n; .i'.'«, .,.v? ’_. ii I . 7 . ~ - . k ll’. A’ _i 9?!"/Hr. . « . 4 . fv V .'- |-' . g '9 , k _’ I i. -r. 1-". A . . ‘ ’< I.‘ - . . n ' ' . ‘.\ -.4.-..¢ao. «snug... .. -iv‘ ‘ 7.9 ‘i ‘ 33-‘ 8 I I . iii‘ iv‘. :7” \ . . Q’ .2 . 5 l "i 1 ‘College will meet in their annual to ‘ basketball contest at 8 o'clock to-‘to state publicly their attitude‘ Case is Tomorrows- Illss Cline to ileum. Juniors and seniors 5 cotuxsidmissouamii Weatdra. ifiyxmm iis. or SOOLUMBIA, MISSOURI ! of Giristianf In View of the fact that it seems‘ I)! the policy of all candidateel 7 ;mori-ow night in the college gym-‘toward the sale of the Water and Men who should know tell me we‘ lnow have as low a light rate as any , years. and at that tune {or in my humble Jotltineut your have a plant worth two'and a hallplant was never more econoni , , ‘million dollars. operated or more honestly and e!-I ENCRUSTED' —.‘ 1' ..~ .».. ‘a ‘e - -- ~ ~ . . z ' '- 7 ‘. .- -. 2! ’ ' -. aw“- .-: .« . .. . - . $2-‘.4...-‘..,. “'-J~*--6-—-*5 '1 31,-,,-35:. ts.-afi. 2.". ' *‘ ‘u M; 4 I . . ..'-. ,1 '9. 4 v-1 13 .a4 . -. . .-~. MVH’ ' s . \‘ . A . .n 4 l ? _'i'~i.. - ‘- .4‘: “liriiiiiuiioii i'_ «-.+r=: : .; ' v H’ . ' Z. O ‘r’... 3 I _ I ' _ i ‘ . Grillor l " 3 i . . ifljllflgiflonf . . '= . . " j V »t* ' 1 ‘- . _ _ : . 3- .-.. _t__ _. , . «J <' . _ -0 * of 76 WEAR. . . , ww ‘ - _ Th: 1 f the ht I hdl b ‘t .;(‘lt) In Missouri in our C1188 And _ ' pvt”: '. W03 first team whiz: as ‘l'ollows:;’\'iew$. ‘I y ‘auurliu iun::’tf“' ‘l’ 1 4° 9°‘ “'07 “an” 8 ‘ “ME” Mcnoxhfiilglgfor . seventh reflux.‘ He 388.6’ indei-s, “WC 1“(':eDtc!'. Elizabeth Burlingaine; side ‘of the voters know my posit: n.?';§:'::‘3 Sarkngwggrlgg: :3; ‘eta?’ AA“ ' aha‘??? ‘3 the conference t he 00. Hlnaoapslis-st. Paul, 413,4 icente nia Hill; forwards. not .And under the present condition 1- -" ' ._._.s z _ was Not j ‘tn’ . . i new’. . . M 3 . ho - D U. do “,5 f{ ,.d lung. 1 can see no reason why our - to go gduply into ___ 3 WDBH. Worcester. .Perr) a Y ‘nu-e arne . not nk we could a o to meum “KM schedule cannot be Tn. ‘ uiuonflm “M “L - t: The if matters and into the reap-I 984.: litters; W68, Buffalo. ;xn-lrdg. DONHI3 It Wells _se_l our plant any any reasons Jdhued d I red , . Id . ' - Yo _ . the an mummy, {. 3 9 meters, and WI‘! flu-t- lCleo helhn price, and ‘I, for one, have never.wr’n lea ‘W gfid. - F0’ “'9 ‘T9 » e___..... , .. -., .,- .- €nCl'_1l_St.€d PlCl\- - G;-aiimnl 1‘ «is. gore caressed hlmlclfl ‘°""' "35. "'°“": 3 9- ""‘ ’ 7"‘ 5‘""°"' “"‘ “°‘"" Vi“ "'=-'-‘~‘°"“f*"""‘ “ ‘°”°°‘§" “ "W “."‘°'?,.,, "hon? J,’ "“” , }°""‘“"‘° iard China is particularly de- . "- 1 a ‘ha. 9,; any _-‘ Vldfil’ 5711338. Tot! DI‘ Non“. {C4-nter. Elizabeth Pipe: aide ceuter,.l-iblieve that our “alt!” Ind 11811! n t . hm‘ ’ '91“ °’ “"3 DESIGNING HA13 sirabl as 3 to Mother wife ‘ V‘ T“.- ¥- " -' h be “id be ‘ha mnrbnnl soprano; Guiseppe de Luca. frayed dwards; forwards, Mildred plant is the one asset that has’ ,2‘ 1:3 ‘ 0" “fl )eI1‘8- And there -1-. u“¢ b, ca“... ii -2 v )1;-s. W1 ~dlsoo A over i . He-t bN’“°|I!3 orchestra. :Olison and lsahelle Scott: Zllards. l‘1l°°d C°1‘""b5" "h°‘d “"3 “"°“loi‘.°" - be no b“."p°"’° b°’°"d or Sweetheart‘ l 7°?“ ‘" henna “at gigggooopm an bg CNBO. Ottawa, 435 meters. $ Lottie Dover and Mary Mcliarg. dens" above all other Missouri citie,s.‘°P°""»lnir ‘ad muntuunce exalt. KINLOCH HAT SHOP . _ . B039’? ‘ aha‘ .3 _¢‘.,, 1,, ug- - 7 .p. In.—A!ioi in. ;It iii to be open to the public. in our class. Not only do I be-,;‘f°"";‘°"' S0 ‘'55’ "01 5999 3'0"?! Haven North Tenth Stlppled hke hammered gold or ‘B’ . 332 ‘mu am ..,..iL mXtg10.'l(ola‘Ilaad._Kga0Lph360.8 j —....—.._.__. ll(:\l'l§‘Il1;tll:ur t 3111 ii nose, at. Irer the nth "*4 do Wt: i etched into ‘dainty designs, it ' ' e . . . ’ , mi on 0 rs I‘. u i ‘o_.___ ° ° ' ' ' ii in sign: erlthollt inciuiei of . o no I “M “ms shmcues “um um mm ‘she “mm B)_3r}!_¥ H - is unequaled in distinction and C“, ,1... in,‘ ’ ', , mm, mu ,, tern. 9 P» .!L..—.-suuiio recital. 2 “'° hm 5"" "-'°°*“'d - numberm-in oi nisnazenioni we will be able‘. ' : beauty» ~ .Pmin¢° " ' be hoped 5: ul mm “:1 WGY, §ehonectdy. r 37975 :0! Paris sketches suitable for !fIlt‘lri'g‘to pay from the ‘earnings of the’ i Y in o -L S -t _ t A "NY “" pmvfiued for 3”“ m “mom meters; WJI. New York. 105.! crepes chiffons. lxeisters plant the remaining “inter and‘ Have ‘mm. bearings tightened HI I on 1 e ‘ ee 1 *1 Thom” ' . . : . . . . . _ .. i‘ . w ie ' . . . ii _ V "um and mu of the wt “uh ant;l\?i.I‘C5. Washington. Ladies Tailoring College. 150 Liirht bond. 3)!) for all additiom and; “'9 have a mechanic that works at night a$‘:u“.?'lc::, _ -i - fnfim year period. there might be some; ‘cf-r“i:t:n,m‘. “cizhm.-go 0:1: ‘H t’ 1 W ___ 3 an kifids of repair work. i S 1 7 7 _..,: dilference in the share of each as! ' 3 m - ‘ 3 ' a ’ W T -conouoii to its previous nine. 6 « i F. 1 Gm:,U‘§‘”3 PARTS ' ..- . ' .':-i..- ____ ;, irs -c or nice an cs. d d ' h " s ,,_,,, ,,,, 8", s,,,,_, ,,,.,_,,,J| AT THE HOSPITALS ', _ lass so an mi: l South or Jesse iiiiu Ha T -um - M.» WINN GARAGE "2 ' ‘ E? N CITY. Feb. 25-—§ llnirersity and Parker Meuorial. 4' 7 N 5“. S1 , , _ ‘°'“""°d Governor Sam A. Baker ‘said this; (fin,-1.3,; g.,m,¢},ou, chug“ m,d_1 . ° - l hone 21.10 his horn moraine th-1 if be sea a ape-gsoe. and Gordon Pearson were ad-3 59"‘ *"" cial measure to the Legislature re-i mined t _v, i _ t i __p_______ “ Y ' sardine the raisins of additional 3 Leslie Case and Elizabeth Alex-3 * " “"“"‘"‘ revenue. the measure might be ex-Jana" dim ‘uh mag , _ ‘ I .hnd MN‘ by the latter part of ibis: 5,“, Com, , . z FOR 517. 14' ‘‘''i'* °" *1" 5"‘ 9”‘ °’ """" Mrs. Le-lie Crew: of Columbia‘ . The Delta Gamma Sororitv have listed with us fo away’ he cow.-roar’: expected mes-‘.wss admitted -n....i.,- night. i’ ; sale. for 8 limited time onlv. their beautiful homer ""' M sage is expected to contain plans,‘ .3,“ peak Mmhcn of Commbi‘. _ ' corner of Providence Road and Burnham s‘ f l ' iiii H boob‘! 1 '0" 9* '’*5“"8 °‘ ‘ddi‘5°°“ *‘°"°'§and W. B Miller of 9.-daliii werefi '‘ { 143 bv 143 Due to the fact that the; lifieo cu? i‘.‘..:{.'."< th ' ' . ' . . ' , _ ‘ i _ _ . . . ,' ‘ 0 s :t::et"°‘£;.ck;el:.,r°c°';Lge;bp:;::lr‘:2'3dlBChIl'fled-this morning. L ggzfllpotflihhosrzle thfeyhcontemplate building a larger llamic 1 ‘charitable institutions. iii:i.i:s our M. ii. iii. CAGERS 1 i pm. Wife ufngs ta§d"}°‘l'l°'. f °°""”b" --———— , ' s - u in ormation apply to - - v-um-so ii... ........ 1....» z Columbia Ins & ' i *“°'~‘ TODAY’S MARKET ‘iii " . -- . ? ' ‘ ! "nnce Rental Agency : - birthdii « 'Fhe ;tli::i:i3§lii‘le1s.6 in; . ‘ ~- 995. B"°0d“'83' - near if - the niversity open oaiiieiinii’ . - - i J " - "°"° ' East St. Louis Liveatoclt. , - . . 1.60-1830 - . . . . *- 3,. ‘mi 3, uflgd p,-,._ _ °ur“‘m9"t. Well! to Mexico yes-, __ I ,~ ‘ '_ terda d d 3 ' i i - famili- ,-c§_AT;2NAcL.t3Te3CRK”Yl- ullllI)l’)a':KC8‘(lr::I';'c?fi\€t elafiuiiifliifi llETAlI.S: Slender and light forms. Shield ,_ -_ Kr. and bad; mute‘ 15‘, to a)‘: 'hixher, by a 32-to-16 score. The ggmg "gel backs to chairs: Tapered legs and spade feet, .__. ‘ ii 30'3"‘- ma‘? . “an. 37356835; in the Hardin Collogo gyxnai i (I) Carved chair arms. (2) Grooved 191:5. ‘ ,;n.£“£l!'I; y;-“arling 8i.50@ - paving “M” I th (oi PrlnCt“‘ of “ales plumes; (-3) Intcrliicini; , um‘ V‘ ‘adv cot‘! q@ “ v. c‘nn.er3 Mules‘ . ‘-h‘ h- _ or 9% heart MC 0 p . . Job cutters, 82..5@3.50, caltcs, . - ““~ It Polnl man of the» I. a $1250; stockers and feeders, $6617. :""“‘ ‘fill-h “Vi!” Afielo #0315 and as , 4 Mrs. ( _,aop-—iioceipis. i2.ooo head;' ’°" ‘ "’ ° "'“"*'- ‘°"*'*'"'-E ‘Ross in ""3" w‘ ‘° 15° "Vb"; h°"""' :(l's5l:h!;L)lf'eft(lt:l'l’o1;ig("l1dthPfifadfifny din‘ ‘ HEPPELWI-IITE chairs most successfullv —-and any ‘ "“'i"“ ‘ 8ii.9s@i2.io; inedioni. sii.so@ _I=°8~- oomn: . .. i . . - __ « ,.i he, i sen of th 3‘ ‘ ll ' ll ll l. t f til Od Th ll ld lw; I.‘ .cXltO IKKFEKIIUOD ’ S ‘t 6 C f) 9 Dell . . - C 8 ‘I8 . . ’ mm W. lights. 8io.5o@ii._s5; wk,“ ,0“. the our game for his team! hack. is a prominent detail and this is oiten filled -—wh:.t better combination can you get. Our km M pigs. $9.25@1l; bulk, ' M b'“‘°“‘ ’’°"‘ “W fi<=1d- 1. in Wlldll .8 \t‘l-18ht‘1_p:;nfaI1f-lillilei motiff: aratlie splat is Victrola 213 will accoiiiodate any one of a _ C. W ‘ . y i carve in e 0 ‘ 0 _ rice Q_ cs pumcs. - , ’ - . . 3,-gay, a she’___Re°dpu. 750 had: m”_ l Too LATE-ro CLASSIFY jy Legs are almost_invariabl_y straight. sometimes I "umber °f.md'° p“m]s spcmany made for R‘ old New kit study; mi. 86935; oi... I grooved. There ls exceeding’ grace in the mem~ The Alice Tie Tan Th°5° WC "N3" *0? YOU» Or.-you can buy hm Jo! ‘lI1O‘1'I‘3Glll;d7;utt€1'3i $896; wool lambs, WAN.I.£D_Fu"_fime position « bers themselves of Heppelwhite pieces. T _ _ _ this model, and put in any radio set you wish. R“‘“’" 1- ’ ' ______ !s3t"enolSuphico{o;rciei-icni. address? he Ahce T19 B100]? No worry about an untidy looking radio set, “3‘°';‘b ‘ X ' . 3 . . . . . M U.“d3C’.’"£O.I|ll Produce. "re _£::u.:"’ mm 153: , A ‘hoe “MN f A _ _ _ if it’s in this Victrola. :,_i::'i°,f", 8* mi o--o==- mm M4 Parker Furniture Co t ‘” "W « - no... Ping mung“ angled, 2-;i.‘c_ galowg lot 70 by 1&5; ‘wage. ,;l;‘-cc‘ y . in the matter «if an-3, d¢m,md u"quc3fi,mublc ,, gc. New‘ Butte;-._.(__'}g-¢_-‘mg-y 33-,’ 415:; 34200. Phone 2253 white. 150-153} footwear ,~,,n,(,nabi\. priced _ Z y.”n_ 1 standards. 89\.éc: firsts, 3%; "sec- “"" 3 ' ' ,? gday, ss “uh me‘ ~ _ FOR RI-I.\'T—-Garage with con-‘ . E. W-1, ' Ponury__Hem. 23¢; turkeys. 32“ get: floor and drive at rear of 1 _‘ ‘ ; It ‘ ’ 5 ' pb‘n;i. . ' 30“ duck‘, 2“; ‘cue. tut er Apartments (in Anthony .\ Step From Broadway Wm 8." Donna... - wand"; “fie; cock.’ “C. . ;!1;;.m|I.AfiPl)' C0llg(l’1;b|E Insurance k (_ 9 y_ Whig 'Cheese— orthern twins 23X§¢- 3. 3" r w“'‘.' R ° l - ' ' ' so-155 Cld B 3°“ X01113: America. 25¢. i fie" “ 3L but cu‘ Gnu‘ _l-‘OR SALE--120-acre farm. lot ‘ Eleven North Tenth 9 o’cloc1 3rs.!l1_aIi1-‘Io girl-s. :hI3e¢n.hb‘1foclt “forty-eight. range *1? . followin; . S,F'eh.25.—Corn—'; wwe. a in’e from ii - d ,i 3 white; 81.200121; No. 4 whitz. hlrd wad. easy tcrnii. 'l’i‘i‘:1ui‘;: . i - - ‘ -- 33..i°.'.... 81.28%; Dec.’ M-dB1IckSt‘~o:c. Booze Tavern. Sat- “’i " i - ~ ~ - - , ____ _______ ,‘.- Gerltin. ‘V . _ : .29. 0? Ii‘. 11!! I)’ an Mon y. ii-. son. lie . 0.»-—No. .2 white, assoc; No. 3 150.154 , ‘i. let Niel ." “mg. ‘,3&‘°5,‘°k‘_ ”°' ‘ "““°- 53* LOS‘l'—Blue silk timbre-lla Re- ' in ”~‘"“" A’ mini iiutni-e)—ii.y, ,1 37%; Wlrd. Phone use oiieii. W150-I52 , . _'i'iiii-is jg)’, g1555‘_ M ‘____W_ 9 . _ ' — ,. girls wi What lied)-No. 2, :2; No. 3, ,. ' i E ‘:,,l:,i’:'° l 1.95. f . o ' - V i" ’ . wheat (hard)-‘-No. 1. 3137- No. . - ii """'.° 5' " '2. 8180: No. 5. 81.85. ' ‘ . - ‘« "°.""’ ' _____._ ' ‘ . ; ens Gyi a Hlssourlsa grant ad. i f. 5;: ‘xi: , —é - i ""‘ ‘ I epti I f -- K - *_ -—-._..... ,..?, *QQ* 1 . . . 4 1' ‘ion . « Competm With i i y . . ‘-3 * Tiigs SILVE i a ti *'"*°‘ ' i i---and the Jazz Band i "'°”"' You Are Anni-ed both of co ' ’ i “ llILDREl\' never kt-em to ,care to stay at home any ‘ ' ' ’ i‘ ‘ f°' - rr ; T mom." ' E ' . ' _ :3»? and \. , --——-4» -- ~—---»-=-——--—~ —o——~— i . _ 1 .. ' . ‘ _ Hov. many uneasy ther- h we id 't d ht ' ' l- ' i ‘ . , u .. shllflflfilfl 0‘ AC’. Dear Brutus: for an answer. mo ‘ B an ‘ an mug ‘mu ’ i ‘ 4 “kc pl‘ <'_ 3 ‘ g ,~'.:. , ‘ Parenthood—never an easy job, even back in the pre-flapper, ‘ ‘ ' u"' L __'hen ‘t: This is DUKE PADDOCK’ piie-flask days——calls for nothing short ‘of genius today. ' . , ". ‘ ’ ‘ Shea: ,. 3 u.‘-k¢g_A1t". ‘ we ad_in our pl.” new i For when home. ct-as-es to-« be the. social center of ‘growing 0, “*1 4~ , ‘baggage . chlldljcn. pair-nt.- ma) look to their liiurcls, there is licart- the ‘,1 =- 7i have I 3113219 the handaonie boy you see “he "' the °“"'3' _ 4 any of 1 ‘nfl efficggnt .7 , Fortunately the Jivoild grows wiser with the years. 7 ‘ hgflflng go. Velnnt “W Pelisodcnt smile The birch rod is no longer a faniiliar item of houiiehold equip- . ‘ A “W ‘3 l around ilesse Hall. His sar- men‘. ‘ I A 1 ughenmgtof Ty, ’_ . _ Scoldinir and nagging are not quite out of fashion. but they 1‘; P ggvmii ,_ ‘ gx. : castle lime to the women i got‘?! lost prestige. ‘ « or am‘ ‘ . , l ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ . i ' I a ' . . I L ‘ Jillian”! in tihemmanmt : Wm? Dlhlrll to him, and he‘: i - 110:9! t!l(x)'l't‘ce:':l:!‘l ‘i::;te:::io‘; 2):-‘°il,i:redh:il1n:tr:iTre—|d{en wm any it nchafiofi ‘ 0 ‘ . . 0 ‘ ‘i L - ~ A U ‘ -i rltht here in Golum- rain: to knock ‘em eokl. Quite .- .;{;“‘:l_"“’u"°"“‘-h““° mi’ ‘other Institution. must compete more '5 '3 ' m ' ' i . 1. 9 teen 3' wit its sinister rivals—- Al 5' ' 3| . ’* the - o... .1. . ,. . ii . -. ._i .1‘ vintydifi jiutlllliinan . , ii it it %':ll:{u};0tllh is attracted by excitement and adventure, I} 5 . ;°n_u:" ‘ - 3°“ in - _- i y '3 P0 e l; attracted by beauty and atmosphere, too— ; p’ 1.,” '-m I ".~ ' “A Barrie Play” 3 ‘ "mm: p°°3{‘°- "1 $50“: Ire oddly snobhiah and sensitive 7 ‘dc; - _ ? or: statement ~ i l and proud and will not invite their friends into homes of which ‘aclioau i at; account elaevrliei-e Q o 5 they are ..mu,. .,h,,,«,,d, , _F '7 > Th‘? Joy ride. the silver flask and th‘ ' N35 ' The J 5 Produced the - some of their insidious allure, Whenep‘:;:;t: hteujammucdh? I j . Un ; mssoinii WORKSHOP 3 ;',’‘'°‘‘ "*°"= Wu": to use inn and imirination of youth, . r i i ’ ( ~‘''* “*8 , . — ve one-tenth the thought to your home furnishings tint you, ‘ . ~ . ‘ — ’ o . I MARCH ' '3-lllchter gives to her our l \ . - i. ‘ = on i. M. ...... ..*,..:°:. i ii -ii- oi om new con. o... ii- 2 ‘ , 1 aroun ' ‘ ’ ' w 5 v =3 :3?! ant‘!!! in the room. mm out more’ ‘ad ‘ ' V ‘ er Charge ' ‘ ‘ . Rubi}: ' i - _ ' ' €tf?0lll¥i1ll€j.ofim¢gn‘ur.c“ . , 1 An ,’ _,./ ' ‘_* i _ jickecglg “,5 T ‘'¢Pieceoftin1iitnie— ‘ , _i ‘ -' ' .. . . ~ , . _ season‘ . 3 bsarim. perhaps, the coveted shop niarli at Bean, 5 Mgke it 3 mg Qty affair. . _ 3 ._ i , . _ _ f n . . i gag gm , V GIir-- _ . , its uauuea-uuaatiiieuis . "°" a I The T 1 an i ii ' v ‘ Get up 8‘Plit'l3j V l i ‘ -~ ’ i 4 - “"?"“5 ‘W008 . 3" ha . ,ooln‘}eaiid . 5 be t, is g , veaeoodfime. - 4 ' '9" at the regulars * ’ - - Es ~ -i ,-i L.» L “"4. ‘ 9 UV ‘. J "IWBIIV la‘ ii or i ' .‘ U ‘ _' ,. . ''''‘ "‘ ~ ~‘ . r.- 9-3‘ 3'4 '.’. ."' ' . ‘ -» ’ ’ . .f_. I ._ ..‘—:, _.V‘ '_ , .‘ _“ ‘ V .