va-.. .‘L. Broadway. . fix. r-:!‘:«. *‘.*h\fvv,".‘.'h-4'l_TF':'l_9."-v'\f~'1«._——yrf..v-‘.4?-y»_ .._...,... . ., _ s _~“ aixa-nu.-ri.rserw....q,‘l. ..¢gu India‘ aviapayera agfiocouolryaadhaatoritaabfiii , ‘ unuotttoalalentaadnhlodo ? 5‘; vertboeaeet not en! ,9; [rflu-at standards of $004’. ‘ i£’§r1'.o3-’§m—r=” ‘\\'A.\‘Tl-1D—All kinds_of sew children's clothes a specialty. 1975 green. 208 West Ash . N130-190 ur-Z—*-j \\'ANTl2l)—\\‘az~hing to do. see Mrs. ill. Lewis. 1313 Railroad street. 157-162 .\l.-\T'l'Rl'ISS Rl‘I.\'O\'AT1l\'G—UP' ' ’ 110 \ Mattress 153-172 lmh ‘street. i C2riip_a'n_\'._plionc 905 red. __- REAL $TA'I.‘. FOR SALE-1 have some for rude that or- }{.,-;.li_\- Company, . 1 Bl.'~l\'GALO\\’--Am offering my, '7-room in em. 2-year-old brick possession 1:’ 911 l or terms; located at 1607 Rinkson. (‘all Crebcr, phone 375. C150-150' FOR SAl..l*I~—.\Icw 4-room house, 1.-irgr cl...-ct. pantry, breakfast room, fire pl:u-0, garage. easy terms. .'ce T-room house: .3051 8611758 from Chri:.tian Follege; priced rig .\'ew 5-room brick house on W98! 35,000: this modern in every way: small pay- ment down: balance by the month. Weathers Realty Company, phone; 72. ’ 160-162 / 0 an I-‘OR S.-'tl.E—-8-room completely k . modern house. I bloc from Univeir-; uity; paved street; garage; .600 $650, will carry balance. 1-1"-'lniunih {modern _home:‘ 181230: a :10! green. evict-In venne.I'lIone' All! 13. Russell. phone 749 or 9!-‘ _1 bay. 18. R 55-160 1 from 9 incl 1 Phone! FOB SAL!-3—l:‘¢ga tor hatching 89”‘ prise-winning Ihode Island Beds. for baby chicks. Phone 648. Itra. John N. Taylor, 614 West‘ road- way. T157-102 taken _”’"i.os-r ..\-r"r£.?ni3' I 1.0 small 1 1315 FOR SALE-Small chicken house, 105 Willis avenue. _ -_ 9:18 feet. small ST—-Lady's pu Paris road and Ripley street; 039 i"- containing one paper dollar and Plum? ‘some 50‘ 2 Missourian office for reward. change. 1§_9_:161 between Return to 160-161 dan: l\'ewl_v decorated 5-room house.‘ sleeping porch, large _lot; North ‘8th 1 if ired ' street; $4.000, terms New brick bungalow; 5 roomsiandi ’ sleeping porch; oak floors; close to‘; Stephens College. .\'c " stucco bungalow; large lot, and garage: $250 down. »5-room house; close College: $1,800. 3200 d We have other bargains; if no to buy a home be sure and sec to Christian own. pony, Rooms 1 and 2. ltiller Bldg” phone .319 or 692 black. H nousnsirou nmn FOR REZ\'T—-7-room nicely for- ni.~hcd lflruse, near University; house full of roomcrs. Phone 1490. Wl58tf FOR RE!\"I'—-5-room house, close in, partly modern, $25 per month. lattice-d in, dry concrete basement. col location. attractive price, ‘firy leaving town, furnished or urnirrhcd. Phone 1317. B13521 ov. HAPARTMENPTS 1-‘ion auxin‘ TWO or thrcc-room apartment; ATHENS AUTO COMPANY lflnyuprcher 3:’ mide R.udl'h lo“: all .n more chances to score and he Phone 1051 155.160! ‘*1’ “wk G“”“'‘°“l- 00 5 u l -l e ml at c 0 found the basket regularly. ' .. . ‘Ne, pod‘ Rented 3150 per bout hander Pruett is the possessor of; The gum became rough in then _, I-‘OR P.l-l.\'T—-Apartment; 4 rooms and bath; use in; modern. Pri .)—room modern tile and? you 1 I I l l I __115?;1.§l t l I l i 1 l l _ LOS'I‘—Two keys, one Yale and house at n bariralnt W9“ l0¢8l»¢d3,one odd key on ' close 10 school and an ideal home;_¢1,.in_ Thundgy. Phong 55_ small I-‘OR SALE-1924 Dodge coupe; 1922 Dodge touring; 1924 Ford se- 1922 Dodge m.'Ford sedan. Taylor Garage. :55-160 roadsttr: 1920 J. GUY MCQUITFY "Quick Printer” Cards us. Carey and Frasier Realty Com- 3 ’L°£.’¥1';3}3”=- Lobby Daniel Boone Tiwern ..~...-_...._ j.—. .—-..._._. __.... , -..._. -...__; ,~. BARBER SHOPS TAVERN BARBER SHOP _€'mvr:nsF'ri"’n7u3nn snbii‘ Real Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 349 Automobile Insurance 804-6 m59_m; it s. 9:}: St. - ron ItI~:I\"I‘—-5 rooms and bnth,l WSUNNCE ninety-foot front yard, large porch,f south cost e sure, back porch. REAL ESTATE ’ FIRE. TORNADO U. P. GANT one 928 l I l lhlo. Mileage. Phone 1478. 105 8. 8th AUTO TOPS ,AUTOMOBlLE WORK Guitar Bl<_1g_. it'a.~nne.hl(-; list floor; fine locntionfl Phone 806 green. FOR apartment, furnished ni.-bod. Phone 200 or 421 H ROOMS FOR RENT For Girls I-‘OR __315‘.fi.’ A160—161- . RE.\'T-1,-'¢-room for‘ girls. ‘8 Watson place, phone 2101 black. D153tf; ltlil\"I‘-—0ne nice 5-roomll" _ or unfur-:fl1_3 5- tl¢l_\Av5_'.V 1.676.‘ ‘1§soc‘ iX?rioiii:::' ! Swine: AUTOMOBILE 'I'RlMMlN All Its Branches H. Burr. r Phone 443 Investigate the Boone National and Loan Association SHOE nepfiiiiiib i _ Mortgage Plaa . 206 Guitar Bldg. W. S. St. Clair, -\ v ~o.. , , N '7 nu in-aonri flhenaere om-.5 oaeiminurly defeated. Saturday; night by theiltaaaas Jayhawka in. thoirdaalsrrestlingaseotbyascooeg oflfltoz. Godvin.~HiaaaIri‘sfly-1 vfibtnamvonthe only for fliaoouri with a decision over Stoklao. Tbetimc advantage was‘; 9 minutes and 13 sounds. ‘ TlIe.Kanaaa-toala was tarmore experienced than the .Iliuoori_ Nearlyevorylnenberof; ' tumwasavetonnvrhilewithj year's team. The Jayhawks the half-nelson bar armlock ‘ skill and with it won two fallsm Their third fall Wis won with at body-sci'.sors and -arm. .. ’, 1;; the ‘heavyweight class Gibson . had a slight time advantate V!!!”- Smith of Kansas but it was not suf- ' used 3. with tling two extra periods Von with a time advantage of 4 minutes and 53 seconds. ' This was the '1'i8€!‘5' lhlfil 1'"-'°‘ of the year. They have won one and lost two. Each meet has won decisively. In the meets with Okla- homa a Kansas, Missouri won only on; match and in Washington, lost only one match. Th 'es ane: , _ - - *. ios 03:32 by Godwin ‘ill. "WI is I-‘OR SAL!-}—C.he\-rolet speedstei-:4 stoklao (Kl. by a decision. rune advan-2 new body and tires; starter. 1312 tau. 9- Sun Y "U W"_ $3133 l“¢ml¢. Plume 1434 K"¢€1!- ‘ 7;‘: H“ ',':","_nl",,u, ::u,,,,,,,,,', ",4? Iluagrave and Allen beater. 153463 has arm lock. '.l'ine~—l1 :20. K I 80% 1;; ,,o.,,..|..wog y Stirton ( ). over, __ A____ __ _ B...‘ (‘L I ‘"3 h1{..¢hogi *__T%.l‘.:_; __ . ‘'':.:‘;.:'.':.*:::.- .. ....;:: .. . PH] (; M13 Wm DAVIS COAL Cardvell cm. by decision. Time advan-; - - ;- Best trallllinois Coal late. 9:40.“ W M Dd H“ on . T , i .5 - on - "1 . :°‘“ m °»v°;*;;W-3-g—8,~n°= .. II\ Bl VISION 4 .._.-- -_-_-. .. .._»- ..._.__.. vantage. 8:18. I - ‘ 59 nd-I' In We-bn‘ (Hi. W -—‘-—i- PRIKTING J :;.::y.ei linui. by Iii.-..v.’... T»-ii: ad\ant‘;Cl“:; Defeat Delta Tau Delta cownnu. enmrmc oo.‘ ‘gvi. ‘.3...-[.a"—w-3_ bi;-nxK«;;.flo~r;dw:; ; in Final Game by T‘ Give us a chance. If our prices " "N '_ ':' _ ‘ ' and work are not satisfactory, we "iii...-::"r;i.i1.wou by-_ smith ‘(KL rm-rl Score 29 to 16‘ igiozzt fgxlpxt your :::mg:v?fnut SL i;ai::a|:i:.L M . dean”. 1"" .d'“'| The Phi Gnms won first honors l -——+--—- in the fourth division of the PRU!-TIT GREAT BURLER. ‘ cage SAYS EVANS. A. L. [EMPIRE when u,,)- mm 1;. u Delta "s"“‘Br:wn;“‘“..r§”°°Ii;‘,f",c,§.: ll" d°'ll"nhcu;iila(ifel1:lf29¢fri)di-clii with the J D . l . . A in“ Ruth. ‘score 6 to 5 fcr the Phi (rams ‘the second half the Phi Gains broke H b “Sh ls" Pr'tl.f 3 Uni::niiy' oimmlislsouri liiudenliniilridi ‘‘“'°‘‘‘’‘ ‘’’° °°“"‘7°” "'*’""““" “"' baseball player. is credited by Billy Evans, dean of the American League umpires, in a rocen y tsyndi-. cated article. with being one of thei l aggressive throughout feet their passing. Hamilton, center for the Phi Gum mm Lent" whom Babe Ruth.Dclt:4 were the high feared most. ' ‘ ' d 10 d The article comments as follows: Th ' me e an ctivcly. “Two °b5l"°l°5 lmve bee“ "m°“"d. spc(“.rumle_\', the mainstay of the Belt e 9 pain doubt is very thankful. The Yan-I . ,. kw‘ l'“'° purchafld Ural" Shock» fallcdmlatillttblnficlrllfitilllro liilirusblhl er, star. pitcher of the St. Louis; {om}: Browns. Shocker is one . . . _‘ who always has pitched to Ruth , 7”“, l.”" "‘.‘1.':’ ;‘*;°“;‘: f,:’°“b"’.’_‘“ in a majority of cases has had the.‘ m luwlug’ 9’ ml . C “' better of the argument. ' “The other obstacle was South-‘ paw Herb Pruett. it is doubtful if} is thrown at half speed and breaks sharply away much after the man-joflen on bow mam! ner of a spi . , “Just such ii type of delivery bothers Ruth most and Pruett cer- tainly took advantage of the. fact. it has a rarity for the Babe to _. ‘ _ - Jnnlic a healthy foul off him. A‘ “cum 3 {Gilded ‘ca ' etrikeout was usually the ho_mc—run= hm” pm-l.'_(i__..___ ; thing try a Missourian want ad. FORTY-SIX DON UNIFORMS i FOR BASEBALL PRACTICE? 5‘ "‘ Squad ls Difided Into no Groupsj 8- 0- F00"? Pl‘-"*"l_ °°- —Outai(le Work From Now On Plulblng and Repairing The Dells I ond half that looked good for :1 minutes, but Edwards of ‘he ROOMS for girls. 512 8. Fifth street. 155.160 c For Boys ltl-jl\"I‘--Single room FOR for young man at 804 Billcrest. Rlfitf Greek ' tournament Sunday morning, De Ta a -.trong lead. The winners were 5 the game. ‘ . . The Delta Tnus were unable to per- 1 two baseball pitchers of the Amer-1. mam‘ Md Bannom guard for me‘ oint men.‘ , _ _ P - ,5 n__ ‘ seems headeui for this position. from Rum.‘ path {M which be nolteam. was taken out earl)‘ in the 7. a most unusual fadeaway. The in gsecond M“. and foul’ were anal; Jaged ii comeback late in the mc- i‘ W '4 Phi ~ Gums dropped threc baskets In-m‘ ‘ the center of the floor and gave the ; ‘* ._.¢__..._.—~- 1 -‘ If you want to bLy or sell some-_ '» ‘-3 -"V " ~’r* ,-' ——- - ‘ o--1!--.— -9.4. ‘ —-Pbo ' Top row, left to right: Rufus Williams. Pllll RIC. «lime-I Cottlc, Orel Johns, Dean \'andirer. :1-‘ACL'LT\' mam UNI)!-II-‘I-2A'I‘El) ‘Final Game in Women‘: Basketball ‘ to Be Wed esday. Saturday’:- scores in the Univer- i.-sity women's basketball color tour- nament were as folloiuz Brown 3'.-‘, Green 1, Yellow 22, pl- :3; , Faculty 21. Plaid 4; Orange 13, La-' vender 11. Friday afternoon Purple faulttxi its game with Red. trounced Blue 0 to 0. won over Black 12 to 6. Faculty de- feated White 14 to 0 in a fast. hard- ! fought game refereed by George ton. The final game between the win- 1 non: in c1asses'A and B is scheduled , for Wednesday afternoon at 4:45. Th percentage. However. ~I-‘acuity will not play in the final igzime; Class B will be. retinesenn-d by the student team which makes the next highest standing. : In Class A, Red is the only team undefeated. It met White . Yellow, its . 8- <€?.*a;’e;!!**.:*,9~*iP.;Bas'’1 Team by Blackmore Richard ton row: Charles Turner. Willis Roselle, MCraig (Capt), James Turner and Wallace English. strange.-at opponent for honors in this class, at 4:45 o'clock this aft ernoon. School B07.-.4 win Meet Tonight. The Public School Board will meet in ihc llndcn Building thi: c-vcning. 'l‘e:ichcr::' salaries and bills for the year will be considered at this time. -———-—-4 Lndies, be fitted in the privacy of your own home with a Susanna Cocroft reducing girdle by Mrs. J. M. Reed. phone 247. Ad\'.l60-165 &.SnsHT§r Its Color Flashes r This Friendly Caution: "Don’t Leave Your Pen 9e!u'nd!” , EXPERT TYTBWRITIN G T508 ency v 115 mu St.-—Phone 1456 green . Call after 7 9. la. THESIS WORK l V Hamilton, center, was i.'i\'° ' r” Your furnace FINE snoa REPAIRING ’ F t ."‘°""'"d"""-b‘ W, A convict: stock It '3 "met our fuel ton “ 8 . llniflcirrrfmsiindmizspoonlizllbd foruVar-= "7 x’ “h 5"‘ Hz‘ . Boone unty W 2‘ Sr,“ 5,. aity practice Saturday afternoon. ; _ . Company ' Coach liarry Kipke kept the;-'-—~.—:——~ ‘*“““ , lab’ PHOTO SERVICE KODAK FINISHING ter, aloepint 909d! WANTBDIUIIFI are )_lissourian. . 3003‘ A39. --o-.~... ..'. , ._ Largo ‘ i*nquinstregt,' A _ squad busy with “pt-pper" practice uring the afternoon. getting the men limbered up he sends El... .VA.N.ITY-A1R ‘ Ocular aod‘PreIIlIIl F01! Rl3NT—-To a boy, 85 of g ‘ nice extra furnis room, 1" °'" °'“ d’P”l'”""i- Film‘ let‘ them into intensive tice. . ‘of Y0‘, 8*”; single beds if desired. 708 ‘l 8 " 3" °"l ‘l 5 F m- The squad has divided intoi 8 8. all St Pb”. 70. ' land place, phfie 392 black. Tug DRuGr3n0P two groups, one practicing from‘ ' ,. c I . 7 . 5‘ - .' F156-161 ,___ 1’_l‘_'f_‘?°___w ___«__ 2:30 to 4 and the second from 4 un-% ‘+4’ “'*“-“""““"“*‘—‘— “"‘“‘“ "‘“"‘ -W til 5:80. lftli weather permitathe. w-—T~ V 4 Rooms son BEN!‘ PHARIIACISTS practice will 1; conducted outdoorsg , , A .* FOR Ram‘-Rooms: clone in. rm: nnuc snor "°'" ".°" °"° . 5 ' - " *'°"" "37 "’°°“‘5 F" P"-"°"'*‘°" '°"‘°'=- No chm r.?':i§'i‘ iqriili." '-i-liierluri. ‘$3 _1-‘OR RENT--Rooms for. light in than a month before the i i - " Pt;,inekeeping'.n3 College avenue. - -_~_:,—_,-~—- __H__ n the season and they'll] take« Elfll one 898 ‘ _ J55-160. noucas Practice my to 3 - iéi ml‘ ‘EN’?-l’b°m 3088 rd: ' Acaoiatoncs no.‘ nos‘ ..'3’.‘.‘.’.°"‘.... lilfkequadscouh mm "ml 1 modern large, nicely runner: .5 A‘ F ‘ A3, . l’_____.____-_ . . q . * " ‘ : ’ . . - .1 “; 0 . 9 0 ‘V > . f u I :.°,‘:::....:.?““""°"* *° °‘*i..§ ,.%.'?’.:‘...'*..°.r».':.“.:‘:'i.°...":“.a*'.'.i.“.':..‘.* shoe» now am we —-:08 Rpm ——-' . v ' like new._even the bevolottbenojvahoek a "i ','.' 2 .¢ . .' - r ‘ . .1 ' ~ ’ , - on: :n4. ‘ V a '-_.' .‘ ' i , ‘ A V; “ f - :‘-‘;. -ii’-.2‘-c..t:-.'.. ;. .e.~:..-r~=..r-._-tzi . . - no?-»..:..._ _..—-.~»—._~..».:....- ....._. .¢c‘—--qp¢~.,..-.... . _. ' a 4‘ 3 satisfactory opinion of H —t:ry a l E A Tiglallixnunu-anew‘: tocmmyld lhl 5U*'3PP‘ nape:-red hocanaa it‘! ‘BM ‘O Parka! gi tlnao croai nstbataboIIabl4_rD!- atandlagpanfaulat ‘ 11-15" 2-50 E -1 I, lllt - . .l:rll . V . ‘.5 . > A.,r J “ I °.ha.‘-‘ .‘ - I ‘D8AlllU'l‘ll8"10|BURIQUBl and suuniard equipment of stage es. Prof. Vance M. Norton. head of ha the Dramatic Arts Club. prcttnting "Dear Brutus." Professor Morton aims to give Co. lnmbia a mbrc simple, but an more re here in acting mode lays. ‘.‘A Barrie play is naturally difficult." he said. ways need for technical skill. vivid imagination for the characters which are complex but typical and an underlying sympathy for the these essentials." The cast, which has no leads and "5 -°q 9 . 0- rni Cutler, Marjorie Mcllugh and Virginia H rt, Void B. Null. Frederick I1cPlu-rson, Clin- ribert Housman. The followers of the Bar 'e drama in the faculty have met at rehearsals frequently during past week and have cisms of the play. Mr. Morton di- .‘(‘C2.8Cl the work of “Dear Brutus” once before at the L’ni\'crsity of Iowa. ' Too LATE T0 CLASSII-‘Y ty Company. phone 272. 160-162 LOAN—lf you this month, not Weathers Realty :2. ( llllii woelc. Company, phone 160-170 tion of "them re- nnd received by, “In , nrescnting this play there is al-A throat which lie was tryirg to luck my cat has grasped _ _ ton Paddock. David C. Newcll and the _, ofl’r-red criti- want your loan‘ mm 3;. .;.....a.' ' ‘"1 D008 1n the early stages of rabies oi hydrophobia some of the following _.symptoms may be seen: Some marked change in the dispo aitioo of the animal. An ' increased restlessness or new ousness with tendency to start at sounds. A morbid appetite with a dispo- sition to eat indigeatible substances. A peculiar or notice- able in the bark. At the first signs of }ay such suspicions symptoms the animal onld be confined and a veterinar- ian ahoald be called immediately. It ‘is not always poteible h determine _ I. once whether the diouae is _ ,rabies or something else and it/lo. best to keep the animal safely diagnosis locked up until a positive on be made. Signed: DR. W. A. NORRIS. City Health Oolnlll. Adv.158-100 4...‘. —u .-up‘ VOTE for POINTS for Assessor . Tomorrow You» were ever interested in Golf you are now getting out and going over your clubs. ' You’ll find la wonderful selec- Spalding made, as well as bags and balls. CO- Basement of Jesse Hall at the CO—OP, , or 3 _, ... _...-._ -7- ”"\ gr-. ,. ,1: ' 7 ‘mi . ..;Ib!‘. ..,.’;i . . _,,... ._ 1 n- I ‘ °}-'5" '° iii‘: _ ‘a all ‘' s 1 “. ‘ ‘ ‘O J " 1' .2 . -I I 1 y .. .. .i“’ I W‘ \‘D"" \ , .. .-‘C.) (0 ,, .14. aetaas‘