '......——-—————-— *“‘ *~ ' ’ I ttod8r"0¢0 90°“-.3_ agyguoa '-ditoth 14». uauaaoaaulplsnatortheartun-to Gradinzandeoutruetinxaeon-""°-' " "'4 ""'~ """~ r‘-ands. ~ ' - “'AxT£D'.'B-V "on" ‘d,’ ’u‘' F0.’ ‘EN?-ugh‘ b°n*h”fl" ‘fld °°0¢ho “'9°"9°"l 0”‘ fiukltallttlnfl bl‘ Jaitcs S“. Rollcins In be develqed in the next taro year; ereta pavement 18 106 VH9. l»0- “‘ Q‘ d ' T . . Goo IS l."P‘5‘§ d°'k °' “““"""°°'.”3 ""°'“u°3 m°d°"' Keeble. world’: record hurdles’. ‘Fm '1339 “,9 ,5; mo“ cent,-.1 mange. . ---6--— _gether with any incidental work on L 0' ml" '- : .ducnit-d; cxv$‘m'"°_°d- 555"“ 3§‘5°“’°' P55‘ 398 "'h""' 165471 not compete. Keeble hll both 3111- - ‘"9 9, 1,“ go, gm location o{ 33.. ""39" D'.°‘““‘ Cl" ‘° "05- the state from Columbia west- —A A-~ - - —e-—»—~— -~ -~-- » - for -- -~ ~ --1 ~~ -~~~ A A. 68"‘ 07 M‘“’°“"‘n' lulu W "M" v PM“ T!-’l‘l!|8 97013 In llllllfid hi” 19‘ ll ' Univ”-;jty_ 300.9‘ count). off‘;-.5 The Democratic -Women's Club wardly, the total length of the im- * ““"""“‘ j -. ‘ogmmuu ' ""'é‘w3_‘.n is feared that should be “In W90?“ the 51,3.“ h1a_ .-hm. us 3117,.‘ will hold its result! month)‘ meet- provement being (.339 miles. ' ' ; ll‘ wANTED"'An khd'."'fi; lfltlt row nllllt that be Iultht be kept 9-_:1.»;_.-,_ "ad 03"“ and, up .3g_,iin¢ next Tuesday at 2:80 o'clock at Multiple or Combination bid rill . ~“"r"" “°°'°’ ' "°“m" l WANTED to RENT t W‘ °‘ “* °“‘‘°°' °°"'P"5“°'L 000 of this amount and cash uhditive home of His: Mice Cnrdvell. be received as follows: ' ~n1$’ green. 208 Watt ‘tatpfilltg ’ cmch Simpuon will run Ctlnnlnb pledge subscription. for at N.‘ 1216 Rollins Street. Combined bids will be received , - . " N~ ' ' .-WA,“-an To RENT Sm.“ ham and Stuber in the 110711103-imaindor were secured. People of STAE *0“ P"°5°"“ 229" ‘W5 B '11 3°99‘ " - .. - v v — . ° ‘ _ County. gATTP.l;hS RE.\()_V'A'l'Il\G—Up- 5”’. 4 0, 5 man’ Eda‘. C1“, These men are both fast are ‘ all type: and in many different cir N0.nCE 10 CONTRACTORS if I “ you ‘re baking an (ad of ‘epwaaue ”“-"_.¢' 1 zusteflllfl and repnnn:- 1 9 No in. Answer atating location. cot» '~‘°m§'~*4 0?“ Pllcetbut the: IN M1 ‘cunistancea cave to the-‘fund. The gal“! b H I m «.imm"" 'i:d,_h‘f°:a3:,:':';'a:ucy.mh, that will save you money. a load of deep ahaft I ’ stnvt. Midwest _Uuttr$ dig“, ‘ad gum, cg ,.u,“1_ A. 3. L of itcebles caliber. . ipanir: of l837 had left its mark on :n“: sTP"’°TEP°“H!-GHWA" oonmls m_“P°C!im‘°d“ Jefleuon C“ or the BLACK “. NDER “‘L he ‘mm d‘ . 3 £1-ny. phone 905 r°c$um 9 cj "gm; ‘.1-g S . o . A . I . Q REAL ESTATE |D0[‘|,1'RY._E(;(;s teen men accompanied Coach Slmp- one-twentieth of their ire - “Dari 11°‘ Compku '"mucu°m to hm’ Phone 1045 ' JCffCY'IOl'l Cit)’, d ,1 d ro ‘ ti‘ k‘ . be . trade forunall . um’ tram‘. ‘ml °“d°"°d “P"°P°“l ' °°"° Ol.)LI.ll::‘?i al) eipt.h!c‘r oltige mu) ;_._ ,,.... in m u m or m-44.33,: §3,,”‘-313'“ ,',*,;-,:*=,;:¢-,,,,- . F-==°=v,*;;;;,,__’*=°;‘;,,:*;f 3,‘:;~,,,;:,: V ,,;{:;;;~;;; *:;:;~ ,,";f,;‘{;;:’”';,‘*. ;3;;tm;m,;«;r,2;=:=;~;;*:; SW mo.-1. man be on «em rm» -. .._--.- - .- -- -- -+ —— r 7’“’°m hon’; babcmfmz °u.‘Yoitng Rocheport hlo. 166-171 Trained his left nnltle slightlyoctober 7 1839. under a ‘sugar '. of.Boone (;o.u'rii.y. ‘Med’. . . A . ‘*9 °““’“"‘“'''“ "'1 mm" “H ’ ‘ ‘lg:-sda' afternoon but he will be trot-_ locntod on the lit!‘ i'«l:lect.I:d to. out be t'o:'e'i§é£i"i»;v the Commission Th” '3‘ "‘ “°"°'."“" "" "" 5 5°“ ‘”d‘"mn Swr“ “’°"f,31_$'; FOR SKLI-3-240-4-mt Favorite ‘bk m}m,,. the Uni\'erait)'. A contract {oi until ll) o'clock a. in. on the 28th Stile mfl""'fi' (?:‘mm-lukm to N‘ ,x‘*___."W“°~ g-_;;,~:w;_,;w;g;og;gk 1...... .,.... -rm ..,........ Ii» W W um-. 6-5‘ at am. ms. -« an organ ’°‘ °' ‘B, 1,. ~,.,.;....m ; Home Grown Flowers . / "amt s‘u‘E—"r°°m home: haw‘ brood.er. Phone. 2104 white 167tt “Fm: Ponder‘ Fade" wdsk." Co‘. glad oafJ1‘lll()" bffonirt-trh-fit -chm: )l 3:! c°mugi.t‘“manll1 Chi“ £n‘i''°'' } -. . i "" "w"-E "09 downl;io::tl2‘-msl>ult.,ll' ' ms'hB'"g"o§°"Eli.f.ll::hef.‘::.. lngn:t'a(.)s laid. ' ) :11: be"-::inblicly'y.opencd and road M‘"°" 1”‘ we ‘re mm": the ‘°n°"l”3 en {mm ! :33:-was o’Blf" house: north P °1;_,i‘L:,'::, "I ',‘:'fd8,0B‘m mnzc:.'tne'. W Brranstord. Polite: John ll. Lathrop. ram pr.-.-tam -n the Senate Ch-‘tuber 9* the 0'1?“ LEGAL NOTICES ' N" ‘r.°9“h°"'°8: Rosa‘ °‘m'u°”’. “ta hues’ 3 gidf: on paved street; $3.500. NeI.m.d phonruls red D16“!-‘-0 Steele and Matthews. at the L'ni\°ersit)". gave his firs‘. tol. . < ! calla 8‘:¢9t D933. Cfilefldllll. 333? dr.K°n59 ,;_,oo,,, hm-g and tile house: soufi ' ‘ __—.—————,——-————- xeport to the curators U! 1843‘ fin The ‘proposed work includes: ‘ ‘ violets’ ’onq|nlg' hygdnthg gnd flocks, . ‘ gag; beautiful home; 1.-03 35.3 number attending wag neporh4' It Grading and constructing} con- “W T|[';.J-r}:l?'1'i€S‘AL:”h':1I'1'l(;:l um '. down. ens)‘ pa)1nPT!U- _Mvr «-Mm .._.__- __ _. . ___. t buns: m-cm‘-four. and there '9" mte iv-vemcnt )8 feet “W. *°- ,,_ ,,,,’;‘,,‘,*_ ,,;',".;‘,,,, ‘,,,.,‘.:.,;_ 0, .,,,.,,,. Frost-proof cabbage now ready. V- - n a brici; house; garage in_ basement: Fog SAL]-‘,._flou5¢hold good“ .____, “V0. mcnibc-rs of .tht- fat-ult in gether with any incidental If-ork on CWML .,_,w,.‘ 5,. um, mu,“ d,_, ,, ‘p g-cod lucltloll on Yniversity Avenue: gndugint dining mom u,d‘bed,°°,,, 10:31.. A ‘h"“‘, J (‘ll_d|n‘ Dnctor Lathrop. The in! the state road from Columbia wet-L trust dated the lot day «at septaata. im. « 3 , . u.-, » ,- ,,,, In ; 3 baths; ' . - - ‘ It "A .‘-"’-"‘- _ ” ' , v _ . ;. - l I -arvdl , the total of the im- .-______ _. _ __ . . _ . - V , . "5 .1-rat I Iuli. - - - ' . ‘ _ ;-. ‘§;:.:‘1....:’.‘:f; .,..,... Col- :::f'..‘°‘;.‘...::“;;.; -«<5-,~.,;~.~~ .,-,:;;:..«*» ::":::;"::;"‘..::.::.'*: :3; :2; ;....z..... ....... — Columbia F101-al Co, . 103:‘. u\(‘ntH'1 $7.500. 9-room brick» . Mcl69-171 ' VH4 "-‘W’--T""""-‘ Robert 8. ‘Todd received the Bncli- Multiple or Combination will Rfio CREWS WALKER ‘l\Ou~t('§ :: lmtlls; on Rqieniary: ‘Wt-i . k:re:l-lvivnmrfitlll 5"’ '* """"“ """.;;"‘ n clor of Arts degree. be received as follows. public 3130:" [wt , Green!‘ "'°°= rm‘ “‘””“- 12"’ §"°°"‘ ""°"7————mc5 "*1" "°9‘L-— P-"—°—'.'3—¥’75'- ...°.'x“§7." s’-3'.-.' §;o§"'.§I'. '1-:‘r:'e‘u. J 2-; State nckl3~t.’politit-as .1?-en.s«;r. Clérrgiintg 2i;s9a.A will‘ ge ma ‘ 300 B _ ' Phone 366 1-3 00868 angst; on West roadway; easy; "" *‘ LA‘ y‘ ; . ‘sectarian jc ousy an mzmsin on ice - a o ne in _N u Public _ term, \\’.-;.-.Ir~,¢~n Realty Company. utscal‘ 5 L8 J l;rua'::;“7 1: F "'-';:':‘1':u'”s.D”l,: troubles were ii for of -the o‘.istu- County. _ ‘ Dcpos pznosne :76? 'plion« J2. , 153473 COACHING done for JUNIOR ,',,,'.,, ,,,,. ;. ....' y, u. c. L at...» cles overcome by D<>rwr‘Ln1hr°l Plans and specifications mas‘ be r -~- — »- - ~——_— ~—---- * ° ’ and other men in iwidinx the UM inspected in the offices or the Com- . A in -— — ‘ ‘ “'— i I I 1 ‘3 I-‘oi: SALE--ll acres: 6.rooin‘ D00‘ ENGLISH EXAMINATION. Clll ~ zllzotise; filling station; only 56 .,u79 m8."_3 rc. ' oriuui. , “"5 ’° ‘"4 ”“’“" """ hm’ "”°"' \'¢fl|l1)' “hen -it “'15 N791)‘ Mill’ it mission at Jeflerson City. or the F hair.-than umouunt will be held I1 I new-er mm 3» wnwov: -mm .=-a= er r~- rm G»--~:....- . ::i.:“L.'.'::'.':;.E';5":::,°:i:..‘::":,..:t?;. “gist: mm “K D0 You Remember "">' ‘‘‘3''‘ “'‘‘’°' 3° ‘°"“ "=P“.”°“- "‘“"" P"“‘‘’‘‘ "9" "3 "Ian-h :1. i gt m—l‘N-tron In -«-- iahd granted to the l;e¢iz~la'.urt- for ten and proposal blanks may be ' ' "°‘“““ ‘°'°°°' “°“"°" R“"i5°°“‘ 3“ ‘”'‘°'‘' 15°“ rm 0' W °°"°°=-°"'"" °‘"" °' ‘*' ""* tsubiitinntt - Univcrmy were the ibtained Ikeither -omoc ‘ . - ' , A v ‘t (on the public at the Uuheriilv 4 3-» 4 3 C°mP~|m)- D5039 -'2 168°‘. : LOAN if ‘gm your loan Actzltzfltltu. .only source of revenue. ‘The fund Proposals must be on iorma pro- . FOP. SALE-Nice 6-rooni hooupm, "mu, ‘:2 3,, mi, ,,,,_ .....,,.. w,._ .4; ... ...._n. Uuirrniiy amounted to. $100,000 by 1339. and vided. Private lessons by ap- e a will take a vacant lot on trude.:wa“hfl,. inky Comma’ phom, Rich Sch:-ol cit: CI-I» will mm! 15' it was the dividends from this font 1-”, ,.5‘m is n.,,n.,_.d by u“. pointmcnt. ; T-U.‘ ' ,, wperu. "Itmha. at laihrov *‘W‘-' t invested in the old ban‘ of the state ' h - C ' 3' . , . clephone 1364 red. .171 1304.3 1,“. ‘nu _ _ _ d h L. _ State iii: I1) ‘count; ion to re MRS . ‘T FOR -SALE ’ x“‘ "'''"h “' g p’ .‘-fit in‘ up sn“lll-' jet‘ ‘ny or “:3 bgkpjypngfgg . w 9 ' l -' . . ' -- rv ei otI'a an s; -- .- . . . . ' - """°“' ‘EL’? ""“‘ "°“"“ \._ 3:... -...:'";'....‘i’. .“.:‘::.“ ........:‘ my. c -.1 s...t,.....; Phone 2048 At the lmxlnem Whom"?! SW“ : : I'll l83'lZ¢ I V 0051, Co. rev’ I‘ ('M"‘‘‘'' C°“'¢‘- Aft-r tb Civil War. it wove: [ugh 1g_25_ . " hint: on Univenfiy ‘venaq BC3DAC¢:1sl-I'll Illinois Qfll r “:1 3: ' 7} ""T"_ C""'°"°l"""‘ the ttforlt 3!’ the. L'nivcr5it:' Went ’ t . 10900‘ ‘ ’ ';Cull C78. Oppoulu Wabash Station J: :i:'':,:‘,’ forward more smoothly. and tho} ’ .\'o. 2-8-roan} -hick-~ Ollto - hunt can an) 3' thei I Coamopolita ingot period starting with the firm, tbs: hot water heat: one acre 0f‘——— ~-;- ~~B*::§ .t’.__//i‘:;3 r:w¢:",o-big:;i\\£:,.uu..i.-¢.-.ity Aorlltorlum state support showy: quite an (;X- M Y n en.O ' a yain year 3‘ ‘lrrotmd; close in _on payed strectzi pfijxj-[N6 y:)I°o!u-a 2;. 5:30 pansiun in its program. Inf l:;&a . , on ca J 3 la ’ ‘.,000, __ - . ,‘_________ c""""' ' there were twenty-eight ac ty 0 . o , - - 3* No. s._s't.m£nn' brick house; niod-l oowiuiu PRl.\“l’lNG co. ""',_",‘”,',_°°',=,,‘"’f:_,,_,,_, ,, ._. members and 500 atudents. stu. Life Insurance Counselor hundred and one other amazing and my stifying VA ;.ern; sleeping porch: h8Td“°°d| Give in a chance. If our prices ‘ma i._-uh on "A can-p lactation for dents of the prrinratorr d¢PI'”t'; . attractions for 0nlV_ "floors: in-race; clot!!! in: 37.00% land worlt are not satisfactory, we ':-I-i-°'- ‘W 5' ¢*"" ll *5‘ "- I 9- *' V nicnt are included in tlwse early‘ t al o 1 8; x°' ‘—9-r°°m .p.nment h°u’c:;do not expect your‘ bu“'nevss. In-eh .-0.-l.Aa-1 day for the auhuiia-ion f.RLrc5‘ . . ' l u u ;mode-rn: 2 baths and tense: ¢l°|¢iPhone 481 894p yl_alnt_n st. 0' “Hm Pb” in 0‘ Damn: Am Boone lC‘oont>;8ci(t)Izrn> Eszaxn Kai‘: - . .. . 0 :‘.--'. ._..7_A——— — - . o 5 ' ~ ) 1 - , ‘ , , . 0 o - "",""'°b‘ . ,, ' .""" °"""""’°‘. ,2," m.',,,‘§;.¢ §~o1?:,:.:u::i Estate Tax Policies--Life Income Policies “ 1 ho. 5-10-room, new brick house.‘ J_ GUY Mcqurrqry _ rim 8--~ . ' . .. b M o -' hot water heat; garage; one block‘ “Qua Pflnm. ‘Avril *2} . p‘ ,,,h_;-:;..::‘;-dxgitfmzt-22:; Airrwulturr; And in 139- 3:0’?! 205 Exchange National Bank Bldg. Coluni is, o. . . I ; ‘ “ ted. 310;. “"" "’“" "‘“‘. _ ’ u__County raised $420,000 for it un ‘ - ———— l .‘&mf‘mpu’ ‘tun! "n ' rho,“ 22“. ltol-t-rt.s in Chritian Col'k'|‘!' a ' \ - ‘ * V -r- Q . , '.L°‘_." - -.'.- - —— —— .' ,- _... a. nil ' trai‘ “ --- -—'-'-- - - '~' ’ , - 9 -_‘ .~‘\> hAkBER snops. I _ e.tr‘t ‘ \'TuI. (1. {find \'.‘‘;'‘‘1 E I 8 0 ' ',‘ llllllli f|I"$ 3u'°c‘; ‘gum —__'—'—i -A V’) 17 o ._ in,» A play, "(ire-on :s'Im‘h- I l - , - _ , . UNIVEJISITY BARBER SHOP _ _“.f'_ ‘ ’ WM , , ,,, ,,,_ . 3 . . aw‘ ,7-12'.r°°m _ gong’ _m°d°m' Wurlt. aft; or L.':.iu:i~.|.. iu:tlMsri.:..i‘:t t:“.rh...i. ‘ ] }‘3I'IglI'l€€l'lIlg a‘*;Il“}‘l~ if °”“P"'- - ha”-“1l;;':“':'l Satisiaction Guaranteed April at. In t and :.‘:-h;d;..-ht:-..-. M 1 in ‘eulent: 0 Q mh ' I10‘ "I33 5I‘§IlJl DI’ Vlll Oh lhbdl . N0. h0u'C; A____1_1, - ‘H _, _Tj___"_ "5"" “’ ~ 1 ; large lot was street IND cw’ INSURANCIB "'‘-v '«-“''''i " "3' "" ""“"“""“' . o ' ° 1 ‘i''*’ “"3; ‘:';n‘;‘d“”“" “"' REAL ESTATE '°5r‘..'2'.2Z’2'tI'.l.'.1'..'t'}'.""-i't‘..§L‘...... .m o} SEE W. BI PALMER ‘ if you are workintz your way through the Uni- y e * . ' "ml ' - . , charged. Other events open to the publlc.' 9 ’ 9-~-mm ..':.:':::...:°':.:.::>°.... - t $1?’ "‘i°5‘é9“ r on .-on -~«-r-or - mum . Lag °,;a°:;"'p?':"' ‘B200’ . - '0-ll R CANT - -6 Real Estate Transfers l l one 3 bl ' t ufficient funds to ‘ . F... .,.. . ,,..,,.,., ..e w n.i..‘.’P°1’'i 92; -. .°°*.".".P"’=- __ —r -1 1°!» that *1" em = >0" ° W" 5 LT. . rt» -»—- c» ~ u ~-” 3 ' T,’ ___._—__..---.. .-.._- .-V7J » °, 1569. . _ h d ~sr tJhF.. .~ ._ : ..-“""‘°'' °'" pm“ Mon. 165-170i AUT0”o______M “mm ' .\'ll1hl¢lr3u:cb0tl:nl-l2“Ic:'1'. it-t-2 by _?i l defray your cxpenses—,\'ou are requested to see- . . I’ - * ‘a~ _ a : - ’ —- o - "—~*— ““‘ Afflfifls AU'[\) COMPANY l23 feet in town» of Hartsburx. $80. _ » q nousas rout min ‘ HAVE : - - r A_ . _Z_ Repair Work Guaranteed. FEED_p3ED l \ .tT'Y* . . __ . _ . ...g. 1.50 hon. . (DOF INSURED ‘ MR‘ J B : a n V ~ 9% Hm‘m"\l' Me: “Oh” "‘3"3?b§Z'u'B.. .."t>'.'.'.'.I;"; ins 1:e5r8. Stli W‘ ’"""' °°"‘- °‘“' "“" ’°°‘ R 0 0 0 .- ‘ - l ,- 1 ' tuih Mlle. . cw room ouse. ; - I - and chicken feed for sale. See cuun" nun" hm,“ . ~ 2 ’ , *r=‘t.'1zr°'d‘;'F-Q §f°- “'§;8'>“;;'3i TOPS Columbia Co-operative Association. You B”, ,, 3;, rm. , \ nnmsrrr ' ‘en ‘’ 0" p on "' ' Q AUTOIIOBILE 'l1llll||lNG ° Ad"‘°1“’1“ gumtg gladly {urnisbgd for I I M. . . The geatleuafs ahae—¢laacl kangaroo. the aristo- t you . RI-:.\"l'_-Very desirable lt All Its Branches RL7u'§n‘E SALE 9 ,.,¢{._ “mm and repairinx. 1 ° an .( ..¢¢ igagg, qua up an [ah sat-lag Arch. oust‘; tine location; for spring and P. H. Burr. Phone 443 , Math 21 8 1 “want . , Room No 9 ",4 W 3. 7.. wait. mcr months. Phone um. 08 E. savvy. 5“"’""” ' ‘ GUARANTT itoorihc. co. 1 - omooatn:-* 'l‘b1A§‘~fE?Ee'u"m"'.i-.l§§—‘—’—: _“f°°'- 1" °*“"l*Cm°‘l n“t’f"" "' Phone 705 soc Guitar Bide. ; . - FOP. RI-Z.\“I'-7-rooni nicely . :it-ed ’ nit-ht-dliouso,nearUnlVc1'llty; houae?s‘I”""“‘.;d "=° f°°°' ?"“°°*' - __ -- x-—— '. full of roomcrs. Phone 1490. fin‘ 1”" “°d““‘ —‘- l he ’ 7 FOR BEl\“I‘—5 rooms and hath; Secretary ' * "' ‘ D. l -l t f C M lift! ..i * _ ..'f§_t' .3 e3t'.xpo.m.i...tm§ snot: nr:rAini_icc I -O-MM N M4 . aginwongframmo ____ 3531- 1; p..__ " nannaimcn J. S E .I£Waf_fles Cost p $9aC°m'°t --.= isuoauiaatatgiunoa-yinttuianhihiiganer» . - W‘: i ‘V . . . 4 r _ . _:..e . V ‘ '. ' - .' | ‘ '- ‘V . ,3’? . ~. :3. , ' ¢m"". . ‘ .. -‘ 4': - h . . « . -° - ,<. . {Eff - 0 . '3'~.ire. -- °’-- r r. - « . » - -- -. - 4 e. . V ‘ ‘i ’» =