'- ‘int’: 1 . d. J ' A ‘AI 5.1 3:‘-jtwt. , v_I“_:-T. .3’--..‘ I ' :‘«....‘1< , .' .‘ ' -" . ..i r‘, .“. -.4; I e .' ~' - ' " I w -, )1; ..o i'.-. __ .- h_“ F _ .. _ r _ ' ‘ ~. . e . t - - — §' “ ’ ' V ' . 0| A I‘! is '1 -ll 4 ti ' : - in ~ . ~. ‘ tt ' — . Cl’ 1 ’. I T ’ A 8| has ,..u....g1g “gun”; 5-; Gdhriulflnglrflupomitflo X to °' " 2 atte nee Roberts. e student in 3-. 8013-3 _ . 4 : sgmgduemu, who gnu Roeent||Il8ehoolotComuteroe.il| Iloiu-dOouuty,vixited u-¢;w,3,}r|..,g,,‘.{3.g.-u.,§.fvll1lonve8otIl'doy£orevidttu%'¢3!I!!I¢l-e A.A.Wu1lSu1_tday. '1 He:-uityzthelloy LV :3‘ ‘ x fi“»°”“‘-‘.1 - m teem. A !st.Jeeeph. B.W.8m§thof :Ue Y—--°—‘—'7 I‘ ''''*'“'““'°‘- "" "‘ "’“' 4 T'_ggetTe:ttterourwee1tee;-tend ee-ere: other! who have not; ’8.V':‘;xEv‘Atmn‘“G.’P‘°‘”£Y§..Wo?bb dudes ,, a member of tlte;boen secured dcfmitelyr .j ' i " - on the found. d‘ ‘‘ 'IthdtzIIdnntcot”1a(%_1' TODA S y ' 3kn°'n'. . ; ‘ W '9 i 4!. A‘calanrurdit¢°MiI.*~.d°‘‘ Y’ TS . xetzteeepua. ~;""""“fl’°"- 1: . tht. ‘ ‘By Uohd rteee‘ A line Fhlugecg , , an“, “an pm i s 3 Eu, DE-‘::t.F8t.. Louis us-stock. ; GENEVA. Nov. 22..-—1'heb'Anui-;vg..a;-3:535‘; 5.4 ._ .; id "iqumpndodbyal 15¢" . ."“"° 3°“ 55'CIv5°||o_ ||IlllI°|‘“I| fl|0l¢.tornttyv nndunrtty 6| ; 2~s¢e:e,ne the min h-v- &’;;*'§1t°t:1: 1S"l1‘°§K 2§ARDS- -0! came end Jepee. ttueeteuea to-Eveeagyeentntatt ‘__g, ; ''I:¢‘‘‘to‘boud''i'xthtnmlies outta.” . ““éoo_'- °L-3 "'c“'fday to vlthhov from the filter-‘no.3’ 1,, buy ._ I‘ ‘I’ ’ ‘ V‘ n T , . °“R¢9°*P“: - 3131’ ‘- '‘@d{:natimnl for the lllpggho aid thu‘ » . ~ _ ‘ . A ‘ V 7 - -. B 3 6 woreoreo m:fie°::;"""°"h‘“"l'b'_k d trifle in drug: I!IKI'ri|).-gngfl M :7 T V _ ‘ ~~- o 7~ "A ’ ‘ "- 2 mu «re. “In winter» ==1===‘.....t.....,.‘°‘..'Lu.r.. u'ee’°”m;’”‘""‘°' "‘ °°"“‘°‘ '**" ""«“‘°"*°'!°°' . ‘ ~ . - — Eat“Moflie1-’s—Homen'nde”and“Motl1 r’ e 7 , UN'*8°°*‘°"‘"° . ;'cows,$3.50@4.25 unnoronndcut-' Hyena pte¢ _..dg..¢_;,,,¢.,.,,, V T _ . e 3 4 5""“"'F'.“' -‘-'*“‘.""’° """'~""“‘.“ tern. s225@3: 'een-ee, s&5o@9-3 * “"3 385* d9."°'°P°‘ “ ‘'‘‘~e 8-1 Ackext. . T ‘ ' T Bi8 Boy Bread” " 3 .:fl;&ngr,blttegntghnm or muShn_“ocken ma feeders‘ ‘3.w@6_75. ', tendon when the steering j",.da,'n ‘gm 1 ..h~'..;"_ . . « « . P 3 and white . ‘ ago-boo-t Ho R m. gomo: tank“. Twamm” 3 Pftifllne-‘ad Lyn.“ B. :00‘. u ‘ ’“&d.: "150 (T317931. V5019 V5011. salt rising, raid!) and Vienna bread 1 $5 ~, '_"“ vfiu the t"mmm“' ‘J5 to2$centslower: havy,$9.10@5ummn‘ the ‘cove of the °ad".!°h’1” V91! flit on the did by“ cv"7.d‘y'd ' 1 M 5 1 TM-me!-tr!“-8 Wins "5-: 9.25; medium. tasaestss; ,u¢htz°"°'m=, 'u':‘°’t'b,°°‘"“‘““'i ‘ ""°“‘;CI:de L. Guesthouse and 1. 2.‘ 3"" '"'-‘—!'°flI7-W-l-t-I-r—FrHay }’ T 3 0&3“ '5‘ "°°'”,‘° $82§@9.!5; light lights. $‘l.25@8..75:; “i?~\__ wfiad‘ C"‘Mhlfl. IWVDGYI for like Fish- 33331533 clpten breed, made tron Battle Creek Sanitarium “ ,: ~>::“"'*...,... .;?;""““e. Wu "’ '“.:s:“= me ~------- H‘: mm »-=3 . mm mu weaned-y. : 3 M nu ma has espetcsire 1£;”f..=.,..t ..,;*":J.....°"°'*"'. e....,‘"::*':°‘..‘:.:°:ttt. .-..a.f.”''‘*°°... * “gm” c.t.:‘...."°‘.. :‘:‘..e..°‘ °‘‘‘*' '“ °°°**" -* -" “M W 9 " _ on 3,, ampnqwd amen’ ‘L50@‘; '00] mm”, mm Emu. J . ex Lgmoonu thej at T I out grocer has it--It not all nu : _ . then was one dormitory a part of. ""‘ E'""‘2 : ‘“°""’.‘ "5 .- fmtu etm stands the Ammneee 3@’”°‘ V "°"'¢‘- P-0' Gill-I-ad. H-uh: Pd-:V°'**"°h-um 1 - 9 U u» j‘ 8‘. huh Pm“ lock. Pnther. Donnld Rey-i Three women and cent: In’ S u '3.‘ . ‘Q: umap ’c‘. IX8chWI.hO"9’90l1th!J'tlf7 : e ti Th I-ad“. 'hkh is emoyed by? yST': LOUNIE Nov 22.—Ett9— Hufld 8&3". “ON Turk. . ‘f v d l. I ‘ uh M t“:enmd:rd;°¢f;' First eeuntrfcenateit 49@s1e- or- 4*" Vnothn; mend Wheeier enai Em‘ C‘‘‘' ‘W 3"!3Iw- . '9 "°'"‘ “’‘»S‘‘ 0M for Inspection ”‘ 5""'e"""" E ‘ -Ilutholuht-cf" - . . ' ', : ’ » Hahn Ietthen. The fourth f ""“"" ""“* 33.@“"°' Gum wi.___._"‘ ? Ch1t;hl':hE:?ftgIhd“it:‘ a” mug”? ° , {meg «tenet month from 2 t_;nti1.4;m3““";“‘7§:f"’°’Y 8‘;‘c‘_"~.mg;= not T e .,,_ - ,, ,5, c,,:,"::"s °""“",l . ' ;,,'§o'deqgyuset‘;isideue.tmeig$33c'.'d8N. .fir*tp.-‘.{ . - u1“|-:Cent1-elInsura.:tceA;ertcy’,o{December6. u 3' 'g.;.,¢, ‘M Mme m T Poultry-—Hens. set; ti:-heft. 26:: Emma‘ 8' "°‘~""‘* 9"‘ W- 3 9 °'°1°¢* "*4 ‘ .. '9 «T-"',§,‘,,.,, ,,,,, -,, uh , ‘mange 22¢; duck.s}»18c: see... Mr , -1* ""‘l'-““"" 4'!-C-"'0-.118 «me. e T d r. c '- ‘*3 4‘ °°1';co._.k,» 13¢ ’ ’°"!*h¢°HflIIIrteniutheOen-?4Inc!work,toodandnoveIflu '1: . ;-up aid em gm-rsea to A. .11.. Ch" 'Nm&- W _ tn! Bankto_R0on“fl7.‘in the-Gus-She offered to help em.‘ 5,, ,3‘: C gees-t§.~'r1teyuveatt.1zeetstx.ou:e.: , me- as nu. 2059*» tn Bntldinx this «met. ‘problem 1 . . *In1U8l"ronoesB:errycametoC‘o-"°u"‘ “.m°fi°."'t?1°' A - ‘ E ‘ / V‘ ‘ ; .'. 4 ' - Ninth to‘liv‘e withtet granmoflier: gt g:'¢';fG,,,,_\ ‘ T0 fie-u-teed nzeeu_uy.1 5‘ T ' ‘T T T ' ‘ ___,,e T5 I“ ‘1‘ _;ruIldund adtoo as 1 any student. - By United Freon. 3'““"7 53"” "5535 ind? 4“ ’ ~ I 3!. Puucu‘Beu-y. who is now uni ST. ‘LOUIS, November ’:‘°'Irth carat. -’ . '‘ tof * . A .4 _ y - 7- D-Chldlke of Well!!!’ Grovct. E (.‘om—No. 2 mixed white, 81.12; huh“ ‘b°‘‘3'‘N’43! .. -.. .. He-.. -....- - d " T ' _ ' ’ 9. . 4 . Pvu ‘Colombia vieitiegheraeugtt- No 3 mixed white, sue; No. ‘P‘''‘ *5‘ "'53- C1962 St-um. - e - t « e -~ ~ T v = d '. c flue. lune Clan Beardslee, at short 4 mixed white s1.o7@1.o9- Dec., ‘”° °°"""°**°’- “*4 “W the -oath e < T - ‘ " ‘ -. ~ '- ~- 4‘. " a :!$|:‘0.filIVllfl'28tIy impnessed§$1.l7 @l.20B§. ' - | . 'id°°fu"'u°°k"“ . Y°P°“ ’ ‘ ' - « ’ S . Q T 7‘ ' ‘I ‘ _',, it 9 . ,_ ‘ change riv egee.‘ 0ots—-N . 3 h'te. 53¢; N . 4 y,,,,"""—", - .. ‘_ .. , * or.‘ T 3 In mung oiythe old Stephens white, 62@o52‘;&c;wM‘ay, a7xe;‘I;ee., 3’ 1'' ‘‘°“''''' 3"‘ V - ~ u to - . 3019!: P. Farris oi Kenna dity - ‘ - -. .4!!! said. “whenevegstcpbcns 52941:. delivered a lecture at the noon; "“ ‘ " »_ ‘~ T‘: ‘ V I ;f:tr|u tettthe oempus they wore the waeet (R.ed).,—No. 2. s1.s2@1.e9; C‘-..,,,,,. gum“! M i H on; College professor, ~ - c: F » . . A .. T T -e :5. ,,foot-powered mortar-boards on_ Dec., ,$1.58‘5i; Jul)’. 81.39%. uclun Fun" 3.“ cl 1 . -: . _ - -. . , .7 g gcthdtheodx. oneee weektberix-la Wheat (Red)——No.2-81.62@l.69; 3,-,,;,,,_.,,.. ,, ,.m‘_°‘“'‘‘ °‘*' em-13.‘e1‘ and 3Uth01' e 2 x t r * 1 r ‘,3 weatehoppiagwtth e d1aperon.For No. .64.. - student in tt..r'u.;v.,,;?,.' '°"”"" -..”‘,;"~ of T - ‘ -— : A Qltioe tent walking. or rather Wheat (H rd)—h'I . 1, 1.53; N . ' - "' ‘ ~ - _ I a .:lcx;l‘t“yi‘ 1 $l.60@l.6;. ‘ 0 $ 0 .__—-A ’ .. _ . h T _ ' , . . ;_A : out-“hrinklnz up the rear." ALL°l-'J%‘s3i_:*I1§1f3r»‘3N filo!’-"TN T 3 V7 ' ' ' ' ' e "e I e e : , ‘ ' 3 1" 7 -«W6ew M ———T emu-ms ‘I ‘he P1a$t1c A e A e-nvoeume edition of = | b '30:; 06: $0 TOIC‘" _ . ' ‘ A J ‘ r I A V-_ _ .. ' _ I . ‘ ' z I seeuury ofi ‘. : Opponents. «E*P°l't ., %_ I 9 ‘ d - * - 1° . Acdeultlre--1'o_ 81-nr:;Uatil _ The freshmen demonstrated 11- T _n¢xh-uh‘ ‘ A‘ ~- V ;' 4 ‘.1 _ _ e A’ H _. ' A _ 1 3,, 9“ " fin‘ Went. Wh*§}‘*.:;ir:;nI;:-otzznm J‘ T W111 lecture in Jesse t ;on 00d 4 % d ' f.- t 4 3.; ABHINGTON. NOV. '22.——Px-esi-g {aid for hex: ya, by defgdiu “I: V '; an A Mon- A . , I ’ v 5“ A{ll-Americans at Rollins old this 51103 and hnlf-T_ « . e T ‘ (t \ ‘ . . I g., §.s.mm’“°"°‘ “Mmm _w “bin tgeragrg-lg-1f;k mm 0;" M ‘ .I,o1edelxke,new. eyen day, December 1, at T _ ~ _ . - 1 . _ -- . . » L E “'91!” 395"? C- W!u1°¢ Of; touchdown for the freshmen in the bevfil of the ne' p. m. . ‘ T ' I +' .. T : d rter.A. fro none‘ .. - d T our . . ' : I .;L: « t . t 1. ben I:)- ;Hf:u:€hcdkoe';:‘in fig’ ‘re 2:; ,~ ; . t . . . - . T T r _ ‘ z. . _ . -,ourth.qun r.t e i arm ‘ « ' ' .. , ;,... A :3. .. ‘W5 he Incomes‘ xtn t>o‘nt' thefirst on-te tint ‘ ‘ ow ' ~ ‘ ~- S8 1! -‘ 3' ' t : ‘°“'V’°'* Vhtihia. ‘fined in‘ hirattempt toqkick rafter w°"R °‘n"Tf°"'°d 5°‘ ' ‘e T “ - ~ -'~ ° ’' . . ‘T "f tn 1 ', tam “'u__"'—"'°——-J,” uflm - his eeeond touchdown. live:-ed with our splendid; d - - 7' ‘ 3. :1. ‘_:.wow am ' ‘The lone touchdown of the Vet-' service, _ - ' - . ' , ._ « i: s; ‘ .'mpbe'°‘ia” on]; 32' squad was brought over next . T . 0 H ‘ . . , .; «mm o M! e...:*°'*......,de**.£...'*:,..‘.;;°':.:';.. *“:::.::. ... New at . pm n sale Thursday eFr1day and sat. - ~W..“ 0 ‘ ‘uampt to for , , ‘ ‘ .....z . * . ' » _‘ 0 e. at ltcamsterh ce£eter1,,; . an a, Satterlees 50c 75c $1 ’ T T ~ ‘ " T ‘T t‘ e « .o.:»°m~ -W W an-I m M v v urday only November 27 28 29 r .2399‘ t , me Xiuonrlnn wanted, * ‘ 1 e ‘ 1’ 1 * to - . 9. _ A . 3 K _ :1 . . r ._ ' _Y " 7 _ _ ,7 . I _ . " ‘ V ’ I g. '1 . e ‘V . e ‘ u v ‘K 7‘ r_‘_v—--... . w ' ~ 7 _. A , ‘ ' - F -‘ft-T ;I {- ' ‘ ‘ ..:_~.- 7-: g ';-Q "I .. ‘ ~. 3 ' ?|_Jg“ - ‘(by ‘‘.c 9 _ - _ -I 1 - L 1. _. I . _‘.._, _ ’ , 1 T 1 . - . . ‘ill! I ' — -‘.;-‘.t_- " ~ - . it - gt“-w , - ' u . — _ v' 9 4 V __ — ‘ W I . . 6 " —' .,.1.'-3Ic¢aI.It.oalct-e\'l‘ oxen. ‘fin ' ' T " ’* ‘ ~-- ' - ‘ . . . ‘ .- c ' . ». L. T‘ -g ’ - " - ' . ' .‘_ ‘V T" ;.;.r' -' . ". ‘ 3 T ‘f "' .. t . I . I »_ o. -I ~ 7. ' - ~ L h . . ,3’ ‘,1 ‘_.__o‘ ‘ _.T., 1: ;;)'_. ‘ 1- ‘ 5M*,.- f-fl‘!-_ .."“€_(’ I . "1 9 _ . “ . -. ‘ ‘. i . V‘. ‘ — .7 '“ . “ V - T .: a‘ 0} - t A ‘l{.‘. ¥ , . ..__. _--'_.‘.$ -.‘_._” _: V,’ . fr‘ ¢”‘::,‘ffiV. .-..V l . VA . _V ~.l 1:. ,._ - _ -3 . .7 I v o - « is ~.-.9.-_*i_ _;.: . V .. .. - . . t u t g ex V, . _ - . )3, "- '3 7:’; :;‘ 1. ,_1‘('f.‘ AV’ ' - ;' I .‘ '. E I " ' 1 o 0*,‘ O . ’-'‘’:I--. 3-t' "3991 fly?-0.1 4’- 7‘; 7}‘ ‘ D |".‘ H _ ._. *-,,...‘,‘¢.- o‘....L_ 9* ,_. ;‘..r....,_-1‘ 14¢-.-§_,._. e‘. 1,‘. _ » , 0 ' 1 ‘ i ‘if ‘ ‘ . ' . I ‘ . ‘ ‘ - “ ‘ - I‘: -- ‘t’ -'.. K: ‘ .- ‘ . : ' . ‘F ‘ -, - . ,- V‘ . .2 '* ‘ ‘. o.-. , V -, .‘e- ., _ V - ' _ ' .-"’* 1» .: c.;f';'='*-M~4~r..-‘.*}‘.+:*.- jr.~‘.”'x ~-:‘ .‘ ' . t .‘ . A; ' I I ‘A V. ‘, ; " an. O- , . ‘ ~ .e 4‘~__ ‘V 4. ‘ V , .. '. 1' .¢ . -" ‘3 z‘ ' _- . * ‘! ear‘ .:.‘..1 vv