i ‘.1 V ofslm H — , . , - - . ‘ ' W '. ' ' ‘ ‘ ~ 1‘ -. . I Hows I 3 an. mRKH0rRSE« St a ,._..., ,.., ,.,,, .,,, .,,,,.,,,, il1\Iu-....._ ... ...... ..—....... .. ‘,0 he ainniuaon «(tho I-in-hr ' ’ °’'''’“'‘'”''- . —-———~ xi """°" - 3"“ “"*"' :3? 3“'‘'='" *''°°‘'*’°" '" "° ‘ IN tern» BALl."l0lJllNAlRN'l' iChampioneliip Hitches ' wot-utungn ma um“: 1 =3 lasttfileght at a masameetinx ,m Bmm nus WEEK 1: to Be Played on ‘mind “av. was -a . 8 . First Plflbytchnti ’ _.__Z 1.“ i .'—l V T5¢ll'°¢|'l|l1°|'l?5‘¢""" Bareanl Honda Competition Also’ Tu 15$“, "' 8”“ ""1 -5 ‘Pooh’ -3-“ I9‘ - , usun sou.—.'ro1wua Cup I y‘ 94 w'°";m,_ ‘”" hr ttka"b! N. -r, Gentry, Dean Albert __..__ N.“ s,,.,,, 3 —— ' 1 Cole» was do-I . nun !mIeckeiandDr.ll..G!‘own-r- " .‘°'“--'e*'- -0 W with an Unimmy mm “ndi F The final: in the Unmniir '° mt, I W‘ "'°"“"‘ bara ow executive body eoualata at new an 5601,‘ six. J“. '0" monuments do“ to th .3 tennis tournament are scheduled o‘ x“5°“ C3330! VII at hoot- uni“ an”. i. u . . . "F u"""‘°"°"'l""3l""‘h"h°3"'noiaaoemaduetorepeatherteatof‘finalatate.aiidtheh-atexi in el ‘°"t0monvwaru:-noon.g3;3o !¢hll‘I§d Friday. Harold E.Enxl-°°|¢'¢3'°H°3lDl3dVi1'ti'IlI30d- 111" G 'm‘"‘lP!0fuoorWeaverwillieturutodIr ' Tn —-- John ll. Alexander; Itndent coua- _ - . I “V 59' 0-dock on the Uni en,‘ te lbrecht was admitted Friday. ford laoua Bewell and Lucile G’ “u ‘mm ' F "N" Ego "n°r.m__lLC_.1.°'u"th.‘”nvinniiutheBi;Ten ll0O0lI_tlhl‘1l)I.llf!'l¢lI well intothe aecondf ccum uindunfim W "3: ' aooucout’ . wdh‘ , inatalkyeaterdayafternoonintho -—~--4 __c-__ L ,, W ‘t-nkatlu ‘ecre!‘ry' AM ‘T’. d!l‘tl.'l.l CW ‘I by I§1'CI‘:°t:i“. lll intramural I winne; of the JoMm.x%t f ‘ of ah- an of cw. Y. I. C. A4 I, “tin nu “man man“. C“ Oltlhnd.‘ Wiaoonein-t lb“! and bounds the £3 bi] ‘ad! mfich‘ J‘ H‘n"m' ""1 M" 7°” P1317 300 ‘m b‘ “ u” ‘"5’ u‘‘‘‘ “*4 P13“ Bx“! “id an the Uni- mus: '-=‘ 93''“: "'4,“'°. . ithe qlendu ' i p° ‘ °" no ,,,,,u,,, d and lbaby um. _ mm 9,, November 4. The hosteaaei will be """’ "'"" ‘ "“" °"‘ ‘°’.‘’''‘’'' W, . _. of the various nntteea. 0? ‘I30 159359!‘ €833 008 Wt-‘ ‘ l h . m" 9"‘ st‘ "’k°lBoone County Hospital Vnltnnlag Ethel Wade. Loci Moore, Pauline but u h N‘ on’ in t’°° °" I p "’ e chairmen of committee: were :3!“ the team. who? Entriue; in both sports are now i:w:i:dt::;"‘f’a°m t the am_°ff the 3 Elsa H 3.” ‘u .d'mitud"'w' kart! and Ruth Hunt. ‘Mt dub? “en” th“ °°““' T° . Chi! elected last lit the -week before hid =03)!!! ‘ti will 3 °“ ° 3 WT’? - 13.791! t bld ll . . - Av. They are as Zlaiwmttsoau :-ssssey. A-ea‘.-so.‘-n~nn.o.-«sum-' de!eat;wa!’ szmeélnmepifnoz-ecu. ¢'§§,.‘:2"§f:noon. As a resnl_t_the finals in the $3,’; {",‘,-’,",';’,f;",,‘f“ '”°"““‘ ""' "” -no oiisnnvi: PRAYER wizm ‘ “ "3: “ °”' ":3:°*th*: bl:-t9 S 3;:-tnlf i c ‘ llias Katherine Johnuton; publicity, of Kansas made" Ooe tin flek «.3004. in Chlfte of intramural ath- mcquet °°mp°tm°"' ‘finch "'9' Ills! Katy Cu:-tla was ”m'm' *'—'~ ‘ . ‘i M‘: T59 “M5 *0! I lifeatol r in nu on Bertha“ . gauche]; Chrmuncol. the ‘hue’ by.copp‘uu“‘_umu.‘h__ua’ “muted why‘ rchecliauled for Friday afternoon win “A M". W‘ L die:h;r:$ Columbia Y. M. C. A. to Support ll V in!-A life or. « . . fly 1989. Mi“ 313373 F731; ‘ 7° W33 "P the week in the Val.7 All organizations on the campus ‘be P Med 0“ ‘Omaha fieulnoom ; tted Thuraday intuuuu‘ ‘w’ 0*’ '°rd" ‘ "h"°“di"'°'“i°0' Here’s where you Th” W - College, mu Johanna Apaton, Uni- leyithe following ucu '..n. o..¢.‘ue urged to form teams and enter the, only semifinal match; mu Sm,‘ ,5] . . " ‘ .’’'“’'‘“‘°'‘‘‘. ’’"‘’'°’ W9“ ‘°' ""' ‘ A i l . “Pod u: ' veraity men‘: class promodon, Jo- standing: First the reign ‘of ghevboth sports, and those who are not p!”'°.d Fmhy “mall” °“‘hu‘h°d lggnum, Wu ‘dmitu3"!'_,::;h° °“’°u' 3°: hi °h“"’d gm‘ 1! you w eel] no i those real Co]. New Y be‘. ' §::fi':!:W \r;ll9Ymkegali.ir:evfl; indetl” uu”un':gf:iul:dtl:tlIo‘ny orzulinfion en- d! t:f°i¥:l‘1):!t:l? til: ;Soout Ravi-___+_-i y. l\lhurIdIY nitht at a - mm‘ tr’ ‘ m"°"fi” ‘Nu Cd-‘.1.’ Cutfl-— 9 versity women's clan p'*""'"*“!‘.. the first time ain:e.the l;¢lrldm:V,'f’:“° til‘? their n:mm:;mt:,m6°:" “Wed lets, 917, 6-1, 6-3. The score was no ’ Publicatiziv o!;ntb:‘e“:c.o.t%'-.tlb°""d 01 dlnectora oi the Y. X. C. __ done ‘ b .~ It’! Miss Frances beeper; Girlstian En- , gm“, den“ h” 50'“ totwho win .9, ,1,“ they hue ‘ 1 H‘ indication, however, of the match. ‘has been reaimod 5 u Review . Definite plans will be made out . y men Who The e . deavor promotion committee. . V41,’ oppomm. I {to p].y_ which forced Xindlin to-extend him- lcommbh 30 S; 1'00? 1 of ti! latdo _ _ . know - follow: 1-, Nansen; finance committee,‘Auh_rey » 1 _ t ‘am °”’. . . . . self to the limit to win. ‘ 1 3 - y nu‘ "4 Rooolmnenthtiona canoe:-mug the ' - ‘ . myfi t’ ' Pmingen y0fm:°“bv:l:e cg?! utlle ufiofngirm bieidgwen In both speed ‘ In the freshman tournament only °dln8l.I“°r ‘nob. 1°“! °""h‘u°“ ' l m} ,' -‘..- °°l"i"t‘ W! Another meefing gf thg ‘flock- wonnt ‘ound {mm noun‘ £ntw .l'I0llf|d.9 toward the one mntch w‘! phyed Ffid‘y Rose- lfioop 1 ‘re 5: I Eng!!! ‘D M will u It the Ill‘? ELKS ‘ é I A" cum, I ol 3°" §“fn"°dtf3r an 1:0?” fllfllje W, “L % . zflmded mt ,p,in“““_ “° °“" ‘° 5° borough defeating Coever in Jar gnu be published twice a xno’:ii': ,1 °""*'1‘.",°" ‘Nob will be here 0c- on. g ' . _ G0 ,, c 2 ions. m m.n°..n s.:.'.'..:::. .3‘ ma: second». on Am we on»: n. ..:;..~—“*-- . 222:2: ‘“" °'~°° “°'°~‘"*o:;“..‘:‘n‘: ‘§:.‘*"‘ """"°“‘°" ""°° ' —°— Wodooodor» - . 9» M d can _ _ , ho," hue tum, ant my mum 3'9 ' tor Passes min. I . score is no indication_ _ Y uts went to‘.Arnhold'a T. T. lertia Bad From 8!. Jooeph. 1‘, 7 e‘ ,-," 1‘“_'"‘d k 9'” '" ""“°d‘ we -pit”, tmuble baa“ the ‘en W. L Reid. editoi of the Fayette"! the muh‘ Every “me V” ‘Mm to am’. r ’ n 25 ‘- " *‘ um“ ‘ ,, IIANY ciiu.s IN ATKLETICS son is over. - i};"'°"iF-zoo.‘ mm the ctisis of his izgsdwtfndouoo before Boooboroorhft unin-F:TTi'.‘,‘_‘c.;,.,,.,,,, ‘ the 15 i one 0 ’ ‘ 3"“"“ .... , _ i ness ri a , ' ' _ - f t _ pom. and,“ stcpku sud...“ ‘O ml-Iltzllfi.‘ tlllllizrft atfithe pi-ea.‘ formnion "{_eiv:d‘f;°'°:¥;1::ird::g'§_ ' Ffldgyvp crowd was the largest of . 6_3Q0°1;1'!3l;1c1; ::‘tc;leh:‘t:ld at 5 9 ()’cl0Ck I Broadway fi Bc;)'“1 r . Play oc . , ' P to 9 min to Saturda . M. - lo. tourna fa. N ~ ' V W‘ i . ‘ ‘ " '4 «About fem, hundred ‘M. M" of all in the conference. and. bar-.l miflyuc strike szmeibcr ans husidred 8l.l.'lnde£’r:l.S :01: :dvan:;ley0lf| of Columbul Stuo l {rrt to ¢ signed up for field hockey and we ""3 9"’ “"’°"°5°€n. ought to end‘ has been in ii state of coma most "*9 “M0731 lfimdfiund 00 9"! Blnk t; h‘ lime supp" '“''.".d’ “H Eflumm ," as to have some fine teama de— “’° '“‘°" Turkey Day with the‘3f-the uni. since. i .durinx the Mindljn-Hauanfan match. ., ,3 12° lb“ "' '“‘ ‘“""- Ed‘ ‘ '“”" "" ""‘ 1; v oped.” says Miss Wilma liaynea , ‘ ‘ °“"'3 3102- 30 ‘n ’ of the phyaical edncatj ‘dgpgft- " " '- ~~~— — —-~. _ - - ‘ merit of Stephen: Cones? ‘ W’ 8°“ 5° 0553“ 3“?! 3:‘ ; ‘ ‘,- The new hockey field. which is he- _' n.,- um I‘ ::frl(';l:;xt:’lIn¢‘tI0!of." said ‘Fred An- ° ‘§ friends - ‘ only a . . “‘“"‘ "" “ uni,” who “mg: ‘$83? o A o - 5! no for Itaauttea you to the _gav- _ . . ::::,:2 park Friday night. Mr; Angel] ' andCare The ' ' - ' . . muuniliuhmutntld" m °'''' ‘ ' ” . i hiltfhamily to in ... .,.‘f,‘’ in M_m_,~__m__;- prioeofatinof100LuckyStrilneaia75c o-u-r-v-iniv..- a; ‘ PM W I0 ey are ‘ ‘ to ' % {nu Q5. 93,“ ‘gum -_' of Mount‘L Mir i5»°‘"‘» °‘“'°"“‘ fvwlhwmovbru-ya Y0“. Pay the dealer only 45c “-*'-‘W-¢ v-hr g_dm'm the gomi-L, do ‘T 'e t New York ca, 5,,“ 3'“ . ‘ CUIIOII, ilcoamau ooueiunptiou ny. ‘tofu wt-¢i;..,...d, a i-warn.iw.auc.n.u.. ol¢nnttn._ . , ..'., - - and -n ;.~.snsn. .'§§.".'§‘ f.;;“"°;; ...... ......, W 9 Pay the Government Tax of 30¢ u n..-’;' §i'.’"n".° in. Anetrlea- "3 °",,_.."‘, °*‘-M-x-wan Act qliickl uu....a..1av..ii.n.....g ' ' °""°'IoI|ofotthi- ‘ W“ “W * lir.and Romano: cl °'“""“°""‘ y’nHhis ‘ ' Inna’ ° , taxfroooffer l "°"'""" Illinois were pin‘ rmnud‘ “ .“ “ ""‘1U 13530030‘ . T . ed’. :n°° '. , * . last hoapita‘ Ffidly nltht th I Qt °" W how thin iadnog . aim ‘h °” q°l;h‘:!toto.Nev vrarllint machines that _ one hn [ ape!-Ion J for bun.“ ‘°'£&°» " ‘I! ‘lay fiat ° ‘ -. i ‘M haadallldorallaadl regular ’ beineffectwhenthedoalu-' m"" i I " ' Fivg to . - OIVO . _ I ‘O m M . his 1.3-0 ‘mm. n_i“l"°¢d” ‘gllfliuu ' were in 'u_."*5ht‘: than-u savor. Pl! on the dferaa oold. _ d If who with . ' , __ v_ 30:1?! With :*i_j—. V ., _ a “"n' ’ . _ ' V / . | » not prone» , , . ambled to 1 I ‘PERSONAL ITEMS Smoke these 100 Lucky Strikes. ‘Then ""‘ ” "..m......n emwewunen am i ’ mu own“ i''‘ “*3? hill’? . ' . y i Thoduriulimiud. w. :5 or i L ° ' w.n. mt . . . alordto «up. a ! -an -0 _ 7 R. O. T C. black 8hoeg_I 3, 9 BMW!” _Mam4.... in en. _ I you’ll know how the 45.mmut¢ toagfng w. nah am-tioaally ......n... v n ' A , um ‘nil ceninii. _ ~ Uoaltoettnotattmtloag . ‘ ey’re well-bull ' '- ’ ' ° ".' - i "‘”‘ n ‘’‘‘'''~'’‘“ ‘* ~ ooess adds ' '- at ‘W ‘"11 We “""" C“ m-- - ; . , ~n wéo a P1‘ to the flavor and improves u. .3.” "”;:"""°' i . . '~ .....n.u.. dent .jn the U ‘y’ o I 33:, ‘ 7 ~ '7 ;v M ‘o A W N’. , 1'6“ - _ . ‘gag,’ ".4 “'‘'°'f'¢!IdItherhoInein .3 . ' "' ' Ocvoluoiaaean. . *- - u atanieetini iaa . . i ~ ' Whoa‘; . um . Ilirectora you dent in ten. 3..-1...; ‘- 9 . . V - - __ . mm nu ma“ ‘gang Jun, fl. _ A SIIPC-quality. 3peu.$ S . 50 . 5 ‘mndrflut inst‘ ' " ouooooooboue ' V ;‘ . _. lug; (.5, "an » . . _ in Q fioda j W. ' ‘_ - t . l « 11 homein, D. .. \ r ‘ ' ' ; i, i ' _ lfamavllllia MI. rm " y at . _ . 4' ” . _ ' ‘ ‘ ' '7?‘ ~ [fl ‘as at _ mi It ii.a'"'n..u.""'3'.n7§'“' 7 t , III. .dia wank‘, ; M‘ tn.“ Maw.” .e .‘Df8t.lauig.,,_.. ._ -|IiI|I..w.7v-.In-._. auluiam A ,,,,,,,,_ has been 'i....'s""""' 3”’ - mi —T:'r-an """"’ "' ‘”'° ‘* ""° ‘W he -1.1-any nl.ud’”d'°_"' = ' i’.I“.£."..‘1’."‘..' ' If no want to buy 4; V ma“ u. ,. V ’ H 5 "I3 ll ll M“ w . g ' .551.‘ far-08 in . . ‘ ~ _ _ 4' 1 I . ‘ 4 .'.‘. , _';' _ ; .: I‘. V - ;_ . , . . . I ’ ' i ‘ 731% "-31" -. ';~*I‘...‘ " - ._ ' «.. t . . . ' "T 5 - 4 EL ; 1 ’ '. .‘ *-.z‘ X" “_'.i~‘7‘ .' "‘ '“‘;""i'V"'TT‘:'h"'.'."“"“""“."’*=""‘*?*'.-*'-‘ -‘-.%.' j _ ' -l‘-‘.=I.’Z."asi ,~ r- n "‘ . ‘ 1' ._ I’ ‘ ' 1?» : ‘ t_‘ " -5 -' ' F‘; -- .“ 5... ‘ ,. ‘_~ .'_?!,." g . I . a__'