,~'*"""""._"""-"~'.‘.‘."~"s§;".'3'-.'.v':‘ T ‘-r" ‘sir i‘ zil, ' .9». .' v , , A‘ 7- . . I - E . - tr‘. ‘ -- I g C. ..'—" ‘I I --.AY-iEB8v#RY3~192s LAm9rr:r9N ‘ 3.. 1° smvrnooe no. 3 W IV-‘Wm m <'nAIm:nlT0I,ll . Of meestlve P ladivid I. . la m '. at Open fleeting. 811 PAGES. 48 OOLUllNS BOND ISSUE AT 1 ; NEXT i-' - I .__. is \ \ COLUHBM. l -_-. F- TOFINDC. OFSOFTE fair and somewhat warmer. ’ —____ __ ,,-,-,__ 73 .,__NUM.B1‘.3R.13}, DOlVNFAI.L OF. ."One Year Today, Visited by Many GREEK (‘ABINET, Tn: Wnsrmiag For Columbia and vicinity: Gen-1 r- Cl - ~ - 10'8"! ? . F0 CITY fmm‘ "" w“"""*¥- Ni!“ .W-- 5 Troop No. 3 of the C lu ii‘ no " The to-ib mist: pm unnoticed if ‘ ? ‘CT . . - hr “ . . R. _ _ gpenwh .§°¢;3:. “fin.” no up 3”.“ ‘M, P,.,.m“ ‘.?th";uu"oo§ ‘lo\\' N. I-‘eb. 3.—On the it werehenot for three llkaug: thni , ‘cs-su Deivt--, M-¢' ° , -———— . 2 .. .-—-_—— . «charterby A.J.Gilletu-.51-out .i 9* loom 8:. Album. high rm * -rrovh-an C kw- flflllfl ll‘ Pu” ‘°" '-lI'[Counc1l H313 |Tqu.tlV€ Po: cloudy to.‘ Beggns to utive. it the troop's open l;::;‘{h°“¢P city where he once !!~ ‘-=!‘:v reveals '0! IlIIlPl¢ lM¢Y|Pll°" ——'_'i'-' E . -t . 0, the 3.5“ ¢_,,_.,‘ Plans for Structure niehwwm uddcdnesdnt “di°.‘oI'lu3u 92:!" _ E I . M‘ ‘H H, Pm . 5 mm sided as head or gh. ,,,...m. “.°°d_ . ii.-name llilson. isss.i924‘-~ Intense Popu ar sci e- Vatican. _ _ lwd.__‘_,_ '’°'” 5599' ‘Fem? ° gin: night. Prof. Herbert wniigrow Wflson. twat:--dumb Pr:-L ,‘_’-‘W "W “W 9* """“?" °“ ment May Be Too . M W : . ‘or the troop. .l‘o p"_ 0' [hf Ofll,‘ \:l$ll0r' mfl ‘mo ll Q-9" P . ' 0-09 "' “"”""' *5 ‘l Seatink 3 500 9 .5“‘PP"" ‘°"°¢0%=.NVithin s 11- in Commbh. gented ‘individual membership cer- mr _tbday. an s on. cnwmbod in;"."!‘““' "“" "‘°'° " t"°°'°”": ”“E ._, - 3‘ Victoria and Albert lluseum.‘ 9 ' ' ;;lllll of fill miles of C0‘l:‘l|llblI“‘l.J‘l(‘ ‘tzithg Szofieu gt mu um.._ tiny; B;l.‘llle:-i:Cm Chaipel ofedthe 7 Jglxxnigzlfll 0:. G0‘-ernmgnt. : ‘, ‘ , T o . __§________ ' e . ' v s ‘ o e " ‘ £_ 3 g¢,,,lngmn, . . owest temperature ton t u no ' ‘ 1 till in ‘ca -light M-n1ce," _ I-In ms piscopa (‘ath ral ~ _ _ ’ '“ l ____,-_ ._ '«"s-~ '-°°° W‘ '“*:.°‘::="° "°““L“ °”"°"Si.....‘* ........:..... "°“”‘ “*"“" ”‘“°"“”'“’:"* "'*°:"..;':.'*°::::'.:..*"*‘;°'.;:'.°'.if".:’::" '"?" .. .. ‘‘3T»’=u-» <‘W“°" ‘W ’*L‘“*’'‘" "P? 109"’ "P "°"‘°".°°"""" ‘ ' ill ' "'~' ' - . ’—7"—_ 3 ' " "; ‘ . """"."" ” ‘° ". °m°:wi-ck-—n¢~ver failing. h~ , ,---'.— -uues. in f°'li::'=¢ ' ‘° P"1P°h°° H°adq“‘"'t°’5' '18 ."°""‘ ""“ CM C°“"°‘l Reta“ Raw "”mne':n":iri.nimh'ee of eh. ,,,..,,,,,,;',:,,',‘,';,",‘;‘;_' '-him pa‘ sin. Edith iiniiin: can \\'ilsc:n: ihe 5 Killed in Anti-War Dem- ’ -'-tr Ml“ I and Fire Department ’ Thecoid «Te hm-Efone eastward.‘ . Revision for Light to Kiowa’ of the twenty-eighth rmi- onstratioii as Fire of " '11- ‘CI N853. M -’ . - l(~n\°(~rfin' mg of [k country Q-gal '.’ “G *1-V“? 'h’fl3'_ The ‘""i""'?"3' ‘J hi‘ dulh dclil. No «me around ll!‘ cathedral :;-_- an-ed no-as in Europe." V": m Ba9emem"’125 of the Iiaaissippi. From the Ohio T° '1' R°dh_°“9° and l*,,,."‘m‘,,,.,,¢‘?.',;:'",:',.‘,,;°,:. 3"’, p :3“ “"""“°"‘ -* Wrkmen knows when she comes and departs.’ Blanks Is Returned '. ' in Calif’. 307% 511341!’ '0 Foot iporthwand near zero cold obtains. Commlttee. gt}, 1.‘, of we no . gum“ ‘en "wd ‘° ,°"" "“°"'" '5 W9)’ I-‘cw. if any. persons there rccog- , B « . Sabtt Bey. ________ En in dgmy go gold in th, mark...‘ zuphind ‘M that "n“_nmcm with i ‘mil ‘ht’ mlflfl 0‘ 81000 ' nlze the woman in black as the b) u em‘ l .V._“_« V. ddtibuiiders have rejected; Tentative plans for a 3250 t not freezing. ‘ 'I:he proposition of softening thc-.u,, uflmnn of we Bme indiahd. . ‘iorkflgcrliieégzaihed asd rst.t‘le¢‘-id as widow of the man they M", ...,m,. n’ “ma Pm;—- ---c A ._ _~ gg§ous' demand for M8501‘. ty hall and auditorium for Co-2 A low pressure wave is advancinir entire city water supply was tahn;3q,_.,‘t um, d¢.,,,°,,,u.,,_;,,,,, by ‘Ml °" ‘ ° "“ ""' H0 l'°"°'- A'l‘llE.\'S. Greece. I-‘ch. Il.--The ” ' 3 7"l""“”"" 9“"°"h,,-‘°, it "'°'i'C""‘m'5, 78'" ’‘'.:',_'‘:“’° ‘-°.,“" C“’l°”“"";" “°n:f f:.'“‘f““ 3°?’ :9 :1‘ él.=;hCit>' Council Int i;i¢:;~ijsenm in the use of firsteaid nieih. § "*5 ’-4*’ ~ .~ “ i .,.—-; .~ .. —;-s,._~ ;a .~ fall of the amt Cabinet is H- E = I F'°“3 °‘m°' " m ‘l ' _ o , ‘ ' ‘u _ )5 79‘ "‘ - - 01190» P70 5”’ ° _ ' ods and in the use of {la for ll -' v ' rthsrith as the rt-suit of the ’ . ’_.- ‘.g;,.i.. noted violinist.’ -cells’ meetins by Will 51 Sfmtluicwins rel-tmly mild weather draulic engineering in the Umve_el,..ii;..,_. in ‘ I S ':::.°:,.::...i-. .i.,... 0,, ii... .,,,..i- I Sundsf CV35“! l N3 ‘ d'“_'"“"‘.°7 ‘M’ ‘'5' kn °°"““’“°¢-{ ‘h"°“C'h°"l W9 “Pile? 33300?! ‘I.-V sity and a member of the counclloz The Scout executive then prcsent- ‘ sion the ecumenical patriarch I ' 3 fl be married soon to liiss Helen hilloiving the submission of !4-')' "id ‘P991’. states. while gold the member! l-ll” l""°’“U_"3ed the troop charter. officially ush- 7 from Constantinople. ‘ 0‘ S“ hucixa iplan a motion was passed author-is-I its influenc\e is betInniii¢_ south» iions will begin today to ascertain; .13,‘ 5. 1,00,, gm 3 .0 “N. mun“. - , ' The numb‘). p,,.,,,;,, 532-‘ h-. Run". in" 1 ing an ordinance to be drawn pro-3 ward to II. lower Iissouri \alle)' , the cost of the process. An expert; 0.-,...i.go,,, .1“, ‘Nth p,-(,f_ ii", nkhhmpuic, ,. mg. of (-nnfidc-nee, ncieased, _ , . _ . .._.__._ o{ head in St. Louis. butivlding for g \-01¢ to 1,, gun by and lower Plains. ‘thawing weather ni-rived here ygstcrcl‘). to tsther,hei-t “all. scoutniasicr for thc iroo .‘Parker Hospital Report, Additions Today Make 471 iss I; 75. . lS(‘('Il!l00'lg 0 ‘ Fl" - i, i i, how it'll reva'l wed sd - - f - -'3' . e 0; mg] «l 0 People of Co um is on a _ - I P . | OW!‘ 0¢_ 83- the data. according to Pro easor,p,u,,,e,¢ “cg, scam mu, . "mg, _ ‘ ”‘l°"' h"JRn‘,h:::°:,‘mw:ny;issue of $250,000 at the city election} Data for Columbia: Highest tem- m,dh(,u,n, ;t,,m. of ,,,,mu.,.,hip_ The N,‘ 0; Shows 200 Increase for House and 220 hero that Turlu-_c will reject the ‘ nfithh nmhropolo; °" -‘Pm ‘ -£°’"'ur°hy",$'d‘y V" 28; '°""‘ It is estimated that thc construe-i,lhe evening was devoted to games; Over 1 ast Year f Se te lW‘0P°5‘l 7" "'l’i""“°" '“ Th” ‘ The propose as not forth pro-j It niir i. ; precipitation. o.oo. .- f n... pl 1 yitU.'l'l‘I would‘l"i'he feature of this part of th ‘ ' 0" "3 - llairuo. "‘” ‘ht 0“ Noah u‘ E rides for a brick. stonefseed struc-j 0'39 1'08!‘ sen llitbcfiti 05: lowest. eWm“::").,.:: 1:, ,, 5...," anal,»-enlng's entertainment was a box- Th 1 " ' _ _ , Bccsiise of the intcni-c popular “‘ ‘M an‘ duh '.d”'.|.' ture with a rontage of 125 feet’ ‘"3 P|'1'1'5PlUll0|’1- 090- n M _ ling boat refereed by Haj. C. A 0 . “mu” ."'"'n M "wk." '3’ '. 5"’! ‘f"",""’"""". excitement and that extreme reli- [_ adapted to urban co Ittonm and 200 to“ deep. H ‘in hon” -_::_“Z‘_f_:_._‘_ w__‘:__ A V V 1 "Th N‘ M "w MM“). wm h_.mu_hr.‘,,-m Ed“_‘rd E. Brown. Um. Memorial llnqiital nhouvu an in- >.l.l.F'l-‘I-.R.\O.\ CITY. _Fch, aim” ferwr mm (Th mt mmugih ’ Hartino. I908“ llllllfl ‘he city omcm ‘"6 ‘dminisu‘_‘ W re ‘(ha - or ‘haunted by rednctd-“_'r‘n)_ haiku." man‘g?t' .ru"‘ " (70819? of C8305 htlmllqud ill all d(‘- §lx.(\('-‘pi lillls ifiU"0dl:“l.‘dt in if .\fll- hut thc (_Uu'“r‘,' R u my !l_“(_‘,ud Tot» ' ha been ppoimd; . . . . .0 _ ii _ 1' ‘ . par merits. ate t is morning a we-n )'-at-vcn _ . ' ' , , _ “ “T ‘laid’ ll’ '” °f°,':lfvieoe,° we mm‘: ‘ Pluimbinfi, bi!!!" ‘nd to pmfuwr W.“ _ re wen. l.«°ll'»7‘ patients ad- in the House bring the number bc- ml:”£m:_£:m,(;:; fin; announced yesterday after ofl'ice. aswell as ofiices of the city’. :;:tng.He r<;xp‘s.‘iMd um “pr: 0).‘ pun’ ‘N hem‘ ‘map for ‘ “Duh znristii-dwt<;)'t:l:n'h;irs;:i;i‘isl9gomT;l‘:sn: {the ull:isi;iei;r:mI.cgi. ‘(to uni“ :"‘:h:"::T‘_::::; attorney, water and light depart- and Lads" banquet for Troop the "W" lumblll WIN?!’ "UPl’l.\' ll‘ ‘'1 l-“ll°"" more than the previous year. 5, no 7= ‘ . * 'trstion leaders vrer¢‘ment. street dc artment and cit - - . - 3 some time durin Scout Anniver- . . . eminent under (i'('m'l'nl Condvlilf . Aduii;'is‘"d”' to include in ‘hckiwinnr. P 3. . . _____f_ .quali_i?. and is‘ consoquentl) inex-A “W . 2 There ‘mm, .,”...m_\._u,,.n cases of “ Five htills wore’:-ngrmzsed in hlhv Wm come mm pomw flu‘ General 7 mm for legislation a reeom-‘ The h‘”men{ will 5, “cupid by DlSCUiSSl0l'l t0 07- p:_'‘‘“‘' ‘° we“ ‘i ‘ " ~. I I ‘ ’ -.:—.—————— _ ‘ "°"““°“" d"°"“"‘- ‘" '“""”‘ "‘ bfm" Ht "' "“!l'l'“:,"- :m°_:'_' ht fm Pangalos, lhc fit-ry deputy who . . % ‘or ‘n pols“ m. mc ‘ad. to 0 C ‘m‘u ‘ “tut . fl!t)"fi\'l.'. ‘"3 dou‘er'.B‘ .‘ O'h‘s “ '9 out fur um” fnr‘-(s |.‘t S‘[- p . ii.‘ . he ‘min are demmmng iM!nd_ The street a I ) 00"} 1 f 1005] TILL rzfllu Al“ 1:‘ The X-ray I‘Ol’kv|ll0W0d a marked l"‘°P°'¢ “_ 3" "l 1 9 M-‘8_|l0fl .\ “day. M. min-N" .,{ ,..,._ td a’. imqn‘ we firemen,‘ dormnory. reported next. and was advised o iM.,,.,¢ 0,," m,_.‘.,°u,.y,.,,_ ., dug Representative Bales of hhannon Mm_‘_" d'm"m.uu°p_ were Health Board. The City Council, after a long Mullins. and detailed discussion last night. ”‘°‘l°“ _ ed referring the matter to the C°m.“."‘ .Thi‘{bi" :.‘;$:u‘°*"hu“i staged at Tricola today when com- ‘:::l;:£°'m;"’ "ah; 2 munists lirukv uindmu In public C 7’ ."T'" 5"‘ ' buildings and attach:-d llic police. school training: to two _\-can The Th Ponce ‘hm “wd mum un_ To Include Auditorium. drain trouble on the lot of A. C. lran liudaoa Granted Appeal— 9,, m,‘ic,i “M... ‘.h,..h numbaed Paroles Given to alts Nichols 5” 303 Mcilainc avenue. A made by Carter Owen was . There 6,397 hospital . ““ _ - days during 1924 being 818 days Circuit Court adgcmmed this afl- mo". mu, in L- 11; A feature of the proposed struc- we" to 'fruit°ture is an auditorium which will’ 4 '- ' t - ui . 3.500 1 .;_ referred to the City Board of Health l““ _ , , _ _ A - -, fl _ . _ _ . _ c 4‘, “ Ch. ' m V 0“ lJ)n]Jcl‘0"X(l’l;lrI 1).“ .“ut:;0l1.:.. . mafia" w "pal an‘ gdion nu. street and alley committee for ll'l~ :rn;:;-n"a(t;'u<:~’locol.i;1e cumenc at W oh; ‘h, mm. hmh, u, it... h,,s,,,ui_ (‘:'l;le:'()lo sniireafif dfhael fifoudiscrg‘ mix" ” “W "Huh may ‘i M ‘ho. ~ ‘Iiirtr We melee l . ' Med 1;‘ rd’ nu. Vcstigutlon. ~ - ' ~ - cig L camc after the opening of the ' down h- hall up-iricl on: ll be of the latest dc» 5"'’'°"'' "”° "“ ° "" ~ - .- . ; ° - ‘ . . ' - - « ed ",1 Nn . . 3 “ fiamuggled into the United 8tates.."_”“""°"t '.n . . lg.-hid, vid um; 11 1k “"4 in touiiciliiiun Ira 1.. Dana told the hill “M011. (“M6320 IWIIF". new ;,o,mm1 0,, ;,¢.pu.mb.., 22. ll VII! CNIUO” 8 “I T pw, ",9 km,.d_ {U , w,,und¢.d '5“ an all“. according to Sir. Smith. with. p,"°,.m':“ be Bong‘: ‘mi mm Nam“ that ‘he at). w“ 5,, gm“; found guilty of lcanmg the we-no of S_ Haugmanm mp(.ri,m,nd,_,m_ turned to the House for It lllll‘(l and nun), ‘rrflwd lwfoi, me “at N of burned :;’.lio:‘:: 3:°’:"°"': “f’ro°;'°;':‘ {:7 in (M 053;...) 3.“ a roller. tractor and trader to as uccldent without leaving his ,. ' ..-nm 5‘ due .0 the “ct um rcadini: and final action. demommmon W” (_m,Md_ Thin . rum runner oi! the Washing- , name and address and sentenced to, 5,; .rRl.s.rEE‘ '_.0R“‘E81.A."_: or . P kazc _ . The Health Board is to submit its if“ “"9 0‘ ll“ 5'" '""‘°” "‘ at on R L Th. flow kn { _ V y the opening of the new hos- u- s o e the‘ many demon- Ofe "D - ' p 0 ‘recommendations to the council at ‘Ill “The roller. alone‘. V1“ M0". 3 5"’ °7 “°°,‘"d “'°""-' "‘°"'~h" "ljpital we were not equipped for the 35 pg"; I GgA‘- \-Aug" sii-ations throughout the nation. a’: ”.t§rt|:u;rnu.m?fih ” U’! the next meeting Dr Vi. A. Nor "UN P3) 70-’ lU‘¢ll 5" I V937 i8 ll? lb’ °°“"l)' «l“'- W“ Ffuld ‘" ‘l".ha'hdling of maternity cases. We ' ' ,_',d. _. ' A - ; -* *5 ' _ so-',' P°d"' ° ,5,‘ 050"”, of (1,, ‘magma; go II" not then be necessary for us»]:al 1!; ti: Kafnsas (‘ity (‘oun ofiouy ind om. muemit’. flu, in pg...“ w,§u.,.- Gd“ .g“.,;,~ MRS. T. l;_.\i'c(_ll lTl‘\ IS 85 ......:°"“... ...'“°‘°°. .. ...... . ""' -; tr» ow»-nee» cm-- M "= .::" rt. .::..: *::::.... ‘- . °°"."a:...' '.-'°:..'+"“°' v-r aw-»c - ---- an {at mm“ {mason ‘nd..i,..,-d_ letlllii to ii in i so stree 1-. 81' ‘ N_ ho‘ were three deaths in the II _ ft. 3,". 3,“ _ i ' ——-——s—-—— now, we have pi~aciically exhausted 011 Ind 30591’! l'°*l1'T- "3 during the year. . Dr Porter llitchell was ap~ M11 1-. F. Mcqumn an E“, ‘ " NEW l.ICDll3§ APPBARIXG local sources of supply for cindt-rs.‘ been found [Dilly 011 I C trustee of the estate - “kw.” . . --. ‘WW4 3 B0\ 8001!? UKBIN. nu. i-Isis ii. Gray pnaoeche I I "°JAAsh in ct. I '1 elgliitsnmi‘ liirihdsy -Sulidayfl ‘llrs. ' he a . . - Alloftheeouncil werelsssaaeeollass Automobile Tags‘ am. ' t naebs ~- "‘ ‘ "'-'—"""' ‘emu. . tuna . . _ . '..jv”_ &._“.u.. *3 od.”‘,., ,i“_‘m » g!-Th‘ 5"tdd'l{"“"'_°"‘ i""“ d.;::_fm_'in‘ c~d:‘n ’ ‘ Sketches for First Banding at Site n at’ “M” Bic-Quitty was bum in hentucky and flsetheri What VIl'|,'ll&.l'm, we uafih. 0, 1.. ,_ 30¢: Th. “:5 ‘uodobne ‘N 0}‘ 8_“"° 0 P''‘“'- l‘ °°"‘"° ’ ‘ ______.____ _ on Auxvaase Creel: Drawn. (.0 m it Conn this i came to Boone (‘ounty when she “Q. Q... " he.ihouse. when the vote was tahen‘makiru their appearance on Colum-I ‘duh ‘u-wgkrfi‘ we fi\r'c wmu‘ 05 ABSTRACTS Imam ‘ C°h""N' ""“b"' M ‘M 8°’. iii: blind fixed at uhmtfom u; "1’ ' ye” ‘M’ 8'" W“ M ' f""' . & I. ‘tum-n Nun“ 3°“ an at‘. wupuiaon. comtnumn‘ bi. nnomohnu co,“ "M ‘:3 R"'“' “ "V" 5;" i_,°' k _ on _ v— _ . -out Executive Board for this 6",” of imorponuon’ '1‘ six miles northwest of (blumbia for Id Aires is. Davis stood alone against the mat-:. cu i ‘$4 gm“ F"fl.nh s"°"" C°""“ mm "n s‘''_'''''‘‘‘ ° 5"" 3"“l“¢ 1' area will meet with iisrry S. Bill. in ed ‘0 we ‘go . W 1 . a number of years until she moved ! ,y ' ‘flea ' R°""‘3 lb‘-'“ "“33°"‘°d lb“ m9 d" l 00‘ 10 51’ ‘75e”.- architect. and A. J. Gillette. Scout and ‘ an n "I. ‘to to “'7 There ha been some delay in the- a niatainedatgivenlsoursevery -_ A. , ll '9 ¢5l"“3“'d “ill ‘"5"! 3'98" issue of state automobile l‘i:cr.sc: wn. II on . fin ‘ ll of only 30 family reunion will be held A Sunday to celebrate r -birthday. Her four children with their fami- lies will be present. They are: J. Wafi "(X11 (K I110?!‘ h0.‘e. "n ‘he 'bs1r‘(-u :0 ‘he ('xm‘j\_?. .di“or" ca.“ iwould be required to pay off _the‘due to the pending of a hill in the },_;.i,"‘:§:.‘:§: :’,‘ff_‘, ._‘:,"'f,';'m‘(’)-‘m_‘(_fj ;;*;ul::;'<;'f'*I:iw ‘IQ’:-o:(t_*' "r'- , ‘ _ 24 ii in well known and high» ' h posit: d t St. so of the State sinriieiin- in ,0" - i - , jet brought against Lindsey byicolumbia cannot entertain at leu.=te F"d'7 l° '“°‘°' ‘° ’“‘ml'_n‘° 3" _‘ C°“"°'"“'“ A n°‘"’°““‘ "'d° lyoesteeemed ‘in his native county. :1‘? toupr-acticeml'aw"‘iat:oin0 the rest: The first part of the‘: girl» ioonilf ‘mm ,:::::.h’. (:5 skzuutp - V ;’i, 30,.“ C. Gnhun. «I yb. "0 convent“ Phillips went to Florida in Deeem-: ii proP¢l’ relative chsfle should be —.- ——s—-——— nmn‘. Re ”a,i"d bu A B d.__ rum “mined of .“",.¢‘ by uw"_;'k 0' vi'mn' nu-F" but an. "%__r______:_:___?_.___._._________:‘.__.____:_. lweeltly each year 3:" n,B°”' "*9 ""3"" l‘4’l°)'; mldh 1'8" to the 015'}! V1111}! 9; Petiuai Pending on Evening Katy.» ‘fee from the uni. it, 1 Charles A. Lee. state superintend- .5‘ mm nmwp ",m‘..~," {mm ” g > . The phnnin‘ commmx of: Km '0' QIRCl> ‘.0 W“: H’ h0fllCSl lhf (‘-0!‘l_!l.lfIl('T. lnll.I“Ill0!l 0 The "("30" for ‘n Q‘-cfiun‘ ‘am ‘ad ‘n A. u. .nd B. in cut of M: A‘. M’. fl.“ oPct“i°“‘ M h$ 1 Kindred Spirits. nu’. commerchl club ha been there permanently. James and; motors by consumers of Dower m:- on the M..K.»T. branch line to Iic- um om "M dw‘}m_., Dona“. 'in.p.¢..-, ‘ad Thom“ A, Dgymmn, do. “cw )‘ . go man ‘. 4 , "Oh." gushed Mrs. Brown. “our ,,,,,_,.uc,_ed to mfiwnu ‘mi ungwendcll Ittended Univmits’ lliirhfrcrsitatcs the u-9 of hcI\')'._cxPen-.Bsinc. filed with_thc state Public».-in 5. .1 1,0,... .; eh. sum. Apu-g.:rIIpl'ualltati\'e in the General As- .°:",i _ ‘W m ’ " "' Jew minister is just wonderfull lie councgi committee on um ,utu,._.3°l|°°l ll‘! I°W~'3l¢1'- 3"-W1‘ Wlmlvfmtfl hi’ the C115’. tlit Service Commission by Columbia”-"gnu gm-, gnu] me, on. up” up scmbly from Scotland County. who ' Clllnll 50100 10 5'00 9|“ 1°“ To date uni 1 in '—"—°—'—.'_' l*‘°3l 0‘ “'hl¢l| 5h0Uld"'l be b0l'D¢,citizcrsi and other patrons of the’ pemumg rggfidg-neg in sg,‘1,oui3, extolled the virtues of his county. .1'UR.\iBll 8-('li(;(‘ll. IS Cl.0Sl!i) s ‘"0 00' before." 35.... mnhi. to .:g°g.,.¢‘rwi.¢,p'_ D"',.."'D E'En.;,x“‘ k:;?":l'::_:"'t needles-ls‘ by the city. The rut-r,i-osd several months ago. is still _ -—-——-—e—-——- , 3 A ninnhe: of tdegratut and long ~»~~ - - - - __ 2 fin 3,.” “aka. «Huh! I-".in"_d S. Rem Cum“. Geo'_‘¢i'i“.-‘_h.'i’m.-n of the bard of N"-_ the motor installed. "the larlrer theipendlm before the commission, ac-N -3'-‘"1153 07 V333 I3 3&3” distance c.s'.':t were received pr:ir- “'3! CCU‘! ml?“ AUG‘! 1 . '“‘l3'l|d|')‘IIIan thatdoes the WT)‘ , D. -Parks and llorau Ifajor ax~e’".°l of the swam“. Rd. . u 2"“-‘l0?m¢!' mutt be. 31!‘. R0dh0|1!‘¢ cording to Ruby ll. liulen. iii‘. A . 1"“. """““‘m"8u“ T.“ ing the voc work of Kiss Sear-. 733m“ l‘ '’l'"‘“- "“ l-“ll!-°' ‘the members of the club coam§t_:Uni°n lu‘ “um “ r we "‘:‘u‘L:[¢-xplained. ed iiulen was active in securing 1. ‘ ’ ‘and the piaru solos of Ir. Lyins. 11* 7'73" 3'50"‘ "9" 33'! V“ ______ T 3 _ -' “Fu th he oiitinu .3 present’ in titi , d "t ' "3"" "°""'° ————s————- today because xllnr-' ' '-""" "ct. .‘ bu dd "'°''‘°‘ ‘‘ “'5' ‘kn’ ‘ ""4"" . “tho.-or lTtIr!?.:?(r):l‘lll'.’s use ca certain his opirifin tlfatpea emu: in. & sméem’ “' u” C°“°‘° °‘ ‘"1’ C. I. Ifliu fielh Two Leta. liss liannah Ic- ie been he was - _ , , ll the time. per: moi of the co ission i ht we ‘ “M” " ‘° 5° P"?“"'°d '° ll" ""7" 5 whether the motors ‘are actuallv in result in a fsvorab'i‘em decisio':.' although Iir. Smith said ous organisations lhfllun. M not‘-~ “L Rodh°u,,,_. poi}, ’ i . f , ad ,;. uh‘ “Mn” ‘N, qusuomdl today that it would probably be Union for ratification. '0” "mt mi, i, b,“u.,~ 9,, muor, _‘ 0 ‘cltaaflr °""h"‘ ' la a ‘line of Ussettleneat. 3 Nvthing diegn dopted for 1923-28. A consii-, Immm. of pm," % culture paid their fees this after-. C “and, .0“ ",0 nu.‘ 3"" and fewer, now. the lone de- ’ ”°°' . . . . . B. Rollins ."‘ "" ""“ *‘"°“'“"",-ion to 1.8. Gillespie and ii. Gnneighborhood has one or two cases‘ , ' , ""“""—“ , f £:""' fm ‘W? a” Proctor Jr.. through the 8iniih- of Influenza. a near the courthouse --—°-——- “£7e:":""':";'°Bm n” B. ‘“.d.' at Wniltfgll Will’ 1:: 2% lg’; n Run’ Co. 11* bu ." 'l"n"B‘i’:c‘{ . - - - i ‘ "i f fih'dti - -' ‘ . ’ l80nd loated B -0!!! . -5! an gods and the half-gods pm; nofifia... “flue: I ’it)'yPe? I’:-n::l:le:lfc“: stc:d;'nl:;:6 d'_:‘.A(§°':::::iT?.’_:,’ia!;:‘:’°.3','P:'h':;; "°°"°‘ B°m'"" ' Mm 3:5 Wflhlrfl “IT! I’ ""’ J __._. .the am univeuliy in the n i:d‘»"°"‘"‘“"- “" *"°““’ 5"‘ ' W“ he will’ vdo uaeposini ' hair ‘"n.°°‘.'.'.i.""".$“i»n.i.'-"" 5'?” 3"“"""" ‘° ”‘“”C '°'“""°" """‘ siinnoiaeuniesthers wliniuescseuascoooege IcAlpia Statestoco-operate with . eeii.§°°*""~"°‘°"°"' ch-'I°'°“W"*°;no~in iino.eirne:’.e.:e iiri '1 ' H" M ' ‘ "‘ ‘ - ‘F llomeat 7:88 P. I. Yeetaday. :gious college in order to provide re-.‘°".’“""' "'1 "°‘ "mil ":f:"“l3'.hini with provisions for more thanf ' """|"'M75°"I-°° L: ‘stash!-¢A‘."V ‘ .—._r.._ ...r .7 -- :‘ ‘ct .‘ V V. s :_'. " ‘-7:‘3“‘“ '1‘-;"§s8~