Q «-1 §:i”‘fle¢ttheirpl%I‘tomalte aaraeuu, 31:. um aaid real _ ‘ . - A ' Than this that we IOQ to De - _ . I - I - 4 .' ‘ ~ 0 ‘ '- .'. '. "En — '. ' 0...‘ - '. Lc ‘ - ....__.J.;3iLa'a.t'-‘—st" ‘ ’ d‘ Nine illrli '12-om‘ Stephens College '9" ' A . . . , The Reverend Alexander slid ill _ _ ‘ _ . '' hla:?l::d::l11 ivienlilptfen ‘l>)'mf‘i:‘:m:fr1: "rt: ’ t Uni 'l:1tl'o-!:tutd)}"hy t‘lnew:>ct:sl‘dn:‘i,\:ecrtiii’s. 3 ‘hm’ s1@@51 V"; No’ 4 'hm'f ‘ “ from-Stephe.ns college. tlk- i‘.‘"‘ ‘,I;hPi':’‘’i’;‘‘’:‘“i,:e‘:b;tm‘n ; “mng. do no. N 0,, 0, . u.;,d- 50@m‘:<; (fume) my “32_tI’m on my wayto the JUN- ing part in the p are: Misses h wk 5 .t bc"_m_pn.._*}““.“,wd,( - h'd._ - . . . it _ % hlerrilee Gault. Helen I-Zastland, i°::':m_ we fn;;n ‘of a pr"b,._3‘,,, 31,, p|fij¢.p’);j¢.] ;n1_"'.¢92l.n.."°l" “‘w“‘ x: ' the failure"-dthoac who their t an tntehsive campaign to . collect b)‘ mail has been launched. ‘ o"-' V ‘-0 -Cent:-Ilia tomofnlfland Wednesday. will ‘so he official delegates to the Young Women‘: Auxiliary aarne meeting. The cast division covers thirteen cou - 0 Missouri. and its cha at the central nties in Crystal Lopp. Cecil Thompson and Helen I-lirschfeld 'ednesday morning the Stephens College sextet. composed of Rosalee Hill. Grace Louise Brengle} Mona Seymone. Clara Johnson and Gwendolyn Bent- y w’ ‘sing before the Woman's Missionary Union. At a banquet of the Young Wom- en’: Auxiliary Tuesday ' v sht-ms College will give a toast. egates from Columbia who will attend the Centralia meeting are: Miss Jessie Burrall, Mrs. J. E. Coona, Mrs. H. 0. Severance. Mrs. B. F. Ilolfman. Mrs. Norah Dysart. Mrs. H. R. Gilpin. Mrs. L. I). Haigh, Ira. J. E. Thornton. Hrs. Lloyd . Short. llrs. Weldon Cotton, Miss Frances-Denny, Ilrs. J. B. Heber- t ; ‘ oi . ~ _ ‘ iaaot cl ,Ylsxaitica'1'])l3''«up.. , id-kw-:_-% ~,_ ' ; cc‘-‘ice 1* N‘-*"“'m i “ ‘ “"‘°'" “ammo?” m.aanat.9"‘ V. V " . .. F u‘ _ . H . _ V _ -_ V , 5 ...A .l .. .. -. I _ .( .. . .. — gradtaoraar-vlaa.-api thatymaral ''_mk' ’‘ tstndttofl--‘U330 W '33.. s“““‘.- ‘v'~ : _ O.“ ha ' -powc'hhlI!I,‘llI 8595* . ".. «C039 : - ~1 ‘ ' ,, '1 fl ‘Mt I‘ 10'“ *9 3° ,fluaNAnoNa_QALwp.Q.fipu,81ocx winners of-the liaaonrl eon-.8? “-3“ ‘jg F~ — ---—"' ' ‘flue, ;,...,.u.‘ " the atea. -0 5*‘ ' . 1-we- '° Rev. John Alexander De-l todo aroremlaalna Work in .«_._,,*°°°'-,_,,_,_,.,,,’;'.,., «nu-uo.u. talifloliffill a,aIIo..,..,.a..9‘ 0”‘ rsunpg LUNCH .. Ad_ " '— ye'ooghttoglveraoIp.é_‘h;‘ ‘mafia, ¢1|a_;_n3§!,‘g . ‘- y..QelL,. =,-... -. ~ ._ -* * . feuds Posltloll as . . . - » mom. - w==- . . .. tn laI'th'_8l_fl_i street attaattantoott:!!l;hscboo1ltoyx,‘_9.,.t.,.._a1ao1a.as;,=*iA, - eoataatot _4 _ . , ‘II! N‘ vacate of Presby- aadghia. xnttsltueauchttop-vo_,«.“;.,,,,_ divi Lwianera upon an plrta . DI? til. terianiam. ’.°"’¢ “"§’n't'::"'“ '1’ lot!-—RacaiP¢l.A mono; market "",*"°. ”"“"D“g“;n"“' "' ""‘.'~“"». W35‘ ‘°!""?; ‘mhhmfingag ’ --—--- wmmmto mti{e.mueu.a'W"‘ """" l“"°°‘f§“ 4; ,_ of!"-'t"""" i We No coumcr 0!‘ 'l.‘WTH'....t..t.. mu. .. ru.uu.».~=~g_-g» *,,”;"°,,.‘*",, -"$3.,-: ' am aaxnoooo - . *4 c c l -. . _""""‘—'. fnammbgonxht to have; l:1"flW' 3°’; ' paws, . 312971235; 3 on; A " 4,1“: gwag. at. 7 o'clock. The funeral D¢'“°3"B°‘“3 “ c . ’°.",,"j,'°‘m"" ‘ "in ,,.,‘:,'..,,,.,,‘a1 1850:» It. aaa.asou.ts. _ _.... la8tag|aYar. : . nationalistin Strict ‘" ° ” . fioep-skooeiptl. 1.000: 1 - cam in the ' of lea ._ I . - t s. f the ::":.:‘.:,.':.’:.‘:*.::.'u°* mu»: an new at»... a wee» «- . ~ ‘ "§.....""-”" "" T0'GEN"fon geldy, Nina ucct-scken‘ Ind Ilaude ' 3 . tower, it would be a severe blow to 1 ‘g . t ; be, - . '- ‘— ‘“‘°- ’ ' progress on construction after the auuf::~et§°";..:u'i5°r:»h.:° ‘owe ff fa: :e:h:mg|b(;: ugztaztm. The apeciIl.ll¥”i$ ¢,9!tajated‘p1.,a . am unit of the me! is WOUIIU nu do we find ‘ higher [not-"ity ‘ fnoig-nlectdoni “Till! “S ‘HR W Vfdi : u’ ’‘"”i‘ ‘h’ “°"° ‘mu?’ t° be’ 50139915118 U? think lbollt. 3'93: satisfying philosophy of life. a more“ fife," by I mixed''‘mtIft€t.'““'I'Iie '4 t dqne‘u°na P91111193. I'0l"|d£‘TIUl SYSIICIII Of CI»hlCIl Idfilll -members of the ‘rt Alongo ‘ i on the some or on not or we «.3 5'+u"§ot lave"! "-'n'1°ri'e"§t...=" “Z? 3123 ‘.".‘."°J.’.f"!‘§;...i‘.""i..i.i‘I."‘:1'£f Sup” W “““"’“'°." "'° "°"“ ' K on ‘work. credit to aome‘fet1;lniue hand ‘It ougb? to lead is to accept the Bible “"4 35*" 1‘°°h.-_ ‘ 0 cc» new at Ina be h It ds , - ~ - - ' “In other words. the Memorial pa?“-(nu, 1;, T}; ,-;,._w,,? math“ 3,30‘; :’lt£?"a:§’‘:eh§‘:_;gfi "' m“ .i "' t » V Uflw ""1 sudfnm C°m"'i“‘°‘*"i3 '7'!‘ Who ¢0“nl¢1-1! With Mill. 0|’ “'I'herc is no possible. line of 3 YOUR LAWN1 SA‘: ' ‘Ail’-'* °°"°°‘ '-"'°“I'l °" P‘°dt¢' ‘° it -y be some other tcnnmne cleavage between belief d be-‘ 3"’ """' "‘ ""”‘ “" ”‘ ' have the stone cutters co nrht to hand which helps him at critical havior ma does have to’ "'- '5“ 5"“ ‘Q’ J 9?‘ c ' . ~~ . Walk on cvttinx stone for -ec- often the little omce surrender Calvinistic inte reta-N “'7 5* 1"‘ - ' ‘ “ ' EDDINGS and anniversaries are occa- YOUR fri nd hav weddi d ' ~ I °”d “R °{ “'9 “fir ‘bout ‘pm Ki?’ P13?‘ I 13739 N“ in hi‘ 43")’ tion of the Word of God in oger tol 833” STORE ' h d‘ t’ t’ ‘ft 1’ ' de 8 e “gs I 1 or iuat as soon as they finish. uiggeucg, be f h . , A I :1 N. 8“ slons W en 8- IS Int! We El ' ram aanes. an you can express your on: cutting atone for the first unit. Tn; yo, .0...” i. ._.g,m.L M, inn", ' “Wu” ° “mm” ct" ‘ 7 ' a friend expresses. in a finer sense than to.thern by an appropriate gift from Sat- . - on cehaabcenfedb Prod - ». ‘ »- '° v - go“ ‘o cm’ W *0 the _ _1:‘. ms; __ . ‘ words are able to come). that existing terlee s.’ We will help you to select th ' ‘nd the fir“ unit clrc M W force of w“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘_ " ‘. fncndshlp and lO\e. ‘. . 1 _ amounting to approximately $19,-ling .5311 an to be 1 1. o o .. ’ .ooo-ndsxotooo ...°;'::°°....... °°” "° ‘ Addntlonal Insurance ‘M . T ' 30" ‘ht “€005 silent in woman‘: gentle influ- ‘ ' S" ‘ C ’ ... 4 Imlt die tower will not to into ence. we are not conscious of it to 5 of , . -.-. 1 float. of cotme. until the tint amt until some crisis demands that her .~ ‘ ; ’ ' ' l , . . is completed. the money is silence manifest itself to the world. 0 '« ii p ‘ ,7]; I ~ " ; - , needed rltht now to tum the It Is the work behind the lines, " . 533 )'°“ di8C°*'" etched K°ld~°°<=mItcd ; * ' )5 tv‘ ' atone ct.tter-tau thatflo 1 ‘I385’ 30 hiddefl. 1314 P375898 09999 mlilllldcl“ - ‘ -‘.1 tea aets. sugar and creamer. pitchers F 1’ HM‘! rlalltoncu or use or estood, t , . ' ‘ “knee of the “'0 u "on “at na‘n’any rate not spectacular I and many other pieces. They are appro- ‘ L1‘"' ‘ ‘T they finish next month cptting stone so, without far of exgggcngmn _ ' . |‘ ‘ .' priate and will be appreciated at any time. for th¢‘o'rat.‘he1’hua atone will be gcryungnuitn p.rxd‘:.h.tI ganat Or. if you wish, aeloct aomathlng from " '35‘ ‘had Vm‘ ‘"33 °“ 9" '°°' 553' 3° 1- “>0. must have »-- - - F the colorful Italian pottery. This, too. will ow unit of the towar when the your support in this mayor’; race ' ‘_'; ll-|~l'||l°fii" With 81'! aattinm .‘ 1"" « ‘c many fiflllheland if elected 1 will administer in ~=““3ha. . '7“ on “Q firat III!“ ill ‘b0 3 clcgn gnd pgo‘[figiv¢‘m‘nn¢f_ .’ t" ’ “.. . man. c. L. oaaran.’ ‘I ' ‘The Memorial oflioe has sent out Mm ‘_ an a two notices " /' , ~ .~ ‘ to subscribers who are béo o "' ’ ' ‘ ' in payrnanta and the I -r-=~-c-c—— -In = _ I h } have lid with re: . . -V ’ '. And remember the Bras: Candelabra }Bou&r hrapaih a Variety’ of ac. u'“"°°¢"| “I ‘fig’ '3 i. ‘W "3 _ ; _ 1 ~ B _ You'll .1» find many other kinds of slgua. with any-_a-:,u;a."...‘. ‘ " I :- would pay what owe I 1 , 3 i _ _ I stops and novelties in- _ ' hh’v'earI'lQ'ad.‘,_'You'have ‘ :_ .-'km'°"""'°“”u "'°“‘h . cludad.5Thereia aomethingofevary llllflifllfl fllaobody 91 the l f‘ t° IN’-ulcctllc I“ cw -. I _ ‘ We have just added to our feed mill two“ -*- t " c - E workffnrtharmore. I‘ . . “ ., ,. _ kind. awittcp in and aaa them all. whether. 5'’ ‘‘9“‘v N00‘ '0' 1 ' ..1pg,g,.t....-tt.....t. mun -an ,.,. new machines which enable us to do this. _ g 7 - pottery. ’ _ . . ,_ ] Jwhat thy owe it will save a great l lay or lay Not . ‘ A'f;:v'_.‘.‘£ ‘ ' - W p I , _ ts : "_ 4 dflgncyt collactionaxpanau and: as ‘ t V. 1 § 1_ An elect!-ojmagnetic ;» . .- - . ‘ A '_ V ., : p '3 dllltlle. The least orotleaad us §-shas"a:6aal ,9. one moves eve rtaele of e grain.» " , ,_ _ _ t e I . . . ‘ , I . ~".5"""""""’ ""°“ ’°"9°""’°’ 7‘°"'5" ‘° ‘C This inaurlgl: an 883' .t L‘-7 i lose it ’ I . .. . ' -‘ -p v ’ E o .3 fill!!!-IP nan!-fin loo youtriadre-' r . f . in . .i - - «l ‘ _ Important! and Amertcln wareyof rathpautlfttl doalgqand ' v . .- « _, eauuyau-cannon on "3198 99d °°11t3l1l. 8 ' '-* ' mew °- . -tfthe variety offered at Batu:-lae_a. y-predontluateo. even-ln.—gl£¢a_ . V cite-1? B-new-to-i . o « v Dealt! to in~tomotr'dw.- t c t . c . . . '2.'l‘heother ' ismteforctlttilig fume’ ‘a ‘top l‘ « A ~ ‘,triad::;:at_ «flan 1°C.,‘ uaeiifiln R RING .,3 . g - :_ _.: . p t; A I I ‘hr nape; fin‘. . ‘ ‘g ‘R’ t ‘; J a .‘ It . Iian ol ' _ V ._ _ .,.,_=,a _ . -‘*3’ '9 - __ ,’ . j_ . ’8w|I't'a.lhQh-A “ ' A . .. L 3- -1‘ " ° "" _ .. , 5 i I 7 Getyonr mm,mp qnt..5,‘ ‘ y . _, ‘ ._ Z -. p. __..a 4, ' ! fit DEW _ ‘I.’ _'. ; .__ .’ ‘ K’ ‘ ".;"-~." ‘ I‘ . . . - , 3 .. ‘I — « V . - . . - f E , i A I. ,. é". :. ‘ ., - p‘ A I ‘ -" i '3 ’ : < ' , i- ;= - 3 -.. . - t.‘,'s1-.‘~“_."‘«"...'.. “ ‘\ ~.~=-,-—’~.-v._"_-.,-»'s3'< .. _ . . ; ____. ,." ‘ V V .. .‘ 1". V . -. ‘ '- ' I ~ I - .- ‘I ‘- -;, ._',._A -"- 'i' I. _ _ ‘ . >- r 1. _ ‘_.‘ ‘ . I. _ “ .. ‘ ’ 7 ." c.‘ , . '...; 1. <1 ‘ ‘ UT. .:. ‘ ‘Q’. :5 . , _.‘,‘.‘. ~ 7.1- - ‘L 23:" .53. .A ‘T’ pg‘ "“ ‘hfl :‘‘.-€:,.:‘.-;.-_ .; ‘?;_.~.f . . ; {W . ~ .1 ‘.’,._.‘ - in v ‘_ . ‘. __. .‘~ ‘ 1. tr ‘, if ', V. 5 _ 3'.‘ er. b_-i}.-_V‘. ... 1:. . ._',§.‘,<;.~ g‘ ’ - _m . K ( .' _ ‘W:-.r_ ~_§ >1‘: "‘ 14'.” _ ;' -_ ‘ - . 2 .. '_; _ ' ‘T _.‘.-_‘r '.‘_ :5... ' .. .. “iv ; _- ..,;:,‘ .‘ '—’ ‘Hr ‘- 7. .4‘ - ..'A.-H4.../,,._, _. .