V, tirely when the “would-be” cultured ' person becomes angry or excited. ‘ school. .kespiogaconvictwaslessthan a ‘dollar. ' lege woman." That there is a certain element in every college or university 0‘ persons who have only a veneer of culture is not to be doubted. But the person who cultivates sincerity and courtesy, real dl-‘Pill 0‘ feeling and understanding is the. person who is putting into prac-l ticc the principles of the “charm” school." The veneer of culture is sometimes so thin that it “shows through" when a phrson talks dur- ing a musical program, or gets BF and walks. out during a speech Sometimes the veneer peels off en- Truc charm does not come in a moment. Hence the school for cul- tivation of the same. Neither it depart in an instant. Hence the real value of continuing such a OUR PRISON INDUSTRI Few people realise the extent of industrial operations at the state . institutions with; the use of convict labor. But a consideration of the recent inventory and biennial ripen shows the astounding, figure of $3,039,674.72 as the amount ag- gregated from the sale of commod- ities made at the penitentiary, the Missouri Reformatory, and the two industrial schools for girls. Of this, $82,497.35 was the net profit. or 2.797 per cent. -The:pen- itcntiary itself lacked only 8174.78’. of paying its expenses. The total earnings of the 2.600 inmates were 8l,(73.67§.26. Each of the institutions reported flat the average earning of the convicts in the various’ industries was between 91 cents a day in the shirt factory and 82.80 in another industry. The average daily cost of ' The report recommended that the convicts manufacture the state's automobile tags. and flis hill is non‘ pending in the legislature. It is e¢ima'ted.that this would yield to the state about $80,000 ,or $40,00( aiimiallyasaninereasetothcin cane and profits. This at least gives an in- sight into the work of the convicts 1 . ’ caught _the vim of so possibilities. B}; should not have to be subjected to the -additional indignity of vermin. In many cases. persons are held in the jails before they are tried and many of these are found to be in- nocent. Again many insane peo- ple are held for a time before being sent to the proper institution.‘ Chil- dren arc sometimes held. These persons should not be made to suf- fer from the cooties and vermin that may be brought in by person: who lire not careful in their per- sonal habits. People in every community should take an interest in the condition of heir jail system. INDECENT PUBLICATIONS & young author, Hendrik Willem Van Loon. although a vigorous op- rraturc. hlr. Van Loon issues a dial ‘cage to New York editors to ac ompany him to the nearest news stand where he will show them thc foulest collection of dirt and plain pornography ever offered under the aame of literature. ,5 V The Society for the Suppression of Vice could well postpone a few of its prosecutions. of books which have a limited irculation. Mr. Van Loon believa, and devote its ener- ‘ries to clearing the news stanlls 0' ‘he country of these counties am and magazines: that have a combined circulation of millions These publiaitions circulate mainly among the youth of the country. Mr.’Van Loon asks “What about your community?" Could Colum- bians answer the question satisfac- ........._.,._,._.._.... LINKING NORTH AND SOUTH The Arlington Memorial Bridge, across the Potomac at Washington, has become practically assured by the passage of the bill by House and Senate providing for its con- struction. It will do much more than afford another means of cross- ing the historic ‘stream it bridges. Physially it will form the world's finest bridge, a $15,000,000 struc- tllfc. ' open the city of South, in o - ~ JQIILNIEC Arcliitecturally it will - represent the best that architects and artists osteopath is not entitled North and South can design. Ii teryandthehomeofRobert£.Lee naadaviewoftheentire cityfrom itsapproaches. C E E It win was an. new Lincoln me- on the Virginia, and it will corn- 9 Thirty contractors have ofered bids on the proposed high-school building to be built in Jcfiersan City at an estimated cost of $270,000. The Missouri Retail Clothiers’ Convention, which was held in St. Louis recently, went on record as opposing soft-finished overcoat fab- rics. Missouri has 2,252. rural mail dc- livery routes serving. 56,074 miles, dentists in the town who are giving “Till ‘ their services in connection the public beam‘ work being done lution of the United Sta‘:-s. in the schopls. It is estimated by 51.13 hjnqrwaylto the first ten amendments to that; oft-patched docunerit. will note especially engineer! that nearly 1.000.000,‘ tounsts will visit the playgrounds: of Southeast Missouri in the Ozark‘ region in the near future when new. . C‘ state highways into the niountain:-_‘,__. ,5 are ccmplcted. A dog belonging to Miss Pauline and is third in mileage and number Aams (‘f 'l"d°p°"d°"°° “*5 '9' O routes of ‘H gut“ in the ccntly sold to a St Louis man Union‘ le\en days later the dog was Howard H. Settles of lr:depend- ericc was killed last week when a section of a steel flag pole irrthc school yard was snapped off by the wind. u Attorney—General_0tto has ruled in a recent decision that a licensed to pre- scribe whisky under the state pro- hibition law. Word comes from Mu-yville that Homer Cray who hails from that town is in nnes, France. writing a new novel to be known as “The Rainmaker." Chamber of commerce members in Kansas City, St. Joseph and St. Louis are advocating inclusion of tllfiil’ N-’5PE¢tiVe cities in the trans- -.-onti ntal air mail A bond issue for $13,500, to build : dam for an electric light system ll Hlfwlllc. as proved insufffi- _i:nt and an additional 88,500 bond !<::'Jc will be voted on March l0. l Arrangements to insmll a 10,000-l bushel tam‘ warehouse all Charleston to facilitate the mar-'- keting Of the sweet potgto crop in‘ that ‘vicinity have been" completed‘. 3 I Dave Owen, who was defeated for, councilman byldohn Barclay in an! L ’ l hack in Independence. covered with mud and weak from its long return JOl.lflK'_\' n oot. The padding in the rear seat of Floyd Wiggim uutomo ' cc- to put .it out, so he drove the ca with rear seat ablaze to the Jeffer-. son City fire department and there with the aid of chemicals it was ex- tinguished. ’ _ ¢_______3_ MW-- B4-'V~’iCl£. vocal teacher, lives at 420 Price avenue. Phone 2157 black. Adv.l49-154 -_____,_ ,_, __ Try a Missourian want ad. coteusws ruuvo is/iuxnar I-‘irst Long-Life Collars ' Dyeing a Specialty ' Phone 651 Cleaalag., Presdag sail Alterations?‘ _. .-sac.-u—.. . “Shorty” Roblaaaa _ Phone 609 118 N. 8th Street lplgcc beside the other judges. will‘ was crankin' the flivver and things; cad through carefully the Consti- like that. ’ We < “I wasn't any use. e2ther.0ther folk hope he will pay special attention‘, did a lot of hard work to uplift no-; nrd BC count people like me and pass; We hope he; laws to make ‘em liétter and smite‘ the following? the wicked. but I was bashful about . Creek Sand and Gravel . -— ‘ _ A , H .1: vii‘ _-;,_.,_. .____,35 .- ~ ,(..-~ —_.--. 3;:-I_.p‘ .,.'..~‘j'.’:' - _ V. -‘~ ‘ if '_*____,_I _._;:i~ -- --:1“ N 37. —.' ’:"' i ' ‘ ' ’ é" -. " V ” ' ' :.i’;{¢oi'iyi’I§7Q€3;‘4i:zl£ ;':'.'o‘..f 4 ' "3 Q‘. .1: Ki-7.;i?l.I7;.;‘To."" .:'la.~'§..$¢_‘_-.-'.,¥ Q. - - I "-of" t‘ .. ‘p . 91’-It ,""., ‘ 24, , ';it,_.l'.'?,a -fins’- -_ '3)"-'3’ bl. '. fr _’ ‘. ' " ' "“ , » -- “"""' "'— "‘l ' ’ =BIlt IWIl'dod y aasocia oas o is- ,_, i l I TOTHET" its SAY lmmum 0‘ mm t:hu'~aroupd. "'d‘i:'uxod'”'u;" oounuioin c-we men inlhree of " '. ‘ WE-A lm°l’¢l|‘"°°’°°' “ -. confining He now. , V; . lthcm for their own purposes. as makin any ._ _ g L I . * , ‘knows, also. that than 8" W" Vb‘ ‘' ’“"“'“' ‘ _ Bin.‘ ‘ Iffai wqet.to‘lmr_or sell some» « " “ " ' ' ' lv:.3iich,although they hlNb60lNlP° ihetiaehad moved I?» . ghingtryallissouriaii want ad. - I" I :“n__r _ ' rescued-tn ""{.'h:"',.,,, 0, a:"'{';".3,d‘"" 5m,,«’he1d the courts. are dine:-mg. he ziothszul-4 - , ' " G ~ i ‘’ --------- . ' raanttothsA lasoeot%rent ;-‘- ‘t fthesem'o- gomeettheeycs clarion! -— ' _. auaumununhanu. D¢II'hIl|:7_.nadtheg:1m-ac. 'E";“b_thn:;flafl,wau‘5“« reader Illl\§t'lBml;'l&kf'r:;n:;:::!1::l|0fll)£IPu"0 . mama‘ v. . A . °“""""""' :‘ay??:‘the any id! at . :32.“ “V ‘N w "'° ‘“"°"" 1%‘ '''d P‘"'’' °° otha day galled ow.-mot if Mr. Stone may turret them. ls- ‘roe eyes. l|°';';'- hm. ..,'-2: service a ' soon-ha .. .... .- Ohio,-reported a dole acllllalntance ty ....;.-—E—;wd' ‘nu ‘Pl: Gfiotmmunity Com ciptl mltistrate a nlneompogxeidancr ggfitlgmgxdhrmfig mm. mm’ #0‘ d“ » 3 $1 3:: 3:: in u. " tLw“ .“w1fik.” 5V tn‘ d'°‘m' °°“n M hascollectuli C y 8l0.768.- ¢l'll:ll!rlT‘lIll;0lh.l.fH to six: sons we'ha\’c alrctll)’ slvca; 5;"’dl"i¥°l1T‘:i“‘ l'‘’ “:5 “z '“’wb;;n: ” H l was ‘ —-¥- . . ‘ ‘ ' , ; E hum _ ugauauniaomocaouaau. he',,a,..a.o1agover-ace. "°“‘a"' . 5s.Pianshsve.be¢-a aisdafor in prison. The scntence:lll'1!l'lW‘°l’¢l0lP'’°l'9‘'° ‘’ °l’°lW” 3°“ Iwufimmz .. - . ‘..5———— 3:" I” W“ W” ,3, M Nmh-"""'mm,, ,,,,,,,.,,,;,,, aisavnnuon of milk to school chil- holds whether it is proved thelthercfore. that ‘"3 '7“: “l‘:n“"”"-little store when . ha ‘ . __ & '7 - A - dxun. . judggwgg gyghpom or-not.'Cl03¢l¥ lv° hurl» ‘"9 ' taialzyotfiumc ' "" " ' 'W - up 7 U.“- - _ year hun- Churchln-lfillllllhi‘ l’°‘”d"‘ ‘ 9°” . s. ' hirn.thath€ so -rater-nous imaaaas. , publicity not every “Maud ‘O “Dad by Prflbr ——-—-—— ‘ Judges. by some legal legerdernain,. t.rnpunonsb:syMt;cY2atim ‘M mfiiédow . .6 “Y ," A Tvrgwfilrsn aha-unis: and Grains. .... I: dreds of-«pet80|Il 81* — The county court of Pemiscot has no ggg-o..nd__. g jug“. mum be will remain t HP 5 ml]; eyes. were wt e. on g n. ‘O. ‘ ..‘u'. Jlc-a _” ’sarae indlgnitiel II at 0'5: ‘*3,’ ______ . ordered that aftenthe March term not only . njmgupup [mg qjgump: intent. ' ~ not are mixed up." he starninered : in‘ ‘uxaluxg AGENCY ““"’ " no" 808 WW‘ ‘“ “ . ‘rho contract has been let for the of court all Jul pmoners who have or even a goopla and no editor, or. """""'nm J _ .“It was some luck! mm “W \ "5 am 8,. .. madman of ‘may of the km m °°'.‘“:"'°fi°” °‘ ' "Y puwflwe been ‘O ‘iktnmy olficmudemunonmn’ om" emu!“ mi?“ re ‘O. From the Balusaorr‘ siveolnr Bun. i‘.‘.°h‘"‘°° t‘°'.d° am” for ya‘: ' Hole 1436 (teen. THE “CIIARII SCHOOL this country. building at Harrisonville, to cost lrtgto W0 “P011 9» Wall! of the say so for fear of a jail sentence. I mu Jone‘ did_ The NP", dgdlgusta 30500)’ and I neverpsn 3 l . - 11 all schools and The prevalence of *Ip0:llQ;".)n $41,700. eoun y n‘l:ehS‘enat_e the United Statesd.. M, memgon his passing. ‘for did ti‘ th. f r fiopk - pg . 7” conduct I “cum °°"°°‘-" any hi! or oil"? Pl” °‘ ‘’‘'‘'‘'°.'' The cine Count)’ gm is back- Lo ' was f K holta " """“"°"" ‘. ‘""°“ ‘-"‘ -didn't -mount to m°°h- 1“ ¢°“" . ." 3" - "F ‘"3’. 3 ' ’ “'9 “"59"” """” km‘ ml’ W 1’ ‘''‘‘°‘' ”°‘'“" °°°d'° we the shefirf! by oflerlnc a reward aavolimri-oil: hgfaibfo death’ by vial: comkurll-I d ’-no ililllgil .1Wc'r:‘! “my in we M-mm-'figmu" :mn'd'll‘“fd the ml: ‘::lIcetlld‘fnO: 22:3; ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ lessons there 1803.1)?-. tht 5935:“ tions. Arm)’ experiments Pl'°'°‘ of 85 for the arrest conviction do: when it bronttht help to where gs"? “ _A,t“me),_“(,.re:'_;a!'. l_\s he stood in line for_JudaIr:r;'t... rattan!‘ rite Pglclln ind." Bm pro. 1 01 of a collect °ll¢¢““°" “"_’“ld be m’ that the cootie problem is solved by of anyone making whisky. Williams fallen unconscious,: £5 . 6, "on tom a judge M U“: “'‘“'-"‘K ‘‘'‘h‘’”‘ °°"'pl‘"“ b-' ' .d'§ “fled 3 - h ’ hnnished ‘N The recent addition of an of huh, ‘mg gtgg-fliggfionx _ having been overcome by fumggi Fe . _ had so often waited before. 9 *3‘ ’ _ 4 17-room _ ll- d.‘”d.sdiool to the activities 0‘ ‘ ‘noise A short inspection of 7”‘ °‘'‘‘l’‘“¢“ ‘‘° '‘“'° “75'°°° from a gasoline engine. ?S“"°""" C°“"‘ °. “"11 ’‘h‘’’”’': to himself: “I reckon I won’! sl=m' uf life or limb ‘ Mr. Stone, if is observant at all, knows that these provisions are the heart of the traditional Amer-1‘ rails 01' provisions. lbqtherin’ folk. I ain't got no ex-g msrw «had an l -brkl:-‘ cusc, either. I'm just no good and- ng f n'n nf tpcerh or 0' the pr:-'5: - L a right n.’ the people peaceably to a.- caglt it’ . b n _ ; ,_,,n.,,,. . _ _ _ l rea going to e . Hot vsea-} I The right of the xavoplr to be seen in; their persons. :. hers and effect! ’ J-"'—" T ' V A ‘ ' Ab." an’ st unreasonable nearchcn nd u-o- : sure: shall not he violatnl. . . " ln all criminal pros am. the accused‘ i shall ' ‘ ad pub-,7 l I Open Day and Night P riches We have a mechanic that works at night and will do all kinds of repair work. \ FORD SERVICE Have your hearings tightened while you slzep. GENUINE FORD PARTS First-class Ford mechanics, day and night retained-—-because our . workmen are experts. ' .Work called for and de-' ; livered with our splendid warm proposition the best coal mined ___-._._ --, ..._a——_, at the price usually paid for the inferior grades. Lawn Grass and 'BernardS, ‘°”;,‘;i’.."€°{’.I..?.‘ .i“.’.°Z‘.i;'...’.ff.‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.:I.‘;’.‘:, ""‘ ‘ “' '§.‘:';,"°“' “'°“'l WINN GARAGE "" 5"‘ on the rt of '. d 90* Good 11°-e-wk Ho 7 N. 6th St. Phone 2135 7-mm "0 sons. and especially politicians and‘ ._ o g A double garag -. __ _ .._ ,-._ : _’_~__ 5 9' 8''’°‘ 3 O . ; " i. . — ‘J V 7 - - - ,, MILLERS l 1''” = - ---- i t --- . 1,9,1. , 5 no out %.O'MAT A ? '”"' ‘ J._ LOUIS CRUM *°°,.,,~,,.,.,,,,, shoes repgired um um. v _ J to : ,_ Plumbing andneating Co. .r - oak soled like new. even the : ; G ’- ’ -‘ " 2° 3 23 North Eighth Street C.;'3.p,.‘:,‘m‘8; bevel of the newahoe is 1 E'RE offering you a’ ' A - ~ nu‘ noon" , W Y _ l 1 l l BGTVIOB. MILLERS Flower Seed “The Best” sis Broadway ' “Say It Wltll.Fl0W€[S” The Florists v ’ l VANITY FAIR — ;— 3" 7 ,,..; ,. Cleaning Jud Pressin ‘ ' “ ’ ‘ ‘ " -’ ’ "“’* "“ ” { ~ - - - ~—-~ ~ _- .-. ._...__.__. .___ _,___ __., , ________ ,_____ Bldg. phone for Yofir Service. ' 8 3-9“! 31. Phone 709 \ ‘ \ hail! "* ——-' ~ -- ~— ——-— T - for Rgl Direct-by-mail circulars.‘ ~ ""',“'**=;;'= TYPZWBITING 3" cl "' A I ma nan Thesaashi MS Hill St.-—Phone H56 greén Call after 7 p. m. THESIS WORK Buy a freeze-proof j Tyree radiator and your troubles are over. E J. GRIBBLE. 2 24 C F E. W. STEPHENS Broadway at “If it islto’ be printed, Stephens can do it.” PUBLISHING co. Phone 15 by 143 um this home they upon the sale. of th x .__F.- iii 3.‘ r‘; - The Delta Gamma Sorority have listed with§us for sale, for a limited time only, their beautiful home, corner of Providence Road rind Bumhain. size of lot . Due to the fact that they have out- contemplate building a ‘larger e above. For price, terms, and full information, apply to , _ Columbia Insurance &.Rentsl A ggcy. . Hueh is ouii being. . ‘ We are—- giving .ci 7" rental service or 1. No. so ' * _..-re... .5 "I.TL‘°..?.i:i%I?L-€395. Dom‘ F0hG1:3'lT '. a .48-hour 00. Exam Banner I M “"2"-;:t'. ’.:.’,".3’«: .257‘. T1‘. asu:L nu - :~. . .;a.au.- ' I r. ...-o-.-..» —... .......o-4so " v , - __v_ _ ' ‘W? a A 1 . . . I _ ...a-.--..,.. ...— _'.-.401‘ deride.‘ Mail or economical V Youradvegrtiséingnt , in‘ the ‘Mi,ss9uridn’s Classified Columnswfll pay satisfactory am- phone -your adto us. gNote' these ‘so. -_o.'. . up-;t$,-.;J;1~:a~;3;: ..-1 ~‘.'_3“s"_.*'«-rfifi; ~ - , V - ‘. - . o." n .- ' _ ' L -“i " Lgé-?§""'.-" or. i ._“._ - ii“ ‘ - . A V ‘ -a. - -X 1.-'.. . 1-,.. ‘