. V Q ‘ I ». .. ’ if \_ '.‘,.:' ‘n-:"' t '.".-- '” ii '. - "~‘ ‘ ‘ ’ * ~ .WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1%. = . . , W “j:»‘ * "3 "' ‘ ‘ Its tha e u.snuaoil.ivuiosiiii- or 38.:-us-i¢saeussc.s.(: Sports. .1. 2. Coons, 401 ,5‘ i ”‘ProL1tItla:i:s“l‘°ellogavetwovio.' ABIATIC !'laZ‘,AGIOUND¥ Spanner-Bnithoffiaulen City Street, tookadvil ‘ < - .. g . -———— t ~ linaolosaooonpanledby Prot.E. A. ' ._....._.... has been appointed chairman of the ination for a position -"*'~Q"""'"""" ""' gr liuoasl. nomads from tho"3“"""'“|"" U-|-3-I30-iuciisodxisiu Honorsflaileyaang (X-nia¢ia2IaluIa&temager—gathle¢ic¢°Il|lm°¢¢1tl|"Gl?il¢iI¥| in .— C ""*""""'r ’ sa|e=oltifi7£aI'l¢haeaneestwill ¢h'3"'~“"'”""".""" “Break 0' Day.” by Sanderson and, sauna an an. sags. ‘Student Congregation. us. said: been a student in u.._ .3 t , . - to N “The False Prophet" by Scott. .11»; use at Iaalla. will succeed Job; it-ht ;{hot_re- Business Collese. =3: ""“""""" , “Nothingisaodisastsous ..g (3.035 (18.0. hestra several . 9,.” lcently resigned evo is me _; 3 Slfillhelis Smdmts t°a»develoiment of par-unlit-su to be l"°°°""' to 6. :0 was ll iom. {W “W 'e.3a,8t.?l'l“!-EANCISCXJ. Feb. 25.-The to baseball pr-6*" b:I."“IR«‘.oui GR°°',,,,,‘° '7. =xw-med *0’ muausaucuiusics -Linslicii uni. tthebanquatgiven _ 'u'u.-d'su:esa-niounui-ou,dsg.; ———*-"*-- "' " ~ la piseeso sleeptor life." cidProt." ‘.'.'§__m., ‘_,,d~_.,,__, mm, hi. ,,.f,,,,,, ',, ,.,;_ “'5', h";f"""‘°m CM“ “"3, lI’)r’°"""m,_}.h',.“‘, 0, me um, M i, , COOIII rises civil service Test. Hr. Ind sin. J. ii. 1. lE.L. Iorgan in his address on ha" ‘ha ‘- ‘hula vmqvylfihdm Church by the swd“u’um"°¢C“Towner us big; in an-hr?“ ‘mmy. sound’ no mu“: ClydeCoons,son of Mr. and Mrs. street. left Sltllrday 10,. 51.‘. y I "I1 1.... .,,,,..,,"i“'s.;';:.‘........ c.ii...l;:':*‘::‘,“.,,°‘°.,,,,°"'°';,,.‘;.‘ ‘,,‘,"$z«r=-us»--up an - -at in Wm "M zu-t dumb. New --not mam-cl-°""=-* or want» mm "=5-~—~ ~ ~— t '!u&_m body will ‘an u ’ °.d°ck‘_: cmsmmn’ , . coast in December, Two l|l.lll;etl!Od thirty-five §dstes were lelfzetlld and a news-’.:f0:dherecel1'ed :.t'flthe ‘ y i;-.. *""‘*"""“'”°°”°”“'”“".’°“""“'*'°"""““°“““""""“"'made speaki stmemeeuvuimmisf B Y’ P U iiielmwr-"7 m." °' -l Thellll i’ i ‘mm-diuediui* ~_; ner that will include a visit to 11,: &m,._.,'u fined,‘ 5"", o _ “I - - - ,- . , Thedining nall was decanted inf: P U 0 3°‘ _ '. F] h * _. .2 w=»w-«w~ 0» <.=- «me New we-«n».-==~s=-» «mm -M-- *.:,'‘....:‘.°' '° ""° °““‘°‘~ ...°“"'“*" W‘ i.....°°"""'.. é.’:§.":“°€ -M -ad W-=~=v=t '~»::°’.;:..':°.:'i:.“.':.°:‘ ;':.‘:..f:'°.: "We" ° ‘’°‘' 611131‘ » -‘ EEC” yfilfa Pllildelll. ’- ll. W9°d:T. ml I3!“ “At Daillillt." b’ ‘tax in m M we b’ ‘be lay Stephen.‘ hglrlfi 'ho to 3:“. 0 ’l the i k. ‘Z. .7 , L ch"-°'°"’ ti" ‘""""‘ °“'°"” °"i°“""”‘ “ ..” 3”" .11 means take sdvsnuse at snchltion the Evsnselicsl Studentslw M Tina ‘M We mu 3' The H " i ii 5 Sc '1 1'” n""" ‘ a trip to some place of note. ‘Quarles; and “Lena. by Iilldach. “ owomumy‘ The Glee Club am; >£heGh'monChh.‘hn“ho.,apmns an caps. V iv udlsoron is one o t e newest; _ . .1 ' i ' '“"-'*"“ "-"°"“"""‘°“?°"il’*»”°‘"°“"“"""?"“”"""° "" displayed unlisual ability in we dist'StodentOrganiaat.ion,t.hePres-l PARI88KETCllE8 9,” km“ ""' °s‘£"-‘: .; sre: Laura Barrett of Willisms§l:it)Animent. Km.” C“, “amt ‘ad ‘boom byumn swan“ Auodiuoa am. we hue jut mcfind ‘ number cmt;‘oni:;;dedmenthyoC.ptfl;n;n.A Kiwis} - ' ‘ ' ' ve threenuin . _ , , ~ , ' - - °‘ - Bay. “fit-._ WW6?!“ 0‘ “*9 °""°: _ “ in .. by man,’ -A g;V¢‘:l10thCchI§¢¢t°gi'P“7 that 0511- the Y. W. I: ‘ “I :1‘ gm skedtchcshilgltablc sol: ursiiiginnoniscosias “Say It With Flowers” mulgec. 0kla.. student government‘.P°¢mo" by mud‘: ‘"3 “'9 ' Dmin‘ ‘mm ° ‘map’, . , ‘n. C mm‘ c‘ "m" ° "ac t' “' 3 . , muidcm; ‘M “fly Jun‘. Ruckflw-_-u,,_.bnk,_» by G‘,dn,_.,_ 1‘, P:of. ‘hint W. Hudson ‘toldmttils; ans 3:1 5:1 yells and the Ladies Tailoring College. 159.0 be aboard. l.\ - . °‘ D3'°"‘b°"' T‘“”°' p"l"’°u°"i ‘mid wu w°9mp‘nhd by nu‘ E“ $-itgne who (Ive a coiieert inigma ‘ r“""!‘he Ilodntainl ' * """‘ ’ i ‘ ~. -'3 ‘ it "mue,,u,_j\.,_ _ lwinegarden. E. A. Icfiay of the, - C Pl'3tl'llI'|- ‘ - :..~. -_ ~ . . Chum - ~ - - ' said tha th ' '- ' " ‘Miss Bum“ Wm nuke ‘ w°ci.‘;Lolnmhia High School faculty pi-e.€S0lunibia last week. t e numb, V“ . gtggp proposition for, ‘A _, ( I ‘A ‘y F; V . . . , .' ' i , 5 - my i _ . . . gsidad at the meeting. _ V g 2:: ogfth’:u:'mt;r:r::;:.u:l::shh:l essorllorgan gave as the.ba-j3 11191? 3109 C195» 10' it hid N’; v Jean Bradshaw gave the firsti ‘I E are daily furnishing the busiiies_s houses. Canon 84 Columbia, various school and civic organiza- °""’ tions, and individuals with better printed mat» Prof . .. ' 1 leadersh certai urees,b¢¢0ml' I Knit 3393'! ¢ - .toaat, ‘ “°h°°l”' ""1 3"” Ruck" ‘nu belt: pr(l:stige, as dill family‘, :'’ealth.-'l3 939 b¢"¢f_ Of FY6733" H°d3°"Eadded to the necessary physical fit-3 » ter. It rather adds to anything to have it WELL 1‘ "0.-ii printed. t f f but-kn is spirit ol co-operation. slid in-. tesdenointnationalisni ' 5 -34.21:: *1” = a 5 '-5 . if ‘-- -“-'6‘ "-, .‘ 5 _ . « - _. -- sis nmséi, _,‘ ifimmmnj" "Xi? inudacity. of the rule-or-ruin type: '9‘; 9* Umvtrtityd mlyyllotdfl-jness and steady nerve, another law 7 : . mg‘. . . ‘ ‘If v ritisin, unselfish service andlta ish a new tradi on It llllréof mountain climbing. He said the ' 3 _.- ‘°" ‘"1’ ”’°°"fl"."' ,"‘ Q" “t“d" °ffn‘ilaifginal uniqueness; The lattcniollt In Ofttnitltion tilt ¢X¢¢18 lfllclimher must look up and not down. i 3 PT°'fl¢'m_' 0f d‘5°’l'fl""~’ ‘ml the °"’; he said. included the individual 98!! art A (7003 WIlVfl'lllv)' Ihollldicomparing the union to a mountain: .. * ¢'"*"‘’°”' “"4"”! "‘°°° P'°*"1abilii,- which went outside thecircle display its excellence in the artszwiiicli the different religions organl-’; I ]°‘_'I‘_‘h°e rt _" ‘Ti _ W h‘.;of Rifnfifhl 0a{billei2'l, 81:! is the real and as well as in P*l}'.-isagons E’!!! Igliiilittiiing together. ‘~ PI 3‘ “'1 3 V!‘ In 85 -_=touc stone ersip. steal’ a’ y. _ ' iss eva ar ngave atoastn ington, D. C.,.S_unda)'. and will.at- at-}i’hether you have prestige has William Shumate, student presi-V “By the Way." She compared the} 5 ' tend the original Burrsll Blblfillllle to do with the system you are dent, was in charge of the meeting, work of the union to the climb of 3 " Class, after wl_nch.the_-; will attendiiiindr with your superintendent and and gave the representatives final, the mounuin and pointed out that; Pre_sldmt_C00lldg¢s church. Slflllbgp ‘pill, but on your marginal instructions as to the manner inrone does not climb alone‘ but is tied 8031118 W1“ OCCIIP)’ M051 0f_3_l0ll- ‘ U _ ucness." be said. ?‘This which the ticket sale would be eon-Eto other climbers. She said that it’ day and Tuesday. and the _vlsIlor=s uniqueness mi‘ fomc from unusual ducted. Records will be kept of‘onc organisation fell it did not; will attend the Inauguration of 5 ability in ‘teaching. in ‘extra-can the buyers of tickets in each of the 3 mean the failure of all but only the: President Coolidge on B ednt-sday..ncu‘lsr actliutles in handling schools of the University and the; retarding. Later. that ‘afternoon. the grouplvr In NW 0llW8l'd “PR. , Which standings of the various schools! Burke Gilliam gave a toast on will go_ to hew York. from ‘where; makes you donmore Work thin 10!! will be shown in the corridor o{,i“'l‘he Thrill of the Climb." J. :;..‘;°‘:.:r f.’:;;°°:.°:' 1 "‘* “*‘“ '“——--——"° -'°::.°..“'‘:; .. .- ..... ».... ‘ °"'“.. on we nau- -. ' -3 . . . oug e ie are no ‘way ouse." ‘ 9539135‘? time ill studrinx Dl'°!>°l“u‘l' ('0 m__ s_°Um AKERICA as being good for Hondayp night‘ W. l. Oliver spoke on “A View 191113 '0? 8.1015601 Oftllllutlon _l!l: The Rev. and Mrs. Was. Crave of only, they will be honored at the From the Peak.” He said the most? the “omens College connected with; St. Louis to Attend Conference. concert either Monday or Tuesday: profound impression of the view \ Brown University. "hiesday of the The Rev. and Mrs. William Crowe night. ifroin the peak was the view of other‘ following track will ‘be spent at of Sg_'[_,oui.3]eft SL Long, ,.,,t,_.,.d.,. A . y l, ‘” pi‘ H A _ g . H * gfillclcséey Col‘le_gc1.'h Wednesday‘ at‘ for .\owh\ ork where they will sail - ' . - '."""~'*'3l 3- W848)’ 81 "85- for Sout America on the shi E t d t t isar College. Friday at the Univer-"“Southt-rn Cross" of the Munso: V e r y S u e n a V e r y u e_ n t ! V e N y 0!!‘ R;cdh;ster1.1;n::‘atur-duly’ at lint‘ next Saturday. ‘*8’ - _ Y “'1 Mrs. Ci-owe was formerly Miss 3'2“? Col? but the following; Edith miller of Columbia. Her V irh) m°""nK- ismall snn. lvalter, will visit his ere are two reasons why we grandparents. Dean and Mrs. Wu- give thii).-sfiti-;amto"the student oft'i- tcr Miller, while his parents are 0078." 8i t ’ood said today. away. “It gives the officers an opportu- Mr. and Mrs. Crovre are both del- nlty study problems in other in- estates to the joint meeting of all atitutsons at the time when any Protestant the: luv. nfig- are most interested. and it is an tions in is America, which expression of gratitude of 5",. is to be held in Montevideo. Ura- pllenr College for the work that mm‘. the last week of March and ‘ the girls are doing." tht‘ first few days of April. They w. A. A. V'AUD‘ET'll.l.E.T0.\'lGllT.\-1119, -r.,,,,,_, ,,,.;u' ,.,,,,,,,,,, we hlargaret Williams Has Lead in? somber" Pnsbyum” church‘ Cfoss-Word Pauli ;s'ri'ni:.\"r LEADERS START ‘rue u_. A. A. Vaudeville _win he: cuzi: cwn TICKET SALE ... Social and Business Stationery--I’rograms—InvL tations-—Direct Mail Circulars—Blotters-—En- velope Enclosures—Better Business Aids. E.W.Stephens Publishing Co. ‘°° I Broadway at Hitt Phone 15 C _ M yhCS t‘i1“delnCtmlCC ” OU .Wearing a 0 id and Black Tag? THIS is Cha pion_ship _Year for Mizzou. ‘ We sent the football team all the way to Cahfornia to play an intersectional game. WE have now won the right to send another team, the Glee Club team,_ to the other end of the country, to New York, to compete in a Nation-wide Contest! ' i re We Going to Send ’em? C IT’S up to us. If every student comgsout for the Clee Club Concert next "*5 3'33 Monday or Tuesday night we’ll have a chance to be National Cham- fl ~ 0 Two Glee Club Concerts-N ext . Monday and 1leS may i . an . , u , . .-“\..,r .'A'V‘l ,. .. , the University Auditorium. Mix: : C-I-lnlsn to Send Vlctors to New Dllfmlll‘ Slppllltton is in charge!’ "°'* B°""‘ ‘l “"1508 of the vaudeville. Th R "°“¢’dl!- Mi“ Mfirgnret Williams’ diwcwrl “ e G‘ee Club is rut an activity if the choruses. Viill sing the lend‘. of the school °f Fm‘ A7“. ‘O1’ in the rrol-s-sword puzzle chorus in-1 3"?" 1".” °f “'° "''“‘‘’°''‘ "9 ‘*3’ ; stead 0' Miss Calla Frances Flanu-i "wmd m m“.'°h°°l°" “id Da” 4 gun. {-7- 7- Quarles In a tall: before a -———-0-———— I ;m°9l~lll2 of the representatives of soiil-:mii~Tc DIFFERENT student organizations Yeiterday If!- You can make yourself a ¢!_'noon held for the of be. or dress that is distinctly diffe 3"““"fl 8 campaign of ticket selling at Keistei-'s undies’ Tailoring c.«,i- i 1°’ ""3 Glee Club concerts nest , loge, 150 Monday and Tuesday nights, ‘ —~—4.—_ 2 Dean Quarles outlined the pun. “ rouwant to buy or sell somc- of the campaign and stressed the thin: my a Missourian want ad. .x.ci am the Glee Club is rep". I coat . rent E .‘‘?g in V _' Insurance i, _y m tha ValVe_m_ Buy your ticket before tomorrownight at the booth in Jesse Hall or from the committee of your school, or .' F “Evita: engine. A nick,‘ C from anyone who's selling them. ‘Help your school go over the top first.‘ Tickets are $1 apiece. The cam-' W‘ paign closes tomorrow .-night. ll . fget-away and Buicl;’s" iiiechanical, 4-Wheel 2; 5 its ‘ rs‘ 5' y...e-i-lam:-t:_«-ogm *<-ici> ‘ > ‘ ' ‘ 'v..*~::¥"'**'-2’l*<°'*W~ l‘ e ~ ~ to at » l ' « i _ j - V.-art‘ .e¢,J..»a - r ,, ‘ _“ _' . .4_ - I '*“- " ' "'2 .. _ ' “V ‘r '1 _'Qif'~Dr _. T’ I H _ . .. ly _. _;._. ‘.3 G . ~ ’ . _, ..-_.. ;..‘~: mi‘: ‘ H , .= I . ~. "1 . . .‘ “‘.~. :‘.4“‘-V I .1 _. I - ’. 30-0-as _-_»h_',-. . 1- I J ‘n J‘! ‘:-~ * = -‘.-u.-, ‘w‘'-,‘ - t . s. .r~' OA‘.f‘ r ¢ .4 _