5 o’ W e -- . . ‘ ~ .<.' ‘ . A I , I . 1 ' _ ._ . - ‘’ ‘.,. ‘ -‘ < " . ‘ ‘ :- ' . - , . __ .— ‘ , ‘~“- ~..‘£»* ‘ - ”~“ ‘ “ ~ _ - ‘- .. ' - '~ ‘. .“~"< ."'.’ s '0 ‘ #-—— -. '‘;-.¥,;&.~.:e is 1 ll- }, oasis-' Natisa‘a' tsunami...» T , .= “t - A; E u'.v.'°,,”o. yufirgflfi of phone 00. of l¢xi_ngton._ A 1“ . buck color‘ gj. _ _. . - V . - . ‘ lib“-' cadets are enrolled = ‘ '3‘, odd. Th all ha "'. mm’ 8"“ 'U"}'"m’ en”. atsI‘{?I:l:3f':‘5“"7 s°"°°' " 3°”. 0 Ofltiedwd tentnrles d::o‘.“\:'hcn A - 3' NIL at’ an semester. ‘ 9",.“ my 1- Oltlllss, “Sugar. as much as any one pnod- “B” t" ' ' ' . . ‘mp! :,,u,,‘.:I:.,. 3' Wfldxnfi A” “H . fiflggg of ll? embellishments that was lcndintr 30"’ ‘ . ‘filth as - by llreat l.iaGrIIl'0’“‘ getoextravagance. , . ...... ‘ "u m.‘ ‘mum Ihlllill 95! 58% 01 3331'‘ ‘M13’ ,1 _ g,...;.......' g;..... gt, uniua sum. tun. the - -- 3. In return for the hereditary’ 311°- -, ' “:‘m&.hu‘“t’uoffluunwd1u1;{ael!t‘kth.:y'whl.ioherv':mh:h‘ ~J:a;.'::’.;.i:|:.—:c;n.dan:‘u':-"°,':'din 9”-,p,,.n,,g,,.;.§ang . ___....5 nopolytbegondolns are rfifilzgtfil lsslsw- . .'. V lnthsir art can ' 0"" '-'*- ,.... hug". " nharl c I900 * aitainforry ' atce In ' % Statu was $6l,9l2Mll. fun,‘ all w‘‘‘" ‘M, 3,. "ob ass. 18. 7 is.-+4!-uslsr rd-anal or can we C: l ‘ Olaf: '::;,°u‘h . llcaaze witch us into elect 01! :;iTu,nday and nig.hft:vi:ied must also _ wmkmm “'9 ‘OADS 1 It was gdd that populated Cali~ lens of their hS.u"mos$ -;.., nu‘: as pg“:--30*" ‘'32 certain amount sugar wil be flay 1 will be one-third of the ltIt¢_ % ‘have boats on dtuty aft‘ -- 5, mm, fornia and madelt famous, but 140- eolltlnolllllbplt . GIWUII 0-03 I ""'“"" necgggity, an sweets 1"~'9”¢- 1 stations. The erry ec is ‘n . °°“"‘“‘ """""' "" ‘° 4., it i. not gold that makes her the same enthusiasm and ard v-II 61---In-L ' one-fifth of a cent ‘and that wont or . ~ i ————»l—— on theeouiparativelyfevr mm" ‘ .50.; in Jen. is. use it. in.-asauug at the over a certain point. are retlflled 01- um 50.,“ 910.9 or the but ‘cddmu which hue wan“ richness. lttsfruit::ralnandvc¢~ hr SM 3"” "'o;lIs Clo‘li“:1‘:s amount: as luxury. «Assuming, therefore, womzi "wind hunt‘, in 9., .u¢g,—l since the streets became covered ““N°" c‘“°""h' ’""'°' ‘km’ 1,. on] 1.... ' mm w" W‘ ‘"7"! f°' ‘nu h Pm’ Mrs. H. Russell last season killed .portioual to the craving for other 138 “Quint”. pd”. -as ferrymen, each serving once -:i jfhngiifl °“",”pt,‘_"'d'"u,, °‘ i" ""1 vegetables“ uoutwhedhrh int 5"‘ °.h‘"fh ito ho c£'..'L'€. 'iii.‘i..'?..i'“E:»"3"..i"a‘."In$ luxuries aaglfl human ln? - it G———-——,m ,5,’ The winner of contest at eh; goezlzéogen ¢W5!t‘!;i';;"-“1‘:;‘*;;:_‘"";(l‘r- . r - I ' , . ‘ aecu te a Eéwgrd omas, u . . ' VtVrc¢'fl- , i _ 9 _ ‘one reason for this is the fact "'°° “'9 7'3" "°“' ‘°“‘"""Y lfor an opinion. theiotoiiixent youth °"""°~ m '_* ;’:fl:n°f£‘pmp:my ‘gm ‘D W has rmdm°‘;’f‘°Boomme’ h dud‘ Univerdtfy will i-stir;-erg” . 3-egnlgr tiger service. homtr. ant rm {driving ha been nude ;m_ prised. And 01' €°”°_ ", oi-the ignorant mass? Jan. N.‘ (:18. II. a.—lunaat-ui at the up“. comumpdon of .utu._o ‘l Re W“ bum in Boomme pecan. WWW °.f fl‘e“"‘°".‘i_°udi ‘mac’ 0,... l fixed by law. the gondolicr charge». possible 1 There has been no “pass- ‘hm’ °‘ Wm" ‘’ ‘P’-"ki"3 m""‘]’. NOCGIIIYIIY. t_heX‘Bf0re. stu- UnirI'I-it! GM‘ 6"‘ 0"" " “am Recent statistics show that the’ be, 23 1332, com.‘ 0 i ~ ‘garb, las much as he thinks he can collect, ' 1 1y, The haaey crq>—and barley isi dents educated in "the. ambient air ' ltoricnl Association rm which be Evin’ memories of the Jan. 14. 0:35 p. m. . which » .. _ . . vea-age pain at s . —————- ‘ l ‘i”"“’ « °'''’ °"‘'’ '"°"'°' i” but one of the trains that are raised at liberty an Amman «film °‘ um "' D" ' " h m U "G N” The Atlas Portland coinoot; held to St. Louis in such. M mwnd hm dmen Ah —A&ress W '“"“'""'u_""""8°‘ eats 101 pounds of mar every! I |.hae““°m.; v._§old-ti .the storm came. Every car on the R, - the who mmfimt, 3,, "in" h” been ' - xtensl — brontht $33-00°-00°» ‘m'“‘’. y . . """ H """ N year. 1-3 lund tands t id: ’P1lm 3‘ H"'“‘b‘1- “bk” . - - those were the happy daya—-nrgu- mm W '1“ m “I” we mm M c ’ ‘IPP'°°¢*“"¢ 8°"°'!“°“ . °‘ W5’ "3:'"i't' ‘i 3: ""'°..‘l°:-t?."ii. "'3"-on in: ¢IPil:z¢0!l8l1:!1PfiOl'|,:)efx93'.’ Gerflclosed out-ioiz the holiday msonr ‘*7 °"“"°"‘$i'°°“u‘,‘°,"},."‘¢§n,,,,_ 4:‘ ing with a crowd of back drl_ver< the ear ‘bead. Another reason is ._...—...__.._...... ; d, and who cherish within tile“: huh‘ “gnu; M In ._ G. ‘,5. ,,_ nun, mo“, 53 pound, Pu. 13-30,, 1 has reopened. one reIi!'5‘_N',‘;.°the uuivenity of fand en arguing with a policeman “uootiyt dfltt. ""°i..i'i‘7?,3".°§'«l"°7§.‘"i'.’. Ewumonn‘ connomsns !r°i:a?iTioow:tp:i:s‘ri;:? ftgoftreedowm : limo... ‘c‘.?'".-rt-°' '"'°°’°"°” ’°"" “"" “' ‘"" R°“““ “'0 Work hu'7i.o_eT'i-o—o'uioed on the’ ,,,,_,,,,""',., '°°"¢,,,, u,,,,,,..;.,. of Ne- always. invariably, not grttfing ti ‘ 9°" ' cc’ " The recent criticisms made of? . '; ’ ‘ "V" ' 1, mm ,‘ f ‘l l Car-" {flu 1 1, of even second money. If you still eel "‘P°‘i‘nV "‘ °°"’°”' ‘"1 h"’° '5'” Am; ' b ' H. L. Pi h-1 mun "mm? “I. “N 99"‘ wm!e7- uhc...‘ '5 ’ 9' .7 I." gating‘ ‘ new dormitory or ‘"1 n ' nun‘ lthat you have a lot of surplus en- fimrc cautious‘ "my an “Va, "5" "'d‘f°‘5°" 5 ed 6 5, _8.nd.|(‘1tdc!‘8hlp in attaining their ,:'”"m_ ‘gar, Forum’ ':.""t'h. mm: ALLEN IS 53 . rnllton. About half the work has; the uni”;-any at Oliahoma, Kansas lefty. you an find no hem" "uufl 01’. “Tm” 'D".'l"" °‘ ‘"3’ m "' ; aspirations. it is not to be won- 1.‘. D0,,” n,,,_ , . :been completed. -State Agricultural I 10*! I beenput up forthewintersincc mi“ .1 W - - . W 0‘ lthan in a fare discussion with the uma . . . ~ ————-— aahlngto U l— l . En‘hnd' ‘R in tin‘, even : dared “bong memfmt that “my are J”. M ‘M D‘ M u.-i Today marks'the fifty-third birth- ‘7 Moberly's cliautauqua will be; stue can.“ ‘M W n ’ owner of a gun o . ""°"" “M "° dfim‘ h” we" "fie thou h ‘ some respect: fsultsn N15 L con cu us in their -suit for liberty £34-rd of Control of the-;tu-sent-' Rclisio lty am." by we leaning of the mmfi F”: mid an the “ma im in fora: won" me ‘mm who drank ;uuion. ;da}- of W.)-ne 8. Allen: Mr. Allen hold the latter part of July, accord-t The ‘mu’ 0‘ ‘he come“ in st. mm "‘''’‘'‘''''‘'‘—_I_ no. at at . ' Y 3' 3 9° . 5 Jan. is -I unchs-on or the Rotary Club It . H d b v - 0‘ 3 8 her of corn on the street. ' _ . _ f me ‘me fountains of me“. ~ - _ was born in St. Louis in 1872. 9 mg to an announcement ma 1: ): Loni. wm be ‘hen . mo”, pm“. . _ , , ., ' . ‘our s)stem was our primary cduca rom ,tiw Daniel Boone ‘livers. “tended McGee Cone“ in COL p Omce" of the “manic” . at A A nevi addition to the Dane Tia ‘There is a lesson to be had from -0 mu 3.,“ am. menu”. gchoolg dom and democracy beneath out. it. s o. In.-l‘are-rit-Teach:-r Asso-l , _ , ‘ ; but the amount has not 7 5°?” ' Room 5.5 how ¢,,mp1cg_,,d_ 1~;,g_., ‘‘ “ . - - aw . Q, of th, 4.-nu... .....g..,, ,, an In 6,”, _,,,» lcge Mound, Mo., and studied piano --—-——- I , . . , this ituation. When the streets; were ..mpe,,{-,du.n 531$‘ “~P_"’“""" ‘5, ,’°° . ’lug,...,., ..i....i._ ' igm; pimo tuning under p,-0f_ A mass meeting of voters is tov'"‘“°"‘ . addition occupies the space former- ““"'5' "’ um h“'“‘°"° p°"°d °{ Jan. 1:. ' 80 7. man aw-llina: be held in Moberly January it’: for’ ly devoted to a garden, where rc- nre n the most d1l1Rt!l'0u:,condit5b°c”¥ The chief fault with this latter ; Romerimn swank for freedom led mu“ m I03. x:'£:m°:'“.|L | 0'‘ "umber of n°"dem" “.0” ' t criticism 139! in 01? 78“ 9"‘ M“ by Patrick llcnry. Washington, and‘ ion. l&.~~l.us-t day for the turning in or; an" the conduct of dnw” is. Fisher does not take into account Jeffmon, ‘nlclum ot c_sndidsu- for 82. Pat‘: “km”, by Q” umdmon of me; that this country has as its aim the lt is true that there are Filipinos _m Tum‘ mu; A" 5, mg """"“' They “" 'f'°" "ref"! heft unique educational policy of offcr- who ere W009 10 C0350“ 004" j um Arden Club at Christian College inf causetbey are afraid of an acci-i mg every boy ‘mi ‘N n _.,.m,,da,y _ American tutelage rather than be 3 the college soatmiom. t ‘W9 Pl-"P086 Of RN36! U19 dill‘ 07' freshments were served in warm the city primary election. . weather. Sixteen booths were udd- _ A 0“ us’. ed. giving a seating capacity of Carl L. Bork, rcslding northeast; Hereditary G on “O ‘ mm..1o5 Peach,’ 7),, kitchen has i,,_.,.,, lot Macon, was found dead in his‘ "I “N?! 35°“ ll‘ “* ' "' enhmed and ,1", equipmcm in- f ' days ago. ‘:°‘;,‘ni°e the gouache! i‘ more: “filed. . ‘ham en e is‘ amt‘ " the" w°"‘d be just "5 fmhgcducation. The American high l";d°D°_"dff|L_wd3";nl:¢_‘ fl|"_“"°'u‘: f-,J:."'.,:,5c:,?";3,:,;,ln(;f)m;,.h';i. 0:; . lthought to have committed suicide.) um“ ' “very mm He.“ ‘ dose tiounntulltimcsthenumbcfo ac-, book. A -- Itcaewimx - Iisivst H}, a : .-—————-- -' . . —~—~~ ~* ~ r . give the same opportunities .. . . ;*°°- - 9- _ _ 1 1 . _ e - . 1d_ 1 - ‘(idents would probably never reach, : the Penn" with m inwllinnce - flldeflce ‘filth N158 358310 K1398 £0; Jan. _l6.—-dlcginnint or examinatbns at: 3 Nine carloads. or approximately‘ "‘;l’P{f::l:;‘;“'th‘ereb°':$:_ur"|bo‘u‘:' mm: 4 3 the proportionzr which it docs in‘ .. , d h- 4- °°”‘°b°"“" h" °“_"‘h_“3m"‘ _l _°‘"‘{c°""""' '1'“ s"""”" 1 1300 head of cattle, were shipped? “ ; 30¢ T] [B 1 , *"“'<“"¢ °‘ ‘° ‘*5 ""3 ° ‘° "“ °‘ only answer that it in the limited ' '° " "‘*""“'“"’ “"" ‘*1 ‘from Mexico to the St. Louis live-‘ hundred °‘ W" "*4 W ,'“""‘!°’. ' “"'“ °°“""”" ""‘ *""‘" 5”‘ "“°°"‘1 is limited. When a gondolicr dies Au kind; 9f '00.] fa, 5.1;. | normal times. _ 9 “fin? °! 200' A’ “ ""’“"" mo" .5Ph91't‘ 07 “*9 1W¢''‘'9 dl8¢3P1¢8 071,. 9... atom“. 35,; 3,3... stock market in one day last weeku , _ -———_— ' _ this 915°" _3°" l"h°’'l‘‘ “*9 3°“d°[“' in any quantities. Quick dc-‘ . The .612): council.of. Chillicothe, and the license. If there should ""n._ 3“ E“, Plrk is considering establishing a locent be no son, and that happens very tax on gasoline sold in the city. rarely, the right is transferable. No definite action has been ta|:en.! A gondolier convicted of felony— I . The Kirksvill Ministerial Al-E 3-:'iv'i?i:e°:}o$°itw::.° ,,‘,’,':,,,‘,';',, DOILN-CLONBY Laundry us’ Ii-nee held dedimory services re-1 affairs-loses his franchise to the 9 C“ I - - .- - . 3 ‘L88 11060 II1DW-‘Tint! Of 8t1mdM''<5fi~ 31 , Christ there did not lack one who‘ .1... is. use fl. in.—l-‘aria stoning ail . A Bfmsh s'mmm aw‘ men um sort of compromise on behalf of our trafficked the life of the blaster,‘ the limve School. four u-lb northwest of , 'b°°°m"'3 "‘°'° §'"d’°m°' Eve" dc,,,°¢,.,¢y ' ow can it be expected that among?‘‘‘’'''’'’‘'''' 90: '90“ °f "5 5m‘ M" "°°_"’ f°' . . k d. . -n_ the eleven million inhabitants of the . .,:.',"'_,.,1,f;,,,,,':'°.,,v;,, —,°=::r",,,,,,°r ' 3mPT0“°"l°"t~ .Th° New ‘O’ mm“ ‘fupefi Philippines there would not be soinetutiooai Prohibition am-oiooot It fie: . , . . wndem 0‘ school’ $335‘ uh’ '3 prob‘ 1 recalcitrant: who would sacrifice Vi?" “Mb! C5""‘l*- L A true W0 hlI\'C‘ no secondary ‘ the supreme of their country ’ Jlti. I7. 1! h‘. In‘.-—SKlld.PlIl Council danoci An East St. Louis woman h83._uchool3 in 9;, ,.mmu.). mun} ,0 p to disfigun its mmumem? atJ:l: :\;o::b.d;.'ymd-nu’ii;i:.’”fl~u.Q‘{ been di\'0!‘¢’t‘d thirteen 1’-T7‘-U 1'3 “*9 tome 01 the tfl'€'ll 3“-‘0fld8Y’)’ 5‘-‘h°°1-'’ ‘ Finally Miss Mayo divides Amen ‘for College of A and Science and‘ last thlrtyoone years. She has had, ;n England. We don't havc big ican history in the Philippines into§5¢T:"‘ °' ""“'"~"' "'4 ”“"“¢ “""“"; only‘ clcvcn husbands. however, I9 ’ enough men It the had 01' l-h€'S¢ ~ WW9 P11!’t5—-the C0|‘BtmCfiV'9. TF0?“ Imlsh i’:t.——ci:ins day for entries In the --, - ~ . l 1900 to 1913: the Datructive from! ' » one of them was I.'!'=|M-Pd three (1! . schools in this country. in England. . .annual Boone County iouitry snow. '7 ccntly for the new Bibles being‘ cit . Pu.‘ ‘“ °’ u‘‘' c'“‘’“‘ ” tained at a certain standard, and. Gidcons. , I - s ’ . s I, is emmffid “M then “cl at intervals the cit) has inspectiom. - .e-.- - . I vorccs from her. some of the hcadmustcrs nrc paid 1 l‘)'o°gi1::iln3g“?: lg!“ ::°‘s‘t‘i'i"'“i°' I m":"'_:_; ‘of’ "‘."‘r:':"":_‘h "'B""’u‘l 12,000,000 orchard trees in Mic-; ggiafencft :Vh’;:;rpg-:5: 1:; .°&:1:l§c 3" ‘F 0",. ‘-3.0 has bum mg,-,-ied and 350,000 a year and the services of ‘ pmgms‘ The , . " 7 Iuyhnd Md “khan”. "'"'" , souri ‘and that the heavy sleet‘ - - - ' ' ‘ _ _ , ,, Z .. question remains, . , . The winners have the privilege of I divorced thirtccn l-|m¢‘-"- ¢!'l'1=U'\l.V I‘h° “bk” ‘"9" "9 °b“"’°d' _ _why someone obviously not a Dcm- Jan. i9-:i—A:::ai‘i:::u-' woos. ' ' oltkffiénber 18' dunked one’ C-‘m')'inS the Word ‘‘P!'¢m3IN|'' 81 1 should be considered a failure in So although hfr. I-‘ishci-‘s duig- mm; 1;“ chosen the only Demo-‘ uh. :o-:4.-—'rao eighteenth Annual Poul-, Wu” 3 Au“, m‘ married life Regardless Of the nosis may be uscntiully right. We «cratic administration as the pcriod""’ 5"" "“‘ "' """' "’ “‘ ‘ The Great Western Land Co.. a . p . reasons for the various divortjes. must recognise the fundamental (M. -of destruction. Unfortunately. it 1 32$’ :,°"':,';’, A.,':';°bi',:‘?_:',,,‘" L3,,‘,‘,‘'’’,g'‘,?_ ; Ch”l°5 7- Elhefidfie bf ”'~”‘l°°- T Subsidiary of the American Sugar nine of which were on grounds of fergnce in mg aim, of the two mun. ‘cannot be suppoud thshthe gr- b,,g,,;,,,_ ; Mr. Allen came to Columbia twenty- Refinery, paid a total tax of 8l59.- ‘ cruelty. UV-"'9 ha“ "*9" ‘>00 WU)‘ tries, one to train a minority well. "°_'e’ "°.'".t°"d,°d “° P'°3“d'°° Am’: :""- "- 71“ "- "‘-**“¢"" "7 C'‘''‘‘'' {out ya" ‘go’. “id purchased the 09091 "‘ 192* 9" 137893! 01 I11)’ _ f the m we, to man“ and pub,’ icrican opinion in favor of the Rc- ‘ B-Um-n liroush. tom-r eovernor ot Ar» P¢I|lhfl'10n MUSIC L0- ‘concern or individual in Butler “ .m’ e 0 ‘G p0 bl‘ ' ‘ - . ; Kansas. on “Selling a State to the Nation at ' _ - ‘ _- _- 9-I . _ _ _ id ‘ ood ed pu ican it-gime. This naturally . , ,, . I do not .laim to bc a nlusltlllll, Count}. Whfin COMIUOW 3"3_ W95 9*“ ‘‘'° “'9 °”°"t ” ° ‘ 3 ma‘ ~means that some Americans are nt- ‘"4 m ‘M ‘mm b m U"'""h’ M” Mr. Allen said, “but I understand‘ Neatness —- Accuracy 'I‘hetues—Thesis Moderate Prices {one person can be married thirteen 1100- ‘tempting to reverse the settled dc- _c,,_;,,, ,,g on, ......¢.. .; c..: the principle on which musical in- M‘“'i°" C°‘"“l" ll‘ ¢°D8id¢!'i!|£ 400 Guitar Bug‘ ‘times and obtaiiuas mun) divorces. . ' "l' _ k d Tcizion of the American people uni ' lunshia High School. sgmmems are constructed so the €!!_Ilfl0)'ment of a county agen ‘ ’ the tendency naturally will be to- If °‘°ry°“°_ nu 3' “M c as the Filipinos shall move steadily to- I ‘ 1”‘ 3° "' f"'““""""_"‘."' 9”” 5“. thoroughly that I have never E'»oZ't2n A p°‘m°" °‘"'3"i“8 ‘bl? Slfnllllff‘-'» _ _ _ . “rd hmher di\.on.€. figures "“_’°h ‘5 M u"‘“‘5 h“ d°°3- “°°‘f“"' . ward full control of their own af- ',,.';:,'.‘, in :;,'.°:~,,,?,:,’,,i.'nd (OM33 6:: an instrument. and that includes °{ 5°‘ 9"] hm‘ f 9T3 M" I . d.fl.. R i and a plishments would be more notice--{;ur_ti_ 1,, other ‘nwd,’ um’. ‘re nhmmv mm‘, of the Odd foreign iMu.u_,bct'n presented to the county court ».l '5 “°l- .3 '9“ V’ E” "5 able. dealing with some sort of vested. Jan. 2:. :;so [I In--Holdirig of :v.itt.u.,.. ments that I could not play after at P“""3'T8- 35"“ "T "“"d '""~"'°"‘ “ 9°"’°“ #_. interest which hopes to benefit by""'W'~ lit the huh-or Circle ' «studying it-s comtruction ‘I can. T“ » ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Th work of pouring the con- 12 NONI Nil“ 831%! might reason that if one person can i,,.eakg,, um Am ,.- . - Jan. 20. it a. ui._opo..i.. or 1... ...,...¢. , - 9 ,,.,,,.,, ,.,.,...., .,-...,...,, ,. .,.,.,i.. i,. THE OPEN COLUMN hi. m‘,’.i....... " "‘"’ ""’"""° ‘° -;;:;-:,,-;,@.---~i-. w- s=-'~ E3-i’:To'T‘°"}"°ii.32"°".i3...§7§“ .‘ii‘§Z2t°*¢te on the W 0! the Open Day and-Night anti-asy mattcr to obtain one di- 31181 to Show the folly and not the Inn. .ao‘1vI;ouIorcu:'lt‘d‘$n5d:r‘,cl£oLec‘h:l{?;:hl:' some instrument. I think I in- brag; at “mnfly .w'." be Eb"? tfi Lunches vorce—and marriage loses its sa- The ausost latitude In sires as asnss fact of Miss 5£ayo's statements, I -'}n- 29. a ll- nL~llomc concert of W. hcri my love for music from my pe - boom The “mung. wmk ." Vm ° , crednt-cs to become an experiment ‘‘''°‘‘’'' ‘' ‘and. 0* W;:...,,.'“': ‘N019 Governor-General Wood from U"".'""”' .“"'f"‘ 6'" CM’ "' ‘T UM'lK3"1idfathcr, Abram Allen, who goncuuuy done’ Th? t.md‘° ‘"11 near . e. slate“ v.'net’ ' Thirteen divorces are too many crditnssaec aunt we C°"‘,"'°"‘i°"‘l RK‘¢0fd (834l3- n:"l? ’3f"é‘f;'-7"? -o.»i‘.iet-tioh of osicm ! Pllyfid the life in the W8!‘ of 1312.1)‘ 323:: to we pub!“ m the up Bu)’ "tin cnuimscrdot. .si.oo m town for 30c -‘ one pfl.‘sm‘_ “an ant won“ be always be helud. not nlwlya for publh zznoo Silt)‘-Seventh »C0ng1"es5,page versity High School. ' 3-IIhherand‘s.per esuaa. is held. 3) Governo W h‘ or use Athena:-an Iltrra soe‘et- i th éthe music or gm -tinny then being .‘*‘." 41! no ,u,,’._ seidom ,.,,.,_.,,. is one di. _________ nréh mem ' gr Phlffdo _ '"_l3€1f- In ‘._ I C‘ IL Amfim;im_" ‘ ’ " '; the orum and life. _ The Public Service Commission ‘ Ar.-ntI'icsnLcadPa;¢uc¢_ you-cc justified. _Ncver, however, Facts and Follies About Filipinos. wee “ys? “The 'Tl°pf”‘_d‘ _ Jan. so. ' in h. In.-—Debate on the. om!-‘ Mr. Allen is it Mason. ii Knight “*5 "“]“d lb“? “"9 wlhlflh 381131)’ dozen 110 3-11:1: -{\'ve.N.‘i'. &n the evil be even retarded when Editor the Missourian: So many undo" 0" the pl”. _ "'""3' . not of L-ndl-r {runs the Unm-nil-r of A Templar and it member of the I-Zllts v "“”“ P3)’ 39-000 toward the con- couru t ("V at outrun. ms. n . 4 Ilppine govern- , kanuun lay rwrcscntauvea of i:cm:'lisIa’otir;l Club. .,Ftrucu0n of an overhead hrldge on 3”" °'°°"' ° ‘ ll8 tracks along the hgrd-gur{._ced ,,,,,_ ,3, i Just a few steps from Broad- l I ' l '.’e Good Homemade Pies " —‘ - .._ _.._ .. ... A,____ , _ Mary Arden Club Christian College ‘ ' U ‘ . k . . _ ’ rrgpg in 191:2. thhe period of greatest :§;_M;, 34;“? B-:;;:; ln 0 > 8”“ ...__.,__ can s v e ‘lo. . . c u. “p . . ' v’! ‘ . . . . . . ' 9 . Av . . cess’ iron’v"tomt!:c aamdcp;-s(l‘:.( 8 Ph'li.w'”” by K.‘u'°d"° M”"°' ' nt. a ) 3:: noligh rtlfdidirdffilf’ J” ’i1’;I.“"""”i.K gm “naught: Angus us! Eur COR‘ llioxtm to bl; wmtmcwd am ‘pm’: " ‘It i , t" ts-d‘ that the ' puhluhd ’°°°“uy "‘ *1” St 1”" cneriry and morality-"' 1:3.-«thin II K. G. Harmon Found the Seed Corn 0 ween obefl" ‘nd H""t5'"n°- "- ’ "" ""“ ’° "‘ °“° 01°50-Dw°¢m— 1 "I5 W "T" - ' - ~ b be of in Southern Counties Poor 1‘ - - “divorce to every 7.6 marriaset in titles carefully" and I would be rc- °'“”- 5"“ “" ' ‘ """“" °""'"'-" ‘ Cm ’ - ” ‘ ”'”°°"‘“ """“ “- ,,_ . v _ JESUS Z vALExzUELA goon-o. the itotsii Io-rehanh An-ocm-loo Three members of the extension ts.-flit “B506 398383 It the Present croant to my duty as a Filipino cit- ~ fun the no-mm and Profaslonal won. department of the Cone“, of Ag,.i_. —~ ' “M0: file“ “:9 “‘°"-‘ ‘“"°’.°°’ “*9” “'d*“° “*9 .5331‘ M6518 0f fill‘ Pungcnt Paragraphs. ; ' 3“, .5.‘ culture have been out in the state? !'"'“d "‘ “"3 Umwd 3"‘ u““ Chou" P’°""‘°,°- "‘““_°1)'_v $0 give The 5t1'3Yl89 Part is that husbandsl Feb. 5. ll n. m.—AMras by liar Leo iu::P‘ctinz seed corn last week for; COLE"-‘.N'3 HAND LAUNDRY ' in all the rest of the civlli world PW?" “Cm ‘V1113!!!’-lei’ It I8 needed who lose their memories and wan- F "'4'"; mi I--rrcr. istininnity spring planting. - rlt Class Work _°°mmmd_ mun ‘bomb we my on such subjeda as I feel l know. der away take all the cash.—Nash- I 3,':'_‘°"“"“ "M" '"”’‘°'' °' mu" U" K. G. Harmon returned Saturday “°n"l‘"° c°u"" B o c- .___..;.¢_ 0 is H I. u toansw th' ' '-- . mi, "3"" th . “:3 whglzafilnce through (the e:0lll‘l:l'3l:“; vll'l"lier‘::!i1:o‘:::e\:inrd‘ puezle has lured ; 1'72. t‘1;¢73:iV‘:"T‘!—: 1: a.hr:lm(§o¢ti!1:s' g:”:,°’.,P"3,t:f mdnlfhohe 8657 R’ ‘ ll . . -' “°"""""" ° '""’° "°'’ ° the “i“°°1'31°- may a man back to the home from‘ U"'"'"“' °' °“-**°'=- '- WW6‘ 01* onl - half of the who bush 1’ it‘ h f ’ - JI'°blem- . = , The insistence with which was which be was driven es-oh‘ o-l""“"" ' ‘ he’; too ' H ‘ -‘C l » - ~ A T’ “ '1 ° ' 2*‘ - . .’ mayo directs her attshks against cross words —Detroit Vewmgs 1' f "'”- ‘ ""' 7""-"'"" °' "" "M" “:2: "3 worthy of hem‘: V A A V e , : _P!8lll't'll8l-8 are probably disap- we “puny of the Fmpin” for in_ They fly that in fi.me imnied F§;u.:'|:i.itteC:n:f‘ythe Girl Reserve club. of appro V l " ?°i“t’d 159” 5333- 753‘ “Wt -dependence because of some failure pen 1 - . -, ' l H’ “and the what i" 3 ’ 0 0 .i ' v _ i_ pc grow to look 3],ke_ Th“ may ‘ ‘Feb. .. Valentine‘ tea for freshman ‘h‘pe’ however. Th ‘eat - mm il,5as much backsliing as there was a in our nan system orfome flu" explain why certain “chimed - girls by I’ Worm-no Pan-Rolls-ole Coun- may dm not injure gt ‘n.aPPar can i Yeti” < fj week ago. of our l rs or some disagreeable ue ' . " - _ ,, . .. , v personal characteristics .of the -—f::::€)‘k¢g;t‘ll'll9:O fa‘ proposals. I prrebotz-‘so.i::x:i..uLt':{:?.:,m;:¢ii:i‘?:' in Dé.1“,'1;,frE:,,f,?:ndin‘hi.:,:d C30!-3. M!» 0flve~...26,134? ‘~. -“ f . ‘git maybelockiiqg the ~ ’ ' ‘ l s _ . _ Jr‘ . .‘ .. . . - 9 A J ob‘ _ 1 .- I . i I _ I A | . _ .§ ‘ l . i . :3 .. ' — A ' -4 —-V-i:tJ3§.'..f.“-.‘..,‘.e;,fi._f;_, .- . «.-;,__ 2 ' 4: .. . .3 ” "' .‘.; ....‘ Tif. . — . ‘ ‘ _ ‘V A _. _ _, V _ L’, ' '*-' Me A: «' -: Z_tz:: . 7% ll 1 . -~ r _ e 5*‘ ~'i::'- '~'o’.‘-.'ié-.."' —- ;‘”* “ ._ . -. ;;—. ;e.‘ s e -i - o ‘ti "5 ~.-i».~r*i.; ox» ~-; -4- '* ‘ I 2 ~ ._ J". , ' . A_ ‘ 4 . i_ ,,V.— ’ ‘.1 “r..',~..5‘_‘ ._'_'-’;‘.‘ '_.V3.-_“_: ~,_ ' _ 3.}...--‘av . 4;‘ ( ' _ it .‘. E 3 J 11" 1 .- ' ’ _ J‘ ; 3‘ I’. 2: r . ‘ ‘rm.’ ‘r’, at '3": fl ‘p . . . :'~ ‘rt . l".'}’ I 9--«goo V’ - . , J 1‘ - ,, J; -3: .. . ; 5 placed in Kirltsville hotels by the; An 303.101“ mus; in mg" pressing. 107 So. 9th St. I