——: c-———.....—.....—¢—-.—_-:—.———-¢.—...... ._-_ ._uIl the'Vatican is said to ‘~ ~ I averted. 5 . ‘ ‘ I» -‘ 1’ J . '53- American rubber company. "«- IArgeritineaviator.&pt.P. ~ will resume his around- -~. . flight from To_ki'p llay i. use iinimrsrnest .in the - of King George was an- "' in a bulletin issued'it noon 1 . . .. plastaers have shned 7 ' year contract increasing the to sizso for ekht “ work. ., African air-mall flkht J I .. pletcd when sh-ihennew 5‘ ~ miles’ between‘ Capetown of date at siege for one month V. I '_ for wife abandonment. ’ ‘..’.‘.§ '3" Poor Thing! ’ ~ “There's something on V‘ . V ’A". Tomiviss M. U. Bunosr Are Appointed to Go 0 (3 By a Sta! bvrw-pendent. JEFFERSON CITY. Feb. 25. --A subcommittee of the House committee ' ’ The members ‘of the subco - l. vmittee are: lliss Emma Knell. 1 Jasper County. ‘ ‘ Subcommittees of House m coI.UiIBIA, msso ‘ i 342::-Ono XIEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, .1925 on I‘”"3’“‘ so» two» at an... owl ‘ apd'l'hv.rsdsy;temperavun.-iozoorl to. N we -£..T'.‘£.‘“°.‘t'.‘.“.‘...;;°“"f.'."...“.‘.'.i.‘;’.'$ tonightandineasfportion Thurs-E -_graniofExpendi- “"'- T .. § _ tm-a_ Shippers‘ forecast: Within a “rs-3 dlus of 200 miles of Columbia lowem‘ bmperature tonight will be’ 18 west, 16 north, 28 east and 26; th. . * The western low barometric pres-z has advanced eastward, cen-1 tral at 7 o'clock this morning over-f Lake in: it is attended ‘ sou out of On the Canadian sidel temperatures ranged from 10 to 20; below sero. and about sero cold has‘ crossed line into Montana and‘ North Dakota. Colder with gener- ally fair skies Missouri during the succeeding 2-ti hours; quite a hard freeze but zero cold is not expected.‘ 9 Winter. Warren E. Kirchner. Coo Lon S. Haymes, Greene Coun- _ ty; and John B. Crum; Audrain County. g V Miss line)! had not decided this morning when the commit- tee would meet. Representa- . H I 8: a Staff Corveqmnd-L JEFFERSON CITY. Feb. 25. Under Governor Baker's finance turesls based ' of the last biennial period. Reve- nues are calculated on the basis of, expected incomes from tax essary to care for his program of ‘expenditures. ‘There was no consensus of opin- ion expressed in the conference for any specitic measures, and pushing -' no definite action was taken. Gov- ernor Baker said after the meeting. that he wished to investigate still more thoroughly before taking further action. Governor Baker-‘s plan is based money to equal “Never mind, it will Away. ~ say. and I will not say ‘be is —-He is just away! ehand wanderedintoanunknowu land,‘ as dreaming how very‘ fair insert I he l - must be. sinu there. 0 3. yearn ‘ ..}he old-time step and the glad _ "I of him faring’ on. as dear ' love of ‘there as the love-of a A . . I still. he tll blows H} warrior-strength to his coun- try's foes.— ' . - '. H , .-\_ .5: -I «Q cheery smile. and . wave of. N ‘:3: lea ng an care over revenue of $3,923,364.17. Two years ago met out of a treasury surplus of over four mil- lion dollars. There is an apparent surplus at iiresent of about a mil- lion and a half. bi;t‘deficiencies are to wi out. ‘by a sum equaling the last bien- nium's deilcit-33.933.304.17. I-‘rom re measures pend- ingintheliegislature heexpectsa net increase. - To this he adds a saving of $744,300. which he expects his consolidation ‘ retrenchment ‘measures to show.’ The total» 955233598. 58 not far belowfltihe increase he hopdd fpr. I ’ ' The gt 3 sity _‘,' i plan. as laid before the revenue con-3 ders of ‘both lloch Colder Tonight. 8! United Press. I ST. IDUIS. Feb. 25.-A new cold . wave is scheduled to strike Hissouri ‘ and Illinois tonight with the tem- perature around 20 to 30 degrees above nero. . WOULD CLEAR . M. U. LAND SALE‘ Bill Legalizing Transfer: of Donated Property Passes House. Byafitafl correspondent. JI-ll-‘I-‘E N crrv. rah. 25. »- ven to the state for the Univer- yestu-day afternoon pas ousc aentative B. H. Rocker One hundred bill. According’ to Ir. Rocker.- Boardaf Clnatora was-ulaswo-clearly to ten the land donated the state for the aid of l of Agriculture or the School less 1)! . m”"iland a urea now pending. the governor ex-1 the ' ' ' as pre tlt ° hardware store is being remodelled. be. Pacific Railroad made such a grant in 1871. Hany individuals gave s well as money at the time ac schools were established in order to secure their location in a Title to the land giliaes the sales made in the past and empowers the Curators, acting through the president of the board. to convey the land. NEWMAN STORE ltEDl0llEl.I-Ill Interior of Hardware Concern ls l l I I ag Rea . , The’ interior of Newman Glass front display cases are I ‘ placed alloalong the east.sidc of the re. Mr. Newman said that he would ing goods and a more complete stock in general upon the comple- tion of the cases which will take placc within the next week. “The stock can be more O on, ' ' ;»that he will bring to his ‘Secretary of State. a limitatioa-of- will pverspread “ 5*" ‘the ambassadorship a year . cronomy alone cunnotcure the evils ‘Which the American Association of l I 3:30 o'clock tomorrow at Read Hall and later sold by the-Board of Curators to raise funds. the llousei Bill No. .88, introduced by Repre-‘ and vtawentskfour the" - g -»_3....... §H0USESTRlKES .. .. ..... ... OUT BETPINGI 7'd:B>‘a of Curators. llr. Rucker's bill le-j have a more complete line of sport-, S)’3- _ , NO PLAN FOR LIMITING ARMS Hughes’ r Says English Talks on Dis- armament Were 11:: is. and. instead of turning to‘.—w'lt1i the Easter '° _ l'hhtastheroadnowdoes,it 3 hi ‘Unofficial. 2".“ m duo“ “nth om mu? not 6" Is ON -WAY TO CAPHOL‘ Have Improved Since Adoption of the ~ Dawes Plan. o-‘asap Lnlld Pres. .\'I-SW YORK. Feb. 25.-—Denial armament plan. was made by All- liassador Frank B. Kellogg here to-L day on his arrival from London. V His talks with the British govern- ment officials regarding a second ' ’ ‘sarrnamcnt confer once were always “unofficial and in formal." Kellogg said. ‘ The successor-designate to Soc- I rttary Hughes said that conditions: have improved greatly since be both ‘ 380-‘ The Dawes plan has done much to stabilise European currency. said. and added that “peoph beginning to realize that thrift and that grow out of antagonism be-. tween nations.” ; Mr. and Mrs. Kcllogi: will leave, here ‘at 11 o'clock tomorrow for Washington. ._a +;_.-1.-" O BENEFIT TE. IS 'l‘UMOltlt0W Will lie at Read Hall. 3:30 I’. M.- Mortar Board to Assist. program for the benefit tea‘ The Univcrsity Wnnicn will give at is: i o h . muons worm g I-nocamm When t iing constructed ‘ by the Kansas City Bridge.’ Company. Believes World a.h“'. “'0 ' ""' new brikc will eliminate ac-~ possibilities’ and more direct road also. ‘will make ‘ll la . ____,____ ' ‘no Arrnso _coi.oBi~: wBnoii~Ic3 afternoon ‘and Ilrs. lived He A reception will ‘home of of Both t tion. the «Relations 9! Nina His llert Will Celebrate A versary lliss Ella I2. Hcrt. teacher in .Colurnbia H’ Iwhere she will attend the cc ft. be given at the! Mr. and Mrs. Hcrt this; Jevening for the relatives and close‘. .'friends couple. There will_ lie approximately a hundred guests.‘ be best man and arejbiidesmsid will attend the recep- Thei Ire Mrs. ll. Loustroni “and C. E. Iesserly of sadalig, MAY BID FOR I I ‘I I LIGHT PLANT; Illinois Light ‘at Power Agent, Hcre,gPoints to Ecdnomies. A 32.000300 to $3.000 electric plant will be built at Boon-. .0090 hydro.’ Today Is Ash Wednesday; ‘It Has Been Celebrated Years‘ Ash Wednesday,th¢ag~;ta.yggsu,, 1-tn?-.socalledfromthecerernouyl orstnwinxuhuahoiehssausf The Roman r¢l'¢\Vll|[ sa by ',P_9oe Celestin 111 in 1101. but dates j Born at least as urly as the tenth. iitury. Chu and Sacred Heart 0 int c present custom in the? Church of Rome. which was ob-:::nd.y served at 7 o'clock this morning; at Sacred Heart Church, is this.‘ "After an introit a ‘the -priest puts the ashes. which ;are those made by burning the Int consecrated on the preceding {Palm Sunday. on f Protestant fibcopal church in the United States Ash Wednesday is observed. .' l 5 ;tAi:;¢rican church only the pcniten-Q Catholic : "7"°"' ‘ ’ °‘l“°"‘ ‘'1. Services in connection with the‘ '41)’ will be held in Sacred Heart och‘ hid‘? _0V9ning services and. u_ "Wm! services will be M_C¢l*In' Episcopal Church this? nd four collects. l ':m::‘d“w;;w'm'::;"';:uil;“:;'l I I s n l soffeflnsv and Holy C0mmu'niori.; 30" F""‘Y "Will! the Rev. James 4“; 60°72! will lptak after eve- th head each. — 5 5°"°°1~ W thimpenitsnt kneeling atethe altsor rails Egfmmfg 3; the angle to the {OT C.JlfOrfll3, M0 h I i :__ulie :1 ‘. P “' Ct Or‘ I Mn..°_':bu_ °m‘:.’:::t ‘Thou 1"“ dust"’°“‘“d;thc special weekly Lenten scrv-I "1 "W 30149211 Weddins annl- onto dust thou shalt return." 1"?" 9" “"3 '°“°“""8 95483‘: hr‘ "'""" “l h" '“"“ ‘“"‘ ‘"‘°’°- "W in the Church of I-Inizisnd and in “the :3” “in. ’§3'’’"“‘ ‘mm 3 GD C III! . I Wmfifl‘ Nominations Are Being Made 111.‘; 'eek at Nominations week for May ‘High School. Election will be 1 next week, Only senior girls are eligible and it is necessary inatures to eadi nomination. liilth school girls can nominate or j vote elected will 1925 Crusot 5.IuIms1'l-zit cons "ro WYOMING : Mr. and Mrs. Frank More Leave for New Home at Torrington. Rev. and Mrs. l-‘rank More. ‘The May fete will be held on the llllflll school lawn. The girl who is have is picture in the A MAY QUEEN C. H. S. BULGARIA MAY "a:.::*":. ':.:.‘.‘:..t:.*::l BE IN A STATE held .Generalis-s-i_m—o—a-nd Ei h ' Officers Involved in Conspiracy Uncov- ered Today. to have fifteen sig- Only 1Government Troops Use Cannon Against Re- volting Peasants, vo.-hi . is .. J. w. union will: to geplgcg the pg-gggnt glad;-ic A who have made their home in Co- ‘ Pi-Iv‘: ~_ of ' ts plants rates will be lower-.. I —— : poi Results in 4-1 Esme KANSAS CITY. ll .. . 3“ C; yutadli. ‘domed meiand is already under martial law, 7 ‘fill’. lofts arrests have been made. l ‘fll'lVl1ll0.'the govwnmuit is e'oHtlnclIg'flt3 separations i'a’giiinsi AT K lcommunlst movements and has or- ‘ ' ‘isons convicted of participation itical disturbances. Any sta Vote for Change in § “" °" ’""“ ""7 V Government" lay United Pro-:—-—_ ' 8’ Um‘ ’, i ROME, I-‘eh. 23.—Bulgaria is on Feb. 25.__Lthe verge of another revolution ;according to advices received here from Bulgaria , Rumblings of gunfire were heard ‘from a border town‘ of govern- ]. according c U to refugees who are arriving at the {Jugo-Slav ;that the revolution is already under effect However. the fighting may 9 Feb. 25.—Bulgarian 0 0 A ‘ used ltlinst c . Irevoting peasants. acmr-ding to a ‘number Q" P ""1news dispatch received here. Gov- Kansas Citians whol:::1Tntg we ‘" '”i°""’ Accurate details are diffi- ;cult to obtain because‘ of heavy lssouri. He is‘ ‘P’- :\'E'l'HtANS' INSPUIIORS BMW.‘ 1 1 .Church this evening at 7:30. spt-.3 _ ‘tor ll:-dill hldformick of ;tcl. of gastric hem l fall .40 HAVE BEEN Altlti-JSTI-ID, :dcred the duth penalty for all pcr-‘ in- I c ials with pro-communist lean-‘ ‘ll be ' 9 Severance will speak at the and Bulgarian» ‘for February 4. but was postponed -Bulgarian frontier, uyithrougli the efforts of Hrs. Roscoe ‘Anderson of St. Louis. the chair- It dx‘ ‘guy only ‘D IX’: , '8’ n fth bu fthcC't Con-7t"’°" Wsltcr Robertson of Saline1anxio'us lg’ purchitszt in crde; to Itiileéd csuoth-:.m.;mbe“h‘i: in utetngglcon nu, comp etc e circu current rorn 5 h to 5 be“. ' ,the plant at Kcokuk, °‘ °' °"'° "ht "'°'” j. Missouri, he said I I v officials pmgressoftherevo-v M. M’coRMILiC= SENATOR FROM ILLINOIS, DIES illad Apparently Been in G6od Health Until/\._' Heart Sudden A LAST WEEK or His’ Term Had Been Mentioned for Possible Appointment as Ambassador to ' Germany. ll: lfaiid Pr:-sis.‘ WASIIINGTON, Feb. 25.—-—Scna- lor Mcdill McCormick died of a heart attack, Coroner Ncvitt certi- tied this afternoon. physicians who cxalnjrled Mi-Cormicii stated this morning ho had died of gastric hcmino lly Ilniiod Prcaa. \\'ASlll.N'GTON. Feb. 25.—Scl|I.i- llinois ho- 9 died suddenly here today at orrhagea. The senator apparently was in good health when he arose this morning. but was seized at 9:80 ed shortly afterward. ck was summoned 7 caliock a’r‘iiciCdi ‘ ‘ gcrrl1‘(Ihicag.o":hd is on her way re. Mel‘-urmick’.-c tam would have by Charles Dr-nccn. The senator’! name had been men- lionvd prominently for possible ap- pointment as ambassador to Ger- many. . Senator hledill McCormick was born in Chicago. May 16. 1877. He was publisher of the Chicago Daily Tribune for two years and had twice been elected to the Illinois General Assembly. tzressman-at-largo ‘ 1917-1919. He. was ii graduate of Har\'ard_' and received on LI... D. degree from llonmouth (lll.) College two _ . hlccoi-mick is ac- tively interested in politial. indus- trial and civic Vroblolal. ‘ — 0--w-o--fie-«V lie was con- from Illinois C()Ll.'iIlilA"WDll:ll..w1ld. g SPEAK ON Clfll.D‘l.A%lt ppear Before [legislature at at Hearing Tomorrow _' N In Will A Mrs. C. W. Greene. Mrs. L. W. St. (flair Moss and Mrs. H. 0. hearing on the child labor amendment of the House and senate in Jefferson" 5City tomorrow night. lira. Greene , represents = Voters of Colunbia. and Mrs. aguc of Women ‘ floss the Fortnightly Club. * The hearing was originally set man of the women's state legisla- _ rdsr might be time for further work for the ame merit. - I ~ -¢__...... $13,500,000 FOR IMPROVEMENTS '_ New Criminal Cour-t.Jail, ' . 7 Police Headquarters I . , . _ ‘am confident that rates will re-. comm Loch of tematicall' arranged and we ho 1 Re l'(‘t\(‘lll8ll\'l.'h‘ I-Zllis of Ba - 2 , . . - ‘ i that vga to aid our customcl,-E Counl) Mcltoberts of lxwis Cosh’: "um "Be" they ‘re a be de. ' Clflnmb" nan“, “wk” ll‘ K“”“‘T' 0'3.“ 1V""°" iaflu“ . n y ‘ y‘ ¢"“'“l Ct’ the lfcrcnecs ' in selecting what they want.” said‘ ty, and Bales of Shannon County ‘ 7 .____.,____ ’ "d’ °“ the _ “"59 “*9 ‘III 9'81!” Kllvtltl 1-mu Mr. Newman. ' fled the light against the Harper ON, 3 Ecnzssgm and system adopted of we SL ltation $3‘ grovngi cl"cAGo' Feb. ‘—'—““""" horse racin bil. 1 - " ' - 10"“ '33“ "3 3- A» Miller Bed‘ F-'°-I W*“"=- 1 ' .g—--—- looouocz si-Bncii coiir>i.a'rB ""' “ 5"“ ‘’‘“°‘ -°‘ “" °"“‘ ‘m wudsnts II thfoomla .3" H. A. Miller. local co—ordinator of "I ' ‘~'-",W'~:°'"*'°L , , , L L F States Velma-’-B-rtsu today -mi m.,,- , the United States Veterans’ Bureau.T '.‘lEI-‘l’-‘l'.RSOl\ Cl‘l'\. ¢l_l;,»§f:" - J [mung-.1 Au". 3, 3, 3,3,; A.,. tomorrow. This group has a per- 1’ an cl”; '°m'u ad”. ‘ ans mornins from a trip: ‘.“-“" E""'"‘ 3'“ ""° :""“’j,"" __._ ~ g count cinema and Policy. “sound In follows: 3.. B. - In I” "“i‘°m » i_ 5, to Chicago and St. Louis on busi-E“"° fmf“ ""’l""' C°“”‘h53 m‘ °i ‘ Boone County ‘officials; 81 United Press. vchalrman; ‘W. E. Lapping. and ‘H. 1.. ’,,""'” Pnflau ‘or 1.: .; neas connected with the bureau. I '.‘*’°°“,‘ "‘ ‘’‘° "°‘‘‘‘’ ‘ 3* '”°"”‘= g. WASIII}-G'l‘0N. Feb. 25.-—Pnes- J. . M “MN "3 m “ cm» While in St. Louis he attended . In “W 0‘ W “"1”-if ‘>*“- ‘_"‘°"‘ Appear Before Tax I-dent Ieted the Their work consists in u,,,,, °°"‘ p mam,‘ of 5”“ memben of the 3 ure that would l€8|llte betting on . . _ 1 of hit irran‘-mu. —. 5 0'3’-13' Imsttic‘ vcte,r‘n'v Bmfiu. » TIC‘ lll tltt state. ‘ad ig ngfi fl, dgwn ‘n w _' _ _“.‘ - said; “People will ‘bet, and i be- It conform to ‘his uts ofhrwvlty v - . mug iwvib 1°" 33- Ebert Recovering Normally. lieve that pari-mutual machines ”" ""‘ °"""""""- for all state as - ' tioo. tliq B tilts strut lists: .1 :8; values Pi-s-. - ' will regulate this and will turn JEFFERSON Cl". 705- 35- b .‘h chu” “ Iago! relusltandfor . BERLIN. Feb. 25.--Recovery of,rr.-venue into the stale." ‘ “"""°*' °‘ “'° 3°” °°“"" hisspoechtllasuoordofbisadmiais-ln °"°“.’°°"","" "°'P“"'- " I Pnswontsbertofcermany immi Thisbillmightaffcctthecount 3- V“ ‘"°°“‘- °;tration.a'nd.toc3)lesstlierII1lwfluregardlnghlswork. ’°""’ °‘ """"""""\. appendicitis on is “taking a‘fsir a . in the county Boon ‘ coat I, Bflau. policiesto hewilladhere lamest’. Cahill. .9°"m3l ¢°‘""° 3"‘ hi‘ t""P‘““"‘ » which ldiss Knell represents. the G xi. nu ' int Oflrjrcars. - CM 809311 0034590“ “V “l~i‘“°'o Interest in the bill was quite evi- ‘ ‘ it ' W?!-" I ' “ “id “ 3 dent this morning. Nearly all “nu” °f a” '”.'‘d ‘u’ , 7- lmembers A in their seats during-'a'i'— uh" the 89" T” in J v V . ldiscussionontherneasure. lo°n'fl.imhth‘i'ta't“1b°d‘°d"h"h°“*'t'”" Barbers llnioaUests'l'snigbt. lb,” “N “wad ‘M ‘ ,m._findg20 per cent reduction-in thsvalua- burg_‘and , Thelocal UnionNo.6m;c.mwd'uhithehk°n ltionoflandmadsbywoodsundertgsunday . willholdits meltintltg 1- , B y‘ thelastassessment. liadbesn _ lrora ‘lmo'cloI=kioIIk1Ittt 9tI!‘3|f-; ‘ 5' .R°"’.”" °°°° C°"'~bm't’i””u‘;} Shepard stated that he had a sesseformore ‘_ayse.r.' hsrshop. LH.HumpfaldtistII'es-.l’:¢I‘;etI"t£i¢-_mlr<3dU0!d8 umberdletterafromisndowner-sir analog. "