LAST ON. _iI‘71u2 PVhgr= §§‘of(]wrlWbmkiA ' ......:°.-:*,..-;.:.-:; 3.1. . bernint. a dispatch from 8°00 not ». 11.. Baltimore 5 Ohio nail:-cod is tanning dictionaries on h'ains_te . niodste cross-wold P1330 40- whee. ‘fig Italian aviators were killed machines --§1 lninemenbes federal income- returns in haVlD( 83 imP°*'u"‘ Philade . y Fsrsccini declared yester- . du at Turin. Italy. that Falcilll ll 7 fig 3 more compact form than ever ‘ jgou and does not fear opposition. A box of matchea sold for 83, and fig: prices are in proportion in the u. ' where '_. @ deposits of gold have been Vfind. P5’ newsps practically all Japanese naval; have ' ‘ T e a an to kill her crippled 6-‘Later-old ‘lite, police declared yeterdey. ’ issued in‘; — j ‘u fttllll V- ] Cnment. while he in visiting Am-3 .3 haeaador Ilorgan at Rio de Janerio.f ‘manual to :91 £1 one hundred 91508‘! and men from fine: were 8189.20. crate believed to have drowned to- .5 .44.‘; to an gm dug,‘ the z.‘.hy when the Japanese special ns-‘ ya, mm 433_ i5i’*3*JNAinEiiKNfi5iu; tn THE BEST TEN ““‘ %£fiVciLvwfiEE§?&u2Pmn A! i 2 5 .5 .5: utoebards. “I would rather; kiIlamanthanshog."hesaida!t-gu“ i Depression caused by.heIV5' ‘O93’ T M 1).,-_ ch,-g,.g,,,., 1).,» mm d New Year's Day are the only ° day: observed by the public li- '"“ hrary of Columbia 30 n I. A A law is being sought in Hissouri ; ‘ ' from pro» u from selling! itswalla.8he ~9OMPE‘RS:AiF (nF1.1JaA1uEnL DIES IN TEXAS w Wes Being gfiixrried Out of Mexico, When He Hmmrlmumlsthm .gd 5%‘ i; E .5 255?; 535;? 3 ‘E; S I at gggagaggég 255%: E :1 éaieieiil gig? Q i 1 5:‘: 38339:: -- . -. - . ,‘ every indies-’ spend a 5535 ‘eon. e working list for the re-esnvasr the business section Tuesday The library has two sources for Christian Genther the secession of books: by purchase Von Be:-nstorfl. only son of the {ob r and by gift. According to Kiss Wil- ‘~ her ambassador to America. ac-i lie’ thing him of usurious practices. ~ . . i we General Pershing will be ‘at ya”. Ei‘hty.°m extended t . ornlng. . Pceons wbovieb to contribute in the work by making out their check: without solicited. Checks "1 lic Welfare Society and sent to E.’ F’ cunt’ ers were notiliedi of Bpeaher Breath! of the.chlef's condition at that time! Alpha Pl Zeta.- also. and numbers of men and wom-3 1).-, Arnold wolf." of aeiaaburg i tn been to crowd the corridor‘ Univeraity. Germany. or when it the room on the third floorlhas been said am “if he is not A rld ._..?.g___:.. TELLS 0!’ ‘Pill!’ '10 EUROPE individual members in any one con- tent. Cape to Bear Schools‘ Na-es. name of the winning school. and the experiences presdons of. Europe in an interview school winning it (or three eueces- llahed ' ' .in Ge Just arti-‘evening. Decem {Physics Auditorium under the sue» I mu ‘n 3:45 ahd 4 o'clock,I piees of Alpha Pi Zeta. l yearawill . shield will go to the school winning °°"'|’;"¢"'|P°‘*"°*'-ndofooe; noaorwouuunsuaaanoré .?: g 5%: 32;? E3; verslty. was notified this morning . ' that eop , Coolidge yesterday of an education 173:: com: aagg £5: :_ E E? co- 5 gr 3 liiis i "%s:'§‘3’ EFEE 5% am & eigi £2 E“ fill: II E ii lz.§ tligi l a§'§ 5 E 3' E“ :5 2" cl t '7 ,2!!! A {I , ;L LuwnLmmuzDum ie'clock this morning after heroic Goalperebcasre illinllexieocityeflorts to ease his liie. There. ll!dVllf'IIhOd*hfi50Cl'lIn§\Qc0&l6®dp gum 5.41 1.59.5 oi the heart. t ‘ “At 2:80 this mornint 5% 0'--' last words. ‘N ‘ ,Aggrersted Ills Coedltioa.§"‘“‘l" '°' '1” '“"'“" , - - “°°°""" ‘° D" W’ F‘ °°°"'? TO ELECT HEAD ‘here {from enco: _ ~°--W - *.::...°~ FOR A. F. OF L. half and: _ _____ _ ""” "“‘;Contest for Gompers’3"' a” “':,°'u,, labor leader on gene to at-‘ Place MayAffect i Organization. c: career. _ Election of Gunmen’ temporary death, ' o'clock f or lies with executive atabo l o I A‘ s lthe council to elect eoneone to ieomplete Gomp-ere’ term until the seven that time until his? president of the federation. Ind RP- ! reaentstive Shortly before 8 o'clock all metn-. ere‘ Union. appears to be the moat of Golnperr can and offi-ilikcly candidate for the interim ears of the American I-‘ederstion'appointment. of Labor were awakened by W ' ——-°—':' and a United States immigration-8Wl88 HDONOIIST WILL officer. who stood guard at the door, LECTURE HEB TUEDAY rid!!- Crisis In Germany Will Be Subject -3’ general Euro ; of Labor.-heis eertainlytbehestiaterpreter went into hlschiefsroomat 8:80 e(it,"willepeaken"'l'hePb|ltleal, no statement atlflconomic, Social and Moral Crisis‘ ;§‘ 5} ‘ii l:s'l:é.?c .7 ii Qt ;; 2;: _ P‘ ' -' ~ i .“ ‘ Zr 7. .,', . v . i '4 '.~ ' ~. .- .. H’ ' V.‘ ' ‘ . ' w 7" o , ' ‘ ‘ - . . ASSOCIATIONS p :nrnntEsEm¢rE1> Organizations Wishing to Join State Growers N.R.Pmnihwm'Dmx Problems Are Discussed held in. Columbia. yesterday. Representatives of many co-open ‘now funeti 259' 3 ail Eéé gill: silliiis ? azservs. lliiiifigfé , ? Hi ltgllilfir. If ill if ' ' -S‘;