. 1 3:-£.=._t..-'t~‘ .?_\§§T»J'~-9 -‘. .‘~v~"-1*‘ '. ..~-‘at -—-* »--~_. T wA!\“l‘ED-—'Plain -or fancy phou 1093 3.5,; ing' upon dresses Ii; 5 n'aNr£D—E:u=eriIa,I.=!I|. or‘ _vraitreas. Arp11'.=0°7!9t¢-1!I.|I- . ONEY TO UOAN on Columbia, , . ‘ )g'gw1‘n;n'a Hardware. 2344‘, fl , _ h m : FOR REl\"l‘—2 modern latte nice; FOR ALb——]2t-' “ms: is y.'ly furnished front rooms. improved, very cholcc land. road. Owner says. ‘"53"-" 3. " . ~ on f C:ritonbCount¥ t;tld**c':;:;*:;_' ‘“Enoor,_ next to bath. in new boon; \ ue. wncr wo ‘ V . Colleen to sell. terms easy. Phone 669 red. Pour hlock: south- _-v Others large and small at amtot-BIS I ll YOU ITO looking f0!"i‘_ BOOIIA‘-E “vAN1'ED 1 arm (mus. "‘i 2 Va 5"‘ " \. T ' "-,‘ ',’ - V \. ' ' 7 . . . ; . " <—1..v-1:1» 19.‘saz4..ui37—..3¢5u’ .... .. —. ~ . - - .» .v' ‘ . ‘Ger '- .3‘ '. ‘- ""1-.’-="'.S" ‘ ‘.'.4:_..-'0;-:__ x,,..3‘*.§"p5_:3,u . . . .._ , K gv .93‘ ._.. .‘_ ‘Z " p "_ 3' - ‘u’ l 7“ ' "‘ l‘ - "’ *' -..-“ =:-‘- ’ ' , _‘ 1‘: z ‘ - '-‘ '-. .~ 1 .0‘ .’ ' “" . . ‘ ‘ ' ' , 1 1‘ ‘ H 31': .‘ '.<'-.. ‘. ' . . -..a~.--4 '. 9-. :"l.‘°a*-".?"’.,;-, ' "- 3," - f'“~-\‘‘f-*:‘- :. of ‘’‘‘r . ~ '«.-a".,'~.*-.4"?-it " ' ~o: a- " ‘icons.- .4: .,1i.¢.=*'.~v‘_' “ ' 22;?‘ ’ -=-n . r ** ---- ~ u - . , 1 _v _ I ‘ ‘ . __ _ '. ' p _ '. -3'2‘; _ .. . ' ‘ I . . .1 p 1 _‘V .. _. .. g’ 7 ~ . 2 ~ , 3 I . V . 7- ’ a . : I l 7 ‘ I . '3' in .’ ‘- l _ , _ L . _, _.j<:.._, ,—... .. - _ E 5 .-‘E 5 % 3 agig ri~§“ §g.; , J? E. - we . 3 i E A conveni- 5 miles out from Columbia on ”“ tgefifty ‘"1 Um"~""'7' Phme ’ ' was »m°.°‘1~' "*“P'°"°" *“’ Fox 3824? Room out ” 3 i 5' ii? is Egg 4; 1 9- § § 100 acres 9 miles out from CO-l ____...r—e ‘ Back on the delivery lumbia. fair improvementa."Priéedl":-39038-808 avIuua..fi..yg;_ ,Coa¢h amino...-3 ..;9'.';-1., ,j " ; N ‘ -‘.1 l :1.’ Y‘ '1 ‘r‘ 9 —‘:..',4_e .3. 1.. . scan:-an . -I395 x‘ 7. D h-and 8lath..pha:a' " 1' !'Olth'3ml'!‘—8&cIae nor can . nod. Ave. flu. -* ~v ran nun‘-1-og1:1_a.u1oun-nu 4 heated room. ,near University.’ rrnzss‘ PO33Dl1‘—8tut-uiahed ' Time named.-;-d *“'°“* ~ and bath, garage. ~ Price as per Won-k.‘aa1ledlor,-8$da meath.Phone6l¢hlach. am: _ hone 1591 tell. .1 . ' r als’o‘765§e-l5l!room!ornIan.Q_lli W ’ atJ.001laoeI:t.phone786¢lmI. , 88141‘ . -. A N m";h.4.. ova , «'3... 4 FOR ll!-2N'l‘—l"ui-nlahied roonu owl” 1,, « ’ -if ,..”a.«;of the -4 s. u-. {looked out. 37 "1'. . ,,‘_,,_,_,._, ,, . ' ’?2,W.$‘ I-I-‘Ir A-int raw-=3; fresh‘? . manenbandhaekafalltoeom-" Rafi 0 T; pare"favo1-ably with the {act and 'l'h wlllohe ‘mace Behln brothers of amooflm .- r -" 5-? . g E A disc:-canto smut Kip E E 3 g Henry. however, gave specific orders that his star ahould not be tackled by the J. A. Stewart & Solis Exchange Nat. Bank Bldg. i ‘_bv'aN,'n:n_muo “Price 810. Phone 1977 black. Phones 317 and 344 ‘ r . _r l 1 "W W"-H Ur imp Down THE FIELD Witt! T I , , . The game with Amen. Saturday - ‘ : ‘ '53” C533 F03 3553 will mark the sixteenth meeting of . rm: .\‘Al,‘l-J—Lot as by 135 ft-et.1 7* .th two schools in v ley football —. $750. Weathers Realty Co., phone FOR SALE lcoggetition. Of these . AIMS w «-11 of I 272. ' 3s.ss‘» "G°°“ ”‘°‘’ C‘’'‘ ‘has come forth victorious eight ml ul-ilv . ' z ' 1922 D°d3° "°‘d,“‘°' itlmgs. Five tint _' Missouri L, M 5". FOR $Al..E-7-room stone house, 1922 Dodge touring “mm the 10 had of we “om ma . . “I F but water heat. lights and bath.’ 1923 Ford coupe 1 - - kndtd. ‘ I - — north side. easy terms. ‘ 1920 Ford touring : But for . Md 5,33, 1”; ya,-'5 1 1«_o24_ 12-room‘ house, 2 baths, ,alecpiqg‘E_p, TIN" CUBIC .“ume might have gonein the column uh“ has ‘ P0!"-‘ht; latte lot. income $200 Per 35“°io‘1 ties. An inopgirtune fumble by N .:‘ mont . E 1 .3 ' - Y- ‘ ,m t «H Y ' ',.pay rent‘! When you can} 'F9R s.AI’E—192o Odin.” r°“—u°Igin by which the Cyclones wereable ~Wd~ (11 * 1 ter in first class mechanical con- . bzudy E prcufld new froom bum; dition. Five Road cord tires 885. w 1”" Ti‘"'?Y£ - Ami 8| c 01150 a pay or it y t Ph 1252 R87“ acores o ‘e Begun-V es! . month. ; one green. ‘, _... -‘games in the : ' _ T .'cw 5-room house, $3,250. o.;yi"“”"”n]l1v‘rn§n,‘1'~6"i31:‘i_""“3 1 Iliaaouri 6, Amen 12 ) , terms. » ‘ if ' I-o—-————-J 1908-—Miaaouri O. Ame: 16. . ‘ V 6-room bungalow. University’. 'wANTED_T° ‘buy '°c°"d iundl 19°9"’ui'”‘"'i 6' NP” 6' - ,- avenue, priced to sell. Weathera'flYP°W!’5?»¢!'. 8Uhd8!'.d mlk¢- "1009; l9l0—Hias_ouri 6. Amen 6. Realty C-o.. phone 272. 36-88,10”- ‘ 3748: 1911.-ui3l0|11’l 3. Ame‘ 5- ‘—-——-1‘ you EAL! 19l2—Ki880l1!‘l 0, Amen 29 ..._.___.._— .. FOR SALE-13-room house with’; - * ; 13_.;u..m-121, Ame. 13 ---9-— 1 .. y ‘ v'mwr°- 1 blocls from campus. db orsran PLAN'I'—-For sale at 1914—muour1 o. 5 i . '°°"" '°"t°d- W1 ucnfm jliring ricea. also native trees and‘ 1915-uiuoun 6. Ame: 14 5-room .co-xwlctely modern bricklthrubs. Phone 525 black. Chas. 191o—anuouri o. Ame: o b""W°W- otk/fit-cars. south 8ide..'Whcat, 711 Missouri avenue. want? 1919-—Hlasouril0,A1nes o I, paved stre;-t,,r will.‘ take building? _ 1920--Hiaaonrl 14 Ame: 2. 1. lot 0!’ fimlfilgujt pg;-g :p.’-,‘ FOR river sand. the’, 1921__ni..ou!.i 17. Am” 14‘ . ment. . _ that can be bought. Phone: 1g2g__ui”pu,; 5_ 5,5,, 3__ ‘ , N9" 2'00"‘ Jlgilllt’. lame eleep—f9‘3- ’ P33‘38f 1928—Hiaaouri 0. Ame: 2. 1" . f ll: bug-’ . ' >———~——- ' .5,,f,’°';° -" -"'3 °°"°"’‘''' ! FOR SALE-8-nd racked Jon--o A small brightly’ colored Tiger, L"-"ace! ‘zvooov will “kc ' ' » . building 10; 0', C" ,5 pm p.y_;f-ban ‘topics. Ruiemew Olflllfdl-tmpreaenufive of Missouri aghuug , an g ’McBa1ne, L_lo.. phone ‘14P22. Ed ;p1,-fig, 1,5, begs’ M B - -‘ 5-room stri tl mode h l [.E_ wood “an”. um” . “‘ Inn’ "'1' ‘ _ rcccpu-one kg 0217 u “:0 ‘n’ A of may ‘ho In {of- - ' 1,1 ' . 4 . . fl‘ ' merly a auadent in the University oclts from campus, a bar-Ilondling. Delivered. Phone 1712 . 5"‘i"' ‘3~5°°- ‘green after 6 p.’ nu E. H. Guitar. C I C 1 cm to '__‘}l0Vl’‘'!l. . V _ lie have _other bargains, a num- 1' 07 houses. apartments and su-’ L burban places -for rent. - c minute. noun. side. t6ooT—-""-="—-*"" ‘“‘“”"""" ; C I in i -u 11312 Baas avenue. __ R85-40 -‘-us {or insurance. Gare I-‘gig; ~ , Really co" Room, 1 .:;d&2 Ming; LO8T—Brow-n stone margin 1 Bldg” phone 519 0,. 692 buck. ichoker or neck piece, on Chris- ‘ 36_38,tian College Campua, Saturday aft- . - -1- 71.. J‘”.."’ ;:::;_______-'ernoon. ctllfll to Alice Kirtley. —.—='---.___—= ~ 2 , FOR RENT lphone 1359 white, 110 Dorsey. ae- am “ ' I is _ .. about eighteen inches long and 30011 ‘pin nognn made of a queer quality of cloth with 1 unusual striping on its body. ' ROOM AND BOA3D—For boy! ‘:3 (mpg;-cad ‘gift vb iin modern home. Phone 1484 green. untibn at once. in. _l(cK of 3,_.a"E,‘n 5_m°m bungdmv,‘mod- _ G12“ or of the victory over Chicago Good {arm , B. 'i‘'‘“ th for Columbia 'pz-dpcrty. Also. ace 1 - we-r arm romeo '”"‘“ ‘°""“" "' °“ ‘ degree examination. ‘Confer .J. 11. LONG. ..'7‘2Zi.’i’‘s.‘'.i’ ._ .,-"ME'ET To . , BE AT STATION Rousing _$end_'-Ofl' Planned: as Team Leaves .for cheering {least a dozen K which will rival the enthusiasm be. } her (‘om which to pick their team.‘ - and , players alike are ’ looking to the Ames game as of the hardest on the Tiger schedule :3; and the Missouri team will have to do some real battling to earn a vic- to la stop the swift f Ame: backs and to break up the be- ' wildering aerial game which the ; Iowans have used to such advantage 7 thir eeaao ' 2 - n. This is the first conference game for the Tigers and every student is A" expected to back them to the limit‘ to win. Try a Missourian want ad. y- Will Play Freshman Tour- Bender-so at tatday afternoon champion of ion in straight sets, 6-2, 6-4. 6-2. »llind5n‘a impressive victory yes- terday slur-noon stamps him as as Aatrong contender for a plat-e,on the Vanity team. and establishes. in s the favorite in the school fi-rmem come “'0 which he will meet the inn em‘ in to the oolpat Missouri. A team on .thr uemilinalisfa in the tournament will journey to Kirkaville on Octo- ‘her 24 to meet a team from “the b0_§l-(irkaville College of Osteopathy, in‘ "_Wedneaday afternoon for the sch championship. E2‘: ‘A revie! of the material revealed jun’. the Tin’ ofthe intramural derson, student golf inanaca. call! this morning. but the final V ,_ 81 he completed one time thh iweelt. ' With the close of the open tourna- other a1mouned_- ,_-_. _._.4 . . —-I__ the tonrnaments is encouraging,‘ one -: peetedv Jlenderaon, Winner of ‘ deraon, Sunday, in the final round made to ordcror remod- ed -._..__ —and it’s a fact. f_ THE DISCRIMIN- fl TRADE e Jun- ; ' . TIGER Barber Shop Here’s where you get those real col- legiatehair cuts- ‘, done by men who know. “Where Students . Go.” Phone 250. 910 Broadway ‘Yes, we haye ‘em? I’ Rockford Socks in blue and red stripes the talk of the campus See them 25c pair ‘ Plume 745 703 Cherry 1: La.und'ry $1-| . \ ? T~ LTT. It ich attracts .at- Phone 758 “Suds and Duds” We call for and deliver. Lau drynan 158 I06 8. Fifth St. _._.,___.o - City x. c. sunrjyan. W. M.‘ Pim- ° - -.__...__,... , RENT__P“n°" ~ ' l V , i ‘W “ ’—‘ 7*‘- »'‘fi''''''''-''-''—''''''''—--'''— ’ 8°05 Piano: in excellent condition} "'Y3OS'F¢—Plain small Phi Gamma‘ . - ‘ "‘ A A — “"5” C°- . act and'Net! Hall, Monday 1 1 ' 3 1 _ . , . , _ . - - $3. §4,and $5 per month. Taylor Delta Sister n. Jesse -e S FOR mm _c u Phone 1886. Reward. Bsfitf .3’-qum. Phone ma white. .< 3]; _11.o.s'r—ouo¢n tripod on again: ‘ - ‘ 881:! Field Sate:-day.L ‘ricer Studio. 9: DI,-mu Illrtanenta. j Phone 1015 bO8‘l"—Saturday_ on Christian ‘LA ) ' FOR mhoy ' 2 837838. buth and furnace.'$35. - ‘ ‘ . Inside, 8_keya. ' . V 4-room house, :20, "id money. ,106$extoq 87 -‘o=.¢.*:..“:.t,.'~*;~ I t 3 r tangy‘. xi“ 1:: O “Eagt o’ tl§eSun and o Anew I . o’_the Men” ..$L25 ‘Z Q;at'_‘l‘waln said he’, gk Ildrl . fa-ggau-pea-g<¢o—‘.ooa-—..._-.....o.-o—-0-"-.0" , «V . -.,u . -. 4 T - r-uaw. .5 , - _ ...¢fi-<15‘:-I-1. ~~‘; ' , . -» . v . ,l , . V . .- '- . . - . . » < fa ' .oV - ' :' ~ ’ Q3 r V Columbia now -333: Oct. 3 ‘ ‘ MATINEE THURSDAY _ A Coming Direct Pro Iaxunaoutuns at T tnerican Theater, St. Louis, and Kansas ' ‘ - iv)?" 9 ‘O .- ‘ .‘. I .-‘ -.’.-_V:- ‘N _r_ flu‘ ‘fl-,_ ‘--_‘._.-it -2' 7-L, ..' :' A -11i'.n;A -Q. '1 ...._.—..._._._.‘ i TRIBE TKLIB ISlalIlNA‘l'lSll ~‘ . - _ V_ and Week-Bad lath Fraternities‘ Pull.-ll" bolors in the Kitin- -~ —~¢-._......_..._....—¢— , We wish to advise you that we have the A Herrnan army shoe on the Munson last, in black calf. Regular regulation at $6 re You Going to College This Fall? ‘ rogyosglh mo Scholarship: to be Given Away to Introdu-=o' COLLEGE LIFE THE ONLY MONTHLY MAOAZINE FOR COLLEGE FOLKS V One scholarship will be awarded in uch state to the Writer Of the ‘best letter stating WHAT QUALITY YOU ENJOY uosjr lN A TEACHER AND WHY . dc of paper only and limit letter to 200 words. , Enclose 81 for six months’ trial auhactipdon to College lJfe.“~ 1 Write name of state in upppr lefthand corner on address side of "8 9 PE . THIS OFFER CLOSES NOVEMBER l scholarships will be awarded January 1 and the winners an- nounced in our January number. A .‘l‘rlal sulpcrlptlon commences at that time ; COLLEGE LIFE uomatr uaoxzixc ran comma CONTAINS in non‘ ISSUE An ‘:3 an eminent Contributors--The beat 92.. ii??? rm: sroains YOU tuwt .i. 3 srou_1as", or ATHLETIC I nr.-.\r -.<$ _ ~_ 9