‘ Farmers’ weeksuaeung.nto,g::";",§!_:';_,,;,, A J v :,_:_j,;..::_ 211:: 3 .-_°_;:,::. ,3 as .a-.:r:..::..¢— ~ e-. .-n re '-.--an .132. , (onnectionwith I-‘aamers Week I": of mi‘ Awudee. scan - NEW none. ‘ new equipment will also study the ' 1' cation displaiinl ' beautifully" ‘ bound . A ' ‘ ,,- ~ - . . '.'.;_«;.- 4.~ i ‘ J» “.~-f_:__ r-a-=1-o-=;'s,~,I_r,;-I.-§s':";:.-f—;"T‘:".§_.““':’:§"Z?."’f- : "H440 ‘ ezt.-.:~$-‘ r.—‘ii - . "lb uvtfi -. N. -rot =1 *- « C v . ’ 7"’ — , - , 8» ‘E .9 -__,.-_. Plannedtolnterest . 5-U-!i°-'-‘-*°m°*'-*i*~ Breeders. l ‘ ‘Ti 5 2 i i 5. 1:5? 3. . $5 6% it , E rnen,at\rhichfivenationallyhto 4 I I I. : an lea on the breeding,dewL;°n“;n”‘.th¢“d::g:,..,.EQhfisfianexP'99“'“ "l""““"‘d°"°f uflmflaibdore. l-‘ecanuIaherof!Ian_thelP”‘°{l‘i"""”“'°"““"h"'°"'”°‘ 4111308- "'“ ‘P**‘9*"°""°"".°°'“3"“"eictoryhuaitu-natsdxesuhliivin’ "W" W -"W"? 5‘ ‘" Ium my hat the J nlors an dc-.“P|fU€“l3 ' '6" l-armor: Sleek. 8fl‘0?¢lflK W W 3*‘ h“'a;, ,.;-«fig; that class This l(.ln rot only helped him 10 Jackson of Qt. Louig, chairman 0 “Mn h”t'°”a,'d' i,‘ 4. 1". Ch ‘stains greetinr P7054 the cmnzmttee ill charge 0 the ar- “flu. hue cm.” “at km. but ,5 (maven, rangemcnts for the conference. Fun 0‘ .P”mee' er wn.“pond,,,u.' um . _ Dinsmorc. secretaf! 0‘ “W K A."°°i'mm °f ‘main’ C' E’ H"- one of the best forwards ever play- 600"?‘ l?311d”‘¥ brcdo . . Bemount Association. William‘ llirth, editor and publisher of the Missouri Farmcrnand L. M. . on-r secs, president of the Missouri eration of Farm Bureaus. __fi___“ 7’ Miss Emma Knell. the only wom- an member of the l49¢|';al:3°f'l'. "50 l ts-Alnsyup Rlfsg ' k . tor a number of >91" mmfl“ Bgoyggyv NO GOOD TO su.t.\on.u Al-‘TI-IR cot retain zenenl Fens Y the Carthage District Fair. is to take part in the discussions. '_—'-"" . Chi lisieh Yuan Takes 9 to e C‘ is u _ ‘Open! the most ancient of bro-; Pi‘h“u_1-N. bring about an organization Mis- “"6” " 9'“ ‘K "uh" u’ "me" Native Quarter. nnce wuther for d.lcl(3.A8, ‘-_i,,,d ,.,,_,_, “Nd hm": me" for dflldopin‘ ‘ad More timely variations of this ob- 5};Ax(;}.1A[,.__A ac ' still exploiting the resources of the state. in the production of horses and mules. Aucntion Vlll.b¢ directed interest in the production of horses _er." is usually answered with. “Yes. sible i these nroads in Missouri has so declined in uh;-"and ‘garages are kept busy following (‘hi Hsieh Yuan‘: Put “.3. ya" Q“; Q“. gnu‘, for- 1 aellirz alcohol and chains and fixing , tire of the native city Sunday. . ‘ A Almost without firing a shot, ‘ horses has been seriously impaired.’ Such remarks are evidently made troops of the former commander The officers, directors and man- i in support of the old notion that it « Chihli province surren th agers of the co-operative livestoclris an ill wind that blows nobodyjtive barracks here, ‘shipping associations in and around .good mer reputation for breeding fine’!'IdiIt0r8-"- Nifilfilifi Will me?‘ ll‘ C°l“‘“bl‘ J‘“’_; According to the evidence of shoe “*3 (‘WP *1 l-“L nary 23, the last day of Farmers idnkfl ‘M! V owner‘ Week. ~ tbfi m0¢1iF|l- “C0755”! W Tm’ D- ;advantage-to shoe stores which the Shlhth Morse, extension at ' tllltllfll 0¢'°"°mi¢8 1"» "*9 C°“°Y° ‘ll 1 creased demand for overshoes, : known of pm-r-tins: crop -rhinmenw M ‘.few days of the storm they iosfgrmacli and iraernational settle-f 8- buslness. Tmenta. They were none too soon. °"l5' °”° . . . , y ‘me gun" Qgfi of the nngeffor within a few hours; Chinese '5‘ "“fl‘°t‘"‘ pl" ‘ml '""5° b” A business undoubtedly improved dur- 'Y'?Tl1889s were ktnnmink into the . _ , -y _ ling the cold wave. After 9 o'clock ‘g native city and trying to raake-theiri “_‘°°"t’°“’ lh'°"3h°m we “male ‘ at night it '3; .139“ im’o..jb]¢ u, ;way to the foreign settlements. “”l" ' find apnea for g at in my ; Defeated liu-Pep troops similar meeting two years ago mo“ cf tut livestock shippers approved the mid- been used by hundreds of shipping BCTIZC Some of the out-of-town mana- in to',,_ para’. ,m,},,‘ °{«¢‘,-3 ilooting the native . terror £91‘! 8'‘ d'Y9'~‘l~°T5 "50 ‘"11 ‘ll-‘lld ruined other plug; of an an‘, sizing the Chinese inhabitants‘. Stray 1° ‘-59 mullllfi 3" T031 3- W°°d‘ °‘ business. as many cars were stored Zshots spat into the French settle- FlY°l1¢. W. H. Kittrfilitfi Of P091‘? in private gauge; and lgfg gauged ‘ment, several of them lodging in " Bhflv 3» 5- P9799’ °f R°“‘- H- until the weather improved. A car lthe bodies of Chinese. .\'o foreign- th H3915?! Of 315°“ C°“"l3'- 7- _- burrls no gas and oil and picks up 0” W9"-' W0 Died Hickey of Madison County, Marvin no puma”. in ‘t°n‘.e‘_ Brochnan of Rcniclt. G. P. Yates _ It‘ . d . of_Ya.tc . E‘. J. Alexander of Monroe ‘hay’ “nu” to“ the" an t°l “e an “as .. . . re ' sh to ha mall c.;,- .34 P. o. Palmer of Meadville. .,f,'£’d°n:':'n mm :;::°di§.m I-‘u, in the north. Chang Tso Lin‘, mt nonnati- TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY ll" be held January 19 tolanuary 23 in :::kml_f:; tlbem 11°? “her we ‘ _ . chargui storage for cars in repair. gag‘?! ’h°““:n:lm_f.:e ggdthz; For most part, those repairs be done Friday and Saturdayof this mlfi b’ ha ‘saw’ '3" 5. week so out the ribbons will be on » ‘ ’°‘"“ ‘'"‘°’''‘‘'°‘ ? the corn and everything will be in nth" dun pmm m the ‘awe i readiness for the farmers when they‘ come Monchy. th C A Helm and C. E. Carter of thil.College of Agriculture will be: judges. Besides awards of medals.; °“”""' b’ ."":u“'°" '““ "'°“ ““‘° Because is some garage: 1 trophies and other premiums, $1.400 i "'9 Wk *5“ “Kl (ff little profit. H will be gm-n as cash prises. ‘r. u. as-sen amusing Meeting. a:—:——¢.-gm A ' mu 3, 12,,‘ by C03,‘, 0; Aug! aocistion, 1 yesterday for St. . ' culture to Study Boston. ' L°”i" t° _ . . f 7' New equipment am will em.‘. 9" WM!“ 0‘ _'h5vI3m¢ e==°w|- éiently aid in the studying of uni *'°"- The I-°¢*m¢, 18 =P°"'°'°d amount of soluble salts lost in the ‘by: u” ",’“°°l‘ L run-off water and the amount of '.'”l"l°“ c°- ll‘ 3'" 15°"- noil lost from the land under f-‘_-__.____ ferent cropping systems due to: eroaions. is now at the experiment ' field. bad weather has delayed ital Kmloch Hat Shop installation but it is expected to be3 Plymouth Hgtg $7 put in soon and will be ready tol . start its work of measurement by‘ N0 lotho mule 793 May 1. According to F. L. Dudley; » of the College of Agriculture, this; ‘ new equipment will more than don»! hie the Irorl: done by the presentf in the experimentl effect-.of different degrees of slope-. aswellasthelengthofthes on the amount of soil washed by‘ erosion. 4 srunsxrs DESIGN euzzuzs Engllah0aeaesatC.C. uncri-s.;_ Wordomaela gameata. O volume vrhlchoshe called One University?!‘ lilies‘-uurlistfit-'1 Isl .i" ' A ‘-gleirt has rouadjthe canto III” each of in. letter! tori!!!" 0": ilrimds a little souvenir in itaalfu - ~ pastor. of the _ _ m."‘3,':lo:coi....us.,vI-_o nu lust uni-turn-d twin. abmewritcrltlytoadorntllel .. . from the ‘li- lfllnlll U """l‘7:ers lent all possible assistance to lPastors' Conference held butane’ V Miasouri- 3 d‘'“'' Washington game, a lets: {ere or best attended of :any that have been held. “it was? ‘clearly brought out that the Amer- uut with 4 ican student world of today is re- cognizing the personality and pro- . 'moniously walking upon a the Christian. who ‘Dd .bout fig time Ka 11 ll‘ Kiwll bl’ W375’ on‘: -*3‘. 5 3;. (3.15... girl with is a cartoonist. is enrolled in the f“m,'. 'fi‘¢ ' oars reputatlu in her borne town as School of Journalism. and is taliillt I HP!" ‘flu’ ‘ A to nt‘V*'8P0P¢'T ll‘ fathers pleatifully istrewn about. The Another point stressed at the f conference was that it is “a mistake, "M the part of the church to assume to this form of artistic expression, - bus.i- ;he says, is that small brothers and juniors at Christian. says Miss In addressing a letter to a ‘Siam “ home think me" wattage“ Mitchell of the physical ness firm in°his home town. Sn training Tex. Christian drew a bill ‘Die juniors have not elected their with the figure of a man “pamtmx ~""‘Y- Fed- A captain as yet. the firm name upo board. also should be adorned in the same: tarted .Chekiang hoops before between i i tron are current. I5 9 ship was rushed here from We 390'’ I33 539 3338' ll 35¢ SW09‘-5 ai Wie yesterday and strong con-. mgnd "'4 ‘-5’ '33" °°“""r"3‘l°° tintents of police and volunteers .10, honfl wiubk. fa, ,.,c,.,,g°u.1 001333008-. . .v~.-re posted along the boundaries U", in cm(,S_ ‘mg for ,-flnoum, ye- “Well I guess the shoe stores all of the foreign settlements. This quind by the Linked sum, M-,3,-_ make fortunes this kind of truth. was done for protection against pos- lneae --"'-—— -eit-. POSTMEN EMULATE STORY OF ’LIZA CROSSING THE ICE I""°'° _ u Almost everyone remembers three divisions and effected a hlood- story of 'l..iaa croafi T idea of what ‘Lisa went thro _how,ve,.. Meanwhile other of Chi‘: troops may be gained .53.‘ cmssing niuzjon between deep spirituality reinforced by out- -Shgnglni and the mg: of China is ‘ standing intellectual power. “This that all students should realize and face," said Mr _ -‘ me ‘as indeed d 9 were defeating Anfu regulars One of the main considerations at I purely u.’ “I ‘.ind_ Abouy the only 1 fighting about five miles from 9.5. luck. Take pt-ml-st In ‘¢"'!bad weather brings is in the in-; Immediately the coup became the mil cmiers for iw=nce- N°¢l?"°‘"" °”'’’'‘‘'‘ °‘ .”“‘ W" "“-" ‘ Am"-icuu .nd 03," for,; Edwards, who delivers mail in the ’ Agriculture. will be a new method a boon; ‘ad “1°,h”_ Ah" the first I eixmn took mp‘ to ‘mud ‘the: business district south of Broadway, ys he feels fortunate. He has had al. V p before to ‘contend with such 3 weather c ru u . . Chi Hsieh Y n had been . it’ When wanting to buy it sell any- - ' thing try a Missourian want ad. ' ssincc the defeat of his ally. Wu Pei Lotus: LAUGHTE Seven of Um. ...--. . ii 5 ‘.- f t :" ‘J’ . ."‘:_‘ .’r_'0 _. . _ __ Q; ._._.._._- , _ . .—..-- ra " s?'{ _ - v .5-V.-'53» . .-i"."“.-.»~.~ . -F5“. .. - .. ‘ V ff -5 - ‘.e_. . V Q - .' -_.; ‘ . g _‘ . , ,- . .e -_ - . - s . -. ‘ t., 41- . p .. »> .-_-- .- '7!- . . 4 U — . -5» Onefeafllr ' illlfllfllfifllv’-agnatly pleased the Nile ll othc V , . d the Rn-‘Job!Al-I=""*'-~woci:en‘wuun.isuormaad_vhoio~-‘W7 *‘'I§m‘:¢°l*°'*°‘““''°°. ’‘ """ H‘"- “! 7 ,,,,,.,, olllflhihear-ted ’ of‘ Against Fox “Frauds.” NEW YORK. Jan. 13.-—A Oll. n be no conflict $112.80 in 1922. increase in their number. _ [*.‘n.§en_L g..,,§,,gg_5. 173,‘. University and hasrnhde ‘I in .nn§13.}. . Md W 1‘ -"""""""‘ ' . , .. 3- 4...“ lnent of a new course on the short '34 E"'’'''d-’‘''""! W " ’ ‘ and as ‘The Short Story." * v ' ' ‘flit; ;-gorse is ti: 309$ ’ thing try a Missourian want: A is training and experience in Try a Missourian want 3‘, M ;wrlting and who wish to write for I y ‘ ‘ . .. 30,,‘ SILVER FOX VALUES nncL1Na:"°"”°“’°" 0°‘ Advertising Club Starts Campaign 7 chlfi the repair gangs. kept unlimited 4’ . “one bfinll CV3)’ “*9 ""3 quantities of food and coffee ‘hot } marl] '-that the admiY!i8N‘l15°M 0‘ . for the workers and. as a rule, re- lsom nstitutions are tremendously; mud u, weep; "ymegu. ted in the establishment a opment of schools of rylig -—or Bible colleges--in connection ‘with the universities. ’ Mr. Alexander said that this con- tory; No. 60. exposition; No. 101. d paign has been launched against ‘ “silver for frauds." according to E. Holland. president of the Asso- ciated Advertising Clubs of the world. It will be handled by the Na- . 'tional ‘Vigilance Committee of 100w. Also any student who has rit it. had accepted and been paid for any story will be eligible for ‘ 3,, admission to this course. Any‘one ' , ‘that is interested in this course and oat of the frauds revolve ' . . . around the su sition that silver a hostile attitude toward scientific . in an tztorcmd), ‘,dmble...t ‘ ".'°‘’:°h “'5 R '5 ' mm“k°,!°' file. Holland said. “As a matter of fact. ‘hi, “.5” is {owed to scientists to assume a hostile attlo we bunul of sausua of the Do_ ‘tude toward the teachings of Chris-. mmion of Cuud. "porn tn“ the! r ' rage th lts ha d - be ween true science and true reli- xified pnce 0 we pe 1‘ C n." 3aided by the treachery of the Chris-1 gio Bishop Hughes of the Methodist just;Bpiscopal (‘hurch of Chicago said no necessary connection ntellectuality and spiritu- ’ , . There is no necessary con- xd To‘¢fl)cf with big new guy, sun nection between the development of "9 5° and be our minds and the spirit of service, ‘ 3; ggglut Pgkingfi but that God has used. in the great ge crises of history. men who have had 1’ won Monday and Wednesday and from 8245 in 1919-1920 to '_ ‘ be given for three hours‘ credit. ._...____9_.___:. The method of operation of‘ a number of these companies involves not the sale of stock. but the sale of animals for breeding purposes. They ‘ . on a co-operative plan; Jwherc-by the purchaser of a pair of foxes is guaranteed a 100 per cent Plcture of Bank la in Magazine. Oil!’ fuel—try 8 ton! e sissippi Valley, in connection With. a statement about the new building which the bank opened in July, 1922. “The operator of the farm retains 2 Jaw ~~1l"1_iT THE HO - V 4 ghlcy were discharged day. - ‘ lf you want to buy or ‘i ’ . ..~ . -a-' . 0. so. nar-7 ” "‘ ~ — v No. 55, the descriptive‘ »- -%~ » y dflwu, doubtful as to being qualified to - ‘ ’ E‘ enter should consult with Doctor ‘ EvRE Offering , 1-n,,d.y nig .R.amaay at 11 Monday. warm pmpoai ‘A , or Friday or by appointment in hi!‘ the best cod -' office. 209 Jesse Hall. ; t th rice usuan" ‘ The class will meet at 3 o'clock: :0, tgep inferior ‘Your furnace will satisfactory opinion A picture of th ne unty; gl Trust Co. dppearea‘ in the January; B90118 COUDW ~ ;’ Mrs. bellfld issue of the Mid-Continent Banlter.§ ‘ ' a financial magazine of the Mir; , Cherry at Katy the remainder of the progeny. ‘These, in turn, are resold to other‘ investors. It is a sort 0 en ‘ ' chain proposition, in which the op- ._ . orator has little to lose and the pur- , .WlRl-ZS-SUP!-‘ER IN mssoviu I-haw bears the risk" ph ne and Electric Lines Are owly Being Repaired. _ _ t It is estimated that 27,000 l(‘ll’- at the Universili. “'15 l_"““'-°l' ll‘-"9. Mme ice_ some T phone’ poles and several thousand l»'¢‘6l¢‘Yd8.\’- M13 Mini" ll” {'9' ughfelectric line poles were down in ¢‘0Ml)’ Ki"-‘n “P hi! P0830011 Vllh the _ Missouri as a_ gimlt of the sleet 1 "st-orm.‘of December 18. Some 9,000 held for the past two months. miles of telephone wire and about ._ (1,000 miles of electric wire were" Rum M"—fi~;‘—‘j;‘-':E-C°lumbh- ‘ HOME and these long winter es-goings are a good time for ' “"1” M’"‘i"' 3 “rm” ‘tudflm and location of your lot. We want to sell you the lot. We-. have some of the most beautiful lot‘: to be found in Colalv ' bla. Some {see the I5-acre park, others nearby. All restrictd . to nest. good looking homes. You can build your own home . or we will build it for you. And youfmay pay for it like . paying reiit. Why not OWN your I-lime? A the Sedalia Independent which he; had 2.000 men‘ 8. D. Foster Plumbing Co. Ten thousand of 165,000 phones in mumbm‘ ‘M Rtflifin‘ St. Louis were silent on December A complete stock at all times. Phone 317 Phone 3“ _ The Southwestern Bell Telc- 10'; x. 9“. P50” 112‘ _ PLANNING A noun? There is perhaps nothing more iatareatlng than pinning.-_ Yet it is hard to plan a HOME unless you know the hlfl — HOME IN PARK llll.l'. A JOY FOREVER J. A. STEWART & SONS Exchange National Bank Bldg. .._m\ V ~ ‘gill! \\\!‘,‘ i||'|'!"_1|'1___I1I,'I"'_"_ "fl: ‘.__ \- °"”"”.”m “ \\ ..——”'" . I l s'— Lot No. 1 A record breaking low price on new seasonable hats. $2.95 ‘ This includes all hats formerly priced at from $6 to $10. l(l)ur entire stock of seaaonable millinery '7 = ".- i .= ' and novelties will be sacrificed. This mer-.‘., _chandise does not show marks of damage.‘ T’ This group includesithevery lat- est styles in higher hats. ‘ x“. at Ollvet Su ning. Frank W: flpclt of Mn Saturday. - - .--— -- C rlew and Mr. and l laughter B! T .$ .95 Including all hats that formerly « _ sold from 810 to ’ ‘ All'beads...i.’ ...... ....,.................s1am... Allveils J I 1. NO CHARGES NO DELIVERIES -- N0 I f KIN "ELEvEN fl9RTH:TENffie . Allnpvelties..........5.............%priceorlowei' . _. I . . ,-,..‘d‘/ . . ~ - ‘cl .' ' I ' . I ' ’ V ’ A ' I. I I‘. '. ,. x --.;:.,.t -.--zr - . - _ ' I .. ' . ._a .' ‘- f ‘§"‘5.’.a _.2?."’i.»g .: .1. .' ’ ’ i_ ‘ . ’ I c ' _ t .. ‘ r 1‘ -‘ .’ ' ‘vi ’ ‘ .; ' . 1.‘. '- ‘- $‘~"1":--'. -"7 .‘ v" .‘-0.. .' I ‘. .... ..,' - ._ .- ._. ..;' z_ it '._ ‘ ‘ a-‘->- ‘I 7 -_ ._ . ': 1 _ ‘ ’ i ‘gt; ‘ . . p ‘. -. ‘ .-- --v p¢'t;;. to - ._.;-, ‘ T: ‘ 1 "’ > . ‘ ‘ - ~ .. 4 ¢,..- a. .:_ ‘ . . _; -5,-‘ '3'.-_; ,_ . 3; I _ < " ‘ _ ‘ ‘. " ‘ ‘I 5;“ -‘ ._ .. . .5 -. ‘- ».x-. 1- -1.. (5%; - 5 -I