f 13.3 c sntcxs rm: Ema Teamwork of Western Men §,"""- "°"’.‘*? ”" ’ . .."$I."...i..;n. . Bat ' ' mm backfield on: Coach Hen- .~._ - - v—a-4 a«. . . .§...‘: lid ' 3."? E? W: 5 ’ i v gnerraaplaee -poebandartipuastroly as Ralph awaldo Emerson or or John . S. Commas-toner o . In iwho told the Zorld ahfi-jtroeently » at the eonven on tional mad’ Poor Society for F” The most important favorable fac- of .3 gnandqceng 15,111 g, in the tors in the present situation include: inflthers. Thereiaasnmchareinthemaking g. cm Sm. . painting of a picture. Doctor Turert ",3. V BY. Cal.—-Followers 0‘ avers. paying trihitfe ‘to the great ;’ “’ ,,‘,u,.u Coast I813 '9 °°”’ insentor, Thomas Edison ado ti! “”°‘”"'U' 8' C‘ laterialnnz. the’-dfixfera of which &'iaQaI DI? “filth” Cfh‘°rm'3;_ alien to h warning: {'0 ~ U. S.'C- it" d°“"" ‘nn °"r.md A three Presidents in succession- .uuu:d$r'~*:{*f;cm;: ""“ Woodrow Wilson, Warrt-n G. Hard- th¢¢°. 'd°““ " ing and Calvin (‘oolidgc-—he praises. no writer. howevcf. 6062 9°‘ "A r distinction has been “gig with the 3111307“? °P""°_"' ' drawn between the fine arts and the fiugth. . While Anderson and »America needs to be called to the That: are pollibli 3 lmk ‘u'°",§' realization tht there are spiritual..." . Tiger 335*‘ ‘M d’ '«\'irtue5 toithose things done by the l3V3""“" 3'59"" minds. for hand-‘":a.nnoti function has the center 0Y_9"~' hm‘ without m:nd.~:to direct." 33831100 9‘ u‘”°ud 1’ (x-mun To the end ithat there mat)‘ ix- 1Itt\'J1’’ 9”” ‘"5 of me “A more "Poets of the hand" to make- I'‘'''‘’’'' life more .-inzple and more bt-au'.3- Smith T333’ 1” ‘h“d_°f we Tm’ ful for those w"no cannot under.-*.an;i 51!! 393' la "finer? ‘ that other sot‘. of art. Doctor Ti- Itrlngthi At the end P°’""°"’ ‘be (en recommends sjocatiofial train-; . h in: for (-x-cry.-\mer"'tt-art. T.\'nt all the forward I'll} must Elk!‘ '1.” pxmfiz t}. it _bu{"h0 ‘knows. ht. can that Robb 54‘-‘“_’ d°" noiougge.-‘t.-. what artiu-ts may he dis- huk thmltfi on lather. 1""? covered with a little training. whose V073 I3‘ '3 °°“”d§7'd' uiswun power would haw been unlmovm lllllid HIV! the G43? '“_n” ””e'- > without .-rune help to bring it out. n'¢fi”l gr. 1? L. Q. C if we , To Edison he paid homage as "tho !" we . It ' ‘ ' ‘ an-atz st living: example of what vu- _ icmional education,-plus a thirst: for . cultural education. will‘acc')mplish." There are thousands of Thomas denon 1500!?“ km‘ Vb“ pin?" Edisons in the world to be discovered touae. P¢:'h931h3‘i{“l“"°“°“ ‘data u‘, h“ 3 mude“_,n“.‘ "in time, he promised. 1" 5"’ “'9 ""’5“” ““'° ‘ "'"" manic“: LHIIOV (‘RG1-S ‘ ‘hm, ' 31-un,Thi5 hoycnnthrow ‘ ° , '3 _ ‘ ‘ , . mm a I am Smm}. iassiio-n OI-‘fll._EGlSl.A1'I0.\i Whiteman. He is "CT? 7'5‘ “"5 Desires .\gencies~ Caring For Dis- ' . Green. a new man, thf?" abled lo Be l'nder Control of a 50-Yfli Pu‘ 9”‘ "““1“d "‘ ‘ \'eteram.‘.Ilureau. ‘ R. Otto Anderson and Bob under the control of the L'nit§d 1108!: all good men. Bob I1.-e _ Statt-:~ \'etoran.=' Bu.-eau. GKWW‘ ‘hf TV" kicker’ lmkfl’ If the Legion’: plan is approved if 50 N33‘ ‘9‘'-‘'’' “"73 "-m H" K1-t by Congress. the ma branches of the 13- Xatiional Home for Disable-d Volun- '4';‘i"K 5' 7'" P!'-''_ tt-er Soldiers ~.x-hirh care primarily ' ‘am d“Pll>° 3. hm‘ '_'9°‘" "1' ' for veterans ‘of the Civil and Span- Vflml 3”" u” T"’3“" bckhdd -11:11 American o'a_“s.~will (‘(ll119_l!Dd¢!' 5°93" 39‘ *5’ ii‘ :"b°"”' the management 70! the Veterans‘ }1‘¢‘b°7' ‘wk '‘”'k ‘‘'‘'‘h"' Rub" Bureau. Decision to spun.-‘or the “ §5'5"’°"" °“‘“' Anlwl S"“,: legislation was reached after a cu.“ ‘M wflwmd fs 1‘ thorough study of conditions in the w' b"_“'m5‘ Si’ ‘hr?’ ‘nd veterans‘ home. c.‘hu'‘h “ V” cw” mu’ {Or Rehabilitation officers declare h""‘u- ,6 b ‘that the inn-stig.z:.ion showed that ‘H 3:’ c :53: thousands of veterans. are receix-ing i”'’“" . _ ’_ ° treatment in these nonie.» toot I.‘ '7 n"u”’ “ ‘ 1”’ k‘d‘"' hm he no; up to ‘the _standard maintained in institution! under the direct - rvision of the Veterans" Bureau. the amazing : "'9 “'5” by C°‘h"°" Fate of the Legion’: recommenda- }’°" "°“’ iii" 5"‘ ‘'°“.'‘ ' w;,,:.: War \'ctera_ns legislation of ow“ MY‘? h T. .“ the House vs?’ Rl‘f)ft'S¢‘Y'.Y‘lXl\'€S. which tin; gm‘ mm :_e '8" '1 have been making ;; .\‘Jf‘\'()' of the $300: :13. . 8 £311: fiat Sudan-a oil it nu-audhliniaaaaanaanlfullau-to-l ‘gifity. laeelnrol ‘Son. and. (at can: :11 _ . iv ' I Only in the collective sober Jacl- § men: of business men can adequate ' he found against the in- the hope that making for inflation with of optimism wt If‘:-onfidenee goes too :ar in re-' P114‘ _ bllil nesa which regularly result from too " COLEllA.\"S mixu uurxnar l Pint um was . improved be-tween price. at {arm product; and . hound beams: condition and easy _7 Wishing All "a n::cnm;m2i.1924 ~ .- ‘ ltallch may oped“! Mint dthc pefiod ff: .":;:‘;‘.‘;.‘:"...'i.°T“'.;".‘.°:' .'.i:’.‘:..‘::.‘T;‘:-.-.-.-..!.-.1.-I.-.-.1.-.-. -.-. Millinery (l\lr.<. (‘lam John- son) demonstrated at different times in; V ._ V thelast twoy'elt"l- Afldmalh g g , ' cent reeond there is justification for .‘ That you; Chnstrngs 20' I v “W” “* fi.Mm I I 2 . I ~ . (I Christmas “nag , . . _ '_ E. pp: Phi (lmvl! u prevail in 1825. ’ will be filled with happ1- .. 3 ,,,;t,—, vnllvc-nu-r _____ . . _-" V ness and your New Year ,. .'_gy avenue. M! 'with good luck is the sin- e 3 g rations of hull}. C91?‘ “’iQh Of V: S‘; ’ H‘ of flu. iratcrnv. '5 -5 3 '3 ’ R’ E f 5 3 K , , ‘ -. .' », 93-, Sara Ann \ " . . _ fie Day and Milli: — '3 .— ' -' .« ‘= 'lI'li:: Hillard and Slflll .. ’-.. ‘- aon ( at.-. -H -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.r.-.r.-.r.'.r.-.-.-Mr mo]; \\'altrt‘.~. ‘llltiil 1, Jitk [Mt-( all. !‘vl:l-lIl\ 53-" 0v‘crslrcc1. Pl”"’i't ‘_~'_ Cu-;_c;~, Tom liiirlx. ~; 5 Parks. Fraiil. llupt-T 2'.‘ ‘at. Ben l‘:1)""’~ '~" ‘ Eugene Bcal. ‘lludl 1' Dunc.-itn, Arthur W: M3. .\'m-wnotl Be‘-rmi A.‘ obert Sa\\'I~'t"‘- M‘ 3_.nd M1‘. and .\lI't«. V‘ Cmfimms E f I E14 i l. I‘: ‘-é s-..-- —g.. . ~. ’ . . ‘ o I "'1':-on: a glad heart and an extended hand. accept our sin- cerest wishes that yours might be a V 0U‘ Happy Christ- mas! Reid's Boot Shop . .'4 Hum I}z'b.’r (‘Ir ’ 15 L‘1zI('rf(1ir1(‘(? ’ lira-. 1.. ll. \\'«-no Mjgg Alum l.lo_vd an . (‘ct-il Skull. l._\'mlvl Jucl; Mulutama. Jan May__tl1is Christmas a be your Merriest and ‘.71-°-" tor 1*m~d.v. ng.\-an '. this New Year vour 5‘ ;-‘‘’~‘‘ “’ ‘ _. or . Tom .\t'.1ll. 5' 6' ' 0 . —-V-'-“ ":- happiest! San(a ('Im(s l‘ Kiwamlsr (‘lab Tho anuu‘ nulsid 125:1 \‘i.~i'.v'I‘ Hall’ i was :apir1t".n thi- (iluli part)‘ at Mc.~\ last night. - V ‘ =I.’i~ l'larclw§Co _. V $u;.:e:..'.s.': :0 M.:.‘r.ta': rs»: 5’- l’rcscnt:- wt-r Claus. -A A p nimu instrutmntul usi: local Kiwauiiams an T’S an old wish but h never been said—— ‘ MERRY CHRISTMAS PATRONS and FRIENDS HARDY’S \'eternn.~' Bureau on soldiers’ , :—?+——-———-— * -‘A-r Ayn cgow 7313- ' lhome.-' “lh.'n‘.z;:'l1nut the country. IS OUR M0170 " _ . . : 2'. : .———‘————— 'I"arIera kid 3‘ - Because of Eigh Price ’ ' fa? mg ‘nation to rid oil lllé D3! which would be held andi normal eireum- ; af l- e i *3 ti 5% E‘; Illllllllll " 1 -V :0‘ . I. ‘ "'“.’:-o\ 33% ii i E 1 3 of; animals ‘now coming rs'pen1- ishette-rthan a_ they are still under no '- 3:: él» sfj“ l||||l||||||l|||||||l|l||||ll|| ti: 5 § \. st; 5 '3‘ Z 3 '2 *2 5 uuujgmmunlulullnlllu is . \ . - .' 3. i - ..-Js ... . - L 5 . . gig»- .. E 9%. 0 . V ' I-a-:;"/“‘_“ e.s13uurr HRIST numae ..;lll‘*i!*lmlli|l|l!lllllilllllllllllINil!lllllllilllllllllllllil ;; Ou.ub.,..n‘ .:' V‘. ,¢ \."‘,"(‘.«((((((lI‘o.- ' I ‘J.'.\ ‘U Christmas Be Merry ; and Your New Year Jillillll "llll|llllll"l|i't We deeply appreciate the kindness of our many friends in making the past year most ‘* successful for us and welcome this oppor- I tumty to thank each one for his good will and x‘ patronage. .......-............_._.a. ll! ll "l ulxtllsrirm We shall esteem it a privilege to serve you in the future as we have in the past. ' ‘ Tiitiis‘Iaiuii1iuiflni’”"’” _, .,.,,,'..4.o-o—~o- o. --.- .. O _ . ‘ ' ‘*-.?'«1es3“~'*~t"‘~.=‘ 'r.'*"‘$.«"‘ ii ‘ 4.-‘O '3,~..¢;.t3;:; go,» *’~.3$§ _- . e at - - .s'r.ca'n-(;;-mm V V TaI.'c.s I’1ac(,' '1 TM’ marriage of to llo\'.:~.1v' Jay CH lzomp of 111- bride‘ ms ('i'..\~ ~’ ‘ l‘v’ I C ' , (f 3‘. ulnl “lb. 90' i ‘ grrtiduzilul Trtvhl ll? ‘ .\ .4 _x' , O '\V/ ’ q_ I ' i‘ 3 ' ’ Os '\ son’s greetings. AY 1925 be your happiest and may we be able to serve you faithfully and well. i in ]£l'.£'.£. Tlu-_v will in Kull.‘-uni City. ‘Miss Helen Q Weds ..lainc.s' ('.h(‘:st(-:' Monti 1 Exchange National Bank ‘ ESIRES to extend to all its friends and 1)::t1'0ns the sea- fzirm ti’,-ur \\'¢omll 7'a.(.(‘.s' (‘('lr:l*r» .' "Goldzrn Wcdt "' Mt‘. zlltd .\lr.~. -‘Colt. K;ui.. mri to spend the hol l‘.~‘. \\'. F. St Mn-ct. (‘olmnbiu Mrl-a. Tau-'.~ mot Will utit-lid the‘ "lV(‘~l'dill')' ct-lt-lm mirunts, Mr. nmi llollsvillr today Dr. mid Mrs. Vi:-giniu zivctiuc (7liri.~=l.inn.~* gum-‘ ‘N-it gun. llr. (' and most prosperous year, — -ai-1..-—...«...J-o.a o..- . an ‘-5-.-fifi - ‘ -‘_' ‘ V .\.. 4 ‘ '. Join our 8th Annual Chrishnasv‘ Savings Club and be certain of ‘money next year. + . High School at .3,‘Dld (irecnt-. who; 7 lgl____b_tanford I Claujiate, Phil] I . . - . . _ , . . . _ ’ -Q3...-jq ...- o v. I ‘ ‘ . . , . ‘ . _ - - ' ‘ ‘ .'." -‘ . ' ._’n' . a A... . . . . an A. It .‘-'r$" _ I