agar: _;.w' 7;" ‘ . ya. 5‘ oargr xi -5’ ‘ Mo- . ‘V 9 .| it t s .. Q 2 Q I . s .. _ ‘o I . . u I 9 '9 I Y Q C '4'! C I.'v 9 . 1. l “'4 ‘K .‘ ‘ vs ~.,.«¢ ‘ . ' V" - L , '0 ' u‘ 5'.“ .0 . -;,-:«» .»*« 1-=’~>‘:r-* ;:.°¢.*v - ,- _ _ Z‘. _.. ;‘...,;_flJ :. _ .l _ .1. l i 4.1‘ Eu» . "“. ‘ 0;‘; _, . V _;; ’ _ '4“ ,_ ‘Jon A I 5' . 1 . ' - 1"‘. It .73.»; 4. ‘ a ‘ _‘_ M ‘ ‘_ - ‘ ~A).V‘.u > .: . V -> .‘. . ‘ l. ' «V l ., ; ‘ ‘:5 in-’ ‘I ' l “ 4*,_ , -t e_: ~ e % I H ‘o»L.ASTEDITI0N NUMBER152 ‘ f‘ ‘ H‘ .4 ‘V,_‘__ _. - _ 1 .;. V. ' ' ’. for the Unl- I ‘ f ‘ Gm Y: t AY ‘ ’-mt. WOULD ALLOW ‘ 0---w =- we -r-=”°°”c«~" SELF ’I\‘ <'—‘~~~’‘'‘‘'t'*'-’’‘~~'‘ * - ., V . _, . . “ _ . - _. ‘ A a _ _, , ‘A ° ‘ 0‘ '0 tonllhtuod l ’ 0 1 . '''‘'**°9‘flUn° 10' and would 9 - G i From 75 *0 10° Mien‘! in “W: FORNEWYORK 1 --3* M U $3.ss3.2o3 h»"'*»«.'°'*°‘ "" UP K C SA.FE‘5"'»~o'°" °‘ ~ I « 0 ~ . . . .proIIsllynotl«rIn-tlnn80.andto. A - - , w " “'9 "“‘ .°“” to . .. . y“ ‘mi “"."“’ "'59 F“ “‘"’. 20.0“ G u ‘u, H “‘-r“ am “by : of Commerce believes, Ant: the St. Pat s celebration. * - .. "V —-_.——'- . ‘flu " . "'-'-'_' fU¢°0l’4ll!J ll! KI ‘C’ _ """""'*- (Tl ' f k'hhsd .._____ -. ‘ ; _ ‘.6.’ ad; n OT! , For Ilsaoani: lastly fair to-A of .5" e In an!‘ ‘:3’ $0,000 Damage plftuitl Indiana Democrats Return I911‘! 705333 » fty. 0 ‘g flan‘ um , ‘$311 on ouse than I’: wrz e 0 _ Our! 0‘ wet‘ or t e t. ‘at'a ce 0-, . . . ‘R35 ’”‘‘‘'‘l‘’'' ‘ * except southgsast ‘ - .. senators and‘ rePhesentatives when Yeggman Uses bratwn and any the fee or $4 e\'¢~.r)‘_ W I“d13“3P°h5 and ‘ . o = 5,, T“? t0 Eafilfim - ‘ for Last of s\eM asking zoom to work to: Uni- an Overcharge of ?snn'nc r four mm. The knight-* At (1 Tgda‘ ' 0‘ ‘$0 T bar’ ‘r. ’ A M%h‘ng - ’a&. 3 . ; : vet-silty appropriations at Ieggg .. . Ting qt.-rt-mdny is.a part of the pro~‘ ten y S t‘... f ‘nu . ° 2 _ sum,a..- ‘gang: wimm , n,‘ ins as the gppropfigtjong ‘ N"-r0gl.Vcenn' igrnm. The Knights of St. Pat wear S€SSl0ll. i .. - ° am miles Colo his the “"“"’ ofthelast Iczislature . "“‘—"‘ . .1: pin whidh i A hsmrock 'tb ’ ——---——- /‘~\.v' Dork W °P‘“°‘ ' comm” °" Mflcn 7 loco: gape:-ooogmxgll will be D51“ BWDENG INCLUDE _c her called par- sT0TAL LOSS 18 $7.000.-tide rule ctr‘;-s 5:. m a Two Paosums Sr-:1‘ru~:o in London will I Stock ' '.-"'—"*' , 15 no,“ a Q“ “ugh M L ~. r-—-—--- ' - tlclllar aunutlon to the ggduc- ? _ -—————— St. Pat's birthday is celebrated’ ______ ' 51. psychic liteusture. at IJOUIB, ' » I ‘ ‘'5 _Sl1l)C0lTllTlltl8C ml tics of afllroiriltlons for the ;Accomp1xce Of Man _ by the engineering departments . asGem.‘.manderings9 . um," ‘um Buffalo swan’ gent,‘ thcé to a College III Agrieulture. IS Believed to Have {and schoo t Iowa State L‘-n'iver?\ Y . t “*8 '°=",,, ,°‘ **s?°“.,,_“* Will/Be Made ”_,,,°"*‘,, “‘”“‘° °°'“" “" °‘°..‘.‘; Add $900 ooo to ’ .......“'...°s§""’°'o.....‘..l“‘}’.“’.".§§’- Escaped With i'i.‘.:’é’..§‘°{‘-?..;i’."-‘.’2’.‘. °i..?.‘£2f.?.1.“ C~’i.';‘~ 5;‘? .1 f Bf $385" at“ * «to m om : . ' , . . . ~ A ..’:',. . '2 .-r1'erso ran-_ ~ , . : 7 _ th. Mae. Th .°uu.‘_ P [he : m-omguon \(.‘r8Il} and l\fl!lt-B2‘ Lnweruty. ~ the our of: Javanese, °” W33“ "'°'“""’ ‘° . "9 ‘<- ° veoznmittee on th ' * '~ v - ‘ - ~ *- ed Amnest ~ we-at depression 5- s e executu.-e ; 1 , _ . ‘ )’. vessel, on. ——--— .1 Va, 5 ——~--—— .~ 2 magnet t -—~-»—e- . b.\rl0I\Ell T0 0l’E.\ ST. FATS F i ‘ I "N — To an‘ h W Xwv 0 '. By I Stat? (Torr:-:;Io:H|ent'. _ I ’ ________~._______ By ‘United Prom. ' . _. __..______ mi“ .n_“_ _ ‘re I A u.1ctr‘m ‘mm W M. Ik§ vlth I£G IBOW fol‘ JEFFERSON CIT‘. Flll. 24.--A9 NE‘! uw1\§vART u‘u:-I-ED ‘ BA}-SAS ClT‘l. ht-la, 24.——TlI¢ To l’l’0lI¢|¢ A¢QflIln(8l|('t¥-lltfilns hrg“\‘[)].1g'Ap()L1S. find“ Feb. ;_>7__. '” “ah”! thmafl’ the’ ‘d IL 8 o 7 wt ‘ “'3 fl‘h" 3”“ .subcommittee of the House commit-§ .___..._._ ';body of a _vemrrn;:n m from of a 34);; |-"mum, . Th‘, "mm, “wage, “.1, nemo. I “"5" J‘. F°'I"' “bar ‘ II)’ C 0 hates. mmthatu ‘hue,’ uh’ bu’ la the m”"fim°' toe an appropriation: of the Generic’ 3' ‘''l‘'“" “' 7"“ 3’‘‘'''l‘‘‘‘5 “"3 l'° 3’ ”'°"‘-rm M mm‘ med 1° “"3" E‘ J‘ ‘“"‘."“""l““d- ”"”- 3- cratic senators came home tods)‘. , in Haverhlll. H33‘-0 }'¢3'. rlttam ' " ' paasefdown th Rio Gande V1139?-f . ; the to I-‘ill,Vaeancy. lopen was found‘ early today. ful— C. Lanicr. Prof. llurrv K. Rub.-v - 1 - d h-. - 0, . -1“! t § the 3l.3sonrI A Assoela- N raw‘ 3 on an tun, to al Assembly reported a tentative. C E. Bflimmn, mun er f an I .. r.’ _.)} dun ‘rd fire ‘d I, f R I “. ' ‘"5 3“ -‘ "°““‘v *5 P’ °‘ \ non of w.ain‘mn ‘ml an I ' . _ v . _ _. ' g 0 e. mung s tern 1:. ex; 0.. ' . /. an ‘to . .. . . hartnn nu»: wzth “f u“. hu, 1),“: §,,.(,ugh,_ than 5;‘-.1; establishment ‘of the Ford? uuuinri Sn“ sod“, hm m°du‘6n‘ “.9 €193‘? nftp°i:|bud'_fl far lb‘ L“""°“"‘-‘ °{ M‘1;'i;lrl;lV?!1t)' Co~op Store, was elected The man: lmdy \Vl:x burnel.?ll. V11. m,_.K:.g,‘:..d. gm} 3)“. ,',,,, mu 8‘ 1:15 “Hock mi‘ morning. in Detroit yestendly by 1311-: we Glee Club to ‘iv! ‘wait °we°mamiddkth‘”‘nd"‘:'u_d”m“M ‘owe’, for an approprmtuon for the 1,-nu-.;:]);:h‘ at "am . _drmArt.a o\_er‘chnrlz:h.n u{r12t:"él.’X;\‘:‘< guilt‘. um ;_Iunk;... {id} 3.1, g\,...;; ‘ml; he Smamr wan” cmmbaw O‘ . concert in Washington on non- ,,,_m,,,. N, no“ ,, ,,;, g;,,,’\'¢nit)' in Columbia ors3.sss2ox.o2.{,__. hi ’ . , 9°’ . ?“”‘ ‘“ ‘ “‘ *5 ‘. ' "“’ " ° "-‘ ‘ ° ‘“‘'""‘~' "‘ .\~....-.-...;... .p..k..m.n for the bolt- ‘ . - 3'9 ; - ~ ' of “.1, ' ‘ht T1” $330" '‘3‘ he“; About 82.000 ts :m.~.~1n;; and Mflrch 18 to promote clmstr our ~ _, _ are highly pleased With. day mght, on 115 return’ from ‘uh’ ‘”d u“ of me_ This ts an XDCYEISC . _ he v.uncy tuned bv um‘ '_ _ " t V‘ I ‘ . ‘ uamur“. m N. u 1‘ f k ' mg su.on.~. unnounoed thlt I III}! of the trial trip of the: the contest in New York. ' :8900.000 over the recommendation‘ - 8.2.000 oamage vs.» mm L! lflt. <1 - 0 3’ 7‘ "“ ’"“ “' ‘ “ far'.ur_\' agreement had been ruched between Warsaw. Lslnberg _- . jg . y - Mn and Slmrdly lI¢¢0ll1l!'|8 “'1' . . -l ' u . ; Barklilire was a lieutenant in was assisted by an ilct‘um$:liCI: who dcntr of tllt"('.HllPL'l' of _ E:1;.'inm-r- L01]. , d h - i ~ 'd°’"d by Q" 't'’'1 “$3; to mptfiekmmgc‘ Uni- *5“ l'7“’°"°* . fowl‘ r‘::0:tnolwt:1!:p:::bc:“I;mlttee7th‘ 9°14 81151191’! durinr the World l'!K'8l‘¢’d with “*9 l"“‘ “‘°‘“' lb” ‘W’ "U" ”“"""'. ‘‘l’"'‘' “M f""' 1Th:nrcLl)x‘rn(;~ll"I'l1e‘:::c‘r:lap:ril‘lmm- Va V35" "nm. of llissouri in the fiflt us» Du‘ for C°h“'u‘: a“b“ ‘°m"~c‘us for a {and less man an “hf War: lie will be called before an blast. This is. the ’un_‘._v mcplnnatuora mu‘ students are muted to atu-ml.‘ mm M 13:‘, Senate in “me for w_ the han snnnst stnokt ;fioml contest in whkh the Uuiveb yesterday VII 2?. lowe proprhwditwo yen‘ .30. At um';ea_am ’ wlthm the next they ha}-c of me Imszsing u.o'.. ‘ TFV ‘“\_‘_ER"_n"*‘” ‘V P ed”,-3 ‘mmfnl. ‘hmum‘‘’_ ' ‘ lsity has ever «taken part. Thlrtf "mm" 10; wuipiubom o°o0'E last General Assembly 83.947,0s3.-§ ‘W: Illtl‘ If he gasses ex-~ The are culusfid. M’ NH’ .¢'-"Pl'*5“"“ “ ‘ ‘ “T Rh “ M‘. The tn3u:_v of peace. under which , nnhalaltants 0l_.of the mm, ‘.;[L,;,,‘_ vfi1hnu1uu._ 63 V“ ‘npmprhwd and of thmannnauon ntzsfactorxly he tmll be was not c-_xtxn«:u1oh‘r.d un.1l about TM!‘ fur SCn_i“_fi uh "udwd Hwy hmrm 1” am” back to ln_ i°"d”“‘ Ye” km“! "h°"'ritt will be student conductor and 35”.“ R.’ 0,.“ put sum “mount them W“ mkucd by uwgcommlssonid. «I ucluvl.‘ tins v _'im..,-.‘\';m._ in’ :.~ fiiiltl to include two points: by “mm” b’ tom‘ 0‘? P"°‘° ”''''’°'‘ W‘" “l” "°°°""'““’ "She:-ll Roy cocoa and his Ieuvmwr $3.27-1653.57. I c. n. s. Hm.ns SI’!-ll-2!) nzsr ‘rm ,.u-.~..u.- wm cunvt-rtt~tl at 1- "”""*' W N" W‘ 5° Wm” mum" '“’° °‘“*"~ deo ties round a 15-tlllon gun Y The amount recommended by the. * - - . ' —~ lw n-ma: ervict-s ma last mum I""’~=~‘ *0’ Rcvuhlit-II “'60” 4°’- Gfifl 3“’l*“- P'“l‘l°“‘3 They will make the trip by only hgzunlght near Wilton in Cedar t..,g,¢.,,,,,,,;m.‘.. “,4” for .,...g..u.'5 e ‘ _ it C- Sgnilh. l'_nder-.006 and "m- at xunms Boulevard Me-thudi.-«t W’ ‘~50 ?<"“"i"‘"¥= ‘**>'*‘ "‘ W‘ PM‘ D Univenit’. u‘mesx of SL Lani‘. Deuoi‘ ‘nd m“°. ‘O . Ne.’ the ‘an w‘; ‘Imam? ix ‘1 .000. 0 “mei R R. . lotion (0ll!PI|lIl‘e In Slnlw ..\\.;rd..-. Churd‘ by the t,\.ang‘.“s" nu, RH._ on’. sq-:;.~mn. ‘ A“'°Vl°’ ‘"6 ”‘°l'°" 1°’ “"’:'I'hursday night will be spent at 150 Po“:-1; at sugar. 0 ar- écmount recommended by the Tax‘ 0 ° - ; A “'F‘:l"' "‘°”u‘l5' 59”"? “'51 ‘”‘ ll, I‘. zxnkins-. There have lmvn 3’ Tb" ""333?-‘ “W *0 ll‘ Kf_I||3l~¢‘d Ill undergraduates. ‘ ' Nh‘.n yd“. re“. M“ been ‘mac in c°nm_c_ 3 Commifiiom V . ‘ , _________ 2 typet-\'r:t1nv1:' Wu. cm llcli-(I at ( 0- n;nn:‘._,,g,,,. pcopgt. c,,m,..,.u.d d._".5m_, :..-v:«:.n :'._v moi no attempt _‘ be has been in The men are due in New York on fig“ pith the find. ‘ The proposed budxet Illowslrfilge lclalllglfih l3:3““ d(*‘_:_‘r’t"f|-'m_nl‘:': llo4_- l‘t'\‘l\’.'.ll. The meeting will close , 1' fl “'3' ‘gym {"7 Wlufnuy ‘ newspaper that Aluulcau -4. ._ 1-he ¢om¢;g gm he satnro --—9"'—"‘ ‘$200,000 for at building site {or an] Go J ' , _ ‘ ° - - (; _ _} U d'_~ bundat night. . _ 1- \_ - Us 4- ‘*1 UN " _ « is Iflllt meal ‘by mght m‘k 3.” Th: W “udiw,.1um' um 3275000 for 3 fie‘. t0 9 ersoll ll.) Ffxom the L.‘ ,. ’b‘l“llll’ht no u u- ‘Lat L,:_.}.,-‘ .M._.: {Mm}... ,.in.h_» -‘....-.t::m.—.ns tu end the strike A ‘WP ll‘ . st eastern colleges, as well as e ‘ ldalry building. A nurses’ home tol 'I‘hursdu\r_ '“'_°“d', "fl L“ l"~"‘"’~‘ ’" .°"“‘l"f° mtvht. unnzulzt mil he indu:-triad “_"'° "lK‘M*_l NW3) NW!‘-‘d8!’ ‘ft’ , - . . e ' _- - at. - 1 49¢ . ' A -’ V mes Wlll bl.’ awarded to the three uu- “.,.‘.iu. r_iL.h,__ 1 g by l.wu'cnant-Gm-ernor \an ‘L 1' Gwdbu’ mother duh” ’°°l"°“'l ch"mpl°n" Vm com’ - cos‘ $10900 1“ ‘J me u I vanced students nnd 3114- three ln-- .— —~—o ——— — Urmuh and James J Nblt-‘l. Rclflllso‘ ' ‘in be an-nu‘ of — - . l “on from we Comma- xinniru: lfiludvlllh llmlii!-ll ill" bi‘-‘l 7 ‘ 3 ‘ of ‘ luau ilou:- leader hf the senate all- and Its. dur- Beagle. ‘who sang here re- I ' i am“ l” 3‘ 3”‘? S°°”' ch! Duh will attend a hearing be-N rcwrda. J\ U “ m"{._n_m_‘_ Wm‘ Govénwr - &n‘u‘1 cennomu. canny. “H ‘in ‘ “mud ‘or ‘he Histfl 'cal SOCl B, . su“rm‘rm:md.M " in . we Pnbuc Service Commiwiow The ndvunuul .s‘tudt'n'..~‘ wh.. mudc - Jau.;m,,,. 0 ' ll 3330338 ' Pic‘ dub ‘m S 3" 333!“ ‘l K°' 6".’ n e ‘ l JEFF}‘R&.0h. CITY‘ Feb’ 2'7.‘ I“ . st‘ . L°uis.I.{‘ns” City the lxitzhest avt-rare um Bliss Flor-' '\ X! -W” .4:-—- 0 I ‘u lgulurm , dens Inn on L0 Spent cnphroprmtzon hills for the Unn- 31,,” um hmmd m gage,-¢.onAenCe Chords on the I‘ . Sum.“ , iggogcg A. GRAN-I-_ 3._ WM °*°'*- W “* ‘W °°'°° ‘° ***° ‘‘‘°* 0 in 1929 24 I-‘**:‘.’“~'.:..'::*.:’...‘.':°.....:* °‘:* “"°‘*........“‘ .. . an or -—-—- ‘ 0 W “"*"=" ‘ - ' - . s c ueawn l " . ._ . - ‘1 ,-_ ._..____... ' ."=*'° "W '*°';:.';. .°.i.:*;..'.'>'" “*.:.';..*.‘...'.‘..".:*.',"..': .~...m.m.u~am ..‘.'.:.:. .... .: ,- 2‘.".*'r,.';3 sample Funeral sum...» M». on. = wad‘ “"4",” ,';'“,,,_,; -Invited ve a coconut at the In - W 'm-§'-*-'- F b 1.. lb)‘ the last 0! next week» -woréint determine whether the road will 1.-.-‘¢,,"‘,‘,'f,h°f,, _,,,';p;_"f,‘,'°.,, {,‘:',‘§, ; ' Held——Charles Deneen 0 1"" g'.'|I-*8--3-I 8| I o ' > Jfiflf cu!» 9. """. 5 ’ . .‘ .‘ ' . I \- - lflll. ‘ ~ "" '""”° “°"“ °" i"""'é’.' "'”"...a.o’; rm c shoe-M -=~t-tr °' ‘zi's.“£i"i.".‘-.°"o..»‘ "$3 °"o§“fue.'in5'§«"-’5 §:‘5"0‘a‘.“‘..‘....."°-’.‘x“i§‘ a‘.‘.’.......:.”°““'.. ?.f"‘1'.'E‘.= "*"*""~‘= “"4 “" "9" "°‘,',:‘,.,“*,‘°' to P111P1ace- om... A o....- 3......’ u..:..o.....= °""°t' ""‘°° "“‘ ”°"' any of Washington. n. c.. and an *1! ’‘*-.'°'“’‘ 3*“ 3 the L5“: committee t.-n aps=;rowiofia\I- .. eplfiect an an R7',"‘°“°"’ ?."?".'.3.5- .: "" ,,;,-—‘~‘~-—' it ’ _m-r 1~::.uon.’asoa athhs maoo'oouce-- 3 ~ E . A ‘_ - 4; jrlll arrlgre home an Neda» d‘l7*“W”'°d3 IV“? I‘ ‘xi The-appropriations committee has in-securing the hearing. dyone; The bqimim, “Nam! who Md: CNCAGU. -Fob 2.‘..__.r° {ht my;.3:3u.u‘.-lock yestex-thy -a£tornoon ; . §1"‘_ f ‘y’, ' 4 °?"'.W‘ °" *""i' . “(mi holding-numerous hearmlt on pwishingv to go should call J. Du the highest u.e,..m., —“.,_.,(. Odo“: of hi, hm}, Md boyhood da).,__ tmgsfter an illness of three years. ; """‘." °“"‘«""‘ .8:-vars! Colonials Records will “‘ ‘{’M"'°""k ,: e s of various institutions James. secretary’ of the C°"““"°? Guitar on the 1.. c. Smith with 33’ scene of no om lmsineos and pm’ 3"" """“ ’°""”‘ ' ""’°" '“" '1" 3 ‘‘°‘'''‘‘' “'5'” "'°"‘ aleohsmatle theGleoClIIb.ilit “WM *° “"7 °" "°' .° ‘for shares in state funds. Suboom- cial Club. a . . , ; _: .. . 5‘ , , . following children: llrs. Elizabeth 5 h‘ of tin Coated» by ‘ '1' Com lsston words, Hem‘) Baker on the 1 nder .lnt1cul trnumph., tha bud; of Me , ~ . hdomea the national champion. it 5‘ ’°‘‘“’° 7”; "‘ The ':"mh!minoc's have been considerinz the 1 ‘Rd F———;-*-.r'.— pom, is-ood with 31 words- and Gerard‘ am AlcCormicl: was todn)' borne for G“"'" T“"‘"' 5'~'“°"= 3"» 408- L is expected. for vaudeville _ “ “Ci show“ Umxersxu budget and those of the K file! tn Vern ‘ ‘Bflwr on the lmdcrwuod Wm‘ 33‘ hand. llunt. Huntsdalc. Miss Viola Grant, . at ‘any '9 ‘uh ‘ 0 he'd“ upon at we ‘et,l923 24} "-316 teat-hem‘ colle'.'l'»!“ for the us‘ Don 3 Tuner. lliegm. was; Words. The train which bore him front’ Tum" Smuom R‘ L‘ Grun‘ Tu" ht‘ Pad’ hr- 9"‘ °ir°"it“" '1” °‘ the ‘my’ h an “fig W“ ‘pent ‘m’ -h.§ fin“: d‘y§' but we" "°l' rflldy ‘hi! bum‘ on t e - face .1") I’ A number of other .-tudrnts made -\\’a.~hinA'1nr.. where the .\atwn'.~' '1”' ‘ml Thom‘ Gum 0 ml the’ event of victory Ir“ Sh°em‘.k“ dncflbed t 01 m0|'fll"X l0 FY0595‘ "W37 ’°?°'“- had “ 0 odock 15" mph: “hm ‘ ar average of 40 or‘ more words :1‘ highest ‘officer-' paid him tribute ‘ "m ‘ . tie, work of the society and PT‘¢8€Dl°d ' the fumes from a barrel of de- ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ;;u,.;.g wm be mad, at Turner postal retu hnncier,onclnrgesoflar- eats. dl . . . . . . . - to be given consideration. mg. n phdwm ham", in Ar, ant vi,“ to Co In :1 used the facilities of the socxet) s : day. The Md”, U, the 5ub._.,,mm;t,.: cigarette which he was smoking.‘ _________'__ ‘ Simmc “mew! “_n_ice5. wmmm 0€l0L'l(. _' _ 7 'l3 138538 l"’°C“°” "ll 150)’ 5i!18'lllC€ 3158 ill N9‘ 703*. Mary’ ‘ 5 ht“ ° '9 l but Gun.’ is ‘ porter ‘t H‘? Tmem} "RES'DE‘\'T EBERT St FFERS -a tcinltlc oration. were to he held. . . .——_-" ~ "time year-so the countfl’ they will surely win." 0'9?" 5- ah" {°:heH‘""'b:'l'l this cveninx to the main committee? 3"“il)ol°‘:"°- ”°b““ldf‘“'*;:8 "°“"~‘s. llEl..‘\l’SE THIS Al-"'I‘ERN00.'\' {mm W, fsshionuble ,.~mm‘h pm, T-UK bl IT I8 AGAINST FIRM an,“ of on. the mink“, first \nc¢.~presI at o soc!!! 5- - . - co mm a arre an t 9 store- 0 . , . .1 . _ , ,” '-“"I""'~ - ; , bylcrinn Church, of which he was a t (7.1 b; y ,4 ”,f,,.‘..‘ ‘t 1 . 8336. at Stephens Collete tomtllls Illnilar 3P g.?:urerw'fl% David W. Peters. majority floor” '°°m “fie” "h°»:*¢1def|1 Occurred.’ zltepogtesg (1:ndlx:‘|‘t::fi(nr:\e--1 member’ Fhwuy bdorc "mm wduy; ‘ um \",°n,"mn.:: ‘O P.” ‘h '91 1"-gen ma mo“ to the ones an the Unlvefllti All‘ om’. N!“ In “flu”. am we an, leudtr an tho llouru this rnormng — """"' Tmubk. ' t hour of the services was set. The wit mu; ,.u‘u:d.). in we bag, of Qeclugutm. dxtonum next Monday a ‘l'ucs- am in we niwoufl vale, in mum mu-oduccd u rusolutlolt callmg nt-i _ _ H, ,.m,_, “M curl‘). :-u us to allow mun}. |XH.'lllll.TS mum. of Edwnd v.n‘.ndin‘h‘m i‘ 5 Rome will vim dun 0 3' students and faculty um un',u..1- WUO" W “W ‘W W‘ "W" “W In the Mlssourlan m:kL1.\'. Feb. ‘.!‘.‘,.——Afu-r ......,..,,. or Longrc.-s here for the funeral to ,.., .350“ 0,, W, 9”. 0, M Thirty-two men will leave Co— New The Glee Club will give a concert members o( the college will be ad- chgugo in xnittcd tonight. . . '. n,._. h' f d‘f{ f the d., . :~ 1 h ' ' , ‘d mg 1}) -',in the little eemett-ry‘at Byron, Ill. whu mg 5 “me . t° H‘ a”’°°°' “tn” y°° A. 8. Dates was elected president mm,‘ omen’ our :’:nf‘mll, in: wtfrllfnexnls e::1c:et?satlonpl:w 1 the ‘ml’ "ah ‘mu: Id £a:fst'i‘ll:ntn ‘irtestinzl ‘uclirltef ""*"“: . — f Columlfla 0: ‘In dflendrntibehocdgvfrf ‘“3‘3'd b‘f°’°vu‘“ I ‘m of the Boone County Letter Car- ‘rim V” ‘bun ‘o-“'0 ' "mm from the old one. of 1921 is that the} ‘ac h°n°'m°dncr' end th Sustain being halted. ‘ 38U:r‘|°" n"'°°' t" H“ “a“"' ‘the money will not be paid by 0.,’ to - .....; "°"". *‘“°°W°" " “*° '°'*"*‘ ““.Z...‘{!fi... to M}. shoemaker. an *1“ “W “°‘» ‘°°°"**"*=.*° ‘“*‘°.“'*" owl.“ eoffdfl J-'oco"°§?o.a Q; 7' "‘ ‘-*.""d"*"*°<‘. "M n will 'c:xlx’E'}w.o. no. 27...1.......-.u.‘cit>' if the wit -- suceenrul. It ' 7 o 11 Fusion 1: pxseeung _ h re Wednesda . '1‘ at for the Mme‘ of ‘" aw‘. axon before the House this mornlng_ bond like u vmnto hm. . pun:-turxng uperutum was nude. aw’). ‘nu. the fummd hen, M was necessary for those bringing r. hilt alindfluh ‘E no; other omcers elected were: Roy S. tlelmqh rm "awn" numb, "hf. under u_spccxul order of lJuIll'|l'S-5.‘. V . . ,corly tlllsfgftf-v;:1-120tL"'m‘ lsenum. "am McCormick. sum‘; the smt..1o n‘m¢ aw cu, ., _. 4,, 0,... ’. u¢¢|auanded.“hefgj~. ‘mu. gxtfizfill, vice-president; Vnd A. S. “nod “,0 an‘. rk The sun: ¥;)s:gl¢:mxncthe énstuitnslzd hcI:;‘n;::i [)1-_ Wmnch Tell? of Posasxble ! SPEKDS Nmwr ‘S "'3 (“R :to',_,1$,c,_ C 1“ Deuce“. ‘wt. ‘-0,. tag: mite; to clear the ran. 1 ‘ad, ‘‘.m._ to tn. . few " r'.‘°°" ryf ' auditor recently 1- nested tho. 1‘ d h“. ’g_ . dad European T011!‘ 01’ $25 . s: . _ - _,_,,_, _ ‘l\n.-ahnngton to {ill McCormtclts un-: 9'33 T- 4 - b .. A” ‘h‘"-)''‘'‘ ’“"l ‘flu’ *3” mm“, dues of election and pe- _" _“"“"‘°, ’“§‘,‘3’,°"""“ -1’:-otessor saves valuable 808- 1“. J. South. Ii. C. Man. In a Vlc- expired term of {we days. on _ ,”""""° - pm“ ‘ml ‘an tum’. 1 er‘ ‘"3 M" mu" ‘ we ‘.°° riod of service of all statel ma‘ '"d"":""‘l ’,“3""‘f"“ only ‘u gestionl to t-110,80 contemplating ' tin: of Missouri Roads. Denecn. who defeated - Mc’(Tor-.878’ “E58 GIRLS F133‘. ' provement of the service a elation were made at the meeting. be » ' -‘ _ and delegates were elected to at- commmdmmw us" 20) tend the state meeting to be held in; 0 The follow- i Spires. Edwin P. Gordon.‘ ltutter and Roy S. Mitchell. as dele- hlunhers of Kasodatlan. All Thirty-Slx Rural Postnea New °‘“- °°“' to pay for benhip and second in States. We have the second largest 3 E that of c . auditors. Such work is Iacllltated; f the appropriation requested is this. .._._..._._._........ FOUR COLUMBIA WOMEN ' ADDRE8 LHIISLATORS 1 to! the Tax Commission and the re- !“ ui"°'”'i R ‘m m°d°"‘w Merl cent recommtndation of the Hansel :Anothcr meeting 0 the University‘ re- “‘“i”°"i‘h um“ paw" who hie: subcommittee WIS held at 12:30 to-l "_"~‘"‘9d . day no new bills except those deal-. may be in-, New Worlunens Compensation Lsvr.7 states rt-tam thts. llassouri being’: the unit‘ industrial 9 , state among; ;them. according to a speaker for? ‘the bi. In only onecase out 0 four. has the workman been unit: to‘. recover. according to‘ figures pug ‘ sented by sponsors of the bill. - Under the old law, it was neces- , ear)’ for the workinan F5 to pnovg his 3 fill t resignation of Lleut. Henry Harri~ 1,u;1ding. I0ll. alcohol were ignited by u three-day prgagraxzm to folllmr. Tho,- The police lK'llt'\'(‘ the (loud mun >IIN\l~'('F will N‘ L'l\‘t‘n by the minute but made too mur.:.' en-or.~.arrivcd here at 8 o'clock this morn-V Magazine ‘Tomorrow trip abroad this summer: Red Neckties Harbinger of an Early {WK This year there Is hotous col- or in men's neckwea:-.. Who wore the first necktie, anywll‘. 8 why? i Missouri Writers Hold if-‘redericlc Ebert suficred {today as‘ g“gravc." Profeaumr Bier. hi:-' per-. W. J. Smith. a big Kansas |'ity ;mxn physically. as he weighs about 12.35 pounds. accompanied by his lwife. son and olster-in-law, stopped {in (‘olumbiu last night. ‘enroute to Youngstown. Ohio. Mr. Smith reports the roads near Kansas City as (air. from Botmvllle jto Fayette bad. and Iron: Fayette rule]: in the ‘mamas last fall Wednesday with the new Congress. was appointed by Governor Len filling the vacant)’. unti with llepulnlican Stutiun tomorrow morning at {all hours of improvement. Presidt-nt M Will?" 10 W3|5,l‘-lnKl0fl "136 ‘fl-0’-Z: ty owners of South Fifth Street to . ting with appropriations ;; 3- lapse‘ noon. . from Q, J mm," ,0“, —_r.—__ ':el:°§?"m°la::lg'3;§'l m":':”‘l “needs, ‘ls hmclomm it: When E883 Were 10 Cents 3*'”‘>' W5 0“°Fn°°n- 9 Senator McCormick‘: body will gsrltvreorcting Co: :1 Wurgmbuzz 3 '. '. ' l W t I . o I ‘ ' ' 0 0.. 0 -I b ' gd ’ 1 ' r . I *~ K W "W ammo we h-*°.*°°9"=v‘*-"°" »- -»-no» :2; .:':..:....:. .::..:..° W °. .333. c........... . .. ..;::::'.t.::.":?. “;.~.;.:‘.‘:.:.“°°*e .:.:";::. ‘:..f.’:.“.§..‘:.‘...‘ °°‘“"“" *‘~*~*°~"‘ =°"-ma -- {ml *5" . ditionsl issue of tax bllk for the later be moved to the fanuly plot P.‘-in“ of gwu, p-flu, sue“. FOR Pll YSICAL I"l'l‘N$8 9"’ . - who was to have takhu office next.D,;o,.,,, 5”.” ‘u. Head us! Small to’ (ill the vncancy. Small is _- DA understood not to have considered to, of phflin] ‘"3 '9' a student mass Cullen St llenry C. Curtis. state leaders. regard»- """‘ 0 in}: the l’e-nrud “gerrymandering” proper- -Ilahel8nlth_—~J offllnnisr " 5 fates at large. f of -1-‘. 5 Amury was solely due to the negli-‘i , to‘ Columbia almost impassable. Mr. urging bun to make an appomto . . :_. _ . - - - “M5 ' Placetnworldofbetters C. . ”_ ._ _. . _ .8“ V . . _ , °'“'"'- "°‘"' “-’ mi‘ '"" ‘?""""l§’“"’ ‘°°"‘°" 32$ --I n lfiilé‘ E’... :§’......f"'l‘.‘.‘.'.'a°’.§°..l'....3".§.."'.‘£Z; or. amend weeks. former I.’.“.i:‘i‘,‘I.'£;..Z‘“.i.’3 l2’..."’f.'f:;Z...}‘f.§.. ;'!';.'.‘.'.§.1’..° .‘.‘:....‘°;..‘.5"‘..'I."".2‘.'..‘..‘.?.2..-".'.E °"‘ °' "“"""°* iwor mum 0 .: ‘ Ghana‘ “ couli) th olficers 1 til ‘special road dis» Fm C°h“”u‘ '°m°" ls nsibilitics {each The schedule‘ M- U- P"°t°"°"- Vfil“ ‘“‘l°°t r3~ht in his car ’ ‘footer mo Is an; gag "M" for 'u°”°“"d fink‘ fu‘-' V" ’ GaIP@'.‘(John 10.) ".64; 9 urn.“ Jefferson Indore the House o‘t’°°°mpen“uf:m m.d. . wbmbni “dd.” 0‘ Boone cmmy’ 12- hi’ arm” frown in '2“; he n; neon. Gannon of Bethany, :1 WM’ " 0"’ u" be ulna to co-o te dr-ruins‘ ""““ ‘ for paymentot periodiealsunas dur-‘ 16 *'°"°° i..‘ be pullul oh. l'A)lll.\’ I8 Quzmoxnszn ?"'°.~ V" "'?"°" """- "'”""‘l ‘ 5;’ . Oh-our. (Jug)-) an """ mm ,, M. bot omeoaoouu’ Wednesday night. Win“ an {atom at d Columbia has had hllshed a ,,,_ 5",,“ 5, diwd ,,,,,,,l., ,., ” D“ 0;fi....s.;-n nsaggtrdd GnllItln.llo.. was awarded‘ -(EPl|- ‘ . _ llrs.C.W.G:eens - 1 59.]; {kg verae;Step « . , l'I- ' the P0! £01!‘ .3 ~ _ 7 i Psalm. (no. 121.) ‘“ °°"‘?“‘°'* 0 no.1 mom or the toque 0 "ml, fim°”f,‘;,””:,‘”'m’_’f”:.“§7“,‘$ A m the School 3,“,°,:F;;‘£f°go‘;,"',“':°,;3,;§,;*;.. Not saloon; m. ljowever. .- Doctor Curtis was me that or 4.: - (PI. 119;) 3333 nu; {>ARl'l1'l0N SUIT Women Votuaand Hrs. ll. 0. Son mm inxufce , 01 Journalism, writes romance: 01 39 ' - ' " Mrs. ‘Dan O'Brien, -who was qua:-,-‘3‘4'e'Pl3¢ns College at luncheon. _- ._ «' : Vase. (J:::v8:zlz6.27;" I A“ ~- 1‘ ‘- u-‘neg, flu. ll dlzld An .bsenue' voter.‘ hm w“ in‘: for »l - autzntd ;yute:'day with smallpox; K - 1< on. . = s as. ‘list 'aI-=1 w. onton were .. s rocks‘ “mo A8 . 0. union II 0 minus -: ‘ : ) -. ‘ _' History-and 'I‘r_sd1t}on __......... port as Or. as’. A. « mlstt. uzzs.) or Nanci Livefin Embrotdenes 5- R0“ Fm 14‘ Fillll 0381- V Verso. (Rom. 12:1.) Reams.a sridomwllo Auto; n,,¢;,..,-g .3 up;-es. Dr A”§;?‘ }, L _ I’ 0n'1§tn3S.‘IoI0n IN! I dllllrhlcr.“ .erse.(I'1‘lIa.::15.)» iD2I,at ‘ u; m;,cugoo .he- '-' _ o _l“"*' Pic". Oflfifoom "'J‘WoI,brs’-‘Verse. (P8. was tioa um lam foo on-:l‘l¢lan or dllafereut 30"‘ °:cd*h;‘Uw';"-* I-3:;-“fie-fa __ __ fl-org! ml - ‘ ask!-Ir. (cs. What does modem em. ‘WW M 0° . ‘w no---nu: - Eixhth ‘Varssrhn.-12:8.) - ten xpress? '~'“Y ‘ t -“M :5) 16:‘ t§ u‘ ‘R . . as Doctor lllll V“ chairman of it» _ r‘ . 0 ~ . _ ‘ M In‘ ' , ‘ 1 uszcoun-nd.‘utcu us.) me rosuutoanuulo tor the Little Folk MWW"*'9‘°P”°:;‘;’:?;?°“m - W1:-n1le;" "' ‘ “‘ o decorations . :1. o. u - -.'Jo'lIn anll favorstor children‘: par- ””"°"‘°l"‘."""““""""7°'l Aflsfl 3"“! 30-5 V 1Ilom.atsI!y.nuy tlgandwaystoatllnoaehlldlun . « .:.o.:;u-mama -km-toonon.-ad;-.: ,.»z.x..oous. at-horns. « *'°""“'>’.ocouo:.aouo Wu‘. ‘.‘ f_'.. V . . 737 . 1 ,- ;j;3°‘!||_ , ; A :9 _tooos.; nst.'isJesn'ttfll:‘ ‘*9. . \ , . 5 - 3'» _: .~¢ re-51-’. V \ .‘._‘‘r ‘ ‘...:,. r 1 > T i ’_~$O': ._ __“If,—\_ >_ . . .