;.<:~-~em»x*x—¢1?~eiuwe*.:roii‘as~e*‘71'?*?*'***‘*fi‘=-oi”?W.-«-o:~--- 2 . . ~ A l ~ Y - .~-...».~..w v-e:“=“'-‘ —.-;s—r . l V » ~ W C‘ rnriconuunianiésouniamwnnm-zsniiyirrznnuinréiezs-- — " .PA°='H.:*3"‘i _ I O ‘ ~ ' 1 Columbia .' . ‘IILIJIG diaearnn aux I ltaadodthef‘iitieralofJaaaa‘l‘arnor. iziiiiowirairrs IIAIIDICAP wemuaunoi. . ' - ' ° .H Ole ' . Fairvie . AIBICIAN UNIV8I8lTlE g 1, News of Galauiibia Society I °°°° '°_:°'-____.~_~;#~_ji-=» In and Near Boone County I....'.'.:....,,'.'°°' ‘W “ ' M __.___.,—_ , , ,_,_ .,“‘;:::: .; . '——~ e Ulltd POI‘! C’ (3100 HI. ' ‘ Dr. and flra. W. E. Ansell Iflll ' (‘oluiabla on bueinuit. He will re- . . “"4,” - - « ' l -v - - - ,. 8t-boob shun “Scratch , Mmvuefwe to Be 3 d C.‘ 0*‘ Drill ; ':i¢'l:V:YL ‘abelr son William are sick with in I “t . um... um, u, 3‘ [Dun-nmnd.» IbIa:'¢$'ltaIdl.pablifi¢il0°‘5Ul'$’°?“" =0-r lra.DoraJaeohaviaitedher-elaatil r.at n. aarzhiea -miniiieuzm daughter: wuieber-e'8nt|”d.'h°h”h.mm.hn‘.' J ottlieFhyettaAdvu-tlaar.vlll_bevFll¢l» -ind-lirlnihe-entncotneit , HP“ ‘Wm? *—w“"~§“-dneodiy. ;.w,°,m,,_din“,,,,,_i“,,i,. , g . memo‘ the toast of the School of Jou:nal- 353'‘ ‘I137 "94- A°¢°"‘3"l '0‘ Earl Powell tent to Columbia John Aahpaiiah. Paul sexton ha: cone to San An- _ ’ ';,.‘. u...,-,.;., ",4 may .1 an. Eaton loiitgouiery l!I\lllJ'$Ill'l93l y A re: crowd from Huntsdale It-lionio Tex to spend the reinaiiidegl °°"'"""" """ ll‘; '1?‘ l'A°"’ am" ‘ . ' I ’. ; " ~. -- ' " aetsf nyote merieanin (. ‘R R L "in '” bog”. gmweek. do not bother to buy feed mist Charlie (‘oats went to R0('ll¢p0!'t£::3rT;‘ellT:lel:d:;ll' at Mrs. Edwards for we win“ ,:';“':m“';s ':,‘f*‘l“min‘ ‘N in . mus’. l’. " . ' . °.‘ 'thomaclvea. ll! led’ .» . .B.. an . 5“ " ‘WM mm’ nu’ Ciiydei i3.i."In"' um um Mm “ ltlniririteod K-‘:1! °:l:",:7‘0TlsuJ':!h.lIy iiiiainueh ime . dance: Mn. Beanie Dennis of McBaine7fromul.o(i:i‘i:i.pbe“"wm‘:e1:l‘t:id2li “"’ ‘ '‘”‘‘'’‘'‘‘P- ' S.ev_-en_ .- )1”. Hugh Iuir. ra..1r women 9”’ ‘"4" . of the School of ' - ~ . '“"‘- "’”°" “A chicken ll healthier if it has-3 9-a_ I . . . 111.1}. in con ‘.3 . , _ ;visited at the home of S. W. It-l~'u;¢ fun“; of hi, hog-,,,. , _ ' Journal rlted. will ha 3!‘!!! . ; , , " . ‘LI. Ianths. fl‘ I“ wtdur s'f in 3,o,:ugg.:‘,;n;., g. 3,” Corn la atill beta: bi-otltbt to the» J. 1‘. Hopper visited with J. B. loway laat week. _ . g,.,_ £d'"d 3”...” of "(m1rd|:;a‘:;r.:iwh“é:rha“l:‘~;!:ra.. $2‘ I; __spe“ ‘ wand ant C C Lkhg”, '3, hgazuaifromd to 5:!) o'clock tornorr'Owaft»:"‘m" ‘ 3°“! “ ' u'”°';P°"~’“ 3°MI)’- Q mol;edE;°B;:kIEd 'f;!!lll)' R l|I\.'(';Cou!l1)' ‘returned Thursday from mdm.d‘;nl...‘ ‘ ' more ‘pay ‘M31593 ‘u. 3""? Rip“. ‘in Vifié ,moon_ 3;“ 3,54 fin that moatly inmjiI:1.b‘I:Iha.llhamouut!::xConnd Thornton went to . peed " at Tofu‘ hm 3 Irm. Ymiflp ti? l:.. where{a:ileha(-;lieen; The pmfessor found an‘ one of to Rkh.d.- u‘rk¢t ' Whetton and lliiis Queqidournaliain student: in Jay ii. Refflfdgzflgflzom J‘ Mn.-nstgflin °"d*A if lfhwfiiy ‘ha fit’ mmd L?‘ Cw, Bmnin‘ '0, rum‘ “_ain",u"_d ' '°‘ " “"° ° ‘"’ “"' the chief obstacles to the develop-; than to any _other m iflall Auditoriurn at ll oclollk Fn-tun tn ‘amuen ‘ad to perm" E éuri. Fflby. ‘tendedahe dun, ‘inn by Jahn A._h_' ' __ ___.____A merit of national conacioumeaa in ‘ meat mgrkgt in Co. . -- gflfi. 1. 0. liockaday eritertained; 4|! fllofllmlto T1118 lvllk ll OP"! W i “'0 mm . am or two ; ‘wmum Robert‘ V” hm Sundw‘ "ugh 1~u,,d”. ,,~,gm_ Centralia ' llllii country is the continuous influx ‘, . rumba. Th“ word it; ipao: of His. Beverly Putt -n<|f"'° P" - j b .11 ‘and b g,.-,,,,,,,, ,.,,,u.,u -1 C. E. Northeutt and Prof. R. ll. - ‘°' "°“' “'°”." "’ ‘.' '°‘.""'.'°"" """ begins with an “S" 14" 36113" “°‘'‘‘'‘‘’ °‘ 3”“ ‘nu Boone Chapter of the I-:asi.,"T."°m k':u°',°m":; mm“ thick’ an, 35,... u.n..».,- .,;,;g.d uninmbenon. both of Columbia. visited Harry Jenninn spen: the Wt-Clio’ u*"“'"°“" "‘""“"°'”‘ "“' and end; with an * .. Cit)‘. ‘nae 011*! 0*“ "'"icm star will meet at the Twilightlh‘ on me And u we ”‘w“.s_ g,,,,,,,, u_.,,,, .the school here Tuesday. end _in lloherly. _ i 1 v- ' _ ..E_» App‘). it to .~ an. Job *1 5¥"°'v "'?- °- “'- llall tonight at mo o'clock. . . ' . ' ' Calbert spent int; Victor Hunt. Richard 9001531’ NI» F-mom F-rt was A 310*" 7'" ‘.“”“° '“"‘ "'. 5‘ ‘‘'’.°’‘ °‘’ ° and see ’ . flggea. lira. Florence‘ Kllflt. "11 ._.______. !°’°"" chld‘ "'°'" ‘rm kn‘ '‘‘.,_.,k in nu, mun _ iand Elbert Jacobs attended ll‘.e°"l"ll°T -‘l0Ddl)'- ' hf’ ¥°m”'” .“’m"m~l‘ "15 no‘ gt isn't. J p gunaiiie, lira. Frank Bellini. The Delta Tau Delta fr-aternity.¥°°_d f“"‘l)' m"l“'l- - xi” Gertrude Dd’. vim“ ”"_‘d,,,(, ” J0)", Ampwgh-_. -]-,_"d" 313,, Luci}, i.-ow,,‘i,, was , r.,-: thinking of Asaitie mcnaceii. Dawes ' aiid ‘Uri. 1.. D. you Holtxendorff. announces the pledging of Charlesl \‘"9“' 'm°°m’ °f l_“'" fwd‘ W 3 Hum Fridu. night, ' llumbia visitor Mondu . ~l‘l'"\" 0? lflfihlfll 0|-lllllli‘ 553 lmml-" ‘ ‘ ii... W. G. llanly had as herfscibold of Alton, in. gar; hem: -old to Columbia bow‘-.: ‘M ' W B H t‘ . I 1 h '0 ; Dew’, Ckmm W, “W (. B -. 3,1,, .,.d an A, B, c,,.,,.., ,,...... dam locality. lie in more conceniod; 3 g R V I C 1:; _ .7 i ' Ibert K Beckel 'HrI.' ‘ ,wivea. generally a rack or two at, "- - - ““ "W 9‘ " “'1 ' " 'ir¢-turned from vi it ' \' ' Yo k.7 3-" *0 “'5”? N‘ ""l" l“"¢l‘ ""5 lf . ‘$3 135- A - o . . . . L 11, Coats and wife attended the funer- ‘ ' "l i 9‘ 7 . . . . _ W O. "L . tlmf. for Ill! cllltkfllfi. ".0? dy. C ‘ of J"‘ie G Turner .‘ '1-“ir‘.“."‘ Mrs‘ ‘.9. mo’ Ind d‘uzhtcr hr ‘5 ‘on-lg ‘O f'nd mrhn‘ Quart. . 1. bun" “nu “nth 20' ' N“ M“ ‘"‘ hem‘ b°“‘h'*v M‘'- b- ' (B 7 om; -d:(:m ‘O 0 um’? S.m,d.).‘ ' hlary were (‘olumliia visitors Mon I 7" hi’ °’*’'- , ' Phone 270 ‘ ‘llont me ' aai because oats "' °" ‘”",‘"" ,", 5‘ , _ E ' . up “If I were asked what the United. Ira. S1fPhfl| l- Lllllloaid and - “ego. ram” C " I Mn. Suaie “'ilhite visited Mrm] 7119 BIN!" V0134’?! "Wed lllmll _.u . , ‘gun. M‘ ‘ "um" i, thinking I .- ma, C. S. Richardson were boa» -"‘ "lr A110“: ‘V: 0 I; w_ B_ Hum Snmvhy. at weak. “ Edwnds {arm 1-u(,sd.)._ ranii e it) man and Chester; - - ' - For Gad Mam ~..... ufln. ii. is‘. llibhard. In. . P°°' 9"‘ ‘W l “' ' *° . 1 kg were Mexico t-isitnrix Sun- '°’-‘M l‘°“"-“'3' h“"' "’ "fly: .0‘ ere are from the North, and are‘ . L M A n J . h Dewt-)' (‘leoiena went to Jefl'era¢in|1;"'°“}l‘)' lrlllln "|‘?t' UK?" in T0? ’- 3' fi‘d° "' ° ' ‘ma-on’; lira. bl. R. Wine ia viaiting1'rienda- i, . ,5 go 1}, , ',.,.d ' C“? °" b““““‘ F"ld‘3'- W 9 C an ‘ . 3 yrs. W. G. Stephenson. ;mDC upe or c oa i- rai in. i nntliini: at all. It isn't thinking.” . - i *“ *"*‘ . 7“ "aka. ‘ 9 h. ‘ Juk Hudwn ‘ad fun"). ,.i,gu.dl Mrs. J. )1. Clay. Mrs. Altha .\’au-? 34198 Bl8fl§'l1(' BT‘_'“'fl°l1 §P¢'"l flit‘. Enjoy an evening of furi—-oee 9 Ira. Brown Glenn entertained, Dr. C. W B“! “Tm ‘O ”.-“s_1l ‘' "°"‘°"- _ .M,,,.__J_ M_(:i,). s,tu.d.y_ iser and Min Katherine TrimbleT"°¢‘l<-"id Will‘ 7'“"“l" ”‘ (h'”''‘"BlIIllfl.ll Mr. Bobbin" at Christian I11.‘ C0078? 3004- 75¢ Othflivilk wdna ' A"'°ld3' lb"? '3 II ¢‘l¢‘1ll|Ml 70? p,m.,- (ftemems went to (‘_o]um.‘vi.~ited Mrs. Ola Snodzrass 'l'ues- °°ll'9- ‘(‘(illl'].'t‘ Auditorium l“i-iday night. ’ c H . M‘AI2l' “‘“"‘ ‘“ "l" ‘"““° "W. H177)’ Champion of Fayette visit-j bmivvh I drew L. Mayea and wife lots 1. 2. ’‘‘d be“? F"ld‘3'- 1—— 7 ;.;..;. Stephens Girls to Give Program . 3“ )1 Tue J ’ , - nd 3 f K tn ' S b. f rt 1 Mr. Emmett Pipes of Roche-port} T. W. Gardner of \\'oodlandvill«- . , _ l. . ""°“_’;;d“;',f"“"”,,.’,‘,',:"° ".“°' am in mi. 0rton:cl'?:i:|t-n:ii‘eho:il. l:f1t':3 arr; s.‘pTn .321.“ 0:1-+93 . ii. visited L 1.. Hum. who is my ill.‘ was here Friday. u,,_fl"’c§;’,‘;c°‘ ;““{’,,"j‘”"p°‘:';““ ‘“‘,' l'a'a'a'a'a'a'a 'a'a'a'a'a 'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a‘a'- it lflbfll Vofl Ctrflfd, . . , ; ‘ ‘ ‘ - , , - — ‘ _ ‘ 0 m in 0 . _ l in ‘,‘km_im duiflw ,lllll moi-giint for borne in Stur-i 51-l'l1h$500.L in . _I-‘r£)da)l.nnd Jewel D‘, and “n 01. tyM‘(')::I;:f,I?ui\l:i(;fn)¢.)l Howard (‘nun chrmi“ Endumr of the m_”h)_‘! fie‘ musical nroer-in will be ‘mu’ ' m ‘M '"" """i" ' {"1 v‘ "V 3'" PM “W :0 snoam no \'lIlll‘t.l my: ii (‘i -m Pohcrt amiiii hai-‘rt-tur ed i.. in ~‘"‘‘‘” ‘7’“’"" ‘” mo °'°!"°" 8"“ I 1 y a 1719880 9 ‘b ‘P of numb." by “mid.” ‘darn to recover from a recent ill. ll. ll. Garrett and wife. lots 1. -. Una‘: A a . , ., “wit. nigh w w".rk it "day t-veniflll. The {ollmi-ins: Sun-_ g f I ale Um Ry of me I398! 3 and 4 In Block 1, Nlltllell place, ~ 5- ' -0 - id“). U", progrnm win hp “W0” by ‘ ‘ Dr. Edith Salmon. graduate of the C''""'‘“‘' M°" “"759 .“.d"rj"ri" M". Berni"... Rhdmmdl - Min,‘ Rm”. HEM. Md “'mi"'" El’ . the Christian ('ull(';:(' girls. ~ . ""....;."‘.:.':.': .‘°3‘..*.°'.;°.";*...°°"*'°.... .; o come as omens»: P- i are and on r;.::::;;* f“ °' ”“‘**‘*°‘ :r:.':..*;%:*::'.. t '. tbfinu Vhkh ‘m “HOV the. um. and {on-ucfly cf Boom. County. ‘em Fenton. 5:“ part of 'l\ 1/g of 5“ 3 ._ - 35- ~ . of sweetness - . . . ' ' " T. F. Sutton and Joe Strawri ofllo SP‘-‘lid lb!‘ Wt'1'|H‘nd. ‘bk. no Appiuon 0”. am manna‘ 61-4811. containing 44.6: acres. _ _ _ , v v . _ , . . . Columbia new hen :1 buying; Mrs. Bert Loslnlorth and lit‘? rum .. T TES Ibo Frances Brewer and Ilia: rgegmgforlgg '2 ':.:"m "' s, M, uyerg and wife to omen ‘Thursday. 0 . ’?l"8ll.'lt‘C were here Friday: I N S W .Wl1llI!I8 Will fl?! 8% ‘nth. e 0‘ ' ' ostto. D. \\’aixhin¢ton‘and wife lot l9 and: P, N, Hunt and family vigiu-d all L’ B_fl'edlo“c and iimny 371‘ how , I . , . ,_,J :31 mun ex; iin:u_ )lar&i‘oric E. 16 im off lot 20 in Crouch‘: ad- _ the home of Walter Blackw;-ll last i °<’;;'P>"'g *(’3°‘§3"mInhh°°i::- 4 Mt 0"w___26 Cm“ ! obtainable at HARRIS In thetwo ° 5°“! I Jau nc- dition to City of Columbia. $800. ~ - k d_ ‘ ‘ 11- . - Will! 88 on (‘NW ' i ° ‘, ' ., lI.‘1'be Quadrantle Qneheatra wil l '. T. Anderson and wife to W. M; A,hcmfl and “mm. ,.;.iu.dil'ined to her home with a cold. i and lClll'€€’p0l.’ll'ld bOX88 .Wlll ‘hfflthe dance. Tickets may be - .‘ P. Cotton. lot 4 in W. T. Andi-raon'a«w;[f and Mn on;-‘t m¢~k,;—,3. -g,m.,i'*"“'- '3‘ 3'"''P'"'''' C] k I I 1 further toward patching -up hi! from any of the Guild mem- V ~~ sub, pf 14, at 13 ‘mg ‘'11 Log, ‘ ' spent the week-end in Columbia. at ml) ement ' - - kn. A . M" u Boone C°(‘Z::'iit:';w m ‘d lg. in c,,u‘,l‘,"f.“,¢ ,0 Pity o,.Co_.».i-imam M We Mi ‘ W, ,,i, ,,,,,i,,. ,,, Co u strained relations, or even a mu. uoumfs ‘('0' mitted February 2. was diacbarted '“"""" ”5°' McBairie visited with Albert rhom-;”f,‘::;°"‘;_‘;‘:‘;f' :';‘;*fflj";nf,"t;‘;f;e. A “many quarrel, any day than mere 3“ Annual Tea «'°d'>- , '8. B. Itouedge llaa .\'e- Position. _ l°l;“:ri<:)a.);;l.n “com "6 i his km i’ "mm man comfomm. Phone 891-8th and Cherry I words. ' - '—'«':—' R.B.lltled . ‘h "ed b’.-L ' '9 75" "°“-i . ‘ _ - 1‘. Wu noun" or Comm“. aka" lehortal and University. doctor.‘ delirrecgfier: ho‘:-::,'i;,‘. ":5 ‘ who have been visiting her parents‘ Mr‘ ‘Ind n”' T’ A’ ( “mm! M alSO make 3 favorable “flrfit VI! live their annual February‘ “ ‘dmntad ht. yuuflhy was for some time instructor in Tl""'°v "ll-""*‘d l° ‘hell’ l‘°m° ‘ll Phi "’ afternoon and today were: Eugene “O10”. 5,, the University has re-ll“ G'°"° M°'"llY- ll‘l‘ll)l\¢SSlOl]_’i They are .Cupid’S ,,_, , ,0 5 0%,“ _‘ we ham 0, mm $1301:-wngggerg; Jags; ,,,,,,,,, M, ,,0,...,,,, ,, ',,,.,,,,,,.; Mrs. 1...». Hunt.‘ in... llattie; own deputies, accomplices to la. Rosa loads. 1504 East Broad- cuymgn Mr,‘ K.“ min’ Jen state geologist of Mlssotri to takeg'“"_°"‘l°"- “W R. 3- 3°d"'°"d "id many a sugcessful courtship, .R3'. The public is invited. .(~‘n, 3'0"," 'S‘_eMon 6.0‘ R’ charge of the geological work of~ehiidren. Mn. C. B. Coats and aon,. Proccedsofthetea willbeuaed ' - ' r" n..... Frances enema. rum.’ W S°°"*°'" ‘"1"’ "*4 ’‘'°'***°"* . p e ' Hgt Biscuits—f6{Dinne§l Si th state work of the War_Ch.m.e_ Pu“ “-i”“n,". Jd” Oklahoma division of the Philips: . 40'. Muthu Make ‘Cm WI-th Washington: Clark and Paul B. Nichols. ”""°"""‘ ‘7°"’P“"3’- The member: and pledge; of_ u;¢« _Th°'¢ dlxhlfled '9"? Ellilbfih Mra. A. A. Millard la Jrnproved. ; if you prefer. ' Illllaril Ifi W :5“?! Delta Pi sorority entertained‘ :o‘:_:lhS"'c“’:‘iuElh’l E"‘"‘ ‘ml H97“ , Mrs. A. A. Millard. 105 Stewart? Q ‘. a dinner at Harris’ last‘ ° ° road. who has been ill of influenza.‘ I QM and a liii’eu-[arty at the B311 Edwin Michel. Barry C. Griffiths. is recovering. mt afterward, celebrating‘. the Chester Gardner and James Dau¢h- -_———_o——-—- '. ~ - A — - .— -——-———-- -o - — --—- —----‘V - -» -oz--.-« fl of their 89%’!!!-til)‘ quarantine erty were admitted yesterday. 7'7 ‘ u‘”°“"“9 """t “L ‘ . _ ’..'.‘°''- "* ‘W N" P‘ ‘W °‘°**'°*'* ’~ *‘°">'- M *‘°'‘"- W ' wonnn GREATEST Q aaraiitineo last Tuesday when hide Fm-ese. and Chauncey Sim!» ‘E 8 “:0 found that two of the mem. son were dischlrxtd yesterday. . . . l M "M '''''’°'‘ C RCMMAGE SALE CONTINUED " Quality Pfmtmg - ': - ' ' - - ' ' . ~ 3 0 _ marriage of Miss Jeanie El 35 Kings Dauirhterii on Satur “,fiting papers forlaan needs. V 3 be T8. 8' ' in: to Smith George took day, February 7. at 811 Walnut Saturday. Jan ' 31. ‘ St. treet. beqri ’n t 8:30 . . "Do- Direct'b_5°’m3" Circ" , ° ._. flmg lath Hrs. oi.-or:emeu Tutu. L hatioriii vi-illnnlie‘r:ceived ‘I-‘rida'm ,~ be-1| Embossing and engraving. tempnng every n the Unireraity laat I-Etfilllftll 10 and 12 a. in. at 811 Wal-. .. - - - h. ‘ d -t N 7 , " ~. ' x’/"T III a menu" of an. MP5,‘ pg“ “L Ad,._13¢,133' If ll ‘5 '4’ be l”'"'l°d* Sup ‘"3 C3“ ° ' ° T CAI-X 3‘/a 1'11 1" QLNT Cm IIAIIII I v \ l !lr.ridIl.Geor-[ea-ill ——;—o-——- _ i ' ' ..., .,,,., ,,,,;,, in ;;,,,_e, _,,_m Y... .. ......,., .,,,,.....,..,.., .,g . E. W. STEPHENS PUBLISHING C0. , :h0ohl\l’| instructor in the hith ,)‘ou do not read and use Missourian B''°‘d'‘'33' 3‘ Kl“ Ph.°”¢ ls . ‘ want ads. _- ‘.1- ._ _- - . ~ .. _.. - ._ ..__-.u 1:-—_ ¢._.——1—.<— —.—_-A_-.é.____.j.¢ ....3 ....._...___j i . 3. . 'nner 1 ; ....:‘«:'“...::.:...'"e.*:'.:‘‘,..:’.‘..‘1’;i HAVEN? You No- I D » C0 : uni-e borne of Ira. J. r. Nieholioii. - ' pl a ' In J. w. Burch mi. the imu»... A menu Tm; 131331.31; ii a J °u".'i' 3.§'"°‘ "" '°" It-lie CROWDS AT THE’ “Modem Fuel for Modern Homes” 5, '50- siguu Phi ‘Epsilon- ’ ” ___ _; ' 5 JUNGLE LATELY? ' The Goya Leaf Bridge Club win: _, "““ltlIeboirie of Ira. Or-me: ::c"‘°°n at 2 o'clock The Last War --- in hats for the motions, misses and children have just been received at the Estes-Parks hat shop. ' = 1 These hats were brought only a few do ago by Mra Johnson who is now at market Chi- cago. Their styles are the chic ones that fashion is sponsoring this season. This shipment includes models in silica. straws and felts. Many of them artistically embroidered and others ve smartly tailored. Also um of the popular loria Swanson shapes. The dren's hats are made in adorable styles. . A shipment of zoo bats has already arrived, and o era are c this afternoon. Be sure to see this w display ofeinart millinery. ..,_..—-a—-— . .--¢.-— Fred A. Dalton Sam F. Dalton -.._ E Y0ll'llfll|dIKO0IlKIl|8‘ '. C. Brown will enter-taliif around aiut any tlaie o" ‘at zoo o'clock tomorrow Clio ill ' mriit7 am; i 33‘ “"i“l l i“ .£".=...'I.‘.‘.i‘.:£*."‘...‘:.' 1.13.?‘ .‘£:é -* ’ c } F I J R l l I ‘ >- -.__‘—.....—._.- §\.‘ iii:'riiii.s: Straight claaaic liaea; some but cl-‘H - with S ahapcd arms and tapered letl: COM *3“ "'5 hacka, (l); lloriaontal fill-lna to chair backs: 8-tiuwood lnlaya. (2). In our large stock of second-hand furniture you will find pieces that you can use at a saving. - Our used furniture is sound and refinished. ll andiricoiiaequenceliiaplecahave charmlirix simplicity. Hia chain have rectangu- ; larbackafortbclnoit withbmeqcurved itoprailaandoftuilatticefill-lnahorizontally .1 5;: so 3: it p. ' Some pieces you could not tell from new. i 4 placod._ Arm aiiw°|'“.Irc ¢tl_Illl|‘tM'lfll last 2 u . -p Club will an a Whypaymorewhentliesearejustasgoodl E ‘ $ . p I Bruno of Baler. ire. . ' ' I ’ .‘ - s°°“"'"'t" C “ESTES PARKS A ,,,,,,,,,;;;,-,_,,,‘ ughes urmture . . A i . __ p be Beach-pieeariiieneiphien ' 90.5’? w‘l'“‘t . . . . "V o - ii‘ . .- . - .. , f . ‘+ A ' u w ‘M w . _ i‘. I ' in . " ‘ ‘ ‘ V . " " I‘ R l - ’ ‘ ‘ . ‘ fly ", --- . - ~...\-r"‘~ .‘r"" .~- ‘J’ I--'.¢»'-:~-»~'.- ' ’ . A.Dai|ll|c. . _. , _ _ . - _ _ . _. ; _. :_. . . -;.f%i‘.§&;‘q§;i?hg“:gE.:/:1-ip. ' _ __ ,5 ‘:3. i'i'tv'.-i.;.~.C: - " J- ;~..-,~«./ " i .-fijfikons. .4.o'§i§i.@\.i,’ae‘; - -'- ‘ v~”- ‘ ‘*r - . '-" - - ~ - - - a 'o » ‘ ‘- ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘