impmvc. KANSAS (‘l'I‘\’,v.\!u., Jim. in... - '5‘ l'°‘-‘'d 9' "“ at t rice usuallv d IIGCIOI the existing condition. l'I1zgis——-56¢: seconds, 48:; button. ‘ he I) ' pm for the inferior grades. Your furnace will give a .. . satisfactory opinion of RIC ‘ "I8 fllldt that . 43@ 4c; liackitig, :_’l('; hens. ]'_9c; Pounden’ Day would be celebrated turkt-ys und young: toms. 284:; broil- S - - ...-.. . - .. . , :a4.;:n- ft‘ ‘in.-‘-'. ?"r'.~.w.-u~,w '7!-'* -' 7‘ 'f"'“'7""’?i'* - ‘V , _,..; ._- ""‘- wry" :_'—'.i§ £3- "" ‘ '-9‘:$'‘-§ ‘ , '~ 7 ' ‘ .. ' ‘ ‘ ' - ‘ ' ' ‘- ‘I. - l 5 ‘.- ..‘ ...;"__ ’ ‘ ‘V II ‘ - '. .. ’ \ - - . "“' -‘ _- ' -0 alt‘. £7 ’ ii .: . l l‘ 4' I 7 . “ " ___~ «~- '- -- '~ as F.» --- fir" - . . W t > -r “. ' . ,1’ 1%: r - - 5- ‘Q-". I \ .,,*_, oz‘ 1"! _,- - F ‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘ _: x . ..I' ‘ . . . . _ , ' I . ' 4- Ii -‘A “ ‘ : . 1 ‘ - '.‘- -.c‘ IATHECF ' r ‘ “ ‘ _ .' ‘ . ' - ‘- _ 2 ' ‘t ' _ . ‘ ' "" _ __ ._,.. .—— .-— — "‘——"'-A** a ._ ~. .— - - c - - no A L ’ -. W — v~— . t _ “final. 1‘. in .. . , c - - n I ‘ " ’* ‘ .- ldiahlliitnd an .P 7330'’ V -- -' cmcgao, Jan. 1‘:-5' c; . IIIIN-Ill! - i ‘ " flue») . '10 land. lllr. hater nail.-. ' l as EAEED AFTER A ¥n_i1-, W fig luaoiiau u,;moa-believed to have kiladga an 9&- ? "« ""‘ i - ' 'l'lI0‘I1IlIll?l¢l5|'“l.°l"""'n'l" - ~ - ‘ Knowing hilt-chorha. a;..;uuuuuand>iaiaredIIonthn*I.h|iI5D1‘c . . -é’ "~""“*"“""’~"”’""’ 1‘ ’ 9 ld-71-nu-=1=3¢=4'¢"°--WWEEKSQUARANTINE .c.....o......a..a....o... - .'i H -= — . , i ,. 30 p. ia.—-Browns Iaxopllcln A‘ "0 - ’ _: % l _ , .- A z.____ -. -—-~. .- '*~--*—~ ., - .> . - 0 Jrillheretnrned or aaldaadl, .__..——_. . ‘histathervaaattilanpoiiltofdaathg , . . ~ co ' _...—.-— i inn-aw»-«~ ~r-en»»-=-vvw -.1.-.-.-. w-c-.-.'t°.-.-.-. ‘ "1' 3 way. llflm; : ' ~ Best HUW &l'ld7——-——— .. .§eority’varen|caaed from qIIII""' nioreintheUnlvet'llt7.fi1|l3l'Nl h5'.l‘.- ’ ‘ ~ 5? ' ~‘3"“"""""‘l»""""""."" i ’°'o.ucoc'”-2-ac”'“omsua' °°" ism“ - ‘ — Real Estate '1l!‘ana1e1‘§3“°°m"'°'”""‘“°"‘°°'&“I-ococciotocnacnaonnowhelnei * * om. 1|°'°5|""‘l""'°“'.""l“Va’!-:.a!-‘,NewYork.4'92!ne- 38¢‘-°"W*“3°3°°” »o Hosanna-hurl.--a‘””°'°!$"“"*‘“’3Y“°"°-i"*°""””"fG,1 the eve mi 5 Home the IN "°'°"‘- tera.7 . 1n.--Happiness Boys. . . pa,-me;-gweek. ;——— yuan 60» '50 '88 Wm *0 ‘Delaware naive:-aitbta rum-d-yr _ .. , ‘ - ' "W at - ' wgzfgqfl, york, 455 mean. ‘; Margaret E. Wilton filo Nilnltlihoopital a week can !¢l*°"d‘Y "'m‘;a1tei-noon. . _ - . ‘ W- 9- 1 , . can child‘: home . traiaina and. 7:40 p, m.--Columbla Univero ‘ The mflemh Ann“; m,,,,u;Ic_ sggiington. Lot 24 in the townacarlet fever. is improving. 5 wiaom ghowing any signs of; l meeting 7 . ~ H 99 5 &_"°‘ ‘"5 aity jnstrunentai dab. ’ Fm-mas, 3",, ad 3”“. sum yin?-, of lleflaine. 81- For a week the member: of l-h9'fl1e oiaotiona he have felt onlo __ nfttT"°‘f flaeaee on his mental eonditiofio * _ wcap, Wan-liington,‘ 469 me open Mn Tam). mung,‘ in; Norene and Opal Cook to A. W-‘gocfgty have been-confined to the; ,.,¢,M,,‘ u,. “go, wright went; ._ > .. 55:93,‘. w-czanabougial. W50 l‘ dd“ ten, WEAF. New York. 492 Vkmm ,0} schwgtu, 11,11; nope Sturgeon. a strip 82 1-1ft. wide oH‘ehapter home. They W3" '“°"'d!to tbefii-int polntald his hard- hen “ore feefing_ pretty . 0 ‘ "k l“ 3" York aw‘ 33"’ WEEL B’°‘°“- 3” entries have been made now tban}l>h¢ 5 5'59 14°‘ 9\l~0d 3” 14" ":tO walk in the open. however. anJ;eat P°§itionI. kaealltt and atand- W . yo 9 y - a:— at 15 golfflll 58 N" ‘ . '. ineten 7:i$ p. m.—Uni .5‘. ehun. nun“, of gxhjbitjongtliolll in Gooche'a Add. to Ccitralmgmnooqnentiy, the country was ex-11”" m,§.mng°with a aeore which . and you ht K110“ ]i.l8I'. yr; 4 ’ "her parents. told the: s;.ug,t.,\'a\'y band and orehes- hm yea,’ ,,,_.m,.di,,, to gut. 1'_=Mo., 81. . ,lploi-ed both far ‘and wide. Beinglnhwid “in mg; a place on the are put, ;"_ C‘ P 5' “"“" ”"“""' s°'“3°‘ “ tn. i l"'ster superintendent of the show. A. W- Smrnon Ind ‘"0 *0 llftioutcuts. the cm: were unable ‘°i team. This is wrirhro nut year 0" ' HARRIS’ A cu of W‘ um‘ 1 guy. ‘at 8 ocloek ~ -The-judges of the me“ will be Sarah‘ Cook, et al. Sane lagtdgg-gquent the campus rendezvous. ithe rifle squad. , . ' Is’ 6- 3 hot 1“ A Ira. Mi ’ """" - « d V l‘ ' t TODAY's'j|[ARKETs ‘Dc. A. w. Nelson or Bunceton and as moo. 2. 81. _ o ..s .5 method was soon devised by; His father died last ni¢ht.WrItl1t R C0 9 813 ~ ‘H "fine C a *5 chm“ edouuwa hem” ' - Dr H. J. Waters. mans‘-tint editor Cfifll 31- W‘d° “I '5’ ‘° W’ CV1-hieh a rap‘ on the window brought; left for St. Louis last nltllt. buck yOH up 80 V Whkl‘ “" ' 3&5” ‘‘ ’°h°°1' ‘P. "'-‘d' -———'— 7of.the Wet-kly Kansas City’ Star. Monroe and WW?» 5°‘ 90 l“ ilk’r"“cokea." fruit and candies to the! —-—-0--'— V011 can go l'|0Hl8 fllld act - ii . eiiaaion v ‘ ‘JE IOVIIIBF bl“) S‘. W M.rk'u. Entries probably h ’- onl sub. 0‘ ml 83, 8‘o 853 88 N W own to’ con'“!nption. us‘ n .. f0nO\.e]d on tho «different no. 3 ¢°"‘ Is Bad i ). . - . 1; d 1 1 11,- Lots 88 and 87 in Garth‘: Add to - . - , » , ‘ 8 ext , ‘ music! Itfllctive love. we build character. 5'‘. U:‘:fis";umn Gui“ Rep°n_ toleigzzih 8";om3WM"k‘;§un_ Columbi" "25. 'ilt€hemermnsW‘:N!°:»h:|i‘:“l"’! " Denver Girl Died. Paar Dara A30 exzlm. ' " Miss Gl ?"ColiIlhhia in at P"-"93" .3[.\- when, 31.82; July wheat. { _ ———*—-"" l . ' H ' th ? 149"‘ P°‘k~ _~ garet B ‘ small town: for ' ., . -2 '. ‘m‘'‘' , . PRISON EXPERT ‘I0 SPEAK [3881 of 15¢ t¢l¢Pl|°M 59 ‘V33 T f Ur United Prue. -- :l:::°‘ “firm” ‘ad com. 3l.5$'Io. H3) ¢‘t’!'!l. $1-3-‘h July The Missouri State Board of As“ can of the station “Sigma Nu: -Dsqvpg gm. m__-I-he bod‘. Here you,“ many a M follow °"°° ‘e-»rx»31-32?» +1 -no ~' 1 id $182in'.ii.n.iinwiiiaon I-‘eh. - - - v of ‘- " v ' . -~ "W" ""~.t."‘}.${‘.f...“«“'..f.?* u.»-em .:.“:.:";‘....:.“::".:...':...::. 2. .....:.. ...... .....::... ir"“'...°:.::*::;... ::":.;°:':.::::. .:..:: 2: f.‘.‘:‘.’.“o".‘:..‘3.::."..':i.‘::; o ‘adv an the same boat as Mn « ' W‘ "° W “"3 ' duicuco are °;”°“"?‘“°"’* """°°‘ "‘"l‘"' but country-wred hams mi be-» Dr. Kudos: 8. Hart; a national-4;.“-oolidcd. The latest songs um.-‘i who mu to death on Lone’: Peak. self,‘ congenial company. - Hmig« C”. a wpunvt “'1”: Ma" d"°°' few "1"" 16° “A unit '-cured shoulders lard 1' k Win adliltila ’ . h h iatporta factors in the welfare of 25: Iowa “um -I-hm.‘da‘..s nth‘... ‘‘'°'’' ‘°‘’ d 5_ Red . _ ' ’ ,"°'"‘ 99”“ °" . " “(WEE lfour darn I80. _Wll W0“! ‘ 9’ ' .- hlr. a chflilmn at home and “ °‘**°°L 7”’ Cood ion to 190 lbs. Hog... s9.75@ ‘.""‘.”.‘"‘ '‘‘‘‘f’ ‘?“’“'3‘ ‘"“‘°'~ ‘"1’ 0”“ ‘“ °‘’‘“'''''‘‘ °'‘ After the novelty of bridge gomcsiccrly this momma. . - a c -A ~ tor-taino : old idea that a child muflg '30 10.25‘ no good lIt'2‘.\'lt*i5 sold. $10.70 “h'b“°‘.i during *‘,""“'”. N-lb; Febmu" 6' ncordm‘ Dr’ C‘ A‘ had worn off. tne girls reverted to_ A day Ifl|l|llfl'°!l 5! 5*‘ ‘’“'~l'" ’ neada) . unufiw. din“. ‘om: pg 0 bid 0-“ fW_‘h“‘_i“‘ no to “O m Lacie vrilldl; two gr:t:ll:l):1eY1lor Ellwood‘ of University depart-. “mud chmhood gnd enter-tained|enablod a party (1 twelve nien Ah“ W ‘ f and Mr 4- " ‘r’ ti‘-ue. Inf-‘Etienne dwe-=3 - - ‘w 'o . les on ii ht "“.‘““” ”‘ ““‘ ‘.‘“' . . "‘°"‘ ° ‘°°’° °“' , , theniaelveswith-a “kid” party 'rucs.;to push their way to In e1°*'ID°n‘ , Y3 3 — mat in‘ ’°"" 4 P‘‘‘' $3-‘5@“' " "“ 3 entries no'th oi the ilissouri River Docto Hart to an - - 5 th bod oll wd ‘ ' - have had effecta. often causlnx md5_ Bid q/;;,;, 0,, ac-gin cove, ' . ' .‘ ‘ . r . °°m°' "W" night. The prize for the mosty of 13.300 (IN. W 9"! .0 _ Y‘ 3 Y 0'0 c < 1" to rs. - - ‘ ‘~ "3 a»m-- xmnnh r - llillardand8laaoe-- ‘heal’! dlflflco ‘‘l’‘'“"‘‘“‘‘“‘' ?‘d . (‘attic-—i.20U; market steady. ",1 ht‘,;. ml R‘.°,r ":n.r"f" 1',’ d 1 "° °°'“"" mu‘ tn’ 55°“ unique costume was won by Mia ll)’. I'll mil‘! 010 "W"! ‘MP ‘W-h’ Ill HARRIS. . :_ Silberltl ~*- ~ mo» 12:: :...:.< :*::.':.:":.:*:;.";‘.:.::.*'::::.;'.°..:.°':'; :,..'=~....°':'.':. *’;°.'".*-"°“ ‘r "°""“~—-W —-—— ~ l . ‘ :::".....‘“‘”°.'ifu3. in can u» we ::.‘:.°:.i;":;‘§:;:::3:n::.f““:1:¥;.3“:i sggr». ~=w,,, . ......°:. ..::.';.;.......:. W - w-ow w «L « -F-I‘-'-I’-I‘-'-'-F-'-'-'-P-|'-1'-'-"-"-"N-"-' an -,:.~..:‘;:'.' ihle to detect d¢'f¢¢l-~'‘ “'3 ‘3”";fi(;_7.-',. (_'ann(_ors, s;:.1;'.@-_:.;3s with A“ ’_C" {'5 h_‘';''‘_‘_l’g°m§ ;: ‘.1 9 ‘ ?"''”e“l 1“, !‘ Q“ °°“‘“n‘“‘: were received from the home follt.I _ . - ‘* ~ A--*- V -~ ‘~- o‘ —-“'"* "’“' ‘ - ; rsto 1‘ a‘m in timer - o ‘ S-L75 , n wmmon. Bobmm t 1 ._ta.( oar o - 01- En prltsan d :tlmlnlflt;.Iti0l;' if ")d the ..spn.dsn we" .h,quem_ 1 ".1, 5. ..'u * '(.v Gribbk‘ ‘ 'D“"l"‘ 5" fl”. in .C°’umh",‘l~ulls uyvwnrd.-e to $5. Good and: ,rwo‘u_0 hi“ which have mt vet» 25'’, W? 3 '°"u° be?’ ‘H’ fl’ All was not play. however. for! ‘ ialndfaaloor Ralstlon Inn Douelm if '='*°‘-""3 r§‘_choit-e litrht valers. s12.5o@-13. _" _'.n M {f d_‘ - ‘ "‘ ."~'q‘’°" 5' " “P *5 "“° the time was utilized for study and’ G... -....,... ,. m. .,. 2 mi Mr cow. n_ Bishop‘ ‘vimm mu-9e, who is: sheer. mm. X0‘ enough ,3!” ‘O ‘been chosen, Vtl. _ - o ere . ‘One consultation by state leg.slat.urea‘ pmpanuon for the final.‘ some 1,, cum ' ill?-l|!l|°3l’l'~‘lt linulte 31 market. Few bunches of l°r."_w be“ °"h'b" °f me“ b3 we p'"‘°" b°'_"d‘ th'°“‘h"m the‘ of the professors sent lessons and u.” “"4 l.‘ “"‘ 3'“ r lliaa Grace lntkrldtno lift! End“ 7 native lamb... $15. one load 0 mdmdmll‘. ‘md we Other for "W tmt?d- Sums‘ ' questions to the girls. ’ C"n°‘° teacher. sang tfcrll pi ' I ‘um and medium em“. 39' X0 teat eahibit of ir.c.,_t from one. coun- Doctor 11": but “wed a pm“, ________._______ ,0. ‘on. ‘uh nu "um { 5 xi“ Dorouliitl win‘. thleetiird' ‘rude I choice “ml” "" ““l"‘ Q"°"'u‘' 1“ tuyiil. ;\l)io‘r:mt1llT W : tnturllolifdailfi ’ gm? lofwthek N.u°?l.l Conference cl sen“ ‘awn Posh‘ mu m°'i:occ..c'“ 7:“ you "map! E tiacher, pla a cw so on: on u8_.0_ . I‘ '6 I MI 03%: * .\' _ '1 came or era an as ‘ ta ' o is; United Pre-r«. ' was pr: ,5 the “hm. D H be Jnjfianapnli: h\_‘_S,L0ck__HoKs’ tclaols. llvut he {i'l8}' lllflkefllll ent:'l:s' the. lioards of Charities of Iowa WASHINGTON. Jan. l6.—-The‘:gg..h,;;,§.‘; the 90 j— 1‘he,Fi.-bniary met?-338 Wl "1 33,000. kt: 4 1 W . b it. “'51 C Bax . U entry 90 _ W1 ‘am. 0 inneeota. Senate voted today 56 to 10 to take I "NC lb! - I-‘roman ; evening meeting at Wl'll(‘l.;1i0}1!‘l3é!‘!€' _ flo_l0@;:;_?5; toy Buuik rhargzeii Sind every M15300?! farmer’, b D9; rh H “is a brother of Al. up the Moses postal salaries ‘and .Rz§ ; Minuet 2 my wtllheoelebrated. I 1'3 pscking .~,,“~c g~o;75- medium to 1"‘ ‘"‘" ° 10 <‘0mPt'l¢'- on us ne art of Harvard Uni- rate increase bill next Thursday. niicnron couupouon. Hart. Y Q - - tr ‘ I ~ - - _ . ; hive been invited to attend this vhoice pigs. 130 u,_ dum, 5335. CM_ : - any Misoouri farnit-rs are ex. varsity. indicating overwhelming sentiment man. : Intetirlt tle—-L000 >l.CZtd\'.¢l1l\'L's.600 shefl’ lpms m cum” "‘°‘““-‘ "“‘ ‘““">' . .'t“““"%“ ~in favor of the menarc- i In. Glenn H t 6 ant School. . ' ‘ ' =other.~ are l-ss yroficiefit. The-rcfor "_ "03 Rl"!‘:r—T“'° 7°03“ 1°’ b°)'3- —-—-0-—-- Ml“ ‘ i “The time t.I'o lo six years‘ ‘°"' ‘on exhibitor: arc requested to ......S I '15 51580"?! -'~'=nv°- 116-121 . thine try I Missourian want ad. ‘ 25 And -i 5. thgnofl important in the develop- iiansa-s City l-iu-stock; in a copy of the method used in cur-A . , ______ _ _ V _ _ V ' . - ..,g§. , -,' with “ '‘ lllent of a child's life, for it is then By .i'uitr-1‘ l'n"f _ J31? and rsziinkint the meat or the? / A 4 -r’ l l" . —_ "lim- tfit he forms habits which last h.-\.\’.SAS'(lT\,_.\lI".. Jim. if-.—-— makint: of saiusasze and lard. The‘ ' _ . 357'“ L thou,‘ 1,33 ‘m 1'; 3' id 3];-3, Hogs-—-Receipts, 1.,Un(i; market. 10 .,.(.,_.i} ,5 ,f H, ' . - .-11 } ~ 1 Lynn Glenn Korey in lleer‘t:lk “on "The @;20c lower: bulk. $$'.90@10.‘.’.5: K ( 0 ‘mu winners “1 K‘ 0013 and rebCI' ‘ , _ v - — DV~'lRl1l a~»~«»»~-m=-« ay ~ e n ave 6 cm: to t ‘ - s-... l .' ;l'th ,,$9 10.’; ’ ‘, _ arry ‘ ..' 'm...~.:". .......°**“"';‘:,.°:.':**..*.:,‘:‘::£ .:;.;2@:?.:? '1 t @ °° = F. W h N0 7 9 N 8,, MEATS Ph 375 — « . ‘ ~_ -L 5, o ' . - ' ' . . ° , ; tei-ta I tied at Gnnt School yesterday aft- .'u€:il.)l'll pr€i:1:m!_r:.ta.‘ul;:;:)0. $ii1i:):.r-,i;e€tJ, : 1119 . Ogle ltfsffo . . d.’ anthther big order . . . laung it to healthy. normal action. Au» _ (gopk. I l ‘ of this 88‘ lthould be ' dressed beef steers. .;7@ - hcedid ct ‘me tfi.y' Ag“ became BRA" work.” nfiturc work.’ A _ - h°m° O1 ‘at... obdience odd control." said 10.25: Western steers. s7.25@io.35; I W t h C ’ t 1 d 11 SPECIAL Pure lard . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.18|/gc ‘ 9 M, P, n , 1:33 5N°:l-"y5:°mc.‘l}3t wh] "'1 ' 5"" K?"°“‘ "“"’3'“" ‘ill’ mm‘ :5 ' ‘::"{n‘ * __ _ 8 th_ 5:” H ,.’,-.8: .5. 3.2..» i a c ,r}'s n s, roun , ll ‘ ' °‘P°¢. - . 3 cream. sprinkled over cereala, or cook .~ _ t I ..vhouu°uosaW'tl§-.- roll ('?"JlE:.75t:r.:l1ioifo:-if.‘ §4.‘:€:0(£i ccicf ; izffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 Cash and Carry l’l‘l|||¢ Plb P0381 - - . . - - - -.10c bl“'"°" 5“ '°'”°‘ ‘Ml “Olw ll" Itrcnzth with cereals; in soup, or made into :5. , imbi- caning why and how in child acted. ‘f4-52(&»!0.?»‘.:i; T (l;ulls.$.z2.8G2(§-'4-35: f :;“‘::‘"K_1‘-’"‘:*°“",“"*‘°"°* “ 7 n_ m, to 1 p_ m_ Eversweet nut butterine. 3 " Th“ "tomething" was constipation. F9935’ Irfven On Ill? P1¢kl8¢~ De- l « ‘"'° "" - The nreteliool are child can also ‘‘‘’° '7'“ ‘"‘ ‘f" “'~‘~ ”“‘ --"- i ‘ “ . “"""“" "“‘"°’”‘ for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..65 mmerl-101°-Omanypcoplemlfcr from .'°'°“’ "" “ ‘°°- “"0 ' in Capt- ...“ .:‘°'*'......‘ ..'.“.;"".:°"' '="s::;;"*'~2i.f';*°.:*:.;’::.:+::“:*..i.:’.°";.—:.“::*::‘ )f.:‘°““. i i .' ° ' ;; i ' ‘ ° °°“"‘*"“°" "“*" “*“,,,:.‘:,”* W P.‘"*. ..,.. " " ‘‘‘“’‘‘’‘‘'’°‘’ ‘° """i..’°““‘“.;......“‘. ‘ "‘*,..'°.‘ - “““' ' " W” 7- "°“~ " t" ,. ‘ K“ _," ‘~’ " “' “'°’ ‘ "' “°° P"“’5 . “ ant. cure wa to. t rel'f °Y)'0I!r grocer returns ' ‘ noon at .503“ b uuthg _w ‘Ink L-jar]; -starlings, $H(a. 1-1...-a: ’ we-thers, E and guaranteed om; _\-ea,-_ ALL-DA‘ PRICES ‘ . tend" ‘.e O); Kali: -‘ 3&8”? action! nu: to . u {JP 9 ' A-‘- V b in hon. and correctly as they learn to talk. -$10.‘-knell; rwvs-. $!°.n0(iJ0-50; . We use the liiprliest grade lap :8 - . ° . ° °'‘ ’ = int ' wt; ‘ to H‘ S_ Wu“ Spoke un _co..,(.k,_.,-9 am} {¢.,.._-g(.,«,’ g15‘;',g@ 15_ \ mncfinl Be-cf brisket . . . . . . . . . . . . .7c Chuck’ steak, 2 lbs. {or “F °°nf“l9 dl-ll)’. O!‘ In chronic caaes, V Au-’BR*N- only ALUBRAN aui'ere- ' ‘~. " '. 0 ‘fr C L’ 5.30,” fun .5 Diuip1in“.). -I-with K‘m“ _(.'_i_:_“ (uh (‘min - Short rib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10: Family round . . . . . . . . . ..l5c with every meal. , . cults. Kellogg: is the and on fi;,,.,', .0-v . 0‘ th. in .1“) ‘H [mm] -HQ‘. . - M (:01 Co grime rib . . . . . . . “:21-2e ! Round, whole . . . . . ..l2 l-2c J\Xi'zBRAN,ia what doctors call 1 ‘lo. * " a * - wives "'llIere In rt!‘ _ Inks ' };_:,.\-5,-is (~1';y_ 31.,” Jun. 15____ “Ill . ure sausage. minced am. vea loaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l.'»c I: oo . it travels through the 3. eutlnation um have caused J'nV¢‘-; « _ - .... .. .. .-.. ._i 1;:-' Bid _ R __ d ; r ' o . , '3' restaurants serve it. T59 title crime.” ‘Mrs. Walter said. :,°_mN(£O._'3‘ lg-T,‘ . Hm K °°""‘° an 3 Fresh shoulders. whole 15-16¢: Itrnut, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . ..l5c fol, ' fiber t¢n?:n' Them’ ll? .8 Package today. of the} are: Lack of home training, 2 }'Tu0w sL2“_l1.2:_"x_»X0 2 fixed :_ Fresh sldnned hams Spare ribs . . . . . . . .......lsc l d , ‘W: pa. . c intestine clean and Th _ _ mom; the automobile, and the moving-.s120,Q("U.,l,;, \.‘% :;mi;ed $11,; Lean pork atealt ..... ..2oc Side pork . . . . . . ..isc v . °‘°“* nvwom poisons of<=onst1i>a- ’ °"'¢“"*l M-I» W. Fic ' "‘°"'" 5”‘ ”"" “"1"” @i.2ot... m " l i ' l l 3 Brains. hambnlaer. frankfnrta. 2 lbs for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. zsc i “'3' “"’°“"‘" ““° 5l>'°rl,=a and carries 9'“-""""‘°‘3!°U5-en! Initiate solve on “'l'Ih:nI§'eitponse (_7hlildren OM 5:13 Can; market lc l““.m_; '. Cal bu-M “I 2‘ Bacon 6 ‘ 8 lbs lb -25‘ -f moisture through the intestinal tract, -.:tiuin- inents “"“3" ‘° . "‘°‘P"“">':\'c 0 white 6(I1-"@611-"c' \'o 2 ; ,' ‘.1 ' ' * ' ' ' - -' ’ - ° - - * ins. ‘ ififluingvv ,_‘j ' "’ ' t ' ' ' ‘ ' ll; bkinned huna . . . . . . . . ..28e 5 lbs. sliced bat-on . . . . ..Sl.3o l The members of the fourth grade 5 ted‘;-hre1‘E1_E";:-; Ca”. red‘ n,_m.kc. “mi Baltimore oysters are healthy. selects, pt. .. . .' . . . . . . . . . . ..45c l bu". I °P°"°" W P'°¢""" “"“‘ ' ‘°“" 'chan ed’ red xx’ -2 $l1wC90§.l Fresh river channel cat and o ffalo fish» ’ ‘ ° ‘pm and read original paper: on ,“Whm. ed “N ' .. ,' “I. ."_, "‘ """ ' ‘ :1 ' ' 3 ml ho‘ the non. Sud to we Aum... - 0~ -'~ -~l-~ '@-‘—~‘c*- *1-'“’d~ "W" q ,: Cream cheese . . . . . . . ..3oc Creamery Butter . . . . . . ..d5c l A I I B '. 5 _ ._ _ Let. urichzinszed to_lv lower; hat-d,; ' ‘ n RAN Wm mi "W ‘L “- 5°l""¥° "M9 ‘* "“ .\o. 2 $l.a~i*-@l‘Je' hard \o 3 -~ - - . ‘ port on the eociahaervioe work that $13-3,_t@ L95’_ ' ' ' ' ° ' 1 ‘ ) ; 1 _ - " T , h. M“ “'2 {ll}! year. 3‘. Rye Na 2 43 ‘ 1 ' ‘_ ' _ ____ _ __.-A.“-fi‘i V ‘V ‘ e co mid? . 0:‘ lh" mot’ 'r;"!;"ih‘.. ‘\"°~. . 1 5U_ l ‘l &. ,‘ ll _. ‘M ' ‘ l '.—v_. ‘ -— - _‘ '- W‘ Q-’ V. U M H». j ---_- -_ :' Mr. 3:0‘ “'9 P""~""'7""°l’*" *‘::h‘”i‘; ven’ choice s;:.5n '-io. 7 l "l i E.RE ofi ring u t . 1‘ ~ - c « Mary . ‘ ' ml 0 ‘ 00 .1 0. ». ., \ 3- , e .e ‘ ‘ ‘A ._ ‘ ‘ _ . .A ' ' ‘ board‘ in regard to the fire hazards A win’ "‘°" H432‘ ‘"0’ l ‘ warm proposition-— . ' ' ;i ' : t . V «, . ’ . :,;n:‘;" in the schools. and announced that Kansas (Tity Produce. . the best coal mined =3 B ‘ ~ ' — . Guitar f : * ‘V7 V ‘I . wfi ‘ - _ c - . - son av . - ...____o ...o o Fdruary 13. There was an open (rs. 22¢; (fuck.-:. lréc; geese, 18¢. our fuel__u_y 8 ton! -‘ dlacnai:i':i&t’.H{a{rr)tr fhixdflii-as: 11;» - 2 “flue;-—i: (—~;mom.; Prison ‘ I Put chiclu-n hens. ll». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22( " , leaae 1: cc e iea- - - 5 . _ . .3,‘ ‘fun mm by Wop}, m.,_.,. the A§iA.l\C lQUl3.\'Tl.\'lr I’r,INI“T};Xr'I‘;l-‘i ‘ MBOOHC Q Our “under hani<. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22 l-2c ‘: - _ . eouaty with have n j v lle - - 3 -- ML ’~—- 3? 0 1-4 l . 3 _ O R V.’ the opintgon gr tribe { rnd and J0?“ Sfnrs were hanged \ I; .\o. 10 Ural.) Del Mont: Bartlett pears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “$1.25 ‘ 3"°df"°*l all‘ '90 "W95 P“bl"~’ll)'f”f'° '“ 10:0“ 1"’ “' m‘ ‘°d"5' {"3 ‘ Cherry at Katy Tracks *' No. 10 Del Monte peaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..90c ‘ ‘ _ n g.‘ 'n.,,, u, it (- mnrder of Charles 0. Chapman.‘ fourth grade mothers ‘Iron 1-0!‘ 5"3"l9=‘ i"‘°h‘f- ' . L .\'o. 10 Apricots ——-— ._..-ao.. .-.. . o._ C.‘ 4,‘ 4 I ., ' -- u‘ . . .1. . ..- _. t_.~:era’r--. " ‘ ..‘.'.- ,-a ‘ .. . ‘ . ..,.‘ ‘ . F ‘_. The _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8l.25 i ‘ - ."~ r " the prize for having the largest . . . 1» I l l ‘ nlxiliber present at the December; !_ ._ _f _ W - A _ . I . .\0. 10 Spinach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f A _ ; ‘ _ i No. )0 Early June peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..75e ; ’ ' I . ’ 3— '. . v 0" .‘0oK8 wu‘L sPE‘“i l ‘. ‘u No. 21-2 Dei Monte spinach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c P l 1' ‘ll '3 I ‘gel h ':a';:°.I:‘?n°" 2.’-B‘ No. 21-2 I)cl_M.ontc cling peaches. 351'; 3 for . . . . . . . . . . . ..Sl ' V A 0 t 8t:-atto D Broo f .. ‘ ,\'_ 2 . 1 - . . ' , . .,‘,&‘ uninuny or filhumfi ‘rm ‘*5. 1‘;-ggtgg-can-‘fog-g V o .1 2 De Monte apricota 85¢. 8 for . . . . . . . . . ..$l ‘V j W CD " a Ifllufmeetinz at the hi co "9913? W0” : B°°€l"Wl 8988139131 with cheese and tomato sauce . . . . . . . ..2Ic - - ’ ‘ ‘ '- 0 < E is g-;_ fohowgn‘ : ¢efi,P[.,'°¢ “I: l . No. 10 Green bean: . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..75e ‘ \ l l . U P't9dl:={tIua talks .at 1 : X0. 10 Aw‘n'u. . . . . . O H «' ‘L5. CASH PR UM8 nil “Ii, inn” qt . é ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..', . . . . . . .. . - ,.;. -0‘ lmnhji‘ hkhwmbe l . ' 15 V “:31-len°.‘h.t n : . r T 1 ho. 10 Aaparatul nap tipa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..85e It) for fl%0]|dbe§t%\ . 3:. ‘ A - m-ll?-it‘ iirwill A-ioit ' No. 10 Del Monte din picitioo .......................... ..75e t *“'f°' "“"d'b°3t 308$ " ,. «' ‘ -llexico’ . sliced Del “om: pihapph “c 31 701'. “ho 591- “ll, “ll. 3th. 98!. 10th limit loaves. City.l M o o . . o o - o o . - n . . . o o o - . . . . . . o . . .o ‘ - V . ; com :; White chm-iusscsror ........ ........ .... ..ti ' ‘An ' ' - RULES? . i ‘ ’‘°‘.‘'‘- = ‘ v 5 ‘ entries mnatbo east bread and made from or 11-? ‘ ' "‘ roan ‘« Del Monte Royal. Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..z5c gr ,n’'mva. V '_ I ..j l ‘ . ‘ I i ibel lfaite mm on uparuruo ..... ............... ..soc » U. “I "‘!§ 59" 9"“ ;:t°‘“'H ‘flhlu W 2"!,t‘;-‘l’-‘*3 I of the '95,... Z No. 2 Gooaeberrlea .._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..IOe id located-r ll!‘ Taylor-Estes ". '1 . v‘, ‘l ; No. 2 stnwhin-ten 8:: s for .................. .... ..'.8l l l . lo. . .. . A ‘ : ’ ~ 11.. « -' ‘ ° 1&4 teretlbunoniea epropeny noon Ommymjfi‘ oNo.l0Si|'|llk|ilnek§elI_Ie;nsdlahel.....................l5e 136‘ _ _ 1. . ' . I, ‘ e’_ 3; . i 3:: ; ‘Pancake T mdetid_ln8Dfi:if 'd,n.‘__domh.Lm‘" omega ‘: as Dan ufwhltaufiiitha aoap .- , °“‘., 3 ‘°“"—« .. - - t. -~ Inna ; 057. .3 ___'__' .l : ‘ . - l I "-.~’ ".r‘:_-_..‘_’- . _ I." .. : . 1.‘ “._j ‘E7 ..... ' t :4; 5 i' i’E§H'-i"'- l ._"‘“m,, in to ’ W I t ’ c l n. Ix‘? pgg. .. _.' .' "7 _ i " Tu J .1. 9 II; J‘