of Our World A ‘Production of iron “,3 5 in with a_ sine output ‘of 86.000 tons valued; 3092.000. . g America has declined the inn- -__ gjon of France to Mk? P“ ll‘. be exhibition of Fine A’Arts int Paris next April. i f A captain of the French air sort’-f; iuplanstomakeanon-IMP nllllll (.200 kilometers to establish at Ft world's record. _ g righting bessn Ilnlin st Sham-. ‘ yesterday when lisleh-Yuanf some new territory _and‘. . bated several villages. E ? ‘nu. Augtgglign population is now- aud is increaa' at ly.‘ ‘.2 l . l to —u*'''‘ l oréinni:-5 L" I Lint ml [gent reports rom there say. f . It is possible that these will’)-9 ’ ’ in .Dnring the four mmtha nhubeeninaction Ger-‘ paid 283.230l00° 80” A rks in reparstionsvpayllenta earlythisrnorll an adjoining ‘A 9 mm, ‘aid Ademnnd in 1924, either to increase the revenue or de- pm wuied about ;55,431,ooo_ crease the cost of operating ex-' ' penses," Baker said. He sailed to, -.--———— bu. ‘ this that many state ndqsartments ' had a “- apportionment: and this rnustccasc. ‘fog. so tbict that it‘ those of late ‘Decem settled over London. .‘.The foe. . i 1 E nggrlyaslhlck out. By lifting 335 1-2 pounds over a French soldier Gernun. . At the thirty-sixth animal Tour- the Los Angeles Chamber of as its exhibit. - i 3. riflmm-- biennial period, after deducting for} WIN- ?the support of public schools, will its when yur. n¢.A runnin now ‘A {he worm.‘ wcithbufginz to make the folio Theformcr record ml. (r [R032 01 1 Of ‘D828 htld in Pasadena. 14,-‘; I X had a dingible made of . . . turc Btmrd of AAa'rieulInre. This American shoes valued at $850.3 band an mg to the S2311’ F .1 I , “£1 ‘_ A 9.; ' t $35}; A . \ urn-oz rt». . rs ,. AI ‘a; a' , . . ' : 9 I comment, mssoUR1,~MoN'.y, JANUARY m,_1§2'_§ A BAKER URGES‘ _ ECONOMY FOB ”°VE“¥“W“'*‘ .. .. .. . ________ ' . 1 NEW GOVCTDOT SEW DOWD; pa. ‘gang; 30.31, (.5, Pofiues of in 5 and lnesday, except unsettled a ra- . -————— a‘ of coo nines bis the‘ MANY CHANG ADVISED; 13:1. temperaturcat:onighn:‘will or _—._—... ‘ above zero, 12 degrees. ‘‘Revenue of State Cannot: Vest. 22 deems east. and 18 def Cover Expenditures ‘ '" ”-M" Under Present System." i l A 9 1 During the last 24 hours light to‘. ‘moderate snows fell over Kansas.‘ .Ol:lahoms and the northern part of ;Texas. At 7 o'clock this morning it ‘' was snowing over Missouri north I lly l'nit.l l'ra---. . Jl-1i~'l~1~:llS().\' ClTY._Ho., Jan. 12. ‘ nun: ' lto llrnneaota. and east up to - 3 10 K0V¢'mm¢|fi'—l»h¢‘ Ohio onward to the Atlantic. It is ‘.n'z:t' 85 (hit adhered ‘O ‘mu Kgntncky to t the nzxticnul administration-was, Cgjuflug, gnd rginhw gouthwggd foL clan-n as the policy of the news}-‘1og-mg, -set b prising German‘ ' any is no dmns the "alt state zzrltxinistration in the inangu-’ 5.5.",-9 an obtging 5.. Mann.» --nltnishk W "P"‘°"" ral addrws 9! Sam A. Baker. vhichj sets and the Dakotas. and about the he delivered at noon toda )‘- ;8¢l'0 to northern nsas. It is “The estimated rcvgnng fur the‘. Wlfllllllfl up somewhat to the west- Seasonahle cold obtains in Ethe lower ri man: not sufficient for the? el'- A g expenses of the state as} Data for Columbia: Highest tom- opera ' _ _ Aperaturc yesterday was :0; lowest Our ram pmmein, then, is; last night 27; precipitation. 0.11.‘ :One year ago highest. 28; lowest, ‘.5; precipitation, 0.00. s a custom of exceeding their PROHIBITION To BE CELEBRATED Urges Many Changes. I l in the interest of economy the new governor urged the Legislature A M _A . _ ;‘,§‘§,°_",‘_“",,;;,,,,,_,? Fifth Anniversary Will tel ‘ h- federal ' lr-dlthrtmgth’ at as count‘-‘:::'.'nthroug‘ Be by ' - -1 ~t ~---‘ ' W. c. T. U. .. (‘on-nradstioa of labor bureau. C department and Bareau cl‘: ilI2rfw,!“wn I The fifth anniversary of national 3- '-"1'-=‘5°" "' ‘I °°"‘*'“” ‘f ‘|'''_‘‘"‘'’. constitutional prohibition will be to I (1't‘(f lchvltfii of 15 8510 ‘ next -d‘ ‘t would give the opportunity to give its attention :o'clock in the evening at the Baptist ! Church. The program will be un- ° 1 houtimi or the Library Cass-mission! dc, we uupgces of the W C T U t'd"¢ ya“ lam‘ appoint ent of a state I». 1 . ° ' ° ' ‘ ,. . . 7 The Will 2 3 mac -n the united St-to *- *°"' s- ----«-»n at 0» ‘?°'"' ';‘f"';;_’?~ ........‘” . ° . " .. . “' ... ' ..... . .‘.’.°..“.‘T..“.’”2.?."’.‘..... in coutdrles. reports show =1. j1"';_;'_“‘ ;;"°;"‘,;;"’,_, ,,; ,,,,%a.n.... ............ .. -am. ! {finance l"’l,'50‘Da'kI.nICIQd.Aodleo¢:‘e‘u;‘ct;':¢"r‘t -‘bold or the steamer 5. Abolition of all hoards not mutter; ‘"9 ---------- ~- - - ; . _ "1 ‘ "tub ,n' .'’“m* ,3, Bole. Victory . . . . .. rs. J. W Sehvsbe bfikfl in’ ‘£373 . «‘.' T M ‘ ° §Wbat the National Prohibition l.aIr aft_er_ over-n:nm7ng the ship ‘so-re-.. ‘ad ‘gr. 2. Repeal of the laar Kl“!!! 59°35“ ease to the United states .. Rev. I ‘rorisingtlzsgassengers A mu-an to sin» adsaoh 1-1:"-:_£!u~.-l'T’§i‘1'. - W‘ use‘ cask: Icpa!&h.'-'--“"""‘ “V ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' "; | ‘D3 , '.’_";_,M,.‘,,¢u..|auvpnridingtbatth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ber.l..WbIaith his recent illnessfind plans; - I‘ ‘mm_u__,m,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.._ mroiu 8ochlWelfane.....,.... A g. “tug cabinet ' tomor- “jg; ' ' ,“ 7.7,. ,.i., shield not up ............ .. . Ir. 1. u....sa1-..- ,¢, '.-- '. . , - . Ks mom pm.‘ ‘.J‘ L“. ‘Mun b M w . - . . . . . . .. AUMCCK ' R - . m. M, ,_,,_n ,5,,,,,‘‘, “.3, .54, Life of Our I-eviblic Is Dependent Us» A yes: of the -Allld adfifflwfl. _ ¢"-"W '. an ‘:1 mm.-“ht go.» {pl on Observance . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - l)ecla}iagA that marriage is not d'_;",_,§,_. ,A.,.,.,,,,,,,,,-,.,,, gases. in baker‘ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dr. strat-no D. nmua. feasible in this age. ,a§ABrooldyn , pastor suggest. that marruce law. and customs may have conditions. ‘ . A cafe proprietor in St. was arrested by state fish and game wardens yesterday when the)‘ found ‘him with two otlnrs eating quail. the season for which ended December 31. , A stone carved “To the Unknown lsoldicr” was recently -placed in_ arsaw by some unknown person. ‘to its mysterious appearance the Polish people lay wreaths of ' flowers befiorc it. % Thomas D. Schall, blind senator- elect from Minnesota, discovered a -firein the ‘basement of his home .last night by rouowins "9 W. - scent ‘of smoke. The rest of the fsmilyuhsd retired. V i Jules Jusscrand's twenty‘-l\\’0-3'91‘? uambassadorship to United States was hmored last nllthl bi‘ a farewell dinner, said to be l:€m° iniscent of America's farewell to ‘ plaafsyette over a century ago. 0 . Diners in the Ritz-(hrlton lio-A ' tel in Philadelphia ceased cation: [jun-aday night to attack a¢cit)'3 magistrate who was a tempting t London. has the duties of recorder of deeds. l 8"“ ‘flan.’ . _ A _ .-wt,“ nguwgg 15; ; lchosen as his new aid at the State raid the lace in ¢°nn°¢1i°D ""“‘- . . 1. A bl to. us! mm hem, years of payments at this rate toss‘ tivities in which the two, , ,5, p 1.1- Schools” will la:,ClBCl5lT ooulrr uni lneouunonts snow!-o villa-cub liquor-lsw violations. 3 .A ,h}_h.w:::,f;l,..‘):gig::::j’¢:‘n tyvhich pttvilll -1?" A ,_ -?.h§I;:;tcrBT;h¥E1 M:-fexhaust the American claims. {l:l?d'kc:' as§ociations and the Col-,§i::,t,,,Z:g in gflmjfgu V1.7 ’ DIVORCE SUITS TODAYlhis'pollclol and dllpd or‘ 'I A \'iLIclIltIl!'8l 805151! 5" b‘-’i,“‘ini:llcc unit-ailments to Article VII of £335.." . three-act comedy, some-l "-Regarding her claim for wafilcgc of Airrit-‘|Il¢°!'° 9"” “°‘'''' “'18. Smlth.‘Excclsior'SpringI: Wo F-irnhau Gnu A" f u‘ “,:l’°"u°" ‘” we gum ‘ §°"t»'8"i3'~'d 5"’ 5L M05‘ '~"~ ,""_"""tthc Constitution. on sunraae ‘'’‘“time during the first week in Feb-ldnmncvs out of the nlrmmts 1°:"-'_'"“'d- 3"‘-‘h 0‘ ""‘,'h” ‘° d°.l(nox. st. Charles; “V 3- Q“3'“"'s .Jsd¢e Darla If. If for .13; uanas . 4 1 ';K"'l_’9" T‘)? “"9 P'°d“"“°" °f -’°'°°'i election. which was voted upon last'.,.uu.}.A The for the produc-» be made by Gci;nssny' under the with 019 5051' And Elf‘! C105 W073‘ gun, Jefferson City: T. B.‘ A ~ - ; “-Asnmcmx. Ju_ u‘__‘h,,, 1 )3 '5 595, lb“ ""3 mPmh°"’ "°EFcbrusry. a part of the state laws. “on are in the hands of a com-lDaw_cs plan. the United States willlnow being earned on. isedgg, . " p 7 no“ at man,‘ lion 1 gouty“. 0 u, iattcmpting to emulate the _ex-; urges Better oreement. lmmu compued of )1", J. cqrecelsc 2 1-4 per cent of the an-; Edward Buder of St. Louis, who «Looking at the _l-‘nture will be‘. ‘a ham‘ a'uha'.'G.mm‘ "fin, 3, .9-_ iample of Congressman Ell fljfiem 5; . dgqppeatcd feellng':Gfif{ 11,‘ Gear‘. 3;-gwn and: nun] pgyments dunng the entuels chairman of the 6013-‘ am Subject of . ‘Can. ipo-mfl ‘uk..d” ‘D 0'...‘ 8'.” gflarylsnd. - among our people W‘ “'9 *‘”""L'°,ura o. w. Boutwell. bfrs. Ches-:P¢"°d or openucyn of _tbe_ plan.,n3fit_°e otltlbe fine 05*”! m.c.n.Juoq.rouowmenocIt)nr1-31 «I; .,.he,,o,,,,,m f ,,.,,, heugxain. . . ; trstion of justice. for those 17 0;“, Yggget is directing the I-or-k~_‘l‘his P¢"-‘°m«I8‘e is limited. how-_cIatIon. W1 8C _ talk. President Btratton . ro0“;umu°mh‘: , ’D“i. “J51, a, “,7 mm. 333,‘ n W : Xtoiled has n. -seek it’ and for those who deserve.“ nu, fever. to 45.000.000 gold marks an-fmeeting. prominent bankers will tau “How a City ASBPEIWIIICI.-3a‘a.n In 0"“. W. G“'on:;u,,,,4 wggoduuwgy 1,." g.g.,_ I - - lit isslowerand more cumbersome! The proceeds of the play wiB3m1I-“)‘- i"**°"1ub°l*°"“',-“'0'”-°"‘“‘dent FeelsWhenIieGetsto I. - G G‘ _ J G 1‘ --~-..--——-- g i N" '0'‘ am’ ‘am °d'wr of-"5 ‘d are ex nsive than it Shwldlbe plied to a fund for the equip-3 "“""““‘“‘* shlsdlson. who a dlractof of“!-'83‘ uni",-guy " ‘ l"' J““‘ ' ’ °' hl'"l3' ” - , ,‘ Aipaper ordered a story of a certatn§:.‘._ 3“ 1 '3 I we l 1- in wt ‘°dge.3;JlZD(3E SHAW 11) Rl'l\' AGAlN'dcu1m,..1 wmmgugm, of the Am". r ' who i. the hairs. H. G 3. Morris I»: ‘w_ A N, :1, 1g,.,§g|‘. W lenxthyhot whenthe awn’ N‘, ' ." ' ' ‘r ;,,lm?,°1(; 5L ymph, nu, Thoma‘ ' .- ' licsn Banker-s'Associstion. and F. C. ,P”k,,.,,gh.pu-ogra . llspedrE"°'l" V" 959959 ;Jsmesig..ugagtcbsrlesBVIhI3'8l'!""'. p rived he ‘ii-°°'<="*d “W the W "°.“"’ "° "“' "° "M 'c P ‘ ‘C ntate ident f the ac-?A"‘ ''°''''‘' *5“ W" 5“ “Tonal! at Louisville. Ky‘. one of the subject. “How aCit7 snout-‘ "° ”‘°°a°°‘ """.¢ . e - . "’°' "'“' "'”“‘”‘ “"’°"" ""”“"‘ i" 3""-‘d bulfim we ‘me by “i fict:“sn'Ioa;.8 inmiisaourll is sport °m°°°' 5'’ ““"""" . Km vice-Presidents of the auocir "..’.'....a...« has to “'3'” "- 3' W"“‘ ""“"‘a=*' """'l . '''“f“'° . 7 ~ 1. ‘was too" mu’, A soctauon was maltirt a series o xfi we t to in row! Judge W I). Shave: announced -n_ Be'Gwa_wr_.. : Calvin vs. Calvin: J ‘'41 31. A a esndlktpisr * A The paper was already late in~'surV¢)'8 and arsed the 1-<=l""""°'a”';¢ ‘MW 9 ‘his candidacy for re-election to the’ _-.._._...... - _ The mm“ mm," ,, .5, bill: vs. Carl nuts: .001: nan-.Ati. smug. “.3... going to*presa, so there was noAtoco-operatewtthtliem. . ___.____0¢5°°L ‘office of pobcecourt iudge today.; CENTRALIA-ARBSIDENT DIES _ a ‘u had Kkbvmc Ieyvs. Ifaelt DaIley;,ABardos l'ogle,u.., 1. ug_ R ,,,,.,A 5,. «(firmly believe in the W“"""' not con utwon C!fAltG£fJudsc Shaw was 2! ever -;;--- 3,, '°°“ °" ‘ '- WW‘ 5 708*‘ 30"!‘ 3-: ---e--0---.--. ~ .- aliouad space.‘cf local -alt-rovernmwt fguzw; lcial election held on April 16 of unit" "" °""’° “ "“' """" ° ““ ""'~ . '’°''“'*'— “:5 ’°"",l-0'13 90"’ ATV 003539933 , = ' ‘ ' ‘ 1‘; 3 ‘ D Amino ' \‘ -----:----‘- -- '4 t for rat-:;':'sm. mm‘,f_‘{f,',;,“**,,3f_., 5:." ,,_.Q,,,,":,“ _ '°‘§’”,,m',,,‘,°,,,,,,,,_,,,,,n,:LEd_A 1.?-Car-ter.d5 nan oid.aiea,Tv-C-"C:'ri":.-:,A-II-I 8», - Alzicfifivsh-°.&.;';”_ ,,_,,:rarusta.a.1V|lna..sasAtor —,’. psi-tmentssbouldlbe pe ‘£3 30 “‘m’,h“°dna-~‘_"d' ‘ho did he V“ ;,,earlyr‘e‘stte|x,'.dayafta:!noonofpuieo-‘ Accept“ my w.‘5""°” “IL ”__‘§$,.‘fiA]fgg‘NEfl'gtd_av|.‘ 5' . "l'heI-iarltook‘a‘Sootchl|ll'll'."i°“‘°d ",?“"". °""‘ l‘7"‘°"°““ °‘’"‘ ‘‘’‘'’'.‘° = ‘ 2' 5' c...¢.-.3.’-lngiggisritsasotber I0 -- -3 . ‘ ""’ ’ - . Apouceumcaaia. h_e icharseof Howard r.:aa:m indicated wgwmfiwuffifim t_o;°.d,,,,,,,,,..,,A,,-,...,.,, ;. whip ‘gggvoshbllsbment of-home rule i°"1.ssotuIddtosiamonthsln " ifie gouugtup for city attos-aey3"’b' . 'sL ,°u|- .'.A§Ag,.... p, 9* ".: citlasboaldnotinvolvs nor sar- 3.“, . “,5, 9....‘-,.a.,.;....,,s,llr-0-rt-rt’-|'°'Ii' .'4°"' “"' . . tr codes 5.. ...,.g 3. to . neither was ablsto ll -— mow...“ °°'*“2.°':..""'... .....'°*- .:.‘-..."=:-.°=:....**--a’t0=-r- -»-.2; ~-.---- 5.: 3 .. ....-.:.'=~.....v-.-.-.4... .. .....~m--.--. - test @0065’! at !,tu1a.as y"auou-ncy. ‘ V V-0 ‘;,.g.,,' 5pvunw‘dnaH’hgivaautbufl1afto’aruu'hda0fl¢Ifi0Pdlfl»mabfmad,.unamumtofbis"‘9‘m‘¢n"--3' 1"‘ u".-4’ ls;. - . - afhislifeinthatoa- use AW“! ‘*9 9'9‘? ‘‘°l‘‘'‘’toi-qov-esnhy‘o:f':!Il 59!’ 1'3"" hasdqIIartaut(l;at';'hshsdaomeboot-..,.afls_cy.;Iater. . _5"~'-’:'."h‘u°&‘n..u.'_‘_..'..‘”fi.3,-“a¢¢g.,..._-. w I 1. ', fim. QUIT‘ TI fflfld .‘ - . - -~ .. _ . V ' Turn hit a stone. and start a wmgm A A tbenuiabcr mag“; .. W. fig dub.-la” - O .0‘ W lfl ‘nr':;flIW. . _ “I3 No, my 'm'I ' A ‘ ‘ nowever,;hst this: L nsd¢.‘u.¢1.aegedrdnngs A . :rndsrsoa‘- "0:-I--I -Iiv-‘T ." .." “.2: -*-* ' ' A ' 5;‘si".‘.': Kc ;":-‘l.‘.--" . }= 0':-r‘ "3; O ‘ l :7 .4; ‘. l . " ' ~ ‘O W.’ -_.V ,'..;j‘..(-‘':','-'...'- I ‘»‘-,- _.;.-.__._ '7‘ ~ ' A to be governor spoke on the following: changed to meet changlnz 9°53‘ St.- I Eminent Americans on Law Ohser\’anrv- the . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Nine Character- i Sung, Work for Enforcement Audience .Co-ope-ration. the Secret of 50:66.‘) - Gene ‘ Starts-ll opinion. l\s~ Katie-zl to lrndcr ?.¢'f'V‘|1'¢'- Denlinz with state -subfltu - ~ . . . . . .. 1-. R3?" 08¢-ring .. rur tuiian stem... s.-. " D0 P8 ‘"8 ° ‘ lstive rum: Louis cr a-astcfulncss, and extravazlflc’ on-an: Christian Soldiers Audie:-or by a state officer can well be P!‘€'1 Benediction med by legislation. ’ “The ‘tendency to accept ft! from the fc2;ienlds<_:;[emm:'*'~ond‘_ certain speci ic a H‘! tea 0 c . tion that the state match the federal? mm Th” armrupriationhdollar fa: dfilggxhig Lu‘ week . ml‘ 0l’l“l°“- “5 3°“ ” . . ' , Tom Kennedy, city street commis- He recommended that ever)‘ Slmllllr. . been “in a ‘great appropriation be investigated thor-;:r°:;:: dime “fly this ‘morning in ' ‘removing the‘ snow that fell last night and today. A crew of men has‘ ‘been keeping the croslinss 09*"; ;and removing the snow from the C ..& '° our GRADER user) To annoys r ssow raou STREETS 700 W-'agon Loads of Ice alien From Easiness Sec- V “If we are to look for substantlll relief to taxpayers. the Offlh gov;-rnniental cost of countries a municipalities must be reduced “flanges of e street sew A n.- p(iinl,f'fl,0|1l. that the count)’ alt. Kennedy said that this work lTt'a."lll't'l‘ could well be cispeflfiedi would continue as Ions 85 ll"? 330*’ with by turning U"! *0“ °"°’ molssts. More than seven hundred. the county court. City assessors*:‘,“o,,1o.dg of ice and snow were cur. be abolished by Wfllmg from the business section work over to count)’ 3“°"’°” ‘ndllaxt week. John N. Tail?’ KNIT’: the county collectors could take overgmiued the city to dump this snow; the work of the city tax collectors.g‘.,,d .ice on a lot which he owns, lie alto pointed out that the offices! 9“, the pwwgfm, of county collector and county 82- -—-+— ,'» scissor could be combined and that:REBEKAli8 TO PR1-INT PL!“ 9 the circuit clerk could well perform 0 -.——-.—.._j— w lg-ht‘ northeast portion; colbn -governor and other A ‘the incoming officers, membsrs,of : ant-governor-elect. .into 06' Proceeds to Be Used to 1mpr'ove:°““°“ §SAM A. BAKER LNAUGURATED AS c0vER1EAnR Takes Oath of office at Noon Today inllouse of Representatives’ Chamber. 37TH CHIEF Exactrrm.-2 New Leader 13 Fourth Republican to Head Stats.-—Is Native Missourian. lly a S ' Jl-II-‘ Sam A. Baker was inau mas on-rupond-est. ‘ERSON CITY. Jan. 12. gurated his band upon a Bible giien him by his mother thirty years ago, and pled ' l I before, -; W , l . was 730. lwoomutn AN mm: ‘2Get“8peeiaIs"in Anew:-ecord the postofiice yesterday a 352 special delivery letters were received. more than have ever boan received here according the postmaster. previous record for one d y One Day. was made at in one day to l’. ‘J. . Tc é-—:—-—-—.——--————: D ROYAL BBO ‘lg’!-'oarA8t.ste and Our National om? K8 T0 INSTALLA -,cer to Be Present at Event 9 ! ‘. January 16. The Modern Woodmen of America {and their auxiliary organisation, the fkoyal Neiglbors of America. are to have a joint installation of officers ;-.at the Odd lllllht. January 1 The Fellows Hall 6. re will be a drill by the teams Alof each order. I.. ll. Warner. !ll.z‘.‘.(' {deputy of the Modern Vfoudmt-ii, lira. Mae E. Moore of Kansas City. gatste supervising deputy governor of Missouri in the chant-:8oyal Neighbors, and Mrs. Anna )1. her_of the House of Rem'eserita- Shepherd, supreme manager. and :1 tires at noon today. when he placed “national officer of the organization minigu-‘(ion Association‘ ll be present. of the I s '1 g Four or five reels of motion pic- himself to fulfill the du- of the hlodern Woodmen Sana- tics as chief executive of the state. lfiorium at Woodman, Colorado, will ' Chief Justice w. w. Graves of the Missouri Supreme Court ad- ministered the oath The ' g state of!’ the Supreme Court, members of the Gcneral Assembly and as many other persons as could crowd into the wings and gallery of the cham- ber witnessed the inauguration. A military band in the gallery above the speakers’ stand played no I. llydc. entered the hill]. escorted by a joint committee of the Senate and House. A salute of seventeen boomed forth from the capitol plans as the oath was taken. Lieutenant-Governor and in introduced his successor. Hyde and Baker were given ova- trons. Governor Baker began his ad- dress immediately. After its con- clusion the other elected ' with the exception of the were ice. Phil A. P on a-a t facunoarris-govsnn-A ment was the central theme of the » new governor's address. ' Baker. a. native Missourian, ‘;is the fourth Republican to be elected’ governor of the state. Although he is the thirty-seventh governor, he is the thirty-sixth man to hold office. as Johx. Miller of Cooper County held the office twice between 1825 and 1832. A reception will be held at the governor's mansion te this aft- :"E&mfEmif&RKs TO U. S. YEAR]. Agreement on the Dawes Plan. 157 United Pro-:“~ PARIS. Jan. l2.—The gold marks yearly out of the Dawes payment, according to an announced ecmiofficially. ments are to begin in 19 cinl announcement is expected The my- financial conference. for the cost a I fbc shown. I is .- r .‘ . I l 1 i The Yello l~ flug been purchased Red Top Cab C0,. mg « CO. IS BOUGH * by one go! the largest companies in the ‘state doing a taxicab business. guns 3 l E. . Pflug. president of the company, . 1°“ looking over the proposi- ' sided over the inaugural ceremonieswnyi, comp.“ ope,-“es yeuow and A _ ggd G031;-nag Hydg,‘ Top ab‘ in cities in low‘. n- A‘ supanntendents of the Suite. B°l'h.linois and Missouri. Hr. Pflug took possession of the § company Saturday night at 6 o'clock A a nd left Robert f Re ex tory to repaintthe cabs and l“d‘"-'l°‘l them a thorough going-over. 39009“ ‘'u.' ‘, The company has six cabs in ‘ 3718'-ltllflted 85 1l¢l1l»¢1||m‘8°"¢l'T'°3‘-3, operation and five new ones njll be ‘It! 2:30 o'clock in the-Senate chant-.' died 35 soon 35 delivery can be ‘ ' ‘ from the factory. ' ° Hopper in charge. give This 3' ‘has succeeded in ‘every ‘town r . ‘ it has ‘ His. llAhDLED M. G. P»-color Business in he sum handled of R >'t.-r- made in March. Th operated in. Mr. Pflug says. 5 7«l3.36 IN TA XES HERE IN MONTH Makes Report of His Office for in to all of $418.7-£3.36 was A_ H for the county in Doccm- ~“""' """""'"'* her, 192-1. according to the reports ‘I. M. . Proctor. Boone County. The collector's year does not end with The annual report will be collect or f or the : e December funds were appor- tioned to the fol diers‘ bonus. $5,982.95; pensions for hospital. $35,954.01: an dbridgcs; $550.65: lO“'lllK lllflffll 50f‘ "11‘lr.:l:':fi'mn’ L “_(..“n"_‘ u-hum.“ Thg ngw be M to 45m. Taxation, and school Support" - lighted. with eight windows on one St Jama ‘the blind, 8.-'i.::97.l0; state revenue. Prof. C. II. McClure, stair Teacl-co’ Cob. side and small. hid! ones at :81 23'‘ r-). . Th Outlook"-—-Charles A.“';.::E ‘bus {.u;n‘i;:'n‘ ,: L.’ gun.‘ r"“ ; ' ' "O" Conn‘) lav. stltr superintendent uf ochfirln. dff- c 0"". wn. ‘y‘ °m_prc‘cr‘ ’.n- county folds h_,_°,, UUA V ’ ’ tilt board In llllt the lltlll. ll’) the the gnnouncgd ngigngfion gf fig;-g. ' special road‘ "The ma: or Ilsl-ansiun o.n.A||ser§0 schoolrooms should come from the-‘ury of sure fiu‘},¢._~ ‘g :54‘-““°°"r ”’ C' "‘ ""‘“' “""""" ‘'7 back and side of the room. A 1348! P!‘¢PI!‘0d to'take one .c. and bridges; 8550.65; special road ‘ $223,003.06; The and United $1,068.24 and drainage and levee states has been accorded 52,000,000 6'imi¢t8- 36-594-0‘-‘~ ‘ —....—.?—Q——.———.: _ me. To note C()l\'pf-JR!-ZNQE llEREj:’:°;‘;‘:’:maner. with PM “am .1... be 6 by 1 meat reached today. British circles Committee of state Bankers Assn.‘ 510.99,, ' J to Meet 26. Offi-A Jan. 19. ltlthc Missouri State Bankers‘ Asso-um,“ tomorrow's plenary session of the ciation will hold a general confer-lxjgdcymeyer will have as cnce bare January 19 with‘ the agri- - Priority richts to cash P¢)'m9M5 cultural commission of the Ameri- Mksom-5 .3 . ..__._——.__, com-» - calendar , "" ’_ ANEW GOVERNOR f WILL ADDRESS; MEETING HERE Baker and President: Brooks to Speak to School Association Jan. 30. ‘ Two OUT-OF‘-STATE MEN Am A. L. Thre1keld,—Graduate§ of M. U., and Dr. J. Judd Also on Program. I be among the principal speakers on- V the programs: of the Twelfth Annual j A Meeting of the Missouri School Add be held in There will be lwu speakers on the N to Dean The first will 1.. Threlkeld, assistant superintend-' P130110 colnmtmltll-50h. fl 30851 T30‘ in D¢fl\'gf_. lll this vicinity, Ixfifdlflg l»0 MISS Mr. Threlltcld, a former student of Potter. cm of public schools the University 0 Misso formerly superintendent of in Chillicothe. Before going vcr he was U1’! The other out-of-town speaker, ' C. H. Judd. director of will be Dr. education at the University of on American Education." The officers Joseph; v man, Nevada; an ere are about 700 members. which will ' in operation.” Iiss Columbia January 80 out-of-state 1 asun- progrsm, according , was ‘"""'”""""" .1 ‘ ~=*'°°'=i OR Y-O ‘ A ' ,0 M F T I\E Rh 5 for five years president Red Top Cab C0. :£ct:'ci0h1l1ssoun_.‘_statt- Teachers As- ’ Promises Improve- ments. “,-‘(stag (:0. Columbi‘ t‘af!f_l- DOCt0T ‘fll OD the subject of ‘The hffect of Expansion of the Missouri School Administration are the fol-' ' resident, C. A. Greene. St. ice-prt-.~;idcnt. F. 8. Eagle- umi ' 4 J - .»-- »——._.. __ usher 'eelt. l *7‘- H‘ ..“:?..‘.". ......"' “"‘ ‘ 9G0 wssnmcrox Jan. :2... v V’ ~ :1:-.:::'; .°:*:.#°:;":.A:.:.*;:.::'*" 4; ESTED AT INAUGURATION flississappt and Lower ‘ Retiring Kansas Executive .- <4».-—.._.-—a Ilissourl \'alleys—A period znows during the Til’!!! ‘Ill! 0‘ t week Temperatures will axerage normal most 0 i ‘.5"...'£If"...‘I"l'.$..'1"..’I ‘°“"’ Charged With A0091» 3 3 -.~—-°---~ ing Bribes From Con- ;sT. 1.01118-COLUIBIA rou. victs for Paroles. who-e C--div-. Br-Mn D¢¥1H1~: Dames ALL CHARGES eeaber l? by the Elect Storm. ‘ ‘ *"' ""“'°"* Has Asked Incoming Leg- BACK TO NORMAL The St. bouts-Columbia telephone: C. Emu line, which has been out of or-3 islature to Investigate der since December 17, avian nearly A . ‘ wire connections were broken ' Cas& of A_"_eged by the snow and ice storm which lrregularities. ‘] By Unltnl Press. ' . ‘POP!-SKA. Jan. I2.»-Denial of al- lcgations of bribery in connect it with the parole of prisoners from the Kansas penitentiary was made by Jonathan M. Dan's, retiring gov- ernur of Kansas. in his address to- day at the inauguration of Gover- ‘ nor Ben S. Panlen. - The denial followed the arrest of Davis and his son on chutes of ac- cepting a bribe from Fred Pollman. paroled convict. in payment for a full pardon. 0, As Davis appeared on the plat- form before the throng of 6.000 A , persons who came to see an inaugu- ration overshadowed by_the arrest of their retiring governor. a wave of applause went through the crowd. - “sanctily of Home Violated.” It was hushed almost immediately is operator of the local telephone cum- ny, as morn "All our other toll lines are now 0 said. . also normal ~;The [rural lines are l A The snowfall should not cause beA, any appreciable trouble with tele- l u OUT OF SCHOOL Searcy . District ;to- Re- (‘hi- place Burned Build- ing in Spring. ' a. pm. stepped forward to make 1 ,__i__ his speech. In launching into his Forty-one children of the Scare)‘ denial of any wrongdoing. Davis ’ School district are not in school this winter because they have no school to go to. The Searcy School build- ing burned on the afternoon of De- cember ” declared that "the sanctity of my home has been invaded by news- papers for selfish purposes only." lie asserted that all the pardons and paroles he had granted had done “more good than " Daria then announced that he ind written _letters to the incoming ' The board of the district had planned to rebuild immediau-11-’. but before plans could be made the , . , . . ice and snow storm of the middle of legislature demanding a thoroiyh The ex_ecuu“3 commnuc ‘.3 com’ last month came on and plans had to investigation of the charges of al- p.°“"d of‘ J’ 5' (:.r°ck"' ‘sedflin be abandoned The teacher of the leged i rity 1 B1Y,:i,:,,dl;.rk‘(¥;:..:.e.; (‘IL school. Lee Coats. has been released. The preliminary hearing of the Chnm"B00m,m'e; J. R. K‘e”“Ch“_' l\'oIlt willnot start on the new former governor and his son was ' “cube. “d L‘ \-_ G‘“)nm)’ ”O“:t:dlng until spring, and warm set for l‘nday.Janusry 28. nett. - ‘ ' The morning session of the ting will begin at 9 o'clock and the; afternoon session at 1:30 o'clock. is -as follows". rains. Ilaaaarl IN!‘ Schools. ii. The Platoon System . r boalalstlve Progra "I-‘r--In the Putltt uf Vu-is of the Hiosuuri School Sun:-y" D A. la y of Ilia-ouri. “I-‘rum the Point of View 0.: is. I. ll. mar. of the l.e|'i-latisr (‘on-irm'tta-e -Di-euuam—J A. lioonts. Jtmllh lIisrua-éon- .1. A. \\"hile-ford. car. cm the old toilets will be torn dovm .'.q-an. A. L- Thrclheld. Denver. ternosn. "‘l'bc Sing. Salary Schedule" Chicago. _ A A dinner will be m‘0*:'ld0d superintendents at 6 oflock Dani(»l Bo()nc 'rI|V'l'Tll. - L‘. A. t of the association. In songmaster. A tall: by t, “The Educational . "At This Distance program for the two sessi "The Students and the Studus"—~ ilihcnbrrry. University of fliaaouri. ."- President 0, Diem.-r. Teachers Collect. Kan-as Cut). Th "*"'- "“"°" yet decided whether It will . chair- iuuun States Teacher-‘ A--oriatius. ”l~;u-pm: the Public With the l'rugrarII" for the , at the-‘feet. The lunch room will be 101 Greene. by 12 feet. F. W. Niedérmeycr. agricultural committee of . president of the Board of Edna-A the new methods, which favors end‘ of Columbia, will be given. N!-, flues rather than center his 805-, The children of the scare)’ Needs in‘ had been out of the vbnfidint only U‘ hch. School Board Presi- r c .i Bait ‘A ‘ti dam -v rut , . 0 arm? w can it ers ssocla on an o 1 _dent Sees Them u an 8‘, esany schoo‘ i’ nine ‘nu north? In Punk _B. Kc-no“. an ‘uh discussed by ML: of Columbia on Highway No. 7. The new structure, although it DIV‘! l’I|’°lI!I Alllillfl 15133!- meelw - . ld Br llaits-I nos. :23 5.: ‘.":'.:.:'..:.‘:..t:'.:..‘:.. :3; u.—c---m 1 the old building. it willcost$3,000. ~’°'"">h*n 3- 9"" W‘! ".“'!4.aaa.-as have such modern -‘ ""°" *° 9"“ "'*‘”3 frn . lunch roomanda.' ‘c',“°."k “ student of the Missouri unitary llrnaictt ls.-wis. of the A°‘d°".'5' ‘l u°‘i"°‘ ' a , was in Columbia Saturday { “win ‘ ’:“'i"t‘ ' '""""‘°' , -f K - -Lh C , S ’ _ tom. O -"21!’-Ollfi II A fizdzzmg. Nm_u,:::)on ":3; the ltansas Apemtentiary for his con- ra} the building. The board has not “'*-N P''’‘‘°‘P‘‘‘‘*'' ‘" ‘ 5"“ ''°‘‘'° Dr. D I‘ up at Kansas City, Kara. October 13, l928. - c00L"17§}3j’\'i/11.1. A DIRECT AFFAIRS A. B. Houghton May Suc- 5 I ,,.,,,, tract the work on the bulding or have the work done by ' hbo 0" hood carpenters. E In building the new sch house. of and the type recommended by tho" State Board of Health will be con- structed. The school well is a cis- A- 1- tern-well with cement top. The classroom will be 84 b)‘ 24:" _ policies and drives for further in- A cost room will be; tcrnational disarmarnentand world i1lac1'8 by 12 feet. and its entrance will lN30¢l'- z, : _ . While liught-s‘ withdr-snal__on to an M, bufidgn‘ Wm ; lfarch I after brilliant achievement! at one end, acéording to " "-"“’“‘°‘l . The flue be built ' ladle ‘A ;to direct foreign affairs. scum, here: that they gchicf concern of the next admin- a few minutes when the center flue; :’;:“:‘:’- ‘:°“:nduf“ ‘l°'”"“° ""'t' ghassador to