‘ I .3 cideiitdor we live in a state ‘VUEIV ‘me p. It.——leet1n; or Cerele rm» “cum only ‘ few regimen“ of we ‘Nears exhibited I Pllter napkin 5 ‘ ' A " at th e t ‘I .“ -.:_,"“-."~.‘.:_ T‘-~'.: z. '2 7-‘~§"'T ’:i~-~‘ "= :-"’:.‘~t-‘.-.T"e-~‘ . ‘~. - ..- ..w - ‘~‘g*‘~;r'.---- T .T.._.__ ‘ _ _ . . .T,T. .. . fin: j_ A ‘T :._.‘=‘f . = fig: T ‘ p = l_1‘5.‘~‘J~T}§T"fi-~j*"$'}?4x',<'.l—~,I¢‘iT»-L‘: ".'.’T!’!' ‘T 1 V _, _T i '_ A _ T» ;._;T .. A ‘T’. ._« ;:_;-“:1 I-.”'.E.~"_’_:_ -V 1., ...;.T.- .‘-...,.‘.“:... » _ - .. . . ; ‘. A o \ . - ,- T__T<‘_ > .‘._ _'.Q. “ ‘r . v . ‘ ' . - _ J. . ‘ I i . . ‘-. ...T; - -:v=r .:~~ 94924 -. ~ . up . . T _ 3 L T - r " ‘ “ ‘ ’ ’.”“““‘ e._._W .T . ~ ' “” '“‘""“‘"' - -, . " “““""""‘ - "!”‘*'- "sfirr "" -*7 ”""""”"“"" 1 ' ' ~‘ 3; , T . a t T t - . ‘ t . mamflgchuve my as-niziuimi lain-roiiimr a....u.. s us. 3.1.. out ounce «J.--H ‘.”"“"'~ “"""T’7 i : .""l5TE1.’HENs. 'l l l J": M‘ V T Five eouig;".?ee:sulii tab: pl‘|f- 1.u,1i¢:;;n.t:e run: nieotinclthfi 10439» M!‘ 3?“ .9.‘ V - 5‘ Oae ( “'i"||f."£"“""“"«" "'°w°""’ PRESENTED WITH ésonfoson {nod and coal. nu”...-, J, l mi“ eant It Jelferaonq city I-t l°"**!,ot the tohiitht aaelirmnuin: Rattan.’ 1... iteei P"; ‘ 3 . V ' 9 gtoboetor . j ' l ' lrcchrlstlau College girls. 305% will hc chic n dlnncnparcd. 'T"“‘ _ . L ,_ . {kt -an-uh-at-ti in H-itt-‘fer ENGLISH B0°1“'“'«,n..t... will iiteiyme in the field "3'°*""- “L ‘"3, "‘,,";"°;'; ever. all are not student: tlierc at‘ ‘ . l ‘E’ ~ - “ 2 :32: >the $88 and In “;;T V Hut, ofcbllold ’ ,e :9?" "‘°dd at an Urhwd we muem “um Tm, '3,‘ ‘mg.’ _ V . ‘ ciu-no ““"“° ’ " "'° ""‘ """" wtiiw‘Al niixtakhi moat low"? "“ '"""““" "’ """"su:u." will both aublectfor de- “ed M -We -ad the “W ‘"9 .'.2i'".1'.I en, It aerIea3fi‘q . ’,u.“d.rexperinienta to show the action of hu “ any : of an Adm” 1921. They are: lie:-aena Johnsoni main. to liven inufniore pueotul chan-gt°‘h'Q?n*nu “xx” ‘u 39 active carbon. H ' an '0; ‘an ad“, ‘ugh ‘m be hm “ of Mexico. queen c;lBA°i:ddraln(1(:3r:t;I‘-I :3: nah um 'uIr;fiua.4Ithualasi‘ii of :i.e-ph;,-,,- an‘. 11.. folder contains 1 A{"—':m”°“‘°d’ _u‘_’&";‘;m ,,,,,,,. 7:15 o'clock may evening .z the *7» *“;°fi‘f°‘g‘° °m _b°t';'§,, W_,;; ......i..' i’ " "ll "' °' ‘h’ °°""“'7’ '.“"““" °" ”"~ W’ linhiiucerrmwdm or the ‘cur *3 ‘L °- *° “““.“"“"'* $'eeTti(i,dent:tth;l‘Cgllege now. my . ' """‘ ‘.‘ . 0°" .¢*"¢' “' ‘ laliculte "l'l°h “"' b.nvter presided over the medial. 8”” u ‘M . H '9” Don Anderson of Grant CR3 queen ‘ — ——--2-'---3-rhaneeto rkofl’ouraurplnaen-ibeenhe‘ardrdoatoftenonthecani- ' Hughes will takethe affirmative _ ’u_d.l 5. ~-‘- ‘We I - ' t‘ « ‘ " I Jiu.-'. --—-“Z beuwmmdv J lian °‘ “’°'“‘°°‘"“"“‘ “""“‘ "'r - IV‘ ""‘ \ ;--..!‘N of VIIVO I§1'ahK N m 0 QLD fl th ‘a ‘fact?’ 0 xrirzini‘ Muuinlx of Pr“-.%_} “‘ . -f°-T """"""""" °""°"" I51°'30fl"*¢1' ‘l — L‘ G ‘um. Kg”. pk”, §.,u.‘"'3 "find on ‘Tn 0 '3 neg’ ton, queen of Mercer Count)’; “Pd I I 'A --'~-*~''‘_'.‘''''’“‘’‘'‘P‘ ‘ ll‘°l3"- n_|¢Pl'¢3N1l'0ll I1-'-158?!!!’ Ind; Ontbefifl Ill’ 01° ‘°n°'h,‘; ' ' Una :8 Ya” Am “:3” B H ' nvm dcmct ‘n Helen Rankine of Jcflcrnon City ‘ W ‘ - ‘ ' enviable front-lmal as wear-eaves known to he, no i ll 7°“ Ellilm‘ ' H A,h_o‘?" °”‘ ' two were graduated from Christian ' 7""? ‘W «: in?" W" "" -T i . ‘ mi: my check it up so inaiamneesconntr firmer; Who W "W , i i t-——.*--— con,“ 1“, W,‘ TT V' _ Work cal . 1; iuon union; the otlnrfoftr-1 Whfln Kilt! ‘£81138 5l|¢Nn—5¥Yo. " ' ‘land, never misses a big event in; TI’! 3 ul“°'“"3 ‘flit ‘dc , -- V - - ; 1551 ,1.¢ no W‘ W ya’ You ‘rm aw" uellefleraon City nor ‘does he fall tor . . T “.‘.en,ug¢. igtho production of§Iron'tlthetou¢h.ontheunipire? .._- ’ WAN’! i i These Two Should J :::::=::v . T . M M - ‘ ~ (0 1| :- I « ‘ . F ' - nd . \\'Ak!\"f Greeting i i e He S T r fi'rI1?:’~r»‘i’’’.fT . é I _ _‘ cure . System " The size of your salary matters l’ r 9 - - ls - . products. ‘ um’ Enflm, -nn,'m1-,e«Gooaipreaei'\ T .. ' e _m4, ‘ - -totheCa"talCity.aaystheJe1!er-l am. position or ml . THE CALENDAR 3' lfi!!t1iIhYeaf'_<>ntheumPn81Y!3l;‘on my g;_W_Nm . J In 4 -.a..A J,°‘;,.&,,.:;...,- tenth an applet ’ 8tuvdy‘Gi!:‘:r:oe:irliatuin thi: fidlder loud-Y Mb M-rtinw “W8 ‘W’? T 9'3"‘ _ ‘ . ' ; . - _§ hundred other Boone Cour:-’ and thirteenth in peach pI'oIII¢h00- . 4 u. at. tub one -ee 1‘ ‘V ""1 we ho‘ may of your 0'“ mu tians. came to Jefferson Cit)’ to vital ‘ l the Gamma houo : Cfttythlng "0'. ‘i *0‘. p. In.-In-:3 ?9r‘;i-am ‘til the 3‘! enemy It 009 “MC l e .. . . I - find climate to $14953 5‘ l'°}ia-Lu. ‘Dana in the Univ:-rally was who], "my" ld“d'¢‘”°“ °! lb‘ 5“d3‘ °” "7, 31» l “where the North ' seaooi Auditorium. , I . ., ‘1 0 than twenty-eight . ,, Wm! ‘I -. i ‘run Week. On “the list of condemned ya” ‘go. The mph“ Wu we", {and the 590"‘ 9' .t '. ‘T Vrfdair. « ... ....--u... inertia: or ux» Those kind and these kind: it don't. »N Ted ma hm the view" 0,; ‘L Keys 88 fertile Is he Nth TCCIOB women in University Audltorlum.'cverybody their: mo“ ‘IL couldnvt th:5en7e‘w bridge ‘nd the 0k! apjml’ little——it’s what you save thht -re-nod. “'9 counts. - I "°°°'?'l’“’hm°"t' h” it’ ‘dmims lAl1'0!l50l3ll who conducted the ac L ‘"5. "M 3"“ mu ".f‘l'°d°"'.Wici.»lh:{.:‘+.sa':E }‘.;.;;."‘f’;'.Zii..‘l' :3 3:211: hardly. 5" ‘“’ ml‘ ‘ht’ l" h“.'"" which was considered an imposing : Secret i ‘ ' . . ugpned ‘cultural potentiality 1115- ,,,,..,_ . ought, different than. seeins like. 8 in . . ; , or COI,l.l-.1 OK“ , 8 . '3 mm, ‘ubfim hwd db l.!'llt1l.l!‘e8ll._Ctl!1l€ T _ ‘t 10 r . d fnouri has possibilities of crop diver- w”lll"It:tA7'.ww‘“p‘."u...~ ur- tcomplcted, ent u an uinana. ; Mr. Mufiwnid the_.mpkin W" Saving ]f your salary were cu - pe .T 500 p man my that are bezinnmc 1° 5° '”°"‘ Sunday. 4 p. in.-—I>‘urulu. on by _Mr- 305080". his “fined “PW: given him by the ladies of the First cent it wouldnt put you down and '«_ xrr!;<:;;trP:: : any re-1iw¢ . .’”'*" ‘*-“""°‘°° i'‘.'‘'"' ‘ ”" "’ °I='“=°"“‘. ""‘““‘ " °°’ Bepm.‘ °*“*'°**- ""*° “="°‘ ‘°"°"T START out. Certainly not. Then why not - . .. i To De'soto in -1541 the rcrion the Y- it C- L "°'""'* ,ida" which refers to the com- and with whom he dined on the day t « t 1. . - - ‘W’ ‘*3 9' f if -’.,T_’_ ' , 3 Thin loath. , ' Io ‘ o a o ‘M . . 3 883.6 ten r can 0 your earnings" "__'__Z, i " .m‘ uinougpyu . fast and nnin-; o,,_ ,5 -; ,,T'..__n,.m.i i., 1;...” 9.. tnoiilylieard éorigi Hui: : Rania‘ of the dedication of the bridge twen- 3 ACCOUNT ? ‘ ‘h .9968 ' b ' d “in it in ‘ I __ .. -M ' of trees, awanipagnn la the Uaneri-lty Auditorium. T'.‘l'he nineteen e ea A I t5-—eight years ago. He said that: TQMORRQW (.8L pay 3 3. CD08 8 < . “mm m an”! ' 0&1 1‘- 7 In fit-'~"h7 57 “* D'‘''‘'°'"‘ was with i{'s and wish'a" or '3 be calm to th dbdi t’ n M d '1 ' " ' h ll -1-- ’ hills. HG 1'53 be“ ‘ii’! in the Unit-eroit Auditorium. « . » '- . 2 l E C? '0. . °" ." ~ “"5 bank - Flgure Oul "W mu‘ ' MONEY T and rugged n yer: 7 1'}; ' -who‘ -10 T "Q N~ h‘ cl b I Chr lflllllre ‘O U33 the 8ub)QCtl\C. C ‘pith the hope of agatnodnung 4 _ ,d h _ . f. ' Le ' . H‘ b’;[gI):d|:yn8b¢yQndltia.n. Co‘l’lc:*‘—hol‘d: open ‘home ‘in the n::la\ent>‘-third is: “lilo-humtlh Here‘: the ladies of the church. but found 3/01! 7‘ , T 30” ale m “C or n 5 Cars’ ' ' £4 ‘.v"';qew'_ . \. l _.‘"' ‘' Jlorfof Htvwri D-imiwm f ho-Whom." P<1l'U'll’iflK 9 00"‘ that they had made no arrange-3 ‘ ' ‘ , ‘ ' ' ___: ,; he hliaainaippi." De Soto mveréhos; l‘7:.~:cl’-‘ -‘A"‘:i~m’:: “* '.""‘““j!u.-ted use of tfie troublesome who ments to serve dinner. ' y vfrwnds _a( Chmstmas - - o ; WANTE 'j!ound the treasure. ‘dd m 3 0“. ,,_ ‘V ;j,'{ ,; Q‘ ";,.,’., ‘D,3,,,,,‘nnd whom. sum ~}-_——eT--'t~-‘l .8“ . time with a Personal A » _ . in a loan T utth waaandia in e. ~ ‘tliellis.-Zlhdi ‘ T-3 , ““-‘*"""’ "‘ ’°"' "'““' '- ‘ , - ' pc W ‘ TTTMJ13 ‘at Mgouri. despite the fn?‘?:jE?‘z‘: Fat: ,:?;;:‘;i;;§:3E‘:’?::7"§ ."°“ -‘RD 75”“ 5'’ “Ben”; _ While cutting a bunch-oribamnas‘ G"‘_’_€{f"9 C07"_l- Thf 1003/ 10 fl‘ . 9‘ out the old ventureaome "splniar-d'_»u _f__,. ,,,.......‘,g ..., ;... x-....,...i..;'...- Alpha cm sigma, Chemical l-‘rater- inm-xlmc{r3cci»rr.:' i~'II;:)clI;n:c“i_s t have good _frz.cnds is to be » -—----—FOR ‘U . s “U ‘ - ‘ ‘_ . . I 3 .- , ~ ‘ J _ ' . I ' V I A "3 Wu nub!‘ ‘9 we ortfmduti the:l::.l'II!Al::. : “nu K m 9 . m B“ ‘' Al li m‘lI.hiM“S.l‘m$dg'mu.y chemical Bunch was bitten on the finger? One‘ . ‘ ' ' "re rm“ ' ' of the ‘a n Oct. :3. F a. II". to X p. rn.—St._atc Dr p v Is fi"t"oci‘1meet- by 3 tarantula, Busch is 21 years’ ' I " another 40 ‘_"T:l’nion. lliaaoun, through her KT?t»Iola,v meeting ln_ the_(I‘nivcrv-ity A'udi'tori-;_33l£l'""~)i 1. . 01 d and ._ f { d. T m _ 3 ‘um. both "'1F’l’d°¢a'i"7'-"la divffiily of pmd- M :31; [Lines u :l.'—R:l‘l.l:i‘:ur;:l:l:‘“u An" ‘w‘.‘:I':fe5?i!8)?hrtiix):Lu'. gl'scHh'E‘txIe’;0‘§I‘!'1d'Unl"9T5il-Vt: om)" 8 u mt m C; l . information zucta. is outatandmx‘ 39' 5011! 0"‘; on. :9. 7 p. fl1.—,l’.f<‘l'l&l by i. ‘relic; d ‘h “H: ' J‘ 8“ C.” . \_ , . . _. , ‘. T 9; w.¢_,,o,, 1 llotate that is almost wholly self-gm uh. ’l.'nircrt‘i:y Auditorium. 1" *3‘ °“. °‘ C” .7 — — A ~ - "'-" T: T , 1 R. B. PRICE. lreesidcnt __ *:...mca.» ' ? - — *'=<**-"-“< "-°“-' “’‘-°‘'‘'!:‘ “’‘?°“' ”°°‘°’~r ' The E. W Stephens Company < WANT“ - me: «our «auras w-«me “”’*‘*°*‘.:‘ :‘‘.‘;‘1. .. ' i N S E R V I c 2‘ ‘ ~ 4.. .. “"""“'T . useaou ‘ T > T V . ~.~ '« lzg A D T A‘ m . 1-._, 10!!!! ft?‘ “'9 3°“ 3" P“°d°°i“3 lb.’ ‘ "dot "dot .R"d5 loin." of Hblfirst used in the manufacture of 1 Broadway at Hltt Phone 15 L A R G L S T I I‘ S Raf‘: M - , told whi De Soto Iouxht bu‘. lm;;:;:‘g;:k0;"th(:r::;"r;,l'o, T Jo -‘£11.’ masks for protection eira(i£t;t R dst ' A I A i - ‘ ' ‘ ..' ' ed by the -i 03 81' T ~ t.I-‘OR S; 'J'"“”‘ ._.......—-——.—. .n.Ih»und an exposition of the divinc.th.° wnc 93“ us . . « .. . . . . . _ Tinnns. The first, active carbon ins _ _T ___--—A T_A,_T___ T T T .TT--- - T — — V joining rs 3 A t W * FWD” "i‘.‘i“‘£."‘°“" 1‘ ‘$2.’? ‘$1: from bow-" ‘ A-1 Condition 5 ‘ ’ z "W W ' Ev great event, every great fme °. ebb’ Rabbi Mi ‘dud; Doctor Howard then told of how 0 ' fr;-ice ‘;12,o4 ‘ e 5 mommg ’ C it was coon found that coconut ‘ Comm), co]. I n._ _ _ . - - ‘ _ ‘. . ,. . .r h ll- w real] right in the manufac- ‘ . 0'’ ‘ma TM fimnd l-he ' me‘ Of Y°m Iuppun Jemsh dw. 0‘ .:ui("e :3!’ She carbon and then later it T -———-—— I-world tlixht in not an exception. ; atonement. at the Y. M. C. A. Build-i . p03 5 U . . . - . 1. . was found that it could be made , A ll We find one arnter of the Middle mg. The holiday began at sunset; It-om wood and 00.‘ if the right pm_ - home’ do“ _ 5 West. a man noted for his‘ clear"l'uesday and ended at sunset yes-i E 1 garden Spot; }tl~.inkiuc and his perception. cltim-3‘ Y- T t. T .- l ""r *" " ‘ . r"" * “ ' " '4 ’ ‘ ’ 4-r_oom ho; «T we the the “it? '3' '; ',';_*¥° °‘ L ;.."".§..?".‘i.~".'.‘.‘..‘.’§ ‘;"fp.‘Z‘.‘i’{i'l?“‘..”f§;? ' ' E ’ 5"" 0 1-.ub1ic_1none'y, en! in: it a o A, . f _ . . ‘ ‘ . ' every way, $ . wen. mp. T that a. «nu theeiI.’“,‘1.‘f..£’.f£"’§&2i.’”fiTZ“§f.;'lii.§§‘.'f..“l 3?’ A Trial Sack of : _~ew s-mo: 0. P°°P1¢’8lld 0‘ 910 8°°‘l ‘l“°°“ wh°§society. J. Meyerhardt, president 3. ".d*’ $3900’ it gave herdcwcll fol’ 3 1'5!) '33‘ ‘dd’ 5 of the Jewish student congregation, , “'"u’°" 3°‘ 5' ed a continent to the known World. i assisted with the service. William l _ ' 1 FOR REX‘ Pg pg fiiey said, “Silly idea, Zalken played a violin solo, accom- M ' ha. 5",,“ any 113, mu; ~ panied by Mrs. A. Silverfort. ‘hi, had hen“. Inn and them tr, Theimeniorial service held in the 3 each“... jnfternoon from 3 o'clock until sun- ‘nly “uh Md “at the. new ; set was an occasion‘ for special’ didgislihihrps. -.H d so prayer for those who have recently d l ‘"3’ '° V‘ . ' ‘ hereaved by death. It was a‘ ' II 3‘¢5l|lt- 033111‘-53 $33595‘ 3Pl“°"°’ ea (or hope and spiritual mercy.: {Q meat: of time. ~ e aditionalportion of the He- ’ rew Bible was read in the original‘ room brick h floors, two I tlan. H-P Flour Will Convince You T . Good 0-root ‘ .; (lIt0\'ci-' {urnli ‘ close in, nor in 1:0 ‘ rep: sold or 340 p of the summer vacation and! The pmtntn Wm comm of talks‘; ; ' T M9,?»-ben_the child of 12 gill know the ;.b,, mu 5,, Johnston’ fame, dun; I l * ; ceorrairhir of the we d by h-viniuor women, Dr. M. v. T r and’ ' ' [:0 H 7:‘ actually seen .the world. ‘Miss Phoebe Louise Wright. Miss & E. ~, __'°. ' 1 Columbia, Mo. ‘ " ‘ ‘ l l ; The Convenient Place to Trade. i f “ In N wT in this night. We have T ‘ , T . :i,,;,3,,,’?.,..;,;,t,d .,.;¢.,_ . mgnlby Victor Victor. ; that we‘ are making H-P Flour for Just such ' » ”.A},1,0 cm. 1 A : from the ‘ Eat. aaying that he« v_8_ u ‘~ , ° A , _ 4 "‘ “"“W‘ 3 .'f think it of momentous import-nee?“ GA’, A8—-——S.”f:E'mG Om’ 17 g°°d °°°kS as yourself “ho appreciate 3 really |;"IRE losses in the United States last year amounted to more than five hun- P“ W rent- .‘ that the feature was performed by‘-gfillflt Women Will Manage Pro-*7 V: good flour. _ ‘ ‘T d . re h dredq of lives lost‘ A lat e - p F h L’: A ericans. He also believes thatf gr};-5-list-GJo:‘nmn to 5I;°"‘-t‘ ‘ i ~ dred million do ais an eie we un .T , V . . g . .xc inf“ . ""i‘;:';:';°f"' ‘1°:'h"° ""*'fi°',""Ii,c held at 4'o'£iock"l-?:ia';.ecoc,l«‘§be‘;' Let your grocer send you out a sack 01‘ centage of the fires ‘was due to carelessness. Do 'your part! Observe Fire ’. ‘ GT2]! 0 I1 I!!! en I ylflfi‘ . . . . ' . . ‘ : . ' v . ..____________ i v trip around the World will 1* I {W th€'flni;l”ti»?st:lt:°:::e:.mi phone us, No. 9. We both know you will if... Prevention . . ’ . ‘ _ «FOR SALE .4’ Just as the trip or Co1umbuslWl'izht will talk on the Memorial . 1 oeeuia alowhto. us now, so will the ;C“ml."i¢n- D°3'°u‘Y Bale TFlM' A gm { th ‘ th 5- be dl gzanisincharge oftheentertaim m "£20" “await thenkgtnaomrc cgirnentdor the meeting. and Rooelee come. The fact tholigh. that we if“"‘°" bu chute of ‘he dV°ni"- 3‘ think the trip Coluinhus mice "" T T W slow does not detract one whit from Ti ‘— _, .- "Y “W t‘ ‘ October 5-11 l h 100 acres 9 in Then, make each'week thereafter Fire‘~Prevention Week. Resolve now that '( bum. large. his zlowfor makinirit Sotoomlll - - ° . r s n . lean u rubbish” re ir -‘ ‘ :. these men retain the honor um] . 110 fire W1“ CV91’ be cha.rge‘_i to you‘ ca 9.19 S eSS_ . D ', pa I < . "W ;*A"t-M '5'" W" ‘W theinttlm end for chimneys, be careful with lighted matches and cigaiettes—correct all fire haz- ; i:xc'i....;..‘ 2. [¢. their country even after airplane ‘ ' ' , ‘ phom, we travel ceases to be a novelty. l ’/ > ’ 9 . 3 T we-dis‘-our sumo l_ ‘l ‘ -i _ . "I" ”’§(',,, : _ “ ' ~ "'it*.**-V:-M *- *3“-1 to “:5 -*-'=-=’ l l . A MAYOR'S PROCLAMAATIONL t ..z.... .. it. ‘iii-ih.llfltfll3‘-$that it imparts new 8: life and nevi voids and the:-ehy~pre-‘1 _ ‘ , _ , : u 8:‘! ' . _'rants iatllltttion in our in“ To the Citizens of (_3olumbia: October 5 to 11 in Fire Prevention . ‘W-' - T, r '='_‘i'“ ‘W-. ‘ ' ’ - ' A‘ ' ‘ r Week. At this time every citizen of Columbia Should inspect hia‘prop- . 1 _ ton 31-gm-_ ={; 3"‘! '7’*l°"= l“d“°°‘ W'**084- ' T . I __; 4 V i ’ 5 crty and remove every possible fire hazard. “Make every week Fire b 3’|4'l"iD- Phdne l» 5.. ''.:.'.::.:'.‘£.:.'.:':‘'..:.'''‘.......*''‘''':; i ‘ pmenuon ww o — , . 1-! ‘,,,.‘ ..g.,_..., g. .g ,5,‘ ,.,,, u, ' " ' l t l ‘ , (signed) EMMETI‘ McDoNNELL. — _ ‘T c i g*ong::N1—i r_. - I i T t 7 _ i he, . .j. |.1:‘?.:thcel'tIin.hoIvevertha€aoine. A I T ’ ‘yo’ gu;f,:';-:5“ _ 1’ 1 . 7 , 1. - ‘ A ' :.“.;%::.r;:;-2e'.- 3 orpeanandarerepeatedoneveryl T " - I .L .y ,.~ I ..e . T ~ ; 4 ‘ "*"’°"T‘ “"?""‘*?" "°°‘- ' ‘ “T T ' 4' .l P T. T. 0. ‘ run near- ?‘ "M" “E '§ Columbia Fire Underwriters -—=-«- we-= _ "at uianxlleu inltaj ‘fl; VT "fig , . . .‘ llonnzflll‘-O «- mm is 2 o. v 2.: ........ - - _- ; ~~ ~ ’ .. *' , Ir. _ "gum + ; nouinsaiiuiiin T, _ P man T V M, *5 Smith & Catim Realty Co. .5 ' ~—‘—— T -N s ' & .., . . . Jon BENT- ,,°,,,,,, J.R.Su_nai ._ . _. 3 T uwdwnhfl in. :5. -2 ‘_‘("_rl3_, -, ‘ 1.; A. Stewart ‘Soul T . . . _ "_' ‘Woollen Go.‘ '_ ; T E. I. (handler T ;'- .;. ,= y L-i'T~_o_. T A , fl T _