' impair -.- A la 0 - ' ‘*Q.. - . . . - . n- - . .4 ---‘ -- '-'.A'a - -H--2.... \ ‘~- C W W -4 and Couinieoee at. an a working’ ' Chile!!!-' .. - I IIIIU:c ‘ """‘— " :::'aww — . “ _ _. - ._ — . . . - - A -~ A*__ “‘C“.w“"1F;~~"‘¥-5-~- q-'I..'~u..'f"“‘w." ..._--—-—-—-——-Y , ‘ ‘ , .3511.-ward, lmawortingatndent. ."1'I;‘C;’:"N:,:g~i£-a'.:( ' For Boys Phone me Black. no-13:. ci-«W *°'"“"""“"“"" """ .. .1 1.031 no end 1 mm‘ " "'°"““' ""'""‘ .a"L'i.':"i.=': i.e's(—i§oRE"T...i. Pno°m’hone19d.; green.2 b°"'!¢-oiond rdzitiin pen. °“"'7’m"'--inn-oi-I nzsuifliooe 584 black C2811.-ti -«=-:-.-.:.:-::.:'.:~ .. ...... - - . I . - ~ . f : jigouriaa as well a etc: 00" FOR IiENT—-One single room for: l-‘OUND-—Purae and salt €880 fli ...i.«-Irv *'f"wm M. N ‘N boya. Phone 761 black. 720 Mix-‘-“M13?! 24. Patience Hnanrd. flu‘ “at: h':::::u“. .u,“& tud mfi lvelmc. J ‘H’.--‘.¥ __§l31°l” .u"' umrm‘ ‘,,,°""‘°"““' " FOR RENT-Single or double -(XML ! . room forboya. 110 Bitt atrcet.j DAVIS c0AL‘;:0. ...—-————7 ma RI’-3NT—R boys,‘ 478. he that on lA'1'1'R533 m5"°"n"°' board if desirwed.o°"i1f5°rSto'ii(t)h our 0’ n comfy 0:-I i ’ ”'‘“'°‘' C°' i’ “°' ‘°' street. Phone 1551 white. 801' 8- WRIGHT. W. I- mdweat and at 110 N. 10th Street. service. Guaranteed work. Pbae; cos rat “'3' ~ FOR iu:s"r—one - ' .'TI-2l)——All kinds of u.-wing. ‘.h$'d¢c‘:)'g.('i0i}'lt‘.1 a SP9fi3“v?- P5539 K,-(.(.n_ 208 West ARI’! fitreetot 24130-160‘ 303 R for boyn. ncor both the Red Cam- 'for ibya. Phone 1482. J , I .... White c........., n...‘xo. a mi. Nilgth ° Library. 705 Hitt, phone 1419 ’ . Ll2lt "ate for room at .115 S. 61}! {P0111 £2,-1-cc, Phone 1551 vi_'_l'i_tt£'_.__§l§0'135 €799“ ’ " "iuaiii. ESTA'l‘I$ _——.— FOR ‘RENT-—Nice warm room for’ S127-l32 3- N-- C i=3i‘.“iEL~i’riiic'Ai. i-zxion aarraar s'Eavicr:' ice PRIXTEF Phone 800 J. GUY McQUI'l'l‘Y “Quick Printer" iiiiissonri Unable to Hold 4:35;‘ Neither Team flakes Sub- ioudn in _r:>omon BR-V_ W A 2 °°'~ °‘ °' ="*¢° °' 4:33;; WEATHERS ELECTRIC con n.‘°',nsi(.bIl’K(; RM R¢utI' 897V’; 0 mmm, 22“, citing contest which Tiger basket, .2 v..'—~.‘.-.. ,.§L5.' .. r . ‘I925 L._¢_._. ~News«inith-.iF—iéld Ticfirss i Hflfiéfim T0 CAGERS Lead in First Half and Visitaofo Win 24 fio 22. FORDYCI-2. Pr.i'tY's‘ CENTER stitution_s—-—ilttiner Leads Opponents’ Scoring. ; It was ii hard 9;: to lose-that; basketball game which Washimrtnng won from Missouri by a acant two: points in Rothwell Gymnasium last; 0 The score of the fastest. most ex- ; 1 ball followers have seen in a long« —~*-; ‘ time was: Washington 24. Missouri" on -——---"'T"'T_”* - fboys, near ‘University reasonable’ . pop, .sALf.——Bcnutit'ul lo on , __ _» , am; BOuch(I“.. I-0: 1:204 I)r0‘!ruInS feet at 5750. Bus 3'00!‘ lot now-‘ 2 b k’ “"5” I-Ztc. before tlW:~' £30‘ hl‘3l“"' weuhen FOR RE'VIT—0ne room ai_d E : ‘-1’ ‘T -4‘. -FA—"::' "Cum ‘—_' R‘~""1" C°" phone 2'2’ l31.x33~half room for boys, at 1209 i’l:Q|.Il:, LODGE Nuncss 1-‘OR !~‘.Al.E—.\'ew 5-room house, avenue‘. Phone 1748. Mcllfltf, ACACIA LODGE. N0- 003 0 A. F. l A. 11. ‘av. hrze - _ . I 3';-,(,0_ down. FOR RI-?l\"I‘—To boys, two nice weathem Realty Cm’ Phone 3&1” sci’rnefi:.n;iii:iie r'i?§(r3mgreeii(.’01 I-‘OR M1-*3-39-=*°"‘ ""'“» P"'°' »—'"ii7.ii's"rI-:o ’iir§~'ir" “.3 “any new 4-room house. new Y ' ; bani, hen house, new fences, plenty \\'ANTED TO RENT — Small of water, all kinds of fruit. 1 mm’ farm equipped for poultry. Lucien O Stated communication Tuesday. February 3 at p°i'_“ regi. 7:30 p. m 1 LEGAL NOTICES out of Coluhllllll. $5.00“ “fathers Berries, 820 North 7th street, or ‘Rczilty ('1. Phone 272. 131-133 phone 1426 green. 1‘.Z‘J-l.‘ll_ FOR S.-\LE—(iood 4-room house, i U - ‘ lights, water and basement, well lo cated on north side, rents for $25 .. if Tioo-.\i§”roii in-zxr I-‘OI’. Ri:x'r—'rwn very desirable‘ h . "500 terms p cor-dc-r of Deeds of Boone County. Ill». followed in rapid sucpeiiaion to put, P517 men‘ ', price ' 0,, ‘lrooms at 307 C0”(*;:(’. Plione 1831: I-ouri. in Infill!’ 8‘ ti!’ the Pike]-5 in the load for the first , . “°W'°'-‘ ’~"““~" “°-~ P“°"" *‘ ' .re . 8i29-1:i1;“7"""d ‘°"‘“T-““""""”“""" °' ""‘ti . t crack in the Mimourii 131-133.‘ I ricbt. title and interest in and to the fol-. defengc gpened dehmt for thOu‘h FOR RE.\'T—On(- large front;“,""‘“‘ ""'" "" °' ""'°"' °' “Mi ' ' . _ A ’ ' . Iulultni in the tied thi score again and FOR S..~\I.iI——4-room house, onmom. south side», modern in every way, 97‘ ‘won. well locate-il, priced ri9.'h‘- New f)1TU(lnl hou.-ac, modern, 5011"‘; FOR RFIl\'T—-Desirable single or side. I“’i<‘€‘d $4~"'°0- double rooms. 1115 University. Werithi-rs Realty Co., phone 279.‘ 7123-131. '~ i:i_i-133 » —j T ‘ I-‘OR Rl-Il\'T——Room POP. SAL!-I—l-1-room housc,‘1,oy, 35 P9,. “.,_.,.k_ block from C3mP“=‘- fumi«*h<'d °T,desined. Phone 1052 white. 128-133- unfurnishz-il. owner anxious to sell.u 1 ii E131-1:13?‘ 10-room house, 3800 paynienhj FOR REN'1‘—Rooms for lightivmmmw_"°°Mu‘:;'_'::'°;:.d dfid Two f ront . bathroom, lilotk from <’11mPU8. 237329. finfifstove. all on second floor, vacant? location for roomers. $6.500. $7003 March 1. Phone 002 red. 1406» iuiyment. ?East Broadway. New 5-_ro0m strictly modern litm-I V _ 1 :::ilow, close to White Campus, 8500,} FOR Rl'7§\T-1-urge furnished, bahnfi. ,5. month’ rooms for girls for second semes- Nm. “mum modem .bum_,a,o“.. ter, aloe.-ping porch privilegc3.:'1I04‘ Mk fl0,,,_<_ $3.500’ $350 dd“. ,Paqain street, phone 2221 white. - New 4-room modern bungalowp “°° ""“’"' ‘25 P" “‘°“"" 3 Fox RENT-Room furnished 0!‘ will carry balance. . 1 large I90!» and recorded Three um the-ant ‘l'llU8TtE‘S BALI! J. Off?! n-are or km. N. '1‘ °' Tr;;“'u,:‘::k,:,,¢ 0,, xi from an angle and three'other goals; . it bring the part of the northeast quarter I of the northwest quarter of Section one (1) ’TnwrL-hip forty-eight (Cl) (13) and linowi-i as the tract of la I 1. 7 fc '_broke h iers leading 11 to 5. . E 'Vs"ashington with a long clean toss: , Co t f Boon i the the T’ rs 203 south Gt‘i stri-ct, phone Sn,’ 0, xiuoud t$':,.° " ' 33:‘ In - ’ l .free-throw line and under the has-7 ‘liet combined 4 Rance an-an shots from the center of the iron: ll. Tuuiy and wife to August Waibel. rmordd in non ' County. which trust to And When-us. it kit:-hi-ii, gasioi um: that in case of to act. or a iuouri. of aaid trustee. , to well under aaid dad of trust. and \‘128'133, be do-aired by the holder of . l to air‘ or: dated Nov. ooi. no: and Breakfast If‘ as Page 109. Dcoordcr'a Often in use conveyance waa are t of a the when ficath. ref from Boone Coo uthorlaod eerta bed a oalo .3351! note. that r sheriff of Boone County, Ilaaourl. for th the tun the on of said come rested in 3111-1‘! an 114“ with all the powers. duds and obllgm ‘itiona thereof; ' ‘ , _ __ _ And\V'hci~«aa.aaldproniuaoi-ynolobaa Bnrfialn. prt\’li(‘2‘(' "ql:§0‘.k-amt dug .3.) f nu M. ‘M . "M “ms co’ “mm” Ehee 'ng. .--team limit. 107 S. h * axle of the -ho" dc-crib!-d tweed! 5- you want to bu}-_ sell, ekchange or.qtr£:t "ham 17,,” Mad, rent your property nee Garey andf ' i " Frasier Realty Co.. Rooms 1 and: 2. Miller Bldg, phone 519 black. ,_ FOR RENT—Room at 12 Kuhl-f or 6927man court. Faculty member or up- I-‘OR SALI-I-43-room modern resi- 1 phone 1918' : dcnce, south side, $4,000. good; terms. 12-room modern residence, 1-2 ; in porch, in modern home, no other’ block from campus. income Call 1934 white. mow; per month, priced to sell, ens,-! A§£—§,:;;i§—T=, 1811115. , ” um’ 6'T;°m ' modem b“"8“‘°“'-3 WANTED—A congenial young ' 5"“ 933 mu“ d°w"' _ ; man to ' apart merit . "-H -. -‘with three others. Reasonable price. 5'83 '"3h"Phone 806 red from 6 to 8 p, m, 95°F!‘ .454 b‘“°k- .. . ,-_ £"§’_°'1_35i i3i-i:i2 +"°”SE3 ‘'03 “*7 3"” w}i:s"ri:ii*ri) BFY * FOR RENT—I-Zntire second floor; at 4 rooms and both as one or two‘ apartments. 1403 East Broadway.; Phone 1849 black or GOF3. Hllltfr 15 copies of the BIISSOURIAX L :MAGAZl!\'E 1' J: . ' ". \\' ll RI-I.\"I‘—I-‘our-room house,‘ or mm” 1‘ I modern except heat. Garage and",$,’,',i,1,(,:° B!-mg to chicken yard. 212 North an. street.’ on phone WANTED (ii ]31-]m~,'d¢air¢'d by the holder . paid truitec in now doe-coed. Now. ‘Du-refore. in accordance with the [Po the Slfltf‘ t)’. Missouri. ocood p I’ FOB RENT—For second aemes-; 0-me to the hizbut N666’ '-tcr, 2 furnished rooms with screened-2 '§,;;‘;~ ." “* "°g;mf;°' °.' rend or. on the an day, to cost: of Sheriff of Boone County. autu - —————4—:-—- NOTICE OF FINAL 8I‘l'l’l..1INT. Notice rigned adrnir. iatnatora o to sell the above executing tbia trust. 1- the l holder of odd 130-1351 perclassman desired. Private bath. note. hulloy Creed. 8:35 of Boone Coun- aa substituted trustee. doeribed no fa cash In will l ROY CREE ted Trusts. is hereby liaaoort. Sub flu Ir n dvccaaed. will nuke final Settlement of trcir accounts with aald tag: as h adniinlatratora at the next firm of the Probate Court of t_v. Iii-aouri. to be holden at Coliilnbia. in said County. on the 9th day of February A. D. 1923. IL . I‘ Last insertion Feb. I. . HUNT C. IcLEAN'. Adnlnlatrabn. : §'i‘t"t"' “3<‘l<- 0? Callcgg 4§5i._..-._ M..- --1,. -- - r..- rausrae-s sau: NOTICE. 5 9 . -I 1 “""""“""‘ ' ~ ‘ - 2 wn . A n’ Louise Show. ii uinzlc FOR RF“ 5”; "55" CW5 *0“ 5*“ ........?.'."..'z i-..I'L..l'c......... u.......... by i... ..' arzige at 1 . « -_ _ , , ,- certain deed of mm dated the can day of 5 22- .-en. .::°:.~“:.:.%;..;:°:*w.r:::::~..:.':: «- . ‘ ' ‘ -‘ - “ ‘V f (hr R rd of Deeds of Boone County. N‘ ___-_ -:-::——— .-_-._§?.l__%T;1.§.:l 3 C0-_ T _ A 7___ Tl>:%_n‘.‘i.((&i\fi0llTl.“l‘:l’ rricirtgage book 164 at page 196 APARTMENTS 1-‘on new §”‘ ‘ FOR SALE "?.'i’i.'.§.’.n. ‘I'a.'i'.'inlZ?"°iI'..§f"'i.‘?a..‘.§.'.'I"‘E..‘.‘.‘.'. ‘FOR P~_ENT—T"'°"°°m 3937*‘; FOR SALE-Wood at reasonable P-’"'flt. furnished. Phone 1667. phone 221:5. R1o4-134.And im. Twenty-ix and Twrnty-arvcn in S126_tfi B-oI'lit'!i'.'n Su is-ision of Lot Seven of mi: Rl-‘\"'I‘ Tw rt * FOR s“5LF"S"i"' °"""' °"°“‘"“ ii‘.'.'?.'.’.'.'.'.' .3 1137"» ‘3.».i:.‘.°.i.-°‘ yc:.i'-'.'.“'.ii ...... n....;.: ...T{. ."..'.°°.’:.‘..."’;n?“'°***°* -"‘~ ‘9-' C32“: °’""* - x--.--n mu «- --u «a - g 0",‘ ' ' ‘C3990 p"ct‘c‘“.V n('“- I*"‘L“”“‘bk‘* trust drwrriluod and whereas, said note it ,_'_' R"-pct‘ M13]']36'Pl'lO!K! 1857 green llil-136 due and unpaid. do-fault having been made Ml-‘OR _RE!\"I‘—Apartm¢-nta at 717 pop sA1_g__5q..,,°_.. m"°"" “"°"“°- Ph°"° 751 3"°¢“- -- corduroy riding pants. size :90, never 9199-134 worn. Phone 2104 white. itioir 3.room _n_:\-iv-1 man! _ n the payment dark brown ' 5 ., - third athletic‘ badge test " Details of the Valley Indoor fleet . _ ~ rot: SAL!-I—Chiffi-ro , comhi- "U 5'-2" 4""-'-'4 -t we" W4” *2 $§“,,f:;,;°*,:;;f,§_;";r-,,;;';§h;; jig; iiggon armor and cIosi7i.g];;h<1>g;«i~ :..'...."‘:3'.."“‘..‘.‘."....:‘.'. :‘..‘.'i. .1. ‘c'i.'....n‘.." , ‘ A .- o—-' « [inane minty. Iisaouri. on y. Feb- ‘'""| .89 132 ‘ ziia ins. hon . of 9 l L, FOR SAL!-3—I-'lorenoe automaticnrrn .... and 5 I-'.7$.i. .. .. 2. and . FOR :u"N{T"si;°'d’°°‘“ my coal oil store. 4 burners and oven. 4-! for the wow of the aid «on. mullcn . um“ or at. ' b e ' hon IflIl‘l'V"L .0‘ (‘CC 0‘ 53¢“ trust cry reasonable. Phone Baum 1‘ pace I’ C C115“ "°'"""“’- ""“'”""~ . nu‘ notice or rixat. ‘V o ' ° .~§_—’AVAILAaLr: .-....... .. .. ..t“.?‘..~°é.*.‘.“''‘:.‘.? "‘5'.”.‘:'::"°.:;; ..*:.°.:.*~..*:...-rz. -*..:'-.::.-*.. :7 :-.:.:;a ‘"23, efficiency apartment in Any ',t,,_.(. ' S 1“ Stnwn an-and. will use tool sun» Ian-'C11n¢_ 705 uiuomi ".m”_ aunt of account: with all baton Prion. 2202 green. ciuu i.os'r AND rouim . g_';;*"','*,"" ""5 W-f "- '3‘-:3 ; ran RENT-—,l-fiirnisbed spun. W57-P“? °‘ 'F“.““”" "‘ °' = $“o(°::ua’h'ryhA..=)l.‘ 3':i.""' " “E ;_ mom of two hum, room‘. Pfink near Journalism Building. Return 3_ 3_ 33",‘ ,,‘—3,___ ~ 5 bath, m, for mount “kph,” to the Ilissourian omen, or phone hoanhn no. a _ y ’ h°"dT}'. or one-nice aintle room: ' 1 ~ T‘ (uflui —-_-*-- pfivmt h°"‘°' mm’ 1857 ""“' LOST-—Ford radiator cover on; 130435 West Broadway. Phone 666 gneen.§ stools mi: 338': 3"°’”‘i For Girls‘ NilgST—Gold1“fountain PM 1 u street. ‘nine on pen. ‘net? FOR RI-ZN'l'—Roonia for this for gas, 131 l .. "bond Iemeater at 1117 Univeraity. --———? T ; _ .- ‘ ' ‘ P1154: 1081-820 between University- auouo ' , The Missouri five completely out-I classed the Pilzers in the first half.3 Fordyce out-jumped Seago on thei tip-off and Missouri piied up a nine- margin before Washington stered a score. Tigers Ahead at End of Half. For twelve minutes the Tiger de- tc was perfect. Niess finally‘ through for two goals and the f ended with the Missouri cag-I Cox opened the second half fori o I in, Minm-r'.~a accuracy from the with Cox's pretty I floor ; "'7 7"'7"‘- kept Missouri from forging to the‘ lid more fully described by Deed. a front again. ' No Substitution in Game. 5 Both teams went through the hi game without a single substitution. in . Buchner crashed into the west side; , lseats in the last half and time ha 1 is provided in aid dud7 to, be taken out while he patch ' "3'? up a cut over his eye. _ ' Minner, with nine points. was the} Filter high scorer. I-‘ordycc led the Missouri point gctters with the; name number. Playing his first full; game.‘ the Tiger center displayed? he» the flog}-_ work and g_c_‘-_u;-pcy of ai ‘ negular. ' I’ o - Warren C. Giles, Viashington &g Lee, was the referee. The score: ‘ 5 Frhc Thrown Fool! 0| 4| R MISSOURI 42".‘! (mal- i. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l - - ' Iclillan. I . . . . . . .. .2 1 1 rd 1- . . . . . , . . . . . . . .4 1 1 I O‘Sullivran. g . . . . . . . _ . ..t I 2 . hn : ..n I 0 ! Total: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pi 6 I’. Free Thmwu Fmil- I Ilia 1. o Hobs. f . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .1 l 2‘ i Scott). C 1 0 3 Well. c . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 on i Cox. c r . ..-. o 2 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 b Gilt iwanhington RI-force-—W'arrcn C. L 141-) ———-co ATlll.I-ITIC TESTS PLANNED Will Be Given to All Women in hysical Education. Preliminary competitions are be- ing held daily in preparation for the The test will be given to all University wom- , U’. majoring in physical education. There are four tests which have. been recently instituted by the state '- 33 8 Part of a program for physi- cal education. The tests are meas- uremcnts of the balance. agility and . accuracy of each athlete. Miss Edna Rasmussen has charge of the freshmen and entered in the competitions; Mary Maxwell of the juniors and seniors. ..__—.:._:_ 6 C. L. BREWER TO GO TO K. C. will Attend Meeting of Mlnouri Valley Athletic Direciors. ‘ Chester‘ L. Brewer, will go to Kan- sas City with the track team Friday to represent Missouri at a meeting of Missouri Valley Athletic Direc- tor: to be held there the next day. which is to be in Kansas City March’ 21 and other routine business will be paused on at the meeting. Mr. Brewer will stay over for the K. C. A. C. Invitation Track lleet in Convention Hall there Saturday 1‘ — - .night. .__:__._..j__ Interest Shown in Tryocta. Sixteen men were at the Christian 3 ,schedt.led or approved, as indicated v “ “‘**'¢3 -q-—.——j—.. _._—__._ . . .. -v mv. T . wt"...-"' ' (V .o - .‘ _‘ .'.- .... . -» _ —\,.' ..-._.. _ ' - ..... -...._ __ The l.'ni\‘eri~ily of bottom rom: Wright, Tiffin. Godwin, Sonncnschein, l’nd¢-rhill. THE SCHEDULES -\.0T0FFl(‘1-‘\L l'rep~ Play at Fulton Tonight. broadcast iwor It ii."d.".-'.' iii. ilziiimlu. The probable starting line-up of School lzctlizill team against Fulton High School tonight, according to Coach ' Harris and The list of inturcollegiate ath- letic schedules published in the Missourian yesterday. aside from football, is merely tentative. Thi- events and dates named in many instances have not been officially the ljnivcrsity High C . Bryan. Funk J. Peters, will bi forwards; Luttrell. and \\'.'ilk(-r. in the article. From the list ar- ranged through preliminary negotia- tions final selections are made for definite schedules to be ofiicizilly ap- ro e official schedules in, most of the various spurt< liiiw not yet been announced. 0 evening. 4 Try g Missourian want ad, . tonight. The sel('(‘l.iun:s vvwviuuw ! ”H!W|!!W j___— am? mmm H Wllllllll Missouri's Wresflivig guards. team will dri<‘(- to Fulton late this .__—.+—.——_.- . _. has- ; oiit them center; The to r.‘.' 1 nahli .\lr. 1» \*\ll!,(i' WW th-~ git‘:-ii mi.-.i::i-'i:i-.2 I "Hi mi ‘ .\lis.-iouri wrestling squad from which a team will be picked lo compete against Oklahoma here Friday. The men are: Left to right.top row: Cardwcll, Gibson, Ferguson. liu_\-cl, \\':ilr; l’riz4-- will lav tiwardrd tn tiiv .