1'7.’ T1.‘ Q-.‘°."7‘.;se frat '.-~01 .1. _ _ Saba ofi$_-o¢- ‘- t - .' _- .-v_~.. . ._\ ~.._ . 1 . _‘ 3 ‘K, , L. L '.o i - Le ...‘ :"'.-.- “' l. .- . - v‘, . V». .' ‘ ". . " IV ‘ g‘ > 3 I . - . . 1 "-3- . ;_ ; _; .§ «f ‘.1,?\'.};:.’."2V _.f.-3.". - - .4 r.-r.~.t.*...,-..o. 1!-.‘:.« »'--s!:;~t:5_z?2tr.\t & 1:: :'* L-2.; 1 . . _ . ,‘_._ ..~ . _ 5:. .. ‘."."' -M ‘ Ivy’ - — -. ~.~: ~ ..- 7'1‘ - .. .-., .7, .- .2 P r"".“ ~ t o‘; ' 02;, ‘ " . ‘ V 3'" f: P. P’ . ""’.e'.'tLa_.’..:" ‘-‘cg’. - ‘_ : v .. ~ P ‘ _ ' l O ‘P. V '1‘ I ‘ . I 4 $t.'tI.oals at '01-vsland. not’ nséoduled. _- V +4) V I 0 ‘G o ._ o~..$ lg? F , I w ' HONEY T0 LOAN on OoIuInbla;p|,.n.’q39‘.g1u_ teal Weathers ' .‘ om Newman's Hardware. :34-at ron BENT-8 furnished mom an ' a mu. son SALE-—Beautlful sususa¢::,,",,,,,,, 9,, .lot?6x220,Broad1IIy and” 5. . . ‘D P "Harley Messenger .=-«~..,~;.m.""-..r::.':...*-.=..:-'-='~»--*»~ up “u in an The score by innings ' Parcel Delvery » 9‘-fvood. Phone 993 white; 5.13:1} ron.nEN!l'.—-S usht bomber- §,; fingrooumclosein. Phone! _ eon ssui on RI-ZN'l'—New|blael:. :_:i:§§§s;;.3t-§:l:sss2s ..... brick 8 room house. four noo an up- .and two tnths. 306 Hitt St. Phone: 300x33 993 white. Itnsmu-In wt!-net ’ I ‘FOR SALE OR TRADE—N. age fruit and grain farm. F03 ahother ‘ 1' ,hoth llimpnovod. rnnhu-'fimfl°°r-N|°"° “Phi” ‘ i:fr:~mation'ecall not black. No‘}’°°'3'“-313v‘m“‘35-°"°'“'I'°; on .8 Watson plaee. D1 3-slow residence on University ave-g - % rooul o ffloor. 88 to 310. Private entnnee. ~ ma ssu»: on ns:«rr—ny bun-I_ 1403 5- RN-fin! E E E l 5 lane.’ delightfully planned and newly decorated. B. D. Gauntlett, phone "0 3% 1271. white. Gl7tf ' ‘campuses. ron sun on ‘rash:-:—ror; town property. 13 acre poultry and fruit farm, six room house and {or ‘f“soutbulldings. 160 apple trees, good! soil. One mile north of Maco ..._..__. L Blfiehg I03!-‘Yin: from I - strokes from Ispralned thumb, sustained In Sat- §> E E 5 5. E ;G9’oh the University Golf Course E: 5; 3 E 9'? If you um go 5“, ,, .3" ”.._'but Doctorclouxh - -- in qpnditlon for the Chicago pane. E 'd“tk.hu_._m.u.l°pm"u“m_. peaefleadfrllayaftss-noon lfAdams s..me:oge:1nmthe“Mm¢n9-‘P-rkarhung uptbenew wk _ fdi!!h§l!IItchwitIIBob8llIl0l;'u-g bgctey _bt-allovedtopass. Ills sboulderls-,5" ha‘? 3“W“°°fl- P175" ‘Gm endofthehour. ‘rapidly improving, but .ls not" FOR RENT—4 furnished rooms‘ Sticks were - “ -=mg_m.,_ Super Value ‘,3. m may young men. n on;31& Phone 1831 r-IL hnldmnd-oeame back in as. West of the hockey field ls ‘SUN M¢h"Y- P3“ 5“i“”°'° n“§ ROOMS for rent. One first floor; ‘room 8 second ‘Z08 College. phone 1 con, Mo.. route 4. FOR SAL!-3-5-room house on University avenue. Ideal location. volleyhalloourtvithanewnua . En,n.1._ mu white markings. The tennis courts flhadengu, Iggng .34 -rum“-_.m1 are in eneellent condition. also hav- ussjnvtn the nee. English and""¢ new M“- Wf‘-thl other ‘favorites in the Theteamvlllmake tbetripto; Chicago in two cars. With them1 will be the coaches. trainer, director‘, ? 2.-room house. near University.‘ noous._so3 collage Imam. sea rod. gm blocks south- ‘ T _.income 8200 per month. l.. New 5-room house. north sideuaast. ‘ ‘ ""‘" """"'”“ "°‘"“ f e ussn puts ma ssu: lwillbeth imoflllss ltd! V ‘ ,, ” ,,,,,,,,§,‘,,,,_‘f, sndmodels at sen- -M tdocviuv-ta '-= sstional -prices. first . um.-.-‘ _ ‘much as possible an In 3;: taste for every form of sport. huh- mcuco ;mn-Inns" behind aehedule. ment down» Weathers Realty Co»! pg}; sA]_5_§.‘¢,d toufin‘ D50" 373- u'”"Poul coupe. Taylor Garage. jthn nnay of the golf eouteotant.s."“‘l"7‘b“" manager, . mg 9,. gm Oneotthefavoriteoutdoorsports to your hlklnc. ‘has also entered in the tennts-tour "‘° um‘? Fwd“? ‘° that the injury is Ilot serious. 3 2 WHY PAY R!-:N'l‘!—When you you 551,1-;_p..-d coupe in _ean buy I btflltiflll 5-Mom UMl||.¢eellent condition. Phone 850 South side. small payment dovn..:uy, 11]., a rest by month. Weathers Realty ' ‘“—“"—— rm“ P rdi an ' be out by ouflnament, have slaved up the open-""°° " ’°“"‘“‘ '° ’ '35:, sggw 3 3' E fithemost iuinhndn¢1_.- ’ _. ‘‘‘‘'° :33. °‘ Campus :% KHIPBR TRAN ‘ID FAYEITB iurday orflooday, he and. E‘ £°~ ..-_.__._3.‘_°.’.§; _ *'—“'* “,3 53,.-.-“““-“""o FOR REN'l'—New 4-room houses; an New 5-room boast» “tilt-8.! 2'3}! 9. I 1.. Tailoring Co. fill! 5; WA ED-One double -bed. Phone‘l61gr_o;e_a;.___ phyalcallytltforvigorousexer-1 Jxenlllhoppallcul . Tbeexamlnat-ionsha been ' : ~. _ E If 1 lg! _ and «furnace. 835. Wuthcs» lpsT_'°uwn t’ 3:831)‘ -00-: phone 272. 25-zlhwd. V. E Q - FOR v RENT-__p-"no" Offfl R¢’VI!fl.t @4- 83,!-tandtspermonth. 'l'aylor§d,pu.w‘m_°{ w_ard.Phooe Ind: Co. X: gs :5 ‘£33 I _—:¢—j. thrdiaab to Play Iaeoa Friday. I . 'flseSt.bouls(h1'dimlswillphy: : -Turner defeatedan extihition game at Iaeon Fri- day. ‘they have eontraeted to hing! ‘ Lower hrsekst: aunts defsaeedguldf resul-rliue~sp¢ouuon.vtIb. rada defeated Platter; 9” 9*‘-'W"‘°9 ¥ Cash; Lyons defeated Settle; Wil- Tgn, 3.5},-ad “:5!!! defeated Scannell; Henderson . «defeated Long spedaltralnfitiherunhythe §§.§‘i{ ilifu of Rogers cushy.‘ 5 . 1'03 3’3""—“"'.'¢'!:l-.“ "°"“ ‘I081’-P. 21 0.9:». on Phone um.-rut-. hm, FM”. 1,; (black. Reward. “one tweet. . 25-27 E - in: Macon has won‘ 33 J55‘ 7 E E. 5 O 3 2 3 S 7’: 3 E. I I‘ ' " ‘ . . 4 .7 4 ll , . K. , _. . ‘ n _ H.’ A,;’.__,_,,., ___, ,,’_»r_l,‘_,_ _I.o~ -.—. i.»-ru - . ' _ ‘ l ] I 5 , ’ . ‘ ‘ " '-#91:’:-; -.1‘; ‘;“a!"3;1"r.::..-Ir.’ ‘A, I .-. :v~:r new r¢v-‘.;=_9**, "vv-r‘v':‘.?f\ . P V ‘ 4 . _.' 1,". ...}_.,.- .1‘-jg-* ‘.7‘*?’i""~ '. ’-.-"x‘- t .1 . ‘ Q Gk _ .\o ‘ .. ’ I 7 v '.’ ~- ' ..,,-.'s ‘.- :: -‘ ‘ "O2. ".‘.4V,--.‘s“.i" ‘ '3 o l4?“.‘4~G':t?.5'II-‘c..*§-"?a£*'3’t~?"-"-‘-’."»v" , . o I. . ' " ‘i. ;'Q.—’ :- J " ‘t’ . ' " - ‘Ir? . ~; - ' t - .- -- ~w J. -:1.s:~_st;-~uts.;..rs« 1-. y "" ‘ _‘<_‘ _’._V_-. K r’ '.' _ a c a "_'. "t"' H4“-."'1’6‘_ _ '1 ' ' W - . N.'‘.‘'»' ' " 4~'.‘\'. ’ -"'7' ' -‘"1. ‘or "1 - -3 -:v.- ‘. ¢ .1, I“‘ . \.f.‘D' :\ .' .- K - O y Orlalaal "‘ Hours? a. ml-.-lo if Qm 1 .. E E5 ...__;.§_.§E Stupendous array of all wool fabrics. own measure the have I HOME GROWN Roslzs Cut Fresh Every Homing ‘_ ,_11ne Finest Crop We-Have Era’-Oman‘ o. I’ » _ ’ _ «No_J_Veed ‘totfKickt he 1 y«gu;eat.»;ztythet._ , gelsmt n. .~.«§5¢!l|‘dIH1I¥ not 37-. we 48'eakfas&zfdlowIhgAlt vttlrs ‘Xe ‘P " -‘ "V rI9Hu- .19‘! ‘t . ' -.c._- - . ._., ‘ -‘ yd," ‘:5 4’ '_. . u. .0. Q“ . I ' _ ,_. w r - H V ‘Cr ‘ ;.. 8. l 1‘ _‘-. I -,'»"~,~‘j¢'1‘ e;-~. ‘ ;fi*‘3- -. '- < ‘ « vs ._ - ‘ . y ‘ I‘ ‘ ‘ g g ‘\9 _' ' E ' * a I ‘-0 . .. Ar 9 , ‘f : -,-.2. _ . l‘ w , _,. _. - . -~. « . . ea. 0 ‘ - ' .V. .;", - _-_‘ -g . ....—«4.—4-- ‘ o ' 9 \ .' . " flj. _ W .._~ ‘A: ....:~,, . . -~. ._. 2.1;. ' ' ’ . ‘ r .'_ ' ‘ ’ '9 ' ' - " l w ' o ( ' ‘ ‘ -| ‘ ‘ 4 ' - " . ’. ' ‘ ’ " A ‘tr ’ . , :' 2‘. ~‘ . _ ,_ .4, _o., -‘- V‘, fax: ,_ .V::_' ' “gr j‘. : ‘fl -‘ I . 0 ,,g. . H 4 _-...- ,,.,;-p='_-‘_§_..¢_v_¥ .¢ar.;, _’_ :1:-‘21,«gfi:.&‘.... fc~_ '¥-{Lev ,;‘.\;.£‘-)-. 4; 9- ._ .‘ L - _ ' : ‘-.' .-- ’_ .* ' " _ p. I ‘ A '__ Q fin ‘ . _- I '. ‘ .‘ u r ~-At,“ .‘.: . _ ‘ ‘ ’_-*5 ,3!" Q. 7 ‘ ._ -. @.Z A. ‘s-,_' .o ~ 0‘, . -“-._ E ' J '~“‘; -‘ . - n.‘ K‘. ‘.". (I ‘ . - e: .;_, ., .