- G». 'V” ‘."."5"",. _ .. . . . . . "FT." r W “ - —— *'?",’-'-"*’."' -' ..’v 3' -vrwo ‘T’ "."“- .' *""-'U"'.»"‘~ "‘-‘. V - ' ' ‘ /- U ___.-_-_‘ v_ I____’'__ ,_ ... __ .....\, A V - <- “ff-;v.‘.-'A ‘;_ ~~~-' _ r i*- A o T x -‘ J 2- A ,__n ‘ t ‘ - : - I _ . ‘gC,x""%$ . «:."’< 3‘, ‘- ‘ J : tr, . . ‘ . ' . . ' \ .- _ l, ‘, . _ 1 " . . ' u . ‘ , . _. 3- j 1 ~aIa 91 I ' ' Q __ ,___, ..— it-r 4" " ‘. pm," .,,, ,,,,,,,, W .0 M AL and MARY ROYCE and 2 ': |:.":' - V ' ‘ ; > J . AY, . 0 i l we . ' I _ _ —- -———---- -'——"*' w "1 ""_" ' "7 ' FWW ’ ' W l1-. Wu. 3;. :-.£5 -- - E ~ o It o. ms!NEw N(ipls'[[)P» » o- I»-. . . .;- _ swoggvo ,.’*°»‘°"l"" ,,.,,,,,- ..- ,.." i... i.....: . . pm. an-mu n.- ‘ :1 it 1! Q ' C 3 , , SCOOP 0 ' J * M ,,:‘_- 1__:—uj-— Ell-...iEé‘iFll so iDO¢ToanaWllG¢_‘7!'?0.““ ————-—— chrio¢=.no' early V ‘ : ' ' U. U.‘ Alldltflflllfll tan. '4' I!-.D-l-"V¢fl"' °l’‘''‘' 1‘ an’ . _ . ‘ ’ 3,‘, an :0 3,‘... |,...tiolu are: Fraali Endehrock. Cha H1“ not been mffigigntly all-l5l"""“:“mh“.,¢' |i:cn‘c!l‘7"ll I I100‘ -——~———-—----~ --—--. '4 Hrs. R I. : Tu ' ‘L "P: Ag'811¢Y- ‘llow ;en—a which has been‘ wan?!» Wmllml D‘"”"v Al?” lory to warrant the CW1"? of Aw“ . ' “P ;:w Sen .. l . ' if Mrs. Kennel 9533? . Oakland. 812 W - .‘ . . v do! it utl.- . . - a stop flight from I ‘Kilt - ' - l - m u T — "-""—-—. ‘M by may III “C 339'! Gr‘ m‘yt0n Me’. A . lUIa‘|C9o It be Laf. Idi mo m . . -"ta: SCCWIYL Mr ’: DEAN QIT—:-al.l:l§S:- PLEASE)" :1; Ill-. cm- WOULD ADVE3-ms}; S‘l'ATEipo-«ll: "t-=Ihl=.¢nlo" vol"! lo ‘Noll """ ”°¢{E":;‘,"“;‘;‘_'v::”‘"°‘ “'"“‘""i Joseph siuapich. i>m3d°"l of {Their pore:-ful plane. it 480- Saaahlae . . T- ‘:3 ”'""" ' ~ ~.- ' nu - ——--—— . l United Statea la loutod. *0“ ‘ll ‘ school. gave a is resume of ; , 3 0 " . “ed 5” 8. 5u_a.. Rite 9- ! --—/ . Momrt . 4: run?» EActioii l[a)’.Enable Better: The moon-, snot-inn to i.nn.,,. I-Inmimtiont tor entrance to ‘the; mcmm mt we um, bu Md. ? :1‘;)!‘;:i):\\‘£:;.ivef"il'K.l‘¢‘: #3:: urge M an ‘"8 7 inc’; 0 in C_ Is P uhr we 7 P‘ . - - ' . d In at - as . . .. o . : Ill‘ 1 w E » ' o 0 8 W as M W m sum Ac‘ 3 5 l nowflflum 103' ‘ h . F nch *S5.on ‘n W '_ ‘ to “TS. 1 u y Fun WiOlg‘O Hinneaholia-St. PauL I Co-;,rdlna%n lnonnal low tetllpelilvllfl 51;? ‘vggolbet ‘fzfm bi; éitfl Queen" were led ‘:5 J’l;_1fi:§Af:’)":'I.. re PM . . ‘t when - ' » - . i-km V o v 0. ' “W "W.W'lno.who' inc ree- - - -- * of Intrigue and umnoeien. 8 ii. II-—lll1oi¢lP'*l Omes 9 _ 3 :1‘, :3 S ‘:0 ,nbf:°',, "racks, near St. Louis. on lurch 3.; me $1," ow largest. 113;,’ mfmommixw '1' -*’*""""""‘"* Mn. 1 0 . Hulnor. or-ganoreeital. for Pllbllclty. o A‘ . n“m“‘°'." of an open .'a'.on;'l'l:eae examinations are aln-use number of mmimu-om Wm be con. wglrld record will be cmme'd by? . _ _ _. ,0--- h 5. how,’ 0f 1 ‘ ‘ ——-—| 2 t,,,-,,, ,,,,g.,,,_ “mu — siren at no moi‘ post ‘do.-red as candidates. ‘ E _ it , S .- , { l; 3,‘ , . Mn. ‘RollW* 5 ' ‘lhe co ovmv "1"" "‘“"“‘l TODATS MARKET 4B’Ji:r§l7l':nso\' crri: 1-‘ b 4 A’? b iii: may gm. uyieyof ,-cor‘ '1'h¢J°"°'io¢ “"d°"“ ‘°‘ lb” urn arr in-ry Virxioio Dow g':nr::e?:htl?i:r?n‘o°l>n:io.t:‘.§em; is loag.“;I‘giae' mun. "4 ‘ 1 ""' CM’ 1’ °‘ V " 'm 5' w‘?e.‘u5‘-iu {—““; 970905“ “’ '51‘ °"'.th: ‘St ph‘ ‘m m {an kw" ' school 'fm “kc we enmimti°n': schult. Ilafdlret 308135. "V" ° ‘I fllsrlit exceeds in distance the croslfii e . "."‘° John E poinplete form in the Idnivernuq 3“; st. Louis Ltreatotk. Association as a state organlaationfi Augonobfl.‘ whfi ‘man’ 30 £201 vias.n%l:;ncr3l‘llurd. gobert Stephen.‘ Ruth nu). pach,d_ and mum”. . mad? by Umwé: Lu ‘cute an .‘ ?,g;esh,khBl::; Al|llll°Tll3‘'l “'3 °‘d‘y ‘km’. ‘ nu... ' vi the nioti n of tin advortia-1‘ gouge ‘ December ' '°’ '" ' t‘ mg"““ '"'.'.n' Helen Meredith. Only those perfiol‘-“ S» t .-. Li uleliiints 0. G. Kelly and " - - . “"5" lb‘ ‘“"‘°” °fna;_s:h:°°l of n,1\?:;0NAL STOCK YARDS’ ‘ lg. P0b1?-‘?l)' 1!? Wm 01 ‘-59 ‘Sauce. to dogmtealna are atillmi: ?°””°“ S’£l’2:':°"'mC.h'fl°§ “ who htve purcharcd llCk(‘l:< to the Jfxfic, M,:;;ead_‘._ “,5. 2 ‘md 3' 1921' RADIATOR 0‘ an; .\lrsi"-l-(« ° Thia ' ttle—Xarliet. 3 ' ' - T . . ' - . iamion. ic ein. usu: .. n » . . i , e— - -.- . - ._¢ rs. - Fine Arts. f ‘I: ‘ hugely, 4 ,a ._ . _Y ‘£t8l£.’l8 advocated in a bill that hlliopgg-gugn mu; pvery indica.taonA shuts hm" Be mm vets“ C"- Scoop will be allowed to \0l.t OI And._"_ Announce, L.nd,‘“,. 1 ‘in an n. .% M” “W ‘W ''’° ° ° ‘"" °" luim beet -leer» 3309- NW" been mlrodoood to both the Some that the svil be driven all winter - V . the queen. M ‘r A dr W8 51] West Broad-~ ~- ' has who t°°°"““l'*'~ ""‘°“".‘ "V" steels and in-iiers. 362508: con i and Home of the Fift)'~'l‘hird con-iond thaty the darn will set a Year with-oi. John Doyle» G°°’¥" 9‘““"3' ~—-—‘*"* iv t-' nnnofinoid 'ni« candidacy tor H. J Gribble "mck R" I ago “The In reaario." 154503550; an .0“ Anemuy. lo“. Ray ‘Bosnian, Charles Lusli. I’. Is. SEES FOR BURSTING B0lLER.ci:l)...mnecwr this “flcrnoon. ML 1‘ Nag. ‘ Stewart. moor roll‘ ll! lb‘ W" °°"'l’°'."°§sa7563.2s; calves. 81401425 ; The nionoun Association. which‘ -———~——-—— ."°'"” "5 -'°’"‘ "‘*’*'"- . ‘"“‘**“‘ « ¢ Andrews maltcis the eighth entry 2‘ ' ""“ 8"” was given here. ntltwng ' °‘,_ ‘ gm,’ 11,000; .53, be,“ 5‘ V0,; .10,‘ me‘, 15n,.1,u>m:oPR|g1‘|oNs Rfl1Um‘]'ED Most of the students talilng the M. ii. Ppinhertoa $38-i 0 for um om“ ‘ _i 0 A 0 ,5. ‘_ S, , : he in Of hi‘ber: hegvy, {gf gome thy-gu‘h it; u 15;? of examinations ndhlfiie _ pnnclpal E. G. 'CAuI5tCf ‘Of DIHIIC. ~ - lg.-J 0 ‘asses ‘O ; original Italian. £11.15; “.45 , 1o.55@ll.l6; lie -ct arr , -aid no mod, min,-43"“ C‘'‘‘“' 4”" 3“""l llolnlmenls A 1 en" vlosmlr ‘fl ‘ . ll. Pemberton filed suit this o—' * o “* "' ""’ 1:‘. M. Tisde. ' flour: wrote three (Nil 9110118.? gmgn; 11:11 lights. @1955? .I;‘9§1L‘)' ti‘; bill. which spon-,5. sch”! hr Du" "' 5'3"‘ '*° ”“""' “"9 ‘°‘d“""°5-' morning in Circuit Court against . . and Mra. W. 3 “rite linrringe of Figaro." "”°"'laoidnc -Iowa, 39.35910; pies. $8@ '5or1-d in the Senate by A. 1.. no: A hehrinz was tiroh by the Sons Others 1-kin: them ooh’ h-Vt Il- Edgar G. McAllistel' for $335 tori ‘ - Mrs. Erot- ' Giovanni." and ‘The I!!!“ nil“-" 9.50: hulk. 3l0.50@1l. .Cawle)‘. or cutlnxe. and Dwightlate aphropriationa committee at ternate appointments and upon, damage done to the bone, of um‘ i. Q.’ ‘g. ‘or M". cw _ thine, the one to he heard here 9 sh,.p._3¢¢¢jpu, 1, ; ct. ll, gram,‘ of popl‘,..3iu“'. ‘ad iullefierson City last night to the pauin5,\-ill be acceptc for. en-. hening phm in pembermn Han l V ‘uau we" - 5; the most popular '1‘ is based on. ,ge.dy; ewes. 89@10.'i'5; canners ' um you“. by 1=;dw.;-d 11, “'int¢r, of‘ Board of a the School trance if those having the prmcl- 3 and the pain“ f urn, Barton . Wm“! comedy by Beaumar-in“; cam”, $3@8.5o; wool lambs. won-gmon, gnu otberg, ifor the Deal’ at lfiilton. 13. Sydney pal appointments are not accepted‘ The phimi" “at” that we dc-’ _ Robnett, Mn chaia. being a sequel to that frrit-3 31-; 13,25, ' Aid in Publicity. ‘Stephens of Columbia. a member of by the academics. ‘rend: t b _t th bone of the ;: M,.,_ Sidney "'5 f""°°' 3" .°‘5°"“ "T""' 7*’? hi“ ‘‘ °'‘‘*“'’'‘ "*" ‘*9 9"‘ I ‘h’ ”°"d° '“‘“"°" "".’7”“""" AD\'A.\'CE riciii-rr s.7ii.E ‘llcatilfl pill? by either lie:-inittinz' TONIGHT AND THURSDAY Reiicrviltloll The English translation of the‘, St. lam! l’*°"“"- ,r<‘I”lbln_2 l-h°.P°“"!‘5_ dlll-‘Of .0‘. The report presented waaconciae, FOR SCOOP OPENS Tom“. the boil" to free“. or allowing: ._» -__« 30‘. p_“,,.. M j original ltallIn_ Opera libretto by-.iiySl_lr““‘&)'I','i's‘ no Feb 4’__E‘g5‘thc Missouri llsfoclltfoni Pr0_Vl¢l_1nlrland the requeata conservative. They ______ (. wue, to F1 100 mm The, .,- .:. 3 M. L. Llflbcol ‘ flu” D’ Pom '3 by K’ 0' Os‘: First‘. counuy canal" ed. antic. ‘;"’ :',‘‘°‘‘‘‘’l’’‘‘_'c't‘’.’‘‘l’ '; "."" """°";‘d“°'{"i"“"'-“,3 ‘°" '“°"">' ‘°' ‘°‘°"°"' "3," "lo" 5"‘ l"°"wl"°d ‘ll ’°*"'""' property was leased to A. E. !\'or- ‘<3.’ : Nowell. . : ‘ , , .“' ' ’ ' 3913, ;| til‘ 9 011 0 dlffifwfl I -‘tie and 0 necessary repairs. Y1 “in s[gdQu[,5' 3]¢-c[ing._[)¢-.an ‘ 1 {f d J. B‘ _‘. '. H J _ _ t ' suhfiuu (“flood F‘. Tuner tandanuug;-C3’6c’ fish aecondft, “cm-8‘ ‘mi mqmrmx the ‘uocumm ‘he "Que" °f the °°'-nwmlecl "" w“u"“‘ SP“k‘- Ralston. who in etutrlig siihlilcased it. . - : Mrs?‘ ;h:: V - ; The llinaliavr Opera Co. which is.-5 . .0 v ' ~ 110 f;9P03't 10 the G909“! A3°¢m';ran¢¢ments will be made in the “It is not_only the spirit of U10‘. I ‘ 3 . , . - .- )'- ‘near future for a demonstration_to school r{ J umgf -m, but the 1. im “ ‘ E ‘ A-—-4 - —— ' ‘inn Vucofi F.“ 1-mu.-i . mino,-E P0|lltl'}"““"“~‘v 32“ lurk” " 3”’ By making the attiiociation xi suite . 0 1: P *" ' - , - . . . -. ‘ v ‘ I797 > x 0 - ‘ I . ; d ks. 22¢; . 15¢; . _ _ .bc given by the pupils of the school of gournalism itself yvhlch _ut'locts ‘ v_ V “\Vho 5, Boss , - , _ , (‘ufld (0 G ~ ¢0fl|l¢ ON" 31;: K’ H0’-‘n-do:"’*l :£:mxs1"g0c “C geese ,:’:'2l°e5d' ‘E ”c:fi’:';d :;1d‘l'lgi b¢ml‘i\:-l':r before the General Asaem )‘. Journalists. and. if this spirit is; : . V‘ . gins?-cal‘, ‘ oliilantiary 80. t e prima na.f ' ' , Tw. 23% ; ' -a . I 0 ale .1: . _ -—---0-—-——' _ ckirig. bUC(‘t'8ts is impossible." said’ MILLE .' : ' I Irene Williams, became ill and the‘Yo(‘:‘1h°°‘°’n Am’e‘r‘i’:_:*“’2';‘ .”"' ° {oformollon about the untold "=- T0 4993393 "3l'~Cll-“T5 Dc-an Walter Williams, oddnmingg * RS . VVILLIAMS, WESTON and C0. ‘-;: ( The annual ' cant had to he recalled. The {tr-es-3 3 __ ' 1*°lll'¢¢-'5 Of U_l¢‘_l~'‘llu' (07 159 33‘«\'¢’’'‘l~' » —"_—"-- . the students of the School of Jour-j _ _ , . . ‘ - t of the (‘altar , . ———~—- Prof. 8. IL. Johnston “Ill Speak on . d 1 L ent production is being sent instead. 1, Louis Caah Grain. ""-‘"l_‘_’{ ‘E“l”l*l ‘ml 1'0"‘? 5°‘-‘kelllvl Ad'_“_fi‘in‘_ nalisrii at it meeting loot night in; E39011 A combined electrical drawing an . EXP osion Epmcopat (vb, ‘ in commenting on choose.‘ ST. LOUIS, llo., Feb. 4.-—Corn—N ii; Ittillorlloeg the natural rtsolfrces F K Johnston “mum mfcv Jay H. Nerf Auditorium. : ; shoe R i I clty showing the American navy in action operated flu. (sounm Dean 1.1‘. Qo-flu of the School of: No. 3 white. 3147; Mai‘. $1-37!+:,‘f’ ‘ °t‘;1‘;“- °’:"’ “id °°'l?lfd'"*l'= mgr ;d‘_emsm" in the gnin}- The meeting not held Priiniirliy, ‘ 3 1 radio gunfire contro. -t. Wt-dncsdn). F Fll" 5"“ ““' ‘"1’ '‘‘°"‘"'‘.‘ "‘ "‘.“‘?-Ml": 3‘-39-. v ’ mu v ii are ad my 3" ‘:3 W“ A tit’ will address the convention of M--- -~ +~~- ~ ,. t E 7 ol‘W°'"' ll" nry ‘n.‘i°u' to "tn up ‘F'nm‘ ml 0“l""'h‘,.°' 3.“.mu" 57¥'@58h‘c; 73:93::-,1: 3:1‘:-:,.o;:;‘-,:; 391:: V Sohthwest Retail Merchants‘ Coun- ‘ Z - l :1 , l 1 ‘ 11: "m i" wflem’ the beginning. as it is by farhthc; .\'o..4 white. 5:‘.-ac. . 198%‘ demnmems or the sum M.uwm.(_“ in lam” Cm, Mn 0 d”._, l‘ Shoes reputed gnd hglf. _ 11 The mum; . '- .d '°° ‘,"’,°'§‘ t’h - “ml "".°“”“"'”"' 3 ' ’;do,,i;c.u.,,,. ‘His subject will be “Business Build; JACK DAILY’S ,_ soled like new, even the I "ml" "P ‘ll m‘b"' l d’ no‘ cc ‘ t~ C July’ ‘l'“‘’ ' 1 The services ’ th ‘ ' t‘ int! Advertisillt Plans" I - l M {mm ml‘ Um , University could take on the added vithng (Red)—.\'o. 1, $2.11; ho. ’ oi 9 aasociii ion; _ . - _ SERVICE I < bevel of the new shoe is ER . 0 l , t. m ‘ . . . ., 05 2_o-. are to be avnilnble without chm-on This will be the first semi-annual . ‘~ ~ 57”‘ ‘"‘d {m 3 am‘ Now we ‘F "18 e A0. Jr 3-» @ " to the ci‘izen8 f - d convention of ‘he cound . ‘ C‘ ' ‘ 1 CO.‘.1Ufl1l‘ daDC * oven at the who once -We coo-t so. 6 mo. - . . 5’ ‘“’‘‘" ‘" ‘° l C! - Conrad Na el and Mac Busch - ; 4 ' ,.___.; inquircrs outside of the state. meet February 9. 10 and 11, Mom-‘ eanmg , - workmen are experts. g ' ‘M d'"’“’ ""'h' .' ;n£ud‘o :2!’ for llhe JANUARKT-NOTED FOR ITS ‘ Some of the services of the asso- bership is made up of retail dealers‘ ' ' : ’‘l°‘l°- oau°m‘::ethe aaii‘:l¢:wu:’iri‘cea O i sxow AND ICE al.A:~'lil:r cin-.ion will be to distribute .‘itera- in Kansas. Missouri. Arhtnm-0 g 1 W k “fled f d d . m 1 “*5 ’°""° _’ u‘ . ' 1 _ , ‘ ‘ --. ' 1111‘. to assist organization.-t v.-ork- Oklahoma. Nebraska, Iowa, Louisi-4 Altering _i _ or _ or ‘n j Marlraret _Wi1 Ulglv ;l0;‘|..&l:era 1:a§.gug Precipitation Last hlSo.nth “as in: to the development Of'~;u2t'-IP31 am and Texas. h 3 22 S N h 1 lwered with our splendid _ fruity numh" 5°“ 9 3"‘ j Norm . I8 ‘rt-source , to ‘ -r ' ’ ‘ to t _ one 1 , int, 3 1-Vic 3 . . Hall will do b ’‘’'‘'‘'‘‘°'' °'‘'’: ” “" “P9” °‘; Weather Bureau. ..,a ;,,d:_.m,i'"‘d:f:fo,f,':;,°“_‘"w'3, ‘If you wantyo buy or gel! some-. i i , 8° “ .3 Here are vaudeville and picture to please ~;..,_ 7... Q”. Pll 5‘ W "5 t"m°“d°"" cf’; January was noted for its. blanlil-'1 lipt rule with extension departments, mm‘ "7 3 33900533 783* ldv 1 most critical ‘ " ‘ _ Pllll for the d °:“:"u:k“hl‘;e‘;’m‘r"‘:'.n°‘“m£ """"' '° or ice, nltiiough the precipitation ho publish bulletins, pamphlets and 9 i ’ had from an: ° ' bola - I, cording to rt-- 11- t , to .4 my ' ; _ ‘ 3 hers.‘ ° Handaorne silken draperies with‘ 3:1, ;,.,,?,.§°'-$8 u;c,Vi'eather' Bu- c'lilnr::8'l1grlel5 of ;ep:'e1i,-Ii?!’ good toms: , ' ' mt? - ’ lighting elects are lined for ,9.“ office here. The heaviest state. to answer inquiring home ' t War - , ug . , .- . ‘ _ . - - - : ; . most in per!orm_IDC¢' -;Sn0“:fflu In twenty four hours nafi seekers and those seeking Indus . Give Ann.‘ I llfiflll-‘Y P31 “d mm m°°" I 3.1 inches which fell January 12. trial locations, to answer by 51 W elect ll l1I¢d {OT 03¢ Cl05ll'|¥[ Thu nfidg 3 1013] of six inches articles criticism; about the page § —- - “““ fifi ‘ E ‘ w" ‘h _ flfi‘ -" ‘M v ‘V ‘—“ ‘M —' .m_ “'37 : '. lame 5.111‘ $50 Kifilfill ‘Z!’ 9 l-'l_ll|};io,, the ground, am to promote increased sentiment ' W3" KW!‘ " teau. e costumes n are no The "cut, tempcnture “.35 24 f or the _ consumption of Missouri ' '5‘ ‘°“"‘“ "m°d°ch°n5 °f ‘heidegreell making it the coldest of products. period. ' - ' . lanes of Members. «, V ‘ Aa All-Star Cast. _ ._.: -.v—- ‘ail: ,? 3. v fgcneriil secretary. directors, {mm the gout t president and vice-presidents are to math‘ 3 Pu.‘ u _ ’ ____T.___._. . . st.-no without mod.“ gait ormnca on 0 r 1. \\.C. A. to Discuss Law‘: Origin. The Missouri Association. which 3 _...‘._.__._ “The Origin of the Law" will be p was established in April, 1%. was .\\‘85 15 degrees. At 0 me was The bill P"_°\-S38.‘ for five classes I ‘"5’ The Pli The presentation of the opera it ”‘.e,,_.ly com. ho,.e‘.c,_ for the of members, individual. club, organ» . _ do of < here in exactly the same as it was‘ ,u.o,d, nwul the widest dw “.33. ization. sustaining and honorary. "‘ U" “M9 given in New York. All all-star '1 deg,“ “bow ,,_.,.o. 1'},g,. “Q, It also provides for a board of di- t . ”°lll'~‘"- an gm ‘in the op". and” the “nun. 13_' rectors not to exceed more than pr 353" S The mom _ diroction of the renowned musical “.10, um,“ ‘bout the mm nixtcen. for 8 president and not mph. Dd“! dlN¢l»°l’- 353"‘ K'l°°h- on January 20. 24 and 28. There? "“°"*‘ 9”“ {W7 "“'°'P"?‘ld‘-'”,“_ 3'99’ ' O C jg, , dim," ~n.. on... at Pinto" a. . no... clear o... no on; mt-xm oo--om The Hinshaw pera 0. ..... .. . comedy full of intrigue and humor. were partly cloudy and eleven: °f ‘ ‘““"~‘~ ‘ml "h¢T;':°°'>'°“ °l ll * _ '~cloudy ones. The prevailing wind ll. WIS . ' _‘ V ,« ...,,..;,., +..‘-._. . . .. -‘» ‘ 44 V V *end of their Period. The in a performance of Win quarnntin 9 WIDE VACIETY OF I00D:rA.L the si;h,‘i'ehct for d\£8CtlS(5l0Al at ii meet-‘conceit!-id? b)Athe Northiweat Mis- '5 bud “"7 p[3|>|,_AYED IN [BC . ing 0 e '. '. '. ._tomorrow- souri sis ssociation ii N \ - 1'}, - ’ --—-—— ternoon at 4 o'clock in the Uni- ’ bi-r preceding it: establishmenot.fl!lt 9 “Turn” ' veraity Auditorium. Friinceii Ale:-iis reported that the newspapers of under will lead the discussion and? the state will support the measure everyone present will be given an that has been presented to make opportunity to express her opinion.3 the association in state agency. .—— Aria Hildebrand Out of Hospital.‘ flisa Agnes Hildebrand was re leased from the University H pita! yesterday afternoon. She was} I __ .__. -......._......_.—.--.%_..._.._ _ , Call for it at your store-—if you cnn’t get it. call H64. Save the Big Boy wrappers and get your premium at‘ ' MODEL BAKERY 19 North Ninth street 3’ O “ The Marriage ' of Figaro ” : i u —-—-—+-————— I! you want to buy or sell aonie- . -, thing try ii Hiaaonrian want ad. nuke um’ he is an infill hool. _4.——-..-oi. woo -~.oi~o . ' ‘r ~.-ryvvgo -. —>-'- -.— r , ..._ Service in Town All Reliable Drivers-—Closed Cars .; T ?*_H0..NE.747 N,"('l'enth street E 5 p. in. daily to}. -u -«i O V‘ . 1 . O . _ 5 - : $.&{-F’-‘S ' ‘ .‘-~ I ’T'u- '} .-~:'.-t...: .-h- -'-..t- . ¢¢¢¢ I ' Come in’ and get an autographed copy “S1llRIvER” 1 . .. animal» §J~q3» .‘ I‘ :1‘ I .-._-..i.- ‘ o ' I . ‘. ~ 0 . -_ _ . - ‘V- , ’- ~ - ‘ . 1 ‘_ ’o' .3, a. - ‘ ‘ -" . ‘ .. ... . an" a‘ ’ ' "._‘-." 5'_"""*"-‘O-0 0“-.3"“'Q”‘f‘-:"'" ‘- .59-' fiog‘-" 94%" -‘ __ 7- _.:-_:._‘ ‘_._..._H_;' ‘I ': 1:4 132. .'%-ixiha 1%-*""£ P or afternoon. it in h M 0 , . . _ _ _ , E , E Mozart’s Famous Comic Opera , ._ of the hw ‘geek?!’ “oWl‘;d Lear‘ r"?:'e:'hef0;l,]{ DORIN-CLOENEY ‘ Laundry and ‘I’ A . . I bynfilrtilnfis . :’tii‘e“:u:ben"o§:o::°ds P M §°."d",’.“ef,‘°“’°' '3" ‘t‘i.“:d ‘gilt’-'~ P“ 1:: ci::;.,C:., Dd . 0 ' ' , in ' ' 4 s . in- n Iv ,. was ran n . 0!‘ I one or , gain 3 ' _ ~ ’ ‘ “"°'.d”M of ‘Yo: if mi: iii. 9'.‘ ‘:h:'‘’{}' .’f‘“‘.§’,°“’ ‘""' nmsinr. lo: so. sun st. ‘ F 0," 2 t 3 ’ I k 1. E - . ‘l n ‘i ' i onto. to tone .. i... o J ‘"_._.."*_";>- . 7’ 0 0 C 0C The renowned Ernest Knocll will personally direct all ggealier heaérennfclie. einotional,aig” B SltJ::'erP Saigon Reported boat. —— ,, . 3 , 1 ion. t», :......'''f. :3 Bu-oni. which was her‘ luulsmu-as F-1» 4.—n-dso w. 1. PALMER. E g . ALVSTAR CAST ~ - if flrflhzunlher. All numbers we; ijegrtttl: ‘\‘\’all Paper and Paint: i .. , . ' it a u use anceri 1“ .’-_‘V . 9 - '. gun on. - _ . ; E :. 2:: .42: o-a."°‘°'°».t so am «too - om-no mm»-~.-no °°n.;‘..'... °* T uesda F ebru 10 ow“-oo~:.t“’°~‘..,:oo.:.o=.=.:-." mi;-.-..o.::..,::.s:;:::.--- cm-.-«»».».-t Ed Lee M to E . 9. . . , § gum or oa;;;_- oh wow i , l o 331' . as ers 8:15 p. in. University Auditorium i .,....r-""”“.-t=-i......«~.-..o.«:...».:.r.:* o willbe - i ~ * to -I {no . , ' o . ’ ' at 4 A ,. . _ = - it ”"“ ‘.'.'?.$‘:”§t:?n..“”m"“°‘ :3 o Bus L1 V I - Season ticlaets printed for second University Concert on l -4 ..‘l'he th.austai ‘ l ' l ? . 0 ' « g inequality of hu'v?:e was mart. CITY S — Janiihy 30 are‘ valid for this performance. ‘ 1* ‘ -Illr revel in 8 Rd“! to-l__-do Leave Columbia (Daniel Boone Tavern) at _ ' ~ 0 . - ‘A .5 can lilo otatlIo‘l9- ‘f°“"“°"' "’ . 3 a. In. 1 p. m. 5 p. m. daily *0 autograph his books. - 0 - I fj gaave at . I seVe"Il AYE Still Mlihw It i '_ o‘ a.m.v p. in. g Taylor’: and Missouri Store—'$2-—-$1.75-51.50-$1 O SEATS ARE. xnslinvao-You ‘ll'll%Nl!t«lIA‘\iE‘l¥l8PA.NDINIINE T0 o .l?0.l?R§.'mopnN to ram: SEA. - ABE ursrnitia