_ ‘ , _ ‘. . t k‘ ."""_+’;.:.:.. ‘.2-_. A ... ‘~ -‘xi ;- J. -5 ‘Z: r:._. ' .. W’ _. -/fig‘ _"“' _ 7 _ ~24 .. {A A L V.‘. ‘ ' fi\‘ V ‘ . . 1' ' v - ‘_ ff :1.‘ . . I - >:.~'r‘ 5. Q 0 , - ” _,' 4‘ ix " 5" -' s ; . - ’; <' ’ ; g Q twat A! s ~ ~ r -‘ - * ;.';n 4 A.=_-J.-A-1‘. ; “" ‘ = —~~~ . , .. - . ..o=As ‘ 7 ~ ~ ' v ~ l 0 ~ ‘ 0 - * ‘ LE Movie A . o o 0 - ‘L]):~*Is‘Passmg- 3.3.!’ J ~ === ‘ v - - ‘ . V ‘ ‘ ‘ : ' '. ‘ .‘-‘1‘-.- v. » .. . , .m;7 ‘ l IS "Daeeturns&t'Ob15lI¢I.-.0P- ;_ -_.V .. ~’ l,,v....gp...._ ~ A *moettaIhedofv00III"°D93l’* i __ _ A §E_-_ ll“ N 6”” ‘um tu&*tI-Irwfiiu 1‘ Tdiee Size ofl 3°”-""’.°°-"“‘ “"“""“"'~"""‘- ‘ti; ah. use ‘_IIr}lhIuu.aiI has as-an-4 lesion I . A A. » A _ ,____..-~'* vouldt-aIehackv& A1‘ _ _ guglmationpnaureprodueerhasar-é lnanotherearou Dire 1.3: an.’ _ ‘,_.‘,........ . . . . ...~,‘. I ‘ . P5333" 5“ uh‘ =' . “M Angdfi,” rived. - ~ - * ' . ' 3“ Q” cun‘h.hmiJ"‘ BI“... ' C! I I Yzcdlil A, éfv. ° 2‘ 9 ' '4 ° ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ~ - - .- -6 are . —.--——— qnsurnalcotrhe-or tit-= . . . 2 u.reannonywood.whu..-or.eex-,,g«p....rran."- ~ ° - .mo’l\eun-moron-p-5 v.1 period ‘ - - - - - ~ - ‘ e ‘ , g. ‘ 7 5 ‘ '7 . ypleqg o SomeWho Go “Jnfit f01'.theumy1meuuocauuwbua by0lnoFl1'm- Apecuti.u.expecied.E.II.A-her._:snu-y.inwhichBett!v‘-7'3‘ - -beelecttheplaee-ferthe; - . 5. - ~ theF.m1nShow'l‘l-ue .the!eelintthateeew::ndnblous- UM‘ lvioe—preaidentafih¢:hl'IIl'IlnInI&ef{Ll:role. t9»t:\:.ceotmNorYorki°J$1?:“"g’up¢onecttlncootributed; I ~ . 3 0 - ’ , :l' Wald 35°“ '''‘''°’ 3' " .'""‘ - - ' Corin Gnf" PI'03°'~‘“°'“v* PR0?“ °P"‘i'* "“°" ‘ l r Amateurs int. i-’-6 “It didn't iuItl1t.hat.Iwas .Axnoz~.o..J-IL13-‘*‘"““’l°?°f.ea he announced n.nceoftheP5¢1¥l3'?1l5U'¢r¢3hlN"‘ "'°"'* ; s P ‘mu’ - ' Shenanrloahoral“ 3 - ' Pllnlvuealaonadeforthean-. tn Glme .deterninedlvoulda'thhIIt°¢‘tVIO¢‘h¢}‘““:.‘;Lifl"d . 3“u,e thnthc vrouldnot 83191309 at oneoftheladmfl lhawjtmgj mu. rluubcgwenz nor 0 0 40‘ W" L“ 5"“ W cm dollars on his m 0!‘ lax the world’: M8859! 50 fin’. f of was kil "-“"""' ‘ And th=Ni"°"° 5°“ "5’ ‘°”‘G°°dY“' 3"lll"“" pm‘ h"-° ‘°d- the second. or the one after that. lltnecles dunnz Chmtn-I lb "l"“'7 ’ "' mnnhwe 0 on ich. Comrsrmox Is S'rnoNG.«n repaid for p-rudsnti-c tn "- ..:.—...:, officials ... ,.1_.....mg. ‘air In at‘. ,..,,.,...,..a ' up in; [let t Part!-_ *3! -W''''-, Mn ‘ -..———-——‘ Isport. One said. “YOU. 1 S0‘ ““‘ .[§‘Ul_Jl‘l air monster. lrfldc "l"" .m,¢¢§,,g .34 that he didn’t=, Just before the fortunate nrl left Ifi In. B. . L ‘ Two of the Chief Ru1e5l,.,h,:. :3 another an Eehuzndoah and Lots Aneelcoupcd m we“ ‘ mun” “um, opifm. N", ,;,;,,; first pointed to arrantevfor the place of - - T I A fir;rt1LPl ' . 9” dmv ? s hlvc "nth '5 l ' ow ell 0 . l U"? ' " -—j—— A - I’ ' 3 Are “B8 Cheerful,” 3nd ' §:F.xactly teltc gee Pd pidd. First ‘fig-he 1...: craft which German ;l;’f;r “OJ” 1: Corporation. Phoduoers of After the business meetinz kl" —,——. . — -~— <-.—~ ----~ ~ ‘ r- .‘. Tv.-n “DO N0l.’. T881‘ 3 itimc I ever had any luck It Ala“; gmuian dirixible t'!P«‘m" "3"". M, ban outlined ahead. . 4.“Pet1er Pan.” gave a luncheon in her up at thanks from former service m-.~.< w . T , n isalc.” _ are designing will have a cavlclll‘, ..wha._. in truth. flocs the pulliic honor. to which scores of boa Alb ‘Q Q. flout orzamaatton had ’ _ . _-.-‘ inflow D755 m “o‘ But the real_ attitude of 9-59 or between 6.000.000 and Gélfinooo care whether we one millxon ,geles neV~‘8PIP¢' “T19?” ‘Pd °°""‘ lent Ghrlcnu were p,,.,‘ _.....———- R“ “ player toward this grout Anuricanwumc feet of “L The exam pennies N. 0,.‘ mguyon dollars Cmipondcnts for fun magazines were ‘*3 ,1 g ‘was _ % i mmf.M A‘ mm}: ‘omen m‘ cm: D11-senti‘P°Tt VIII ifldlald "I ‘ha ‘he‘dnah’s gas clllicll." '5 2'”5'o00:our pictures?" Asher dedared. “If eeind from 00600!‘ BUS: r:“P°:"”; -' but ' -‘ a big afternoon tea were «said after she reached home. If cubs: “ct ‘they're good they'll eome, and if. h “,5 315,, 3,-on.'on's first big teadat of Stne Hosp! 0. a _? _ " at a midvinter sport event .4", . tag] bargain, her husband: d.“m Ln"; one. I b .- t, wm my .“y_ . _ h ‘chm h wen. ‘M .1‘ haw‘ 'h”_n.u_ men ‘,2 “,1 Y ‘:53; The by a local a vet-sa0IA1 of tbfgmay have felt it wise to warn her: man :1 an airship top,’ 1 c) mm?“ Hg“. ad". zgpzrxybwegwm 0?." by her cm” “at 8‘ ink.“ . gap?‘ of a M{‘...~.:n great American tame for wo:°”“"n‘not to be over-confident next ;tm¢‘dm“ ” but ‘5 the Shenandoah?» nu.” are echoing to‘“h enthumm ‘ad umpougd gp. pmgrue which had been gltren by‘ . .7 .r. mr lb‘ l'”‘.’"' hum‘ Eux1uwmeompct;_‘Ih¢ ‘TM ill“ £59 3133*? N’ ‘Na ‘fig, .'capaeity of about 10.000.0(l3. flaunt the million dollar lie in the ; P,'.,¢*,,5on of her new honors. the lntieats under the Illfiplteif of y _ ._ uf lwll‘. mfforw "2! 3;‘, fi;f:.1:,-.p;-i¢¢;‘h‘n:$d‘::’ fie‘ '0 fifiniykfn ,cttble feet of K“ ‘P3 °‘P‘bk‘°f1 faces of the nrrlnitlllazg W55‘ Luky introduced her as the :7! ‘Fulton Chlpter of American . l . “ An ‘_ ml‘ _ - - d .370 t I “WSW” 9'” ‘mun. the globe in a non-sol’ whose crcdulity they _ve wan‘ .. gut“, mu", fiigkfonj" ar lathe”. . _ A _ mnl dresses that 1:;-S $0 “$5”: “:3 much good luck. . If she was p bly will he the next. 90 long to gain credence for such igmcgm offimfiuu mm “L. The” ‘,u no pwxfltm r;,.,,,,; . Y . . fum in {;"‘,",;,§’°p‘:,u,,, of we trophies. 7"?" by at em”? 'step in diritibl’ b"ud"‘3 52"‘ _"“l exnnrerlled ‘*3l“‘¢°“' -Th°del'“t ilowers. “Peter Pan" should go far there was much blllmoss to come] \'o\\ A e . ‘A 0 . v - ‘ A - _ . M - . . ' V . , ~+ A. The Wnicimms in 1 ts‘: ;"":e?l‘t’:°ds3" ‘mm’ ‘"1 hnnm I‘:-ziilcgsntto slid 1:; the o:'e1-wrought, p::;:2;hn1."z‘.31a ‘deusxfi be: run“: ,';"°,§,i:"Am1:;fca':,a"i)\'3:_—' -“l*"‘ - 110":-d to inspec e f - 1. h . A_ . - E - ' , , . . - Dr-nvu “Tie 32...: ten minutes before the “I” "' ''"'°"' -°' m "M m‘:'Ahe Goodyear Z°PP°‘"‘ C°""'."“'°"’z F“‘’‘l’°d’‘ “‘ ‘d"°'"‘““ "'d “pt” ‘whether Laskys forectbt will be lather: was dammed W‘ ‘'‘"‘’“5_ man 1 lint: set for the start Then thelhyghcq ‘amdpm R 3.0:: 'Liteh1'leld’s statement, coming an my a form of elgfiflilimsflrgdwt wlproved true. articles read to the chapter. Re- and H L ‘ ° ' - fienccm sumo 0. c tB't8in.o‘ . ~ th it ‘no sea. .... ..- _ M... '1 ' , " " mull!" 07 ill“ “lev rdflecm" or- 3 get a dress at all she ma)‘ have felt 1:3" b°e1‘,,°f,_-znedcw’f‘o‘r}?ttn‘or:iantn uir-, nirsqaiibd merit: dignified 9'83-37'9"“ ‘ wane” Myineu an hm lg ‘Pm "flow comm’ we“ “HT EX 11.8 'l"lu~ dc:-ed. “Back of the 1'9?" pxettfifs chnlrfin at havifll lost. and em’! !«h°‘c§‘:P3c°nf‘ 5000000 cubic feet 28‘. i think’ the era of lIY8t€‘ll Ind il°d'°d as the hue of Rum 83:0”. mm ‘wan-.-————+-:— Ong P8 H -' "ir" W‘ I-dies” mi 0* Pl"’°"‘ “"’°‘ Husky ones’ or the may have mi‘ ° ' '. - ‘ ““ - . ' ~ r‘ sh!-'rt’=* ‘hid P'*"~‘i“* 9"“ 9”‘. 9"“ ntna.snavici-'» ' la kf Sinzlhi Dancing ""' * ' N -' ' .. , v A :. ' - “ch, nd te the local harmful hokum ls oser In P9933 . . -Ii"! d.P.‘, . . XII » B C 338 9 ’ - enter . ‘i la . znmhwd mi only ‘is Kr-leacllv to enter over‘ moiiofl P'1‘-'W1'°5- ix? V%:n';:';,,d °“c,.:°5:’,u,- an C°hmbh"'i;°‘J’:nuu,’, w -.)z', ' “ thaw‘ .t tom - . ‘something A _ want Ill 1 . h 'n_,m‘(.v ‘ml ,. t t~ 0‘ am‘ pm“ A A — .. . -cu . - (flu \ feet tie and twenty feet ;t.ne race for 1 WP _. I The pert?!‘ In W0 _ ’ ;,-01¢ of . fgmmme Robin Hood. & x_ sud”. _ about ten..d: :1“ of the comm“. have made a good story out of the 8 difi‘n,1¢ construction, but will at-! postman; piffle has , Alice Joyce i‘ but on the we” 6 Also ' “M ( 6&9 0" - .‘whole thing to tell Friend Husband . f u, - ban the “us . at the center of the floor. in dinner tut cnnin‘ gtempt to set the pace or e; of us all. bratflnx a _ . ;to stay. At the M ' Dear It. Stevinsonz a mum [RU 099' 9°‘ 5°“ P°'m°”’ - i -?+------‘ . -5'°“ °f the .w°rGld' "5 didbetfhe -! °f W’ N“ "gm. pr°'"‘ m mm‘ lllayer studio. where shemis ‘'”'h'‘' We wish to express our thanks D V - .- .. indu:m “I aloe for the fun." 13025“ Cl{Rl81'MA8 CLUBS ARE :_pelin plant In e!’m80)' °'° _ °_-ANHK 0f" "e‘'' . . , ' With Frank 3011880 in ' 3 nd ppreeiation for the very uford Kent find - 0P0 _V Yfllflt d(~.~(-:1. , m woman who had the, M081‘ ACTIVE IN JANUARY jvrar. ‘ _ “I Will D0th3P¢:§; _'!:‘ll’°“"‘:"i‘ec“‘:i dnct.ion,. “A Man's World. ‘Inns’ nd .“d,f.,_.w,.y ,,,,n,,,,,. in Cra n in 1)“. true amatmr spirit of thrcedgumefi 7 Bu.“ 8 ___T‘_e_-__h 0”“ wt «A 1o_oo0,O00 culnc Iclsot slutp: or all‘ t rec <>’ fin)‘ liquionfl Joycetinds that 81? lzefllxfldiiig: ‘ugh our insurance in the London‘ ‘A “Mn W-W cmnnm-'vl':l1"I ennui: ml 1*“ "9' °"""*"- imam amen: "§‘}»'t?‘$’é‘8“§ul,.f'§2.{+ Known‘ and ‘Ashes.’ They will not ya" .30. coixnicuo; "“ “"""""'° “"'"‘}‘.°‘ CE’; “I”« “LOVERS LANE" id!-"‘. ‘ ‘ bnunuyih Ewe‘ . who had: Sara A. B. l”~ki?d ~ .' hf’ 1:1 “ ad could‘ require that much to he good. nor menu comermn‘ um h lb‘ "am "'3' ;\ llavum - . buy a. dress. Others re anon‘? A Chrmm” sum“ CM, 1”‘ ‘ ifilllll. said Latc tied 3 I “mum gdid M" other Finn" cw.‘ nude or :nn;unce.s pun‘ M" and her to 4.. just 24 hours after we MP I , _ h ekbnwd lay by Clyde -. per ml: come that ‘ti: best 190-; D°“"mb°"'°""din‘ mm’ hm Ge. !:l1tl'.li.e‘o.tlrtcr‘lrt‘ar‘id such 3 “K01! 10 59 m"‘l“” cl°a’re that she is going to devote “'0 at at :3 plom t e C P . — his rho . . . 1 0 i ' - be]? It . - " Y“? the “C. were alreflgylspite that. it enjoy: its greatest ac- -‘hip would not require twice the -peter Pam sun Bronson. ‘much of her time in the futon to ;:”dhb1y I ‘ The best known story m the history re (~m,1,' “kw ad the). mm“, “"y wm,-‘it.ivity during the first two weeks 0 amount or me] 0, twice as urge al The screen Cinderella of 1924 re- mm work . T“. u “M” ‘M d(_sen_es _‘ c . ‘)1-‘.sid( oat a-al ' for the starting sig-nal.«-VIIIIIIIT. acoordms '0 A35“? 3- ft _ 1 cently left llollywoogl for Nev.’ York ..____+_—:—- _ hhh fin Améncan stage. . . _ ‘ ‘ th A. _ ”__(.m. B“ we dent" continued to 1,,-in‘? Geezon. who has charge of such‘ in V _ n is logical to Sum to be present at her great triumph. K A. hogan Buy on Farm (leases. "7 ‘head you”. A The path l0 your llfe 8 l1appmeao— . .' “H, .4“ up heavier loads than it took down. 1 gob: at the Boone Count)’ National ‘mu ¢>i:c:ie’:. imermediau sin of M Bout» Bronson. the little 3:) V.-:30 ‘B1 A. Locatn of Collcg~e‘of:8; Bmm‘BDs the norm‘. “Lovers, Lane ,, . in "W were some who bowed to! B E ._ . . . . f Ah. A. slipped out of the eastern In P018 ncu tun re urn until)’ 1'0 ' Adan.‘ ' .-A ‘ , _ . l 1,. fate to six million cubic oot 2. 1|! . 1, , . so _ Fummflo X“. A A _ A uqtumunms in 'tbe. cftmd mml¢3hb?fl?kamT:n3 :f$:‘;dlh: ‘um’ ‘am the problems inmlwdl mmotliwd vdmdturned 0;: olfltfl i tznflhlillllxoridlf wherefhhe did —-°_—._——_— A ‘o “-“l‘."" the ‘it of n'M'hem‘ mm‘ mm :5! one in which a Penn)‘ is deposited '§l’*f°Y'9 coin: to the next step. 3 nwmis nu)‘ "2 ,_.. --.__ work on the arrlcultural census. n '0“ nm to buy or ‘en some. L l""'“ l the lull’! $395?‘ °f ti": ‘p_°h l the fir! ‘meg ‘ad (,5, 599035;; Undertaking New Problem. 5: ‘:7-_:::_;_._.__;.—_:_:§‘;.____-- nae aim ‘mm to Mom“ to uund thing try a Iissourlan want ad. _ __, _ -. '. Jonnm nu flood than ‘found-‘m fhmggfildoubled successively in theensuing "10 N5"! UP W9 d“5l~‘3" °7 “luf air.»-.hip_ travel because the op_cr-I we outk Fm“ Gmweuo Aux“, ' , _ 3- -—~-—- —— . 0 ‘ ('«.rni.~l ' snstalr;ed by '3‘; cocguso guy the weeks. The is a special club live to ‘l! M3500 ¢“bl'~‘Af°°‘ ‘l“'l|'i'[atin;: exP¢1’i¢"°° 5” l""' l'°°_ l'm,', tion meeting. The work on ap-. V .. Thr 0 ‘ It is a characteristic of ‘V1181’? *3 4013085‘ 0‘ In)’ 3'39"!“ i5 “'3' “'° ‘" “"d'.m"1k3n“ bf 9°“.-I "ed l” ‘l'‘“‘' ‘"5. mm conclusion‘ l-pointment of enumerators for the '1 “Y * e ._ Jamum ' 3 _ - - allowable. Many professional men problem. This slllp V-‘I ‘ l“"f‘“’h(- painted on . _ ,cefl3 ha been delayed on account ‘ ' Wutin ~.=::w=;:.::; .. mm. or W. on i” no »-. my ‘:“;':l .: we 1:“: or as: .2 ........ rcsim cc ,9 Th sda an o H°'fl.a.' . few women some of them depositing as much as “although {Great Brfrtainmms 0:10: ubt;c} Rubber Co.. which_ tog]: fgfiego “ u 'm___.___t to buy or “H mm.‘ n ‘ y I’ torrnor “ Lb. huh of we kn phghnx de. 820 or w . _ contracts or we we- [German Zeppelin Hill A A- b.‘ _ 5'0 v M. . t A . A , ‘ .-A A\¢-o “dad to uni” web. ,0}, mg, There are some persons who loin ,fo0t shim)» ‘ . . ‘i.-tmenca. will serve ‘I'll 110}? 3“ 1911118 ti’) 3 *55°““”1 Wm _ e “i - ‘ . “M. u , [mounted upon ‘ but confine, ml aclub.can7onforafewweeksarEd! -hour five-million cunsidiar)’. COT’: _ S __ dad“ . overlook the fur In the cmwdgtllen drop out enttrelr bat! thtegilsc-foot ship 2'11] be hhetwgen seotporation, I.IIt:'l‘1f|eld azfmounced. rm; A A I _ “id, dulmmed to ‘fiend, u,,.numhars.aee-.£esr.. or _In. good 930 {wt one. 1 ~ mllftlnlum; .. A. man. oflneflf ' - .~ - . , ‘ .5 A , Al ;_ ' A .. .» angry, d‘;':sce: they had set their heartslvflt the member! IN.‘ Gill-hlflfll-Icv giamcter ll5 to 120 feet. with 151‘ 'l52aisu.nt general manager of the - . A 1 , dcast _ < - “vmfi, upon. V-llllc they glanced about to‘ Th¢"*l“¢°1‘h¢¢l°h'l'°‘l'° “"8: '0*’¢t8ll llfillht from “Kl Kfoundé Zeppelin comPfiI1)' at F'rte(llfl-' AS’ . . . V _ _ . A er "0 ha‘, mm’, womukof “R1,. own:|f8‘rln infterest1ng_ w customeranr th81 13!. with tl1e.contro‘ Eur. .1 .l.at:en, Ge:-man)..and Dr! ul : - A A , Sm“ size there were who nnxht aspire to; I‘ ‘M0013 18 00009110460 u 31‘:-ct higher. nnd_vnth it 5- "" °"“~*“" !l'~'"*~ ¢’“"‘, °''‘‘''’" 1: Had ° me ‘ 0 E rial hr the "me ones’ lwhcther filfepre is a bank“ ‘anxbere r13m;d,t:{-5... ‘lrief dx-~crip~"1nn-1 ienpsfeelle: asivietrcfprcsi-‘ . " ‘H in NM “*9 Phya? grew "sue" me omi in the count ' that is rofitlnz by l e b’ ‘it’ “ill I O5. . b Good Ze lini » ' l ‘ ° ' I binxk of the lincsmcn holdifll! the rope} . '3 P b‘ - .tion of ‘how the 11.: as l]! ‘H an-ed:-nus (.{,1 ¢ _ Va" . ppc ~ Wednesda Jan. Q tlllr "1 l°°k°d ‘t M’ ‘" mm‘; ESIS:-e’o::‘c!:>c:ie‘; in." Hr. -;pe:§fwu::d“engc:g' Sanger C,-an E(I:).;.rp}?;,‘bonE¢' “coking:-rdheadmg wnfhtrr y, “ .‘ : ‘ . . . - -3 33"“ —"”‘ ” ‘ ‘Geeson “and deposits t P¢mU‘- Wei ‘ ' v t‘fo-d 'p::rvice between‘ in zero lin 1.1.: will be a memo‘. 9 o’elock The Victor Comnanv will Presfint the A°‘ “'5 ”d'° °°"° - ' i" B""“'“ A ma‘ "3" “Kb ‘mm up‘ have to write out a slip for it. 1'g3vm‘;”' ‘ ‘£0 d . 7:“. g «$,:cbo.p,-4 of di,-gm,-3 of 15¢: ‘ Th din’ Januarv 1 ut 8 p. m. .(C0lllmUl% lllfl._ Those who heard wntcna gm ate:-ce.Hm'” 8:3’ 1.? mi?» A""““" °l°’l‘ h” ‘° ll” l'5i::uliz:":l‘ passewd nee: o:):hin“:xt::i:iy-'l:cral’ concern ' Bolrlimantl 'M(Co~°*n°a(l’ in the first concert . the oPP0l'l "" l'¢'f<-W e re mom! 3 ' ‘ A ’ t" . - L j’ .’ a ' um-tet an -- tutxmt tion above the crowd and ann0l1n¢°d%‘m°um on ' ‘dag’ d bog‘ mu,$El“¢ ‘l°“~' the keel °f um "°5‘°l'; - - e e--. - —« —. —-—~ --~ - »-A-~. . $0 883‘ I'l'3"°°“' Aha,‘ Frank La’ Rome’ the th be”; 0'" ,.,*'A land tr -e or we «we» we :*.:.":,:‘.::. :‘::,..:°:. ..:,,...°°°:..;?..'..'.... P5" *’° .1‘ ‘ l ‘W -"'°“**“‘“‘o “° “Zita”. °:‘...‘.’.:.°‘°’.......'°°°.,..'.“':.:" .o3r“‘i«‘3‘um- n o A cheerfuL B‘ plenum uR'b°utdI:“‘t “'9 d‘5P‘-’9lt-" . izgrthnstslallnlzr :l’Io\h'l.'rl i . magnificent pr0“l:":an1-31} {fie fnugic before . “ICU l.\ll'lC in W In View ; no added. humorously. W. 0' _____.__.._ : - 3 . . ' _ 9 A and become fami la!‘ m 1 A .p , ‘ A whim any of you ladies tear a dress in ELE(‘-Ions "887 an) van; ‘baths. ctr... {urmslung n plcasanl.l . J . F \ " k C‘ ‘92 Meters . C I “ . - ' ' ." ‘ ‘.:"-' «l.V . . . . . . . . A . "HI _ ;‘;§'i§‘;_'f;‘w“”§‘f}f -“°' "°"' "f I-‘ormer Uni——_—vetIfl)'CIfl10? M-rim“ e::yolfl?:rmd.iysw“;I‘1tl¥)o0r‘t:t= Z7;§§-§ igilin. Pxxidgncc. R. 1. . . . . . . ficttzrs ~. y" d»=».s-»!I~: ~ Be looltcd at his watch and then Be Messenger Waahlqton. . lent methods of travel. ‘ ‘| , . “VNAQ Boston. .Ma8S. . . .o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278 Mgters Iv -,- l'"-'1 H - gave as a signal the old rhyme Dr. J. C. Parrlsh of Vllldl-l1I.l Well Tried in Europe. I \ VVFI. Philadelphia. Pa. . . . . . . . . .. .. ...... . .375 ['8 j Th’-~ » ' that has started many an informal formerly a member of the Board on "Thousands or flights were made? ‘ . ‘ WCAE Pittsburgh, Pa. . . . . ..'. A62 Meters ' -A Justm n¢¢- {Curators of the University. who i8'by Zeppelin ‘ships across Europcl « a . ‘- , e . . .. . . wGR...Buffa]o N Y _ _ _ _ _ . _...._ ‘-5.-. '1 -_-.819 .‘ Wu-rlze ii, "1:(‘:c‘t."-3,: ‘a Republican glegfl‘ 1:3 before the }\v‘Il'_ at very little more v - ' l.- 1.5 ‘ I ’”‘vCAi; “,a8hi!"gto'n. . . . . . . ' . run...‘ . .‘69 gate,-8 ‘-I. lisii of: A » ..- . vr. yesterday in ’ eraon y vn than rates for transport bv train. V . ' 7 M335 ‘ ‘ -368 eters 4. " "" l fine In snake rod)‘. ’ th - ck gu . ’ _ . orcester. - - o - - - - - - - - -o 0 - 7 - e- - . - . _. mu, )1 __ ,4 9,, ,, .3;- 0 0. 0}’ Republican ctors or-I owcver_._l don't think anybod) , Q‘ .3 . A ~ I _ ., _ The mp. wag don,‘ 1-he}. wen canine and cast votes for President}: in a position yet to discuss cost 3 , . -. ' ‘ Hm‘! ' . ' ‘u, h . and Vice-President. f____ t A . talhd . W . tun w { §::’;°Tt:'.:dg,’,:,;;::°;:; :2,“ 2:. Parrish, who led the ticket in‘ ”' “ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ o *' S ‘ ‘ 0 ‘Have a Radio Ins A N0 ‘ vently l - r - thenumber 0! votes east last No-1 . -' ‘ ' 0 1‘ De rtmcnt . .. mu ‘ . treasure. In hal. a mknnraufice 10:9’? ‘ember bu wtgaud “ mu * Columbia Auto Parts 00. T81“? 8(lV1ml-38*» “T the mde 5elecu°n 0 pa I “Ad . dress t the h A yer. - 5°“ r - ‘ - ° . stoc dudes: :- ""' ‘:_i balked'?f‘."l!ier rim choice 5: tro- genxer to corn; the vote to Wuh-A ;::";(_”;;d;,t.:u, ~ mm) this and all future concerts our , . ‘ " ' ”"" ‘ 1 pints, selaed upon any sh1e old Ib?;1Ic:°l;)I t:>nel:bet:ke:o mm" “'6 A ' Freed-Else N A ’“:““’ reach. Those 1: 0 were e o ' 6 - : U.“ 7 4 ilfi . 1 5 T110111 011 Cu 9 ‘' tried.“ look.“ it awymn h‘d the elector.‘ 'ufl'_ i plfll {Of fill care . '. . . C PR. . I -.'AA A yn ( by the 1 amateur. t and had just come _ __ ' . _ -, - A ‘ .- _ - \ ltmlrm re": the nut dine uurdby {:1 r*— — lluper-H - u;t- - (‘o _ Y 9 - ‘ Bfungflri ‘I ' . 4: :. — -. ‘"3"’ runs u-an powderedthcr new ml 0 - - 1 co ‘ - » '0 ’ the "2 slangily commented. «my sure did is . .- Victro a . 4 .-A : 033- A 0 p-as-'~ romp oneach other.” it ~ ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' (‘alifm But in another half minute sev- A _* . . -_ 0 _ V- -1- . eral dresses were hung hack 3:‘ ;i «I h . . He ‘ 2 ?::.:...; l . = ..... .. .... .- ..";‘;.....a.. l = Sheeplmed -* I .w" tun’ i l ‘Prices “'""'“ I 1 . .~- “ml « gs Coats at .. . 1-5 off new “‘2;=:°, I ’ ' A A , four. o la , O * l * K k ""' . ' Boys mc er A “P AA l. l ;f Q A 0 ' ll’)? 8! ' ~ Smts at ' 1-5 ff “"- 1 A 1 ‘ - ' . proof- . ' 4 - . 4 A_ . - e .| 0 v . - _ was h 1 9 o 8-Ptece Waluuttsmte , : Hea . 3 . A u....,:...... m I_ ~ ‘ r V . A _ J A: . A _ ° ' ‘ placidi : * ; $9250 l A Union Suits 0 95c ' l ‘ A” "'°""'"°"tom’ 8° 0 ‘i 2 0 ' ~ to - o 0 ’ o “ \ " Tet-ms'<‘ Q . ' _ ; _: ‘ . V g.’ ‘ V I ‘M : l " ;‘ -AAA..." Right to l Sales on thleauita ve left uwuh but 13:. to A .. . A i . ‘You I 2 noeeetthen. _l! you A a‘ -room an. . z * d._-.. weailxlaetpthatyeueeethhnlteatoneeheforetheae - *, .' . . '1-4 A1 l - . 13:‘ twouctflfi 3 . ‘- ._ .. AB33..ASB§h0Il8t . . A- -A R‘ if Onrhdtetlieaisdtlatvroll ‘ w 1* « ~ " i‘ 509:‘ .'~ ' ._ : A ‘ ;“,>H ‘,‘ ".~ V , ’: ’ . won t - We=M-.-"- 0 r COMPARE! Am 0 t . ; . ' “ . r n 2 My ' ;;!"'r *‘,!’t», 2’ ‘. ‘ad ! -‘ ’ ‘t ' _l.J ‘J.-‘) .‘ r ‘i ‘ I . '4" 4.: .9 .«*“ 7‘. I. "3 '—'.“- ‘ You l 0 _7¥.‘:’:”"‘ -5 A -'~' ‘.1 dub '- '7‘ . . I-I r ' '_A_‘. ,0 . ft; I,r:’.'t"-:=“fi‘,_.*§e_~’,*.:L_v:._' 7' -.1‘ 1: " "’ "" '-.-‘.3. ‘i...:.—’~a‘...' ' 7-" ‘V’ "1. 1 ' - - . _ I-‘. ' ,_- ..n _._: >-., ' - "' u. q--.