“ ""“f”"'..~'~*..~: «"*.p;v'~~;‘:—-‘ ' . “ . ¢,«..—a«:’c§‘.“."‘ ; ” : _ ‘= .-u.>= 3'.» -, - = w. - _- .. -~--~.—v.ax'~* ' ~‘*=~" ~‘..rs.. ~ ;‘-‘-—’_' W fiejafi-J " ' ..',._‘ ‘, . .... _ 1. _ .~ . : " —. ~ ‘ . .. . — - ’¥="*'"5 - ‘FE .u;~: l ’ . “ ‘ . '1 r ‘ ' i .« ;;""""" uoxmucn _> 7 ' ——A——-&.:——: u\.'so , ‘. g, 9‘ / 1' ' L‘ 3V‘! -4-—JenL—t—.an.' ~ 5.‘... 0 ‘ » ‘-~ 70”‘ '1 ' ‘'9 ‘‘.r -—7" - ,*_ ' V.’ .‘ .-_‘ ._‘ ,' _A' I Z ‘ . — -,~»-~ --.-....—...T_. - ‘ ‘ ,__ ‘_ ‘__: . . Colunhia.8i¢h_8clnolhrcIeev~.l(n. It w, fiibbard. 1307 wnoc9.%~l&I44i4au¢u.b'-..the.bo1iday gu¢r'u§br_i.i.e.ho1id_ay guest or air. and izurur today tar ircran. ' ’ 3:?’ hi‘; $3" l:h""'°ch“‘ cm‘. “‘°““°~ I ~01 ‘Mr. And fire. J. T. Johnmn . 0141113.‘ Pierce ‘Niederrneyer. ma: y: with It. and . o_.. . ioflafi.‘ ‘ " ‘A “ A -‘ ‘.- ‘ -t _"‘i‘" °'* 'P°°‘ 9 "l‘t“‘“' . "—-‘—"" S I Wchxtertirot-cs. ’ 7“ . ’ »+—-rm... al Swltxlor in St. Louis. ‘-9 . ‘4 ‘: “ ' ' E ~ ’ "h°m'”’ 3:12" Liz’: :illlaErl;'i:c todat ii; -r 1-‘ 3'.‘ ‘i i,”‘0‘;,,,, 0- D:‘‘’,3'{‘§° 3‘ “"" "“'i“;‘&f"é my ——«~.-«ha . . nr..An«l'$Ii::3n6un._u' v. ii»-girl , _ , in G < -— » V " -— - _L‘ _ I _ .' p . . any 0 onia ityi ge e are visiting trie an lira. LoulsNrSI‘ltzln_ p Intuit!!!‘ gm] ggj..( st. Loni; are the M131 ‘ I a3‘u.%'""'w D C 3”-‘?;3'° D¢‘‘0fl'°T 987531833. V814-‘Rd 1ht“h¢_"-Mlflb’-‘ ‘‘-'!'-h 150:1!’ UN}? :1-tzlrngd borne )'e'sterday after a relative; in Kansas City during the to her home at 1401 Prat: atreet.¢.y.‘u_¢..r,g{ John F. l 1 omega, local gnu’ ' E A‘ " .' ha ‘fan’; at h'r”"uuLl‘* nfndlin LN er I)‘:-Lil. t.. .\tophcns.m, 1.36 \\x.- tn-o weeks‘ visit with the family of Christmas holidays. \ ‘ after an absence of several monthsgsybea. ill Rollins’ stre N ' « ' Wm emcudn m.i‘u n ‘mm ‘m the p‘”pen"‘hhbd°l-l|l!e‘cau: ;IB°¢|uu'+ Apnimmu. .““ur:;)mt:.’i':‘, .on .i.¢n.xt. i l:z;snt;‘.~«.¥i'cr. glr. P. H. Muff}-. 823 M. H I --~]; . h d f th ;:n Poof?» Ill. u- -—---‘J r WW ‘ _ ? 1.. . Upsilon. :°m°’ "2 u3li.‘?°l| Of the American Association . W88 formerly Hits Clan: Corunl t M" ‘mu M” Kw‘ C“",“”" ‘md . L “gal 7 ‘Frff: !'.Clcl'l:': l.l(‘e}|:l1l"ll'n€‘llles(;l Szrriii-Hot: P8111 ‘L P"-@790" kn 3°’ l-"Cb. flo.,lnt‘a' t;?’holida)' ntiiesii ifrmigr ' Jutthnuthcir. ma , orthe Aqranccasgnt of Science. of Cohn-shin. \(;'*‘:h-‘P9; am. an. ,w.:m‘ of Kansas 3 risville College, Morrisville. is‘ here good sfchtcirilnr to svenéthe daughter. Ira. Warren Branhaln.-— ; . ., s - ‘ __’. _._. . . _.‘« . 2‘. . 5. . (W .. v 3 ._ _. . . . . ‘ . ‘ u. ‘ . , _ . 50“, of holly and evergreen: Dr. and )Its.- Dudley S. Conley Miss Sybil Jotmggn, 1419 R.-,,_¢_ L. l.lp.\‘coll‘Il-_ J ..__ at their home at \.:_‘t3m;no’t:1‘:‘;-er‘: Jags‘ ttutllrilc usitin: frat-nd:dur:niz~ the holidays_ 1): w Eff!‘ not Voileon avenue. 1 ' : 1‘ 1,. used. A large em. fvrlll entertain at dinner on Chriab 313?: lane, left 1“; nggtn go, no- 1201 Paris road. . BM“ .r“_cm ;,&mrd“_. E. M_ “mm”. “mm of the nu‘). Mrs. Elizabeth H. Gibhany. .'li-; Try . u‘i“"‘”°un'_;";;m ‘d : ‘ H ‘be fntemny pm Wm hu,‘ 2!; 1).’. {of the fouawing tuu‘“.1r',n,-‘ Kn,” u, spend the Christmas A Y gm” Jr R Kwmdinn we . . _--- .'I‘ribune. will give a possum dinner lfllrian at the Columbia llltllj . end 0f ‘be dllndnl N00» Pm K3‘! C0«f|lt')‘..Nr. and ‘lira. S. .h?‘fd’3’3_- 0" ll" Nu-W“ 35¢‘ “'3” h,.!3du).; ‘..“h'hi5" m}.,_,‘nm‘ Hr" amd Charles B. Turner.‘ who has been‘ at .\tcAllister's Cafeteria tonight -- .. .. . the mcllbtrfi the follow- . Conle)‘. NIB: luttberine Conley, Vuut Ilms Dada Norris in Kansas ‘, , .‘ Y .l_ l .‘ _’ ' , in Bcdges. Oi-.la.. arrived vesu-rduv for the Tribune staff. ' ta will be P3'¢5¢“‘~3 333995 uh‘ s“"'l' C9393‘. Garland and Cil-."- . um‘ 3 . 1500 mks“ fl- .t«~ :".pt'ml the holidays at his home - -- °" ”"Z‘° B‘“‘.‘“" ”"“5“ s‘“"°"‘ . ‘l'- “'4 95"» Will 1 . ‘ ‘ 3;. ll)i.-(tix‘.it““h W PM “"“’” at ton Fa:~' street. ‘. Mr. and Mrs. 1.m..n 3!. Price . Mary he-ra ltampschmidt. 90311:)’. Stu». Flora cont”. uh, John l-. Rhodes of Kansas City is ' _‘ . - . elk.“ 51(,nd.,- to ,-pend Q“. 50134.,-5 “ ” Simpson’ hm? Comnny" “gen C‘_“‘l°)’o Mrs. C. B. Miller, 5p‘ndm3 “K (-_"l“'l“u’“’ h°"d‘5'-" “" “its 513” Quin, 1,.“ md”. ‘M. .\lr:v. linracc F. Compton of Seat- * with relatives in Chicago. _ ' Kathryn -\')'keS. Surmund Bal.- Hun Data)‘ Killer. Mimi Katherine “*8 (nest of his father-in~law, Dean 9 ’ . "f. Id “ ‘ _. ,h. ..h ..C tie is visiting her daughters. Ann _ ‘ ' — _ h a d " . Sara Ann Wheeler. Lucille Millcr._ Dudley and Q(.i,,n‘ Mm" Walter Williams. 102 t3len\'.'.»od.av- ‘pr:?“(:.e “.‘“ \.. K. .‘ lF‘l¢x.““‘m"” ::::d Kzsthryn. at Stephens College. Mr‘ lrwm S‘’'’‘"'l°''' ‘08 S°“u‘ g; M=nhF31;=r::*§h‘ra‘-33°». W‘ G-*1-ad Broadhesd. §"!;§-_°*1r=-edR*-»dcs and dwnhtvr $3.2 }.,'.i.;”,..-,’,."‘,{"‘.‘.’,,.,§',.{‘§‘,{"{’.I1I w-emu. 3—» -. - . ~—.+- ' ‘J " ' Dgyand ll 0 . er- -——-—- V-I lrI'i\' some time ago. , . _ Z ,' ' _ “ ~~--- ' - 5.;-*_ (-;t_.._ ('g,..;..1;, g,,u,,,_ M,,,.-s lit. and Mrs. Chester A. urn Mr d V B -R T I L"‘‘’”-‘“-‘- > _J _.\_xr.-. W. B. Wilson or Tulsa is f . , Pub‘ Luin M0,-_,, Rob,-.9“. 30. are \ ting their pamnua. Mr. ‘N! him. ant F. Thsc . ate. anid . ‘ O “.‘ A. Cm“.h,_\, and chm vi.-2llI|lL' her mother Mrs. R. B. Gor-. 3." . Walters. Eleanor Hulett; and ‘ "3. - 5- 348.11‘. and Mr. and Mrs. fin O an 0"‘ ‘mi’ 8.1"”. dren of Aslwvill: .\'. (‘._, the d""- 3” 9“ J“‘‘‘‘‘~‘ "‘"-‘*’l- °"", lb“. ~ ' - esterday to spend the (hrzstnur. hmidm , 0“ Tf h_ _ _ -_ i,u;;.g3\._.~_ ; . 1 _ Lu s . r. u palems, - , I I’ l-‘rank Wha.-tea, Lee H. R. Jackson. over the’ holidays. 5 - . 1 Phillip Cotton. James Mr. llarr graduated from the Uni “"0” mm Mrs’ ‘hm 5 mmnm ‘he 1- 'i'nin Garlic, Dean and John "°T5lt)' Law School in 1907 and iii Rev’ ‘"1 Mn‘ “2 S’ 51' Clair‘ 612 . Frani: Mapcl. Claude 'l'hom- "0’-" Pfltlicinx law in hlinn l’ - . _ . 0;. 3 gn‘ Minn. upon 6. in Skin;‘“ ‘wun~t‘_ a-gem and .\tr:. 1-. \\. Pool‘ of ?tlll\vt'.ul~;f:t= is hi: mother, firs. 1-‘. A. lie.-nninger.. *‘*"* --- M”. Sk:nm., d;.ou, "0 Lnficgter {iv $.'l£('~It ul lzer daughter, .\lrs t‘. .\.':o:n'art roa . ~ ’ About dghry -gun“ have “M ‘L ’ md‘“. to “find ‘he h""*d8y; (. Bmvl:n',t. Blurt-.~‘ boulevard. ‘I. j snb '“V, “ A 1 I : xonx-nod Bennin. Campbell‘ Al- °°"‘°d l“Vll-3fi°“3 “3 ‘ ‘U dim?!‘ W with Mrs. Skinner's parents. .\lr. and Mr. and Blur. B T ‘rl A d - . «]--- gm,” ‘CfiLe3.rn‘.;f.cr i r. Bonfoy ilulett. William 5'’ (inn bfflias laura Gail Bow} gun A_ L p,.,.dL.,.i(.k_. - ' tn emu" "Q - 8 r } V‘ “T 5 e M 1 Fred A. H1-nninger arrived this‘, l’ie - . .- . ~. ‘ t 9‘ . ~ I . {J ’ : V ‘I 0' ' .. .‘ ‘,' .. ' :9 ' ' ('1 ’ ‘U il ' It i . 'A‘~.“ «A 2.,» -51" "Ii “" . '31: To ‘x ‘ .‘. . - . . ‘ r .’~ ‘ -' . - 2 '..' ~.:,---. - -.~ - - .'« . ~. - - . . .. -- . - 7 _ - ~ . ., ' ‘. __ I. .. W; - ‘. S .‘ ’.“ "-« _. ) _ ' . ~ _ ' . - _. ..., ._ - .. _a.':-...._._'aO~-.. L- ._ ..~~. V .- . -— -- .. ...~..l..-u‘.~.-- _ .. -.-. v -V ».".-.. . , . J ,_ ‘ -A -J‘ _ ‘e _ d. -k - -"- I-— -- .1 - ~ » V:-__- _''V-‘.-_, _‘ ' ,,_" .__,,_-,._,_-.>- _ _ ,._....._.—_.-~ —»~. -~«-——---- ~-—-- --— -- —»—-—— «---~ A -'*-----r—- >— - - -4~--v--— ->-- <----«~—-- o--o--«~-~~-- ~v- -eaaaevrae-e-.-v-.r-.-..ev.x9---sro. .-4.;-. .,,......., . _»_ - .- 4-" — U n. . .A . . H- . .. .. ....—..--. — . ...-.- -.—....——. .--—. ~ — . .r »_ .....- - .1 _ _.. . _ _ _ " .‘..V ' _ . . . . ‘ . K . 9 . v, ‘ - . « ‘ 5 V. I _ _ ' __ '4' 1 ‘ M V, '. V . _ ‘A ‘ :1 '\'.;f'(, - ‘_I -‘.Ls'