vgavsnrasnrn man , .Sl'.XPAGE8,«I800LUMN8 8, 1924 NUMBER 8) TIGER TRAINER RESIGNS FROM POSITION HERE {Dr. 0. L. Clough to Leave Jan. 1 for Northwest State Teachers’ L College. Succi-zsson Nor NAMED‘ l Has Been Connected With : |:The Way Lo! Our World Leo Koretx has decided to plead @ty and take his medicine for his §oNXl.000 oil swindle. flcnry M. Dawes. comptroller off ; the currency. intends to resign soolul R W said at the White lioure yes-, ._ , 1 ..._..o¢: on-_-Q Q oo--—:—..‘ } Three ’ its took ‘between eighty and ninety thousand dollars from I po.-toffice at Mooscjsw. Winnipcir. Monday night. 1 ‘Activity has been noted recently. in tho crater of Popocatepctl, Mexi-f PllySlC8l D8- ‘-5, lil.000-foot volcano. Explorers‘ are unable to ascend above the! partfirnent‘ for Two snow lint-. , ; Years. Doctor \\'ills. a noted liberal of ——--—- c”mm)._ 5“ beg“ gppoinugd 3;. Dr. 0. L Clough. instructor in an ‘M0,. to 3 trainer of two countries into more’ harmoni-; nus relationships. | fifteen passengers from ti;-1 l.e- at ~' t ‘- it h ' ' . kl:-“.\hn¥(I:h‘r:U;:1'I'[l:lK“ll0l)I:plnju:'ln f°"’°' °l l’hV'l°‘l °d“°“’°“ ‘Pd l‘lt'(‘l\'O."d in a two-day storm, when h"“‘l °‘ ‘he d°l""'"‘°"t' the vessel docked ye.-ter y. ‘ Uhloctort Clqlllfll 1'18‘: ‘:°¢:er“-1;-$9 it has been Provost-d that Mus- ”""°"" 3" """'° 9 w ' ' clc Shoals be under perpetual g0V- H” 1”"; {mg lb‘ Un:o{'"'"’ nmwm mm”. but that the Sec, of . etads w ere. e was p essor lrlctarv of War should be allowed °f l’hy"°‘l °d“°‘h°n‘ to ;..',_.,.. the property to priva lie received his A. B. from ..,,...,,,n',..,.. g Dartmouth and after receiving his T”.‘l"“ 0°n“'lmost sections A - reesc extends south-to Nebraska and Io-; t’cpit>'. told an audience assem lins. Temperatureaareabovefrees-= The lecture was to have been ing in Missouri and Kansas south-* given in the Physics Building but 7" ward. ‘it is on the turn to colder; such a crowd gathered that it was Villages and farms are more pro- 0- d°¢’°’-‘l we u"3'l_‘"d Md’ l;fic breeding grounds for bad boys C0119“ h“ '““‘'d l_'‘ °“ " ‘hm the my pm,;,m,m_., “amid ogcareer which has led _him into? K boy,» n.c..“.i(,,. ',xp..n of branches of athletics add physical (-h....:1,,,,d dwhred ‘I ‘ C-bingo education allover the United States. ‘.,,,_f..,..,,...._ _ H Worked at B-ayloré‘ I _ _ ,_ ,- ' 0 is first position was at yor- ia‘ ‘$.'§.'2n"5“".§ °.‘.’§.°.'-'.‘..'2t...’.T?".I..” were in Waco. ‘res. Next he. gmgmn and’ ” bu... went to the University of Southern; pun_mM_d by Hm”. Ford “.1 id“ California where.h.e was trainer and, be added .0 hi” comflgon of Nflmtrnck coach. “hilt officiating in l_.M,hmd nmiqu” ‘this latter capacity he worked with} ' . . such men as H. P. '. ormsr: .3‘2:..3::.:*;::,..::.::::*’::"<::...::.~':; ma Mr.-+ prohibition prosecutions, pus ggmpggdhuiggr 3' >’- °"°""'“~'. tificd that Gun 0. Natidns tried _ h , _- to it-it investigation of the activi- F"'"‘ “"5 P°'m°“ 9 ‘mm mm: live: it his mcn in Kansas City. (fliuriic Chaplin's bride is only 16. according Angelcs birth statistics. According to edu- ctttiunal laws of California, she will lzttvc to "keep up with her studies” either in school or with a tutor. E Gm. John J. Pershing notified James A. Drain, national comman- .\l. icnl at Providence. R. l.. a o . Ore. After three years of this wo he wont to the Multnomah Amateur‘ Athletic Club in Portland and from there to Washington State College where he was physical director and trainer. While at this school be trained. .' '. l der of the American Legion. that; :3” P*"_i_lhlil: "Crag chsmpti;n‘s ":1: he does not want the Legion to from B J‘n"uu_,'m 1. ‘"5’ mskc any move to have him re- stored to active duty. in the army. Piirln ' ix-ports‘ sfy thit' will ask for R0 or 90 years in' rown on after the eastern school had beaten the war broke out Doctor air _service missioned as a captain. He held the position of physical director and assistant fiight surgeon of his division. “ . rate beginning at 2 1-2 per cent. pro-' coded by it moratorium of from four to tt-n years. ' The IT. 5. S. Utah. carrying the tr.-cricun dclcgation to the cen- tennial of the Battle of Ayacucho. to be cclcbra in Peru next Thos- tiay. sailed from Panama yesterday.’ Gcncrnl Pershing is, a member o thc delegation. _ An intermediate rt-formntory for first offenders has been sug- ::c.-tt-d for Missouri to take care of the young men and women who h.-ivc violiitwi a criminal law and who arc too for training schools. but too young for the ‘penitentiary. o . . o-.:—‘_—.— _—¢ . "It's All in the State of Mind.” Among a number of good golf '!l0ri¢'.-t told by the famous profes- sional.'Jsinc.~ Braid. is one concern- ing it crusty old gentleman. gouty as well as golfy. who happened _to be playing ow-r ll course through irh. in front of II gr;-en on the utward and inward halves. there an a fine. clear crystal brook. Francisco where he was physical director. From there he went to Nevada and then came to Missouri. Doctor Clough has been success- ful here. This year. particularly. he has kept the football team in good shape and has been responsible for the speedy recovery of some Jminor injuries which might have l)t'(‘0!I‘l(' worse. liis successor has not been named. .__.__..:_.: TAX EXEMPT PROPERTY IN MISSOURI WORTH $546,281.19? Greatest Amount in Cities and ll)‘ l'hllld . JEFFERSON CITY. 3.- ‘, Property exempt from taxation in Missouri under the constitution is UM, mm. "insure m 5” an ban; valued at $546,281,197. according to sail_ai-ro.-s and land on the green ‘ ,"“;""m°m by the “nu a‘ com’ .,pp,_m(,_ ‘ . ; mission here " “Beautiful m..m," he remarked.‘ 7”’ ‘"8°" "°,’" °‘ l”°P°""" “llow glorious it is to have such at “med "‘ 'Ppr°xlm“d" ~‘mo'°w" '. coolinir. crystal stream run-* 0.00 helm" w um.” ‘Dd "*"" ""“"“' ' W" °°°"°-" 3.’;’i1"".i§»i;°o33° 330"’ '.'.'f‘;.“§‘.'2'i..‘.?’.§ 0 h . o s s . " i " 7”’ l"°“' ‘h’ ‘M ’°n°'1 County. p r Other items include property of private s ial government schools nd universities. School funds are also exempted. m SERMON 1'0 BB BMJADCAST Walter’ M. llaushdter Will Speak Ov Ftfflllln _ hed out with thisf P“bl"° bles: ' "°h°°l’ "Who the deuce could play on a course with a sewer in the middle_ of it?” ' . Th 0 9 _ . e Higher Skill. . been thc light touch—thc words, came in a dream. ’ er Radio Sunday. The title the Rev. Walter M. And set me musing on our eon- Haushalter has chosen for his ser- . ‘"7’ h""'- _ trnon Sunday morning is “The lnxentln. heavy. sddins N “'9 ,9” ginning and End of All Peace.” The -0‘ ‘how «fund. as If in could "'9 sermon will be broadcast through , d“"“ g 7 station W08 at Jderoou City. ‘Their souls ourselves. by some more‘ Mn Ann‘ m '5, - drastic scbem , _ I charge of~the music. has announced Than that which £3’ within the any 4” mun.‘ ‘in an u ‘h. 0}, A 5'3“ 07 3 ', fertory “Christian the Men ‘Breaks lid while we hold conItrainiu._ 5',¢u,. 0-,, 1-5.." by gun’ gfi We -Weed - tMiss Honors Bailey stay as the '79!’ your own others seem! lf )1 "ct One there was Who touched all 1’ mm -———o—-———- “ human ' ..:7puksLd‘s Publidlag lucsms ‘lbs. ' em . 1 . h . « ',’,",f:“ """._,”°"',,,__" "’ "'°"i witsnixcrox. Dee. 3.-13- When will liis ‘far-of follower's’un-lfln °' G°"°° ’°‘. “M1 busidcs man.’ for at ‘His Great Physicianuaed no other skill ' ' ‘Tor when-the dead on raised and sulferers healed, ' C la-yiienanua l pahlicihflllt t‘w‘as dlsarssed todayhfiky Jflia lflillulntllenlltlktmi read-ethe Master took them by ‘ the band! ' . I‘. ‘- l V ‘. 7 I " t_-~";“_--‘:_.£§ah-.b‘s . s A"‘.‘.' ~- f‘? k’: PR1cEFUNE1%§tiI organized baseball, msnn1‘iigilr,igrt¢l:lt;l38l the ho | Tim "sped ma hkh ntufl in’ set as the party was to be slliit tiff A . and the press has story of his life. us—8t. Louis rim. 3 W“- hckwn Can.’ NHL ‘and very young in his outlook.” p,_, The servic we l and state‘ v—1 lrestraiaiagBecretarydOa'hus-'m 51:0 -- -I ‘internal l.erenue.Blsii-‘frummsk Ufifitiflld vieinityzfiai utfsuowlstetof turning l : night Thurada ;eoh|er mon- I ..., .;..'.... ...i...,, ....”g.,..... ARE DESCRIBED to freezing. L " __ ‘ new Missouri: Rain tonight and? R- C-gm“ W333 Member uraday: possibl mixed in orth f ' ' ' portion with .....’.; colder misfit; O xpedlnon Makmg westandnorthportiolmaadesst. 3G°Vemment and south portions Thursday. Survey-_ More or less overcast and un-;. '1"- aettled weather prevails in most ofl LARGE CROWD ATTENW the country from the Rocky Mo - _———_— ' :3 to or llfilltgillliclshand in thcl Many Hear Him Discuss tory rum i to the‘ . lakes. It is raining overo parts of .. Threemonth Tnp of Texas, thence rtheast to’ ' about lndians: snow is falling over Along . much of the northern section of the the Colorado. Rocky ‘Mountains northward yin ‘ ——— ‘ Canada. Amounts were light to mod- 'Th°‘G?lnd C8010!‘ 01 1110 C030- gngg, gugpg . W’ “in {.11 “ rado River is the grandest type of (;;ly¢.ggn_ ran ‘expression of the West.” R. C. - Moore. a member of the faculty of the geology department of the Uni} '3, ma... gag tg an ‘gum. .,,d- in the Agricultural Auditorium last south on the coast to South Caro-= mcht. in the water-n Canadian provinces. necessary to move to the Agricul- Data for Columbia: Highest tem- tural Aufitoriurn where practiallyl perature ye y was (6; lowestgevery scstwss filled lllt lllthln 41: PNG.'lPl‘|l5°0- 0-09-i Doctor Moore was a member of a One year ago highest, 48; lowest.‘ mu). ant mac .1" mp do". 6‘ 393 P’°°iPll-‘“°“- 041- -Colorado River last summer for a goternment survey. The party. eon- :ized by the United States |csl Survey to study the canyon £- 4 nection with irdfition. flood eon- IS tion of the Colorado River in . itrol and power "development. This ,expedition proved to be the third successful one to traverse the en- tire length of the canyoir.’ - - ‘ Radio Only Communication. Offlclatesf i The party gathered at Flagstaff, Simplicity and statellness marked A"""- °“ A“3"“ 1923- funeral services held yesterdayl“‘"" d°‘"‘ “"3 °"'Y°“_ 59¢“ afternoon for R. B. Price, Sr., st'.d”" D°°"°’ ¥°°’° “’d ‘hi me of hi. hung”. u"_ four boats which were ‘carry it. Willis. at 1314 East Broadway“ “*9 "W! W’ flu "'0 11,, R,“ “vat” g“,h.m.,._; decked over With. open coekpits la‘ pastor of the rim, Christian‘ 0"!" *0 balm ‘"01 the coma” Church. conducted the ceremonienl "h’°h ""7 3”" "'°"ld 5‘ '°“°°‘"’° Tl! f ral uall i -1 “"4- ‘iv: “M V” mm. y mm” ‘boats was carried a two-tu Many Friends at Service-— W. M. Haushalter that the rah-dam _' sisting of ten members, was organ- v Among the supplies in the 3.3. radio 3,‘ h 3 _ pt; 3, in Q, .from he outside world for sevuul w ic r ce was old e, l , "3 ll nu community war-efihhown bythclarge ‘"939 ‘ll ‘ ”""~'- °°'' . mu, u,,"_.d1 that the party probably heard an 0‘ ""0" vb. “ ‘t: the of President Warren G. 9 to pay their last respects to him 9,, ,,,.,5°,,_ , qq ng as soon as anyone -1 40...; ;,,.;..,..; tarough.use-ot l.hl.I.!‘IdlO. - want to believe that r. Price 1.? “one cotor-do is the most 3 no longer living.” said the Rev. Mr.g of western streams. You must hit‘. Hana r. “We should think off the rapids at the right point in the. him as living another‘ life that is’ head.” he continued. urine thll OM? even sr superior to the one he: boat failed to do this and caP‘ll¢d.§ lived so successfully on earth." ?the occupants being thrown out: services were opened by Mr.‘ and forced to ride the boat upside. Baushslter_with a short but impres-, down thronxh ‘-119 VIP? 5- sive prayer. in a room that was cov- ~1-he .111, mam" ;,,¢,-¢.;,d-:3, 9'95 Vml b¢l“tifUl fl°!'ll OWN“ height after we left Flagstaff and ifl8‘8- The It-I530)’ "19 I hut!-'3 soon towered 1,000 feet above us." “"33 ‘ll fl°"¢"5- Fl" 13780 P0003 be said. In a great many placesl :3.-it! fil‘l‘ed ;ith a 0; tuhh, the walls nose sheer above them. ce. r. sus r s c; Md bun ‘ad by ur. price m of. Pictures of Trip Shown. ficlate at his funeral services. . «I kn.‘ ohm howand Doctor Moore explained eachJ much I thought of Mr. Price." hel°'l° t° the Cl’ . aid‘ and this ‘ think u the mum ‘ slides of the unusual points along; for the request. One should ex-~ . '"°°°l°. "°"h°'l press his praise for a man before he1 “mam” °f lb‘ l’°‘"t7 °f lh°' i‘ dud. imtud of ‘net I conldlcapyon. After the slides a IDOUOII: tell of many things that Mr. i>r'iceJ"°“”'-' “' ‘ °‘"* ' has done, but you and the others of 75°" ""9 9* “"5 810118 “*9 (hlumbh know 0! than u we" "I river. in one cave were found 'traps.| .13.“, mm the . shovels and other camp equipment.‘ 1 mg“ “L gm...‘ 5 roved interestiru because; ever. that Mr. Price was more than the"? V 8 "0 700073 Of the Fifi!‘ ; maker; in mg . '.11.g-ound._.¢ ‘ ever surviving and coming out 0 He was a lover of nature. C1530“ Ind Ln‘ 811 P|'°hl:dl>lllt!; is party must ve pcris I At the mouth of the Little Colo-‘. prayer. and the long procession of . rado River. cars moved slowly out Broadway to. and the Grand Canyon proper the Columbia Cemetery. where the] gins. Mi Moore said. Here the‘ burial services were walls were mostly granite rock and much steeper. At this point difficult; rapids to cross were encountered.-‘ From here it often was necessary. to line the boats or fasten a rope? to them to keep the rapids from; °r l l I 1 -3 l .—.:_%___.—.. BUGBE8 $18113 «THE R. 0. T. C.‘ Professor Prom Kansas Schooli gastieas. 3 stream. 7 f iii’ U ' . 5'00!“ nnmeyl O u mun“, Then‘ of the canyon ‘by mules p w °'l’leslsointenbtorneatand con-lU°‘f’“‘ °{"”¢‘”7°“- i‘l"i“‘l"" fer with Col.Carl H. Miller. iro:n,P9¢=tbl°t°r°tr-¢0¢he°°m°°“l* Omaha.whowillarrlveheretohy"""°"- o gglgiiéi 5 ‘ NEW MUSCLE SHOAIS PLAN IS FORESEEN ‘Administration Abandonsi iiais Plans to Send Project ‘“" Back to Agricul- tural Body. Form WON'T Renew OFFER 1 Friends .5: Manufacturer ’ 33.2, t Pi. . WASHINGTO N. pend. the ill Cl!!!-1 position of the project at this us. ‘c0MWT1TY’"‘l IS LIKE BUSINESS’? "* ‘° Neighborhood Must Work -Together to Succeed, V _ ' Bays Morgan. “What Happens when munity Gets Together.” was the subject of a lectusu given by Prof. B. Llterganatameetingof the Ridgeway Community Club held at the Bidgeway School at 7 :15 o'clock night- Professor eoiamuuitY hers in Morgan likened the to a corporation whose ust be present to re- rgan. If the community does not have a definite goal and getter nothing can be amoniplisbed. Preceding Professor lectur'e,.the Columbia High School orchestra played four a welcoming talk by Miss Anna Pin- ley. The fifth and sixth grad sang three songs each. Mrs. J. C. Griffin. president of the Ridgewsy Circle of the Parent- Teacher Association. told of the Flfpose of the meeting. She also told of the Christmas tvspini. To children. she said, Christ- 1 mas means Santa Claus and gifts, but -to the grown-u . and better spiritxrather than doesnotgetto-: . l l I l sion. Senator curoi, ‘-er. announced wh that no effort would track the proposal, a;_ convened 1 Republican lead- en the l '”._°Tl8ilially planned. $9!!! \\'ou't Renew Oder. 3! U Press. ' D OIT. Dec. 3.—-Henry Ford I l l v i .Centralis and Sfurgeop exce in the l l 2 . . V 1 will gifts and giving. _ Miss Laura Allen. chairman of the program committee. spoe A number of slides were sbown,It3r'iefly upon the closer co-operation ’ between the school and the commu- j ‘I They were! nity to bring about better under-“ sta ing. A ‘live Christmas tree." growing on the school grounds was lighted with electric lights during the pro- ra last it lighted just before and during the lcsrnpsign. The money will be sent. ‘MISSD . _'I0 l 1 u Qrhtiaa Church. Tonight is set apart by the NABY OMBANIIATION - BOLD PRAYER SBRV Mrs. II. A. ltakustr Announces gram to Be Given Tonight at ICE is... p n‘- V tional board of the Christian Church '38 :night by ltbe Ch‘ l ‘G. r:. 5s-ch A I Relief ’ day. l present the Women's Council rtstian Church. Mrs. D. A. Robnett. presiden local council, has announced following program: Do-vuusus. . Representative of Near East Relief du Golden Rule [inner ar- rangements for the Golden Rule» u_ ‘nner to b‘ at the Daniel Boone Tavern di e thousa and say senate must come *.-.*:.:.':.:?'.".‘-I..°'-I.."°.-:"'.~.::.:*. to Him With Prop- » osition. litnu. Miss Edward T. Kralt. field repre He is supervising the be held tomorrow a mission has about. fGolden Rule Sunday. Col. ;Vandiver. local _ Near East Committee. will not renew his offer for Muscle. that they hoped to have chairman of W . said today he one on which the Women's’ onary Society of each church’ of‘ t of the ‘,0 I In. I ‘ _ jg.‘ I ._ ne. 3.—Ad- E. r. iuutrrr A ' -' g.mhtny,°uphmt°un€dth. BRISES liBR»., 0; ad 1 {ins Musele_Shoals bill back to .... uni .3: 5533-3 ltricultursl committee for‘ W.‘ It-¢|:;I0 Y1” ~furtber cdnsideration were aha .‘ . fir“ “ma go" 3’ 9140009 today. forecasting final l ight g l fifty nd orphans under its care is sponsoring the movement W. for D.- the Sb°‘1‘v 38 N-'All'l‘Qris E-:c'c'pt Ceutralia sad 31 Set Subscribe Amount of Drive. . The last 82.20 needed to raise the quota assigned to Boone Cou nty. Pl-Gd. Salvation Army Drive was‘ _ 5503503"-lcontrlbuted this n"’B-"‘ W‘ Si‘ The Quota of Boone Count)’ out-, P.“ sideofcentralis n fplaced at $1.090. Centralia "_ Sturgeon were morning. and was suppos to raise l 8300 between them. This smouiitl was not raised by these two towns. according to _Dr. chairman of the J. B. Cole, county drive. X row nig ht. Mr. Dsnsfourth recently fl‘- turned from a trip to Armenia and C Greece and is familiar with work that the American Mission is doing in that section 0 »Q——:-——- WHITEMA.\" IS 1925 CAl’l‘:ll:\‘ frigers Choose Halfback or; Sammy Whitcmsn Valley Fame to Lead Them. in Missouri. football csptsin. A lillf t noon today the 20-year f the wu rid. l n . 8Cf|- P db; tative of the American Near East» Mission. arrived here yester. ..__ at-7..(4-rm. ECONOMY WILL REMEDY SAYS COOLIDGE President's Message Congress Advocates Conservative Policies. to “FARMER News Manger" A -' . Sale of -M_t'isc__l’e "Shoals and Consolidation of Railroads Are Re- commended. lly roiled Prue. WASBll\'G‘l‘0N. Dec. n- gress' most important duty is to re- governmant and is annual message to the national leg- islature today. “The government can do more to remedy the economic ills of the people by a system of rigid economy in public expenditure than accomplished through any other ac- tion." he said. . ‘ “Nothing is more likely to pro- duce that public confidence which is the forerunner and the mainstay of prosperity. encourage and enlarge business opportunity with ample op- portunity for employment at good wages. provide a larger market for agrirultural product; and put our in a stronge than a continuing policy of econ- omy." Rigid economy by the present session of Congress will pave the way during the next fiscal year for a uction of taxes in conformity with scientific taxing principles. Mr. Coolidge said. Message in Characteristic Style. The message written in the terse. direct style for which Mr. Coolidge is noted. bluntly set forth the Pres- ident’: views on virtually every the 1925 - -old 4 hack on this year's Tiger team was mnanimously elected to lead Varsi for himae the me of being one of t best backs in the Valley. lie was the Missouri forward-passing threat and when Icalled upon he was al-f ways able to come through with« yardage through the line and arotmtl . the His spectacular 20-yard run to 1: ends. a touchdown in the Kansas game last t no report has been ren-f dered as it was the desire of Doctor. Cole that Boone tribute her quota. County should con- Since the active campaign has stopped Doctor Cole be given out by Miss zimmedigtely to the Salvation Army 5 ‘' "Q Vi“ 5'’ I headquarters. .{——o-———-——- vacation, according to ‘ “GREAT POSSlBll.l‘l‘Y ” SHIVICB IN SOCIAL WORK ; Mrs. Griffin. Approximately three hundred per- sons attended the meeting. The Ridgcway Circle is planning to give a chicken pie dinner at the school at 6 o'clock Monday evening. December 15. The dinner will be held in connection with s which will be in charge of the teach- ers. Apparel Before K. C. Case. N. T. and Ruby M. Hulen returned from Kansas City where they appeared Kansas City Court of in the case of J. basarl ti 2 l l l I l I St. Courtofi . 3 before I Ewood Street Morning. ocial work offers the greatest has been endesvoring to secure the‘ uota. . A complete financial report will? tomrrow A Frances Bright. treasurer of the ‘lid man yea yearling Before the election of captain to- ' aouri Valley champions was taken. of St. Louis Com-‘r muuity Council Lect spots i marked the turning point of an even 86850 was one of the bright game to a win for the Missouri team. Whitemsn came to Missouri from Richmond whe ' both football and basketball. re hg uas a sta rin lie was on the basketball squad at ‘the' University last year although he not win a letter. r hs was the captain of basketball squad. In his fresh- the day the official picture of the Mis- _:__..___—.: MAILS WATCHED FOR GAME Contraband‘ Packages Confiscsted . ty Wardens A number of eaprus and msi . p-ckagus containing game and shins and ' rector of the Community Couricilof. Louis in a lecture on “Possibili- for the Social Worker” this_ _ 1 ti ;GEN'l'RY AND IIULEN nzrunxlmominr in the “Another torium. case dividual. institutional 4,.) with organisations. an research 12. 'l1iomas rs. DY-3 fields for the modern worker work is in of fur-beariru animals have been confiscated recently by deputy fish i -<= rt ‘morning . Seve have contained v quail. the said. ’ All packages seised ha e been disent fromthc rural districts of Mis- .souri to commission in He aid that one of the tnllfll-; private parties in st. Louis. and in {due time each offender will be pros- ecuted by both the federal and the miartraents .___——o————— l cauacuunt 1'0 visrr anus: ; J!‘ Thursday. . of the Calvafl EPW-‘°° d V been . :—--o———— _ 'CfllLlDRBN ABB QL'ARAl§"l‘ll§’BD- i E .‘_ - J I it 2- mg “l*“"" t r Egg; : . ii‘ i ‘i ii tly. 9. i eFlE .-_..--..7’ ’ E l E wardens. according to a u . hill of arrests have been made 35%. l ttcr . 0!’ Postal and express employes have {° to watch for any eon if so- 3 :9: , P0 problem confronting the country and the administration. in crisp. clear sentences, Mr. Cool- tdgc said: The publicity provision of the tax law should be repealed. ' The Senate should approve the llardtng-Hughes world court rial. The adrninistratiotiwlll not call a -disarmament confeasacs until it is seen what action take on the League of ferencg proposal. Agriculture's chief problem is to find better markets and the govern- ment will help. Voluntary consolidation of rail- lowed. if necessary.‘ 5 mental compulsion Muscle Shoals should he sold or leased to private operators who will produce cheap fertiliser. Management of the government's merchant fleet should be entirely centered in the Emergency .l'lset Corporation. Foreign Relations Are Good. Our foreign relations are now in better shape than at any tits. in twelve years. ' ; Cancellation or remission of any %part of the foreign debts will not considered The national reclamation policy should immediately be [Ivan fidy ry enactment of the recommends. tiom of the federal fact finding commission. Care canbe. A_