ourselves l‘.3\’C seen and felt ‘he: yo.-3-9; of war and many of us are; even now living out its This is the time for the nations of. the earth to admit frankly that war: is a crime and thus withdraw the: 193;} gm! moral sanction too Ion: permitted to it as a method of set- tling international disputes. The Permanent Court of Interna- tional Justice. which is the machin- cry of mutual counsel and co-oper8- tion among the nations, is the only present hope for bringing‘. about tl-ic'dis:ivowal of war and the 09¢" discusaiouof its real causes. It is composed of a body of 505*“ "h° formulate anew existing rules o um law of nations. reconcile di- vergent opinions, consider points hitherto inadequately provided *0? but vital to the maintcnanm of in-: tcrnational justice. Ind in 8909731; define the social rithu ‘lid 5"" ties of states. _ _ p H _.v’.: z .:.;~.t§.-it-‘:5 . *.‘r:~}~ ,‘- V \ 7:; 3 . ‘ _ 7 . F ' ‘,-?.._"m.“-_1.’_;. .3 -..I_’;:.' 4.: . _”' l’ « ' ’ ' A . 3 "Let ll. . . >'... i.._ - . ~ I} ’‘ .'.. ‘ ' .. I 1 ‘Q.-.-“-- . .1 ...... . v 3| _. f - . .. ' “‘.-.“.-- .‘"‘”‘‘H- ‘D.,..‘ :' _ __ - . - .~ - V l W ... I i FEBR ARY 1925. . - - - ~ _.__._._ _ _ ' . -_ 5;, ' - - ..._.. ';-A. « :;,;-3'-— in *7_‘ {no one ooidd mlatshkgcttlngvgnflfi gets it bake’: in the end. thus caua-' 4‘_V"——." ‘gm’ ~ I “ " ' l B m llmo ‘ do klIoW * II ‘It 3 '3 of 0 "3: ‘ e ‘gory to con". to ~, ’ o I ‘_ §£ for lawandorller and 15 °“_““'; . 'SfllnIl'Bli2!"l'fi‘t030fl§hl\ln¢l'lu.~suecGI8fnl conclusion. A ‘ _ Ihta Is Printed 5 Two I883’ rllhtaideofgreat l1‘.Ol'3lQL98l.l0ll£.i ‘ Lib did’ modern young meta: ustnuid but B,.“,_.-- is the mic _, -"";‘_"!":_‘."",, .--——— ~ Ii-80¢ Dill’! Tn Al|tVIl|3lI¢1"l*°“ld °‘ ‘ll! ““"3‘ In a village fell’ '33"*!’ ":“'youn¢ do Cantu» ‘-8 I Nd i ‘of the Al _s:. .19»... comedy. a _ i» In hrlfidfl‘. 8. ya. ‘'1'. O. nus-av‘. . “_ An article by Psef._C. W. 1". ‘clean. It is a family slur Our. ,;¢,,§{icant as a _widower ithlun, ,1 ‘ customs lnvol n ‘ comedy um. ,, ,tu9,d (.,,ough_ p,_.,._ on asdatlaa. Ids. ¢.—'h10Ib UIIUI 3-9‘? .1 1.“. .1. f 1 . it i, . ‘ suit. Itasca. any and by aeeasoaaiaa V. fi|'V*‘1a"d°’“%- ‘unn ""1 ‘hem 23" .‘ ‘c polished nails.—Baltunore Horninl 1,1, » _ ‘ although, _ 'lh.pg u,¢‘bmoe;-y ll(’tL in putting it ... _ LA, ,. _ I-.5 4,...o..et may 3%! II\- «A sag, of the Relation Between h, its power to induce the iildren no whghaiutcs ‘cu . any and his father's lawyer " _ E 5, ‘ . _ . .‘...‘.r;' . Van. at nouns: at the Inn Wash 17”‘ H ii sea'e- to read them. M 1 t n th '_,n.,,p,,. gmgghg-d.——Nashville Ten-imadc a an at: lIl3a{llt;:- . -*°* -- °- ’''°'‘ I ' 'tion.",ua . It should hetrui u. e e 1., - iagcdn '3 cc e» on sat 703- 4 ‘0 ¢-~*'‘'‘‘'Fl> °' ""' ‘V ‘” - - ni~:~se.in. . ' ' . » .¢.u.¢...:oneuin6e\l-houitsotlb-tssition. Tbearticleisbaaedupon bk ,,d not my truths; _ . _ pa he knew Julietta , , In 00:23 .... ‘Z’; 3: 3 in "mu O‘! data gathered llgt‘ gunner by ,},,:,;d guy. :0.” 91;”; om,‘ such " Cons:r:;a}:::s !upt':icl.alill:!sc ssh;§uilfi:@"aTmal- mun be human]. or per] JACK DA”_Y S ‘ " 8- In-its Audit Danna Cllnlatlaust 5-‘M33.-h’:"“"" ’ " “hm ad" 0. of the-_ Illinois l'lolstein-l"nes- I an‘ ‘dd nothing to the value of tri:il.--Birming ‘in e .. 1. I {are bamfld‘ “Pedal” ‘hen we}, \ ‘N a -----~- -- --— «=--”‘”=-=- --~ --- -' ~ "* .~“* ~; *.'.*.".:.“:°.;.°";;°'*....° ... ...."'*;:.':.':.: . .... .. 3 ‘"39: :. ;.:,:.°..»-- been «man «an» ----a c1..:.....,. ' . ‘ ---—~-———- - :t newspaper oes is her) n - - ‘ ' . 4 pc. . ‘- '9' - 11n.l:PIioNS M1818: This Iona _ 2193- November \ t A ,. i. . 1, d... .i,ow, he’; payi!‘.' some attention to . ride - .k;d pad on . . on .3 - 7- 5 . -a..«u per-on’ ' » ¢'‘°|U*°‘”P*P°- """‘>’ " l‘: “ ,, . . Castro: R» 1* ." Pressin ~. ll‘. 3‘ ...... T ,,.5,,,,.'&' :1 ‘:5. wasfrepiriwnteilinfiull 5 bY':‘:h:IIg°ord‘er thud I'lde\“€t' l"dll(; 3'00 ll“ W "“>'~- "w“"'“"3‘°"4tlic nltthtt of their l:l‘8i;T|If):-e ‘Elli jut I , g t. ‘. . ..'.. - -- , clutch ‘- ~ - - ' as eature 0 In- ‘cu ns tu ion. an wou . . ' ‘s ather is s . ' Cl‘ll'l -f in __,_,,_' ...._... 3" 5-""‘““‘ ‘ c""‘°“ CM’ ‘lg Frieaian World for--lllllllfy 34- ‘Dd further say not eI'c2‘- till‘ Ollfllmelllh Blessed are the poor in salary T0!‘ fdenda is burned to the 83'°““d ‘ma; g 5.: :.':-""..._.._....-——.———————-——--""—“vBD I“ ah o'tmiIi;..aul In. G. I. Io!-rum; m editorial was printed in the same iamcndment. , daily press has II 1;“... SM" pa). no income tax.-Kai-;a,¢ yougg nobleman is rather bad; hang 13 23 Ninth ‘oi. BE IT ‘ad ._ ,, .,‘.. mu. 1,; issue pointing out the valtn of the great respondibility in this matter. a,,,3w‘0 (zggcttg-_ ;1). hgrt. _Ct nces cause him‘: V 3 ‘ Iwdqum mm; Um’ in c In his 1 some" boys to ride ....u....i ...L‘ '33.‘ 3 so-"°""iii»'f ‘W ' ' 7”‘ '‘°''‘‘’’‘'’'' "W ‘S “W3 l“. siiiijwc have yet to hear ofahus-;to lose his faith in women. but be _ _ . 9- ‘ -‘sums to en 0 "3 °" °"- 2 1;. gddition, the data gatheredlmission in the life ofthc clmmLfl31.\' band who helped with the dial_ie_si _ _ _,-,_.---V--. --..--f,..-.- _. .. ii Court of International JIII5“ °“ lg?" .°° ,fl'°t;d:'.' rel» o:.—_rmy by the Ietbodiat Stu-l by Professor Tamer {as l-hcllnustthrespect its i‘;u!'08!'ess.. The - fidential secretaries to the family e/xelieqi_ier.y are con Read the advertisements. Read 0 Because they are interesting. backed by responsible dealers and in I v cause they save time, mdfiey and‘ shoe-léiaitlier. The reiider of newspaper. (I ertiaem I informed. Hoot she kn ' why‘ V en“ ‘S better newest are-my-us . You, too, can be well informed. .. . them regularly. use tlieysare true, 30. merchandise, Be- rues:-«me fiiiestii: .; who has the fin: at the movie. fl’? of iiuman who, gvlmt, -f*.’;.*‘i.1;‘ if i it .2 -' - _ I - - iinmn .’ I