. ..,‘.‘..V . - _ if ._ _ .4 ‘ 1 ‘.’ ».‘'H '._.-V ... ; .. '._ _. :. .‘_-. .. _ . ‘I . . _‘ . ,_:.. _> 1 ., V‘. ", _ ‘V " _ —. 7.‘; ,..‘_ ‘ mi .‘ A . _ ,‘, . H . _ > F’ ' ‘I A _ 5.- " "."" ' ._ 1 ‘ . 4 ‘.. l . ' ". . 0 ; ‘' VIA '. V’; - at.‘ ‘*4 ‘= " -it I ":‘.J:_""‘-"" ..':3'“> l ' " ‘V "'.""" '’ ~ - "~~‘ ' - - ‘‘n-- . ~g - .- - «.-. .~ " ‘ " -.' ~. -‘ £'~‘. ‘-‘, -' _ ’ _' ' _ ' ' . ‘ 1‘ ,' ’. . -, . “ ‘ ‘ .‘ j- -- ‘, ‘R '.'-I. ‘. ' -. 3 " ‘ . ‘ ‘- ' ' . ! ~ I‘ - r. . A.-’.. , I . ‘ ‘ - .' " ‘< ‘ > . - ' ‘ _ It ‘ ‘V ' JA1iU_ARY 16 1925 ‘ , ' -nan ‘ we--in preparation. 15:] G l ile: ‘list 555 Ipecial design.‘ *1 .3916 §{:E§?é§~’§aow ' l A if" . ‘ v ‘ fl PR0DUCl'l(§h-‘U’!-‘ER WISE _ Dyba+t’Circiei u _, “..'.';‘:.":..'.:“'..‘.;'.‘.'..‘:“**’.;..'°‘.'i‘.':'.: BEEN LET FOR 1%. °°:.:i':* :‘..';.".’°"§:.".‘.‘.”.?’..’;. ’°;:.€.';;} ’.‘°'°.?...'.'f..‘.i’ “...'.?°..';'.:‘."°t'.'..:’.'. OF COLUMBIA %~;;;» ,;;;~ u»-"mt-er-,;-,5 -,=.§=-,v,;! Saturday neatmee ;‘r*:.f.‘;f.;‘:.*°.':::*'.;';"~..:":.:‘.'.:;..‘::%°...."” $...°:::.::;::.':‘.. ‘:;:; 2:11.21! Eumxmnc cnossnccs be '°°'?*"°‘? ‘far °* W pm to be set ‘rs. unfit Baum" ‘.511 alto“: of a formal dinner. I ‘The. Child Labor Amendment.” . _ sauce, coffee and lnlnta. l 9 bridges were completed; and that; 85°'“K¢ ‘ll '95’ ‘ . y . . . . 0 W. C. T. U. to Meet 1 diam: room was decanted: _the eatabliahrnent of the Traffic‘ , *3 "Port of tlrr pix aunt)‘ made i T T Hndw" '1" '7'“? °'' "N "hm! . - , 3 - . . . . . ‘nl connecfi n nib h { ,~ J g 4 ;_ at 300“! County hlltofy ll}! 15¢ Madge Dysart Circle of the_»in yeflow and yhite, a large snag» _ V Division has resulted in a Slflngt . fun In. t 1- arm cen-‘ ’ A ‘mm W.‘ 1 _ c_ 1', U, will hold its regular adrlton centerpiece being the only: . . 'i‘{‘'‘‘‘‘' M.] to the state of more than $360.-._“"‘ “ F" ° °“"5‘ 3°? l"‘0d“<‘U°" , , ————-— v __..__.______ l . 1 meeting}: 2:30 o'clock Monday i table decoration. ' . MISSOUYI as 1,633 188 ()()o_ :1?! 192a_ p3:babl,\' will be as small, """"'“"'** "W" M!" """ Tn, . uinumiu, um “L \ « afternoon It El"-' 5°!"-‘ 0‘ l‘"- K. us?‘ “;°“" '”°‘!‘l"°‘l §"'“'° 592-‘, Hard-Surface, Says From automobile rrcistmion -_nd:::u'::’s‘§‘0n,;:,“f,‘;';""‘::;,:':" “."~vas doubtful or the oriainal home _ C ____ S , A H ___J _ W’ ' 308 ‘M: Tu OY H. h Co . annu‘l cons‘!!!-‘p‘)on of molrugv is I Decc skln state of only one mentioned by M V’ election of officer: In] take place were 600011-E' shows a decrease of: - _ca"ie”_ illed was that where the M.-K.-T. ' 1‘ P''°l?’'‘"“ {W ‘ll’ “E” ""0 3°37‘ station now stands. The settlement ' . _ ,, _ _ . I ‘clustered near the .~tr¢-am. Fourth, p«_e0,¢...a‘&§§,co,n, . which will be followed by a_ div COUNTY NEWS Travel Is Partly Stopped vr<»=~’mu-“'l_.\‘ 345000.000 worth of . f:;fm':f;n°"i‘; '31 fl‘; l';“'“{l*1frf"‘ ’f°w“‘or Water. strut-t was .-3,».-cu-a to ‘pm. so. Jo-es-It ha been ‘ E gnssion‘ A musical program will 80 b ’ gli ha Y Chan _ work. This means that about 2.000! purd willfh the f‘ U" I ‘1’qm!‘~ ‘“"" become the principal north and south amoq the idea d _ , ‘o“o“.ed by ‘ ducumion. I .\ g g § - g . "H193 (if T0845 V11“ lf . ‘ 3 3. can . . or the run“: '_(«,‘‘-n' and 1}“-rp-‘ N" M HIV! . W 9 ' WI fl ’ ' r r If 0 " "" - I: -' - < ‘ ' , nucfl program '1] he give b} Ashland ‘ -n h“ a‘S and - J00 mlles { gt,-admg “-1” be ( reduction of £4 per (‘('Ill. in {ON mid NA n_ ‘Md, kg B,,.°ad_ coolactim-—the 2% TTIII ‘ ' 9 In. nd "3 Mn,’ ; Q g g . ' icom ‘mod. ‘the 1924 fall crop in the Corn Belt‘ . . - .- ' A .' knfifilwaghi ‘ ' fl Its! Gladys Brand a as 4 P _ _ \\a5. his prousion “as found 0 l u . .- . . . ; —-——— -_._._.._ ‘follows . miumm, of n1Qr- 1., ,-» . . . clan!!! and they have chad 5? 23"‘ B°'~“"°"' A 5°C"! hm" N“. J‘ ll‘ S‘l’l”"9‘°" ll“ 599“ “L i The biennial report of the State ‘-_ I_-_ “-. To SHOW WAR mu“ * r aim inxh. _ , ‘ ‘ 3” "‘qllll.(’ c0n\‘(‘nl(°?ll later. for it gro. z.h,,n,,p,a-d¢¢,n.n_ “now, ’ James Pauley of Kansas City has ;;;;g},w,‘. commguion 9,0“-,. um; , gum by mt :uW:l)"‘(:‘fl5l:;‘t"";’u ‘:"\'ldt‘d space for the M.—K.-T. yards ddsomethim new-ya. "—"—“ lb“?! "l5lllfllt l’lPTl'- lover 856000000 worth of road Scenes of 33th Division in France ' v ‘C " ' when the railroad cnmc. lCl°“|“7C- 5°09“-l3 Ban 1 _ nu , ., N . . . _; _ _ ' ' _ . . The total number of pigs raised ‘ - . ~ . ——yea. I! you bavenotoateaoneot 1 _ MI‘. and MT8 gr ‘Mrs’. bit? .. vxsitinz rcla iviori. has been placed under con “ere 'Talu-n llur.in.g_ 191.8. the Com Be“ in 1924 was prohahill Th“ a;(t:mhelo(re F.‘ll"l.V}““:slllT,\i Q that amadhm’ hm,“ kw ., flungate Entertam _ nea In ouni ia. _ ' {tract and that of this. Thtrttvtlifth Dnision in mm, 19 per cent kn an“ in 199$. ' e ' oun .\ us orzcn ...o- “Vb in ‘at “I '0“ _ b ‘ 75- 0” Hill has lmtlllfll 8 in-as placed during: the last two tion is the title of a war matron . ' " "¢l*‘l)' Willi‘-‘S ll" l0-‘S 01' mU<‘l1 "1- you ukgyougflrgliu, 31'“ "'d “'3' Lynn Hunflu en’ l0lld-3P¢8lKln2 Tldio. - 0 D ' mbe 1 1924 there Picture 1. be given at the C01)‘ The- Qu‘Mi.um'°]"’ {hm “presents ‘' l°"Mll0n Wlflllnz 10 the . cnrlv: will marvel how rich malted In ll. ' uyuinedwith o b!'id8¢ P811)’ wed’; Mrs. L. H. Nichols has returnedll1:lrsl.ieenncorrl:lctedrl.033 miles of inter on tohc evenings of January 26 ::“:,c"°"]]l‘0'(;’wo0:)h° 1923 _:"°P 07 history of the cfzur‘.'._\‘. it requests luado\nno\§It.he@:'oQ.nlIIhuda nefidni‘ N81“ ‘ll ll“ l"°'“° °f Mr‘ to her home in Kansas Cit)‘ lhnrd-surfaced roads. This repre-’ and 27. under the auspices of thc lo- ‘ N" ' 0' “TM 1‘’'000'000 3“ P9750113 V"ll0 ll“! -‘Ml’! lY|l0T-~ ‘M 3” chug mm dnwh” Q‘ _ , 820 Hill. _ - ' » _ . . head, about ",000,000 n th - ' j ~ ' - \ - - _ becotnlixull tobring out $80? A I and 35 ‘mile Prhésifi; .'.‘rded; Mr. and Mrs. Mac ‘Brooks of St.;sents nearly 21 _l-2 per cent of the cal port of the \ctcrans of Foreign crop and 4';,,(;0 000 in ‘the f2nFl;:_I(:lrl)Z !?)llllOl'l fr! llmf P09-“‘-“U” l", "OUT; “end. you, “.35., 3,". deg, ; crest at . Louis have been visiting here. {entire 7,640-mile state systeni. \\ ars, ‘ SW“: of um: “Y . ‘d t_ _~;t 0- S0(‘l(t). its nu-min-r.-' are anxz-A do“, wnhajou. ywunm m 9 _ S ' gt 7‘ “C '0“ ln=0 5 lo examine (iltl documents and‘ wgi1_ Yougnug-ygZ:hu'V(gg,_ . _ ' to ME’ -wofid Sam, ‘na Rid.rd' ' H‘ Hi°k""“ °f SL L°"l3 “'“37Tll°"‘ l'l°“' "’"“‘i" 6907 mlle‘ “f Th ctuie shows‘ the work (Ill lrtlmb th in ‘ 3 Sllb9l'5l""" .nn Aahland visitor this week. lenrth roads to be hard-surfaced. the famous -I-hi,.,‘._fi,-th Di\.i__.i(m 0{:‘;anun:_rf'] ofcuznaiggfi molemflnt my _ . The 9“°"tS we": Mr‘ and M.”‘ A’:. E“mi“‘"l°"" “'9” ¥l"°“ 3‘ am‘ The commission has made a the A. E. F. in ‘France.’ The out- the cm?!)-belt hr? in haaspbr-mg “lop "L - W‘ - I‘ A_ uillard. iilr. ails 31:8. Rl€l1lt!:.A.~§land High School this week. ‘large step forward in eliminating gtunding feagums of the film are {as 13,.“ M “'mm.(,r;‘u_::;n :”m3T, 3 8m""“”i" r‘ ‘ ‘ rs‘ 1 "- ‘ml Mn" Em-" M- Nl°h°l5’i-ailroad ltradc crossings which bombardrncnt of a French town l f -' A A '7 “'“”"°"' Mr’ and an‘ Dwwm . h"'° ’°l“"“'d ‘“ ‘heir h°"‘° l“ K'"“lha\-e been such a menace to auto- by the Gcrman.-. an attack cn thcknme date the mzxfflnug "Op" RCmCmb€r Last ‘Ve€k,S +¢- I» -o~3~—o- ;"ll'~ll»lN! in A5lll‘"ld- passe-s’in all parts of the state 1 ‘bl, 11 . d 31.. Lawrence 5 " -, ' - _ , - , _ - ‘::‘:;r--:...- .- -- vi -, - - . 332»: vi 33a M “3 -we or W 2::::::‘* f.‘:.':““';.i:":;‘..‘.‘:.«."E...§l2”;.§“5.‘;‘ Political A. . “’°"'—"“T"‘“ ‘“"" “"3 *3“ °‘ ‘*”* i - _ ‘ _ . . . - . _ 5' _ . ._ 2 filfl MT. Ihd 13811 B. Sl'll!'ky- sonal property at his home in Ash,;e‘iminnted by slightly changing ‘hp p(,!.f0rn1an(_(_ Ur A”ivd.‘irplnne5' S ‘ . . . I “ ‘I Miss Belle Singleton of Christian 1 ‘‘’;‘;r S;;‘;’‘’:,-:; C J mm? md:‘°°‘“°“ °“§l“‘? "f’:*- U-]"'~"‘t‘ 5.3%"-" The mm. a valuable historical. C17" MARSHALL The Olléhlllls V|;'€€l( V'Vlll ll? ~ __l (‘allege gave a birthday dinner last ‘ th . ' ' _ ,D!‘0$!Tnm' _' Ill?“ 9 9 ““ ml: reczrd. was taken by the \\'n,r Dc»! '1'},,_. Missourian is authorized m_ a cap etter.' l 3 night for Mrs. Anna I-‘roman. '3” son 0 "5" Cm haw b°e";"f {°"-"{“" °‘"h°"‘d "“d "we" partmunt In the 18-“l H‘-"Hill-‘ 07 “"1 announce the candidacy of John i..l l ‘ I war in 1918. it is intt‘re.~'tinz and‘ \\'p;u.,',d,._.. for the office of C3,‘. T11 '. . ’. . -l - ' ' ' ' - --- ~ - . - ~ v . ‘. us presmted by the sen” 0 ed flfneliitl ;l:n.liCe§‘li{¢:)x;.v¢u}rli1.:'colnldtt1}$rVfgiccztiinfu;ht’r0ae£mi:.;tio::;m:) 11:0 educational. giving in clear idea Marshal, subject to the m.n,,,.. of I4€t‘S See )0“ at the 1 Clearance Sale . at college. The guests were: Mrs. . . . ' 1 _ ' ‘ ‘ the task that our men faced mg the [),.mo,.,.at;(. p,.im,,_.‘.' (mu. of . .\. Basinzer at llartsburg Sunday. grade crossings, . . . . 1 . . - , I-‘roman and daughter. Ellen Jane. . B . _ , , _ , ' France during the \\ orld ll or. which will be not later. _ n , - . . . - ) - - _ "‘““‘f*' ' M18895 “Ono” B‘ll‘~'-5' D°l'°l'h3' Herben Rim of Jefienon Cub‘ Bun“! Fuhmuk “ark. The icturc and a (ne reel film‘ ‘ Clo l \.e Te ‘nd Dom“, mm _ who is on thostafi: of the AaaocI- In order to facilitate the depart— P ._ . Q .. - The gqiggounan ,3 uughm-,z(.d to L 1 fies H811. Fl P9 3 P , . . . . . . of the Mssourl L. (. football. . mm. slid Press. wanted in Aahland Sun-gmfhts war: in Suildmg and ma}:n- “am Won‘ “how” pfimwh ‘O announm. the candidacy of firm,” T ‘ .___._—_ . " ,U1l""l|Z' T08 l 9 °‘''"‘U‘"‘’‘‘°“ _“ h , f h‘, _. d ._ 1' WI S. Rowland for the"office of City- V ' . ' . . Br. and Mrs. Lawrence Ralston, The Rev. ll. P. ‘Cheavens con-ifound ll (leslrl|l)le to have special "":‘(::“‘l"\_'o:t‘:.r$a:~ l":’f_!lm3;:l(m:lt“;‘l’3lt’}“;.' Manhul subject .0 we “mm of 9 . Sat“!-day ‘ ‘~ '25 Anderson avenue, will enterta1n_.d°cted fang”! serflcesl rm . rs.:1‘nes Of “'0’l< l°0lf'i‘d all?!‘ l3." dl“ thente} ' t c Democratic priniary, the date - 1 . f gm, 3 dinner .3, 5:30 o'clock w-- John (‘olnn at .\ashvxlle Churchipartmental bureaus. The report ' of which will be set later. J'mmie er ,, . V night. The guests will be: Mr. and Frida)'- , , . ,shows_ for instance. how the Bu- 1 Cl_n__.___.. ‘ _ _ l 8' _ 3 lira. Lynn Bunslte. Miss Betty hblrs. Lgllu: D0:gla5Bha.< been dis-lrcau of Surliy-5 and Plans looks 1 The Migm_uri:"l"liORl\f.‘l . d t WI", 38 Usual, furnish ‘ } ._,..:__ L n Hungatc, Mr. and Mrs. c argeo‘ mm 1 c oone County'aftcr the m ‘ins; of surveys or - _5 811 0711'! 0, - ' ' ;_ Dswhlzht Gribble, Lawrence ‘Gribble pllospital. where she underwent amstate roads, securing right-of-way. ‘ \_ W B 1, Hm W I ;,n";"".°° t-t_h°i°;nd'df‘.°-" “f I,l°“'"d' musw to dance to-—-on i ,i d M‘ M retfiribble. Operation. . . ~th reparation of plans for such ' ' ’ “”"” " r‘ "ml ' ‘ “«l°" 9' l 9 °f ‘N’ °l C3." Al‘ ,- - g. ‘n 1.“ A“ “win! ‘A mpg" of the 5.“,.-{ work wulromlig and the “mm: for bids and 1l;l£:::;':‘0r‘1c‘ in .\lobcrly for tlic:t[z)>eme_v 8l:jl)j(!("l to the action of the pile Of the Flnest BHHTOOITIS In the p i‘ M071 ‘"4 C_h3 .3 €2l\'C!'! at the regular business meet-;lettmg of contracts. H‘ " J‘ m“ ~ = ’_"°"’3. 9 Prlmnfio l K’ dfllv Y . 1 Extra 0 till-tflmll 35°“ l-h“'l3"’_f""-’ ’3"°~"3 ‘ ing of the New Salem Church Sat- The Bureau of Construction s-u- J- Sl¢‘Pll"1$ S-mllll ‘’l l‘ Alllml, whlch M" be "A l““'’'‘ people It I ¢‘llll¢€_ l0mZll_l 11} lb? . urdgy morning, ,9 on on n‘ peg-intends the actual construction place has gone to visit his dauzh-l _ _,___ _ __~__ ____» _ * _“i___ H___’__‘_ pi * ‘ _._n_____ . ,, _ l . home of hlrs. Minnie A31’-1113'-5° *\“' 3 budget for 1925 was also made. ‘work. the preparation of mont ly ter. Mrs. Byram Shannon, of Van-.‘ 1 on all short ‘M93 “Net Tl'l9¢“°3t1:’e“"" ““'E“d- A th . Weati ates UPOn which Payments to dalm for a week. Q - _ l the lnlbtthlll 881"? “'99” .°‘3 t ‘e I'h 1' contractors are based, and the fi- A \1_ D 1 .- 4' C -g‘u has ,9. _‘ A ’ " ‘ " 3 T . . lutnbia High Schoolqand 21'-‘acygettic ‘kn Th“€?te 8 ml inspection and acceptance of guy-Md },:n:K'\,(;u.,-O“fi:;;t;,,g his} . ‘SIZES put Int‘) tW0 nndthendancefrom.to1n ocz '. .‘h .1; -11- b -Id” ‘ A 3 ' b dgpuuon 31 gm»! 8 “Of . HS 0798“ WC 11 daughtcr, Mrs. Bernard C. Hunt of , . ________ ‘ s-crecn~a _ ‘ _1 T _ 4, . ,1; 1] Th u. t h d the Dinaion of Matena a and eats, 133 u ,1, n M-e,,u9_ . mgvt 3.‘;-t -‘;1‘i‘:"'l‘f‘;‘;‘f=0,“ B ,§§',;,,§ps°"(',‘:,,,‘,,:'h"ein,t-‘,’,'",‘:{;:;'.".and the Railroad Traffic Division. ‘ 0 *_... » fit his hon-3é...5..Ku.mfiun court our-he Hmmunxo ‘mm, Rich p1ay5':Tl'lese two divisions respectively You are missing opportunities it Lot 1 $1 . . - 41,9 ,1 g ,3, , .- cg ‘ h _:lool: after the material supply nndqvou do not read and usoflhqoarian W‘ 40 rhlntmoiuerer °{‘focrO!' !gr:¢.5lt!llC% §’§.;'.f'.l.;':.!‘;:3 91-:=1“°: .$1.49 %‘or°“f"»-‘.750 at A Every hat in-stock regardless of cost $2.95 . . HAT SHOP 3 ELEYEN 1_Vl0_RTHTEI~l_TH smnuir ., Mra. H. ‘S. Conrad. of Kansas] c City, is the guest of her son, Wright‘ Conrad. at the Phi Delta Theta. house, 006 Collexe avenue. __—..._.—...———- romuu. DINNER cxvzs BY f 80318 PROBLEMS CLASSf Christian College Btndeata liq] as Part oi Semester = Instruction. ‘ The home problems elaaain the; home economics detnrtment of T Vhrigtian College gave a compli--§ me_atary dinner last night in the; domestic acience dining f06fl1~_ln. Missouri Ball. Girls of the food? preparation claaa aervod. ' . The dinner was intended to inua-l I trate the techniqle oi EQUG-_Qd-i - quette, which has been a part of the: semester instruction. ‘ ComeandHelp_YoIIr8el_fo T 3 E- 5 ii 5’. K manage ea 75¢)’ were advised as to the sum 7 necessary to prov-lag u;¢_ g pg...‘ terialsand expeetedfodb" o'v’rn‘i