«' ";.v‘ _ ,.- .7-. ' ‘ ' ' ",' ' _'__ . , . ‘ . e.o..'_""7"“.e‘? ' <..v~ ... '.l~-- .""' . ‘. “.-"'-.;- .,’ <-.v.."“-"" — -A "I ,1 - 1 . -'.";. 3 '. ‘ . . . -~ . -.-..«-—+.-_«3g.-.-.5 . .. . ~ - . . 4" ’ 1 ‘ ~ ‘.- . ".. '.""..~~ -; 1 1 -vs». ~«-- -*—-- »-- ';*‘:i”."'1'.3Io§fi”.~w'9.¢"‘§".:"."' ‘ ‘ . ~‘~’°.,;.:-... ' F -_ . rg- ...’ 4,. '°“.. -,1’.-",’!,!.".K-&)..s.‘.~':-3.: ~ - ' 1‘ ' " ‘~* . , 7 ' _. ~ . ' , ‘ _ ‘ . 7 V C ...), 4(;ffi§".fi::.:* I. l’OPULAR HERE """"' *' . . ._ , 1 ‘ ‘ - o v d Kipling Are-A ' A . . '- .. ~ . ., 5.3- ""3-‘ ‘D . . aoaarryh-eathlr work eeerelr Unlvinlt h-1IlI..ouu to » **" ‘bl . . , not--mu! nub Favored AnthonW1th ;, ,, , ’.,,.,‘.,’g,.g...¢...,. I * ‘v - w » -" l “”~'7"‘°""'¢'*"""‘ H " ‘ Wnhluten 1oochon game nooto. 1 one-o l 4‘ 1 ~. 1 W38‘ th I-men-« ° ' ' ll ' ' 1 b.. . .. Z-firhgj . » . e. ., . . VIIYOFIIUHIIIX‘ *~ '*‘,'_',"_"L.« ° ~- '* 4 II-I-'0-"’ «I!-BI!-dd-d «but use cnsrnoanuuu ...- $-‘ :......... ..‘‘'‘'''''‘'‘° ,1: ' lltrtyonneeelnberll. "‘°-‘ct-‘t-Igtilnllnnvv-='| ,....__ .';;‘°":° -‘5’°“="°"‘°' .‘ ‘““;!:*:4h:t‘:::'“.:.anonmo1uuunum”"‘°?' ,_,o,',',' ‘ __ , M on roar. zooms. ' :;M- T 1 l-'*u;°¥__“'°m; unsure». :3" E _=-' ‘W , quote-_onIuoi-schoolo-a1h§hue-:r-8.‘.Io.::u‘=.au-.,,§::.“”“§:;*.f*°""‘°f“'§.ou5'1_hou:.oxuuny¢uao-g '“‘_"""":“:';';,‘.."",,.'°'.'f',i Wheayouuritehome x - -‘ . . . '1|“‘IIi34'!!!"¢""||“|'II>';hu1ooacho1oezuu-ztthoaooums ,,,,"'“',,,,~q_,,,,s‘N,,,_,"”",,trrbooln . ;,',7"",....,""‘....,. .......,..e !armouey.uae \ . —; “NF! «qua-any one no on-nu... - I 1 u A ' « '1 ? V n . hfiélykcltbledhfilf fiwm tween Ilverdty .t_‘.‘;.¢ghu.}.d3uug. O .._:t,x.::-mu-o|'a aura.‘ wer...w “ ‘::““BnnorGrebeeaetar1.andDonl¢hlklIl*d0.1lree;:an1ho $13”: a h..u;1:ooo The. . . ° ...... enggrfifina :. . ..~ 5 Int, .33“ !""’no¢niItuouuu- All theetfl- yurlofl eutnor-. ’ . .2. '°° °""'« or .1 -- n----- so « an -aw =-~..**-'1... ~.:'.-..-'---'...' ....‘-" *:.:.::'..-.:'*.:-:*..*-.:........-::.':.-..-- -= «-3 32- -m..........‘- 21...."-=-.. ...,"--. ...'~.:*.~..°-**...~-~~«-- - -- am,-;~ -, . moo. Pen no wAl\’1‘ED_—Pod&en _ __ H _. . . 0” at m. .1l¢h0ehavoieen§7lh|oe¢lhnd. ‘.3; xd-_'I@T !§flnpg,4h§,b&i!fihl@&m‘&Qukk&hw _‘__ -. #,____uplndeopur. eeyenl 1‘. _.d ."'"c«+a ..«.=@»»--- “#14” . 1-°"""'-“"' """"""""“" o fig? "" "' """""’ "Erma nospmus l°°"""°‘ ““‘ "' """ ‘°'''‘‘‘‘‘'‘- ‘.1 o...a...""a.' u"""...a u. a....''‘‘’'’.... .46..‘ ’- 5 ,,L ; n¢.u«aoy-igu. nounoonnnovh. atuupopoouooooonoun Irvin-hind-net- ; g°fP°¢"'7-"'“““'PP°"‘°"”'”" an ; mun" p’ 'l'heIane:-averefileuinenl-* eertlonqootedthefirattvostlnau!IItocothudNeIIndl‘|d.8ed.¢ ,. . 8ALl~:SllEl~l—8li0V>C..fl.‘r'.“’+..“:.',.“CIred. Inward. mflufihuhdéfiiflflacbkwdh-“‘h‘a”'wnn&.hm3 _ ' iduobutwseflm-...nesh,,t-'.n¢ululadppleonnuu.donn¢un¢ - ‘ '31::-a Idllil u”nu_..u'.d'h~."‘q: -%m°°W‘" neflfioa l.o.the‘|!7-hnugflko 'u..3"‘*£‘”:"""'_."‘h:1:': ‘J"i.___ll:add:n Settle was admitted thou‘! ‘'5 9|!‘ ‘K3 0.” u . i:’°.d.""°"d “*3, ‘:r.w"'“h °’“L'4 % ' sump!‘ for 3'7“ - """°‘u' “" cute ol the Heeetlvo eojuoeifi“ “" ""”""'::‘ht on ,fiIvu'fly and Porter lean-bl. Jndcinx from the wmmcflh ¢:"°'“Iu£”h"|:h'au_""‘m."u“:'*“ h“. l\'auonelCI:arCo.. ‘_ . _4 ’.n"h“*.“w._.§,‘”““b~u_th&eeafihlan‘h“:L.G,‘chus},.,.,m,,.,,¢°A‘.,..:nppe1-cloaonenontheoezeietmt Mo tflnndunp .: C. gfigg-¢;.¢,g‘5¢.gu,.ell.11ieexeaI£lneondtIIelo““H"'°“""' Barralavtudischszr-drestudu-l'°""‘°""“‘5""°' '7. " "°m""’ -’ -——-~‘-""'-..—~r_-‘—$----- ‘mo l neteIo13lIt0lIlI!*50'5lU‘ g.nggg.ng,..gq..¢.pu",’un¢uuoytuwidutwpuadtylmdadeLmtm\opndlrnecularly . '” .‘ iiiuu. am _c¢Iuot lush hum It L: ° 2 °"""" the nuns aounoloto ‘°.'¢,.,u , was oohool. Eieht out o1 ten uooniood oolmd P5¢'UIIl- Pl-an -var l m saw-wr -- ......‘-W -H‘°""“ '’'°'‘ '‘°‘‘'‘'‘ ' "w""-- "”=-n-~"‘ --v”“""-- “‘-—--n''''' ‘**.z*.... ...... ............ .1 ~-=s~ H-;~=-"“°'h-~=“" M»- * .2‘-x 3""-... .-°~....s:::..°*;.':°..-M .......*:.‘'.::~.:::.:::; -«--...:.-.:~ . §mpmve:l.wf! “at ®hel. -n. J ntthlfikutlwuednehaxtedyutuday. “mun. Ml cum‘ hwnfl. “.*uu“nh”mfl‘d “fly” '~.~_~_,_~.... ' ‘ l . ‘ “UV! Friday Du‘. A N“ ‘tom M ‘*5. u "uinfi tn.‘ ‘be’ ac‘ iofielm M‘ ‘be bu W pd ma 0v-=¢-r'- 3“ 3*-':~*~:'“"°"'*~=°“‘=~ *°--ire-A.r+r-ct-to--du”"”" ‘”"" ..a.a...oo.a% UNIVERSITY NEWS '1 m...m.o..n...o.....o..: .. .... .. 3 . 9° '‘’'‘’‘‘''‘°‘’'’ """“' “'“1°ru¢nh-iirbtheflndl-'"1oau lefiauythe la.‘ - Hm themoftbeirownfreewill-1?l*eth:I'¢”p 'o°“'......‘Z3i..a..f‘"‘ “W Chm” c°muyut'°-“h."‘ "“ A"'°l'u"'l"'F"°d°" plug on ' 'h because’ hitllachoolortredv‘ mm." '—— 0'“, ?. _ —'l\ken {noun the Pros um‘ ‘R “ at nuncfiin ’. I 3 h-us‘: fail.‘ ‘W ‘um Bonduunn . undw‘l,.$o°1 flit 1:“ bun mun“ metal: avatgg yeet.Plchng progneued M‘__m lwnbil FY0993‘! .“”"‘” ch ‘ ’ ‘ft... rad: Oflllnitaee. Six 3&8 from “'1.“fl“ to " i” 6' U”i'°"“y’ ‘m "hit ”h"li to ’ arise and oonsehow orlnpun’ ‘ml “nut “ed a Altai!“ l mu lleaonth-once-D°°0IN¢!ch.:4§'ovn:nabe.lIlly .an¢llthlalrflI¢7'm- - B°m,,m¢dnfin‘d,,,,,_.ek,u”¢3 3"’ v , -durlngtbelaothaliofoc-tobor.ond _ , M 9" Gnulwod with and mm °'°'7**-vwrm “PW”-° Univ-nitrc-detfiudv-"'°"‘* « '°tb°"~**7'*°°1=iM"¢""""'°"°"'1.oooroo1nplcuoo In vonhuo and Drain: - - lumbn. {air lnnproveuantn. Prleell um“. . Ki . .' ,6 Din» ‘P "am. I I‘, am. . Reva:-dfor theeta;eandP1|!‘edaeveralee- , . Lo pin: out Pl _ Plootluoullotuuo ‘"0731’ la . nhrn. mnhanl: 1.. North. Jr “"h"““"5°“">"|0DIflnleetlonaendelooedtlIeneetin¢with ';"'Pel;;d‘Jks‘°nk°' "3 fit‘ Com‘: was tlu.-noatP0Dnlar. -o ,hcUn“d sum mm“ “M6 ’ m M t "lelBoono'l‘a ‘ ' - ‘ .'.. "°°*" ‘ " l'the tdeta ho . ~‘ ti\'¢_pl‘i&8. If 7% an “F ‘C _,,_,_.. -.,__9.g gjg‘. n‘”d.'h§c§.{l mnonfl. ~ NIsYllltl‘:(&I:rUd:in‘hLe:’, Ruth, 3! ‘ ‘:0 kno"°‘:::T.' U D ' ‘ow bl“. of whkh 9'39"92o bu. . I-rm -N 0* ’ -1- -con. - 1 man invited. IOOACIIHENU-Y‘l'K«|-8 “»‘l“""‘ T _ '°"" - 1 h ‘ -1 "° ’“ S""':£"‘ " 3"" A ~‘ M", 00 co 1 ’ mm ' “°9" ‘“""“"3'"° "*3" sxovnoann ro rzu. BVEN1‘8:;nid‘.'.:.axIndnI‘vdha‘:?:u’|no;’eml::n ‘ ml , .Exv.-lsantelil Bnkfllcp. AL . . ' _ _ , . Na cw,,",,,,¢,.,,,. Phwfi 317 W‘ 3“ ’ an 3;‘ 9*“: 33”‘ 0"‘! I PERSONAL ITEMS 18''’ 23° T""'“"'...,__‘“:"' 3‘ I co-pun Derlee 'I’ill‘::h:et ..‘.’.'.§? threetl;lo'::ra:(le :m' mm co. ___' ' “"5 ‘_ __ aux, 8. R an . Victory for Tessa. _ Ta?“ B°'°”"dnb“rd "3 """'dm": P09“? 003350?“ '0'" {"3 '~’.‘;d"‘.’;’:;1 Phone 110 or am. aa l___6_ ‘uh!-—— ..—.——_.__.. npoonvent toflalla-, nu” 111:2 ltgottobequlteao. . "13._“.5'__ FOR SAL? non ha“ ‘ ville 1" ‘ “me '11” ‘I! m- “ cut corner of Francis Quadrangle { the ‘do ven went in for writ-1 (‘Tn ¢XCcp‘ Ii‘. cow“ R. W . ‘ad d!“ln“l‘ which w‘. um {n the 0 e M t n n T? tzai-on-ent.1amIot. Winwn-; lm. to ""““"°"' 1ootho11.co-chcwinn Henryhua . wk W‘ n m~““',' ' '“°‘,‘:_,_,_ ‘C, --...-.._.. - --- .. - cant lot at flirt Plylnentoandtu-.|n_a. A F ‘ A. l 1 J‘ g|.ldw t Cam‘! treat! tale to tell of a drea ‘;mP"3“,“ Th le“a:‘”t the. Fm th h of other ‘H’; on lznlnncc. Price $3,501; 'rolophooo_ - - , I b ""'I ‘° “ o had he no a col i omecvwnx-_ . ‘En ma _§m -, 1:; = N3‘: the tr Mm‘ 2“? “mm. ‘Ba’; 8“‘°d mmmunmtin‘ J‘ P‘ “:2: kn yum“; mm’ {Imdenlveralt "t’h’¢'aifn‘1‘ena.on the ‘am of ‘grat::,”"a‘a:l on the board will? :'tun":mi’n regular ¢;::es."Aboutl First Class FOR SAL!-3-5-room modern bun-' Tueodey. Nos-ember 18,2111; {or I bnalneu trip to Centralla.J ; wuyuw “it” began u, im-fbe a program of events for Home-' I_)‘¢fl‘ Ito. occordint _ 10 Ifl°U3¢l’i Work gnlcrw; large lot; garage. Phone. 7:30 p. In. ' ;_ Herbert Wall, prdeuor of voice porn” “me ‘M gem’. did nogzcolning. hm-1. all the soronty mrls became; 2333 “'h-i“' ‘“‘65 ' ' I m the saw“ d Fine Am’ i’ in 8" sleep soundly as nsualbnt was kept The signboard was put up by’ ‘““"“°d "‘ we 9”", °f Rupefil F03‘ Slltdllmfl ROY 3. WRIGHT. wo 3- ‘ I‘°"“ um '°°k' half awake by a most realistic ‘mama o{ um‘ school of Engi— 3l'°°k¢- 1 Come ln lllll See U! Phwe 826 FOR SALE OR TRADE-For 1- " L°NG- s°°"“'7- ‘ S’ L 81' hm“ “mu” °‘ a” drum. He was fighting in 939 neering under the direction of W Her It-lttfilehf is 50"“ ON» 5)’: T “‘°"""".‘l':!."'°"‘;;,"" 0",? ":31 ’ gum; ch?” 0‘ comma“, Wm tune to come. and over and over J. Hodge and s. c. A¢ler!niaoen:,, two book dealers who said uugr WINN’S A u I 1...“ , n ycgtgg-dgy _ . . - 1 3°‘. '5 :,‘',;d'’".,',,,;:“ 3;. my ,., .....u.. 1 LEGAL NOTICE "fin. Prewit:h:£m°(Tn- ‘“',h,3 ‘:“,'"°‘w,d°,‘m’;;° f,‘;"“,‘,’,,."3 9'7“ “°‘8° m"""b '°P°‘'“'° ‘* :,",";’,,‘<',"‘,‘,“‘;'.f ‘,;’,o‘,"k’;”"_f,';f,‘f"‘,°°,§’,:§'; Garage 3. warson uucemo For_ 1o‘nhor information call 2101‘ J tralla. who has been lo Columbia on ‘M, ,,,,, a, “ma ,0, «;~.,.., ”“' "°"";'1._..°___ . .,.,houh.1 since they had stocked 7 N. 61!: Phone 2135 mum, -savio- black. 064-09 g.IfgI?:I:‘_::_I-I“ um ""“"°"- "“°"’°“ *° 5" *'°'“° 3"-"° no next day's battle brontht the.ELl.WO0D ro cm; up on than. therecw-‘n gulzbdtv A , *"—‘ .————, _ Will!!!» a tad; . ‘ - """“"" - Li " an urx. *—"_" 4__._ V0“ ‘"33"’ °" “-“"”"’7°""l""""' "“"'-"‘ "“ ""“ °' ‘'‘°' 11 y A 1 Ban :1 Do ' am" w W‘ "' mu ' win Talk to Student Secretaries at;'fn‘r:nderl' :::':>pu1.:r but now :1! - ~- . ,4. no m.¢;,5;- .;u-egg, 01-00. In-nod. In: their o-unto noon at "3 ' ' ‘”, ’°’‘' ’”3'' The only other phenomenon of the , °. _ 3 ' . "’°'“ hm’ ' ‘n-on. dated April 17 non. ...; ......” who lwe near Columbta lelt yeoter. - g «pg, -1 7- “- C- 5- 5'"“"" 5'-“'°°L ~ls dlmcolt to and a student who: 1’*'°"° ‘*7 °' 237° "" - ”“" In no «men or we i-mu or n--u or day for St. Louis where «they will ;°fi§..°"o?f° 1'5.“ . agent‘: owho 3 ‘“'~'’“‘ “°“*>'- '°°’°‘”>' 0‘ “"9 has a thoroulth knowledze of M1 " o . - "u" - ‘WWII. ‘ ' . . . . . .. ' ‘ . . I ‘ ha": SAu"‘7's""°u"‘ "°‘°"'!lfl. at°::e:’§:.b«:::a: to It. It. 'u§i’°'i the $.83’ h. ersl Years 880 W in la: sleep 3 gm; tgygmdugmdguez IrI'B5I|8l8~ Wm ‘fly "udcm “mi” hick house. Grooms. sun Pllrlor and nu. .. come. all .1 mo rkht. uuo an M 3.": i ° '°'"” " ° brilliant pins’ by I rub member of of ‘punt um.‘ Chfimm A~,,od,,u ts". ,u° yo, ,5, ,.,.“,*, ,,(,,,,,._ ml ”‘°"7’i"‘ p°"h' am noon “mouth. I ‘$.37: pone“ .l.e‘(l‘a°nd'tl.taned‘uh'I'nht‘he%‘:: Siclne nflenlla‘ “:1, ’;"(31)‘aut:t' the “am in ‘ma, fol. tion at N hville Tenn. telling; glmost every case they know of am? 001. PM'¢‘d Em“. NW3 1701*‘ am’ ‘or noooo. lo the sou o1 Iioeenrl. leads: ‘me. ’s“d., "wind hm: ya, '°"'°d' 5? 9"‘ ‘bu pug’ nbout the e ? er o'chool in'1925 for‘ ‘‘ Pu,‘ _ , To gonna. go pug; .( 5.¢g..|.. ... rfiy ' in the held and. ea 1! reality 9 emdent 6‘. - “.... he 1 -—--——~-—- -~-~-' 1 '¢'3"°°"‘ '‘‘’‘"'°' '‘°‘ “W "°"”5t-'-'r'°-Pr"-‘-3-n:°7:o'»"7: °°'°"cua-°'ao"i'.'or.ou.”"" Joo lanai: a mule bu 1 "°" "1" °___i——f 'h' ''° N dram“ ' ’ 1 ' d ' to th ~ ha-lf_ WM’ bd*°°" 3'0""! W‘ I! cum. uauoo 1. no on’. 1... am York. Po. who has been ifrcolg: IVORY saints SPELL V"-7l‘0'“‘ In W Moro m "‘i.'2"’'i'»'.. 1. I ° Uni\'trsil)'. income 8207 per month .3 “um. .h,,,,,_ .5‘... .... “... H‘ on bum.“ ‘at ya I for E . . . rm 503;? ' M?!‘ {mm "mm" s9'5oo' "my {w-§::tt.-t “hone-held t‘(c:I.l::). :‘§.'.".T.'.'1'.'.‘a.‘{? Clarence Io ‘He expects to re. U3l'¢"“!‘ 31l|‘fl'| mu F°"°°"‘ an“ ‘t 1;,‘ aka’: aunt‘ . ni. . 1 ' ' » Defeat 0! Jaylnawh. _ ' . _ ‘ ~ , ’ 8-room house. block from cam-i_“:“;,..';~..':.T,',‘.:l;,'“:;;‘,.‘ 3:“ La: ::':u;.°,C°l°h.u':gl;i,:°‘,:,:h;u1n::r mm" There ere no crystal _ guen in :9" ''''° °°”.‘d°'°:n:m:T:ube ' ( l _ pug, sr.,oo0. _ tinny-«lest may not 04: (0 loan. to o In S‘ C_ gum ‘M d““M,_.,. Columbia and no mednnns who as: Pg! ‘P°¢“1C A Ellwood h we D._”__ 3 . NW’ “°""*"‘ "ma." '”°d°"' bu” zwg-goo..." uefl.e‘l:c ’.'.°'7.."o.o:'u".:"" Ilia: Frunoel flint. 804 Conley ave- p'°‘°" "° “fink we “mt ‘mfld’ [L g, ° of 51;‘; none: - N r O t'u'"W- ‘NM 5349- P“'°d "~"°°'~'-Loo out also or non tweet?-cl: can no one. left yesterday morninx for So. 5”‘ ‘m"'°""‘ 7’°"'°" h"° '°°°.m' ‘puke!’ ¢lmreeonIt!'II¢tie P‘: H In: "‘"' "'a'°'1" “""$ Q - ‘ ' ' A _:s'»o0 down. }t-o-tum. (27) In use co:-sh‘. eoum numb. G.” to “tend we unmd ly been ascribed to that m_isch1ef- :1; W31 mu‘ WOW ‘ ° ‘I:-:_fI.|:tp-ma',f';f.'*_'___‘ i . . - . H. -, A New 5-room modern bunnlow. ‘-5-! lit! (to) not to a point: than III! muhun of the congedcncy com working couple. a put of dlce. “bd ‘° 9 "'9 °°“"°" to he bonus 0'I'-'' I ’‘‘‘'l’‘"‘' "°'°" °‘.“ “°°"" 33's.‘. "o.'1.§'o'.1".'.":oI';"f.°.§.'3'.1" 35 non They will also visit met» *" "“'”“°“’ “"“- ° "“°°’ ‘rue “Beacon uxhu" Met mm-I-y r;:uu— a . pl\‘l'd street 84.500. }200 down, L nu. .... a. ‘nu mood V‘ football has been worked out by a The “Bacon Lkhm» ‘ sand”, _ 0'". .0‘ n. I . balance hlte rent. or will talc l d Oel‘8’.tre':tu:lKt:“(‘u‘lJee1be ‘ bu ‘en . gintlhvedrrty flniideflt. ‘choc, cl”. {M the yam,‘ mufled .5’ unit‘ ; . ' a building lot or car an {int poy- "9' W“ you won to y or some cc are ever)’ f we 3,33,... .‘ u,od- t nun‘, ,.a_- '.. _ L‘ ,,,,,,L , . -_:',__'-;*_""**r*_*_-,“;‘_;'_‘,°__'.*_-__v_-_*-;_;‘_ mo; try o llluonrtan want ad. Titers play. an. boy and his rootino 3'33: ‘I'M M Ma; ;m§,", "' ; NOW ON S.A .\'_cw 4-roombunlalow. $100 down. to arose in ween. I el o oonah __ ___ ;h00I¢l::‘¢;r3:£infl?:x fr: meeting in the “ad, of the R". 6 ; . dd‘: 1' take a M as non payment -"-5-'7 W - “'°"""‘ '°“". °' ‘ o . um-in 1.11“ Thursday mm. A V l roam Pmldcm Um ' Bargains in suburban places. I-llo ‘wmlg :ov.I:u“n_-‘undo; :5"; mg“: 3: ‘_'_- pbctlc table 13*” 1 Th‘. 1'9: social eveui RAD '9 dryer dtelowlleot cub-fredunan. you ovele small {arms to trade {Of b 3‘ ., .h,.‘, ‘R. ....‘ any I:“l3lI hydet I ‘I’ _ . The I ‘ ,. ~_ ' lluocl. of all u-u-tee. the ennui 0"" 3”“ ' b'.'- Plebc‘ . 3,9915,‘ _ A ‘ 1 lb“, - » p'S't:nIl.‘x for all kinds of issuance. "" ''d‘''''.‘.'‘‘:;::: are ensue ‘H . i ‘M on December ‘fig’-H Q Eufluq A (;.,,.,. and ~..,. gun, com‘. ‘km _, ,_.,"““"c__,,_ ,“___,£ ,, 2.00 nuoocoo -mat. ' ——"j ” """ Itloaunpedwlzhoomuhlnaoaverbvlohnfleld. Room 1 and 2.11’ r Bldg. plsanlchouuou-¢.-uuo.-.uooh.o-on "_’::f_-Hmlwn‘ ‘~—~— )1-.,nndlncludedlnlu aredrowltuaud 5'9 of 39'-5 l-luck. _, ___ _ l""""" :'_"‘:."_:”_".':_n°'.,",_'“,d,_“: one 11 ouch eh!-n ho not , . erttlb E P L CE 0030537 Pl?‘-U- 5,“-,-3*“f,;,¢f;‘f,"“»:uu-.n. m..11o.unu-roo....aoo. °-'1-' '1-0-1-v woua.aodxnIlJ0"""7 '2' OluyipWlIlla:Il3soha1Bendnley.Ellhonl-louver. . 300. 'l-euo1oouooouo1uu-¢.ct:holxcu:u‘.‘_‘‘’'''‘''‘‘''‘‘'' ; . FGC&v¢u,dm.n'°¢h.n, ——*-~ . ere-rt lend. ' o -. r “'A-"'"‘-D-"°""¢ N! """""oI'o"o'o'.".'L"‘.a°":.'o."£'.-y"'..'.'."o. uccmurs clock :30? t ‘ '(‘(DH‘|"l-‘ll! ha mm. ‘M ‘a N tdx mu. ‘ . —h .3183! H. A. $14.12!». J1‘. d ' ” x. 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