J ~;l--*-“C 5' 5" '" THE COLUMBIA * N liioNDAi'- —.iAi+eitn¥—=_ 195 e 0 -- . - . . .- ‘ . , , ' . ' ‘ l C" C 0 0 ° I ' . $HEN Strangers Need a Tourists’ Guide i §'- "'- $;.¢;. *‘.'..°.:T:‘:‘o‘a‘"o..;Wh1te-Haired Choplam enrently ‘?:..:";..:*_*f§_. y . C 0 to Solve Columbia's Street Puzzlei °"" “"" °"“"' ‘° "°" “"*° Asks Guidance for Legislators -=°- v-*“**?°°=| on a- ‘ - r - 0 . and Leave" Feed Sales ,ta_ 1 ECQNQMY FOR C so orncms‘ FAIL ‘ - ~ '’'''l‘- 8 Its! O-rr-sealant. h ed. electr' street -'3‘ . ---"' gfcol tsnamacroasajum fromlhstl ‘flan . " l3'¢ 50" 1” W The boy who .. _. E ‘ “'5”: 3-°G“«'.'*“" 1”" "'-" -‘ "'°"°°° ‘° ‘ "P “ml ' or: to Walnut street. Fourth 1'3"’? "‘“"" ‘"4 ”‘°°“° "'°"" JEFFERSON crrv. Jan. 12.-—lcar line has been built. auunnobiiou knock occu ‘ed I v . ’ l4oshlinfnshtintuounInbaerof”“‘“‘‘°°'‘““'°"‘‘'”l°'"'“vB'°'d ’ ‘bet-oftheYWCAcahlnetof ~ - " “‘° -i 2 ~. ' 9,, 3,5,,‘ p,,,,m, the°pa'nolts who laid out the cit:-puree: now keep: the name with? icmm-u Cohen’ ‘in’ mm. u The selection of the Rev. B. I-:.ghIWe rgpleced ctrmres. telepholenroom. ¢1’lIlsined that ".<-' '~ .- -3. -——--—-'- . possessed an over ahfindancc‘ clear across town. Ash street is . . .9 Sb. 3:.‘ _°u ‘tuna of the connection has been established toacompanion were " ; * - ooaaiaaaad run nag: ooeJ County. had held twenty peace . . A ‘Ra - h“ 5.0”“, the first business meeting of the 7- V081‘ 9", int i we ‘at, ‘M ‘to in“ of - ’ .-.. 1 t “H ’uu_s4cers and a company of National <3 eood names v-rig:-1:. fo;_d9°§: f“h‘:'“,::‘:h""R:“ {fut it mum man held Friday night in the cot. Civil War, as chaplain of the nooaet,_,{b‘:’, ngmfi the giwhnfm mM““°w "fem? _ ‘ "° ” ”'°"" . A card ba 1 da to 'mm'°“»"'“ "-"' ' ‘ .. 41 lb ' St. Cla' Hall. ti f th' seas’ . . . - — - -ma -«w"“u=.-='”’°”.=.«»-o-o ;:....‘“°.:.'»"..'..‘. .3 ~.':::. 3 .. .“"""°.o..- o. oo an-~ ~»~ to \~ ==~« mu‘ m . *.:*...'.:::“. piano. 2: .‘:*.'"'°".....:*.. '2... M; "'*° "'°.".“’ “Tl” "““:'°'" :: "" wnhom -=. . lain were qurte high as conrpar'ed:Jeu”.o~ smudad ,0 hi, ‘pd ‘enough streets to go around. l-ur- A large number of the Street! in jpmi ‘ tfihu an-only to flu “mama con to C08} . rout e very ome necessary to keep ... . with those in other states. Qnothe, ‘ha 3 km aw" in the thermore. if Colurnbiajust had one Columbia extend over only one or; A n;’i“_ of we work of the‘ pn.d't but to ‘D an ubo" of 61 mat the Capitol radio station WOSltions of the greerihoug. .. . . no u-commended two changes: ipunuin Count 3.11. street that was laid out in a circle, 4 two blocks. Among these are: Huh , . 0 , ,bl’_-broadcasts to the listening world. ent temperatures, ‘. ' - . 7 - =' - .- v ‘ ‘ ' nd lace R ole" ‘M Pun‘ ‘°" “"5 “"1” ‘*9 ‘'5°'‘ ""33 “'9 lm““'''d ’° ""' ’~ When asked what ' pressed it’ ' f {I ‘ - ' """ That no bank receive more than - _ thou ago at) is thorough-fares would soon avenue. llaryla p . oas _ _ _ im an ape 0 Owen grown , ,5 . . Officers attempted to serve var r , _ - Ithc business of the meeting- A in the last decade. . - . w. . C l 10 t f ta deposits from one um‘ upon the ¢”pu..‘° on: body -11: th realm of street Maupin road, Orr street Qt. import of the mun“ commute‘ sh‘, bud mu but ms t T most in the present Legislature explained. I-_‘requem - ‘u S percen o i , .em ever) in: in c . . . . . . _ _ ; . . - source. -I-h",h‘h.i,_‘ my ‘ad 5, “flu”; geometrical fururatiop. James and St. streets. Hodge, ishowed an“ the 0 ‘niuuon ha_ _ s is w ._ 3 , Shaw replied: “The young rnen.:are made during the hit“ J,‘ in I off“-on and ¢fim¢t,nr; of jtiuouri them {mm M‘ hog‘ “an -M of Row d b“ me‘. Rum”, Pratt. Lake. \ir-zinia. Porter. Tur-; '3 _ ‘ls’ still keen. hi! Ittp 18 5"" lfld:‘l‘his Legislature is full of youngfihat each room is receivfitl . , 9°‘ _ n ns 1'08 0 _ - . - - ~ a bank account of $2l9.95.- h‘ ‘and: nd friend] . Q , . . V I banks and trust companies shall he. . ‘ho““_ nub “me the, n___ and and‘ continuing m the “me nor. 0)ama. Gordon, Hill. Paquin, l m V” nude b _ food “In ‘ad is I'll‘!!! I 3"-I men. 11:. neighbors wanted me to. the proper amount of hag. '.. _ I E hdd financiallyresponsihle fit any named he am" am. .'.y ldincu-0“ “won. even mm-fig. H Lee and Forest. on - «he ‘nmny gem in December. EV!!! IIIOQIIBI £3 33° h:'°;E_°';3 “"1 T0? the lfiiwlltm? ‘luv? One of the boys is .. '7 ‘~ 3“ ‘ l°“‘-"‘ "l""'l‘ ‘"7 ‘’°“'’ ‘’°'” ‘”°“? When officers surrounded his changes its name to Hudson avenue. Between Moss street and F street 1 A ,1, of this amount will be sent t.‘ "1 “H” "' Q” m” C .m ‘hm X ‘dd lthw‘ l° l°“‘° ll '~° aw} ticulture and the other in . ' '»~ Y" C 1”" ‘nd 0"‘ ll be “'6' ' ‘°‘°"’:cahin earl)’ Friday the noted crimi-EA slight turn is enough to make bluff. there are five streets of one I“, The nationll 0780“?-|l50n and mu ifimthhh duh , °l""b' ti"; 3'0"“! I101!» The)‘ are the hope of in boun,-_ The ugh“ -. I ‘°"‘."‘° °’ ’’°"‘.‘‘‘.‘‘’ "°“""°‘ ‘°".nai barricaded himself inside with « North boulevard change to Mares block each—A. B. C. D and -10,, ,,,_.,,,.i,,.,.,, will 1,. ...,d to ...“ "'g"dd?° ‘m“’°“°" ' '°‘""""', "‘° "°"‘ 1" “*9” ?*"'4| NW5 on all nirbt -’ '- inn 1 0' ,‘m¢_ 0‘ "#3" 1" °*=°" 0‘ “W his‘wife and children._ Ihoulevard. and the same is true of streets. We Emipuk “mm, co,,,,,,,,,, "‘ _ """' ’"""‘ genclfmtcr Pfocress win he woraeo! . .____ . .... I igqigalvgeisupecrirrriiitfi b}£d3:t‘0:fI:I1.Ill£’:. ‘Adjutant-General llcAlister IIl- Fourth avenue when it becomes | Finding gm .545.“ in 503* cu," E’!-“ad. . { His lar‘:’dnotmp;:x.m¢:en. :r,:).e,.:' out — ‘C. S. C. Cain“ ‘O "rd ‘ _‘.-,. “cf 5 buildint Prozrarri ghich must zommed the ‘bent! ‘ad we wilt” Mallard. ‘ . , “.’mmun.ny ‘mum be any for tho”; Fogd “ha by the nuke ‘Dd oz?‘ rsonfil a ' ls ylor divine" ’ ; The {inn joint “bk” 1 1 {°",",d.. B I !, um -79?“ 10 hold fire. A lwflh) 1 College ascnuc cross:-.~ Broadnu) svho hate learned to find places in. |¢.w sysum have proved ,0 me, P9 I h’ F?“ v t th inf we ye”, of the arm“. cu, ’ He mjged some form of a hub‘; Sift!‘ ‘fl: 5011!! Phlmed "M" ““ ~ and turns a 1.’:-w feet. and its riamo Lolumbza. _ ¢.e,‘,,{u1 mu am), will be coqtinud Km _D€¢- '1 1' P"f5‘."" “ _ " .dent Congrctation will 5. :'_ - the l-Mllflillfli 30'Y¢l»3"°ld m°u"~""is then Pncc avenue Anthem """'j‘ nu, , .95, Food pm 1 th 01390138 “film 59 ""5 113'» l-"‘'“' ’ ’ ." '1 k T - r *- ‘ "3. "theme"! fund’ and ‘ho rt“ ‘"”‘°d 10 9*!‘ “bin 3”‘ ifidl-'°°di ea Cauthorn averiur for r.n.Slnnc‘s Nomination Axtitt Held l.'p." d0‘me:uc ' sci pip. n‘ i: be no strife among us; let all po-' °§°é °f%°c:d‘3"A‘:“&':¢ J‘: dit':' I ‘h d'tr"ts- . . «”°‘°‘?" -. ,»‘:-:ig _ , °"°° "‘”’“’ -- o —' - - - , - 1 inst: aim! <;'u;t‘omc sc 10°‘ fngrmjhlm to wfl-cadet rensum H1.“ >”u__ ls , bogd Frees . -. ' . phfld on ables M” the poswfi lxtical diflerences be forgotten in . . . _____, _ _ everyone present ‘.111 be . “V 1 P “X WVSCH by the Colutnbul '1-'heau__r nk “ As Jan. 12- 50”)!» I’ b ' h‘ th _ In €Irl£‘t l»0 “ark for fill Ljghtfia burngng as ‘n’ . . __ c BIKE!‘ 8180 "T285 Plflint 0‘ " ~ - d .. .1,‘ mi 0 nation of Attorney-General‘ Stone me’ use” 3 c W -l 2’ the people of our commonwealth." ithc wall b M‘ h ‘an “““u°m as to hue’ ; ‘ ‘ at ‘ workmen’: compensation law and "' °'”°"3°"""‘° "°‘ “'5' "‘ 9" ‘ .10 be a supreme court j""- c w“ Win! IInd_ lea‘? 958330 in Pl_)'° fi M i h ' u ‘"3 M" t 9 "'°°“‘olBl! ll! lmphoved d Q-‘ in n . _. h f d 1 ,street appears north of Br-nndway. I . _ _ ‘ gnent. Tm; expenmcm began m Shaw was reared at Green e cusas on the l‘.aat Campus haven.‘ yur, An 3551, ‘chad V . urged co-operation with t e e era ._. 0 d I , h ‘ Jgain held up god” 1,, the gauge nd . ed the U 3 f ,0‘ amused up _ b V t .n suntan .ml_ ' _ _ _ .its name is _ rr. an ‘I! ur it as , , ' , . , loctoher and has been accepted a join _ non orccs vii » c Curlosll} of a number egg .3; "god to he was‘. ; E go _i can It" l-njrcftlly and PC7597 ‘¢'°“‘1- crossed the \\ abash R:-ilroad it lint ’u‘I'c“"5 °°mmm‘°' 1°’ lunh" "‘‘l ,5 the 531 1 1’ mg g the Sixth Missouri Cavalry at lhcoof people. = 1 - "9 : mm km8l:m_”.L_ Louis llowe. Noll and ichansed to Range lino: Conlrxy $31,?” S._mdwicfi“p ‘:r"cm°’mld '0':/'°o:;‘¢o. ouwifik .0! we Civil Wyn Hg Two ‘wdmu “tidied their cm_i_,_ _ _ ____y__ _ ' ~ j,- b in-“'f.’i;‘:.i'; -1-en :2: ':;:‘ r“ '."::*“”s:..:‘ W W a ‘° i ‘ _,.__,__... _ 1 '0 (9 - 1 ‘_ _ N . e r 1 Q 0' - e rom G )' ll!‘ 0 a)‘-‘ u) in ‘d ' h ' * ' ~ Little Destruction to Orchard Trees and 31939597 P¢1'd°° "9 d’5' clielle avenues. Maple street cross- i l""*“_“'°""' °°"d"°'” 0w°°by “Id. main - ¢(:,ue¢g¢d wgg: b)us)u ht bug eighth General Assembly in 1895. the licilitsab m‘ mg :1 inane“ D = l t‘ in Recent siona. ' charred Sawrd-y. So. the M.-K.-T. Railroad and bc- _‘“." *‘""“° W.‘ 5‘°“'~' "“‘ °°"" by ale chapefons, 8 , «A1,, 0, p,,',.,,, m been mm. i.,....m,..,. " mg '" "ad °°. W te F41 3 "Th? T9901? that 4.000.000 'or- 5180" Dumlflo E8‘-hf" wi"f'fl'v5comes Stewart road. mm"! an uneuuul ‘cl “.'m’m?.3" Plans for the second half of the since then“ the (ray-haired hlis-‘ Followin‘ th board _ E r H‘? ‘.1 tl chard trees in Missouri were bad- 305971 "3" PC" 3"‘ N°“T‘°"’ - . - . ' [M J’ P‘ “°"g‘" C°'- "' ‘ 5°" . ' ' ' ~ - ' as I ' g C ml‘ ‘° ‘i I To . . .- A fev. exceptional streets. \|lllCl'l - _ - - K5001 398?. mdlldfioi lll>El'll-¢00U'|- ~ sounan remarked. . I§'og1:oss—-pro- 4 ~ 6 lg damaged by the 11,-ccm, dau-uc-«l»8l1Kllllfl WEN Idmlnfld 3055133 ' - « _.. , R -“hlch Owcnby ll“! b7°“‘m 383m“. buuon to he on In - - n g — -- .- —. _- _ ___, C 0 p . - llll _ _ _ , _ . . . P k ‘M llteep their names again... some odd . UT , t _S V dc Friendship gnu flan‘ all . Look at thi- ... 2 9"‘ ,_‘l°°’: “°""' " “""h9“‘ f°‘"‘d" “Cd” bun" .un gmay be mentioned. Ann street keeps’ ' comma,’ fund. raising money for one achol- pug cgpiml fiungju," 1,, “id. ,5, . I ?—+——- . . . Columbia Ant Parts Co. - . tion said Patterson Barn Jr sec— 3l8U0W~‘ -\€Vl~0fl *9!‘ l ‘ » 0 - . b ' ' " . i..—:.. ._ _ .._.__-. - 19-000 3 bu“ 5-“,4 - 3 -'"‘3l"P "1 the Mlftiffl 11- L002 his eyes surveyed the magnificent . "'1 r; 2:?‘ 1°‘ Sn“ Bron‘- suggg Cu,” md Rabat G01; ' C V‘ -- A~cJc‘ordiniz.to a rchort fl:-‘om ‘°h°°l for girls in Jlpafl. 01 Vlllch marble structure. “In all lllllllflif R""°"Nl ‘-0 ' ' ‘ ' ' IF‘ n e. ‘ - ‘ . 9 ~ " v ' , «: ,,.,...., ... ...: ... ,.°.."°.,"‘......:;,’$ ...... ...... ..i......o no... 0 PERSONAL ITEMS ,cr-->~ brother or Mrs. R- In sum ‘ f°""" °*""““" °°"°'° “"- We W M vmtm ; ‘” "- “""“' t '5'.‘ . _ ., .. Jewel Palmer. is dean. , P50“ 151; " that the breakage of fruit ti-can Harriett Lutrnan. Nev:-ton Rn or, 101.. Rogers i..rui, more than 0 F .da_ _ . J ' Since Shaw was a member of the (i )1” in-an g1igm,_ The dgmggg has Laughlin. Evelyn l-lendrich. Carli ‘ _ jolt‘!-"».000 rabbits were killed around " ", 3 °"°'“”f- f'“““5 30' Legislature the streets of this city . U904 P8718 fol’ Ill can _ . A _‘ ~ - . . . v - 1 . 1'. Hardy went to (cntruliu in, hmm. m Wm. C010 recent]. the Y. “- C- 5- Will (W2 In in‘ T‘ , . (lid tl been heaviest in old and net¥l‘P°ted Glgirtr) and l";!'nest holl were dis- ‘ um morning _t H of the “ac . films e‘ei,;{ormal reception to the Christian * ~~n - — -.-} oth - '- of? n orchards In young: and vigorous C - t ‘. ' __ ‘ t " “ 5 ' V 119 f . - - ' 3 ' er Wlll ..'. O which law been ‘dmtm_ ‘Cu?’ Gem”. Emu‘ Non. Jouph : ‘ Lilies Iluth‘ lfll:lYl;:ll.' t -K023] held in the state. More than 10.000‘ ggirgfiianculll “id °“1¢1llS In St. 4 I . . .A :00 any pruned. the 10,, from 5,3,3- Simpich and the Rev. John Frank; ‘_’ _ ‘"f"“‘“" ‘""‘ “ ‘ ” .lll1"‘°?-< _l°°li Dark The rabbit: ;_____+ __ -r dl-“yin nece ’ ' 5 ” . - visit {no 5. were Sh! ped to 1! De g 38' v . . I b- act has been fl¢IrllZll>l9- M00?" "W d*=°h"8°d ‘°dI5‘- ‘ 5, T 0 F .3 M, d," h , ‘ ‘T . . ""°" "W" Edgar A. Guest Poems Read. . ‘ ‘ «It i‘ not believed by growers‘ Boom [y_ \ l 73- - - _§"'l . A ‘ 4 F.’If‘t'.pt'!' \:.‘lllCh distnbuted U38!!! fl’€€ The \. W Y . . . t. d :1 av .1 h , "‘ " au 11 _ 1: I Dmfis and D D no“ we“. .ter. Anabel. visited in Lcntr.ili:t'1o fgmjljcs of the cm); ‘ "_ “'5 "“‘l”n ‘°" ‘ al a 8 ~- om ll Ewen’ y is .et.cmpenu1"e :3‘ disghéged s.m,.d”.' I '=during the week-end. » ~- ———-o——— l"'°3”‘"" K""‘-’“ ‘°" ‘he CNYIPU5 l ' . | OW S, ' l . Q ' ' . _ ’l - _ . . S nd .. I I ~ ~ . O .5 ’ Then is some djuenncc of opium OH R —————:,—i—c—+- 00'“. ..H}lllisss_neM..r) dhfornxng ‘ v.0.-(riit to ;Elb\‘vlll"(:.l‘s("Ijl in Motor Aoc;::it. y‘e’sw‘:~(’my n‘~'::m(i’ng pTr!(5’:l;n :0 81:13:. : é Conle H1 and I p S __ . , "grain: the an of pack buds. oatestead ora _ 5 a V! Sntur 3) to open trio _ . . . i_e crmeyer posts _a cash‘ that R was reputed kn . i f 1 nova," ‘_ . . The old Dourlas homestead bblweek-end with her parents. Iraciuri-d rib on the left side of his _ _ _ Show you, ’ ' "‘°“‘ ‘"'° °” '"‘° "“‘"’°" t - Loc nd Ch v treets Ll’ ' M K 6 A bad b'l ' "'9'" “l W’ ‘- “- ‘- A ‘°‘P°’l ‘ b" ‘O feel um‘ "W dimute to ch: ttfienbc us! da tedrryws .. i iss Gertrude‘ . vc cure. it .-tu- tho.‘ in an autumn ie accident genius‘. Most of the 're8d,mg._ hi‘ 1, bud. ‘us nm 3?‘ been suffldem to. on torn own _I E up-{dent in the Liiixcersitg. won’. 1-» '11.! ‘occurred last week _betnecn_ were FAR“ A Cue“ poems A ; __:_ ‘ 0, . ‘dong’, emu" the “potted cm" anknhiientedontowtlihtchltt lst:nfdsg_wi‘l’l‘l{z3ls\~ill([-) {Er the do-gen-end‘. S :,hUl'.lt!l'I-Jl'.I Jeflcrison ‘City, At pmpriaw mus-ital -numbers. wag‘ : P“ ' ' ‘ - rt lie 0 CV9 in . av. t t * .'t r— (- imv o t (' 1 cm it ' -- , - ° - ' M p...b"'moe.'onh°l:"§§} ‘:3. ’”‘’°'' "m‘i" 1'0“? <11)". I~°¢°fdih8'seor‘iml:cader.rv;busine:s 3:¥n::ir‘}]..def:2m:ntt}5n::m;dmuF“‘ : ;:r3d,,n3_.,, m(?i::,lng fur hm hm‘ ‘n inrfblumbln this t‘:Clsrnin:.mr “M " - y B I . ‘ O ‘ ‘ ’5‘°''i°"’ 7‘ '“".""i°‘l “l°l’h°“" '°"’ Mil. an‘d‘Ro¢crs, Ark.p Doctor? Tal- ' M; ‘and Lin, Ray cool; or St * as -_ _. _e_. .--- ,_‘. 1% Wplnen 8 . ‘ ’eau u ' Styhsh Straps f tion mgy posmb”-‘be used. Another but visited uric our}; F;-nit, cm“. L Louis: who hmje been hU'e Vm‘:.‘ ‘““ ‘ an Cuwut U.\1ui us, @1420, oz>.—...dO and 53.30. cm , :2 ‘h°.‘"fi°: '°“'°" t.‘“"' a“ W" or!‘ Association It Monctt. -llm1l1'J"ing Mm Cook's father Benjamin‘ I ' ~ 1: mince neous sec ion, cantain- - A in - . '- _ ' . 1 v at... lozljrc. on oo oo am: an. f..':’.’?...‘...‘.2.‘.'. 33......’ .‘:“‘...§:‘.'.‘;z‘g,:::; L€;,;,§?:;:;*3."a,..;;'°::;';;* 5;: ~ PLANNING A HOME? BE SURE TO SEE Tms OFFERING 1 Mfll 1:; °"“‘ ’°"' uary 8 i - ' . ' ' ‘ ' . . . . . . . . '1 V - A ,_.o,;,lp1eu_. houe,w_h°u5e cm. 9“ -~'___._____ £Co;l;s Tnoghtffih‘ J W Qchmumz u;l:‘e;e Isd ’nol.l'tl;lK more intercstmz than Dlanniut _ l ;_ vau 3-i be m an ond . ,,-,mm of Dr, Ton-nu to Pg-egg}; N Sunday, - ' , ‘ ‘*1’ ' 1 _ n a J ‘ an eae on; w nter evenings are a good time for 3*.‘ :’°.;:?*"°"“.~ .$~ .“.iI::"..$.;.£:':.:: 3.2%.: ‘:3; li?‘&=‘¥“f»‘f«?3’mi“i?n‘i"i~“ce‘:«"i5né‘°?»f"?~“f :3 “::" ‘° “"2" .2‘: *::"' ” " ‘i ‘ “ ‘ _ a _ tr wot‘ 3' ‘-51 b. th_ L f M. d! a ocaton your e want to you te 'e ,_ [,9 di‘ gt; t£hh¢;Irdh:rm:n'A si;lemfeat!nre 16!; h 9‘ SBl'<;d"85' llethodTr:: -1 ‘°A.°”A. ginfgeixd °tm_ have some of the most beautiful lots to be found 4‘er-Colon» - . . da: , . is l ion 0 e cas.- urc_ nca '10 )’__|D°U|ln§- . . fcommn {..my_ bia. Some face the 15-acre pa_rk,_other§_egg._{by. All rostridd. : ’ vit 3’. »:.“:::' .:“.‘.:"::°..:::'.:." :2 ‘W .‘f.:.".-. T.-.".::.: *.i1i..‘.’.:.:".":.::s - to M he-=~ «n W so-=» M ‘H ________.__ '5 “°- A ‘_iv.L 5 Real Estate Transfers _ or ire will build it for you: And you ‘may pay for it like ll" "33. A. K l"LDEBR~_\.D "ERR _______._____ - paying rent. “lay not (fills your home. I °° I D II I llln Mi“ ”°'°°°° P°""“ R“‘''''‘'- = A Home in i-Mu. mm. A my I-‘0Rl5\'Elt H3: 0 ' Ill! l¢l'°|| C85 Miss Florence Potect, chaperon John I-‘ollmvs and wife to Mrs. I‘! 2; ‘ ' A wo':“':"lK£iN¢‘_'lPlD€T- _ ' at the Phi Gamma Delta houac,£Jese.ie l_.uRu¢-. Part _ ll-acre Lot Jo A. & I_1I~' » ‘ _ H8 "1 K8118“ 9}‘) returned to Columbia Friday from i 19 in City of Collvnbla. 89.000. Exchange national Bank Bldg. II Pf :":;k¢:ln:P;e?:gW:::ePr:r“l;i¢ilI)'¢1:I‘om- Kansas City. wh;.-re "tabla: Vzstflecfl M01286 .ButlSer. in Bertie :'5nurr.‘ Phone 317 moon 3“ :t _ . . . . n urn-‘on account 0 e a o ; t '3 in rmt ton. in o ition I bl‘ "l-""1 WW5 PT"‘¢lP3llY 5538950 her father. A. F. Potect. to City of Columbia, 8200. . on: pt: ll" dlllthter is a student in the 1 as Unl"°“"> T‘-‘o ' ‘he Elm ’ "“""i "M V "’ ' '00’ ‘W’ C “‘ ‘”*“ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ° no ‘In through the azorioo with a Colurhbid ‘ ' dc ’ date line One headline in particu- . l mu lar caught her eye. It was about ’ ‘ ' by I Kiri who was quarantined in the ' u a an °"l 0, Unixorrity Hospital because she ha ’ . . scarlet ver. She read further and 5“. ”’ larncd that the girl was her dauxh- ° hm N 7. ter That was the Fa)’ in which ‘ ' R Y - In‘ St Mrs A E Hildebrand of Kansas , , . III‘ Cit)’ rim learned th her uzh- ' ‘ :2 ~=~~»=~--w— T T T 1 E t L beco «- *"'“°'m* W M he Pflu Red 0 V 33' °‘‘' 5 35 “m V - 3' Bu _ train for Columbia and has hen ' 0., nc. \ here since Friday. She visits! ‘with i . * Ye her daughter at the hospital by sit» ' V ' CASH pagnnjus . 2 ‘ l-o 3' l i in the hall near the doon of WHICH OPERATES IN CITIES IN IOWA ILLINO I ' 2 .w_ father,‘ mm in , IS AND MISSOURI $13 for best ,0“. 7 ' bran returned to her home in Kan- $1 for second best loaf. ‘ ’ l I 3 _. 3333133 in ,~ Has Purchased the Yellow Cab Co. of this city *6 for thin! best loaf. 6’, V an me my bu”!-It rm rev‘ 31 for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. 9th. 10th best loaves. M ' " 2‘ ''''19-'O-?7- ‘ o ' V . 0“; B .;.:i:.; c... 3.. 9...... Cabs will be operated under the name of Yellow Cab Company. Tele- » A“ t be RULES ' {J J‘ ' '-- ‘ . _ _ ' » en ries must yeast bread and made froinour H-P Flour You : m°n§‘g*“°,-m-‘n‘§;g:-;:;°'‘:' Phone No. .2300 will be the same and the office will continue in the same may enter any ziubngber of loaves. ° . I N i th at mm; an L . . _ mus entered at our exhibit in the show room of the . H. 5 f 3 ° mywo W. , location. New rates will be announced later. Boone County Poultry Show not later than 2 p. v any 20, om. ..., i.« ta ‘. °°""'“‘“°""’- .‘P'“3'l°¢l "III! l L. b, , show room is located in Taylor-Estes-‘Lumber Co.'s l! as, corner 91}: " ‘M 9 '1 ‘ I 0 ‘ W 0 2 . .~.- ‘ll . % 9 ,,,,,,,, ,,,, mm M ,,,,m. i ia 111 Insurance Carried on All Passengers '5". an b.e.a“'r°'é‘to.-ea becomes the property of u..,aon.coooiy,mmng . o.a...n to---a in not 5 Courteous rea t ' ' ""' E""'° ' r ' a ‘ o N r Bi ..._.~.,_a: Delhi Plus. . ._ i _ T tlnent” ’ Careful Drivers If you bake bread send in an entry: if you don’t-gnome in anyway . n .2 . niisss cmr. Jan.’ 113.-no-e ', . and see the good bread other folks bake. a ' N '5‘ t-v°“== =1-e-2* - ‘ ‘ YourPatronageWi1lBeGreatlyA reciated A 0' * * " " 5 held; _ o W ' { Mr ft‘-j ‘ at 0 A E ‘ . V ‘ _ K ‘f ‘M . . ~ ‘*‘*'- * ~ 30011 C0 & ie Co ...... L. R. PFLUG, Pres. p 8 . llllly V. . .,, 31.“. p z, . - Convenient Place M V. * 3: ii ., " . n-——«‘ ' " ’ 0 :1 4 _ AV