' i 9 .- ' -»4 . ., -- - ‘ * . "st-‘~ee.~ "'o ~ * *‘-' .‘.€‘-I '~ _. 1 —" . ." - ' .- _ 3.? .2 . 0 3'»~. I -1 '4. * ;..**:.****‘-cm: six weeks with a ranking of 9'I.¢'l'. o .42‘ _ ‘ Q&. 4 _ V . . . ~ Not only ‘the last ala, nuraoenauaaaaax . ‘ _ p ' . tionary process It - get: has memeericzi-:,3vdl:c;:h?:‘-at -W and uruhalua ....... I _ . y . ‘ ’‘°‘"''mP- _ my“, . ..... "all . .. . .<. ._ find, goureonnu ~ .n‘ he eathonora during entire lasting ---. ---3 , y ‘"3’... . — semester. with a ranking of 98.16.. 1 _ j h“3'3"°F¥€II'IVNh°|l¢lm°UD¢°1’ hnumwmm» ~. "“""°"""“‘ ‘tention and other expenses and E A * i .. ———,t . “Mr,” mm ° ranted by extreme CHINA ens ammo . ' th "hoax" or workers it *9 Wk 0*“ “°"“' “"5 ~ 4“- ’ FIDWING 00"’ “ii” ' ton University. Dr:-la Uuicvguu envlroninhertil circumstances. Dif- - mu ACTS or nANnrrn\',n*‘l"'°°° ’,°'. *0“ of liberty and new of. gomem understanding of the|play.the leading parts. . : 5 :1 ‘Ha cop of‘!-if: ‘$031811!’ '0'" i *3:'‘" ''‘'’'‘i "3" ‘WWI "°°°"'9 .”'° ‘MW P"- I ‘ ——---- ;“; ",_"“'“"_ "__~”~. ~— __ .;____ _v:_-_,,_ _,___f,-_,...._--_ _- - ....----. . .-"“’ " '- C‘ 4 I ‘ soon’-‘mama h” n 1 ‘N : kn aid that he‘ tlie'lee-ture:sminwtlfi:"e.eri - It Donate: i::‘I|If1§Rot'i.:o ‘M! -"‘* ii —# A . an 3! 0'. ‘ ‘nae rum‘ mag? but her ‘ would PI‘obainl.V' deliver the same even to both men and women” ‘ of III)‘. I923. ~ ’ . “i ’ " h_°“'° .0°“” ’w°°d' “'9 “hen. !°n."u'" ‘.1 have m” me. oration there as he delivered her! »p'|llENDSll.~il?.‘—-__‘ ' The Chine!!! ¢°V€!'11m'~'mVDl|id 1131* ‘ ‘ L wmdwalfiwwwww-wu‘_'"” "‘°“°' la.-:!t)rn'J g, R‘ F Brit J K “"‘"§ w°’"‘”";snmrday to the foreizn tavern-E (Continued from page 2) ' V 1490118 _ . . . ~ . D 111. - 91‘-, gun - manta 83M.000, ‘Chinese currency, u f Dame Fortune tmce lthin I 9”" C THE CALENDAR I ner. Dr. II. It. Belden. E. B. u " W’ .1: indemnity for acts of benditry E ' ;_ 1",], u, 19.; her aflectaona a he and W. E. Gilinan were judges .019 “A ‘fiend h the r t fcontmitted when the Shanghai-P» ‘ 1 m’ T COUt9§t. Othff 0fIt0l" WCIE31 come in “hen ‘n the":;°’-;)d1 mt‘ tr‘in was M.’, t‘ ,5 3".’ 26, 1923. and twenty-{our foreign- ; . V ~'~~ - “""' -’C|deD' 1'-‘redG ° 3,“? dipped between his 1:11:03‘! __--rat 27. a 9. u.—-acne-° once mu: is‘ Lncan. - $I9PIn¢ton.?m_.1... um um Pram” Baker ‘in. flofin‘ cow. .3‘, M, “ jug :1:n'va-I|“Iry‘ha.tu;u.I‘adln the Jour zleaus 2. J1 alenauela. (Hare \>,. he an‘ , , . . f hehudflmk ’ 30°" , can P. Bradshaw, Diary, ,. n . eornvtothe areas. 0" Feb. 27. .:u e. n.—-Lactate by Dean i . ,yeeterda; in Lorry Hall. The sub-' . 5:. 1. xcoeuueoa on "EII¢ia«!dnx an a 10"” Rim"? Ind Jflhn 3- Whlb ‘en of her wk “F . d h. I J. B. Powell, a graduate of the h°"m" ‘ . (‘role-anion” win be given in inc 1'. I. c.|al:er. th I "“',. "°" 3 '9 I’ School of Journalism of the Uni- ‘ ‘l1teetocltntarketI|rtV¢I150Ill¢"*'A.Auauor-iunn. Alargecroudattended most of °G°de” C°"i“ “ kl’ “*1 ' ‘M Wood his lute ‘um of ‘ad’ and Fat. 27. 7:80 p. n.—lIaahethall cane hriaw” prenm being ' he: World Is Bound." ', A the French stamina tlbles 804 “W 3": c......‘.‘.1i?u"o. lchaul 0:-‘ease-. ixarioua manic Ipeekina elueee. i 3"‘ K‘"'°"‘"° Q"'*““b°"'>' *P°‘“"‘sr0up that had been taken by the? Fortress "Hers were taken prisoner: by the- 4 “R R ,. , ,,,_,,_ ; ———.—.—__ on the friendship of Jonathan andlbgndiu t 1 1 c inkht we of i)?“ h” m lurch 1. 4 p..'u.—Reei1.al Ir)’ recon,-'BAKER BROADCASTS mencn 6iDavid. Bliss Elizabeth Worrell mo»? 0 a empe . r ‘ £1973 h1m- “nun” ‘ ya’ tw h"‘lwahrra of Lb! Steuben: (‘elk-ac Cm» ‘—"*—"? ftgd -0 - 1- i aogzuku .nn‘.i for mnmm. ‘ ‘ throuth two fortunes. 'l‘he3--eatery or Iuaie'will be given in us/To Give Rota?! Ileaalll‘ in Inter-E 1 “"3 pour’ The “on” “M, D‘"""“ h" "“p"’°“""°m i" the‘ 13”?’ ,~ ~ - - i3,,,,_,,_ C63,," .,‘m,,,,,,,_ ‘ ‘.1 Di {N°b0d3' In It. and “A Garden.""bandits' stronghold for more than ; . .5. of the falling ball on the , . €81 0 “5 I951’! C0lIf¢f¢fi0¢- -3;” J t \ yy - .. . . ipyehm ‘h min table: has hem theic5‘-‘;: 1' I-zueee r Sui,"-rtb:'":‘hb{,¥”,, Governor Sam . her will; ‘ ‘M m M phym The a month wink the “mm chief‘ 6’- K ‘ fl! l| W 0 r ~ II . 2' ° “uh ‘ii, ‘ow 50.1.5 ...,,»,,'csme. broadcast 1 Rotary message from? —. - e —. . . .- ..n..... . -- , - ; ‘gum. V. ' d-od- it a;u- mi “Ila:-uh 2. 8 a. I-4--Glee Club _¢-or-_rv-rt Station WOS, Jefferson City. heginfi ‘ r .- ‘i dtffzvntiemlmriy dmkingi will he 811'!!! in the uni-mny Aodito;*luvn.! Mm: at 8 Quack Fridw evenm‘, , oompriwn « ' ' ' - “ran Street I between the University. of ‘Ihnmri"§hdK Murch 6' _'in b‘ 9”‘ J 7 i of the tape machine on ; scum. State Agricultural uaiu-‘cc at Rmn._’ tirely on Rotary, and is intended to: _ . ' when it was flowint! ‘"3 "C "E C;""_""'*;II;-u M create interest in the coming. ' a S arr a.-~ e n; :- . Enterprise i I . \_u T is not limited to E have until tomor- I any one particular A row noon to decide school on the cam- ‘ whether or not we ¢. _ N “I Hrnorah 9-0-I : ' ' ‘ . e ' A I L N _,:yf‘“"°§‘,o§f“;;,m‘c",f5;n”“.;?§od‘”§,:;33:_..':s%.::.&.§m:.§;_.: ..... .. ., {;e“;_j_'°§";{‘ S;‘;fi;“M_g’§';;°:§; ;;’_§ pus, the reputation of want our Alma ‘Mater to ,1 £33, 0. “dead broke" and on his way homei _"Il;r;:"I nvirgichuthe ‘Columbia club will: ‘ . Our Wh0le Urllverslty IS %lTlp9t€ In 3 nat10n3l C011’ . Sooner or later a. ‘balance 1%.... mu. . A ,,';‘m°,. mm win mm mm; to your peace of mind to know concerned. test s “,,,,""",,,,m.,,, ::'",,,°,',‘;. Z':'..,°::.5:- “iii; aa»..."'"“e‘“ “.'..“‘I%.“."".'1.'.'..v.".”....i'°..';.mfirenegnsoqes «T: n m.m,- I<{>r- it that ?your wife IS buying at Rogers’ Gro- » ; ' :==_.._._..__ ' . ' ' “V re-nln '. .‘.§c.T3W| V etf . A -I .. ’ in given inst what he cs: It!-kc;;;r*'}’«‘T"'.'l"...'l.‘»';7.'.....'" "' " e "" ‘ “ ° ;tary Ann min‘ 11:: a Tpnécaei mi-’ . °e"3’- ND remember, authorities say we » 3! of. and can use thought u y, i.-; much 6. can :1. In.-«ha-hate munnfmm. for other 30;“, Anus R. .,‘ ‘ - I . _ _ »..._--—-—— nule i-widem v-aches the ‘um’ ..""'...“"...".?i:."'..'. i.‘.'..“.."....'"§‘-.’iii"I‘?"..".? ‘«‘W‘="d~ chair!»-n of the confer’-¥ Groceries bought here are de- have 3 good chance to Wm” flint reward can only come from: auditorium, ‘once program committee, will tell} And. here is another reason why we want you to buy tickets for the Glee Club Concert next Monday or Tuesday night. hon“l “bar. Anything ant in W0.“ r. ?.—~8peeeh In all llnlrenity unanen . Of this pn-paraticms for 1]‘: confm--;y . ‘I ,z_ . - 0|" he Riven M l’ lnrc-nee J ls .‘ in 3")’ "um" "-'35’ "‘ "my “'ml‘°‘Enatlonal women‘: can-|a“' 1-rt-wt.” ‘on fawn “ . -—---o—-----—--—— ‘ rary. ; "mm I ‘ '_’v‘“m.p “Mm MW“ “E If you want to buy or sell somou ‘I A ho heads pmpmedi .,,,‘,,,,,“ Co,;m._ : thing try a Missourian want ad. i u‘ on , ' "Earth 3. I‘ n. n.—4Ik% (‘lull enact-riff"? its an English town. might Wm!‘ 113- em be given in the University Amaaanmm A ‘ ‘ rrh . g s We ‘invite you to our store that we may show you several things we 4 3,, 5 . u . ‘la a 7 ‘ .—ou.=.-..~ upell- . . . . , E ‘.°»‘’° "‘ 1: $.32: 1:33” e'EM.....m:‘ $6.3‘ fall to mention In our advertisements. We want to send our =-oonoaaruunons “larch lo.-—Plar. ‘Dar Bi-ntu.‘ -my ' Glee Club to v Kansas City is to be eoncratulab "u:""° "’ ‘if ’“°"°“"' "°'*”""'- _ « . rlnt . ' ‘:03 on the result: of thevote taken much 1:. man 3.. m.—«bla-tut-r by one’ last ‘l‘ueaday.on its new charter. ‘:-C- N-ale on "Iuoce:s..n an a rum-... 2 '° ' ' the '. H. l‘. . u-' Some Specals for Tomorrow Fat dressed chicken hens. Hortnel's link pork sausage. ‘ ' horns and hrcakfnsl bacon. Free delivery. A ‘ ' 1 3-4 ibffipring Chickens (‘onuea:1-nee .at1a charge account. "l‘H1mpt:{'ho§e Serviee- ‘ ' - l ' " (Continued on page seven) i'.'°*"‘“‘° ":5 ,‘;,f,,f;"’."° °“°‘, ,. ::.:".::‘ Vupgcrhiswtrur i;mJ:*,;:M:‘.‘°n ‘flab school ln the luau-J-axy Au-‘V: ‘ “sin cstahlishihe city nianaxenforzn °°Ien-re n. I n. In. um-.u.-2 shot -an‘ L gonunment in Kansas City. It 3;”; l:-‘tuna:-;h.;:.‘an {::Y‘:'h:a“l1 y . l . 5 . £1 '1 A Fish: ¥ iv “On to New York” . . Wflo - _- I ' ‘ bemdme .nd ‘larch ll.-~ Pellmlnary -uriarrnlnx lnw-2 {lid igolf of the cum _ H "mm M nmmmu : '| '11] be paged ‘tkhhllra ol Ilanourl. I the‘::.rninia- u”'§ ”"c°"”" """""“‘ "°”""’ “"~ . I : alghaufiool and for xraell~u-ha-ol stud!-ms . '.;‘t1tti\‘c.sidc of the government will in the (bluauhla more School Auditorium. . ‘hr nenhan only " ' Qualify. .. Sforié htfihd by u '3“). ,n3n3gt|'—-In "_ .‘ A arlll'he I S O . . in the affairlu Vol’ ‘municipal tun‘ 0”” an 0"" .‘° W Wm‘ - ’ lfloveqjaent. . - " “ " e -— 3 . ' ‘--‘*-rj =‘ " are now am crops‘ in the ’ 5 Marcel and shampoo $1 '_ ‘ ‘tinned States and Canada that have ‘ ‘ council-manager plan of gov- .. V tnent. ‘mi: figure seems all the I ‘ imprenaive when we consider ‘ that the plan is only twelve years 3 . end. In 1912 only three cities had i . die manager government. Scalp '_tmcnth Ck.‘ _' S..*;':§,.7',,,,~,~;,«,;,'—’,f,~‘:~:' { Columbla Theater wave . . . . . . . . . .. 1 i ii FRIDAY Ann SATURDAY Sha_mpoo and round curl . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Benton Parent- ‘: . I ‘ : "me do 'ndi 1 ~ $1 7% F0 . g on a..'Is°.,. .....;'°.?} .33. ii. ..°.i.i§ ;: T°“°“°1' A88n- Facial and eyebrow I t :2 - m-nynaeiii '- god Nwdlix:-Syu fN’N*t°'*B‘t7° Room formerly occupied arch ..':‘.".‘ . . . . . ..$l “W” ‘”"' no t awunmnt or i bynagecs Furniture Ce. L - A e . ‘.,,* "REE aigutaennditie the y . u - * ,.,.,, .,,,,,, .,,,, 2;: ,:°.,,,,,, Sm Wu»; st p UNIVERSITY ; 4 1;-._ at he lied. lleOI-ack Ken. I - o c , .. on ...:..;:.r..... .....''.r...... . aim‘ 33' Beauty Shoppe ; ;;;*:; 1 h a city mameercund report: ‘ Feb, I . ,Phone l4l‘.8&Palms Bldg. i ’ ‘ ‘.,;,.,¢,‘,,;,,,t . “'9 "°" -'4‘ 7 ** ‘ aunt): and 4 withhltn. ~_ _ _ i__a _ hfijpod in. ‘pong:-etnlationt. lh_t;u.to Kansas .. w at ---W ». 1 Ideal locu 2:1. ‘Hay other cities-§ollow its , mm” fimu_ i j ‘ ‘ttrty . ' C -HAVE YOUR. Co, 3.1 F" be, M i J ,_ p °""" ;...‘.r..... .U- wt.’ .3: Room‘ 1NsU1n«*.o We ,;"m'f::° “*1 I ; F t ed éa 't"°?‘«.‘.‘. ?;'t*..:°;.t7“:.‘;;.“;:.°“.: 5; ”“~>~c°u= ll * °" "' “‘"""’ . ,, . . mm M " ;l;dl5;31rnrxea:::i:: on FLORENCE L. rnzunas ii 011!‘ Great. February Sale . §°.'"° ‘ ‘“°3*‘” “’“T4""°N ’GUARAN'l‘Y. aoormc co. i o'm~”mc “mam F N S . - D i “ p D. Q _ ,0. .,,G_,._, i ........__.... .... ew prmg resses _9lo1-thallmltatiouofaviatlon . i_ ’ " ; y R, . ,, i A Great ‘Special Purchase . Evgry 1);-eggjqew a limitation -eueeieeo: al- . V ' Eve love] , . - ‘ - ~, perxorqu . i neg.’ M 1 these sill? dresses——dy mwevlglodiifedoinspsgng ‘can ual€:m wd in 3 d"°3“3 0f the types '8!Id‘W0rkmansl1ip_ usually. gaunt] orily at a o s. o .l.y.n....%_..;e...e. . Life Insurance Counselor tl1;t6c!l{tRl(1)i%:’1cr prick than this price, 3133 THE}; To. the ‘airplane :' .‘ V . . . ‘ ' ~ V‘ ' e .. . c . , F Samrd new: «a i me’ .New York .1 $1?and :2_(_l'€l’)'i-only 9!, . ac’). wausamvovl vs-unsta- 1 ..‘ ~ . . .... .....,. -...-.......~..o.u-ur- _n . heeiewiaicnivnnnoox y .- .' C i ' . shin . .0 . . P on _ ". ‘ ‘ . i e . V 9 - . . _.-y -»>o -$5-oC"&bwd‘u In ‘I Ahfiffifitotis ._ t . C9W»¥_15Un- " 0 .‘