.. ~ . -u .7--V o -~ .~~ — . V... - —.. i- .4 -,--v, e»- 1‘! ' ."'-"‘-."' ‘ '.qr" 71”‘ ",‘_‘A“ . 3; . ’ ~ -711 F\ '7 - , 7.5,‘ .'V' v.~".‘. ‘ ‘%sfi’?.i31€l'.$i9é~?ifi.'*fiit~’E’fi‘*I"3i"‘.?.'~"!‘*‘:i}‘:"J-"fI'@5‘$5.3?T’5l‘7"""--‘~"=‘:'?~“'-’-“‘3C‘!’¥"r‘5’-?"5""iW‘f".?§"Q'l:".‘*'""'"7nfi.3' " « .r‘- -V i -~““*'~"" -:"’{."“‘r 4.‘?"’*"‘~. ~ . " '” ‘ ‘\- AB -1% « » » - -- -' . . . ;. 11.1. A“ .a.le"n,a '13‘ fuming: which into other men In- llaberlyl :5 open Cafe nerefuorx d ' l: no hot] i ,9, ' amount or m-Y-aamy unsure noun! DAKO‘rAé At '_' _. .aanO. bnt liirowui rationality and 1 Non" ':'mp,;ié*o, 0, an ‘mm the m_'::o,'Mmh °"°" ' ‘em to cadseataa from the ‘ ‘ “""""""" -'« '——“ “W” 0"” " 7"-" "'”“"°" “""°‘ ‘W’ °"°°'"‘¢°" 5" ’°""'i'ri-ee car’ of Ilbberl will P 1 ll ' n"}~‘° " ~ - um ‘HIotar.~&a.a fiat ‘Caalaa!-.liaaaar'i'a Second Content of the “White Otto.” the P18)’ P79’ er companions. lent a’ touch of! as . _,.’ open ' M R‘ ’ '5 50m‘ “"5 ,.._. . 7 W 1 ' Ygr to Be in Univerdty ggented at the Columbia T112110? lllfil p3u,0._ __ "hi _ _‘ _ _ _ '____ A _ ‘ _ , I ‘ M 5- W18 . ‘rifn wrlrI"u of life “whiu CW0.’ m ““""“1* ' ' . V H “M. -‘.'.. ‘ -l'.'.l.fl£l'D&.'%‘c. .1.” ‘nu’ '30,“ hgfiwbn ‘The whole w7I'ld_is laoklm for Georg Wise and George Roaelon the west coast of Africa in a thmnthom The ‘win!’ ‘bani! _ ‘_ _ _ _ '. ~ ‘ ‘ "ll will." ll“ 3050!‘! C- Abflllli will t th Univerait ofl limate which aapa the vitality 01 ' - .41 DUI-Ilbllll ‘-0- “cash and carry" ayateaaa. They ' "5’''°”’' ‘’ Y i‘ . not unusually large. was appucia- .. - . . . . .3. aaacu-._ Is. he mh,a.“fi the professor of citation at an-istian xiuoun‘ and Inwrenccz Newmark the few white colonists who at» me M W -M f “u d M i - - i 0-vi-r '9' ‘W J ’ - """“ “"" .CoIhcc. at a moth: and NEG"?-and Harold Fisher will is menrtempt to live aim. Damp rot. the ' ° ° ’’‘’°'’ Q -‘ __ 5; 1,. ‘_,. ’¢..aug.- “.3. .~ » _ _ P . . , . when the applauae was most eu- . ,. .. , l 2 ‘H " us an an ; °"" or the 11-)’ Club at W P|'°*‘>l"it:he Umvemtr of South Dekota In:d°°°'"P°5m¥ '3'“ "7“°“ °“‘ ‘° thueiaatic Mr Derire atePPed to duel ' ' ” 7; a $113 M I!!! 1“ P37’ (M t0 be ‘J32 ‘hf hC5l't Of 8“ \'f‘eLnti°no doe‘ not ‘rant the ‘ud after he If V V- ‘L; ' t 'roN‘iGu'r AND THURSDAY — * Li ' . -I--an-uuu---an - t ’ 2 ‘ ‘ . ._ , . _ ~ clrcihltlal. ‘ Coflctasmoyfi 3“‘4mE8 P00? *5 :9‘ 39'5"‘ "" ‘° l”"“itwo schools in the University Audi- make an exctPt10l|0”~’fl‘°'i?'“””‘ :2: :.u:-ceeded in Gltietinc the home. l . ; Congreaa has amended thelegiala-A togethu Columbia High School-“,1” the night of much 5 1 3 try to conquer the jungle. In _ _ """" ” """ C.’ .‘ .‘‘'‘ .-tie. expenditures hill haa in-4 Club and the University Hi8l1!o'clocll!:_ . end the strongest of men go down 3‘;:"§::::n:‘:':n::’°&n1l:u:°;° ‘"2 y , r‘ .- P : a«eaaedluoauaaIariunom:7.aoo 5=h°°l(3_¢'|-'*'°'°*‘°0'°ND°di"-; -11,, q,,,,t;.,,, to be d,_..,,,,,, 5,, before it. ‘ om, rm .1, mm‘ om.'.d°fe‘l .3 .t 7 an ' "" man 19° “WW0 T5009 01 Cabinet t° one 8"? Cub ’°“"d.y m°m'_?Reaolved. that Congress shall be Elsi“: mi‘ '5 ' b”i.';' R‘? f"."' said. “and I suppose you rnuat.have > . ’ M ~ '" ':°::'.*':...." '*"'....*'-°"-==-°-=+-we .:........ ........ .. o. ...e-««» now =«» -.:::...i:t=.::::.t*°.:;.::r..*::'.:..:. ';::.;::; are mi. . i Z * ' {Nu 8!". Pfinfiihal Ipfilker of the evenin£io'tw°"'h'”d“ "me of ‘M-uh boa.“ 8“. 7 falls. A latte part of this interest . "1." the pl". qmjcult for the "lo". : ‘ ‘ ‘ '(x)LUlBlA CAN BENEFIT. '!'00=°°°' P"°'“°'1t 90031482: action is_ “M 3979519 Court decisions . . t , D_ Dwi with your whutlms and hootlnx.‘ 3 and i ‘ . “O. .'.“.‘L E that a real man muat be rncas-‘as of Con 55 unmmnwnoml is due to the ating. bar. re but W . . . . i‘ . ~. St Louis Kansas at and SL7 lured in cubic dimension beca he’ - “-8 - ~ ' " l ‘the cmical and ess-‘:1-ecaldth dbe meant a man should belthe dinner discussion of Sigma Xi "9" Y‘’‘‘"- I'‘“”‘-‘' l" his """°"' - t ' ‘ -‘_- As ui. oonviconowmnaoitigotg _ , "5? 1" _mmttm5 in an sympathetic. He uriredfg, . ,-,-- f be -, ,, ,d'‘murating himself with llqunr in . mu, km“, .0 the” am,‘ beam’. In::mnt with tlaetrlpoaltaotii gm b;>.);wt:‘be nkdind tto _:ikoti:;:: - ,,",':°',,",:,’-,.,‘l,,',°",f,,.'° ‘Caz, '0;-der tr; for?-t iii; piiipt. he ('t'.’|:ld MISSOURI STORE ; i TONIGHT ONLY A 'b- " '1 be i b "'°"”°“°**u8M com-. . * "°_ ' it '. l).W.D..-\.W- fl] a='1inl~'° 11°‘ "*2 "H<*"°’“ “ll . :oar:idm:;oi:u;atimili:ac’i:uy'nam with the fltlnu of the runda“h°y ant; ouiimhmmiii h°°""'°3 rie.~r.mo. 3; Stewart !'t‘I¢’::'tt‘*d m “’hi¢h “"5 W “*9 him *'°'"°- *“~'~ S9115 Fomltam P908 ELEANOR BOARDMAN '-‘vii’ ;-one time i. u'findthtl -- '~ .. -. .boi-a‘ l d-. « ‘ “W mm m mm“ ‘O hmfi Inn’)? comm“ “dials daily. mm, m you:-“yobs: memo ‘ £2.31. rztéuirefiiient. n:Aotlter utllnde-Y-‘ 21:? mm *;:;'_"fm:: mjfl: “mfd That Conrad Nagel and Let‘. Cody . air mail‘aervice. Columbia ahouldfspud 0,» Con ' ' momma me? 1!! 8‘P¢I‘kinx of the third dimen-icusgonu ,{ c;)h(ges° fznefind ls. doom him to stay in the tropics um I ° '1” h‘'" i‘ ‘'"d why “mid i‘ "mlbetter qllalific‘a‘:i::is'ut:1-uziemen (ffl gr; ‘mt ‘ '9“ 333” 3193‘ hi“... . ‘ e—r:’_):ft 0 one ‘ ~ til the second boat. three months la- D0ll’t In be wgugom 9,, ‘h, M" of comma‘, _ Péfifi _ . eaaor Abram referred to Graduate to Work in St. Louis. ltcr. vividly impressed on the nu». . V’ -l°i” ""~h ‘h'~"" 3“ "b““'""'K thki ;;:m;Le‘Mm a I{’°“"" Splflttetion. H0.8Iltdh lonet could no; ‘ Tar)‘ E. ‘I<)rnl;'z-. A. B. ".33. has-dience the terror with which men ‘ and ; “S0 Rn-jug Columbia is on the din.“ 3' _ 1. _ ’ _ ° ”°°(’“M'." ‘ ""9 "1 9 ‘K ('3 0 ‘iii “'71 8 l)0.~‘!ll