f ‘. ‘is: “- H. J ‘~ _ 7. V " ' -' . 4‘ H. I * I ~'~"' . e - .« -‘ cu’ . O 6 4_-- "I. * " ‘V ,' ' "T i " ' . I ‘Y! A 3 ~ V- '* T . . ' ‘* " n ‘ nine tlddmfliv -1% Au 5 4,, -. . s e *5 . T - ; s « uunlll. 3'-“"3-e uuocnnche r/_., ‘M - i .‘-2. ' . . H W ,7 I A ;:;—*l ~ 3"‘ "3. ....n .......e .,., ..—,..... u.":.u.u.-""'~Lr'ie'-it-un»"‘fi«-.3 In I - ‘:3 gig I“; aw“, nv. -"‘.-’..;:*.eV' ‘ ' ' . - 'm""'”‘"'h° . A ‘f, .—« _ lt8:Ul.u. liltflfllcinil mg ‘mg!’ V‘ ‘mun; 1 ., k _AlhctC. Bcnthl, 211348!-'u‘."."“’.n'_"'.h_.&n§.“h.'m1,,¢g.fig;g e""'.,. ' , ‘- ' ,, '. g.~.,..|.aggg§ 5,, '. , ., .._,. .cv&u_nt'9afl_; _ $31 _ T ntantdiwhlllillblllr» . ; . ‘r-",""‘pu3nnohvctIufl@nl£ou-all . . ~. —~" . —~vn,.3,,.,,n 303,15”, .mlnthWoatn's0y—uIIn. only 0&5! ‘Mi 4505701: , , , . ‘ l‘ ‘J nun- I DcafiIrl.nupcdnl‘'m‘‘F‘''“''‘’’'m‘'°‘"'i'°‘'‘''- . . . _ g nu] mutatbdfl odnek Suds: on ends). sflu‘-no‘, _,,""',_," “ '3 an u can ease: in the 19: -35:‘!-V. as. the sunken. canon sun. pads: will in holtlto mac» :.mfl”W“h’_wmum8Li,___,__ M‘ - T '- "' '39 nun-lily. Ou:eIneholvll|mIIt**5 ‘$73!!-‘ ,;- . "~5:7U'iI"nrbuIlno?Judo Bu-nllthIIhalI!§IliloIIIIllIC'8I"5- ... , ' a ‘L “nap”. “fun is an .%'..§a'h;su'n.,.$'.;u-i “lo y.’:u..-an-;7?pA-...a"""‘,_"""‘_,,,,.,..?..?."" d"".$ L” “""""°""""“"""'f:"“"“¢a:1-aiu" s Garage fa‘ 7a," —‘ l o , v- 3:3 _ ._ -2, 19%‘ ll'°l"|-ll hpnjiqalflillflctd Ian , ‘ -‘ _ 3 -‘ naIhI1'd&t£CillIl3"j3¢!5l“¥-'mF'.¢0l¢50fl5-::%hus'W.LNebnvll 49°‘-'3 .1’bah|rltaucfloyh,Rol>u'tBuIg-.,.n.;n,..._.mh,‘,3.,.,¢¢h,.i‘h'Pf01oJ-3-Ali1aF'Cl5¢:I>u;?;* . Z 1.‘ can-alums: the , 11IlI_tbjolnt nanny ctunivcsur - .— "‘hnd8hha.cuw3euintneUm-.,g,m,,,,,5,,1.5_ .; . ~ 1 asset in tnrunnusuun nulfiut Not . Frill‘ In-I. University -on-I. <3!!!‘-thnf"°i " "C “'m“"",.-.. unity, .-—-.,. . , Phufor a non-coma; flout _ _ 3 At Dunn an ‘N °$”u$"t¢ih"m.L"'n.|,,'?§.a'¢€g¢,-:['{iy’..O.n'. ,,fl"""',_,, ""' 8""h""” "'?*‘“°"""- ,_.,, "3 lIomu& m.g.fih‘h;'h‘§£lh:,:u“&filmle‘“KlOW@Iflfl|@flfl.'c.::&um&bvm.bqinnt7‘”°'°'°°1 (hénelard 1 IXVGIIIKC‘ I a 'l0l6green. ’ I -1313.35,.“ .. nhlitmriutolcfin. . -0IIIlIuIlonnt7.80n.m.folloV0d - T ""'““"""""”d'"'°fi' ‘Bo Where &cx'...a8’°""""""""""'°°"“°"vn-bytaaanauaiuunr A «.ugu.‘e:muasaa-a~ne.:tn.““**ii-5°-in 1''’3'~’°3'- ‘ 4 " “ """""‘,l,,,,,,,",,",,,""""",,3,.,..."" 3: 0-3..‘ by Briana“ ‘finunru“m'm...wm“'?muAua.¥ws: is n-Inn»: u .-an 11-5-can n-«nun 9‘: as King; sum “mm mm m a " " *~ Pm: and Evenln¢"1N!'IhiP 713° °'¢1°¢- :3 15' ‘''‘h'''‘.in:7 "‘ °"°“',', m5?‘ in 8nriDli¢§d.l n ” ' ‘ u"d.’°- a&:'°afl’11‘i’g'§m,hg{°°‘h‘n&.fl‘ht ‘"1 Cour: w ;1:nah:U°°da-lddhckye 3&2: 7:80 o'elock Wdfidly OIUIIU Pllrer sermon by {he rector at Tau“ “"4 F. ::nndmndon’°_“8In oamiuflmuzg-fmhnfi-¢N¥mu,,h._m,. ,,,’,,.,,d,L,,,,,, «-10:45 La. 'rIae_eou:e:-encgorlm Hum“ am “mfg ' 3; ' . . . -1): guests. The yutor will punch tI!'!‘- ’ '-' the cuI°"m" mt‘ °l "nu P st:-action for L. W. Dumas, the? ‘ O O I : Th¢Plfib!*¢x‘nnStndq¢35go.°n‘h"uh5&L.1_h“suu"d E'enin‘.a.';ea'mb“b.¢7 forconfirmntzonwillbeheldntdbni ‘ if d"“'.‘°"u""““°k““b.thIGnme."‘I'hc .m:..o'aocL1>.a1a¢x.ewmpmue_ . nIn~'l"-e wnfiwt ; . *P'"°‘“"“""""“'°'°s.abyu-e~x'a-ag u&ohs'n\eUnlva'Iit!GitiI’ehornuIrill ‘°"°""-'“""""°'t-v-vvilln-at-HP--=-1"-¢ , shalom:-ins.theRw.nndIu.C.”dHu_.ubnn. Atum.d°‘in‘_ Pm-m,‘ “om .P“do°o(dnChuehuehq9l_vifl‘§r&dlnt3y.¢a.rhooao{sLAmh».wu.auu ~ , '5°*‘“¢°‘°""‘.'- °°"°'ueUm-nsuy Glen can rhennnae-illerrleintbu-st5°!°”"1“nk‘fi7n!"m” " Th"°i'°’°"h°°'°{°”'°' U'°""'°“""' . ‘ ’ ' 5-I5fi"“¢P"‘"""-"'”"’univmi:ynon'oquuawinnngau.no t5°|'*'5°¢*‘°'- .. ‘dent--t Calm"! fish 500“ pln.L..D.Robe:-(scant s n vu-k‘tovIIichthunenl::iounrles;n.‘"dd “man. The wifim naevmh. bom.m'.l‘wootmoreIde!:ceprofeuonvill ,,,,,s,,,d,y,t5p_,, BAHQLKEQ .. Doctor Smith will arrive tlnlgrinndtheeveuituyqyerwillbe 1!! I-£5¢°¢'m 1&3?“ d, b:,,mo;tn:,°g" ,-3 1"" _f A .7 g:..;:..J?:' ‘:1! be use nest dzgg Henry Damn: of the Unl- mluzsng 1» In. an fithhngcment‘ ff‘ ::’;:5_‘-n"* 1”’-. #3:‘ m:‘h,w"'°:mm, ‘,mmo"n‘°"in - ' ‘ Jmnndu h . ‘much “um. - Room D of the Y. M. C. A. Build- sucolumhia. : Follqunng the eveni1¢,studet 5'4"” fin‘ W 11,“); i".§b°mg..,,.w"' . Tb purpose {the ' ' ‘ COME IN AND svmm Is swam mm ‘M. .n"‘i.’.—.“;..‘2..'.f"“‘ “°“’ 3° ,,,, 6,, §*'*r“-* ,, W U . fig: If 3....‘ ,,,., ‘°:"“ 3; LET US TELL V ° oncnb: m- arrest 0 ' ' “Every I-vit-1": The RYJ’ 0- will one us ‘when 1. tame-anon, ma. Clbvillmoet was . “rHY £ ~ 1. s;....:.¢-m. rag. _§:3e;:¢ ssmxny evening .:::.ao $3. neg. ofilhle Collc¢e,'hu V “|"nmel",°"' ,§°f,‘;;:on“u‘f"§n§:; YOU -1 T .. Mm Emm, M,‘ 4 , Mm , _ . . s nmes . . A . M353: the slttwgnn of th’e‘)let.bo-Hitch planned for both gr\':‘ps. “ 3°: 1.. .....‘,‘."“' .5191” "'.,,92-1: f.:f”i:°;:i;,,d"""'u°"_h(J:"';,g"f,:;3sitr -rchitecft. -1- here >'¢=tf';1:; ‘ 4 ,, . ‘K . . . — ; _ , ‘,4. . to o t ' o ' 1 in if an: Student this in p;-xfiuazma Pam!!!’ wean... H us: thc'mauem- preparntaon. «. :0” m H:meE:°p:r:nx;i¢“ Bum Haynes 55 1 ‘ V’ ‘mans’ necrdary’ .’¢"3. or-‘ y "°'""‘ “ °d°°L ‘n be lea”; Frnuncegn‘. Baa-wd . , taupand to snspea the Delta Delta dllhc “57” Touring 1 - '*h‘ on .. E 8.“. Pk‘ arhau j , . 3 w: I 1 mg’: Snc_red‘t”>I’l;1-t for which he is the 1 Touring _ W3 vinbennen I Ichoolmoctsatflzaomm. LloydDunanandLoru:eDown- 5'3"’ -, . I V .‘I 1. . - ' 1 1 ‘; fiw w an 8% . ‘ u in‘ m 3 “V B‘. GM 8. in ad“ lliflflllhf. __>__’_‘_ 7__ __ _ ‘_ ___ _ V . ‘ .. 21 i: ' an cImdIh’cl n o'clock. The utdeet of the Rev. ‘ of the hnchennp ‘RMV '5!-"°“°"' "H 5' 5"” “ 7:39! . FOYd ’-‘ d,.;,.mu, fwucha.-g¢u_ un-,Wnlter I.‘ nneunoals .I'hlchwiIl'be given at 5 °d°°k- ““"'m-”""'*"°"“i' Dr.lA.Wdhn 1 dere|clIclnirmannretvotum?_'Th°"0l|fl1 or <:hrns.aso'caockupaau-2-owevasngu uae°¢h -‘lznngrfindinx Brennan: 3 .1 leodenandunderthtenmluden L‘°"‘~ T5‘ _ lifi¢"3!'¢lk1¢5U’¢5- Pub" 8“9h9" wn'°"‘cl°l "U Optician ‘ - .' ‘R 3.: an.” _,¢.b,: Ch:-lIt.it:En¢lInvcrhe¢msnz6:m 3”‘-‘.'m “"59 ours.-'hom”!:.3mDrr'.8;u‘ 0 0 l taken debug: at live E‘ 2:! Kore: no :It=henI-uh: Gmtnw fi°¢*..dltb¢-'°"=°n Vi“! '°"’°“‘~ ° °‘‘'' s" ; -plntnedaadthednynttheBr¢d-'mb""°""YG'°°P3°19|¢G!>-leuanunnon{orNovemherfl”is 5°="3¢'3“-"“"°C3¢‘|f L 3'- ; wayxa.oamcuna.nunua4°-'°'-tthwhnrth -%5o’d°d=-“sonlu-aaocy.~ ‘V ___ 1 . ‘ 4 * ’overtot.lIeItI|dents. !tvllll)en'°"‘[mb“.°°‘-8°°‘f¢110'INP* Thewednudny 4 ~' :“"“""“ ~ « 0 7. mum,’ _.s.,....s...,,...,.. W, ...,......¢..¢.e . E~ - Columbla Presents A New ‘i Bishop w r. Helm-ry, w. 1.. °;o“:’m umm'3 'l'heSnadayachoo1.forstn¢lentnun- ‘ e ,V _ 7 c....."“'°'“..;‘3.‘°,..,....."""3;*'...',..°"".....' an a; ma ....““".....;s .‘.‘.°'....§**. :S.f.°'...'°....-,-**=*-,...,,“.,:,'*‘,: Rent a Car and Dnve e Service Statio and - Pl 1’lIyuethe£uunudthlsynr'n wwu. ""f°'°"““‘8U‘h°?i%ed1it=!ItII!'¢ may beob- n aza g,..... s......,.. N W ,_ i . s If‘Yourself . ~ . ' f cnvncn mom wncxr of tie ehnrehu cm L held .. cu. V i" mu.’ 1. "V rnumahu an "u" the nuns ..,,"“"",,,‘,?,';"".,,‘; §;;'°‘;°",L'“,'u";'° UnI8III1‘GiftB NEW fiqgun-unN%—cLsm CARS - -. . . ‘ The hub "' 0‘ cwander or an Pusbytefinn chm-cs S. , _ . Touring Car: Leo C0 ' T . %.=:.-.=:~*-1:-xv‘-*3.m:.*°*'=‘ °*.:.:.:;s '“‘s«‘si‘:"....u...‘** “am .......... “="°°= .""‘*' “ ‘"‘ °" ’.‘*“d ‘ many. C°°d“.°* A or amount ~— ' .-. .,fl, .,, W ,, mu, __,____, Acme Auto Agency tmuous Epoch Makmg, Super - bemce l fllhaaumnmugamwl “gnu . 3 On, pemng or 1- ‘, or donation: ' . _ . _. or Reservations ; 33 '2: 3 z...,.., .._,.. 0,’; We we “mD0mIf1nT‘ ‘FORGE?! ah N - _ .1 1-. 3..., 9.... 1... p., ml. ness, Tuesday, Nov. 25th, 1924 i',' 5000!. urn or» chnfe _ .' , med! gnu. cvu"yhemu|ber will be! service for $1. - ‘D ‘ our nu ’ ‘ ERVI » '-'3} no church Sand: ' . ‘ ' , ;; '‘'“'‘'..........'i.'....... 2:... .... cal)‘ WEATIIERS ELECl‘R.IC oo , — T” S by m?lE “"3 °"'l.'yb°a?cm E~“g“ $?d§oc1my °°m"1?§§'?n5"£.’§ -‘ 0'3“. ’ A“ ° _ . . A I t|._‘_'; gt: -n.¢1..,.;,g..;,u.,, , _ .. , somelyto veusatnal. W ;--.- it s. . distinct M ..w..""..;‘;‘.’:,.l EXID BATTERY SERVICE P1-esb "’ ‘ Ch h my the we,-;d‘."’}am.,.d mom, ,u§,é2g<;3§g°gh;;:°'"§,g; . mug“? should be meal No. 8_-.Nox-tn Ninth Phone 300 urc other modern achievements ‘a new champion is born “ '4' . T . ‘ ’ . ‘ GAS.” It offers th to ‘ ' . . 2' «_ Sunday, Nov. 23 , 9 "'0 mt more power. .ef ~ s ¢ ' .e - e - u and 9¢°n0mY- We Will gladl permit Columbia riststo 7 .r 2 .e m—— I A - V ‘ -..- ' the judge as to th ' - ~ V. — f .. ———-——-1 T _ . _ e supenor ties of AERO-G when‘ n % ii ksufiml ‘cu m‘ 3%. B D s ‘ U : R . hne of parallel ls drawn. % ~ _ _ _ 1 4 trlc Co. - i , j . A , AERO-GA_S i's qne of themost remarkable productsb . ;J 33; A ; E out for motonsts 111 recent leyeaz-s~—not onlynbecause it ~'-'7 ;:E*‘ ...‘.‘..'‘''.;:'.':.t...'‘‘....’'‘:.'..'''‘....‘''‘.‘.' ' ‘ p H A A V POW“ 311.5 “espouse to the m°°'."‘8. but beanie. by neu ; ° ..mx=..ru...«.._..: I 01¢. thechexmcalcausesof nntpracticallyg‘ testhe g .....””..u.....“‘“’"....."".n ...... 3 . O * hon. By, prevennnz carbon It neventsl that 'I|ial.zrwable ~' A P-; « ~'_"'-:5’-."z.."'u.an.""".;'a‘ '33’ l Kilo; l°tu‘::t°x°h"’l‘i with Y0“ fifld get A L mg-wearmg knocksopr-evalentm allinnkesbflmotors. " 7 ' ‘ d&. . ‘ . ’ 0 l . .. - ~ 3 . s *’° ':;.mt::se,&..“1a’r::::,,::;:2 R E a.,il"°‘%*'“°m°' m°d“Ae-v~G«"vou-nwanewan on-can It orifmo W you a L R V eomnnz when you dousext. V . . nub:-uh sun: 0 an: O ‘ ‘ M ‘. - - ’ '-"'-'“= -‘W-'-""-'~ 0ne._0sR.ify0narerentin§wewillaell ‘ .¢0eXttime ouneed ° drivearoundand5 r. ‘ 3".‘-:."'..: """....~.....'.'. 5,15% ,yon,a_homeu;d1etyou pay or itjustlike E» '! f°ft‘h'1‘HEW3!‘DER'G§5* ’{r'ouwmmmitjusm .. .3 ,_,__..,""""",.."'..........,"‘ A_Aend»m a few years it will M air » ° ° vyant the maximum results 2; 1 ...°-...,**':..-..:.':":'.':...':-:: "1 ‘''".° 1 : ~ C‘ I P" *9- ;°___* *’*°.,*3_'?'?n% mvwnnentqs ‘ . ‘t -«-- ---—-- ----» eWeehIiye':iold.'” ere thadahundred V = f .. We extend C0hlmbiafnnd~v1dn‘ l..»,,- ‘j. ll - - ‘mtffi in Columbia atgd neverlhld a ' Ne V vlsltour newservicestatianrthe ’ ‘ ' invitations !_ " V, . . ' 8 ’ Q_ as; » : :.-.*::.-.:-..-.:.-:.':.-*.:;-.=':; °““°""'e V U e I . . ' aaeéfim °q”~°"°“’“°"°».- -*-waveform kl’- ‘hues-...:u::-=u'un."h-. " g , S 5 or more “ ? ~ .. M R T . dawns candy.‘ — in -"° '8‘?° snnlesavts ,;j' 1-I-aculqhb-In-on: . f’ T T . , . . ' "‘-~'?""l"'“"' l l l¥.°n"«""i'1bui1don¢ . R R ThenLeonard‘»0ill ,7 SixthandBrondway ‘ l "'........“".""'.;"“""" slfiieilfukflm slay l'hI'evu- l ’ ‘ .~. ' .‘ T an-ivin'l ' gtoyggcj ‘ ~ - ‘ .. F‘ ‘= 5 , . . ..- .. ' I’, _: ' l7.:.‘_‘; 4'.‘ ‘$.‘_ . - , . 4- 2:50,. 3. “ ¢.- ‘ _‘..~ A ,r‘ 1.; . Innw ." _ ‘.1: