u . ‘ ' + ~.- 1:; 7 ' - -_— V‘ ~ ‘ " _4_c“m_ _ 3"‘ -°"-3-‘*1-7*-W‘-13*3“-5~~i"-3-*:?;=g13i-at-E ' ~ “A _ _ __ ‘ 4; 9“. ‘ -- _.;, _ « . “E. "'”""A"“"@~ "'=""'*'¢ - .. _ . . .. .. .. . . _ ____ __ - . News 6-‘: ~“ '2 z.‘.‘.'.?“‘...’ ‘” “mm mm nosmms .'*.:.*:.-'°..+.:... .. .. ...... . ,,, _ S M A __ ..,fi.f.'§":§‘.,“.:f’u‘“§',,j;,,,“f_;;_e°#,“_?‘,§§,*i1;#*9;g we _*._ ._._....:.;..............;.... ...... ‘ ,: i." Gordon ' “ 3”‘ . ichf Qnga Fgnnd _ Xc(.;.1aDie’u. soils specialist. ana“;_»uni_. am. said 11:. garmfiar P.;:“;“’:w‘:"'” fly’ l?fii.maiiieueu.t:I.‘:t‘ lag m.s?:‘;:::'pe?i:'a.:‘a?‘:um, 7 ‘ 3 Tonight ' we 8;: mrmagm 30...... T.,,,..,,.,.,.,, g... .. ot.§’£2.“°.°{.°.t..;":‘..‘::‘.:‘: .;‘:‘.‘:t..“.3'::;.:I.‘.’;°.f:’:"°.:’...:*.:°:.‘}"..... .3‘. "‘r1Z"n-w—-» ac-is’;-'7:;‘,*:;‘,,:;~‘ .,,,., M -‘ ,3; s,,,};; m.;°°-',,‘:.,:‘ 1 I 'c‘::::M'$ 15¢‘ 1?‘! will . lleaibera Oil On!!!‘ norm-l £o‘:fi-""?b:n':dt;:;mm!::nh.”‘ §°i::. in“! far” “iii _ ts:,:m].:¢¥ll.:ul'31;n?::“f.§'.$; 0;: ox ‘will (iyeya resume of Fred B llcartin. who ha: been doing lniasiol ' - .;_.; V‘ W ""6. 1.“ ‘..‘b;w:l‘."'3|90l‘u“‘ “:2 atntlltenchap-‘_ i 3 gum,‘ . ,,,'.,.i,, of s-'.h,u 4”,“ 5,, 20 STUDENTS TO GET 8. J. gay-;ie._ games 4-latcher. Joaephing Slngiltzc tfmlaat 0‘ . ;:‘l;hl:' gr ‘ -. nu!‘ Canon’ ‘.03 Ilfttlet Browne. Olive ' Daniel Blione Tavern.‘ ’ . ‘llihIella.hlll::i‘::, “Pl! Semeg::r—15r—a-d:atea" Re'pre- - "l':hi>mlollowing were discharged ‘°"°" *°l° bl’ U07,“ DWICIYL ture. on “The City Iliaaiona ,0! St. 1 ii he ‘mu’ vh_‘h_!th: xzgulnia Browning. Ruth De-t The chaperona will be 0.;-gm ..,4'¢;-y, sg__ chug“, C‘u.‘.“,' L"_i’_ Tsent 8' States and Argentina. yesterday: a ld \~¢.ger,-Gordon 3,". Ch “tan h 8‘ Lu“ Louta. _ W‘ . o_ - ‘en’. 3m°k._~ uu.au,- kw’ Btlllll-llln. Albert K. Heckel. Prof. anthsllelll)‘ Ind Pike. l “""“l "Wd9"l8. thirteen men Pearson. Charles Crouch: Charles “H. Ch“ C Fkflim pruukm P‘"“‘e‘‘ “ an’ un. ‘... A ’ Vy Maugha. Harold K.lein,r .'A '.‘Q ._-a _ .‘_ ,7_.~'.._- .‘._._.,.'.........,.._‘...,.-..‘ .,,‘. _.v.. . 7. _' 5 A u.. - . ‘ n ' .uirrire in (‘olumbia Saturday; . ?;_“_# afternoon she will be enter-5 . I‘ by '1? afteru ;_ . - . '. tea for her, and Wain" "’ 4 .' .. '5 A. ' 5-‘_ 4‘. ? ‘ , , . and Mrs. Patterson Rain on . » 1 ‘ th fo ' guests t . .. a. L- .1, _. _ a Q‘ . ..‘o .0’ . ‘I ry Iub Gives ‘~‘ ' ‘March Program \v $ '. ... for Match: ‘ D . ‘JV. pf. 1 ,- night. March 12-pin- \l'at.son, at the Daniel- mfavt-rn. _,' Geneva Long. ‘ .. "ll Ridnray. Betty llI|'fl’*_‘ carolmevParlu\. _ . inia Stephenlon. K -. ‘Estelle Bradpfmord. Sara! r. hxahoth er" 3 ., . . Turner hlcfiaine, flex Runt. Humphrey 1 ._._; ‘. . Hope Cll!!lllllglllIll.,_ . Kirtlcy. Phillip Viles. Law- -. Kurt: Garrett. Eugene ‘M 5" 9“""'“- N o 2' 3 Allc-:'.'Mnun Hardy, C lticluud )lcPheraon.i Switzer, Wallace Laltue.1 Viltlnla . ’ ; 'Co'rrlneCon ',B'¢au-tuxau-_ z Gail Bowlhu. Hl.l’~,Ja"-“Q oh‘, Log?’ i gar. E. 3. Brannon, Kr. and 255., Glue Gab to Sing at Stephens. .. The lugs) megfi. -, H uh“ “cg '38 "1-0 It tephene College gm Turne-r. Mu-ou!”'i"¢"‘ "“‘_*_° in three of ngrfiet Gun". Pam Student Activity Board. ‘ , - Ronnnd ucphumh.‘ a diacnauon of camp“ “ti.-it;,,_ Ira. Henry Reinhart and hlias \‘ir- ‘ '. ' . .fo_1lo_wed by a few numbers by the fin“ 11* 39118» ~ ' " UlllVtl‘ll‘l)' Glee Club. - fifiermk Aflmned‘ Thom’ ' meet at the home ofphlr-s ' E_ Engflg}-g. 1592 gut Brmdwny. .1 end at Miss llalc-ornb‘a ~ whit.‘ 9-239. o'clock tomorrow afternoon H""'i"“"“'i""- r.s,"‘ aeflem William Burkum ‘_ fir the annual election of officers. Bah cunpbeu 0, ‘he Del“ 6"“. the guest of Mrs. John Deal yer-tor. Rum“ ' ma house went to Kansas City this afternoo The ‘fl meet at 2:30 o'clock Saturday aft- ernoon at the home of Mrs. E. H. Gamma house went to St. Louis to Smith. 14¢ Paris road,’ ‘ P W. . was to interest the Wood Supp, Kr. and Mi-..= S T.= lira, Jane Barty. -Ilia: Clara trance Ira. Elia Spur-ling. nu on and Mrs. R . C. Uh!“ - w t production we” Ilra. J. F. Winn returned to herl ‘ an L; “magma in n y ‘nu pt-rimen war at the The" ‘in apcnding the week as the guest of . V 8 Min Lucy Harquia. Nix: Mar-‘ p__ 0. ' win gar-ct Frances Maya and hlias Dori‘-A ,‘ Qmfih othy_ Holcomb will apendthe week- home in her: of Edwin Deal of Charleston was‘ tiny and today. , n to spend the week-end Miss ‘Rnselee Hanlon went to her home in Sedalia where she will spend the week-end. Thursday Bridge Club will Mary Agnes Booth of the Delta spend the week-end at her home, o- ‘ home coaimittee of the (‘oun- :r...i has planned the following :55)‘, March 3——l.adiés' luncheon: guest d 3 ‘ ‘ ~ \' Bnlarc 10-\-Ladies’ qr. lur-u.'heon ' l7--Ladies’ 24—l.adiea‘ liar“ 31-—Lndies' _ ‘sister of Mrs. Harry S. Bill. Alia. George laflevrc.-. rs ‘$7 _ g :1 Miss Queen Smitlti _ '_n in her honor. I-‘arrington. ..—;....._.__¢ . A. D. Aiken of St. Louis and will spend the wt-cl:-cnd 1 .._...L_:._...........__..._. —-___. -» - ll. .1. Water: of Kansas '.regular chiffons with lisle tops present the hosiery Spring u..aery Which ' Combine§Charm With Service - Sheer. ankle-hugging chiffona. exquisite in their delicacy which imparts‘ to the ankle that sleek. well- gtooin ;.'appoara,nce perfectly“ complementing the dainty spring costume. ~‘~-= Levy's extra sheer chiffon with silk tops and mode for spring in the‘ alluring new shades. The all-silk is $3. while the scr\'icc chiffon may be had for $2. I I for’ Spring call’. or black smartly wide trousers. r-N . while he and f . ‘ ‘Q ‘ A. 1 “ .g..g_¢ ..4.. ...g—g..- .5- ofi Q-J A._¥-~ v~—.~ ,— >“1 . n‘- Mi ller’S Speedy Oxfords Ina GAS BAG The Gas Bag, one-‘of the many new balloon- shaped lasts featured‘by Miller's. In light Eric calf. wide rangey toe. full flange stitched heel. rolled and piped top to wear with ‘ $10 — D Shoe Style hat Is‘Two Jumps Ahead of Paavo Nurmi urmi outlast: -.and' outapeeds all comers. ‘ violate‘_a many American rules of style Here is a shoe that is two style-jumps ahead - ’ of the newest style. On an)’ ¢8mD“8 ind it as ‘ Miller’: .atamina.—Bo ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' "'thefieldtowin! ._ last anything you ever set the style pace In. ck ‘a Miller's st)'l€flfl8iflfl N Here’: if ‘shoe that ' I _out- ,THE STADIUM Shorter. wider and flatter than ever. There's style. with a new angle in the punched and stitched decorations. TAN DUNE CALFJ sturdy weight. light in color. A real fast one at $10. ' 3831-? . , - - ; 9|-mine legumes over a mall tract 8“ ' Lois ? Swan. Sgt’: and 111'!» 53- C» 3"IIPI¢I. Kr. and lira. J. R. Boats. \ of their land for experinieiital pur- of "Noun a . .v uh‘ Pa-; poaea. A definite cropping system ' ' tli ' - . . ned and.the essentials of “gm “flu. Mmmun. South C‘m_ The results of thirty years of ex. . ‘"4 "¢"’¢‘n Women. completed the re- Bled. , R urpoae of theae meet: aiqugm we "8 f‘"""‘ "‘ elor of Journalism at the close of the first semester of the University The twenty students are from d' . - « - . . V ‘staged’ lit!‘-I1. Horzdl. ?\¢-hraalta. (‘alifornxm cnnesaee. Texas, Oklahoma. and Conn“ of ‘ °“9 {Orrin count1'y.'Argentinn. . / .. ‘iii: TH‘ _ ., ; « 1 ' “ . . . ., (ooncs a time with the changing sea- . i ‘.5?-‘~1=+. .. . S sons when {feel that keen desire for new and ° fashions. More and more discrihijnaijng women are turning to Estes-Parks for-clothes satisfaction. obcn llowzc. Mrs. Cora _ of t '“'"‘5- {"7 “'0 detfee of Bach- David and baby girl. James l.. Tarr was ‘admitted thia ¢g,.gr5¢t_ 3;. gm "mm to morning. Boo ounty. W- B. Miller of Scdalia was dis- D n'.i:st-(1 gnday. he Rebekah ‘ ‘s . in m. laouia mi ‘ ’ 3”‘ L “' 5"‘ Cm’ mm "in lumhia the latter part of next week. ....¢.:.— Addreaa to Bftilifl It (}oIrth. ‘ _ "The Church of Ephesus” will he named especially for the bullfifl 7 0 ~——~~— the subject of the address which V'0!I!I'n of _Columbia. and llltlllafi If you want to buy or sell .'-ome- will be given at the Calvary Church ‘'1 thing try n Mia.-ourian want ad. 5 ‘at 7:80 o'clock tonight. o -——--— -- '— __‘T-_ , _ _L_ Miss Sara Ann Wheeler ; wearing an ensemble suit by Conde. The hat is from Vogue. 1 :———9..¢.g-—3a—¢c.~— . —- ——Photo by Paraona. . , ll unpacks her treas- ’ S _p' ' ~ ure chest of fashiona. Already the has revealed ador- . able ensembles in new shades of blue, tan, had gray. All three alluring fashiona-and more—-are on display now. _'.| _.... . ‘ ' ' . .' . 17.‘ < _ ' . 4 ‘ . - .. — - - ‘ ‘ .3 . __i -A .1. a given‘ .-8 ““ "LT ‘.5“'_'§“t% " " ‘ H. ' '- .5 l . _ 4 5'7"? ‘. - t . - . ..-‘s '-"av-oi '- <3 1 _.‘. v .8 -, ._ .-- . , 0. ,5 1,. ;*.,-*4 ;-" . .' ‘Q-l; Y-§;‘~£'A ,9. ‘''‘''‘é‘'‘-'‘ ‘.'.’a"-'‘‘‘:'‘‘' ‘EA; :' "1 ’ ‘*2 -a.—... .._..~. V -W -- ‘ " A .’ ' , __..r-. . - t . , _ ‘ ‘ ' ..v‘.r ‘ ‘ ‘a.-7 _.'. - ~ b,, _: .__ 3.: ¢....oo.§o->c.¢.---09 o. - l .' ‘ e ,I",,‘.' _, I ‘Q 1: ' '. i’ 1: . .. . 3.“. -.___.-_ _'..,, »= nr. A: "r‘N“'9'o-'."".~ c .-an - Q‘ #1:. _ ’. . -‘.-E; q;~v_‘v_~_ or wr 8' i V’-r?,:I’i .~ ya .-_, 7,. , . 9-. 3 3 » ‘.'v-'.v:."""' D 2"-' rS}t'i=._ '2: - 7: . v. -.4 9» tgszo '- 7Tf“.'*.§ ="...?~. J3. . _-- .4.» ~_ ‘.4 . . ‘«__I.‘_-_'.._. .-‘ . A ~ ‘ . , . _