.-4. .11.»: . .. 7 -p ., ., ,, ‘ , . cg '-‘dlq-1.9" _ ., .., ‘ _ ‘ow’... _ .. _ H ‘ ‘ ‘ '_ , .a.; 3, :' - l -v :9-1; -_. 7: _| “.~"'vv-"2-u~—.'~""I'-1‘ ‘ ‘ v - ..' -. - ' ' v .’<‘;'_‘ . '~:...§>‘ 1“. I _ '1 :" ' V ‘ ' _V . . . V . , ,, . ._ 1 .. . . . \-- . . .7 . ,5 - a_.I _ .~ . -i . < . .‘ La‘. :1 -:“,-—--3-,.» . —s-\~:r_.°.f' :. rgu-is- T!‘-"Eve »‘r% ,_.,.‘._.«g‘- 9+ -q_-sr ~ .7 ‘Q-aowbhooaggoooiawttl _ oooaoe3§X‘O'5'0‘°“““" ’.. t T’? ' _ - ‘ ' ' 3 compared with 7»0"‘3.“°.“p“."" -—-———-F ' ’ sign 0: ‘ V ago.‘ . « 5 Five boys. to to 20 years ' v — . ’ -'-—————--~ , have been arrested for PE“! _ T , - T ' -‘ h" """”']thjeyery. and one man. about 83,.‘ ' "ll ¢"t"“‘“°‘d”""'d"wps arrested for receivinx 9' 4 Edition to their qvreaent pa)‘. isrticles, in a roundup by polled‘ thy ofi tlous -r“-m. ~13" crcn and the rights of the children were not seemintly °°”‘~“d""“d ”’ thclnlithtest decree '51?!’ 3” "“‘ we ‘Dy up fflfl lllfli . five children would be affected fur And these W0- busiaess . seemed to he Pf-‘0Pl° 0’ ““""' “""' gnu-age intelligence, according to . the report? ' u . The solution cl problems such as sort of thing would stop. Public opinion certainly will not approve such a line of thought as evidenced by this couple. bl! Edu- gtjqn ahould‘ do more to prevent thedeveloprneutofsnchidcasas Those who would “keep cool‘with Coolidge" will Wufive -no trouble warming up A_ ‘A fiith Dawes. ERIANYQ BLHITION withtheold;on withthenew. Prddent E52?! '—‘AlthoughfoI-mer dflcrmanyhasbeenburledbut a ofgwdaygthat eountryismwin t_he'midstofapoliticaleampalgnto dbcldewhowlllhahis fiecampaiga.oe«s-ather theisenti- tamtprepsratorytothecampaign. .is‘.atreadywasingwgrm.Aristoc:at ‘ they could start the fad of young bk wanted to go back to the wood-cut- Such a health program would mean a grcht step toward the as- surance of the -welfare of each school child. Many of the diseases contracted by school children are taken from their school associates. Having this program in working or- der would mean early detection if diseases and ailments. and in many cases would prevent the wide spread of contagious diseases. Many chi‘- drengwould receive medical care who couldn't afford to have it un- der other circumstances. This plan shouldreceivc the willing co-opera- tion of all pprwents of school chil- dren. ° Columbia haberdaahers who were so suceasful with the red necktie erase would reap a large profzt if men wearing garters again. 1 ..0LD THINGS AND NEW _Are old things best? We hear the answer again and again that they are; but the very persons who answer thus in the affirmative would as hastily deny that they ting and rail-splitting, the cotton icldng and the corn-hoeingrof the old days.’ Whatever the answer you might usually give, we doubt it‘ there is anybody who would deny that the old-fashioned spelling bee afford; more pure enjoyment than does any other amusement for a large num- ber of persons who associate this form of entertainment with the gtod old days when the flapper didn't exist and the jelly-bean hadn't been invented. We doubt it any of the old-timers who part in Friday night's contest have had so muchfun for several years. Who among them would admit other _amosement could be so entertaining and so much instructive. or that any_other speller ever written could ‘ hold a candle to the old blusbaclt? “It is good to have been young in‘ youth and, as years go on,~to grow ' older.” Stevenson once said. And, will be given by the students of I- games lost by from one to three g.,. .; ;;..,;..,.,.-,.,, points. games in which the score at; in 1,333. :35‘ pg;-.435‘-bib‘ glib - ‘ t. w rent on n or ought have way t wk ‘_ _ around but for a last-minute shot .,,"""" or an unavoidable foal. Think what these must have meant to coach and players alike. And now the season is over. Per- sons who think of nothing but the seore°and who wish ng more than to win will begin to howl. the broadmindad. who that Kissonri finished “not so much who ‘won or lost. but how you played the game.” - W O o Thomas 0. latheny. Editor the Missourian: a farm near Woodlandville, Thomas 0. Matheny spent his entire life in that part of -County. He lived on the farm w he was born un-‘ til about tlve years ago. when his no meat of his place. He then sold his farm and moved -to Rocheport. where he. lived with his only surviv- ing sister. Mrs. Sue M Pena. Hr. Matheay had been a virtual invalid since 1905, when he and his eldest brother. Richard F. Matheny, were taken to a hospital at Colum- is, bio. His brother died there. but he recovered sufficiently again return to his farm and tak worse until he was forced to move to town. About a month ago, he fell on an ice-coated sidewalk and sustained a broken hip. . lie was again taken ' to a Columbia hospital and for a while it was thought the would re- cover. but the long years of suffer- ’ had so weakened th His funeral service was held at the Methodist Church in Rochcport. of which church he was a member. Tuesday afternoon, March 8. and ' remains were entered in rest the cemetery at Smith's Chapel Church, nur his old homestead, where his mother. brothers-and sis- ters sleep. ' I we in _ PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS I tou Jitoriula. ‘larch l8.—-Peiiv-.lnary swimming meet for women of the Umvrrxity. Neat larch lo. l:lh p. n.-wfablo Spanhh eellht. sounds: in toms’ and hat of University concerts in University Auditorium. March 18. ‘.'-.30 p. m.—-St. l‘at'a ayarr the Co larch 20. 7:30 p. at.-~-[lecture by Dean cl. '1'. Ouarlea turn “The Fine Art! School" w 1'. I .. A. Audi- torium. larch !l.—Couaty spelling usatehu for bkh-school and‘ for tool student: in the Columbia High School Auditorium. Thh lentil. rlettJean'l'r-sppmglvenby lantern- prenslou at Cblntlaa ‘arch 20 std !l.~~'l'hc state high school tournament will bn‘1wld at llathweil Gymnasium. Itarch 27. 7:10 p. m.-—Lu-tare by Dan both on "A College Education for Business" will be given in the Y. I. C A Auditorium. larch I0.--Last day for the submission of one-set plus in '0 tie ~Arts Club com This - April I and 4.-State officers‘ training conference of the Y. I. C. A. and Y. I‘. 9 A. ‘for members only. “Admission will he charged. Other events open t.o‘t.h¢ public. What does it profit people t beat swords into plowshares ' they must endeavor to beat loco- motives into grade crossings‘!- Nashville Tennessean. Tact is just the art of making the other fellow feel more important th yourself.-—Rochester Times ' Poverzy drives one man to steal and tllfll't)'-lll't(‘ men to work.-Boa ton Traveler. > Real Estate Transfers lary E. Rcnie and wife to Will R. Smith et al. Part Lots 109. 110 and Ill in Westwood Add. to City of Columbia. 310. John A. Stewart and wife to T. B. and Arch Stewart. Part NW 1-4 of NW 1-I Sec. 13; part SW 1-4 MSW 1-4 Sec. 12, all in Twp. 48. R. 18, $1. Dpvid H. Harris to Hollis Harris, The pt‘f'80ll.ll proper-ty listed in» Dunlxlin (‘onnty for the 1925 tax is’ $2,258,305, or just half of that of. °““'- Cape Girardeau County. - 1 ‘Judge Robert F. Walker of the‘ ' supremo Court of Missouri has re»! In turned to Jelferson City after absence of three months on account’ of illness. -Blood-poisoning that followed a; small scratch on the eye. suffered, at basltetball practice. caused the‘. death of Leslie Willetx. 14-year-old; Cape Girardeau boy. One of the honored guests at a!. D. A. R. colonial tea given. by Mrs.: x E. W. f Fayette was 3: Bedford o , her doll “Bctsy." with which she‘ played sixty years ago. _ One hundred and twenty arrests.i made by Cape Girardeau police. during February. exceeds by forty; any previous month's total in the; history of the department. A 'touriat" stopped in: umaml Albert Nichols of Macon was ‘found. to be carrying a six-inch Colt’:-.l police special pistol with a Maxim, silencer. a nine-inch knife belt filled with ammunition. y Thompson. Trenton boy. recei severe burns to his throat and mouth, as well as . tearing his mouth, when a ’ giant = firecracker, which he lighted and’ ’{ put between his teeth, exploded. . Twenty-five employes of ‘the; Carthage poslofficc will receive; approximately 87,500 in additionali salaries under the postal pay in-{ crease bill signed recently by Pres- ident Coolidge. - ""‘ “:Suit with broad shoul- 9.,.m-..:diders and snug hips. samples at the Jungle. _.__.._.-__ _. Try Missourian want-ads. tr Th: “Its One ofithem “Britishers” Estimates gladly furnished for 3 roofs, gutters and repairing. 1 cusaanrv noormc co. 3 Phone 706 506 Guitar Bltk. ' . -- " ' A ' t ' ~ , L 4 ' -- ‘ . - - mt Aurora. shooldtnrn around sM.¢'u¢3:" — ' E” ' l ' ' ‘A . A l . inane.‘ in “F ‘ii’ ‘°“"°fl- °f F""u' M" ——-—— v t e sort of discriminative. or ' ‘ fie (it'll .003!“ lb“ 1‘; a4” h Iv , ' 0 “"3 9*”P''' ‘'‘'m‘ Grief stricken over the death in an manor?! 888 us.‘ 1-‘elnafs 3- — fly-g, u o . . - 9'13’ . . . . . . . . of - ~ - arm! n-inkI-rItuehedf0r99°°- 'al'lenverhospitalofllrs.DoraEp- . H , . “cu .u““-*dd‘écu’co.._. pursues , _8!_ "',,.,_.,_,n, .3, _ _______.____ § cmfl kluwu llowwvuldwetakct , 4” “"“""‘.....""......""‘ “mun” "L" wt «'3 A-°=*~ ""‘”"" -n = i at 3. W‘ A -3- av-.u-; nag» 1;-g_s‘g_.,*-«=?'.’..’“.’°’...’..“"...‘°"'... City. .5‘... ......... .; ,,:{;;:M *3 .711; ~;-',"°°'...".,:. l'°:"u'”' ' - ' tions marks a continuation of the ' 5, 3;.‘ . ‘ l " clmta. ‘ ” " - m °”‘diacnss'the charges of hlgumy that . '. "V" ° 3 . dearlythetsendotmlndtliatmaay . V -” ‘ ‘ o ... wag. ., flu,-hr-mof'Arehle(‘an\crnn. Md". ‘mu Pm‘. for uxegander!_,._ - § people are '3'?‘ Yu‘ J a.‘ W ha’ 5" "' PINK 3”‘ 9?!’ ll.‘ ua.—1ae mhtn . , . M TV 1, h“ E _m ..r_’:..‘......_.._ _ .Or would we immediately. L. “,5. aalesanlty of p v -°"°°" '3” . \ nut?‘ we ‘in 9* 0.“. __u_ 4 E, E. Reyna s o andaia . A‘ pair of ice skates with soles ,,om.d u. our mantle _ of dlfllll)'.. " -' " ' ‘ ' U ‘ted States, The‘a:uncil has voted to support . . i 504 I C0093“ 5"‘ 599” °°_"“"’°"'-‘ 3 of wood and runners of ‘hand-ham user; 0”, “cm ggpgfiority mat nygfy year in the a. . bum. ‘O’ the d” in the bsahaflltll sea- '§''‘‘.,,, ,3, ...’,......snue-i show will ed over the grape arbor at tm home. ,m.,.ed 8.“, “L. W, pmwm. of . - “ma am‘ “M W" '-“I mm schools. it has rewmmendul '°"’3“‘ °'°" " ‘I-‘eh-1-U °**'-'---- "I '~'-- ' ‘''','''''‘‘;’_,e, 3, mil-‘rank Pauli of (Thillicothc. whose T‘ -*< H i ' coupla ."Jdi”dvm‘ mu’ mu‘. health ' I i each school dnr- To ham ‘uh’ ‘iumfi ‘utwdl '..'€. 0“. h on cwhdn ow.‘ “. The hunt ‘rm ‘L oliseld .3 father hroultht them to this coon» L ;‘ ridge ties. The old idea that mar» ' exercises a ‘ ‘bi. “man ‘i ‘ dltarlaw. ’ u a county for many rears was In from Gemmw Hem? yea" _ 1-ypawnrfggg r ‘- rise: was indissoluhle is rapidly 120- ms the -I-‘int "*"""“ "' "’ “’ nude in -lmo-t =n“I'°-‘V 0‘ "W as «L. .«''"-m........ . I'b- “" 'iI.'I'_'.’.‘Iffd “’ ‘M000’ i alto "=1 "4 "*4 3"!"“°" ' ittclubothe discard and the idea is ten to have the unreal! -4°!“ "" 0* “"9” "'° W °°"'" "‘“ "" ' ""““ " "" One hundred and any eabibitsf -—————~—— - -94 R ,. 91 ‘ laefllllllfit P""‘}"“ u““”‘"i"°h "mun," ‘dvomled by Pm,’ A’ P’ j".m°” “"1 we ‘cum’ ‘on “tn!” In The American As- were displayed at the tirst annual Two and one-half gallons of 1.. 1). Robertson. at ‘ ' ' t ct hc- Kuhlman. " berths on the first live. ll _ I“ "j, ' , V . . A h. ! I K "_' _. ‘ '_ M Mme sgggprtg-(3. (-5... 5:1 mm” more than ‘ emf‘ Prof K hi ' te ta- almost without excevttoa the other 0' Ummmy ht“‘flaw' M‘ °‘h'.l'“ of "3." N um um "81 i‘U‘.w}.)°T'y "’""' °"”° ‘ 7 l ‘nu "0 pufiu for war mama] essor it ‘man gives.a n mum ‘ht 9 -we” mm}. m 2.“ 9‘ -#1:“ W D“. of ltansas (duty. lln I/llllllt0‘l.ll(' cost Elmer lltnshat: _ benefit and can be broken -by 060- “"9 Mai” °f M“ l"°'""" ‘ ""t' ' of ',,,d on“, u. (3. man on ~adc:-anon as a ens» _ “""""‘ d m ,$200 and costs when M‘ P1985? __ _ .-- .. _- WE. ' time doctor for an annual examins- 3"’ '”°"u" .‘"'° phy'Z"' Jon" will be given is an r. at. C. A. su- "*'~“"' S"""' 5°“°" "’ ""1 guilty before Jtdge D. Rohrer, um 0‘ tion of each child in the grades; at ‘5 we fir“ um‘ to he cfimdewd‘ - , -» - ‘ £31535"-ll "f ""3"" "V9 b‘'"' ‘d°f who ::o_v:. that he intends to make - - » - ll! 339 “'9 M u” "”°"‘ "'.e."- full-time school nurse: and a l*bv- Nat "9 we had huh which sI”‘.I:‘¢Ila:' n it 55".: mam -find “kw M ‘ht hos‘ ; Ch3m“°ll10 09 d7)’ 3“ “'9 5"h"" « " ' _; tioned above. both couple! hid V-W1’ dc“ dircdor. ' name during the n. Shortly “:2” m” :2‘ B W U .1 "N" ‘I’. pntal at I-‘armmgton. - |De_m.,_ ‘~ - RQOF INSURED (iuarahty Roofing insures Yaarflcof for Six Years. REAL WW.-\F‘l"LES Platelgnnch 30¢ ' CAMPUS LUNCH The English Sack See a few of our i ..q_,, —. . Across from Jesse Hall - .. --.._p--:.- —»—r-.-- Quality Pfinting‘ Writing papers for all needs. Direct-by-mail circulars. ' Embossing and engraving. “If it’ is to be printed, Stephens can do it.” E. W. STEPHENS PUBLISHING CO. e V ~ ‘ ‘Phone 15 w Broadway at flltt am‘ :3 ” Creek Sand and Gravel Can Dellv.er.up'to_30 Loads a Day at ‘Any Time Tiger Transfer Co. ’ _ V . Phone 248 V « ‘Y.. Campus Tailoring _Co. Jesse Hall is Opposite Us. The u.-x.-'r. Railroad announces __. ._.___....-. _—-- Dalton Cozil C0. gModerin Homes” “Modern Fuel for Fred A. Dalton I __..A,._ __¢_..__:—.-. -_ _. {Where Rasms Shines Supreme ‘ Flower -1 u: .:‘.c -1 ”“’...."“ a....... Bernards. “Best by test” m M5,.’ “Say It With - .. J Sam F. Dalton" Lot 6 in John A. Stewart's Sub. SW dolph to Hattie Wall Cover, 20 A. N. port S 1-2 of NW. frcl. 1-4 30- 49-12. 84.500. Henry Sander to A. Sanden, All rhwmy undivided. int. in and to 16 ft. on ...' . - - , A ~- andthosewholtnowr-calls: how empty that life will be now 1.4 all in 10.51.11. 31. ___¢—..._—_:—. _ ;1iQ.TlC3 , . Carofwblteeatsoatut-k.,{hr mll_l§eed;.ehlahenIQdaadoC'n . _ Oolumllla Co ‘_ Aaaoclat.ion,ph'tne1., . Adv.1I9-€100 . ofi of W ‘ I, '. We arcntill giving rental ‘service for $1. .- 'No. 8 North lltlt Foam . achaageaudlads-hour ’ i ” s'rA'non.. T axms Barri:-as . Hm coo M.Issoi7RIST0RE ..--:7-2-‘-.'-as .-.=.:;_1,‘:_ -.= _ _- ,r.f,'. ’ “'_,‘:. , L_ in l’ g.‘ v t} - . ‘ ”" “'1 "f ‘ o w a e c I e e e O v a e e a a a a a a e e a a s s e e n o I D IO ases arflet lifter amounts see A J. at. GAB'l'l1, - . . 8?.” . ';.‘.;;.".'.' ..-I ...V 1 - _.—__%~.? ———:o—-o.—q