g ' . A , - 'fl\;'-"-‘hr " . 4"." 5;‘; W‘ ‘‘.'''‘f z :j.v- -1"‘. —.-— - «-:‘~'‘"_‘ '~’"'”*‘ " "-"1’i>"'°‘i_£'.“.‘5=“" “ ii‘?! "'9—['»;t"‘. ~ . ' . W ‘ ‘- . . .' ~ ‘ . ¢ ‘ . ‘ L ‘ ' ' B ' f A‘. C ’_‘*I - . . ; . ; ' THE COLUMBIA mjsovman , russnu, FEBRUARY 3 1925 ‘ ~ ‘ i , nu; ma’; . C " 7-.’ .“ ' no-uarunenauucoa-a-eij lciuiounn TAX is roruua 3...... ~ 3.“. ! . “ Ooliunbia * l - I-«ha ‘ -—— “"' """“"""" °""""“""°"“"""""' _Neivsof. , Society . . 8--_m-Hr v--1| In and NearBoone County |...,,.,,_,,,,___,,,,__,,........., 9...... s....,.m;mr:...:.3u amwfmf ." *-——~ 1 gap on. nueuer. sic Alton’ 1- reluaary is. . Wharton. ll lia Knahb. ltu ' °"" ° "' LI" Cont To Hid at HOMO ‘Of avdoa. i-auiaael hate:-any from I? ’ Haueoille ii“ "M ““'°"°“‘°‘i'- 00”" "50 " ' “' °'‘''' “:;m3”'n""“‘ ""“"’°b::l"rm"-' uh‘ Fm‘-d M an mu W . h. cm r ac‘! . 911332? In Jefleraon C11] (hi! W‘. fr, ,R - M !UIlvalmflqia8a|Iulpa.0kla.- ; i Vebaeaeonilnedi-eeentlyheeaoae 0 05.3-— gllta Slaith. Katherine Sprague.;.ne ‘rmhtud ‘ db .» d7eflCtOll fl. . . C .h.‘.,&.ku.'hh”hmm. Chfluh'ma‘“’pd.afl.d,o¢nhu,‘":xnLC_su"uur_ tr-eaaurer.1Gertrude8tein. Cordelia Brunaum. 7 or —: ‘u,,,g..¢mhegivea‘lIiura- Ilelaegarellowickurelad (¢awaek,utunadyeatei-day Wzofhfilfifldny. .§WilnaBaode.CIan}lorganthaler_'lDdlocu3l!!nl¢°0P°0i¢i¢lI5fithti8achdWay.CanaFnn:uPlanar bunwmn "°°k‘, '-¢ayafterIIoIinfmni8to5o'¢l03¢50‘3Ol*i3¢(3'U*'m"¢0lvhIrUorklatheoffice‘od'theCliaet Memo Dinwiddie has heeritllgl-¢'5D)'IIl't.Xra. Erma Areher,il““°'¥“_‘3"°l|3'lt8ll5‘l5|I-0'3*.I|l|.Alina Boone and Iarjorie ,."‘l',~umau8”‘k“‘U 5 ‘D an“ ' Q Zzll o'clock Prlhy with 15.33,...» A.‘u’_ "uh ..h,_,um.um,_ Quiaenherry, lrene l)au;h.:z:wI|:;n:shekhthe oollfittihon of ai Steele. ? -“in "mu of an ‘ou'.de: ‘ fig fhl Kalil!‘ rd "°"°' 35- 5- 0- II‘ ‘W 30! Ira. -R. G. Harris. who has been‘ Dr. H. B. Bueacher will be init 3‘. I312 Asbury. llelen Rim.’ hr 9'9“ 8 993"“! Inga;-et Willlama is manager of mnmem of w, con,“ of Aug. road, in honor of Edgar Crouch at the home of lra. Sew gauging the week with her wit.‘ Hallaville Saturday. ,MrI. Thom. Mrs. Justine Bold: 3 '”',‘_""f'u" 3*“ ‘“ °_'',the W. A. A. Vaudeville this year. culture will speak at I-‘ariuera' Week In Ialtca. .‘ 883°!-N 119 EQVWUO‘ O'fl|||¢- ,1". O.'llarria. returned to her home Turner Tucker was in Columbia F 3051! Roberta. Lot)’ and Leona; “"°""°- ‘"3 A" 3“u"- “"3 °"g ——-4-————-— u 9,, Uni‘-Qrdgy of 3.3,,” 0,, --[5, « ’ . 3 5. receiving line will he: Ira. Ida Branhau will lead I.II.ln mat:-alia today. _ThuradI)' on buineaa. Barnes. _ ; ‘” ‘°" i" ‘f "filo Confer "ith Otate Dairy-ea. Legume Prohlem in Ilaintainiag . flue Haatera. Babli. devotional aervico and Bro. Frankl Bra. 8. H. Smith who has been E. C . Jones aold a arload of hog: "“""—*'" ‘““;". “O5 13“ Hr-1’ ‘ C Gib“ uumion ‘nm of Fcn“.m,_.. "C ‘m ‘an mmwm‘_ 3‘, A. ll. 11.1-‘ah-child. ll"-Tatevillhavcchararoftheinh-iiiereviattineher daughter. un..instLoui-wedneaday. A8h1afld 2 "' '1' lhlfitheeolbehon 0!. ' ' '- _, ' . _ Be“. _ . . _u,, tn on hm as the the department of dairy huahandr). 0? IAVWON IN I111 return SI! . I-2. Syk ?rof. II. II. II-1 350110-D’ ll-043% {Pearl Smith. left yesterday after- Miss Mildred Horganthaler viait- , 333° "9 PT°°. - , - [3 w ____-__‘_ . _ 3“. B.‘ , B nudh _ ,.mom of Pro ‘in N . in in Jasper. Lawrence and Green W48) m0mm!- . .Pl'll'l¢' uiuheuv P"'f'_ J“ ’ The chduhn co“ Club ‘_mj noon for Kirkavllle. ed Mrs. A. J. Wood; this week. ;I‘ "' “ u “" 7”"-‘d M’ N be on °‘ " m the cognac, this “wet on ¢o'_tufin‘ . Ira. W. D. A. Weatfalle O‘. m‘ u’ l‘""'" T°dd' 0"” r '’ u°“ 5‘ he” "' .,.o¢i.g_5o,, ,,.o,k, ;; n_ gumonb If you want to buy or all acme- mu‘ .‘ 3 oedock ‘°n°",°' ‘“a,_: fly; flgflgn flu-ti‘ of Chriatign Frank Johnson of Columbia VIII; 434,“... ‘mg to gun... cu, um. in liallmnlle Theraday on buaineu. he?-h)°nl:.0lI:-liltgc cunfineo to¢":“u‘with ‘f’avorab:xP°l’1Ilar;‘,m ‘pend ‘am an put. of thi3.lhl!1[ try a Iiaaooriari wantad. ‘win 5,». Woodo u'“” ‘in he nu‘ Ln” w "E momin‘ on ‘ bud?" trip’ Sh“ Mr; 0, C, Vjchol, and ,0” 9; (0 ‘£93 33983113‘! tilt ll! XIII’ of. He Week in Llncoh ‘ad Pm‘ “mm ~------—-- —- - — ---~ ‘ -"....a. an .i c. Babb. In IL It """- " 9- “"““~ "'.’- 3- 9- "m '°"'"' “'"'d"'. Ode Mrliinaie offiigh am. here lumbia miteé here 1...: week " “"1 W! the vrvi-o-I was i--oe«i"°‘ °°T”°’""‘ '."“" °°‘""” .""""". -. - ‘h_¢.'m.',“” Eu“. Wyatt Hunt. lira. R. L boekridge, and‘: )lha- lyrtle Jennings of Stur- ‘wt. h. b on. r J P lcmmie i M" Sud“ F ch" d.b,. we hm”. mdwny flu tivmylnd dill)’ commit“?! on “)9” P''°‘~. ' 3- 7“ ;‘ semen “H 54‘... D lira llorqtio lloore y fgeor; who is attending a business “-52*"! N3”: czsugmh‘ "M i’;zdw‘h;fl of Columgi‘ ‘"0:im‘h’:‘ tan)’ candidate or any measure. lg‘-"M '91’! ‘M °°'""'3 7°": "- J-; - n"' ‘ ' n"l'hn- I J ' ""““'““‘ ‘ laehoal in Columbia. '15 away my ‘ , _ ._V b . 5 M . B u .d ¢'K|U'W| Nwffl to Columbia Wed-‘I 13. F .n Ti‘: 51:‘: _‘l'he hate Thompson Circle of the l 5., work man” of ,u.,,,,_ 370*?“ N890" Tllflfsdli 0" 50!! , '3 . pr"’i'“°u‘: 3' “’ hag‘? °‘f'"f:-‘cl’ ha" 1 neada). He has been holding dairy, “'4 ‘ ‘w 3...: ‘by. lieu.’ Iary "“""' Dwthtm am at I0 oclock: in-a. Katie Buacher. 107 South ""5" . . . : ' " "“’ "”' '."”“°" “"“."." °’ law vs‘: distribut a 1." '°°d“‘~ '°h°°l’ "' 5‘ ”°‘' 5" .5, ‘ gm he ate! . ‘M “ er “,5. mom-um ..m, I,‘ J_ 3_ nah ; Pm‘ “nu. ‘flu to Run.’ City» hlarlow “right ‘ of. Centralia: Fort Morgan. (.olo.. are \-“max 6000- n “don anumre t hfl[Pr8h€0U, _Jefferaon. Butler and Rip. 2 fielle :e:;Iian. -Sara fin 5081 to ‘run’. "rt J. G_ 3.“, Md chu,"§“m mania‘ ‘mew ‘he rm fin‘ Vpihlttd hi; brother (rram-illc “right - here. .p-mundtalefl “n.l’t[.l;d th“a:u:lis- 14,-’. counties. Ruth ‘ . ‘ 5"" fth .‘ . use-er. ii.. - « ‘ ‘“° - ‘W ‘ uni‘: “,m' ‘qt- (1 (' PVOKTCIII ‘war. nu. Ann. &e‘1on I‘! J D Strode. 80 )t'l!'n Old. who m.’, h"! no‘ 'e‘i'tered .hou!d«. __ - j ._..____. . . ‘ Mrs. Lucina Tucker. who aufl’ered- _ - ,- . _ giuia Doen-chuk._ DOYOUISV 39“? Justin Ruark was married to fills‘: “if “''‘‘"h c°°’“b_” °‘ B°“"’ 3 ,_.u.ok.. of p"n1}.,i5 “M ‘“.,_.k. i,i:;?n’ner°';‘:'t1:{.::i 3"!‘ " b"u‘d‘5 do no before the fifteenth of this. 31, Frances liubhard. from ;..m,;,. price tn gemho sung.’-_.l|'Il’ Cwetne K33. Wm |fl_'1}'e 1043)‘ '10 no. imm.m.iM. t 95 33- ‘ glttultlh. On that day reports on‘ eye Univerlltik I053“ . ‘nd llr. Ruarlt waa graduated from the‘, ""”d ‘"9"! '°°~k' fi:.m.n‘ h" "T Charles C. Quisenherry and Curtis. Chndlwud Murphy rcwrmd m “hf” f°' lb’ "‘°"u' °{ J"‘“”'5' 17”". Illhella SIIIil!')' ‘"5 ch"’''’“' 531' Univeraity of Iinnairi in 1923 andi ‘"1 "25’ ‘him P‘ “mung mu Tucker were in Columbia Wed - fl’! Q‘ 1"" “°?“ fit” “ “"1 M '" lb‘ °m°° °f “W 0” i35P¢¢1i3!I lue. lielen nausea and vsoset .. . member of Beta Theta es. :"'''‘'°''“’’ ''''“'°- an on r............. "“ " ""“"- “~ *’~- ~“°'v“>i~ burr-u. ' V f s coiieee. ..___.... . in. mi ii .1. .\'. Jack « - v - i - . , — - mm u-phtm V I "' 8°" W Mix: runme “nllace of Fulton AT THE HOSPITALS ; i. l.\ \.tLm:\n.i.¥: caoarsr; . S "‘" " _.A.-._. ' The musical program will in- H‘ J’ B‘”‘f""d °f P'y"°°u" l“""*d ‘° "'9" h‘’‘‘‘‘‘ 5“ Sh J”“'l'h spent the week-end visiting: Mr. and .- - . Win. and Mr. and llra. Wirth Fa‘ this morning after visiting their - - 5 -- ~ ' ‘ . dug, 3...;-or-al uolin number: ' . . , , ' Mn. l.. l{. llamilton. Jargaret “ilhaaia Manages Vi. A. A ‘i” ""b°.r‘ l‘l.'.nd' .cc°mp‘m°: 5:53‘ K‘;f¢lt!iu.(E;‘ 'an:dmI.r?. 31?. . 32"“, “ ‘"9". 41.» Fred Roberts mgpped thI'1'¢' ('h""' Parker Memorial and l.‘-niversity. - A’ "um.-flue 1“. "an y u Inns lwa \‘\r$egarden." P:-ouiiuph S fiuhhrd “H In” ‘venue :. . lrr \\'hite i-own m_(‘. B. Moore of 1-how “mined ‘D we hospiul I .§(J’(‘flt;¢l'l 81;]: have been chosen nah“ . . aln8- 9 '~ . ___'_.____ '. huh’ Bond um ‘fit W , ‘ : “ ad K _ F ., or ' e t ree c oruaea of the W. Af nth“. -—*—’ Alph. hm?‘ ‘luau X“? ‘lliledi humcfihhis ‘wk ‘*6-nu of rir. weyne Sharp. ‘rum ‘Russet. l~‘.d- T'“'" "“ B°'“'°* C“'~3°*- Ruih . nungiton. .ar 40¢“. Ill 08-, _ . t il hear u is sister. '“.in Mic), .1 u d H . C (v - ' ' B “Automobile Party" imu, ;.~ux,m. Sm“ "N, 3",,” pm, 4 Warren H. Moore of St. Louis. I . . . I 1, d “ “ ‘"5 ' '"lT"h=* ** *‘ “ *‘ - ~~e ~.—---- . _ _ - ' __ -‘firmer nudem 0‘ we Uni“_"."),. C. t fllt hfle d and fanu.) mow Boone Count). _ .......— 2 H914 “‘ C’’’''3““." ‘ Dinner guests at the Sixlna Chifviaitod in Columbia over the Wt't'h-1u“s '''°‘‘‘‘ ‘” "“' “‘”" °‘. '““‘ W“ -"‘”‘- """?’"‘ C°°"" ‘W '"""'“*‘d: The Y. W. C. -4- 07 Chfiflll" C°.l° 3 house Sunday were: Nan Ober. Dor-lend. Beak’ "Mm °{ “‘u"m°' 1° ”"' h°"p'u" ’'“''"d‘-‘'' ’'l“‘- A- - . - ._ __ ..___._ _, ‘ - l’. Boles and baby were dz.-char gd‘ keefieggjgujed thefaeulty. and of am, 3,,,.{°‘;¢. kn, 1-h°m9,on'_ _ '0 . _ ‘ Mrs "Mable Anderson of Milwau ’ ' ’ g , finial: laat night with an inftrmal : yrgu; you ‘ad nub,“ wi“inS_: Dl8l’L:\\8 IASDIORIL 01- . kt-_e. \\i:., spent . two week: here lve.-terda). . aflauobik My.‘ in sin (‘Iggy par. _______. - ILRAL SCBOOL Cli|LDl{E.\ with her uncle. \\. A. Allen. U . f‘*°. . * . _ fun, 1‘eAu"u"' ‘ho ‘rm ‘F, ______ ‘I ".1 n "uh" Erby of Rub. I you unntlto buy or M" sonic» 3"; Exhibit la llepruentatire of l'ro- ‘ "" ‘ " think try I Missourian want ad. ‘ ‘ "" *"r" --~- f rd played in which 3 ‘iv’ Th“"“d‘5' "'°"‘i“‘- "in 5° isas City visited her grandmother A 9 W3“ . T n . . “fiat quuupm ' . 4 gueat of‘ Dr. and Dirt. A ‘led’ Lflfim‘ : Mrs. Nancy llulen this week. . _ I ~ B “ - B ..]¢u¢,,. ,.[,,.u a word each hem! ‘WWW’ 5?‘ "" ' ‘ A display of the bandwork ..i ”'~“"“ ”""": 3'.B""‘°” ?"“‘.'*"' that beam with “D” 150 Ill" °‘ _‘°''‘‘' “ Int. Beverly Platt of lianaaaichildreu in the rural schoola has M'‘ '.'”d In’ “' R‘ Eur.’ m ("°' — 0 0 and ends with “Y” and uh“! ='i'"“,°'* ""°'“°"“° ‘W City arrived last night and eniibeen arranged in the oflice of ‘"'“‘’‘‘1 ‘°' ""'°"' “"" “"" """‘. C03]-111111018 "’°‘’'‘ '’‘°‘’* ‘° "W ' ‘ 33'!‘ W D935 1439357 7°’ “'9 "°".be the guest of lira. C. B. lilo; Charles E. Northcutt. county super- 63!?‘ "L T’ ‘:°:':l:'."{°r.u'°3£_§ buyera of meat in Co- . and -u-wm -It-rs . .intorident of schools. ‘rm. work. “ " "'‘°'‘ ° “ °' " ' nu, out-._._;5 gem, lumbia. When applied mother of a son bora Christmas: was played in; _ ‘ ‘Day. according to word recently re-i lwhldi of ptxenu divided into Zeta Tau 773$} ' ‘announces the" '°“"“"‘ ‘° "" N°''‘'‘°‘‘"' ‘” """ . ‘ to Ric-harda' Market, ~reaentative of the projects under- thnt Word must un- ‘gu. I, Each ‘ - pledxin of Nelle l-‘ J hnaon f‘ - - ed. . l fiflrufitad a captain make zforgtogi Buckner‘. ,“ 0 O fizuazz q(:,‘":_::'"] - ceflfhe door of the Baker School was‘. Implement d°“l"°dl7 b‘ UK. The B Y P"———---U “hint ‘in mg’; The ‘ark include; pix" ' U! blown off by the wind Xonday. Nisan Co ’ t . 'he-d’'aedblfr run A bcflet -urn’ 2'” ''°“’'‘‘ “ at no o'clock tonight at the IeAl- I-imple embroidery done by the em». ?,,:.",°,",,.r;:,’4.. Lsrmiie dayuar‘: .131 pa y .. m:rr::s'nABu.I'ri' fit 6000 0‘ ¢“¢'“"¢- ‘Iii-ter Cafeteria. , 3 evidently with a great deal of care’ 1-uesdw Phone 891-8th and Cherry ‘ '_ , , Mil Has Bridge-Luncheon 2 Mrs. Rollins noekeaay 'or Kan-l.ndd:n:nu°n to am". mm mm B°""° ‘“"° P°"‘‘'°°‘’ ‘‘ """”°"" 5 Th? m-Ode decree” :"mphc"'y' ° u C R in‘: City grrivgd Iggg ni‘hg to _ _ _ H “ ‘ g__ _ _, _ ____ ' lers ties! pl-""p5 and. Oxfords por- fog". .E_ Y!’ _ ‘the guest of Ira. I. 0. Hockadayl . . a or gave a h'idg-e- 3 be’. it W" of W hum“. ‘mo, p_ 8--—_ wood W the ‘am.’ 1-,, W“ 0, mckq-awn‘ C,” 5 elegance, of charm, of originality. ‘n_ c_ 3_ y,;.u.,- of 3.3.“ city, of the Round Table Club at its reg-1' 8h0*mK . _ _I mean, ,0... 1,," dam 1, ' phone 270 f tray that simplicity with an air of ted by ; ‘ ‘a ‘dock “,4”. u an gnu}- p ular luncheon at Bag-rig‘ to@ay_ the dlflerent Breeds of sheep. horaeu. (hf ' For Good Meats Wonrlcrfully styled- ‘cattle an d tti .frth . ' m 0" w 5° M O Motlcrately priced. PERSONAL rruus _ ; ‘;;;"F'“~ °‘ '°‘**"t-P:"‘?"d ?“| 9 ‘be following peraona were‘ : Ira. '1‘. C. Pi . _ ‘polo. ‘not 5- -»—-~ r ’-.g_.._, . ‘ "Ton Alton. Ilia. 0. G._ Haggard. . L are “Around 6ie'WV'l‘ld” ' u . . .. 3,. 3,5, seeeue, are. 5- 11.. E. W.‘Kite-hen left yesterday for;hooka, illustrated by clipped pic- : . Beautiful Shoes for Beautiful Women ‘Silas. Ira. Homer Wooda. Ira. _ Kirknville. {tunes of scenes in strange (‘cum I J. A. Klaaa, Ira. H. H. Bueaeher, H. E.4'Barnea went to Ottnniwa, ' tries. “George Washington" hooks fr Ira. Ella Spur-ling. Mrs. G. F'.'fi'0X-,1!» 3'" fill)‘. and “Abraham Lincoln" books. gi\'- ? - _. .__fl_ _. _ , __4_g _ . , _ _, _ ,._,_ __ ., ,, , _ .___.- _ __,-.___,; ell, Hra. Sam Riley, Mrs. J. A. R. S. 'curlock went to Texarkana I the life-stories of these national ' Oliver. Ira. Leonard Sullena. llrs. _ yesterday on a business trip. fheroea with cut out pictures. I g - Bolnaa. Ira. C. D. Crete. Ira. R. 3lar)’.la H8!’ 11'“ for St. Louis; Imaginative-ly illustratedboolu of J. Poerat. Ira. William Volt. Iris. - today where she will visit frienda. » “My Life” are also found among '1'. I. Kitchena. Hrs. C. R. lleixter. Virgil Hawkins and Clay Brown‘ the ahibita. enhanced by gorgeous Ira. lianna. llias Lucille Newton. went tn Centralia today on huai-It pictures clipped from magazines. Ila: Dorothy "Stevinson and Miss _ riean. E n- 7393- _ I-‘riuik See of Moberly rettrncdi ‘in l i the L.nivu_ hour:-dl5'esterda}° after a visit with‘. City faculty will‘ give interpretive ‘nah r'h:‘r,f‘Di“u' who ‘u in stl \ ——.—-.1‘ _-_._ __ B- STUDENTS . . others should tell ’ ‘ F . ;3;L;f:L';°;;‘f:k ;fm‘u; ma. 2... g....a......_. returned to Co~} IIAKE REAL MON!-3)’ ‘ .:.c;.'_ L — '-" wayiawoman’ehygiene low afternoon at Read Hall. Mrs.‘ ‘uni. I‘:'&;“::m§“ ‘ad “M J“ C.‘ ‘H on um pow." MUD{ERSD3a af¢0¢mfi¢fl"dY '°‘l"° d°"“"""" bit“ p°"“:'d“£ l ‘a fMw';nf°:"“"° ff" "°‘. ‘"‘ “°‘;‘;'””~ niur .‘...{ Nathan. ‘returned to their money-making novelty—the ‘ ,., .‘.‘."§:§.':.5." na-l-‘l::e:’e I2'.‘2‘..i..'.‘."'u"i. can dimmed of ave as er assistants rs. _ . . _ . y __ ho g.“ r or an- : s. mm. m .. A. *‘°:;.'".°*".:*'‘.i=:..:'.:r:':‘:‘’.~...... : °*""..... “°"'.."'““::°" "':.:; °°'....**“*.‘°'°‘. ..':....':““°° ‘"°"*?« ""«f" Ira. l. L Tello. Mrs. ll. G. Newman. : ‘d ‘t h h | I d ’! n th‘ V“ go gbeoebeu on. It at» Kotex i:x;vacbd in aanitafi 028194 In. L S. Backus Mrs. T. E. Sex- 0 er one y k’ "at" cm...” yank“ ambpa lnnautlv 16 tunes RI 0'0 P355!” u"‘“2’i’”‘ R"'“1“’ - ° ’ . """“l‘¢ 5°" 7°’ 3 “-"' d‘3"~ Coats nothin to start Write 5 l\otea-Super1.cnfIlI!Bl- - aoerand llra.\\.E.|lane\al. J B .1.“ . . I - welghtlnmolauxelth tuneaaa he” I __ __ M . v. C)’. architectural C'08l- I.’ In" wruwhn ‘ad.’ ‘ad .borb“"”¢awg, Oe(Koz¢x D¢dpr{:ed.|nt ue - ‘uh, Mum”, Assoduuon of 3",, m-er, will go to Iowa City. 1a.. to- be the an‘ on, u ,0", “,1. , Each Kocex pad is in Itaelf an _hoxwithwhiteai:i:.-‘catmintttorct * 9" “Pl” 95*" "“'l'|l ‘ °'°‘°¢“7‘""”°"' ‘° """““ b‘"‘""" '°' ' lege to introduce this now awicorrosraowcrs oo..ittw.aiunoeceuiema.cau-co this afternoon at the chapter house.lf1"\' days- Affif the lcfiyc ch.p.‘ J. 3'2“-lI'DOd {D b0fl2! tel’ members entertained the alum- ‘'1 Th°"lP$°'3 W43!’ 17"’ ‘P0714508 , _ he at an informal tea. Ilra. Riel» I "3" 485‘! ‘Fill! N185"! belt and no Lloyd-Jones of Tulsa. our. and in IICB-inc ~ * 35, x_ L R_ 1-,,-].,,- of gm... , Charles Iianford. a atudent in thel city. who it the guest of His: - Collect of Airricult-are. left this} Pearle Iitehell. were the honor 3 _ _ __________ ____ I280. . ~ elty. . cnosswonn mm’ co. ,,':,'.',f‘,.. rm Gates .ue.st. i.eeie.Mo. . -o-'0: D e o D o R 1.2 B D ‘l ._ Ir. and hire. ll. Grant Sigmanl . avowed Ionday to make their home HAVEN'T YOU N0- 15;“ Columbia. lira. Sigrnari was ‘ cu, ...‘i'..“‘‘.‘. .‘.?.’..f.::.'; TICED THE BIGGER lk University. llr. Sigman is a_ ,_:f, Ki-nPI:”*"* "Ir CRQWDS AT THE JUNGLE LATELY? J law. In. Ada Jun. Lingle of canton"; . , I and William ‘F. Rhodes of Eldor-ado; ' were married in Clinton; Beauty and QualityatLowPrices i ii . Reflected in the New Spring Coat Mode ' ‘Here are some of the details about the new coats which 5 have just come in with our collection of spring models. They _ ‘ are charmingly designed and beautifully tailored. Embroidery. , ' o_ plaits, tucks and summer fur are decorative details that you'll ' §4IntedfI'oIi(‘hi'iatian(‘ollegeandjIl'oIlIlllflfl1Il|)’u'I¢0' ;0r_IiCaliforii'w. 3 #33’- Tomorrow Begins the Second Day of Our Great $16 Dress Sale The ‘largo:-on--I-:.l’.;ng Circle or ad .1. H‘ appreciate. The new distinctive shoulder line gives them it smart,Pai-isiaiiair. Fulllinedin richcrepe. Visit Our 2d Floor and $ec°Them. _ _ y « . New Spring Millinel-_y Arriving Eviery Day at! thodevotiom . Bihhard wfllrlv’aataIk,on' -~_7§&iat in Modern uterauire." l i i You'llflndagoodgaIIg ‘ ! , d-All_thoaewhohavestilltdpro;f'it in this event will find sunsc- " {is complete VALUES 0'11"“! ‘ll! i8‘°D¢1'°"3 Wm?" ;. , C _ y ~ ' 4 I 7-“ ‘0“"'-‘vwrvwa-iv'ne.arv~.~va-i-no-aa . .- .. ... ...,.,.-. . . -‘c , _ _ ' »' r - ' .a '_ " !“i‘5‘s"’-'51? ’ ' I - ' ' I’ ‘ - a:-- »“.‘. " .' -.'A '‘''.’‘‘'r y . '1 _ '~ ‘V _‘__...__j._-_~,_ 1‘-. . I‘ ‘ .4 .e‘..g.-.-3:... -. - .. .; -_.;;'_..._ L ;r....,._j ' . - ~ _ 1 . . . .. -. - o‘ . - vi . ‘